Merge pull request from electerious/develop

This commit is contained in:
Quentin Ligier 2016-04-18 10:22:15 +02:00
commit 66bf883d7f
5 changed files with 112 additions and 52 deletions

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@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ Updating Lychee with `git` is the easiest way:
### Update manually
1. Download the [newest Version](
1. Download the [newest Version](
2. Replace all existing files, excluding `uploads/` and `data/`
3. Open Lychee (and enter your database details)

View File

@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ final class Photo {
// Save to DB
$values = array(LYCHEE_TABLE_PHOTOS, $id, $info['title'], $photo_name, $info['description'], '', $info['type'], $info['width'], $info['height'], $info['size'], $info['iso'], $info['aperture'], $info['make'], $info['model'], $info['shutter'], $info['focal'], $info['takestamp'], $path_thumb, $albumID, $public, $star, $checksum, $medium);
$values = array(LYCHEE_TABLE_PHOTOS, $id, $info['title'], $photo_name, $info['description'], $info['tags'], $info['type'], $info['width'], $info['height'], $info['size'], $info['iso'], $info['aperture'], $info['make'], $info['model'], $info['shutter'], $info['focal'], $info['takestamp'], $path_thumb, $albumID, $public, $star, $checksum, $medium);
$query = Database::prepare(Database::get(), "INSERT INTO ? (id, title, url, description, tags, type, width, height, size, iso, aperture, make, model, shutter, focal, takestamp, thumbUrl, album, public, star, checksum, medium) VALUES ('?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?')", $values);
$result = Database::execute(Database::get(), $query, __METHOD__, __LINE__);
@ -307,7 +307,7 @@ final class Photo {
$newUrl2x = LYCHEE_UPLOADS_THUMB . $photoName[0] . '@2x.jpeg';
// Create thumbnails with Imagick
if(extension_loaded('imagick')&&Settings::get()['imagick']==='1') {
if(Settings::hasImagick()) {
// Read image
$thumb = new Imagick();
@ -727,39 +727,11 @@ final class Photo {
$info = getimagesize($url, $iptcArray);
// General information
$return['type'] = $info['mime'];
$return['width'] = $info[0];
$return['height'] = $info[1];
// Size
$size = filesize($url)/1024;
if ($size>=1024) $return['size'] = round($size/1024, 1) . ' MB';
else $return['size'] = round($size, 1) . ' KB';
// IPTC Metadata Fallback
$return['type'] = $info['mime'];
$return['width'] = $info[0];
$return['height'] = $info[1];
$return['title'] = '';
$return['description'] = '';
// IPTC Metadata
if(isset($iptcArray['APP13'])) {
$iptcInfo = iptcparse($iptcArray['APP13']);
if (is_array($iptcInfo)) {
$temp = @$iptcInfo['2#105'][0];
if (isset($temp)&&strlen($temp)>0) $return['title'] = $temp;
$temp = @$iptcInfo['2#120'][0];
if (isset($temp)&&strlen($temp)>0) $return['description'] = $temp;
$temp = @$iptcInfo['2#005'][0];
if (isset($temp)&&strlen($temp)>0&&$return['title']==='') $return['title'] = $temp;
// EXIF Metadata Fallback
$return['orientation'] = '';
$return['iso'] = '';
$return['aperture'] = '';
@ -768,45 +740,95 @@ final class Photo {
$return['shutter'] = '';
$return['focal'] = '';
$return['takestamp'] = 0;
$return['lens'] = '';
$return['tags'] = array();
$return['position'] = '';
$return['latitude'] = '';
$return['longitude'] = '';
$return['altitude'] = '';
// Size
$size = filesize($url)/1024;
if ($size>=1024) $return['size'] = round($size/1024, 1) . ' MB';
else $return['size'] = round($size, 1) . ' KB';
// IPTC Metadata
// See for mapping
if(isset($iptcArray['APP13'])) {
$iptcInfo = iptcparse($iptcArray['APP13']);
if (is_array($iptcInfo)) {
// Title
if (!empty($iptcInfo['2#105'][0])) $return['title'] = $iptcInfo['2#105'][0];
else if (!empty($iptcInfo['2#005'][0])) $return['title'] = $iptcInfo['2#005'][0];
// Description
if (!empty($iptcInfo['2#120'][0])) $return['description'] = $iptcInfo['2#120'][0];
// Tags
if (!empty($iptcInfo['2#025'])) $return['tags'] = implode(',', $iptcInfo['2#025']);
// Position
$fields = array();
if (!empty($iptcInfo['2#090'])) $fields[] = trim($iptcInfo['2#090'][0]);
if (!empty($iptcInfo['2#092'])) $fields[] = trim($iptcInfo['2#092'][0]);
if (!empty($iptcInfo['2#095'])) $fields[] = trim($iptcInfo['2#095'][0]);
if (!empty($iptcInfo['2#101'])) $fields[] = trim($iptcInfo['2#101'][0]);
if (!empty($fields)) $return['position'] = implode(', ', $fields);
// Read EXIF
if ($info['mime']=='image/jpeg') $exif = @exif_read_data($url, 'EXIF', 0);
if ($info['mime']=='image/jpeg') $exif = exif_read_data($url, 'EXIF', 0);
else $exif = false;
// EXIF Metadata
if ($exif!==false) {
// Orientation
if (isset($exif['Orientation'])) $return['orientation'] = $exif['Orientation'];
else if (isset($exif['IFD0']['Orientation'])) $return['orientation'] = $exif['IFD0']['Orientation'];
$temp = @$exif['ISOSpeedRatings'];
if (isset($temp)) $return['iso'] = $temp;
// ISO
if (!empty($exif['ISOSpeedRatings'])) $return['iso'] = $exif['ISOSpeedRatings'];
$temp = @$exif['COMPUTED']['ApertureFNumber'];
if (isset($temp)) $return['aperture'] = $temp;
// Aperture
if (!empty($exif['COMPUTED']['ApertureFNumber'])) $return['aperture'] = $exif['COMPUTED']['ApertureFNumber'];
$temp = @$exif['Make'];
if (isset($temp)) $return['make'] = trim($temp);
// Make
if (!empty($exif['Make'])) $return['make'] = trim($exif['Make']);
$temp = @$exif['Model'];
if (isset($temp)) $return['model'] = trim($temp);
// Model
if (!empty($exif['Model'])) $return['model'] = trim($exif['Model']);
$temp = @$exif['ExposureTime'];
if (isset($temp)) $return['shutter'] = $exif['ExposureTime'] . ' s';
// Exposure
if (!empty($exif['ExposureTime'])) $return['shutter'] = $exif['ExposureTime'] . ' s';
$temp = @$exif['FocalLength'];
if (isset($temp)) {
if (strpos($temp, '/')!==FALSE) {
$temp = explode('/', $temp, 2);
// Focal Length
if (!empty($exif['FocalLength'])) {
if (strpos($exif['FocalLength'], '/')!==false) {
$temp = explode('/', $exif['FocalLength'], 2);
$temp = $temp[0] / $temp[1];
$temp = round($temp, 1);
$return['focal'] = $temp . ' mm';
} else {
$return['focal'] = $exif['FocalLength'] . ' mm';
$return['focal'] = $temp . ' mm';
$temp = @$exif['DateTimeOriginal'];
if (isset($temp)) $return['takestamp'] = strtotime($temp);
// Takestamp
if (!empty($exif['DateTimeOriginal'])) $return['takestamp'] = strtotime($exif['DateTimeOriginal']);
// Lens field from Lightroom
if (!empty($exif['UndefinedTag:0xA434'])) $return['lens'] = trim($exif['UndefinedTag:0xA434']);
// Deal with GPS coordinates
if (!empty($exif['GPSLatitude']) && !empty($exif['GPSLatitudeRef'])) $return['latitude'] = getGPSCoordinate($exif['GPSLatitude'], $exif['GPSLatitudeRef']);
if (!empty($exif['GPSLongitude']) && !empty($exif['GPSLongitudeRef'])) $return['longitude'] = getGPSCoordinate($exif['GPSLongitude'], $exif['GPSLongitudeRef']);

View File

@ -221,6 +221,13 @@ final class Settings {
* @return array Returns the Imagick setting.
public static function hasImagick() {
return (bool)(extension_loaded('imagick') && self::get()['imagick'] === '1');

View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
* Returns the normalized coordinate from EXIF array.
* @return string Normalized coordinate as float number (degrees).
function getGPSCoordinate($coordinate, $ref) {
$degrees = count($coordinate) > 0 ? formattedToFloatGPS($coordinate[0]) : 0;
$minutes = count($coordinate) > 1 ? formattedToFloatGPS($coordinate[1]) : 0;
$seconds = count($coordinate) > 2 ? formattedToFloatGPS($coordinate[2]) : 0;
$flip = ($ref == 'W' || $ref == 'S') ? -1 : 1;
return $flip * ($degrees + (float)$minutes / 60 + (float)$seconds / 3600);
function formattedToFloatGPS($coordinate) {
$parts = explode('/', $coordinate, 2);
if (count($parts) <= 0) return 0;
if (count($parts) == 1) return $parts[0];
return (float)$parts[0] / $parts[1];

View File

@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ require(__DIR__ . '/autoload.php');
require(__DIR__ . '/helpers/fastImageCopyResampled.php');
require(__DIR__ . '/helpers/generateID.php');
require(__DIR__ . '/helpers/getExtension.php');
require(__DIR__ . '/helpers/getGPSCoordinate.php');
require(__DIR__ . '/helpers/getGraphHeader.php');
require(__DIR__ . '/helpers/getHashedString.php');
require(__DIR__ . '/helpers/hasPermissions.php');