Photo add function only adds the first file in the array

Tobias Reich 8 years ago
parent 3c45bbf4d1
commit 109880475a

@ -4,7 +4,11 @@ namespace Lychee\Modules;
final class Import {
private function photo($path, $albumID = 0, $description = '', $tags = '') {
* Creates an array similar to a file upload array and adds the photo to Lychee.
* @return boolean Returns true when photo import was successful.
private function photo($path, $albumID = 0) {
// No need to validate photo type and extension in this function.
// $photo->add will take care of it.
@ -21,7 +25,7 @@ final class Import {
$nameFile[0]['size'] = $size;
$nameFile[0]['error'] = UPLOAD_ERR_OK;
if (!$photo->add($nameFile, $albumID, $description, $tags, true)) return false;
if ($photo->add($nameFile, $albumID, true)===false) return false;
return true;
@ -140,7 +144,7 @@ final class Import {
$contains['photos'] = true;
if (!$this->photo($file, $albumID)) {
if ($this->photo($file, $albumID)===false) {
$error = true;
Log::error(Database::get(), __METHOD__, __LINE__, 'Could not import file (' . $file . ')');

@ -79,172 +79,168 @@ final class Photo {
foreach ($files as $file) {
// Check if file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive
if ($file['error']===UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE) {
Log::error(Database::get(), __METHOD__, __LINE__, 'The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini');
if ($returnOnError===true) return false;
Response::error('The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini!');
// Check if file was only partially uploaded
if ($file['error']===UPLOAD_ERR_PARTIAL) {
Log::error(Database::get(), __METHOD__, __LINE__, 'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded');
if ($returnOnError===true) return false;
Response::error('The uploaded file was only partially uploaded!');
// Check if writing file to disk failed
if ($file['error']===UPLOAD_ERR_CANT_WRITE) {
Log::error(Database::get(), __METHOD__, __LINE__, 'Failed to write photo to disk');
if ($returnOnError===true) return false;
Response::error('Failed to write photo to disk!');
// Check if a extension stopped the file upload
if ($file['error']===UPLOAD_ERR_EXTENSION) {
Log::error(Database::get(), __METHOD__, __LINE__, 'A PHP extension stopped the file upload');
if ($returnOnError===true) return false;
Response::error('A PHP extension stopped the file upload!');
// Only process the first photo in the array
$file = $files[0];
// Check if file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive
if ($file['error']===UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE) {
Log::error(Database::get(), __METHOD__, __LINE__, 'The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini');
if ($returnOnError===true) return false;
Response::error('The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini!');
// Check if the upload was successful
if ($file['error']!==UPLOAD_ERR_OK) {
Log::error(Database::get(), __METHOD__, __LINE__, 'Upload contains an error (' . $file['error'] . ')');
if ($returnOnError===true) return false;
Response::error('Upload failed!');
// Check if file was only partially uploaded
if ($file['error']===UPLOAD_ERR_PARTIAL) {
Log::error(Database::get(), __METHOD__, __LINE__, 'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded');
if ($returnOnError===true) return false;
Response::error('The uploaded file was only partially uploaded!');
// Verify extension
$extension = getExtension($file['name']);
if (!in_array(strtolower($extension), self::$validExtensions, true)) {
Log::error(Database::get(), __METHOD__, __LINE__, 'Photo format not supported');
if ($returnOnError===true) return false;
Response::error('Photo format not supported!');
// Check if writing file to disk failed
if ($file['error']===UPLOAD_ERR_CANT_WRITE) {
Log::error(Database::get(), __METHOD__, __LINE__, 'Failed to write photo to disk');
if ($returnOnError===true) return false;
Response::error('Failed to write photo to disk!');
// Verify image
$type = @exif_imagetype($file['tmp_name']);
if (!in_array($type, self::$validTypes, true)) {
Log::error(Database::get(), __METHOD__, __LINE__, 'Photo type not supported');
if ($returnOnError===true) return false;
Response::error('Photo type not supported!');
// Check if a extension stopped the file upload
if ($file['error']===UPLOAD_ERR_EXTENSION) {
Log::error(Database::get(), __METHOD__, __LINE__, 'A PHP extension stopped the file upload');
if ($returnOnError===true) return false;
Response::error('A PHP extension stopped the file upload!');
// Generate id
$id = str_replace('.', '', microtime(true));
while(strlen($id)<14) $id .= 0;
// Check if the upload was successful
if ($file['error']!==UPLOAD_ERR_OK) {
Log::error(Database::get(), __METHOD__, __LINE__, 'Upload contains an error (' . $file['error'] . ')');
if ($returnOnError===true) return false;
Response::error('Upload failed!');
// Set paths
$tmp_name = $file['tmp_name'];
$photo_name = md5($id) . $extension;
$path = LYCHEE_UPLOADS_BIG . $photo_name;
// Verify extension
$extension = getExtension($file['name']);
if (!in_array(strtolower($extension), self::$validExtensions, true)) {
Log::error(Database::get(), __METHOD__, __LINE__, 'Photo format not supported');
if ($returnOnError===true) return false;
Response::error('Photo format not supported!');
// Calculate checksum
$checksum = sha1_file($tmp_name);
if ($checksum===false) {
Log::error(Database::get(), __METHOD__, __LINE__, 'Could not calculate checksum for photo');
if ($returnOnError===true) return false;
Response::error('Could not calculate checksum for photo!');
// Verify image
$type = @exif_imagetype($file['tmp_name']);
if (!in_array($type, self::$validTypes, true)) {
Log::error(Database::get(), __METHOD__, __LINE__, 'Photo type not supported');
if ($returnOnError===true) return false;
Response::error('Photo type not supported!');
// Check if image exists based on checksum
if ($checksum===false) {
// Generate id
$id = str_replace('.', '', microtime(true));
while(strlen($id)<14) $id .= 0;
// Set paths
$tmp_name = $file['tmp_name'];
$photo_name = md5($id) . $extension;
$path = LYCHEE_UPLOADS_BIG . $photo_name;
// Calculate checksum
$checksum = sha1_file($tmp_name);
if ($checksum===false) {
Log::error(Database::get(), __METHOD__, __LINE__, 'Could not calculate checksum for photo');
if ($returnOnError===true) return false;
Response::error('Could not calculate checksum for photo!');
$checksum = '';
$exists = false;
// Check if image exists based on checksum
if ($checksum===false) {
} else {
$checksum = '';
$exists = false;
$exists = $this->exists($checksum);
} else {
if ($exists!==false) {
$photo_name = $exists['photo_name'];
$path = $exists['path'];
$path_thumb = $exists['path_thumb'];
$medium = ($exists['medium']==='1' ? 1 : 0);
$exists = true;
$exists = $this->exists($checksum);
if ($exists!==false) {
$photo_name = $exists['photo_name'];
$path = $exists['path'];
$path_thumb = $exists['path_thumb'];
$medium = ($exists['medium']==='1' ? 1 : 0);
$exists = true;
if ($exists===false) {
// Import if not uploaded via web
if (!is_uploaded_file($tmp_name)) {
if (!@copy($tmp_name, $path)) {
Log::error(Database::get(), __METHOD__, __LINE__, 'Could not copy photo to uploads');
if ($returnOnError===true) return false;
Response::error('Could not copy photo to uploads!');
} else @unlink($tmp_name);
} else {
if (!@move_uploaded_file($tmp_name, $path)) {
Log::error(Database::get(), __METHOD__, __LINE__, 'Could not move photo to uploads');
if ($returnOnError===true) return false;
Response::error('Could not move photo to uploads!');
} else {
if ($exists===false) {
// Photo already exists
// Check if the user wants to skip duplicates
if (Settings::get()['skipDuplicates']==='1') {
Log::notice(Database::get(), __METHOD__, __LINE__, 'Skipped upload of existing photo because skipDuplicates is activated');
// Import if not uploaded via web
if (!is_uploaded_file($tmp_name)) {
if (!@copy($tmp_name, $path)) {
Log::error(Database::get(), __METHOD__, __LINE__, 'Could not copy photo to uploads');
if ($returnOnError===true) return false;
Response::error('Could not copy photo to uploads!');
} else @unlink($tmp_name);
} else {
if (!@move_uploaded_file($tmp_name, $path)) {
Log::error(Database::get(), __METHOD__, __LINE__, 'Could not move photo to uploads');
if ($returnOnError===true) return false;
Response::warning('This photo has been skipped because it\'s already in your library.');
Response::error('Could not move photo to uploads!');
// Read infos
$info = $this->getInfo($path);
// Use title of file if IPTC title missing
if ($info['title']==='') $info['title'] = substr(basename($file['name'], $extension), 0, 30);
// Use description parameter if set
if ($description==='') $description = $info['description'];
if ($exists===false) {
} else {
// Set orientation based on EXIF data
if ($file['type']==='image/jpeg'&&isset($info['orientation'])&&$info['orientation']!=='') {
$adjustFile = $this->adjustFile($path, $info);
if ($adjustFile!==false) $info = $adjustFile;
else Log::notice(Database::get(), __METHOD__, __LINE__, 'Skipped adjustment of photo (' . $info['title'] . ')');
// Photo already exists
// Check if the user wants to skip duplicates
if (Settings::get()['skipDuplicates']==='1') {
Log::notice(Database::get(), __METHOD__, __LINE__, 'Skipped upload of existing photo because skipDuplicates is activated');
if ($returnOnError===true) return false;
Response::warning('This photo has been skipped because it\'s already in your library.');
// Set original date
if ($info['takestamp']!==''&&$info['takestamp']!==0) @touch($path, $info['takestamp']);
// Create Thumb
if (!$this->createThumb($path, $photo_name, $info['type'], $info['width'], $info['height'])) {
Log::error(Database::get(), __METHOD__, __LINE__, 'Could not create thumbnail for photo');
if ($returnOnError===true) return false;
Response::error('Could not create thumbnail for photo!');
// Read infos
$info = $this->getInfo($path);
// Create Medium
if ($this->createMedium($path, $photo_name, $info['width'], $info['height'])) $medium = 1;
else $medium = 0;
// Use title of file if IPTC title missing
if ($info['title']==='') $info['title'] = substr(basename($file['name'], $extension), 0, 30);
// Set thumb url
$path_thumb = md5($id) . '.jpeg';
if ($exists===false) {
// Set orientation based on EXIF data
if ($file['type']==='image/jpeg'&&isset($info['orientation'])&&$info['orientation']!=='') {
$adjustFile = $this->adjustFile($path, $info);
if ($adjustFile!==false) $info = $adjustFile;
else Log::notice(Database::get(), __METHOD__, __LINE__, 'Skipped adjustment of photo (' . $info['title'] . ')');
// Save to DB
$values = array(LYCHEE_TABLE_PHOTOS, $id, $info['title'], $photo_name, $description, $tags, $info['type'], $info['width'], $info['height'], $info['size'], $info['iso'], $info['aperture'], $info['make'], $info['model'], $info['shutter'], $info['focal'], $info['takestamp'], $path_thumb, $albumID, $public, $star, $checksum, $medium);
$query = Database::prepare(Database::get(), "INSERT INTO ? (id, title, url, description, tags, type, width, height, size, iso, aperture, make, model, shutter, focal, takestamp, thumbUrl, album, public, star, checksum, medium) VALUES ('?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?')", $values);
$result = Database::execute(Database::get(), $query, __METHOD__, __LINE__);
// Set original date
if ($info['takestamp']!==''&&$info['takestamp']!==0) @touch($path, $info['takestamp']);
if ($result===false) {
// Create Thumb
if (!$this->createThumb($path, $photo_name, $info['type'], $info['width'], $info['height'])) {
Log::error(Database::get(), __METHOD__, __LINE__, 'Could not create thumbnail for photo');
if ($returnOnError===true) return false;
Response::error('Could not save photo in database!');
Response::error('Could not create thumbnail for photo!');
// Create Medium
if ($this->createMedium($path, $photo_name, $info['width'], $info['height'])) $medium = 1;
else $medium = 0;
// Set thumb url
$path_thumb = md5($id) . '.jpeg';
// Save to DB
$values = array(LYCHEE_TABLE_PHOTOS, $id, $info['title'], $photo_name, $info['description'], '', $info['type'], $info['width'], $info['height'], $info['size'], $info['iso'], $info['aperture'], $info['make'], $info['model'], $info['shutter'], $info['focal'], $info['takestamp'], $path_thumb, $albumID, $public, $star, $checksum, $medium);
$query = Database::prepare(Database::get(), "INSERT INTO ? (id, title, url, description, tags, type, width, height, size, iso, aperture, make, model, shutter, focal, takestamp, thumbUrl, album, public, star, checksum, medium) VALUES ('?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?')", $values);
$result = Database::execute(Database::get(), $query, __METHOD__, __LINE__);
if ($result===false) {
if ($returnOnError===true) return false;
Response::error('Could not save photo in database!');
// Call plugins
