diff --git a/src/scripts/build.coffee b/src/scripts/build.coffee
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ff0929
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/scripts/build.coffee
@@ -0,0 +1,454 @@
+# @description This module is used to generate HTML-Code.
+# @copyright 2014 by Tobias Reich
+window.build = {}
+build.divider = (title) ->
+ "
#{ title } "
+build.editIcon = (id) ->
+ ""
+build.multiselect = (top, left) ->
+ "
+build.album = (data) ->
+ return '' if not data?
+ title = data.title
+ longTitle = ''
+ typeThumb = ''
+ if title? and title.length > 18
+ title = data.title.substr(0, 18) + '...'
+ longTitle = data.title
+ if data.thumb0.split('.').pop() is 'svg' then typeThumb = 'nonretina'
+ html = """
+ """
+ if data.password and lychee.publicMode is false
+ html += "
#{ title }";
+ else
+ html += "
#{ title } "
+ html += """
#{ data.sysdate }
+ """
+ if lychee.publicMode is false
+ if data.star is '1' then html += "
+ if data.public is '1' then html += "
+ if data.unsorted is '1' then html += "
+ if data.recent is '1' then html += "
+ html += "
+ return html
+build.photo = (data) ->
+ return '' if not data?
+ title = data.title
+ longTitle = ''
+ if title? and title.length > 18
+ title = data.title.substr(0, 18) + '...'
+ longTitle = data.title
+ html = """
+ if data.star is '1' then html += "
+ if lychee.publicMode is false and data.public is '1' and album.json.public isnt '1' then html += "
+ html += "
+ return html
+build.imageview = (data, size, visibleControls) ->
+ return '' if not data?
+ html = """
+ """
+ if size is 'big'
+ if visibleControls is true
+ html += "
+ else
+ html += "
+ else if size is 'medium'
+ if visibleControls is true
+ html += "
+ else
+ html += "
+ else if size is 'small'
+ if visibleControls is true
+ html += "
+ else
+ html += "
+ return html
+build.no_content = (typ) ->
+ html = """
+ """
+ switch typ
+ when 'search' then html += "
No results
+ when 'share' then html += "
No public albums
+ when 'cog' then html += "
No configuration
+ html += "
+ return html
+build.modal = (title, text, button, marginTop, closeButton) ->
+ if marginTop? then custom_style = "style='margin-top: #{ marginTop }px;'"
+ else custom_style = ''
+ html = """
#{ title }
+ """
+ if closeButton isnt false then html += "
+ html += "
#{ text }
+ $.each button, (index) ->
+ if this[0] isnt ''
+ if index is 0 then html += "
#{ this[0] } "
+ else html += "
#{ this[0] } "
+ html += """
+ """
+ return html
+build.signInModal = ->
+ html = """
+ """
+ return html
+build.uploadModal = (title, files) ->
+ html = """
#{ title }
+ """
+ console.log files
+ files.forEach (file, i, files) ->
+ if file.name.length > 40
+ file.name = file.name.substr(0, 17) + '...' + file.name.substr(file.name.length-20, 20)
+ html += """
+ """
+ html += """
+ """
+ return html
+build.contextMenu = (items) ->
+ html = """
+ """
+ return html
+build.tags = (tags, forView) ->
+ html = ''
+ if forView is true or lychee.publicMode is true then editTagsHTML = ''
+ else editTagsHTML = ' ' + build.editIcon('edit_tags')
+ if tags isnt ''
+ tags = tags.split ','
+ tags.forEach (tag, index, array) ->
+ html += "#{ tag } "
+ html += editTagsHTML
+ else
+ html = "No Tags#{ editTagsHTML }
+ return html
+build.infoboxPhoto = (data, forView) ->
+ html = """
+ """
+ switch data.public
+ when '0' then visible = 'No'
+ when '1' then visible = 'Yes'
+ when '2' then visible = 'Yes (Album)'
+ else visible = '-'
+ if forView is true or lychee.publicMode is true then editTitleHTML = ''
+ else editTitleHTML = ' ' + build.editIcon('edit_title')
+ if forView is true or lychee.publicMode is true then editDescriptionHTML = ''
+ else editDescriptionHTML = ' ' + build.editIcon('edit_description')
+ infos = [
+ ['', 'Basics']
+ ['Title', data.title + editTitleHTML]
+ ['Uploaded', data.sysdate]
+ ['Description', data.description + editDescriptionHTML]
+ ['', 'Image']
+ ['Size', data.size]
+ ['Format', data.type]
+ ['Resolution', data.width + ' x ' + data.height]
+ ['Tags', build.tags(data.tags, forView)]
+ ]
+ exifHash = data.takestamp+data.make+data.model+data.shutter+data.aperture+data.focal+data.iso
+ if exifHash isnt '0' or exifHash isnt '0'
+ infos = infos.concat [
+ ['', 'Camera']
+ ['Captured', data.takedate]
+ ['Make', data.make]
+ ['Type/Model', data.model]
+ ['Shutter Speed', data.shutter]
+ ['Aperture', data.aperture]
+ ['Focal Length', data.focal]
+ ['ISO', data.iso]
+ ]
+ infos = infos.concat [
+ ['', 'Share']
+ ['Public', visible]
+ ]
+ infos.forEach (info, i, items) ->
+ if info[1] is '' or
+ not info[1]?
+ info[1] = '-'
+ switch info[0]
+ when ''
+ # Separator
+ html += """
#{ info[1] }
+ """
+ when 'Tags'
+ # Tags
+ if forView isnt true and lychee.publicMode is false
+ html += """
#{ info[0] }
#{ info[1] }
+ """
+ else
+ # Item
+ html += """
+ #{ info[0] }
+ #{ info[1] }
+ """
+ html += """
+ """
+ return html
+build.infoboxAlbum = (data, forView) ->
+ html = """
+ """
+ switch data.public
+ when '0' then visible = 'No'
+ when '1' then visible = 'Yes'
+ else visible = '-'
+ switch data.password
+ when false then password = 'No'
+ when true then password = 'Yes'
+ else password = '-'
+ switch data.downloadable
+ when '0' then downloadable = 'No'
+ when '1' then downloadable = 'Yes'
+ else downloadable = '-'
+ if forView is true or lychee.publicMode is true then editTitleHTML = ''
+ else editTitleHTML = ' ' + build.editIcon('edit_title_album')
+ if forView is true or lychee.publicMode is true then editDescriptionHTML = ''
+ else editDescriptionHTML = ' ' + build.editIcon('edit_description_album')
+ infos = [
+ ['', 'Basics']
+ ['Title', data.title + editTitleHTML]
+ ['Description', data.description + editDescriptionHTML]
+ ['', 'Album']
+ ['Created', data.sysdate]
+ ['Images', data.num]
+ ['', 'Share']
+ ['Public', visible]
+ ['Downloadable', downloadable]
+ ['Password', password]
+ ]
+ infos.forEach (info, i, items) ->
+ if info[0] is ''
+ # Separator
+ html += """
#{ info[1] }
+ """
+ else
+ # Item
+ html += """
+ #{ info[0] }
+ #{ info[1] }
+ """
+ html += """
+ """
+ return html
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/scripts/build.js b/src/scripts/build.js
deleted file mode 100644
index a74d2f1..0000000
--- a/src/scripts/build.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,495 +0,0 @@
- * @name Build Module
- * @description This module is used to generate HTML-Code.
- * @author Tobias Reich
- * @copyright 2014 by Tobias Reich
- */
-build = {}
-build.divider = function(title) {
- return "
" + title + " ";
-build.editIcon = function(id) {
- return "";
-build.multiselect = function(top, left) {
- return "
-build.album = function(albumJSON) {
- if (!albumJSON) return "";
- var album = "",
- longTitle = "",
- title = albumJSON.title,
- typeThumb = "";
- if (title!==null&&title.length>18) {
- title = albumJSON.title.substr(0, 18) + "...";
- longTitle = albumJSON.title;
- }
- if (albumJSON.thumb0.split('.').pop()==="svg") typeThumb = "nonretina";
- album += "";
- album += "
- album += "
- album += "
- album += "
- if (albumJSON.password&&!lychee.publicMode) album += "
" + title + "";
- else album += "
" + title + " ";
- album += "
" + albumJSON.sysdate + " ";
- album += "
- if (!lychee.publicMode) {
- if(albumJSON.star==1) album += "
- if(albumJSON.public==1) album += "
- if(albumJSON.unsorted==1) album += "
- if(albumJSON.recent==1) album += "
- }
- album += "
- return album;
-build.photo = function(photoJSON) {
- if (!photoJSON) return "";
- var photo = "",
- longTitle = "",
- title = photoJSON.title;
- if (title!==null&&title.length>18) {
- title = photoJSON.title.substr(0, 18) + "...";
- longTitle = photoJSON.title;
- }
- photo += "";
- photo += "
- photo += "
- if (photoJSON.star==1) photo += "
- if (!lychee.publicMode&&photoJSON.public==1&&album.json.public!=1) photo += "
- photo += "
- return photo;
-build.imageview = function(photoJSON, size, visibleControls) {
- if (!photoJSON) return "";
- var view = "";
- view += "";
- view += "";
- if (size==="big") {
- if (visibleControls)
- view += "
- else
- view += "
- } else if (size==="medium") {
- if (visibleControls)
- view += "
- else
- view += "
- } else if (size==='small') {
- if (visibleControls)
- view += "
- else
- view += "
- }
- return view;
-build.no_content = function(typ) {
- var no_content = "";
- no_content += "";
- no_content += "
- if (typ==="search") no_content += "
No results
- else if (typ==="share") no_content += "
No public albums
- else if (typ==="cog") no_content += "
No configuration
- no_content += "
- return no_content;
-build.modal = function(title, text, button, marginTop, closeButton) {
- var modal = "",
- custom_style = "";
- if (marginTop) custom_style = "style='margin-top: " + marginTop + "px;'";
- modal += "";
- modal += "
- modal += "
" + title + " ";
- if (closeButton!==false) {
- modal += "
- }
- modal += "
" + text + "
- $.each(button, function(index) {
- if (this[0]!=="") {
- if (index===0) modal += "
" + this[0] + " ";
- else modal += "
" + this[0] + " ";
- }
- });
- modal += "
- modal += "
- return modal;
-build.signInModal = function() {
- var modal = "";
- modal += "";
- modal += "
- modal += "
Sign In";
- modal += "
- modal += "
- modal += " ";
- modal += " ";
- modal += "
- modal += "
- modal += "
Sign in ";
- modal += "
- modal += "
- return modal;
-build.uploadModal = function(title, files) {
- var modal = "";
- modal += "";
- modal += "
- modal += "
" + title + " ";
- modal += "
- modal += "
- for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
- if (files[i].name.length>40) files[i].name = files[i].name.substr(0, 17) + "..." + files[i].name.substr(files[i].name.length-20, 20);
- modal += "
- }
- modal += "
- modal += "
- modal += "
- return modal;
-build.contextMenu = function(items) {
- var menu = "";
- menu += "";
- menu += "";
- return menu;
-build.tags = function(tags, forView) {
- var html = "",
- editTagsHTML = (forView===true||lychee.publicMode) ? "" : " " + build.editIcon("edit_tags");
- if (tags!=="") {
- tags = tags.split(",");
- tags.forEach(function(tag, index, array) {
- html += "" + tag + " ";
- });
- html += editTagsHTML;
- } else {
- html = "No Tags" + editTagsHTML + "
- }
- return html;
-build.infoboxPhoto = function(photoJSON, forView) {
- if (!photoJSON) return "";
- var infobox = "",
- public,
- editTitleHTML,
- editDescriptionHTML,
- infos,
- exifHash = "";
- infobox += "";
- infobox += "";
- switch (photoJSON.public) {
- case "0":
- public = "No";
- break;
- case "1":
- public = "Yes";
- break;
- case "2":
- public = "Yes (Album)";
- break;
- default:
- public = "-";
- break;
- }
- editTitleHTML = (forView===true||lychee.publicMode) ? "" : " " + build.editIcon("edit_title");
- editDescriptionHTML = (forView===true||lychee.publicMode) ? "" : " " + build.editIcon("edit_description");
- infos = [
- ["", "Basics"],
- ["Title", photoJSON.title + editTitleHTML],
- ["Uploaded", photoJSON.sysdate],
- ["Description", photoJSON.description + editDescriptionHTML],
- ["", "Image"],
- ["Size", photoJSON.size],
- ["Format", photoJSON.type],
- ["Resolution", photoJSON.width + " x " + photoJSON.height],
- ["Tags", build.tags(photoJSON.tags, forView)]
- ];
- exifHash = photoJSON.takestamp+photoJSON.make+photoJSON.model+photoJSON.shutter+photoJSON.aperture+photoJSON.focal+photoJSON.iso;
- if (exifHash!="0"&&exifHash!=="null") {
- infos = infos.concat([
- ["", "Camera"],
- ["Captured", photoJSON.takedate],
- ["Make", photoJSON.make],
- ["Type/Model", photoJSON.model],
- ["Shutter Speed", photoJSON.shutter],
- ["Aperture", photoJSON.aperture],
- ["Focal Length", photoJSON.focal],
- ["ISO", photoJSON.iso]
- ]);
- }
- infos = infos.concat([
- ["", "Share"],
- ["Public", public]
- ]);
- $.each(infos, function(index) {
- if (infos[index][1]===""||infos[index][1]===undefined||infos[index][1]===null) infos[index][1] = "-";
- switch (infos[index][0]) {
- case "": // Separator
- infobox += "";
- infobox += "
" + infos[index][1] + " ";
- infobox += "
- break;
- case "Tags": // Tags
- if (forView!==true&&!lychee.publicMode) {
- infobox += "
- infobox += "
" + infos[index][0] + " ";
- infobox += "
" + infos[index][1] + "
- }
- break;
- default: // Item
- infobox += "
- infobox += "" + infos[index][0] + " ";
- infobox += "" + infos[index][1] + " ";
- infobox += " ";
- break;
- }
- });
- infobox += "";
- infobox += "
- infobox += "
- return infobox;
-build.infoboxAlbum = function(albumJSON, forView) {
- if (!albumJSON) return "";
- var infobox = "",
- public = "-",
- password = "-",
- downloadable = "-",
- editTitleHTML,
- editDescriptionHTML,
- infos;
- infobox += "";
- infobox += "";
- switch (albumJSON.public) {
- case "0":
- public = "No";
- break;
- case "1":
- public = "Yes";
- break;
- }
- switch (albumJSON.password) {
- case false:
- password = "No";
- break;
- case true:
- password = "Yes";
- break;
- }
- switch (albumJSON.downloadable) {
- case "0":
- downloadable = "No";
- break;
- case "1":
- downloadable = "Yes";
- break;
- }
- editTitleHTML = (forView===true||lychee.publicMode) ? "" : " " + build.editIcon("edit_title_album");
- editDescriptionHTML = (forView===true||lychee.publicMode) ? "" : " " + build.editIcon("edit_description_album");
- infos = [
- ["", "Basics"],
- ["Title", albumJSON.title + editTitleHTML],
- ["Description", albumJSON.description + editDescriptionHTML],
- ["", "Album"],
- ["Created", albumJSON.sysdate],
- ["Images", albumJSON.num],
- ["", "Share"],
- ["Public", public],
- ["Downloadable", downloadable],
- ["Password", password]
- ];
- $.each(infos, function(index) {
- if (infos[index][1]===""||infos[index][1]===undefined||infos[index][1]===null) infos[index][1] = "-";
- if (infos[index][0]==="") {
- infobox += "";
- infobox += "
" + infos[index][1] + " ";
- infobox += "
- } else {
- infobox += "";
- infobox += "" + infos[index][0] + " ";
- infobox += "" + infos[index][1] + " ";
- infobox += " ";
- }
- });
- infobox += "
- infobox += "
- infobox += "
- return infobox;
\ No newline at end of file