You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

128 lines
4.4 KiB

* @description This module is used for bindings.
* @copyright 2015 by Tobias Reich
$(document).ready(function() {
// Event Name
let eventName = lychee.getEventName()
// Set API error handler
api.onError = lychee.error
10 years ago
// Multiselect
11 years ago
// Header
// Image View
.on(eventName, '.arrow_wrapper--previous', photo.previous)
.on(eventName, '.arrow_wrapper--next',
// Keyboard
.bind('left', function() {
if ( { $('#imageview a#previous').click(); return false }
.bind('right', function() {
if ( { $('#imageview a#next').click(); return false }
.bind('u', function() {
if (! { $('#upload_files').click(); return false }
.bind(['s', 'f'], function() {
if ( { header.dom('#button_star').click(); return false }
else if (visible.albums()) { header.dom('#search').focus(); return false }
.bind('r', function() {
if (visible.album()) { album.setTitle(album.getID()); return false }
else if ( { photo.setTitle([photo.getID()]); return false }
.bind('d', function() {
if ( { photo.setDescription(photo.getID()); return false }
else if (visible.album()) { album.setDescription(album.getID()); return false }
.bind('t', function() {
if ( { photo.editTags([photo.getID()]); return false }
.bind('i', function() {
if (!visible.multiselect()) { sidebar.toggle(); return false }
.bind(['command+backspace', 'ctrl+backspace'], function() {
if ( && basicModal.visible()===false) { photo.delete([photo.getID()]); return false }
else if (visible.album() && basicModal.visible()===false) { album.delete([album.getID()]); return false }
10 years ago
.bind(['command+a', 'ctrl+a'], function() {
if (visible.album() && basicModal.visible()===false) { multiselect.selectAll(); return false }
else if (visible.albums() && basicModal.visible()===false) { multiselect.selectAll(); return false }
Mousetrap.bindGlobal('enter', function() {
if (basicModal.visible()===true) basicModal.action()
Mousetrap.bindGlobal(['esc', 'command+up'], function() {
if (basicModal.visible()===true) basicModal.cancel()
else if (visible.contextMenu()) contextMenu.close()
else if ( lychee.goto(album.getID())
else if (visible.album()) lychee.goto('')
else if (visible.albums() && $('#search').val().length!==0) search.reset()
return false
if (eventName==='touchend') {
// Fullscreen on mobile
.on('touchend', '#image', function(e) {
if (swipe.obj==null || (swipe.offset>=-5&&swipe.offset<=5)) {
if (visible.header()) header.hide(e, 0)
// Swipe on mobile
.swipe().on('swipeStart', function() { if ( swipe.start($('#image')) })
.swipe().on('swipeMove', function(e) { if ( swipe.move(e.swipe) })
.swipe().on('swipeEnd', function(e) { if ( swipe.stop(e.swipe, photo.previous, })
// Document
// Navigation
.on('click', '.album', function() { lychee.goto($(this).attr('data-id')) })
.on('click', '.photo', function() { lychee.goto(album.getID() + '/' + $(this).attr('data-id')) })
// Context Menu
.on('contextmenu', '.photo', function(e) {, e) })
.on('contextmenu', '.album', function(e) { contextMenu.album(album.getID(), e) })
// Upload
.on('change', '#upload_files', function() { basicModal.close(); upload.start.local(this.files) })
// Drag and Drop upload
.on('dragover', function() { return false }, false)
.on('drop', function(e) {
// Close open overlays or views which are correlating with the upload
if ( lychee.goto(album.getID())
if (visible.contextMenu()) contextMenu.close()
// Detect if dropped item is a file or a link
if (e.originalEvent.dataTransfer.files.length>0) upload.start.local(e.originalEvent.dataTransfer.files)
else if (e.originalEvent.dataTransfer.getData('Text').length>3) upload.start.url(e.originalEvent.dataTransfer.getData('Text'))
return false
// Init