Lychee is a free photo-management tool, which runs on your server or web-space. Installing is a matter of seconds. Upload, manage and share photos like from a native application. Lychee comes with everything you need and all your photos are stored securely.
To run Lychee, everything you need is a web-server with PHP 5.3 or later and a MySQL-Database. Follow the instructions to install Lychee on your server. [Installation »](docs/
Sign in and click the gear on the top left corner to change your settings. If you want to edit them manually: MySQL details are stored in `data/config.php`. Other options and hidden settings are stored directly in the database. [Settings »](docs/
Lychee is ready to use, right out of the box. If you want to contribute and edit CSS or JS files, you need to rebuild Lychee. [Build »](docs/
In order to use the Dropbox import from your server, you need a valid drop-ins app key from [their website]( Lychee will ask you for this key, the first time you try to use the import. Want to change your code? Take a loot at [the settings](docs/ of Lychee.
Lychee supports [Twitter Cards]( and [Open Graph]( for shared images (not albums). In order to use Twitter Cards you need to request an approval for your domain. Simply share an image with Lychee, copy its link and paste it in [Twitters Card Validator](
I am working hard on continuously developing and maintaining Lychee. Please consider making a donation via [Flattr]( or PayPal (from [our site]( to keep the project going strong and me motivated.
[Lychee]( by [Tobias Reich]( is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License]( Based on a work at [](
You are allowed to use Lychee for personal/non-commercial purposes. You are not allowed to commercially use Lychee 2.1 or higher without a valid license from [our website](