2014-04-02 20:14:20 +00:00
< ? php
# @name Album Module
# @author Tobias Reich
# @copyright 2014 by Tobias Reich
if ( ! defined ( 'LYCHEE' )) exit ( 'Error: Direct access is not allowed!' );
2014-04-02 20:15:59 +00:00
class Album {
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private $database = null ;
private $plugins = null ;
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private $settings = null ;
private $albumIDs = null ;
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public function __construct ( $database , $plugins , $settings , $albumIDs ) {
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# Init vars
$this -> database = $database ;
$this -> plugins = $plugins ;
$this -> settings = $settings ;
$this -> albumIDs = $albumIDs ;
return true ;
private function plugins ( $action , $args ) {
if ( ! isset ( $this -> plugins , $action , $args )) return false ;
# Call plugins
$this -> plugins -> activate ( " Albums: $action " , $args );
return true ;
public function add ( $title = 'Untitled' , $public = 0 , $visible = 1 ) {
if ( ! isset ( $this -> database )) return false ;
# Call plugins
$this -> plugins ( 'add:before' , func_get_args ());
# Parse
if ( strlen ( $title ) > 50 ) $title = substr ( $title , 0 , 50 );
# Database
$sysdate = date ( 'd.m.Y' );
$result = $this -> database -> query ( " INSERT INTO lychee_albums (title, sysdate, public, visible) VALUES (' $title ', ' $sysdate ', ' $public ', ' $visible '); " );
# Call plugins
$this -> plugins ( 'add:after' , func_get_args ());
if ( ! $result ) return false ;
return $this -> database -> insert_id ;
public function getAll ( $public ) {
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if ( ! isset ( $this -> database , $this -> settings , $public )) return false ;
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# Call plugins
$this -> plugins ( 'getAll:before' , func_get_args ());
# Get SmartAlbums
if ( $public === false ) $return = getSmartInfo ();
# Albums query
$query = 'SELECT id, title, public, sysdate, password FROM lychee_albums WHERE public = 1 AND visible <> 0' ;
if ( $public === false ) $query = 'SELECT id, title, public, sysdate, password FROM lychee_albums' ;
# Execute query
$albums = $this -> database -> query ( $query ) OR exit ( 'Error: ' . $this -> database -> error );
# For each album
while ( $album = $albums -> fetch_assoc ()) {
# Parse info
$album [ 'sysdate' ] = date ( 'F Y' , strtotime ( $album [ 'sysdate' ]));
$album [ 'password' ] = ( $album [ 'password' ] != '' );
# Thumbs
if (( $public === true && $album [ 'password' ] === false ) || ( $public === false )) {
# Execute query
$thumbs = $this -> database -> query ( " SELECT thumbUrl FROM lychee_photos WHERE album = ' " . $album [ 'id' ] . " ' ORDER BY star DESC, " . substr ( $this -> settings [ 'sorting' ], 9 ) . " LIMIT 0, 3 " );
# For each thumb
$k = 0 ;
while ( $thumb = $thumbs -> fetch_object ()) {
$album [ " thumb $k " ] = $thumb -> thumbUrl ;
$k ++ ;
# Add to return
$return [ 'content' ][ $album [ 'id' ]] = $album ;
# Num of albums
$return [ 'num' ] = $albums -> num_rows ;
# Call plugins
$this -> plugins ( 'getAll:after' , func_get_args ());
return $return ;
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public function setTitle ( $title = 'Untitled' ) {
if ( ! isset ( $this -> database , $this -> albumIDs )) return false ;
# Call plugins
$this -> plugins ( 'setTitle:before' , func_get_args ());
# Parse
if ( strlen ( $title ) > 50 ) $title = substr ( $title , 0 , 50 );
# Execute query
$result = $this -> database -> query ( " UPDATE lychee_albums SET title = ' $title ' WHERE id IN ( $this->albumIDs ); " );
# Call plugins
$this -> plugins ( 'setTitle:after' , func_get_args ());
if ( ! $result ) return false ;
return true ;
public function setDescription ( $description = '' ) {
if ( ! isset ( $this -> database , $this -> albumIDs )) return false ;
# Call plugins
$this -> plugins ( 'setDescription:before' , func_get_args ());
# Parse
$description = htmlentities ( $description );
if ( strlen ( $description ) > 1000 ) return false ;
# Execute query
$result = $this -> database -> query ( " UPDATE lychee_albums SET description = ' $description ' WHERE id IN ( $this->albumIDs ); " );
# Call plugins
$this -> plugins ( 'setDescription:after' , func_get_args ());
if ( ! $result ) return false ;
return true ;
public function delete ( $albumIDs ) {
if ( ! isset ( $this -> database , $this -> albumIDs )) return false ;
# Call plugins
$this -> plugins ( 'delete:before' , func_get_args ());
# Init vars
$error = false ;
# Execute query
$result = $this -> database -> query ( " SELECT id FROM lychee_photos WHERE album IN ( $albumIDs ); " );
# For each album delete photo
while ( $row = $result -> fetch_object ())
if ( ! deletePhoto ( $row -> id )) $error = true ;
# Delete albums
$result = $this -> database -> query ( " DELETE FROM lychee_albums WHERE id IN ( $albumIDs ); " );
# Call plugins
$this -> plugins ( 'delete:after' , func_get_args ());
if ( $error ||! $result ) return false ;
return true ;
2014-04-02 20:14:20 +00:00