You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

627 lines
14 KiB

* @description Takes care of every action an album can handle and execute.
* @copyright 2015 by Tobias Reich
album = {
json: null
album.getID = function() {
let id = null
let isID = (id) => {
if (id==='0' || id==='f' || id==='s' || id==='r') return true
return $.isNumeric(id)
if (photo.json) id = photo.json.album
else if (album.json) id =
// Search
if (isID(id)===false) id = $('.album:hover,').attr('data-id')
if (isID(id)===false) id = $('.photo:hover,').attr('data-album-id')
if (isID(id)===true) return id
else return false
album.load = function(albumID, refresh) {
password.get(albumID, function() {
if (!refresh) lychee.animate('#content', 'contentZoomOut')
let startTime = new Date().getTime(),
waitTime = 0
let params = {
10 years ago
password: password.value
}'Album::get', params, function(data) {
if (data==='Warning: Album private!') {
if (document.location.hash.replace('#', '').split('/')[1]!=undefined) {
// Display photo only
} else {
// Album not public
return false
if (data==='Warning: Wrong password!') {
album.load(albumID, refresh)
return false
album.json = data
// Calculate delay
let durationTime = (new Date().getTime() - startTime)
if (durationTime>300) waitTime = 0
else waitTime = 300 - durationTime
// Skip delay when refresh is true
// Skip delay when opening a blank Lychee
if (refresh===true) waitTime = 0
if (!visible.albums() && ! && !visible.album()) waitTime = 0
setTimeout(function() {
if (!refresh) {
lychee.animate('#content', 'contentZoomIn')
}, waitTime)
album.parse = function() {
if (!album.json.title) album.json.title = 'Untitled'
album.add = function() {
const action = function(data) {
let title = data.title
const isNumber = (n) => (!isNaN(parseFloat(n)) && isFinite(n))
10 years ago
if (title.length===0) title = 'Untitled'
10 years ago'Album::add', { title }, function(data) {
// Avoid first album to be true
if (data===true) data = 1
if (data!==false && isNumber(data)) {
} else {
lychee.error(null, params, data)
10 years ago
body: `<p>Enter a title for the new album: <input class='text' name='title' type='text' maxlength='50' placeholder='Title' value='Untitled'></p>`,
buttons: {
action: {
title: 'Create Album',
fn: action
cancel: {
title: 'Cancel',
fn: basicModal.close
album.delete = function(albumIDs) {
10 years ago
let action = {},
cancel = {},
msg = ''
if (!albumIDs) return false
if (albumIDs instanceof Array===false) albumIDs = [albumIDs]
action.fn = function() {
let params
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
params = {
albumIDs: albumIDs.join()
}'Album::delete', params, function(data) {
if (visible.albums()) {
albumIDs.forEach(function(id) {
} else {
if (data!==true) lychee.error(null, params, data)
if (albumIDs.toString()==='0') {
10 years ago
action.title = 'Clear Unsorted'
cancel.title = 'Keep Unsorted'
msg = `<p>Are you sure you want to delete all photos from 'Unsorted'?<br>This action can't be undone!</p>`
10 years ago
} else if (albumIDs.length===1) {
10 years ago
let albumTitle = ''
action.title = 'Delete Album and Photos'
cancel.title = 'Keep Album'
10 years ago
// Get title
if (album.json) albumTitle = album.json.title
else if (albums.json) albumTitle = albums.getByID(albumIDs).title
msg = `<p>Are you sure you want to delete the album ${ albumTitle } and all of the photos it contains? This action can't be undone!</p>`
10 years ago
} else {
10 years ago
action.title = 'Delete Albums and Photos'
cancel.title = 'Keep Albums'
10 years ago
msg = `<p>Are you sure you want to delete all ${ albumIDs.length } selected albums and all of the photos they contain? This action can't be undone!</p>`
body: msg,
buttons: {
action: {
title: action.title,
fn: action.fn,
class: 'red'
cancel: {
title: cancel.title,
fn: basicModal.close
album.setTitle = function(albumIDs) {
let oldTitle = '',
msg = ''
10 years ago
if (!albumIDs) return false
if (albumIDs instanceof Array===false) albumIDs = [albumIDs]
if (albumIDs.length===1) {
// Get old title if only one album is selected
if (album.json) oldTitle = album.json.title
else if (albums.json) oldTitle = albums.getByID(albumIDs).title
if (!oldTitle) oldTitle = ''
oldTitle = oldTitle.replace(/'/g, '&apos;')
const action = function(data) {
let newTitle = data.title
10 years ago
// Remove html from input
newTitle = lychee.removeHTML(newTitle)
// Set title to Untitled when empty
newTitle = (newTitle==='') ? 'Untitled' : newTitle
if (visible.album()) {
// Rename only one album
album.json.title = newTitle
if (albums.json) albums.getByID(albumIDs[0]).title = newTitle
10 years ago
} else if (visible.albums()) {
// Rename all albums
albumIDs.forEach(function(id) {
albums.getByID(id).title = newTitle
let params = {
albumIDs : albumIDs.join(),
title : newTitle
10 years ago
}'Album::setTitle', params, function(data) {
if (data!==true) lychee.error(null, params, data)
let input = `<input class='text' name='title' type='text' maxlength='50' placeholder='Title' value='${ oldTitle }'>`
if (albumIDs.length===1) msg = `<p>Enter a new title for this album: ${ input }</p>`
else msg = `<p>Enter a title for all ${ albumIDs.length } selected albums: ${ input }</p>`{
body: msg,
buttons: {
action: {
10 years ago
title: 'Set Title',
fn: action
cancel: {
title: 'Cancel',
fn: basicModal.close
10 years ago
album.setDescription = function(albumID) {
let oldDescription = album.json.description.replace(/'/g, '&apos;')
const action = function(data) {
let description = data.description
10 years ago
// Remove html from input
description = lychee.removeHTML(description)
10 years ago
if (visible.album()) {
album.json.description = description
10 years ago
let params = {
10 years ago
}'Album::setDescription', params, function(data) {
10 years ago
if (data!==true) lychee.error(null, params, data)
10 years ago
10 years ago{
body: `<p>Please enter a description for this album: <input class='text' name='description' type='text' maxlength='800' placeholder='Description' value='${ oldDescription }'></p>`,
10 years ago
buttons: {
action: {
title: 'Set Description',
fn: action
cancel: {
title: 'Cancel',
fn: basicModal.close
album.setPublic = function(albumID, modal, e) {
let password = ''
if (modal===true) {
10 years ago
let text = '',
action = {}
action.fn = () => {
10 years ago
// setPublic function without showing the modal
album.setPublic(album.getID(), false, e)
10 years ago
10 years ago
// Album public = Editing a shared album
if (album.json.public==='1') {
action.title = 'Edit Sharing'
text = 'The sharing-properties of this album will be changed to the following:'
} else {
action.title = 'Share Album'
text = 'This album will be shared with the following properties:'
let msg = `
<p class='less'>${ text }</p>
<div class='choice'>
<input type='checkbox' name='visible'>
<span class='checkbox'>${ build.iconic('check') }</span>
<span class='label'>Visible</span>
<p>Listed to visitors of your Lychee.</p>
<div class='choice'>
<input type='checkbox' name='downloadable'>
<span class='checkbox'>${ build.iconic('check') }</span>
<span class='label'>Downloadable</span>
<p>Visitors of your Lychee can download this album.</p>
<div class='choice'>
<input type='checkbox' name='password'>
<span class='checkbox'>${ build.iconic('check') }</span>
<span class='label'>Password protected</span>
<p>Only accessible with a valid password.</p>
<input class='text' name='passwordtext' type='password' placeholder='password' value=''>
10 years ago{
body: msg,
buttons: {
action: {
title: action.title,
fn: action.fn
10 years ago
cancel: {
title: 'Cancel',
fn: basicModal.close
// Active visible by default (public = 0)
if ((album.json.public==='1' && album.json.visible==='1') || (album.json.public==='0')) $('.basicModal .choice input[name="visible"]').click()
if (album.json.downloadable==='1') $('.basicModal .choice input[name="downloadable"]').click()
10 years ago
$('.basicModal .choice input[name="password"]').on('change', function() {
if ($(this).prop('checked')===true) $('.basicModal .choice input[name="passwordtext"]').show().focus()
else $('.basicModal .choice input[name="passwordtext"]').hide()
return true
// Set data
10 years ago
if (basicModal.visible()) {
// Visible modal => Set album public
album.json.public = '1'
// Set visible
if ($('.basicModal .choice input[name="visible"]:checked').length===1) album.json.visible = '1'
else album.json.visible = '0'
// Set downloadable
if ($('.basicModal .choice input[name="downloadable"]:checked').length===1) album.json.downloadable = '1'
else album.json.downloadable = '0'
// Set password
10 years ago
if ($('.basicModal .choice input[name="password"]:checked').length===1) {
password = $('.basicModal .choice input[name="passwordtext"]').val()
album.json.password = '1'
} else {
password = ''
album.json.password = '0'
// Modal input has been processed, now it can be closed
} else {
// Modal not visible => Set album private
album.json.public = '0'
// Set data and refresh view
if (visible.album()) {
album.json.visible = (album.json.public==='0') ? '0' : album.json.visible
album.json.downloadable = (album.json.public==='0') ? '0' : album.json.downloadable
album.json.password = (album.json.public==='0') ? '0' : album.json.password
if (album.json.public==='1') contextMenu.shareAlbum(albumID, e)
let params = {
10 years ago
public : album.json.public,
password : password,
visible : album.json.visible,
downloadable : album.json.downloadable
10 years ago
}'Album::setPublic', params, function(data) {
if (data!==true) lychee.error(null, params, data)
album.share = function(service) {
let link = '',
url = location.href
switch (service) {
case 'twitter':
link = `${ encodeURI(url) }`
case 'facebook':
link = `${ encodeURI(url) }&t=${ encodeURI(album.json.title) }`
case 'mail':
link = `mailto:?subject=${ encodeURI(album.json.title) }&body=${ encodeURI(url) }`
link = ''
if (link!=='') location.href = link
album.getArchive = function(albumID) {
let link,
url = `${ api.path }?function=Album::getArchive&albumID=${ albumID }`
if (location.href.indexOf('index.html')>0) link = location.href.replace(location.hash, '').replace('index.html', url)
else link = location.href.replace(location.hash, '') + url
if (lychee.publicMode===true) link += `&password=${ password.value }`
location.href = link
album.merge = function(albumIDs) {
let title = '',
sTitle = '',
msg = ''
if (!albumIDs) return false
if (albumIDs instanceof Array===false) albumIDs = [albumIDs]
// Get title of first album
if (albums.json) title = albums.getByID(albumIDs[0]).title
if (!title) title = ''
title = title.replace(/'/g, '&apos;')
if (albumIDs.length===2) {
// Get title of second album
if (albums.json) sTitle = albums.getByID(albumIDs[1]).title
if (!sTitle) sTitle = ''
sTitle = sTitle.replace(/'/g, '&apos;')
msg = `<p>Are you sure you want to merge the album '${ sTitle }' into the album '${ title }'?</p>`
} else {
msg = `<p>Are you sure you want to merge all selected albums into the album '${ title }'?</p>`
const action = function() {
let params = {
albumIDs: albumIDs.join()
}'Album::merge', params, function(data) {
if (data!==true) {
lychee.error(null, params, data)
} else {
body: msg,
buttons: {
action: {
title: 'Merge Albums',
fn: action,
class: 'red'
cancel: {
title: "Don't Merge",
fn: basicModal.close