You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

543 lines
12 KiB

* @description Takes care of every action an album can handle and execute.
* @copyright 2015 by Tobias Reich
10 years ago
upload = {}
10 years ago = function(title, files, callback) {{
body: build.uploadModal(title, files),
buttons: {
action: {
title: 'Close',
class: 'hidden',
fn: basicModal.close
10 years ago
11 years ago
10 years ago
upload.notify = function(title, text) {
11 years ago
if (text==null||text==='') text = 'You can now manage your new photo(s).'
if (!window.webkitNotifications) return false
11 years ago
if (window.webkitNotifications.checkPermission()!==0) window.webkitNotifications.requestPermission()
11 years ago
if (window.webkitNotifications.checkPermission()===0 && title) {
let popup = window.webkitNotifications.createNotification('', title, text)
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
upload.start = {
10 years ago
local: function(files) {
let albumID = album.getID()
let error = false
let warning = false
const process = function(files, file) {
let formData = new FormData()
let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest()
let pre_progress = 0
let progress = 0
const finish = function() {
window.onbeforeunload = null
if (error===false && warning===false) {
// Success
upload.notify('Upload complete')
} else if (error===false && warning===true) {
// Warning
$('.basicModal #basicModal__action.hidden').show()
upload.notify('Upload complete')
} else {
// Error
$('.basicModal #basicModal__action.hidden').show()
upload.notify('Upload complete', 'Failed to upload one or more photos.')
if (album.getID()===false) lychee.goto('0')
else album.load(albumID)
// Check if file is supported
if (file.supported===false) {
// Skip file
if (!=null) process(files,
else {
// Look for supported files
// If zero files are supported, hide the upload after a delay
let hasSupportedFiles = false
for (let i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
if (files[i].supported===true) {
hasSupportedFiles = true
if (hasSupportedFiles===false) setTimeout(finish, 2000)
10 years ago
return false
formData.append('function', 'Photo::add')
formData.append('albumID', albumID)
formData.append('tags', '')
formData.append(0, file)'POST', api.path)
xhr.onload = function() {
let wait = false
let errorText = ''
file.ready = true
// Set status
if (xhr.status===200 && xhr.responseText==='1') {
// Success
$('.basicModal .rows .row:nth-child(' + (file.num + 1) + ') .status')
} else {
if (xhr.responseText.substr(0, 6)==='Error:') {
errorText = xhr.responseText.substr(6) + ' Please take a look at the console of your browser for further details.'
error = true
// Error Status
$('.basicModal .rows .row:nth-child(' + (file.num + 1) + ') .status')
} else if (xhr.responseText.substr(0, 8)==='Warning:') {
errorText = xhr.responseText.substr(8)
warning = true
// Warning Status
$('.basicModal .rows .row:nth-child(' + (file.num + 1) + ') .status')
} else {
errorText = 'Server returned an unknown response. Please take a look at the console of your browser for further details.'
error = true
// Error Status
$('.basicModal .rows .row:nth-child(' + (file.num + 1) + ') .status')
10 years ago
$('.basicModal .rows .row:nth-child(' + (file.num + 1) + ') p.notice')
// Throw error
if (error===true) lychee.error('Upload failed. Server returned the status code ' + xhr.status + '!', xhr, xhr.responseText)
// Check if there are file which are not finished
for (let i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
if (files[i].ready===false) {
wait = true
10 years ago
// Finish upload when all files are finished
if (wait===false) finish()
xhr.upload.onprogress = function(e) {
if (e.lengthComputable!==true) return false
// Calculate progress
progress = (e.loaded / * 100 | 0)
// Set progress when progress has changed
if (progress>pre_progress) {
$('.basicModal .rows .row:nth-child(' + (file.num+1) + ') .status').html(progress + '%')
pre_progress = progress
if (progress>=100) {
// Scroll to the uploading file
let scrollPos = 0
if ((file.num + 1)>4) scrollPos = (file.num + 1 - 4) * 40
$('.basicModal .rows').scrollTop(scrollPos)
// Set status to processing
$('.basicModal .rows .row:nth-child(' + (file.num + 1) + ') .status').html('Processing')
// Upload next file
if (!=null) process(files,
if (files.length<=0) return false
if (albumID===false || visible.albums()===true) albumID = 0
for (let i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
files[i].num = i
files[i].ready = false
files[i].supported = true
if (i < files.length-1) files[i].next = files[i + 1]
else files[i].next = null
10 years ago
// Check if file is supported
if (files[i].type!=='image/jpeg' && files[i].type!=='image/jpg' && files[i].type!=='image/png' && files[i].type!=='image/gif') {
10 years ago
files[i].ready = true
files[i].supported = false
10 years ago
window.onbeforeunload = function() { return 'Lychee is currently uploading!' }'Uploading', files, function() {
// Upload first file
process(files, files[0])
10 years ago
url: function(url = '') {
let albumID = album.getID()
url = (typeof url === 'string' ? url : '')
if (albumID===false) albumID = 0
const action = function(data) {
let files = []
10 years ago
if ( &&>3) {
let extension ='.').pop()
if (extension!=='jpeg' && extension!=='jpg' && extension!=='png' && extension!=='gif' && extension!=='webp') {'error', 'File format of link not supported.')
return false
files[0] = {
name :,
supported : true
}'Importing URL', files, function() {
$('.basicModal .rows .row .status').html('Importing')
let params = {
10 years ago
}'Import::url', params, function(data) {
// Same code as in import.dropbox()
if (data!==true) {
$('.basicModal .rows .row p.notice')
.html('The import has been finished, but returned warnings or errors. Please take a look at the log (Settings -> Show Log) for further details.')
$('.basicModal .rows .row .status')
// Show close button
$('.basicModal #basicModal__action.hidden').show()
// Log error
lychee.error(null, params, data)
} else {
upload.notify('Import complete')
if (album.getID()===false) lychee.goto('0')
else album.load(albumID)
} else basicModal.error('link')
11 years ago
body: lychee.html`<p>Please enter the direct link to a photo to import it: <input class='text' name='link' type='text' placeholder='http://' value='$${ url }'></p>`,
buttons: {
action: {
title: 'Import',
fn: action
cancel: {
title: 'Cancel',
fn: basicModal.close
10 years ago
10 years ago
server: function() {
let albumID = album.getID()
if (albumID===false) albumID = 0
const action = function(data) {
let files = []
files[0] = {
name : data.path,
supported : true
}'Importing from server', files, function() {
$('.basicModal .rows .row .status').html('Importing')
let params = {
10 years ago
path: data.path
}'Import::server', params, function(data) {
upload.notify('Import complete')
if (data==='Notice: Import only contained albums!') {
// No error, but the folder only contained albums
// Go back to the album overview to show the imported albums
if (visible.albums()) lychee.load()
else lychee.goto('')
return true
} else if (data==='Warning: Folder empty or no readable files to process!') {
// Error because the import could not start
$('.basicModal .rows .row p.notice')
.html('Folder empty or no readable files to process. Please take a look at the log (Settings -> Show Log) for further details.')
$('.basicModal .rows .row .status')
// Log error
lychee.error('Could not start import because the folder was empty!', params, data)
} else if (data!==true) {
// Maybe an error, maybe just some skipped photos
$('.basicModal .rows .row p.notice')
.html('The import has been finished, but returned warnings or errors. Please take a look at the log (Settings -> Show Log) for further details.')
$('.basicModal .rows .row .status')
// Log error
lychee.error(null, params, data)
} else {
// No error, everything worked fine
if (album.getID()===false) lychee.goto('0')
else album.load(albumID)
// Show close button
$('.basicModal #basicModal__action.hidden').show()
11 years ago{
body: lychee.html`<p>This action will import all photos, folders and sub-folders which are located in the following directory. The <b>original files will be deleted</b> after the import when possible. <input class='text' name='path' type='text' maxlength='100' placeholder='Absolute path to directory' value='$${ lychee.location }uploads/import/'></p>`,
buttons: {
action: {
title: 'Import',
fn: action
cancel: {
title: 'Cancel',
fn: basicModal.close
10 years ago
10 years ago
dropbox: function() {
let albumID = album.getID()
if (albumID===false) albumID = 0
const success = function(files) {
let links = ''
for (let i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
links += files[i].link + ','
files[i] = {
name : files[i].link,
supported : true
// Remove last comma
links = links.substr(0, links.length - 1)'Importing from Dropbox', files, function() {
$('.basicModal .rows .row .status').html('Importing')
let params = {
10 years ago
url: links,
}'Import::url', params, function(data) {
// Same code as in import.url()
if (data!==true) {
$('.basicModal .rows .row p.notice')
.html('The import has been finished, but returned warnings or errors. Please take a look at the log (Settings -> Show Log) for further details.')
$('.basicModal .rows .row .status')
// Show close button
$('.basicModal #basicModal__action.hidden').show()
// Log error
lychee.error(null, params, data)
} else {
upload.notify('Import complete')
if (album.getID()===false) lychee.goto('0')
else album.load(albumID)
lychee.loadDropbox(function() {
linkType: 'direct',
multiselect: true,
10 years ago