You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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961 B

### About
The following keys and shortcuts can be used in Lychee.
### Everywhere
| Key | Action |
| `u` | Upload photo |
| `enter` | Confirm Dialog |
| `esc` | Close/Back |
| `cmd`+`up` | Close/Back |
### Albums
| Key | Action |
| `s` or `f` | Search |
| `cmd`+`a` | Select all albums |
| `ctrl`+`a` | Select all albums |
### Album
| Key | Action |
| `r` | Set title |
| `d` | Set description |
| `i` | Show information |
| `cmd`+`backspace` | Delete album |
| `ctrl`+`backspace` | Delete album |
| `cmd`+`a` | Select all photos |
| `ctrl`+`a` | Select all photos |
### Photo
| Key | Action |
| `r` | Set title |
| `t` | Set tags |
| `d` | Set description |
| `s` or `f` | Star photo |
| `i` | Show information |
| `left` | Previous photo |
| `right` | Next photo |
| `cmd`+`backspace` | Delete photo |
| `ctrl`+`backspace` | Delete photo |