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Guochao Xie eb70541d39
Fix typo in linux-sync-5
před 1 rokem
.. fix links in SyncPrim/ před 6 roky Fix broken links and emails před 4 roky copyedit: synchronization chapter před 2 roky copyedit: synchronization chapter před 2 roky Merge branch 'master' into typo před 2 roky Fix typo in linux-sync-5 před 1 rokem copyedit: synchronization chapter před 2 roky

Synchronization primitives in the Linux kernel.

This chapter describes synchronization primitives in the Linux kernel.

  • Introduction to spinlocks - the first part of this chapter describes implementation of spinlock mechanism in the Linux kernel.
  • Queued spinlocks - the second part describes another type of spinlocks - queued spinlocks.
  • Semaphores - this part describes implementation of semaphore synchronization primitive in the Linux kernel.
  • Mutual exclusion - this part describes - mutex in the Linux kernel.
  • Reader/Writer semaphores - this part describes special type of semaphores - reader/writer semaphores.
  • Sequential locks - this part describes sequential locks in the Linux kernel.