# latex.sh # A script for converting Markdown files in each of the subdirectories into a unified PDF typeset in LaTeX. # Requires TexLive, Pandoc templates and pdfunite. Not necessary if you just want to read the PDF, only if you're compiling it yourself. #!/bin/bash rm -r build mkdir build for D in ../*; do if [ -d "$D" ] then name=$(basename "$D") echo "Converting $name . . ." pandoc "$D"/README.md "$D"/linux-*.md \ -o build/"$name".tex --template default fi done cd ./build || exit 1 for f in *.tex do pdflatex -interaction=nonstopmode "$f" done cd ../ || exit 1 pandoc ../README.md ../SUMMARY.md ../CONTRIBUTING.md ../contributors.md \ -o ./build/Preface.tex --template default pdfunite ./build/*.pdf LinuxKernelInsides.pdf