Merge pull request #326 from c0riolis/linux-bootstrap-2-fix

0xAX 8 years ago
commit aedaaf6d97

@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ As you can read in the previous part, addresses consist of two parts in real mod
And we can get the physical address if we know these two parts by:
PhysicalAddress = Segment * 16 + Offset
PhysicalAddress = Segment Selector * 16 + Offset
Memory segmentation was completely redone in protected mode. There are no 64 Kilobyte fixed-size segments. Instead, the size and location of each segment is described by an associated data structure called _Segment Descriptor_. The segment descriptors are stored in a data structure called `Global Descriptor Table` (GDT).
@ -135,9 +135,10 @@ As we can see the first bit(bit 43) is `0` for a _data_ segment and `1` for a _c
8. D/B flag(bit 54) - Default/Big flag represents the operand size i.e 16/32 bits. If it is set then 32 bit otherwise 16.
Segment registers don't contain the base address of the segment as in real mode. Instead they contain a special structure - `Segment Selector`. Each Segment Descriptor has an associated Segment Selector. `Segment Selector` is a 16-bit structure:
Segment registers contain segment selectors as in real mode. However, in protected mode, a segment selector is handled differently. Each Segment Descriptor has an associated Segment Selector which is a 16-bit structure:
15 3 2 1 0
| Index | TI | RPL |
@ -213,8 +214,8 @@ memcpy(&boot_params.hdr, &hdr, sizeof hdr);
* `ax` will contain the address of the `boot_params.hdr` in bytes
* `dx` will contain the address of `hdr` in bytes
* `ax` will contain the address of the `boot_params.hdr`
* `dx` will contain the address of `hdr`
* `cx` will contain the size of `hdr` in bytes.
`memcpy` puts the address of `boot_params.hdr` into `si` and saves the size on the stack. After this it shifts to the right on 2 size (or divide on 4) and copies from `si` to `di` by 4 bytes. After this we restore the size of `hdr` again, align it by 4 bytes and copy the rest of the bytes from `si` to `di` byte by byte (if there is more). Restore `si` and `di` values from the stack in the end and after this copying is finished.
@ -446,7 +447,7 @@ int query_mca(void)
It fills the `ah` register with `0xc0` and calls the `0x15` BIOS interruption. After the interrupt execution it checks the [carry flag]( and if it is set to 1, the BIOS doesn't support (**MCA**)[]. If carry flag is set to 0, `ES:BX` will contain a pointer to the system information table, which looks like this:
Offset Size Description )
Offset Size Description
00h WORD number of bytes following
02h BYTE model (see #00515)
03h BYTE submodel (see #00515)
