mirror of https://github.com/aquasecurity/kube-bench.git synced 2024-10-10 01:49:15 +00:00
Abubakr-Sadik Nii Nai Davis d988b81540
CIS GKE 1.0.0 benchmark (#570)
* Add initial commit for CIS GKE 1.0 benchmark

* Update README with GKE instructions

* Fix YAML linter issues

* Set GKE benchmark k8s version to gke-1.0

* Add tests for gke-1.0

Co-authored-by: Roberto Rojas <robertojrojas@gmail.com>
2020-03-03 09:51:48 -05:00

704 lines
27 KiB

version: "gke-1.0"
id: 6
text: "Managed Services"
type: "managedservices"
- id: 6.1
text: "Image Registry and Image Scanning"
- id: 6.1.1
text: "Ensure Image Vulnerability Scanning using GCR Container Analysis
or a third-party provider (Scored)"
type: "manual"
remediation: |
Using Command Line:
gcloud services enable containerscanning.googleapis.com
scored: true
- id: 6.1.2
text: "Minimize user access to GCR (Scored)"
type: "manual"
remediation: |
Using Command Line:
To change roles at the GCR bucket level:
Firstly, run the following if read permissions are required:
gsutil iam ch [TYPE]:[EMAIL-ADDRESS]:objectViewer
Then remove the excessively privileged role (Storage Admin / Storage Object Admin /
Storage Object Creator) using:
gsutil iam ch -d [TYPE]:[EMAIL-ADDRESS]:[ROLE]
[TYPE] can be one of the following:
o user, if the [EMAIL-ADDRESS] is a Google account
o serviceAccount, if [EMAIL-ADDRESS] specifies a Service account
[EMAIL-ADDRESS] can be one of the following:
o a Google account (for example, someone@example.com)
o a Cloud IAM service account
To modify roles defined at the project level and subsequently inherited within the GCR
bucket, or the Service Account User role, extract the IAM policy file, modify it accordingly
and apply it using:
gcloud projects set-iam-policy [PROJECT_ID] [POLICY_FILE]
scored: true
- id: 6.1.3
text: "Minimize cluster access to read-only for GCR (Scored)"
type: "manual"
remediation: |
Using Command Line:
For an account explicitly granted to the bucket. First, add read access to the Kubernetes
Service Account
gsutil iam ch [TYPE]:[EMAIL-ADDRESS]:objectViewer
[TYPE] can be one of the following:
o user, if the [EMAIL-ADDRESS] is a Google account
o serviceAccount, if [EMAIL-ADDRESS] specifies a Service account
[EMAIL-ADDRESS] can be one of the following:
o a Google account (for example, someone@example.com)
o a Cloud IAM service account
Then remove the excessively privileged role (Storage Admin / Storage Object Admin /
Storage Object Creator) using:
gsutil iam ch -d [TYPE]:[EMAIL-ADDRESS]:[ROLE]
For an account that inherits access to the GCR Bucket through Project level permissions,
modify the Projects IAM policy file accordingly, then upload it using:
gcloud projects set-iam-policy [PROJECT_ID] [POLICY_FILE]
scored: true
- id: 6.1.4
text: "Minimize Container Registries to only those approved (Not Scored)"
type: "manual"
remediation: |
Using Command Line:
First, update the cluster to enable Binary Authorization:
gcloud container cluster update [CLUSTER_NAME] \
Create a Binary Authorization Policy using the Binary Authorization Policy Reference
(https://cloud.google.com/binary-authorization/docs/policy-yaml-reference) for guidance.
Import the policy file into Binary Authorization:
gcloud container binauthz policy import [YAML_POLICY]
scored: false
- id: 6.2
text: "Identity and Access Management (IAM)"
- id: 6.2.1
text: "Ensure GKE clusters are not running using the Compute Engine
default service account (Scored)"
type: "manual"
remediation: |
Using Command Line:
Firstly, create a minimally privileged service account:
gcloud iam service-accounts create [SA_NAME] \
--display-name "GKE Node Service Account"
export NODE_SA_EMAIL=`gcloud iam service-accounts list \
--format='value(email)' \
--filter='displayName:GKE Node Service Account'`
Grant the following roles to the service account:
export PROJECT_ID=`gcloud config get-value project`
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT_ID \
--member serviceAccount:$NODE_SA_EMAIL \
--role roles/monitoring.metricWriter
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT_ID \
--member serviceAccount:$NODE_SA_EMAIL \
--role roles/monitoring.viewer
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT_ID \
--member serviceAccount:$NODE_SA_EMAIL \
--role roles/logging.logWriter
To create a new Node pool using the Service account, run the following command:
gcloud container node-pools create [NODE_POOL] \
--service-account=[SA_NAME]@[PROJECT_ID].iam.gserviceaccount.com \
--cluster=[CLUSTER_NAME] --zone [COMPUTE_ZONE]
You will need to migrate your workloads to the new Node pool, and delete Node pools that
use the default service account to complete the remediation.
scored: true
- id: 6.2.2
text: "Prefer using dedicated GCP Service Accounts and Workload Identity (Not Scored)"
type: "manual"
remediation: |
Using Command Line:
gcloud beta container clusters update [CLUSTER_NAME] --zone [CLUSTER_ZONE] \
Note that existing Node pools are unaffected. New Node pools default to --workload-
metadata-from-node=GKE_METADATA_SERVER .
Then, modify existing Node pools to enable GKE_METADATA_SERVER:
gcloud beta container node-pools update [NODEPOOL_NAME] \
--cluster=[CLUSTER_NAME] --zone [CLUSTER_ZONE] \
You may also need to modify workloads in order for them to use Workload Identity as
described within https://cloud.google.com/kubernetes-engine/docs/how-to/workload-
identity. Also consider the effects on the availability of your hosted workloads as Node
pools are updated, it may be more appropriate to create new Node Pools.
scored: false
- id: 6.3
text: "Cloud Key Management Service (Cloud KMS)"
- id: 6.3.1
text: "Ensure Kubernetes Secrets are encrypted using keys managed in Cloud KMS (Scored)"
type: "manual"
remediation: |
Using Command Line:
To create a key
Create a key ring:
gcloud kms keyrings create [RING_NAME] \
--location [LOCATION] \
--project [KEY_PROJECT_ID]
Create a key:
gcloud kms keys create [KEY_NAME] \
--location [LOCATION] \
--keyring [RING_NAME] \
--purpose encryption \
--project [KEY_PROJECT_ID]
Grant the Kubernetes Engine Service Agent service account the Cloud KMS CryptoKey
Encrypter/Decrypter role:
gcloud kms keys add-iam-policy-binding [KEY_NAME] \
--location [LOCATION] \
--keyring [RING_NAME] \
--member serviceAccount:[SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME] \
--role roles/cloudkms.cryptoKeyEncrypterDecrypter \
--project [KEY_PROJECT_ID]
To create a new cluster with Application-layer Secrets Encryption:
gcloud container clusters create [CLUSTER_NAME] \
--cluster-version=latest \
--zone [ZONE] \
--database-encryption-key projects/[KEY_PROJECT_ID]/locations/[LOCATION]/keyRings/[RING_NAME]/cryptoKey s/[KEY_NAME] \
To enable on an existing cluster:
gcloud container clusters update [CLUSTER_NAME] \
--zone [ZONE] \
--database-encryption-key projects/[KEY_PROJECT_ID]/locations/[LOCATION]/keyRings/[RING_NAME]/cryptoKey s/[KEY_NAME] \
scored: true
- id: 6.4
text: "Node Metadata"
- id: 6.4.1
text: "Ensure legacy Compute Engine instance metadata APIs are Disabled (Scored)"
type: "manual"
remediation: |
Using Command Line:
To update an existing cluster, create a new Node pool with the legacy GCE metadata
endpoint disabled:
gcloud container node-pools create [POOL_NAME] \
--metadata disable-legacy-endpoints=true \
--cluster [CLUSTER_NAME] \
You will need to migrate workloads from any existing non-conforming Node pools, to the
new Node pool, then delete non-conforming Node pools to complete the remediation.
scored: true
- id: 6.4.2
text: "Ensure the GKE Metadata Server is Enabled (Not Scored)"
type: "manual"
remediation: |
Using Command Line:
gcloud beta container clusters update [CLUSTER_NAME] \
Note that existing Node pools are unaffected. New Node pools default to --workload-
metadata-from-node=GKE_METADATA_SERVER .
To modify an existing Node pool to enable GKE Metadata Server:
gcloud beta container node-pools update [NODEPOOL_NAME] \
--cluster=[CLUSTER_NAME] \
You may also need to modify workloads in order for them to use Workload Identity as
described within https://cloud.google.com/kubernetes-engine/docs/how-to/workload-
scored: false
- id: 6.5
text: "Node Configuration and Maintenance"
- id: 6.5.1
text: "Ensure Container-Optimized OS (COS) is used for GKE node images (Scored)"
type: "manual"
remediation: |
Using Command Line:
To set the node image to cos for an existing cluster's Node pool:
gcloud container clusters upgrade [CLUSTER_NAME]\
--image-type cos \
--zone [COMPUTE_ZONE] --node-pool [POOL_NAME]
scored: true
- id: 6.5.2
text: "Ensure Node Auto-Repair is enabled for GKE nodes (Scored)"
type: "manual"
remediation: |
Using Command Line:
To enable node auto-repair for an existing cluster with Node pool, run the following
gcloud container node-pools update [POOL_NAME] \
--cluster [CLUSTER_NAME] --zone [COMPUTE_ZONE] \
scored: true
- id: 6.5.3
text: "Ensure Node Auto-Upgrade is enabled for GKE nodes (Scored)"
type: "manual"
remediation: |
Using Command Line:
To enable node auto-upgrade for an existing cluster's Node pool, run the following
gcloud container node-pools update [NODE_POOL] \
--cluster [CLUSTER_NAME] --zone [COMPUTE_ZONE] \
scored: true
- id: 6.5.4
text: "Automate GKE version management using Release Channels (Not Scored)"
type: "manual"
remediation: |
Using Command Line:
Create a new cluster by running the following command:
gcloud beta container clusters create [CLUSTER_NAME] \
--zone [COMPUTE_ZONE] \
--release-channel [RELEASE_CHANNEL]
where [RELEASE_CHANNEL] is stable or regular according to your needs.
scored: false
- id: 6.5.5
text: "Ensure Shielded GKE Nodes are Enabled (Not Scored)"
type: "manual"
remediation: |
Using Command Line:
To create a Node pool within the cluster with Integrity Monitoring enabled, run the
following command:
gcloud beta container node-pools create [NODEPOOL_NAME] \
--cluster [CLUSTER_NAME] --zone [COMPUTE_ZONE] \
You will also need to migrate workloads from existing non-conforming Node pools to the
newly created Node pool, then delete the non-conforming pools.
scored: false
- id: 6.5.6
text: "Ensure Shielded GKE Nodes are Enabled (Not Scored)"
type: "manual"
remediation: |
Using Command Line:
To migrate an existing cluster, you will need to specify the --enable-shielded-nodes flag
on a cluster update command:
gcloud beta container clusters update [CLUSTER_NAME] \
--zone [CLUSTER_ZONE] \
scored: false
- id: 6.5.7
text: "Ensure Secure Boot for Shielded GKE Nodes is Enabled (Not Scored)"
type: "manual"
remediation: |
Using Command Line:
To create a Node pool within the cluster with Secure Boot enabled, run the following
gcloud beta container node-pools create [NODEPOOL_NAME] \
--cluster [CLUSTER_NAME] --zone [COMPUTE_ZONE] \
You will also need to migrate workloads from existing non-conforming Node pools to the
newly created Node pool, then delete the non-conforming pools.
scored: false
- id: 6.6
text: "Cluster Networking"
- id: 6.6.1
text: "Enable VPC Flow Logs and Intranode Visibility (Not Scored)"
type: "manual"
remediation: |
Using Command Line:
To enable intranode visibility on an existing cluster, run the following command:
gcloud beta container clusters update [CLUSTER_NAME] \
scored: false
- id: 6.6.2
text: "Ensure use of VPC-native clusters (Scored)"
type: "manual"
remediation: |
Using Command Line:
To enable Alias IP on a new cluster, run the following command:
gcloud container clusters create [CLUSTER_NAME] \
--zone [COMPUTE_ZONE] \
scored: true
- id: 6.6.3
text: "Ensure Master Authorized Networks is Enabled (Scored)"
type: "manual"
remediation: |
Using Command Line:
To check Master Authorized Networks status for an existing cluster, run the following
gcloud container clusters describe [CLUSTER_NAME] \
--zone [COMPUTE_ZONE] \
--format json | jq '.masterAuthorizedNetworksConfig'
The output should return
"enabled": true
if Master Authorized Networks is enabled.
If Master Authorized Networks is disabled, the
above command will return null ( { } ).
scored: true
- id: 6.6.4
text: "Ensure clusters are created with Private Endpoint Enabled and Public Access Disabled (Scored)"
type: "manual"
remediation: |
Using Command Line:
Create a cluster with a Private Endpoint enabled and Public Access disabled by including
the --enable-private-endpoint flag within the cluster create command:
gcloud container clusters create [CLUSTER_NAME] \
Setting this flag also requires the setting of --enable-private-nodes , --enable-ip-alias
and --master-ipv4-cidr=[MASTER_CIDR_RANGE] .
scored: true
- id: 6.6.5
text: "Ensure clusters are created with Private Nodes (Scored)"
type: "manual"
remediation: |
Using Command Line:
To create a cluster with Private Nodes enabled, include the --enable-private-nodes flag
within the cluster create command:
gcloud container clusters create [CLUSTER_NAME] \
Setting this flag also requires the setting of --enable-ip-alias and --master-ipv4-
scored: true
- id: 6.6.6
text: "Consider firewalling GKE worker nodes (Not Scored)"
type: "manual"
remediation: |
Using Command Line:
Use the following command to generate firewall rules, setting the variables as appropriate.
You may want to use the target [TAG] and [SERVICE_ACCOUNT] previously identified.
gcloud compute firewall-rules create FIREWALL_RULE_NAME \
--network [NETWORK] \
--priority [PRIORITY] \
--direction [DIRECTION] \
--action [ACTION] \
--target-tags [TAG] \
--target-service-accounts [SERVICE_ACCOUNT] \
--source-ranges [SOURCE_CIDR-RANGE] \
--source-tags [SOURCE_TAGS] \
--source-service-accounts=[SOURCE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT] \
--destination-ranges [DESTINATION_CIDR_RANGE] \
--rules [RULES]
scored: false
- id: 6.6.7
text: "Ensure Network Policy is Enabled and set as appropriate (Not Scored)"
type: "manual"
remediation: |
Using Command Line:
To enable Network Policy for an existing cluster, firstly enable the Network Policy add-on:
gcloud container clusters update [CLUSTER_NAME] \
--zone [COMPUTE_ZONE] \
--update-addons NetworkPolicy=ENABLED
Then, enable Network Policy:
gcloud container clusters update [CLUSTER_NAME] \
--zone [COMPUTE_ZONE] \
scored: false
- id: 6.6.8
text: "Ensure use of Google-managed SSL Certificates (Not Scored)"
type: "manual"
remediation: |
If services of type:LoadBalancer are discovered, consider replacing the Service with an
To configure the Ingress and use Google-managed SSL certificates, follow the instructions
as listed at https://cloud.google.com/kubernetes-engine/docs/how-to/managed-certs.
scored: false
- id: 6.7
text: "Logging"
- id: 6.7.1
text: "Ensure Stackdriver Kubernetes Logging and Monitoring is Enabled (Scored)"
type: "manual"
remediation: |
Using Command Line:
To enable Stackdriver Kubernetes Engine Monitoring for an existing cluster, run the
following command:
gcloud container clusters update [CLUSTER_NAME] \
--zone [COMPUTE_ZONE] \
Both Logging and Monitoring support must be enabled.
To enable Legacy Stackdriver Logging for an existing cluster, run the following command:
gcloud container clusters update [CLUSTER_NAME] --zone [COMPUTE_ZONE] \
--logging-service logging.googleapis.com
To enable Legacy Stackdriver Monitoring for an existing cluster, run the following
gcloud container clusters update [CLUSTER_NAME] --zone [COMPUTE_ZONE] \
--monitoring-service monitoring.googleapis.com
scored: true
- id: 6.7.2
text: "Enable Linux auditd logging (Not Scored)"
type: "manual"
remediation: |
Using Command Line:
Download the example manifests:
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/k8s-node-tools/master/os-audit/cos-auditd-logging.yaml \
> cos-auditd-logging.yaml
Edit the example manifests if needed. Then, deploy them:
kubectl apply -f cos-auditd-logging.yaml
Verify that the logging Pods have started. If you defined a different Namespace in your
manifests, replace cos-auditd with the name of the namespace you're using:
kubectl get pods --namespace=cos-auditd
scored: false
- id: 6.8
text: "Authentication and Authorization"
- id: 6.8.1
text: "Ensure Basic Authentication using static passwords is Disabled (Scored)"
type: "manual"
remediation: |
Using Command Line:
To update an existing cluster and disable Basic Authentication by removing the static
gcloud container clusters update [CLUSTER_NAME] \
scored: true
- id: 6.8.2
text: "Ensure authentication using Client Certificates is Disabled (Scored)"
type: "manual"
remediation: |
Using Command Line:
Create a new cluster without a Client Certificate:
gcloud container clusters create [CLUSTER_NAME] \
scored: true
- id: 6.8.3
text: "Manage Kubernetes RBAC users with Google Groups for GKE (Not Scored)"
type: "manual"
remediation: |
Using Command Line:
Follow the G Suite Groups instructions at https://cloud.google.com/kubernetes-
Then, create a cluster with
gcloud beta container clusters create my-cluster \
Finally create Roles, ClusterRoles, RoleBindings, and ClusterRoleBindings that
reference your G Suite Groups.
scored: false
- id: 6.8.4
text: "Ensure Legacy Authorization (ABAC) is Disabled (Scored)"
type: "manual"
remediation: |
Using Command Line:
To disable Legacy Authorization for an existing cluster, run the following command:
gcloud container clusters update [CLUSTER_NAME] \
--zone [COMPUTE_ZONE] \
scored: true
- id: 6.9
text: "Storage"
- id: 6.9.1
text: "Enable Customer-Managed Encryption Keys (CMEK) for GKE Persistent Disks (PD) (Not Scored)"
type: "manual"
remediation: |
Using Command Line:
Create a new node pool using customer-managed encryption keys for the node boot disk, of
[DISK_TYPE] either pd-standard or pd-ssd :
gcloud beta container node-pools create [CLUSTER_NAME] \
--disk-type [DISK_TYPE] \
--boot-disk-kms-key \
Create a cluster using customer-managed encryption keys for the node boot disk, of
[DISK_TYPE] either pd-standard or pd-ssd :
gcloud beta container clusters create [CLUSTER_NAME] \
--disk-type [DISK_TYPE] \
--boot-disk-kms-key \
Follow the instructions detailed at https://cloud.google.com/kubernetes-
scored: false
- id: 6.10
text: "Other Cluster Configurations"
- id: 6.10.1
text: "Ensure Kubernetes Web UI is Disabled (Scored)"
type: "manual"
remediation: |
Using Command Line:
To disable the Kubernetes Dashboard on an existing cluster, run the following command:
gcloud container clusters update [CLUSTER_NAME] \
--zone [ZONE] \
scored: true
- id: 6.10.2
text: "Ensure that Alpha clusters are not used for production workloads (Scored)"
type: "manual"
remediation: |
Using Command Line:
Upon creating a new cluster
gcloud container clusters create [CLUSTER_NAME] \
Do not use the --enable-kubernetes-alpha argument.
scored: true
- id: 6.10.3
text: "Ensure Pod Security Policy is Enabled and set as appropriate (Not Scored)"
type: "manual"
remediation: |
Using Command Line:
To enable Pod Security Policy for an existing cluster, run the following command:
gcloud beta container clusters update [CLUSTER_NAME] \
--zone [COMPUTE_ZONE] \
scored: false
- id: 6.10.4
text: "Consider GKE Sandbox for running untrusted workloads (Not Scored)"
type: "manual"
remediation: |
Using Command Line:
To enable GKE Sandbox on an existing cluster, a new Node pool must be created.
gcloud container node-pools create [NODE_POOL_NAME] \
--zone=[COMPUTE-ZONE] \
--cluster=[CLUSTER_NAME] \
--image-type=cos_containerd \
--sandbox type=gvisor
scored: false
- id: 6.10.5
text: "Ensure use of Binary Authorization (Scored)"
type: "manual"
remediation: |
Using Command Line:
Firstly, update the cluster to enable Binary Authorization:
gcloud container cluster update [CLUSTER_NAME] \
--zone [COMPUTE-ZONE] \
Create a Binary Authorization Policy using the Binary Authorization Policy Reference
(https://cloud.google.com/binary-authorization/docs/policy-yaml-reference) for
Import the policy file into Binary Authorization:
gcloud container binauthz policy import [YAML_POLICY]
scored: true
- id: 6.10.6
text: "Enable Cloud Security Command Center (Cloud SCC) (Not Scored)"
type: "manual"
remediation: |
Using Command Line:
Follow the instructions at https://cloud.google.com/security-command-
scored: false