--- controls: id: 1 text: "Master Checks" type: "master" groups: - id: 1.1 text: "Kube-apiserver" checks: - id: 0 text: "flag is set" tests: test_items: - flag: "--allow-privileged" set: true - id: 1 text: "flag is not set" tests: test_items: - flag: "--basic-auth" set: false - id: 2 text: "flag value is set to some value" tests: test_items: - flag: "--insecure-port" compare: op: eq value: 0 set: true - id: 3 text: "flag value is greater than or equal some number" tests: test_items: - flag: "--audit-log-maxage" compare: op: gte value: 30 set: true - id: 4 text: "flag value is less than some number" tests: test_items: - flag: "--max-backlog" compare: op: lt value: 30 set: true - id: 5 text: "flag value does not have some value" tests: test_items: - flag: "--admission-control" compare: op: nothave value: AlwaysAdmit set: true - id: 6 text: "test AND binary operation" tests: bin_op: and test_items: - flag: "--kubelet-client-certificate" set: true - flag: "--kubelet-clientkey" set: true - id: 7 text: "test OR binary operation" tests: bin_op: or test_items: - flag: "--secure-port" compare: op: eq value: 0 set: true - flag: "--secure-port" set: false - id: 8 text: "test flag with arbitrary text" tests: test_items: - flag: "644" compare: op: eq value: "644" set: true - id: 9 text: "test permissions" audit: "/bin/sh -c 'if test -e $config; then stat -c %a $config; fi'" tests: bin_op: or test_items: - flag: "644" compare: op: eq value: "644" set: true - flag: "640" compare: op: eq value: "640" set: true - flag: "600" compare: op: eq value: "600" set: true - id: 10 text: "flag value includes some value in a comma-separated list, value is last in list" tests: test_items: - flag: "--admission-control" compare: op: has value: RBAC set: true - id: 11 text: "flag value includes some value in a comma-separated list, value is first in list" tests: test_items: - flag: "--admission-control" compare: op: has value: WebHook set: true - id: 12 text: "flag value includes some value in a comma-separated list, value middle of list" tests: test_items: - flag: "--admission-control" compare: op: has value: Something set: true - id: 13 text: "flag value includes some value in a comma-separated list, value only one in list" tests: test_items: - flag: "--admission-control" compare: op: has value: Something set: true - id: 14 text: "jsonpath correct value on field" tests: test_items: - jsonpath: "{.readOnlyPort}" compare: op: eq value: 15000 set: true - jsonpath: "{.readOnlyPort}" compare: op: gte value: 15000 set: true - jsonpath: "{.readOnlyPort}" compare: op: lte value: 15000 set: true - id: 15 text: "jsonpath correct case-sensitive value on string field" tests: test_items: - jsonpath: "{.stringValue}" compare: op: noteq value: "None" set: true - jsonpath: "{.stringValue}" compare: op: noteq value: "webhook,Something,RBAC" set: true - jsonpath: "{.stringValue}" compare: op: eq value: "WebHook,Something,RBAC" set: true - id: 16 text: "jsonpath correct value on boolean field" tests: test_items: - jsonpath: "{.trueValue}" compare: op: noteq value: somethingElse set: true - jsonpath: "{.trueValue}" compare: op: noteq value: false set: true - jsonpath: "{.trueValue}" compare: op: eq value: true set: true - id: 17 text: "jsonpath field absent" tests: test_items: - jsonpath: "{.notARealField}" set: false - id: 18 text: "jsonpath correct value on nested field" tests: test_items: - jsonpath: "{.authentication.anonymous.enabled}" compare: op: eq value: "false" set: true - id: 19 text: "yamlpath correct value on field" tests: test_items: - yamlpath: "{.readOnlyPort}" compare: op: gt value: 14999 set: true - id: 20 text: "yamlpath field absent" tests: test_items: - yamlpath: "{.fieldThatIsUnset}" set: false - id: 21 text: "yamlpath correct value on nested field" tests: test_items: - yamlpath: "{.authentication.anonymous.enabled}" compare: op: eq value: "false" set: true - id: 22 text: "jsonpath on invalid json" tests: test_items: - jsonpath: "{.authentication.anonymous.enabled}" compare: op: eq value: "false" set: true - id: 23 text: "jsonpath with broken expression" tests: test_items: - jsonpath: "{.missingClosingBrace" set: true - id: 24 text: "yamlpath on invalid yaml" tests: test_items: - yamlpath: "{.authentication.anonymous.enabled}" compare: op: eq value: "false" set: true