SOURCES := $(shell find . -name '*.go') BINARY := kube-bench DOCKER_REGISTRY ?= aquasec VERSION ?= $(shell git rev-parse --short=7 HEAD) KUBEBENCH_VERSION ?= $(shell git describe --tags --abbrev=0) IMAGE_NAME ?= $(DOCKER_REGISTRY)/$(BINARY):$(VERSION) TARGET_OS := linux BUILD_OS := linux uname := $(shell uname -s) ifneq ($(findstring Microsoft,$(shell uname -r)),) BUILD_OS := windows else ifeq ($(uname),Linux) BUILD_OS := linux else ifeq ($(uname),Darwin) BUILD_OS := darwin endif # kind cluster name to use KIND_PROFILE ?= kube-bench KIND_CONTAINER_NAME=$(KIND_PROFILE)-control-plane build: kube-bench $(BINARY): $(SOURCES) GOOS=$(TARGET_OS) go build -ldflags "-X$(KUBEBENCH_VERSION)" -o $(BINARY) . # builds the current dev docker version build-docker: docker build --build-arg BUILD_DATE=$(shell date -u +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") \ --build-arg VCS_REF=$(shell git rev-parse --short HEAD) \ -t $(IMAGE_NAME) . tests: GO111MODULE=on go test -v -short -race -timeout 30s -coverprofile=coverage.txt -covermode=atomic ./... # creates a kind cluster to be used for development. HAS_KIND := $(shell command -v kind;) kind-test-cluster: ifndef HAS_KIND go get -u endif @if [ -z $$(kind get clusters | grep $(KIND_PROFILE)) ]; then\ echo "Could not find $(KIND_PROFILE) cluster. Creating...";\ kind create cluster --name $(KIND_PROFILE) --image kindest/node:v1.11.3 --wait 5m;\ fi # pushses the current dev version to the kind cluster. kind-push: docker save $(IMAGE_NAME) -o kube-bench.tar.gz; \ docker cp kube-bench.tar.gz $(KIND_CONTAINER_NAME):/kube-bench.tar.gz; \ docker exec $(KIND_CONTAINER_NAME) docker load -i /kube-bench.tar.gz; -rm -f kube-bench.tar.gz # runs the current version on kind using a job and follow logs kind-run: KUBECONFIG = "$(shell kind get kubeconfig-path --name="$(KIND_PROFILE)")" kind-run: ensure-stern sed "s/\$${VERSION}/$(VERSION)/" ./hack/kind.yaml > ./hack/kind.test.yaml -KUBECONFIG=$(KUBECONFIG) \ kubectl delete job kube-bench KUBECONFIG=$(KUBECONFIG) \ kubectl apply -f ./hack/kind.test.yaml KUBECONFIG=$(KUBECONFIG) \ stern -l app=kube-bench --container kube-bench # ensures that stern is installed HAS_STERN := $(shell command -v stern;) ensure-stern: ifndef HAS_STERN curl -LO$(BUILD_OS)_amd64 && \ chmod +rx ./stern_$(BUILD_OS)_amd64 && \ mv ./stern_$(BUILD_OS)_amd64 /usr/local/bin/stern endif