--- controls: version: rh-1.0 id: 4 text: "Worker Node Security Configuration" type: "node" groups: - id: 4.1 text: "Worker Node Configuration Files" checks: - id: 4.1.1 text: "Ensure that the kubelet service file permissions are set to 644 or more restrictive (Automated)" audit: | for node in $(oc get nodes -o jsonpath='{.items[*].metadata.name}') do oc debug node/${node} -- chroot /host stat -c "$node %n permissions=%a" /etc/systemd/system/kubelet.service done 2> /dev/null use_multiple_values: true tests: test_items: - flag: "permissions" compare: op: bitmask value: "644" remediation: | By default, the kubelet service file has permissions of 644. scored: true - id: 4.1.2 text: "Ensure that the kubelet service file ownership is set to root:root (Automated)" audit: | # Should return root:root for each node for node in $(oc get nodes -o jsonpath='{.items[*].metadata.name}') do oc debug node/${node} -- chroot /host stat -c "$node %n %U:%G" /etc/systemd/system/kubelet.service done 2> /dev/null use_multiple_values: true tests: test_items: - flag: root:root remediation: | By default, the kubelet service file has ownership of root:root. scored: true - id: 4.1.3 text: "If proxy kubeconfig file exists ensure permissions are set to 644 or more restrictive (Manual)" audit: | for i in $(oc get pods -n openshift-sdn -l app=sdn -oname) do oc exec -n openshift-sdn $i -- stat -Lc "$i %n permissions=%a" /config/kube-proxy-config.yaml done 2> /dev/null use_multiple_values: true tests: bin_op: or test_items: - flag: "permissions" set: true compare: op: bitmask value: "644" remediation: | None needed. scored: false - id: 4.1.4 text: "Ensure that the proxy kubeconfig file ownership is set to root:root (Manual)" audit: | for i in $(oc get pods -n openshift-sdn -l app=sdn -oname) do oc exec -n openshift-sdn $i -- stat -Lc "$i %n %U:%G" /config/kube-proxy-config.yaml done 2> /dev/null use_multiple_values: true tests: bin_op: or test_items: - flag: root:root remediation: | None required. The configuration is managed by OpenShift operators. scored: false - id: 4.1.5 text: "Ensure that the --kubeconfig kubelet.conf file permissions are set to 644 or more restrictive (Manual)" audit: | # Check permissions for node in $(oc get nodes -o jsonpath='{.items[*].metadata.name}') do oc debug node/${node} -- chroot /host stat -c "$node %n permissions=%a" /etc/kubernetes/kubelet.conf done 2> /dev/null use_multiple_values: true tests: test_items: - flag: "permissions" compare: op: bitmask value: "644" remediation: | None required. scored: false - id: 4.1.6 text: "Ensure that the --kubeconfig kubelet.conf file ownership is set to root:root (Manual)" audit: | for node in $(oc get nodes -o jsonpath='{.items[*].metadata.name}') do oc debug node/${node} -- chroot /host stat -c "$node %n %U:%G" /etc/kubernetes/kubelet.conf done 2> /dev/null use_multiple_values: true tests: test_items: - flag: root:root remediation: | None required. scored: false - id: 4.1.7 text: "Ensure that the certificate authorities file permissions are set to 644 or more restrictive (Automated)" audit: | for node in $(oc get nodes -o jsonpath='{.items[*].metadata.name}') do oc debug node/${node} -- chroot /host stat -c "$node %n permissions=%a" /etc/kubernetes/kubelet-ca.crt done 2> /dev/null use_multiple_values: true tests: test_items: - flag: "permissions" compare: op: bitmask value: "644" remediation: | None required. scored: true - id: 4.1.8 text: "Ensure that the client certificate authorities file ownership is set to root:root (Automated)" audit: | for node in $(oc get nodes -o jsonpath='{.items[*].metadata.name}') do oc debug node/${node} -- chroot /host stat -c "$node %n %U:%G" /etc/kubernetes/kubelet-ca.crt done 2> /dev/null use_multiple_values: true tests: test_items: - flag: root:root remediation: | None required. scored: true - id: 4.1.9 text: "Ensure that the kubelet --config configuration file has permissions set to 644 or more restrictive (Automated)" audit: | for node in $(oc get nodes -o jsonpath='{.items[*].metadata.name}') do oc debug node/${node} -- chroot /host stat -c "$node %n permissions=%a" /var/lib/kubelet/kubeconfig done 2> /dev/null use_multiple_values: true tests: test_items: - flag: "permissions" compare: op: bitmask value: "644" remediation: | None required. scored: true - id: 4.1.10 text: "Ensure that the kubelet configuration file ownership is set to root:root (Automated)" audit: | for node in $(oc get nodes -o jsonpath='{.items[*].metadata.name}') do oc debug node/${node} -- chroot /host stat -c "$node %n %U:%G" /var/lib/kubelet/kubeconfig done 2> /dev/null use_multiple_values: true tests: test_items: - flag: root:root remediation: | None required. scored: true - id: 4.2 text: "Kubelet" checks: - id: 4.2.1 text: "Ensure that the --anonymous-auth argument is set to false (Automated)" audit: | for node in $(oc get nodes -o jsonpath='{.items[*].metadata.name}') do oc debug node/${node} -- chroot /host grep -B4 -A1 anonymous /etc/kubernetes/kubelet.conf done use_multiple_values: true tests: test_items: - flag: "enabled: true" set: false remediation: | Follow the instructions in the documentation to create a Kubelet config CRD and set the anonymous-auth is set to false. scored: true - id: 4.2.2 text: "Ensure that the --authorization-mode argument is not set to AlwaysAllow (Automated)" type: manual # Takes a lot of time for connection to fail and audit: | POD=$(oc -n openshift-kube-apiserver get pod -l app=openshift-kube-apiserver -o jsonpath='{.items[0].metadata.name}') TOKEN=$(oc whoami -t) for name in $(oc get nodes -ojsonpath='{.items[*].metadata.name}') do oc exec -n openshift-kube-apiserver $POD -- curl -sS$name/proxy/configz -k -H "Authorization:Bearer $TOKEN" | jq -r '.kubeletconfig.authorization.mode' done use_multiple_values: true tests: test_items: - flag: "Connection timed out" remediation: | None required. Unauthenticated/Unauthorized users have no access to OpenShift nodes. scored: true - id: 4.2.3 text: "Ensure that the --client-ca-file argument is set as appropriate (Automated)" audit: | for node in $(oc get nodes -o jsonpath='{.items[*].metadata.name}') do oc debug node/${node} -- chroot /host grep clientCAFile /etc/kubernetes/kubelet.conf done 2> /dev/null use_multiple_values: true tests: test_items: - flag: "clientCAFile" compare: op: eq value: "/etc/kubernetes/kubelet-ca.crt" remediation: | None required. Changing the clientCAFile value is unsupported. scored: true - id: 4.2.4 text: "Verify that the read only port is not used or is set to 0 (Automated)" audit: | echo `oc -n openshift-kube-apiserver get cm kube-apiserver-pod -o yaml | grep --color read-only-port` 2> /dev/null echo `oc -n openshift-kube-apiserver get cm config -o yaml | grep --color "read-only-port"` 2> /dev/null tests: bin_op: or test_items: - flag: "read-only-port" compare: op: has value: "[\"0\"]" - flag: "read-only-port" set: false remediation: | In earlier versions of OpenShift 4, the read-only-port argument is not used. Follow the instructions in the documentation to create a Kubelet config CRD and set the --read-only-port is set to 0. scored: true - id: 4.2.5 text: "Ensure that the --streaming-connection-idle-timeout argument is not set to 0 (Automated)" audit: | # Should return 1 for each node for node in $(oc get nodes -o jsonpath='{.items[*].metadata.name}') do oc debug node/${node} -- chroot /host ps -ef | grep kubelet | grep streaming-connection-idle-timeout echo exit_code=$? done 2>/dev/null # Should return 1 for each node for node in $(oc get nodes -o jsonpath='{.items[*].metadata.name}') do oc debug node/${node} -- chroot /host grep streamingConnectionIdleTimeout /etc/kubernetes/kubelet.conf echo exit_code=$? done 2>/dev/null use_multiple_values: true tests: bin_op: or test_items: - flag: --streaming-connection-idle-timeout compare: op: noteq value: 0 - flag: "exit_code" compare: op: eq value: 1 remediation: | Follow the instructions in the documentation to create a Kubelet config CRD and set the --streaming-connection-idle-timeout to the desired value. Do not set the value to 0. scored: true - id: 4.2.6 text: "Ensure that the --protect-kernel-defaults argument is not set (Manual)" audit: | for node in $(oc get nodes -o jsonpath='{.items[*].metadata.name}'); do oc debug node/${node} -- chroot /host more /etc/kubernetes/kubelet.conf; done tests: test_items: - flag: protectKernelDefaults set: false remediation: | None required. The OpenShift 4 kubelet modifies the system tunable; using the protect-kernel-defaults flag will cause the kubelet to fail on start if the tunables don't match the kubelet configuration and the OpenShift node will fail to start. scored: false - id: 4.2.7 text: "Ensure that the --make-iptables-util-chains argument is set to true (Manual)" audit: | /bin/bash flag=make-iptables-util-chains opt=makeIPTablesUtilChains # look at each machineconfigpool while read -r pool nodeconfig; do # true by default value='true' # first look for the flag oc get machineconfig $nodeconfig -o json | jq -r '.spec.config.systemd[][] | select(.name=="kubelet.service") | .contents' | sed -n "/^ExecStart=/,/^\$/ { /^\\s*--$flag=false/ q 100 }" # if the above command exited with 100, the flag was false [ $? == 100 ] && value='false' # now look in the yaml KubeletConfig yamlconfig=$(oc get machineconfig $nodeconfig -o json | jq -r '.spec.config.storage.files[] | select(.path=="/etc/kubernetes/kubelet.conf") | .contents.source ' | sed 's/^data:,//' | while read; do echo -e ${REPLY//%/\\x}; done) echo "$yamlconfig" | sed -n "/^$opt:\\s*false\\s*$/ q 100" [ $? == 100 ] && value='false' echo "Pool $pool has $flag ($opt) set to $value" done < <(oc get machineconfigpools -o json | jq -r '.items[] | select(.status.machineCount>0) | .metadata.name + " " + .spec.configuration.name') use_multiple_values: true tests: test_items: - flag: "set to true" remediation: | None required. The --make-iptables-util-chains argument is set to true by default. scored: false - id: 4.2.8 text: "Ensure that the --hostname-override argument is not set (Manual)" audit: | echo `oc get machineconfig 01-worker-kubelet -o yaml | grep hostname-override` echo `oc get machineconfig 01-master-kubelet -o yaml | grep hostname-override` tests: test_items: - flag: hostname-override set: false remediation: | By default, --hostname-override argument is not set. scored: false - id: 4.2.9 text: "Ensure that the kubeAPIQPS [--event-qps] argument is set to 0 or a level which ensures appropriate event capture (Automated)" audit: | for node in $(oc get nodes -o jsonpath='{.items[*].metadata.name}'); do oc debug node/${node} -- chroot /host more /etc/kubernetes/kubelet.conf; done oc get machineconfig 01-worker-kubelet -o yaml | grep --color kubeAPIQPS%3A%2050 oc get machineconfig 01-master-kubelet -o yaml | grep --color kubeAPIQPS%3A%2050 type: "manual" remediation: | Follow the documentation to edit kubelet parameters https://docs.openshift.com/container-platform/4.5/scalability_and_performance/recommended-host-practices.html#create-a-kubeletconfig-crd-to-edit-kubelet-parameters KubeAPIQPS: scored: true - id: 4.2.10 text: "Ensure that the --tls-cert-file and --tls-private-key-file arguments are set as appropriate (Automated)" audit: | oc get configmap config -n openshift-kube-apiserver -ojson | jq -r '.data["config.yaml"]' | jq '.kubeletClientInfo' tests: bin_op: and test_items: - flag: "/etc/kubernetes/static-pod-certs/secrets/kubelet-client/tls.crt" - flag: "/etc/kubernetes/static-pod-certs/secrets/kubelet-client/tls.key" remediation: | OpenShift automatically manages TLS authentication for the API server communication with the node/kublet. This is not configurable. scored: true - id: 4.2.11 text: "Ensure that the --rotate-certificates argument is not set to false (Manual)" audit: | #Verify the rotateKubeletClientCertificate feature gate is not set to false for node in $(oc get nodes -o jsonpath='{.items[*].metadata.name}') do oc debug node/${node} -- chroot /host cat /etc/kubernetes/kubelet.conf | grep RotateKubeletClientCertificate done 2> /dev/null # Verify the rotateCertificates argument is set to true for node in $(oc get nodes -o jsonpath='{.items[*].metadata.name}') do oc debug node/${node} -- chroot host grep rotate /etc/kubernetes/kubelet.conf; done 2> /dev/null use_multiple_values: true tests: bin_op: or test_items: - flag: rotateCertificates compare: op: eq value: true - flag: rotateKubeletClientCertificates compare: op: noteq value: false - flag: rotateKubeletClientCertificates set: false remediation: | None required. scored: false - id: 4.2.12 text: "Verify that the RotateKubeletServerCertificate argument is set to true (Manual)" audit: | #Verify the rotateKubeletServerCertificate feature gate is on for node in $(oc get nodes -o jsonpath='{.items[*].metadata.name}'); do oc debug node/${node} -- chroot /host grep RotateKubeletServerCertificate /etc/kubernetes/kubelet.conf; done 2> /dev/null # Verify the rotateCertificates argument is set to true for node in $(oc get nodes -o jsonpath='{.items[*].metadata.name}') do oc debug node/${node} -- chroot host grep rotate /etc/kubernetes/kubelet.conf; done 2> /dev/null use_multiple_values: true tests: bin_op: or test_items: - flag: RotateKubeletServerCertificate compare: op: eq value: true - flag: rotateCertificates compare: op: eq value: true remediation: | By default, kubelet server certificate rotation is disabled. scored: false - id: 4.2.13 text: "Ensure that the Kubelet only makes use of Strong Cryptographic Ciphers (Manual)" audit: | # needs verification # verify cipher suites oc describe --namespace=openshift-ingress-operator ingresscontroller/default oc get kubeapiservers.operator.openshift.io cluster -o json |jq .spec.observedConfig.servingInfo oc get openshiftapiservers.operator.openshift.io cluster -o json |jq .spec.observedConfig.servingInfo oc get cm -n openshift-authentication v4-0-config-system-cliconfig -o jsonpath='{.data.v4\-0\-config\-system\-cliconfig}' | jq .servingInfo #check value for tlsSecurityProfile; null is returned if default is used oc get kubeapiservers.operator.openshift.io cluster -o json |jq .spec.tlsSecurityProfile type: manual remediation: | Follow the directions above and in the OpenShift documentation to configure the tlsSecurityProfile. Configuring Ingress scored: false