// Copyright © 2017 Aqua Security Software Ltd. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package check import ( "bytes" "encoding/json" "encoding/xml" "fmt" "time" "github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws" "github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/service/securityhub" "github.com/golang/glog" "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/reporters" "github.com/spf13/viper" "gopkg.in/yaml.v2" ) const ( // UNKNOWN is when the AWS account can't be found UNKNOWN = "Unknown" // ARN for the AWS Security Hub service ARN = "arn:aws:securityhub:%s::product/aqua-security/kube-bench" // SCHEMA for the AWS Security Hub service SCHEMA = "2018-10-08" // TYPE is type of Security Hub finding TYPE = "Software and Configuration Checks/Industry and Regulatory Standards/CIS Kubernetes Benchmark" ) type OverallControls struct { Controls []*Controls Totals Summary } // Controls holds all controls to check for master nodes. type Controls struct { ID string `yaml:"id" json:"id"` Version string `json:"version"` DetectedVersion string `json:"detected_version,omitempty"` Text string `json:"text"` Type NodeType `json:"node_type"` Groups []*Group `json:"tests"` Summary } // Group is a collection of similar checks. type Group struct { ID string `yaml:"id" json:"section"` Type string `yaml:"type" json:"type"` Pass int `json:"pass"` Fail int `json:"fail"` Warn int `json:"warn"` Info int `json:"info"` Text string `json:"desc"` Checks []*Check `json:"results"` } // Summary is a summary of the results of control checks run. type Summary struct { Pass int `json:"total_pass"` Fail int `json:"total_fail"` Warn int `json:"total_warn"` Info int `json:"total_info"` } // Predicate a predicate on the given Group and Check arguments. type Predicate func(group *Group, check *Check) bool // NewControls instantiates a new master Controls object. func NewControls(t NodeType, in []byte, detectedVersion string) (*Controls, error) { c := new(Controls) err := yaml.Unmarshal(in, c) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to unmarshal YAML: %s", err) } if t != c.Type { return nil, fmt.Errorf("non-%s controls file specified", t) } c.DetectedVersion = detectedVersion return c, nil } // RunChecks runs the checks with the given Runner. Only checks for which the filter Predicate returns `true` will run. func (controls *Controls) RunChecks(runner Runner, filter Predicate, skipIDMap map[string]bool) Summary { var g []*Group m := make(map[string]*Group) controls.Summary.Pass, controls.Summary.Fail, controls.Summary.Warn, controls.Info = 0, 0, 0, 0 for _, group := range controls.Groups { for _, check := range group.Checks { if !filter(group, check) { continue } _, groupSkippedViaCmd := skipIDMap[group.ID] _, checkSkippedViaCmd := skipIDMap[check.ID] if group.Type == SKIP || groupSkippedViaCmd || checkSkippedViaCmd { check.Type = SKIP } state := runner.Run(check) check.TestInfo = append(check.TestInfo, check.Remediation) // Check if we have already added this checks group. if v, ok := m[group.ID]; !ok { // Create a group with same info w := &Group{ ID: group.ID, Text: group.Text, Checks: []*Check{}, } // Add this check to the new group w.Checks = append(w.Checks, check) summarizeGroup(w, state) // Add to groups we have visited. m[w.ID] = w g = append(g, w) } else { v.Checks = append(v.Checks, check) summarizeGroup(v, state) } summarize(controls, state) } } controls.Groups = g return controls.Summary } // JSON encodes the results of last run to JSON. func (controls *Controls) JSON() ([]byte, error) { return json.Marshal(controls) } // JUnit encodes the results of last run to JUnit. func (controls *Controls) JUnit() ([]byte, error) { suite := reporters.JUnitTestSuite{ Name: controls.Text, TestCases: []reporters.JUnitTestCase{}, Tests: controls.Summary.Pass + controls.Summary.Fail + controls.Summary.Info + controls.Summary.Warn, Failures: controls.Summary.Fail, } for _, g := range controls.Groups { for _, check := range g.Checks { jsonCheck := "" jsonBytes, err := json.Marshal(check) if err != nil { jsonCheck = fmt.Sprintf("Failed to marshal test into JSON: %v. Test as text: %#v", err, check) } else { jsonCheck = string(jsonBytes) } tc := reporters.JUnitTestCase{ Name: fmt.Sprintf("%v %v", check.ID, check.Text), ClassName: g.Text, // Store the entire json serialization as system out so we don't lose data in cases where deeper debugging is necessary. SystemOut: jsonCheck, } switch check.State { case FAIL: tc.FailureMessage = &reporters.JUnitFailureMessage{Message: check.Remediation} case WARN, INFO: // WARN and INFO are two different versions of skipped tests. Either way it would be a false positive/negative to report // it any other way. tc.Skipped = &reporters.JUnitSkipped{} case PASS: default: glog.Warningf("Unrecognized state %s", check.State) } suite.TestCases = append(suite.TestCases, tc) } } var b bytes.Buffer encoder := xml.NewEncoder(&b) encoder.Indent("", " ") err := encoder.Encode(suite) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to generate JUnit report: %s", err.Error()) } return b.Bytes(), nil } // ASFF encodes the results of last run to AWS Security Finding Format(ASFF). func (controls *Controls) ASFF() ([]*securityhub.AwsSecurityFinding, error) { fs := []*securityhub.AwsSecurityFinding{} a, err := getConfig("AWS_ACCOUNT") if err != nil { return nil, err } c, err := getConfig("CLUSTER_ARN") if err != nil { return nil, err } region, err := getConfig("AWS_REGION") if err != nil { return nil, err } arn := fmt.Sprintf(ARN, region) ti := time.Now() tf := ti.Format(time.RFC3339) for _, g := range controls.Groups { for _, check := range g.Checks { if check.State == FAIL || check.State == WARN { // ASFF ProductFields['Actual result'] can't be longer than 1024 characters actualValue := check.ActualValue remediation := check.Remediation reason := check.Reason if len(check.ActualValue) > 1024 { actualValue = check.ActualValue[0:1023] } // Fix issue https://github.com/aquasecurity/kube-bench/issues/903 if len(check.Remediation) > 512 { remediation = check.Remediation[0:511] } if len(check.Reason) > 1024 { reason = check.Reason[0:1023] } f := securityhub.AwsSecurityFinding{ AwsAccountId: aws.String(a), Confidence: aws.Int64(100), GeneratorId: aws.String(fmt.Sprintf("%s/cis-kubernetes-benchmark/%s/%s", arn, controls.Version, check.ID)), Id: aws.String(fmt.Sprintf("%s%sEKSnodeID+%s%s", arn, a, check.ID, tf)), CreatedAt: aws.String(tf), Description: aws.String(check.Text), ProductArn: aws.String(arn), SchemaVersion: aws.String(SCHEMA), Title: aws.String(fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", check.ID, check.Text)), UpdatedAt: aws.String(tf), Types: []*string{aws.String(TYPE)}, Severity: &securityhub.Severity{ Label: aws.String(securityhub.SeverityLabelHigh), }, Remediation: &securityhub.Remediation{ Recommendation: &securityhub.Recommendation{ Text: aws.String(remediation), }, }, ProductFields: map[string]*string{ "Reason": aws.String(reason), "Actual result": aws.String(actualValue), "Expected result": aws.String(check.ExpectedResult), "Section": aws.String(fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", controls.ID, controls.Text)), "Subsection": aws.String(fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", g.ID, g.Text)), }, Resources: []*securityhub.Resource{ { Id: aws.String(c), Type: aws.String(TYPE), }, }, } fs = append(fs, &f) } } } return fs, nil } func getConfig(name string) (string, error) { r := viper.GetString(name) if len(r) == 0 { return "", fmt.Errorf("%s not set", name) } return r, nil } func summarize(controls *Controls, state State) { switch state { case PASS: controls.Summary.Pass++ case FAIL: controls.Summary.Fail++ case WARN: controls.Summary.Warn++ case INFO: controls.Summary.Info++ default: glog.Warningf("Unrecognized state %s", state) } } func summarizeGroup(group *Group, state State) { switch state { case PASS: group.Pass++ case FAIL: group.Fail++ case WARN: group.Warn++ case INFO: group.Info++ default: glog.Warningf("Unrecognized state %s", state) } }