There are checks for the kubeconfig for both kubelet and proxy which
the current kube-bench implementation does not check for properly.
kube-bench checks the wrong files.
This PR adds support for variable substitution for all the config file
types are that should be checked in the CIS benchmarks.
This PR also fixes a buggy in CIS 1.3.0 check 2.2.9, which checks for
ownership of the kubelet config file /var/lib/kubelet/config.yaml but
recommends changing ownership of kubelet kubeconfig file
/etc/kubernetes/kubelet.conf as remediation.
Added another test item that checks whether --disable-admission-plugins is not set and an "or" bin_op.
This causes check 1.1.14 to be successful when the flag is not set, while still failing when the flag is set and includes the value NamespaceLifecycle
With multiple test items operator defaults to "and". In case of 1.3.7
the tests check whether --address flag is either set to or not
set at all. Those conditions cannot be met at the same time.
Path to kubelet configuration was accidentally prefixed with a dollar
symbol (probably as a result of copying some other test that used
variable name).
After removing the dollar sign from paths both checks pass on conforming