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The Kubernetes Bench for Security is a Go application that checks whether Kubernetes is deployed securely by running the checks documented in the CIS Kubernetes 1.6 Benchmark v1.0.0.
Tests are configured with YAML files, making this tool easy to update as test specifications evolve.
Run ```docker run --rm -v `pwd`:/host aquasec/kube-bench:latest```. This will copy the kube-bench binary and configuration to you host. You can then run ```./kube-bench <master|node>```.
Kubernetes config and binary file locations and names can vary from installation to installation, so these are configurable in the `cfg/config.yaml` file.
They also tend to vary according to which tool was used to install Kubernetes. You can use the `--installation` flag to pick up a different default set of file names and locations. Again these defaults are configurable through `cfg/config.yaml` (and pull requests to correct or add default file locations are especially welcome).
remediation: "Edit the /etc/kubernetes/config file on the master node and set the KUBE_ALLOW_PRIV parameter to '--allow-privileged=false'"
scored: true
Recommendations (called `checks` in this document) can run on Kubernetes Master, Node or Federated API Servers.
Checks are organized into `groups` which share similar controls (things to check for) and are grouped together in the section of the CIS Kubernetes document.
These groups are further organized under `controls` which can be of the type `master`, `node` or `federated apiserver` to reflect the various Kubernetes node types.
## Tests
Tests are the items we actually look for to determine if a check is successful or not. Checks can have multiple tests, which must all be successful for the check to pass.
The syntax for tests:
- flag:
Tests have various `operations` which are used to compare the output of audit commands for success.
These operations are:
-`eq`: tests if the flag value is equal to the compared value.
-`noteq`: tests if the flag value is unequal to the compared value.
-`gt`: tests if the flag value is greater than the compared value.
-`gte`: tests if the flag value is greater than or equal to the compared value.
-`lt`: tests if the flag value is less than the compared value.
-`lte`: tests if the flag value is less than or equal to the compared value.
-`has`: tests if the flag value contains the compared value.
-`nothave`: tests if the flag value does not contain the compared value.
The tests are up-to-date with the CIS Benchmark 1.1.0, which refers to Kubernetes 1.7. Going forward we should release updates to kube-bench to reflect new releases of the Benchmark, which in turn we can anticipate being made for each new Kubernetes release.