- Feel free to open an issue for any reason as long as you make it clear if the issue is about a bug/feature/question/comment.
- Please spend some time giving due diligence to the issue tracker. Your issue might be a duplicate. If it is, please add your comment to the existing issue.
- Remember, users might be searching for your issue in the future. So please give it a meaningful title to help others.
- The issue should clearly explain the reason for opening the proposal if you have any, along with any relevant technical information.
1. We will not accept changes to LICENSE, NOTICE or CONTRIBUTING from outside the Aqua Security team. Please raise an Issue if you believe there is a problem with any of these files.
1. Describe what the PR does. There's no convention enforced, but please try to be concise and descriptive. Treat the PR description as a commit message. Titles that start with "fix"/"add"/"improve"/"remove" are good examples.
1. If a reviewer commented on your code or asked for changes, please remember to mark the discussion as resolved after you address it. PRs with unresolved issues should not be merged (even if the comment is unclear or requires no action from your side).
1. Please include a comment with the results before and after your change.
1. Your PR is more likely to be accepted if it includes tests (We have not historically been very strict about tests, but we would like to improve this!).