You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

69 lines
2.1 KiB

# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
import time
import functools
class Guard:
def __init__(self, db):
self.db = db
self.conf = db.conf.section("guard")
self.max_age = db.conf.getint("general", "max-age")
def validate(self, uri, comment):
if not self.conf.getboolean("enabled"):
return True, ""
for func in (self._limit, self._spam):
valid, reason = func(uri, comment)
if not valid:
return False, reason
return True, ""
def ids(cls, rv):
return [str(col[0]) for col in rv]
def _limit(self, uri, comment):
# block more than :param:`ratelimit` comments per minute
rv = self.db.execute([
'SELECT id FROM comments WHERE remote_addr = ? AND ? - created < 60;'
], (comment["remote_addr"], time.time())).fetchall()
if len(rv) >= self.conf.getint("ratelimit"):
return False, "{0}: ratelimit exceeded ({1})".format(
comment["remote_addr"], ', '.join(Guard.ids(rv)))
# block more than three comments as direct response to the post
if comment["parent"] is None:
rv = self.db.execute([
'SELECT id FROM comments WHERE',
' tid = (SELECT id FROM threads WHERE uri = ?)',
'AND remote_addr = ?',
'AND parent IS NULL;'
], (uri, comment["remote_addr"])).fetchall()
if len(rv) >= self.conf.getint("direct-reply"):
return False, "%i direct responses to %s" % (len(rv), uri)
elif self.conf.getboolean("reply-to-self") == False:
rv = self.db.execute([
'SELECT id FROM comments WHERE'
' remote_addr = ?',
'AND id = ?',
'AND ? - created < ?'
], (comment["remote_addr"], comment["parent"],
time.time(), self.max_age)).fetchall()
if len(rv) > 0:
return False, "edit time frame is still open"
return True, ""
def _spam(self, uri, comment):
return True, ""