You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

719 lines
24 KiB

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# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import re
import cgi
import time
import functools
from itsdangerous import SignatureExpired, BadSignature
from werkzeug.http import dump_cookie
from werkzeug.wsgi import get_current_url
from werkzeug.utils import redirect
from werkzeug.routing import Rule
from werkzeug.wrappers import Response
from werkzeug.exceptions import BadRequest, Forbidden, NotFound
from isso.compat import text_type as str
from isso import utils, local
from isso.utils import http, parse, JSONResponse as JSON
from isso.views import requires
from isso.utils.hash import sha1
# from Django appearently, looks good to me *duck*
__url_re = re.compile(
r'(?:(?:[A-Z0-9](?:[A-Z0-9-]{0,61}[A-Z0-9])?\.)+(?:[A-Z]{2,6}\.?|[A-Z0-9-]{2,}\.?)|' # domain...
r'localhost|' # localhost...
r'\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})' # ...or ip
r'(?::\d+)?' # optional port
r'$', re.IGNORECASE)
def isurl(text):
return __url_re.match(text) is not None
def normalize(url):
if not url.startswith(("http://", "https://")):
return "http://" + url
return url
def xhr(func):
"""A decorator to check for CSRF on POST/PUT/DELETE using a <form>
element and JS to execute automatically (see #40 for a proof-of-concept).
When an attacker uses a <form> to downvote a comment, the browser *should*
add a `Content-Type: ...` header with three possible values:
* application/x-www-form-urlencoded
* multipart/form-data
* text/plain
If the header is not sent or requests `application/json`, the request is
not forged (XHR is restricted by CORS separately).
@apiDefine csrf
@apiHeader {string="application/json"} Content-Type
The content type must be set to `application/json` to prevent CSRF attacks.
def dec(self, env, req, *args, **kwargs):
if req.content_type and not req.content_type.startswith("application/json"):
raise Forbidden("CSRF")
return func(self, env, req, *args, **kwargs)
return dec
class API(object):
FIELDS = set(['id', 'parent', 'text', 'author', 'website',
'mode', 'created', 'modified', 'likes', 'dislikes', 'hash'])
# comment fields, that can be submitted
ACCEPT = set(['text', 'author', 'website', 'email', 'parent'])
('fetch', ('GET', '/')),
('new', ('POST', '/new')),
('count', ('GET', '/count')),
('counts', ('POST', '/count')),
('view', ('GET', '/id/<int:id>')),
('edit', ('PUT', '/id/<int:id>')),
('delete', ('DELETE', '/id/<int:id>')),
('moderate',('GET', '/id/<int:id>/<any(activate,delete):action>/<string:key>')),
('moderate',('POST', '/id/<int:id>/<any(activate,delete):action>/<string:key>')),
('like', ('POST', '/id/<int:id>/like')),
('dislike', ('POST', '/id/<int:id>/dislike')),
('demo', ('GET', '/demo'))
def __init__(self, isso, hasher):
self.isso = isso
self.hash = hasher.uhash
self.cache = isso.cache
self.signal = isso.signal
self.conf = isso.conf.section("general")
self.moderated = isso.conf.getboolean("moderation", "enabled")
self.guard = isso.db.guard
self.threads = isso.db.threads
self.comments = isso.db.comments
for (view, (method, path)) in self.VIEWS:
Rule(path, methods=[method], endpoint=getattr(self, view)))
def verify(cls, comment):
if "text" not in comment:
return False, "text is missing"
if not isinstance(comment.get("parent"), (int, type(None))):
return False, "parent must be an integer or null"
for key in ("text", "author", "website", "email"):
if not isinstance(comment.get(key), (str, type(None))):
return False, "%s must be a string or null" % key
if len(comment["text"].rstrip()) < 3:
return False, "text is too short (minimum length: 3)"
if len(comment["text"]) > 65535:
return False, "text is too long (maximum length: 65535)"
if len(comment.get("email") or "") > 254:
return False, ""
if comment.get("website"):
if len(comment["website"]) > 254:
return False, "arbitrary length limit"
if not isurl(comment["website"]):
return False, "Website not Django-conform"
return True, ""
# Common definitions for apidoc follow:
@apiDefine plainParam
@apiParam {number=0,1} [plain]
Iff set to `1`, the plain text entered by the user will be returned in the comments `text` attribute (instead of the rendered markdown).
@apiDefine commentResponse
@apiSuccess {number} id
The comments id (assigned by the server).
@apiSuccess {number} parent
Id of the comment this comment is a reply to. `null` if this is a top-level-comment.
@apiSuccess {number=1,2,4} mode
The comments mode:
value | explanation
--- | ---
`1` | accepted: The comment was accepted by the server and is published.
`2` | in moderation queue: The comment was accepted by the server but awaits moderation.
`4` | deleted, but referenced: The comment was deleted on the server but is still referenced by replies.
@apiSuccess {string} author
The commentss authors name or `null`.
@apiSuccess {string} website
The comments authors website or `null`.
@apiSuccess {string} hash
A hash uniquely identifying the comments author.
@apiSuccess {number} created
UNIX timestamp of the time the comment was created (on the server).
@apiSuccess {number} modified
UNIX timestamp of the time the comment was last modified (on the server). `null` if the comment was not yet modified.
@api {post} /new create new
@apiGroup Comment
Creates a new comment. The response will set a cookie on the requestor to enable them to later edit the comment.
@apiUse csrf
@apiParam {string} uri
The uri of the thread to create the comment on.
@apiParam {string} text
The comments raw text.
@apiParam {string} [author]
The comments authors name.
@apiParam {string} [email]
The comments authors email address.
@apiParam {string} [website]
The comments authors websites url.
@apiParam {number} [parent]
The parent comments id iff the new comment is a response to an existing comment.
@apiExample {curl} Create a reply to comment with id 15:
curl '' -d '{"text": "Stop saying that! *isso*!", "author": "Max Rant", "email": "", "parent": 15}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -c cookie.txt
@apiUse commentResponse
@apiSuccessExample Success after the above request:
"website": null,
"author": "Max Rant",
"parent": 15,
"created": 1464940838.254393,
"text": "&lt;p&gt;Stop saying that! &lt;em&gt;isso&lt;/em&gt;!&lt;/p&gt;",
"dislikes": 0,
"modified": null,
"mode": 1,
"hash": "e644f6ee43c0",
"id": 23,
"likes": 0
@requires(str, 'uri')
def new(self, environ, request, uri):
data = request.get_json()
for field in set(data.keys()) - API.ACCEPT:
for key in ("author", "email", "website", "parent"):
data.setdefault(key, None)
valid, reason = API.verify(data)
if not valid:
return BadRequest(reason)
for field in ("author", "email", "website"):
if data.get(field) is not None:
data[field] = cgi.escape(data[field])
if data.get("website"):
data["website"] = normalize(data["website"])
data['mode'] = 2 if self.moderated else 1
data['remote_addr'] = utils.anonymize(str(request.remote_addr))
with self.isso.lock:
if uri not in self.threads:
with http.curl('GET', local("origin"), uri) as resp:
if resp and resp.status == 200:
uri, title = parse.thread(, id=uri)
return NotFound('URI does not exist')
thread =, title)
self.signal("", thread)
thread = self.threads[uri]
# notify extensions that the new comment is about to save
self.signal("", thread, data)
valid, reason = self.guard.validate(uri, data)
if not valid:
self.signal("", reason)
raise Forbidden(reason)
with self.isso.lock:
rv = self.comments.add(uri, data)
# notify extension, that the new comment has been successfully saved
self.signal("", thread, rv)
cookie = functools.partial(dump_cookie,
value=self.isso.sign([rv["id"], sha1(rv["text"])]),
rv["text"] = self.isso.render(rv["text"])
rv["hash"] = self.hash(rv['email'] or rv['remote_addr'])
self.cache.set('hash', (rv['email'] or rv['remote_addr']).encode('utf-8'), rv['hash'])
for key in set(rv.keys()) - API.FIELDS:
# success!
self.signal("", thread, rv)
resp = JSON(rv, 202 if rv["mode"] == 2 else 201)
resp.headers.add("Set-Cookie", cookie(str(rv["id"])))
resp.headers.add("X-Set-Cookie", cookie("isso-%i" % rv["id"]))
return resp
@api {get} /id/:id view
@apiGroup Comment
@apiParam {number} id
The id of the comment to view.
@apiUse plainParam
@apiExample {curl} View the comment with id 4:
curl ''
@apiUse commentResponse
@apiSuccessExample Example result:
"website": null,
"author": null,
"parent": null,
"created": 1464914341.312426,
"text": " &lt;p&gt;I want to use MySQL&lt;/p&gt;",
"dislikes": 0,
"modified": null,
"mode": 1,
"id": 4,
"likes": 1
def view(self, environ, request, id):
rv = self.comments.get(id)
if rv is None:
raise NotFound
for key in set(rv.keys()) - API.FIELDS:
if request.args.get('plain', '0') == '0':
rv['text'] = self.isso.render(rv['text'])
return JSON(rv, 200)
@api {put} /id/:id edit
@apiGroup Comment
Edit an existing comment. Editing a comment is only possible for a short period of time after it was created and only if the requestor has a valid cookie for it. See the [isso server documentation]( for details. Editing a comment will set a new edit cookie in the response.
@apiUse csrf
@apiParam {number} id
The id of the comment to edit.
@apiParam {string} text
A new (raw) text for the comment.
@apiParam {string} [author]
The modified comments authors name.
@apiParam {string} [webiste]
The modified comments authors website.
@apiExample {curl} Edit comment with id 23:
curl -X PUT '' -d {"text": "I see your point. However, I still disagree.", "website": ""} -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -b cookie.txt
@apiUse commentResponse
@apiSuccessExample Example response:
"website": "",
"author": "Max Rant",
"parent": 15,
"created": 1464940838.254393,
"text": "&lt;p&gt;I see your point. However, I still disagree.&lt;/p&gt;",
"dislikes": 0,
"modified": 1464943439.073961,
"mode": 1,
"id": 23,
"likes": 0
def edit(self, environ, request, id):
rv = self.isso.unsign(request.cookies.get(str(id), ''))
except (SignatureExpired, BadSignature):
raise Forbidden
if rv[0] != id:
raise Forbidden
# verify checksum, mallory might skip cookie deletion when he deletes a comment
if rv[1] != sha1(self.comments.get(id)["text"]):
raise Forbidden
data = request.get_json()
if "text" not in data or data["text"] is None or len(data["text"]) < 3:
raise BadRequest("no text given")
for key in set(data.keys()) - set(["text", "author", "website"]):
data['modified'] = time.time()
with self.isso.lock:
rv = self.comments.update(id, data)
for key in set(rv.keys()) - API.FIELDS:
self.signal("comments.edit", rv)
cookie = functools.partial(dump_cookie,
value=self.isso.sign([rv["id"], sha1(rv["text"])]),
rv["text"] = self.isso.render(rv["text"])
resp = JSON(rv, 200)
resp.headers.add("Set-Cookie", cookie(str(rv["id"])))
resp.headers.add("X-Set-Cookie", cookie("isso-%i" % rv["id"]))
return resp
@api {delete} '/id/:id' delete
@apiGroup Comment
Delte an existing comment. Deleting a comment is only possible for a short period of time after it was created and only if the requestor has a valid cookie for it. See the [isso server documentation]( for details.
@apiParam {number} id
Id of the comment to delete.
@apiExample {curl} Delete comment with id 14:
curl -X DELETE '' -b cookie.txt
@apiSuccessExample Successful deletion returns null:
def delete(self, environ, request, id, key=None):
rv = self.isso.unsign(request.cookies.get(str(id), ""))
except (SignatureExpired, BadSignature):
raise Forbidden
if rv[0] != id:
raise Forbidden
# verify checksum, mallory might skip cookie deletion when he deletes a comment
if rv[1] != sha1(self.comments.get(id)["text"]):
raise Forbidden
item = self.comments.get(id)
if item is None:
raise NotFound
self.cache.delete('hash', (item['email'] or item['remote_addr']).encode('utf-8'))
with self.isso.lock:
rv = self.comments.delete(id)
if rv:
for key in set(rv.keys()) - API.FIELDS:
self.signal("comments.delete", id)
resp = JSON(rv, 200)
cookie = functools.partial(dump_cookie, expires=0, max_age=0)
resp.headers.add("Set-Cookie", cookie(str(id)))
resp.headers.add("X-Set-Cookie", cookie("isso-%i" % id))
return resp
def moderate(self, environ, request, id, action, key):
id = self.isso.unsign(key, max_age=2**32)
except (BadSignature, SignatureExpired):
raise Forbidden
item = self.comments.get(id)
if item is None:
raise NotFound
if request.method == "GET":
modal = (
"<!DOCTYPE html>"
" if (confirm('%s: Are you sure?')) {"
" xhr = new XMLHttpRequest;"
"'POST', window.location.href);"
" xhr.send(null);"
" }"
"</script>" % action.capitalize())
return Response(modal, 200, content_type="text/html")
if action == "activate":
with self.isso.lock:
self.signal("comments.activate", id)
with self.isso.lock:
self.cache.delete('hash', (item['email'] or item['remote_addr']).encode('utf-8'))
self.signal("comments.delete", id)
return Response("Yo", 200)
@api {get} / get comments
@apiGroup Thread
@apiDescription Queries the comments of a thread.
@apiParam {string} uri
The URI of thread to get the comments from.
@apiParam {number} [parent]
Return only comments that are children of the comment with the provided ID.
@apiUse plainParam
@apiParam {number} [limit]
The maximum number of returned top-level comments. Omit for unlimited results.
@apiParam {number} [nested_limit]
The maximum number of returned nested comments per commint. Omit for unlimited results.
@apiParam {number} [after]
Includes only comments were added after the provided UNIX timestamp.
@apiSuccess {number} total_replies
The number of replies if the `limit` parameter was not set. If `after` is set to `X`, this is the number of comments that were created after `X`. So setting `after` may change this value!
@apiSuccess {Object[]} replies
The list of comments. Each comment also has the `total_replies`, `replies`, `id` and `hidden_replies` properties to represent nested comments.
@apiSuccess {number} id
Id of the comment `replies` is the list of replies of. `null` for the list of toplevel comments.
@apiSuccess {number} hidden_replies
The number of comments that were ommited from the results because of the `limit` request parameter. Usually, this will be `total_replies` - `limit`.
@apiExample {curl} Get 2 comments with 5 responses:
curl ''
@apiSuccessExample Example reponse:
"total_replies": 14,
"replies": [
"website": null,
"author": null,
"parent": null,
"created": 1464818460.732863,
"text": "&lt;p&gt;Hello, World!&lt;/p&gt;",
"total_replies": 1,
"hidden_replies": 0,
"dislikes": 2,
"modified": null,
"mode": 1,
"replies": [
"website": null,
"author": null,
"parent": 1,
"created": 1464818460.769638,
"text": "&lt;p&gt;Hi, now some Markdown: &lt;em&gt;Italic&lt;/em&gt;, &lt;strong&gt;bold&lt;/strong&gt;, &lt;code&gt;monospace&lt;/code&gt;.&lt;/p&gt;",
"dislikes": 0,
"modified": null,
"mode": 1,
"hash": "2af4e1a6c96a",
"id": 2,
"likes": 2
"hash": "1cb6cc0309a2",
"id": 1,
"likes": 2
"website": null,
"author": null,
"parent": null,
"created": 1464818460.80574,
"text": "&lt;p&gt;Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Accusantium at commodi cum deserunt dolore, error fugiat harum incidunt, ipsa ipsum mollitia nam provident rerum sapiente suscipit tempora vitae? Est, qui?&lt;/p&gt;",
"total_replies": 0,
"hidden_replies": 0,
"dislikes": 0,
"modified": null,
"mode": 1,
"replies": [],
"hash": "1cb6cc0309a2",
"id": 3,
"likes": 0
"id": null,
"hidden_replies": 12
@requires(str, 'uri')
def fetch(self, environ, request, uri):
args = {
'uri': uri,
'after': request.args.get('after', 0)
args['limit'] = int(request.args.get('limit'))
except TypeError:
args['limit'] = None
except ValueError:
return BadRequest("limit should be integer")
if request.args.get('parent') is not None:
args['parent'] = int(request.args.get('parent'))
root_id = args['parent']
except ValueError:
return BadRequest("parent should be integer")
args['parent'] = None
root_id = None
plain = request.args.get('plain', '0') == '0'
reply_counts = self.comments.reply_count(uri, after=args['after'])
if args['limit'] == 0:
root_list = []
root_list = list(self.comments.fetch(**args))
if not root_list:
raise NotFound
if root_id not in reply_counts:
reply_counts[root_id] = 0
nested_limit = int(request.args.get('nested_limit'))
except TypeError:
nested_limit = None
except ValueError:
return BadRequest("nested_limit should be integer")
rv = {
'id' : root_id,
'total_replies' : reply_counts[root_id],
'hidden_replies' : reply_counts[root_id] - len(root_list),
'replies' : self._process_fetched_list(root_list, plain)
# We are only checking for one level deep comments
if root_id is None:
for comment in rv['replies']:
if comment['id'] in reply_counts:
comment['total_replies'] = reply_counts[comment['id']]
if nested_limit is not None:
if nested_limit > 0:
args['parent'] = comment['id']
args['limit'] = nested_limit
replies = list(self.comments.fetch(**args))
replies = []
args['parent'] = comment['id']
replies = list(self.comments.fetch(**args))
comment['total_replies'] = 0
replies = []
comment['hidden_replies'] = comment['total_replies'] - len(replies)
comment['replies'] = self._process_fetched_list(replies, plain)
return JSON(rv, 200)
def _process_fetched_list(self, fetched_list, plain=False):
for item in fetched_list:
key = item['email'] or item['remote_addr']
val = self.cache.get('hash', key.encode('utf-8'))
if val is None:
val = self.hash(key)
self.cache.set('hash', key.encode('utf-8'), val)
item['hash'] = val
for key in set(item.keys()) - API.FIELDS:
if plain:
for item in fetched_list:
item['text'] = self.isso.render(item['text'])
return fetched_list
def like(self, environ, request, id):
nv =, id, utils.anonymize(str(request.remote_addr)))
return JSON(nv, 200)
def dislike(self, environ, request, id):
nv =, id, utils.anonymize(str(request.remote_addr)))
return JSON(nv, 200)
# TODO: remove someday (replaced by :func:`counts`)
@requires(str, 'uri')
def count(self, environ, request, uri):
rv = self.comments.count(uri)[0]
if rv == 0:
raise NotFound
return JSON(rv, 200)
def counts(self, environ, request):
data = request.get_json()
if not isinstance(data, list) and not all(isinstance(x, str) for x in data):
raise BadRequest("JSON must be a list of URLs")
return JSON(self.comments.count(*data), 200)
def demo(self, env, req):
return redirect(get_current_url(env) + '/index.html')