You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

31 lines
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"postbox-text": "在此输入评论 (最少 3 个字符)",
"postbox-author": "名字 (可选)",
"postbox-email": "E-mail (可选)",
"postbox-website": "网站 (可选)",
"postbox-submit": "提交",
"num-comments": "1 条评论\n{{ n }} 条评论",
"no-comments": "还没有评论",
"comment-reply": "回复",
"comment-edit": "编辑",
"comment-save": "保存",
"comment-delete": "删除",
"comment-confirm": "确认",
"comment-close": "关闭",
"comment-cancel": "取消",
"comment-deleted": "评论已删除.",
"comment-queued": "评论待审核.",
"comment-anonymous": "匿名",
"comment-hidden": "{{ n }} 条评论已隐藏",
"date-now": "刚刚",
"date-minute": "1 分钟前\n{{ n }} 分钟前",
"date-hour": "1 小时前\n{{ n }} 小时前",
"date-day": "昨天\n{{ n }} 天前",
"date-week": "上周\n{{ n }} 周前",
"date-month": "上个月\n{{ n }} 个月前",
"date-year": "去年\n{{ n }} 年前"