280 lines
8.6 KiB
280 lines
8.6 KiB
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import division, print_function, unicode_literals
import sys
import os
import io
import re
import logging
import textwrap
import functools
from time import mktime, strptime, time
from collections import defaultdict
from isso.utils import anonymize
from isso.compat import string_types
input = raw_input
except NameError:
from urlparse import urlparse
except ImportError:
from urllib.parse import urlparse
from xml.etree import ElementTree
logger = logging.getLogger("isso")
def strip(val):
if isinstance(val, string_types):
return val.strip()
return val
class Progress(object):
def __init__(self, end):
self.end = end or 1
self.istty = sys.stdout.isatty()
self.last = 0
def update(self, i, message):
if not self.istty or message is None:
cols = int((os.popen('stty size', 'r').read()).split()[1])
message = message[:cols - 7]
if time() - self.last > 0.2:
sys.stdout.write("\r{0}".format(" " * cols))
sys.stdout.write("\r[{0:.0%}] {1}".format(i/self.end, message))
self.last = time()
def finish(self, message):
self.last = 0
self.update(self.end, message + "\n")
class Disqus(object):
ns = '{http://disqus.com}'
internals = '{http://disqus.com/disqus-internals}'
def __init__(self, db, xmlfile, empty_id=False):
self.threads = set([])
self.comments = set([])
self.db = db
self.xmlfile = xmlfile
self.empty_id = empty_id
def insert(self, thread, posts):
path = urlparse(thread.find('%slink' % Disqus.ns).text).path
remap = dict()
if path not in self.db.threads:
self.db.threads.new(path, thread.find(Disqus.ns + 'title').text.strip())
for item in sorted(posts, key=lambda k: k['created']):
dsq_id = item.pop('dsq:id')
item['parent'] = remap.get(item.pop('dsq:parent', None))
rv = self.db.comments.add(path, item)
remap[dsq_id] = rv["id"]
def migrate(self):
tree = ElementTree.parse(self.xmlfile)
res = defaultdict(list)
for post in tree.findall(Disqus.ns + 'post'):
item = {
'dsq:id': post.attrib.get(Disqus.internals + 'id'),
'text': post.find(Disqus.ns + 'message').text,
'author': post.find('{0}author/{0}name'.format(Disqus.ns)).text,
'email': post.find('{0}author/{0}email'.format(Disqus.ns)).text,
'created': mktime(strptime(
post.find(Disqus.ns + 'createdAt').text, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')),
'remote_addr': anonymize(post.find(Disqus.ns + 'ipAddress').text),
'mode': 1 if post.find(Disqus.ns + "isDeleted").text == "false" else 4
if post.find(Disqus.ns + 'parent') is not None:
item['dsq:parent'] = post.find(Disqus.ns + 'parent').attrib.get(Disqus.internals + 'id')
res[post.find('%sthread' % Disqus.ns).attrib.get(Disqus.internals + 'id')].append(item)
progress = Progress(len(tree.findall(Disqus.ns + 'thread')))
for i, thread in enumerate(tree.findall(Disqus.ns + 'thread')):
progress.update(i, thread.find(Disqus.ns + 'id').text)
# skip (possibly?) duplicate, but empty thread elements
if thread.find(Disqus.ns + 'id').text is None and not self.empty_id:
id = thread.attrib.get(Disqus.internals + 'id')
if id in res:
self.insert(thread, res[id])
# in case a comment has been deleted (and no further childs)
progress.finish("{0} threads, {1} comments".format(
len(self.threads), len(self.comments)))
orphans = set(map(lambda e: e.attrib.get(Disqus.internals + "id"), tree.findall(Disqus.ns + "post"))) - self.comments
if orphans and not self.threads:
print("Isso couldn't import any thread, try again with --empty-id")
elif orphans:
print("Found %i orphans:" % len(orphans))
for post in tree.findall(Disqus.ns + "post"):
if post.attrib.get(Disqus.internals + "id") not in orphans:
print(" * {0} by {1} <{2}>".format(
post.attrib.get(Disqus.internals + "id"),
print(textwrap.fill(post.find(Disqus.ns + "message").text,
initial_indent=" ", subsequent_indent=" "))
class WordPress(object):
ns = "{http://wordpress.org/export/1.0/}"
def __init__(self, db, xmlfile):
self.db = db
self.xmlfile = xmlfile
self.count = 0
for line in io.open(xmlfile, encoding="utf-8"):
m = WordPress.detect(line)
if m:
self.ns = WordPress.ns.replace("1.0", m.group(1))
logger.warn("No WXR namespace found, assuming 1.0")
def insert(self, thread):
url = urlparse(thread.find("link").text)
path = url.path
if url.query:
path += "?" + url.query
self.db.threads.new(path, thread.find("title").text.strip())
comments = list(map(self.Comment, thread.findall(self.ns + "comment")))
comments.sort(key=lambda k: k["id"])
remap = {}
ids = set(c["id"] for c in comments)
self.count += len(ids)
while comments:
for i, item in enumerate(comments):
if item["parent"] in ids:
item["parent"] = remap.get(item["parent"], None)
rv = self.db.comments.add(path, item)
remap[item["id"]] = rv["id"]
# should never happen, but... it's WordPress.
def migrate(self):
tree = ElementTree.parse(self.xmlfile)
skip = 0
items = tree.findall("channel/item")
progress = Progress(len(items))
for i, thread in enumerate(items):
if thread.find("title").text is None or thread.find(self.ns + "comment") is None:
skip += 1
progress.update(i, thread.find("title").text)
progress.finish("{0} threads, {1} comments".format(
len(items) - skip, self.count))
def Comment(self, el):
return {
"text": strip(el.find(self.ns + "comment_content").text),
"author": strip(el.find(self.ns + "comment_author").text),
"email": strip(el.find(self.ns + "comment_author_email").text),
"website": strip(el.find(self.ns + "comment_author_url").text),
"remote_addr": anonymize(
strip(el.find(self.ns + "comment_author_IP").text)),
"created": mktime(strptime(
strip(el.find(self.ns + "comment_date_gmt").text),
"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")),
"mode": 1 if el.find(self.ns + "comment_approved").text == "1" else 2,
"id": int(el.find(self.ns + "comment_id").text),
"parent": int(el.find(self.ns + "comment_parent").text) or None
def detect(cls, peek):
return re.compile("http://wordpress.org/export/(1\.\d)/").search(peek)
def autodetect(peek):
if 'xmlns="http://disqus.com' in peek:
return Disqus
m = WordPress.detect(peek)
if m:
return WordPress
return None
def dispatch(type, db, dump, empty_id=False):
if db.execute("SELECT * FROM comments").fetchone():
if input("Isso DB is not empty! Continue? [y/N]: ") not in ("y", "Y"):
raise SystemExit("Abort.")
if type == "disqus":
cls = Disqus
elif type == "wordpress":
cls = WordPress
with io.open(dump, encoding="utf-8") as fp:
cls = autodetect(fp.read(io.DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE))
if cls is None:
raise SystemExit("Unknown format, abort.")
if cls is Disqus:
cls = functools.partial(cls, empty_id=empty_id)
cls(db, dump).migrate()