You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

223 lines
6.2 KiB

define(function() {
"use strict";
function Element(node) {
this.obj = node;
this.replace = function (el) {
var element = DOM.htmlify(el);
node.parentNode.replaceChild(element.obj, node);
return element;
this.prepend = function (el) {
var element = DOM.htmlify(el);
node.insertBefore(element.obj, node.firstChild);
return element;
this.append = function (el) {
var element = DOM.htmlify(el);
return element;
this.insertAfter = function(el) {
var element = DOM.htmlify(el);
node.parentNode.insertBefore(element.obj, node.nextSibling);
return element;
* Shortcut for `Element.addEventListener`, prevents default event
* by default, set :param prevents: to `false` to change that behavior.
this.on = function(type, listener, prevent) {
node.addEventListener(type, function(event) {
if (prevent === undefined || prevent) {
* Toggle between two internal states on event :param type: e.g. to
* cycle form visibility. Callback :param a: is called on first event,
* :param b: next time.
* You can skip to the next state without executing the callback with
* ``. You can prevent a cycle when you call `toggler.wait()`
* during an event.
this.toggle = function(type, a, b) {
var toggler = new Toggle(a, b);
this.on(type, function() {;
this.detach = function() {
// Detach an element from the DOM and return it.
return this;
this.remove = function() {
// IE quirks
}; = function() { = "block";
this.hide = function() { = "none";
this.setText = function(text) {
node.textContent = text;
this.setHtml = function(html) {
node.innerHTML = html;
this.blur = function() { node.blur() };
this.focus = function() { node.focus() };
this.scrollIntoView = function(args) { node.scrollIntoView(args) };
this.setAttribute = function(key, value) { node.setAttribute(key, value) };
this.getAttribute = function(key) { return node.getAttribute(key) };
this.classList = node.classList;
Object.defineProperties(this, {
"textContent": {
get: function() { return node.textContent; },
set: function(textContent) { node.textContent = textContent; }
"innerHTML": {
get: function() { return node.innerHTML; },
set: function(innerHTML) { node.innerHTML = innerHTML; }
"value": {
get: function() { return node.value; },
set: function(value) { node.value = value; }
"placeholder": {
get: function() { return node.placeholder; },
set: function(placeholder) { node.placeholder = placeholder; }
var Toggle = function(a, b) {
this.state = false; = function() {
if (! this.state) {
this.state = true;
} else {
this.state = false;
this.wait = function() {
this.state = ! this.state;
var DOM = function(query, root, single) {
jQuery-like CSS selector which returns on :param query: either a
single node (unless single=false), a node list or null.
:param root: only queries within the given element.
if (typeof single === "undefined") {
single = true;
if (! root) {
root = window.document;
if (root instanceof Element) {
root = root.obj;
var elements = [], 0);
if (elements.length === 0) {
return null;
if (elements.length === 1 && single) {
return new Element(elements[0]);
// convert NodeList to Array
elements = [], 0);
return {
return new Element(el);
DOM.htmlify = function(el) {
Convert :param html: into an Element (if not already).
if (el instanceof Element) {
return el;
if (el instanceof window.Element) {
return new Element(el);
var wrapper ="div");
wrapper.innerHTML = el;
return new Element(wrapper.firstChild);
}; = function(tag, content) {
A helper to build HTML with pure JS. You can pass class names and
default content as well:
var par ="p"),
div ="p.some.classes"),
div ="", "...")
var el = document.createElement(tag.split(".")[0]);
tag.split(".").slice(1).forEach(function(val) { el.classList.add(val); });
if (["A", "LINK"].indexOf(el.nodeName) > -1) {
el.href = "#";
if (["TEXTAREA", "INPUT"].indexOf(el.nodeName) > -1) {
el.value = content || "";
} else {
el.textContent = content || "";
return el;
DOM.each = function(tag, func) {
// XXX really needed? Maybe better as NodeList method, func);
return DOM;