You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
import unittest2 as unittest
except ImportError:
import unittest
from isso import wsgi
class TestWSGIUtilities(unittest.TestCase):
def test_urlsplit(self):
examples = [
("http://example.tld/", ('example.tld', 80, False)),
("https://example.tld/", ('example.tld', 443, True)),
("example.tld", ('example.tld', 80, False)),
("example.tld:42", ('example.tld', 42, False)),
("https://example.tld:80/", ('example.tld', 80, True))]
for (hostname, result) in examples:
self.assertEqual(wsgi.urlsplit(hostname), result)
def test_urljoin(self):
examples = [
(("example.tld", 80, False), "http://example.tld"),
(("example.tld", 42, True), "https://example.tld:42"),
(("example.tld", 443, True), "https://example.tld")]
for (split, result) in examples:
self.assertEqual(wsgi.urljoin(*split), result)
def test_origin(self):
self.assertEqual(wsgi.origin([])({}), "http://invalid.local")
origin = wsgi.origin(["", ""])
self.assertEqual(origin({"HTTP_ORIGIN": ""}),
self.assertEqual(origin({"HTTP_ORIGIN": ""}),
self.assertEqual(origin({"HTTP_REFERER": ""}),
self.assertEqual(origin({"HTTP_ORIGIN": "http://spam.baz"}),