# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import unicode_literals import sys import io import time import json import socket import smtplib from email.utils import formatdate from email.header import Header from email.mime.text import MIMEText try: from urllib.parse import quote except ImportError: from urllib import quote import logging logger = logging.getLogger("isso") try: import uwsgi except ImportError: uwsgi = None from isso.compat import PY2K from isso import local if PY2K: from thread import start_new_thread else: from _thread import start_new_thread class SMTPConnection(object): def __init__(self, conf): self.conf = conf def __enter__(self): klass = (smtplib.SMTP_SSL if self.conf.get( 'security') == 'ssl' else smtplib.SMTP) self.client = klass(host=self.conf.get('host'), port=self.conf.getint('port'), timeout=self.conf.getint('timeout')) if self.conf.get('security') == 'starttls': if sys.version_info >= (3, 4): import ssl self.client.starttls(context=ssl.create_default_context()) else: self.client.starttls() username = self.conf.get('username') password = self.conf.get('password') if username and password: if PY2K: username = username.encode('ascii') password = password.encode('ascii') self.client.login(username, password) return self.client def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): self.client.quit() class SMTP(object): def __init__(self, isso): self.isso = isso self.conf = isso.conf.section("smtp") self.public_endpoint = isso.conf.get("server", "public-endpoint") # rstrips potential trailing '/', without having to `repr` the `local` object. if self.public_endpoint: if self.public_endpoint.endswith('/'): self.public_endpoint = self.public_endpoint.rstrip('/') else: self.public_endpoint = local("host") self.admin_notify = any((n in ("smtp", "SMTP")) for n in isso.conf.getlist("general", "notify")) self.reply_notify = isso.conf.getboolean("general", "reply-notifications") # test SMTP connectivity try: with SMTPConnection(self.conf): logger.info("connected to SMTP server") except (socket.error, smtplib.SMTPException): logger.exception("unable to connect to SMTP server") if uwsgi: def spooler(args): try: self._sendmail(args[b"subject"].decode("utf-8"), args["body"].decode("utf-8"), args[b"to"].decode("utf-8")) except smtplib.SMTPConnectError: return uwsgi.SPOOL_RETRY else: return uwsgi.SPOOL_OK uwsgi.spooler = spooler def __iter__(self): yield "comments.new:after-save", self.notify_new yield "comments.activate", self.notify_activated def format(self, thread, comment, parent_comment, recipient=None, admin=False): rv = io.StringIO() author = comment["author"] or "Anonymous" if admin and comment["email"]: author += " <%s>" % comment["email"] rv.write(author + " wrote:\n") rv.write("\n") rv.write(comment["text"] + "\n") rv.write("\n") if admin: if comment["website"]: rv.write("User's URL: %s\n" % comment["website"]) rv.write("IP address: %s\n" % comment["remote_addr"]) rv.write("Link to comment: %s\n" % (local("origin") + thread["uri"] + "#isso-%i" % comment["id"])) rv.write("\n") rv.write("---\n") if admin: uri = self.public_endpoint + "/id/%i" % comment["id"] key = self.isso.sign(comment["id"]) rv.write("Delete comment: %s\n" % (uri + "/delete/" + key)) if comment["mode"] == 2: rv.write("Activate comment: %s\n" % (uri + "/activate/" + key)) else: uri = self.public_endpoint + "/id/%i" % parent_comment["id"] key = self.isso.sign(('unsubscribe', recipient)) rv.write("Unsubscribe from this conversation: %s\n" % (uri + "/unsubscribe/" + quote(recipient) + "/" + key)) rv.seek(0) return rv.read() def notify_new(self, thread, comment): if self.admin_notify: body = self.format(thread, comment, None, admin=True) subject = "New comment posted" if thread['title']: subject = "%s on %s" % (subject, thread["title"]) self.sendmail(subject, body, thread, comment) if comment["mode"] == 1: self.notify_users(thread, comment) def notify_activated(self, thread, comment): self.notify_users(thread, comment) def notify_users(self, thread, comment): if self.reply_notify and "parent" in comment and comment["parent"] is not None: # Notify interested authors that a new comment is posted notified = [] parent_comment = self.isso.db.comments.get(comment["parent"]) comments_to_notify = [parent_comment] if parent_comment is not None else [] comments_to_notify += self.isso.db.comments.fetch(thread["uri"], mode=1, parent=comment["parent"]) for comment_to_notify in comments_to_notify: email = comment_to_notify["email"] if "email" in comment_to_notify and comment_to_notify["notification"] and email not in notified \ and comment_to_notify["id"] != comment["id"] and email != comment["email"]: body = self.format(thread, comment, parent_comment, email, admin=False) subject = "Re: New comment posted on %s" % thread["title"] self.sendmail(subject, body, thread, comment, to=email) notified.append(email) def sendmail(self, subject, body, thread, comment, to=None): to = to or self.conf.get("to") if not subject: # Fallback, just in case as an empty subject does not work subject = 'isso notification' if uwsgi: uwsgi.spool({b"subject": subject.encode("utf-8"), b"body": body.encode("utf-8"), b"to": to.encode("utf-8")}) else: start_new_thread(self._retry, (subject, body, to)) def _sendmail(self, subject, body, to_addr): from_addr = self.conf.get("from") msg = MIMEText(body, 'plain', 'utf-8') msg['From'] = from_addr msg['To'] = to_addr msg['Date'] = formatdate(localtime=True) msg['Subject'] = Header(subject, 'utf-8') with SMTPConnection(self.conf) as con: con.sendmail(from_addr, to_addr, msg.as_string()) def _retry(self, subject, body, to): for x in range(5): try: self._sendmail(subject, body, to) except smtplib.SMTPConnectError: time.sleep(60) else: break class Stdout(object): def __init__(self, conf): pass def __iter__(self): yield "comments.new:new-thread", self._new_thread yield "comments.new:finish", self._new_comment yield "comments.edit", self._edit_comment yield "comments.delete", self._delete_comment yield "comments.activate", self._activate_comment def _new_thread(self, thread): logger.info("new thread %(id)s: %(title)s" % thread) def _new_comment(self, thread, comment): logger.info("comment created: %s", json.dumps(comment)) def _edit_comment(self, comment): logger.info('comment %i edited: %s', comment["id"], json.dumps(comment)) def _delete_comment(self, id): logger.info('comment %i deleted', id) def _activate_comment(self, thread, comment): logger.info("comment %(id)s activated" % thread)