# Isso configuration file # vim: set filetype=ini [general] # file location to the SQLite3 database, highly recommended to change this # location to a non-temporary location dbpath = /tmp/comments.db # required to dispatch multiple websites, not used otherwise. name = # URL to your website. When you start Isso, it will probe your website with a # simple GET / request to see if it can reach the webserver. If this fails, Isso # may not be able check if a web page exists, thus fails to accept new comments. # You can supply more than one host: # host = # http://localhost/ # https://localhost/ host = http://localhost/ # time range that allows users to edit/remove their own comments. # It supports years, weeks, days, hours, minutes, seconds. # 3h45m12s equals to 3 hours, 45 minutes and 12 seconds. max-age = 15m # private session key to validate client cookies. If you restart the application # several times per hour for whatever reason, use a fixed key. session-key = ... ; python: binascii.b2a_hex(os.urandom(24)) # Select notification backend for new comments. Currently, only SMTP is # available. notify = [moderation] # enable comment moderation queue. This option only affects new comments. # Comments in modertion queue are not visible to other users until you activate # them. enabled = false # remove unprocessed comments in moderation queue after given time. purge-after = 30d [server] # interface to listen on. Isso supports TCP/IP and unix domain sockets: UNIX # domain socket listen = unix:///tmp/isso.sock TCP/IP listen = # http:///localhost:1234/ # # When gevent is available, it is automatically used for http:// Currently, # gevent can not handle http requests on unix domain socket (see #295 and #299 # for details). Does not apply for uWSGI. listen = http://localhost:8080 # reload application, when the source code has changed. Useful for development # (don't forget to use a fixed session-key). Only works when gevent and uwsgi # are not available. reload = off # show 10 most time consuming function in Isso after each request. Do not use in # production. profile = off [smtp] # Isso can notify you on new comments via SMTP. In the email notification, you # also can moderate (=activate or delete) comments. # self-explanatory, optional username = # self-explanatory (yes, plain text, create a dedicated account for # notifications), optional. password = # SMTP server host = localhost # SMTP port port = 587 # use a secure connection to the server, possible values: "none", "starttls" # or "ssl". Python 2.X probably does not validate certificates (needs # research). But you should use a dedicated email account anyways. security = starttls # recipient address, e.g. your email address to = # sender address, e.g. isso@example.tld from = # specify a timeout in seconds for blocking operations like the # connection attempt. timeout = 10 [guard] # Enable basic spam protection features, e.g. rate-limit per IP address (/24 for # IPv4, /48 for IPv6). # enable guard, recommended in production. Not useful for debugging purposes. enabled = true # limit to N new comments per minute. ratelimit = 2 # how many comments directly to the thread (prevent a simple while true; do curl # ...; done. direct-reply = 3 # allow commenters to reply to their own comments when they could still edit the # comment. After the editing timeframe is gone, commenters can reply to their # own comments anyways. Do not forget to configure the client. reply-to-self = false [markup] # Customize markup and sanitized HTML. Currently, only Markdown (via Misaka) is # supported, but new languages are relatively easy to add. # Misaka-specific Markdown extensions, all flags starting with EXT_ can be used # there, separated by comma. options = strikethrough, superscript, autolink # Additional HTML tags to allow in the generated output, comma-separated. By # default, only a, blockquote, br, code, del, em, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, hr, # ins, li, ol, p, pre, strong, table, tbody, td, th, thead and ul are allowed. allowed-elements = # Additional HTML attributes (independent from elements) to allow in the # generated output, comma-separated. By default, only align and href are # allowed. allowed-attributes =