# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- import logging import time from isso.utils import Bloomfilter from isso.compat import buffer logger = logging.getLogger("isso") MAX_LIKES_AND_DISLIKES = 142 class Comments: """Hopefully DB-independend SQL to store, modify and retrieve all comment-related actions. Here's a short scheme overview: | tid (thread id) | id (comment id) | parent | ... | voters | remote_addr | +-----------------+-----------------+--------+-----+--------+-------------+ | 1 | 1 | null | ... | BLOB | | | 1 | 2 | 1 | ... | BLOB | | +-----------------+-----------------+--------+-----+--------+-------------+ The tuple (tid, id) is unique and thus primary key. """ fields = ['tid', 'id', 'parent', 'created', 'modified', 'mode', # status of the comment 1 = valid, 2 = pending, # 4 = soft-deleted (cannot hard delete because of replies) 'remote_addr', 'text', 'author', 'email', 'website', 'likes', 'dislikes', 'voters', 'notification'] def __init__(self, db): self.db = db self.db.execute([ 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS comments (', ' tid REFERENCES threads(id), id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, parent INTEGER,', ' created FLOAT NOT NULL, modified FLOAT, mode INTEGER, remote_addr VARCHAR,', ' text VARCHAR, author VARCHAR, email VARCHAR, website VARCHAR,', ' likes INTEGER DEFAULT 0, dislikes INTEGER DEFAULT 0, voters BLOB NOT NULL,', ' notification INTEGER DEFAULT 0);']) try: self.db.execute(['ALTER TABLE comments ADD COLUMN notification INTEGER DEFAULT 0;']) except Exception: pass def add(self, uri, c): """ Add new comment to DB and return a mapping of :attribute:`fields` and database values. """ if c.get("parent") is not None: ref = self.get(c["parent"]) if ref.get("parent") is not None: c["parent"] = ref["parent"] self.db.execute([ 'INSERT INTO comments (', ' tid, parent,' ' created, modified, mode, remote_addr,', ' text, author, email, website, voters, notification)', 'SELECT', ' threads.id, ?,', ' ?, ?, ?, ?,', ' ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?', 'FROM threads WHERE threads.uri = ?;'], ( c.get('parent'), c.get('created') or time.time(), None, c["mode"], c['remote_addr'], c['text'], c.get('author'), c.get('email'), c.get('website'), buffer( Bloomfilter(iterable=[c['remote_addr']]).array), c.get('notification'), uri) ) return dict(zip(Comments.fields, self.db.execute( 'SELECT *, MAX(c.id) FROM comments AS c INNER JOIN threads ON threads.uri = ?', (uri, )).fetchone())) def activate(self, id): """ Activate comment id if pending. """ self.db.execute([ 'UPDATE comments SET', ' mode=1', 'WHERE id=? AND mode=2'], (id, )) def is_previously_approved_author(self, email): """ Search for previously activated comments with this author email. """ # if the user has not entered email, email is None, in which case we can't check if they have previous comments if email is not None: # search for any activated comments within the last 6 months by email # this SQL should be one of the fastest ways of doing this check # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18114458/fastest-way-to-determine-if-record-exists rv = self.db.execute([ 'SELECT CASE WHEN EXISTS(', ' select * from comments where email=? and mode=1 and ', ' created > strftime("%s", DATETIME("now", "-6 month"))', ') THEN 1 ELSE 0 END;'], (email,)).fetchone() return rv[0] == 1 else: return False def unsubscribe(self, email, id): """ Turn off email notifications for replies to this comment. """ self.db.execute([ 'UPDATE comments SET', ' notification=0', 'WHERE email=? AND (id=? OR parent=?);'], (email, id, id)) def update(self, id, data): """ Update comment :param:`id` with values from :param:`data` and return updated comment. """ self.db.execute([ 'UPDATE comments SET', ','.join(key + '=' + '?' for key in data), 'WHERE id=?;'], list(data.values()) + [id]) return self.get(id) def get(self, id): """ Search for comment :param:`id` and return a mapping of :attr:`fields` and values. """ rv = self.db.execute( 'SELECT * FROM comments WHERE id=?', (id, )).fetchone() if rv: return dict(zip(Comments.fields, rv)) return None def count_modes(self): """ Return comment mode counts for admin """ comment_count = self.db.execute( 'SELECT mode, COUNT(comments.id) FROM comments ' 'GROUP BY comments.mode').fetchall() return dict(comment_count) def fetchall(self, mode=5, after=0, parent='any', order_by='id', limit=100, page=0, asc=1): """ Return comments for admin with :param:`mode`. """ fields_comments = ['tid', 'id', 'parent', 'created', 'modified', 'mode', 'remote_addr', 'text', 'author', 'email', 'website', 'likes', 'dislikes'] fields_threads = ['uri', 'title'] sql_comments_fields = ', '.join(['comments.' + f for f in fields_comments]) sql_threads_fields = ', '.join(['threads.' + f for f in fields_threads]) sql = ['SELECT ' + sql_comments_fields + ', ' + sql_threads_fields + ' ' 'FROM comments INNER JOIN threads ' 'ON comments.tid=threads.id ' 'WHERE comments.mode = ? '] sql_args = [mode] if parent != 'any': if parent is None: sql.append('AND comments.parent IS NULL') else: sql.append('AND comments.parent=?') sql_args.append(parent) # custom sanitization if order_by not in ['id', 'created', 'modified', 'likes', 'dislikes', 'tid']: sql.append('ORDER BY ') sql.append("comments.created") if not asc: sql.append(' DESC') else: sql.append('ORDER BY ') sql.append('comments.' + order_by) if not asc: sql.append(' DESC') sql.append(", comments.created") if limit: sql.append('LIMIT ?,?') sql_args.append(page * limit) sql_args.append(limit) rv = self.db.execute(sql, sql_args).fetchall() for item in rv: yield dict(zip(fields_comments + fields_threads, item)) def fetch(self, uri, mode=5, after=0, parent='any', order_by='id', asc=1, limit=None): """ Return comments for :param:`uri` with :param:`mode`. """ sql = ['SELECT comments.* FROM comments INNER JOIN threads ON', ' threads.uri=? AND comments.tid=threads.id AND (? | comments.mode) = ?', ' AND comments.created>?'] sql_args = [uri, mode, mode, after] if parent != 'any': if parent is None: sql.append('AND comments.parent IS NULL') else: sql.append('AND comments.parent=?') sql_args.append(parent) # custom sanitization if order_by not in ['id', 'created', 'modified', 'likes', 'dislikes']: order_by = 'id' sql.append('ORDER BY ') sql.append(order_by) if not asc: sql.append(' DESC') if limit: sql.append('LIMIT ?') sql_args.append(limit) rv = self.db.execute(sql, sql_args).fetchall() for item in rv: yield dict(zip(Comments.fields, item)) def _remove_stale(self): sql = ('DELETE FROM', ' comments', 'WHERE', ' mode=4 AND id NOT IN (', ' SELECT', ' parent', ' FROM', ' comments', ' WHERE parent IS NOT NULL)') while self.db.execute(sql).rowcount: continue def delete(self, id): """ Delete a comment. There are two distinctions: a comment is referenced by another valid comment's parent attribute or stand-a-lone. In this case the comment can't be removed without losing depending comments. Hence, delete removes all visible data such as text, author, email, website sets the mode field to 4. In the second case this comment can be safely removed without any side effects.""" refs = self.db.execute( 'SELECT * FROM comments WHERE parent=?', (id, )).fetchone() if refs is None: self.db.execute('DELETE FROM comments WHERE id=?', (id, )) self._remove_stale() return None self.db.execute('UPDATE comments SET text=? WHERE id=?', ('', id)) self.db.execute('UPDATE comments SET mode=? WHERE id=?', (4, id)) for field in ('author', 'website'): self.db.execute('UPDATE comments SET %s=? WHERE id=?' % field, (None, id)) self._remove_stale() return self.get(id) def vote(self, upvote, id, remote_addr): """+1 a given comment. Returns the new like count (may not change because the creater can't vote on his/her own comment and multiple votes from the same ip address are ignored as well).""" rv = self.db.execute( 'SELECT likes, dislikes, voters FROM comments WHERE id=?', (id, )) \ .fetchone() if rv is None: return None operation_name = 'Upvote' if upvote else 'Downvote' likes, dislikes, voters = rv if likes + dislikes >= MAX_LIKES_AND_DISLIKES: message = '{} denied due to a "likes + dislikes" total too high ({} >= {})'.format(operation_name, likes + dislikes, MAX_LIKES_AND_DISLIKES) logger.debug('Comments.vote(id=%s): %s', id, message) return {'likes': likes, 'dislikes': dislikes, 'message': message} bf = Bloomfilter(bytearray(voters), likes + dislikes) if remote_addr in bf: message = '{} denied because a vote has already been registered for this remote address: {}'.format(operation_name, remote_addr) logger.debug('Comments.vote(id=%s): %s', id, message) return {'likes': likes, 'dislikes': dislikes, 'message': message} bf.add(remote_addr) self.db.execute([ 'UPDATE comments SET', ' likes = likes + 1,' if upvote else 'dislikes = dislikes + 1,', ' voters = ?' 'WHERE id=?;'], (buffer(bf.array), id)) if upvote: return {'likes': likes + 1, 'dislikes': dislikes} return {'likes': likes, 'dislikes': dislikes + 1} def reply_count(self, url, mode=5, after=0): """ Return comment count for main thread and all reply threads for one url. """ sql = ['SELECT comments.parent,count(*)', 'FROM comments INNER JOIN threads ON', ' threads.uri=? AND comments.tid=threads.id AND', ' (? | comments.mode = ?) AND', ' comments.created > ?', 'GROUP BY comments.parent'] return dict(self.db.execute(sql, [url, mode, mode, after]).fetchall()) def count(self, *urls): """ Return comment count for one ore more urls.. """ threads = dict(self.db.execute([ 'SELECT threads.uri, COUNT(comments.id) FROM comments', 'LEFT OUTER JOIN threads ON threads.id = tid AND comments.mode = 1', 'GROUP BY threads.uri' ]).fetchall()) return [threads.get(url, 0) for url in urls] def purge(self, delta): """ Remove comments older than :param:`delta`. """ self.db.execute([ 'DELETE FROM comments WHERE mode = 2 AND ? - created > ?;' ], (time.time(), delta)) self._remove_stale()