# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function import time import logging import threading import multiprocessing try: import uwsgi except ImportError: uwsgi = None from isso.compat import PY2K if PY2K: import thread else: import _thread as thread from werkzeug.contrib.cache import NullCache, SimpleCache logger = logging.getLogger("isso") class Cache: """Wrapper around werkzeug's cache class, to make it compatible to uWSGI's cache framework. """ def __init__(self, cache): self.cache = cache def get(self, cache, key): return self.cache.get(key) def set(self, cache, key, value): return self.cache.set(key, value) def delete(self, cache, key): return self.cache.delete(key) class Mixin(object): def __init__(self, conf): self.lock = threading.Lock() self.cache = Cache(NullCache()) def notify(self, subject, body, retries=5): pass def threaded(func): """ Decorator to execute each :param func: call in a separate thread. """ def dec(self, *args, **kwargs): thread.start_new_thread(func, (self, ) + args, kwargs) return dec class ThreadedMixin(Mixin): def __init__(self, conf): super(ThreadedMixin, self).__init__(conf) if conf.getboolean("moderation", "enabled"): self.purge(conf.getint("moderation", "purge-after")) self.cache = Cache(SimpleCache(threshold=1024, default_timeout=3600)) @threaded def purge(self, delta): while True: with self.lock: self.db.comments.purge(delta) time.sleep(delta) class ProcessMixin(ThreadedMixin): def __init__(self, conf): super(ProcessMixin, self).__init__(conf) self.lock = multiprocessing.Lock() class uWSGICache(object): """Uses uWSGI Caching Framework. INI configuration: .. code-block:: ini cache2 = name=hash,items=1024,blocksize=32 """ @classmethod def get(self, cache, key): return uwsgi.cache_get(key, cache) @classmethod def set(self, cache, key, value): uwsgi.cache_set(key, value, 3600, cache) @classmethod def delete(self, cache, key): uwsgi.cache_del(key, cache) class uWSGIMixin(Mixin): def __init__(self, conf): super(uWSGIMixin, self).__init__(conf) self.lock = multiprocessing.Lock() self.cache = uWSGICache timedelta = conf.getint("moderation", "purge-after") def purge(signum): return self.db.comments.purge(timedelta) uwsgi.register_signal(1, "", purge) uwsgi.add_timer(1, timedelta) # run purge once purge(1)