/* Isso – Ich schrei sonst! */ define(["behave", "app/text/html", "app/dom", "app/utils", "app/api", "app/markup", "app/i18n", "app/lib"], function(behave, templates, $, utils, api, Mark, i18n, lib) { "use strict"; var msgs = i18n[i18n.lang]; var toggle = function(el, on, off) { if (el.classList.contains("off") || ! el.classList.contains("on")) { el.classList.remove("off"); el.classList.add("on"); on(el); } else { el.classList.remove("on"); el.classList.add("off"); off(el); } }; var Postbox = function(parent) { var el = $.htmlify(Mark.up(templates["postbox"])); // add a blank identicon to not waste CPU cycles // XXX show a space invader instead :> $(".avatar > canvas", el).replace(lib.identicons.blank(48, 48)); // on text area focus, generate identicon from IP address $(".textarea-wrapper > textarea", el).on("focus", function() { if ($(".avatar canvas", el).classList.contains("blank")) { $(".avatar canvas", el).replace( lib.identicons.generate(lib.pbkdf2(api.remote_addr, api.salt, 1000, 6), 48, 48)); } }); // update identicon, when the user provices an email address var active; $(".input-wrapper > [type=email]", el).on("keyup", function() { if (active) { clearTimeout(active); } active = setTimeout(function() { lib.pbkdf2($(".input-wrapper > [type=email]", el).value || api.remote_addr, api.salt, 1000, 6) .then(function(rv) { $(".avatar canvas", el).replace(lib.identicons.generate(rv, 48, 48)); }); }, 200); }, false); $(".input-wrapper > [type=email]", el).on("keydown", function() { clearTimeout(active); }, false); el.validate = function() { if ($("textarea", this).value.length < 3) { $("textarea", this).focus(); return false; } return true; }; $("[type=submit]", el).on("click", function() { if (! el.validate()) { return; } api.create({ author: $("[name=author]", el).value || null, email: $("[name=email]", el).value || null, text: $("textarea", el).value, parent: parent || null }).then(function(comment) { $("[name=author]", el).value = ""; $("[name=email]", el).value = ""; $("textarea", el).value = ""; $("textarea", el).rows = 2; $("textarea", el).blur(); insert(comment, true); if (parent !== null) { el.remove(); } }); }); var textarea = $("textarea", el); new behave({textarea: textarea}); var offset= !window.opera ? (textarea.offsetHeight - textarea.clientHeight) : (textarea.offsetHeight + parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(textarea, null).getPropertyValue('border-top-width'))); $("textarea", el).on("keyup", function() { if ((textarea.scrollHeight + offset ) > 48) { textarea.style.height = "auto"; textarea.style.height = (textarea.scrollHeight + offset ) + 'px'; } }); return el; }; var map = {id: {}, name: {}}; var insert = function(comment, scrollIntoView) { map.name[comment.id] = comment.author; if (comment.parent) { comment["replyto"] = map.name[comment.parent]; } var el = $.htmlify(Mark.up(templates["comment"], comment)); var refresh = function() { $(".permalink > date", el).textContent = utils.ago(new Date(parseInt(comment.created, 10) * 1000)); setTimeout(refresh, 60*1000); }; refresh(); $("div.avatar > canvas", el).replace(lib.identicons.generate(comment.hash, 48, 48)); var entrypoint; if (comment.parent === null) { entrypoint = $("#isso-root"); } else { var key = comment.parent; while (key in map.id) { key = map.id[key]; } map.id[comment.id] = comment.parent; entrypoint = $("#isso-" + key + " > .text-wrapper > .isso-follow-up"); } entrypoint.append(el); if (scrollIntoView) { el.scrollIntoView(); } var footer = $("#isso-" + comment.id + " > .text-wrapper > footer"), header = $("#isso-" + comment.id + " > .text-wrapper > header"), text = $("#isso-" + comment.id + " > .text-wrapper > div.text"); var form = new Postbox(comment.id); $("a.reply", footer).on("click", function() { toggle( $("a.reply", footer), function(reply) { footer.insertAfter(form); $("textarea", form).focus(); reply.textContent = msgs["comment-close"]; }, function(reply) { form.remove(); reply.textContent = msgs["comment-reply"]; } ); }); if (comment.parent !== null) { $("a.parent", header).on("mouseover", function() { $("#isso-" + comment.parent).classList.add("parent-highlight"); }); $("a.parent", header).on("mouseout", function() { $("#isso-" + comment.parent).classList.remove("parent-highlight"); }); } var votes = function (value) { var span = $("span.votes", footer); if (span === null) { if (value === 0) { span.remove(); return; } else { footer.prepend($.htmlify('' + value + '')); } } else { if (value === 0) { span.remove(); } else { span.textContent = value; } } }; $("a.upvote", footer).on("click", function() { api.like(comment.id).then(function(rv) { votes(rv.likes - rv.dislikes); }); }); $("a.downvote", footer).on("click", function() { api.dislike(comment.id).then(function(rv) { votes(rv.likes - rv.dislikes); }); }); if (! utils.cookie(comment.id)) { // $("a.edit", footer).remove(); $("a.delete", footer).remove(); return; } $("a.delete", footer).on("click", function() { if ($("a.delete", footer).textContent === msgs["comment-confirm"]) { api.remove(comment.id).then(function(rv) { if (rv) { el.remove(); } else { $("span.note", header).textContent = msgs["comment-deleted"]; text.innerHTML = "


"; } }); } else { $("a.delete", footer).textContent = msgs["comment-confirm"]; setTimeout(function() { $("a.delete", footer).textContent = msgs["comment-delete"]; }, 1500); } }); }; return { insert: insert, Postbox: Postbox }; });