.. _configure-multiple-sites: Multiple Sites -------------- Isso is designed to serve comments for a single website and therefore stores comments for a relative URL. This is done to support HTTP, HTTPS and even domain transfers without manual intervention. You can chain Isso to support multiple websites on different domains. The following example uses `gunicorn `_ as WSGI server ( you can use uWSGI as well). Let's say you maintain two websites, like foo.example and other.bar: .. code-block:: sh $ cat /etc/isso.d/foo.example.cfg [general] name = foo host = http://foo.example/ dbpath = /var/lib/isso/foo.example.db $ cat /etc/isso.d/other.bar.cfg [general] name = bar host = http://other.bar/ dbpath = /var/lib/isso/other.bar.db Then you run Isso with gunicorn (separate multiple configuration files by semicolon): .. code-block:: sh $ export ISSO_SETTINGS="/etc/isso.d/foo.example.cfg;/etc/isso.d/other.bar.cfg" $ gunicorn isso.dispatch -b localhost:8080 In your webserver configuration, proxy Isso as usual: .. code-block:: nginx server { listen [::]:80; server_name comments.example; location / { proxy_pass http://localhost:8080; } } When you now visit http://comments.example/, you will see your different Isso configuration separated by /`name`. .. code-block:: text $ curl http://comments.example/ /foo /bar Just embed the JavaScript including the new relative path, e.g. *http://comments.example/foo/js/embed.min.js*. Make sure, you don't mix the URLs on both sites as it will most likely cause CORS-related errors.