Quickstart ========== Assuming you have successfully :doc:`installed ` Isso, here's a quickstart guide that covers the most common setup. Sections covered: .. contents:: :local: :depth: 1 Configuration ------------- You must provide a custom configuration to set `dbpath` (your database location) and `host` (a list of websites for CORS_). All other options have sane defaults. .. code-block:: ini [general] ; database location, check permissions, automatically created if it does not exist dbpath = /var/lib/isso/comments.db ; your website or blog (not the location of Isso!) host = http://example.tld/ ; you can add multiple hosts for local development ; or SSL connections. There is no wildcard to allow ; any domain. host = http://localhost:1234/ http://example.tld/ https://example.tld/ Note, that multiple, *different* websites are **not** supported in a single configuration. To serve comments for different websites, refer to :ref:`Multiple Sites `. The moderation is done with signed URLs sent by email or logged to stdout. By default, comments are accepted and immediately shown to other users. To enable moderation queue, add: .. code-block:: ini [moderation] enabled = true To moderate comments, either use the activation or deletion URL in the logs or :ref:`use SMTP ` to get notified of new comments, including the URLs for activation and deletion: .. code-block:: ini [general] notify = smtp [smtp] ; SMTP settings For more options, see :doc:`server ` and :doc:`client ` configuration. Migration --------- Isso provides a tool for importing comments from Disqus_ or WordPress_. You can also import comments from any other comment system, but this topic is more complex and is covered in :doc:`advanced migration `. To export your comments from Disqus, log into Disqus, go to your website, click on *Discussions* and select the *Export* tab. You'll receive an email with your comments. Unfortunately, Disqus does not export up- and downvotes. To export comments from your previous WordPress installation, go to *Tools*, export your data. It has been reported that WordPress may generate broken XML. Try to repair the file using ``xmllint`` before you continue with the import. Now import the XML dump: .. code-block:: sh ~> isso -c /path/to/isso.cfg import -t [disqus|wordpress] disqus-or-wordpress.xml [100%] 53 threads, 192 comments .. _Disqus: https://disqus.com/ .. _WordPress: https://wordpress.org/ Running Isso ------------ To run Isso, simply execute: .. code-block:: sh $ isso -c /path/to/isso.cfg run 2013-11-25 15:31:34,773 INFO: connected to HTTP server Next, we configure Nginx_ to proxy Isso. Do not run Isso on a public interface! A popular but often error-prone (because of CORS_) setup to host Isso uses a dedicated domain such as ``comments.example.tld``. Assuming both, your website and Isso are on the same server, the nginx configuration looks like this: .. code-block:: nginx server { listen [::]:80 default ipv6only=off; server_name example.tld; root ...; } server { listen [::]:80; server_name comments.example.tld; location / { proxy_pass http://localhost:8080; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme; } } Integration ----------- Now, you embed Isso to your website: .. code-block:: html
Note, that `data-isso` is optional, but when a website includes a script using ``async`` it is no longer possible to determine the script's external URL. That's it. When you open your website, you should see a commenting form. Leave a comment to see if the setup works. If not, see :doc:`troubleshooting`. Going Further ------------- There are several server and client configuration options not covered in this quickstart, check out :doc:`configuration/server` and :doc:`configuration/client` for more information. For further website integration, see :doc:`extras/advanced-integration`. To launch Isso automatically, check the :ref:`init-scripts` section from the installation guide. A different approach to deploy a web application is written here: :doc:`Deployment of Isso `. .. _Nginx: http://nginx.org/ .. _CORS: https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/HTTP/Access_control_CORS