Isso ==== What's Isso? ------------ Isso is a lightweight commenting server similar to Disqus. It allows anonymous comments, maintains identity and is simple to administrate. It uses JavaScript and cross-origin resource sharing for easy integration into static websites. No, I meant "Isso" ------------------ Isso is an informal, german abbreviation for "Ich schrei sonst!", which can roughly be translated to "I'm yelling otherwise". It usually ends the discussion without any further arguments. In germany, Isso `is also pokémon N° 360`__. .. __: What's wrong with Disqus? ------------------------- No anonymous comments (IP address, email and name recorded), hosted in the USA, third-party. Just like IntenseDebate, livefrye etc. When you embed Disqus, they can do anything with your readers (and probably mine Bitcoins, see the loading times). Setup ----- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 ../quickstart ../troubleshooting