/* Isso – Ich schrei sonst! * * Copyright 2013, Martin Zimmermann . All rights reserved. * License: BSD Style, 2 clauses. See isso/__init__.py. */ define(["lib/q", "lib/HTML", "helper/utils", "helper/identicons", "./api", "./forms"], function(Q, HTML, utils, identicons, api, forms) { var insert = function(comment, scrollIntoView) { /* * insert a comment (JSON/object) into the #isso-thread or below a parent (#isso-N), renders some HTML and * registers events to reply to, edit and remove a comment. */ if (comment.parent) { entrypoint = HTML.query("#isso-" + comment.parent).add("div.isso-follow-up"); } else { entrypoint = HTML.query("div#isso-root") } entrypoint.add("article.isso-comment#isso-" + comment.id) .add("header+span.avatar+div.text+footer") var node = HTML.query("#isso-" + comment.id), date = new Date(parseInt(comment.created) * 1000); if (comment.mode == 2) { node.header.add("span.note").textContent = 'Kommentar muss noch freigeschaltet werden'; } else if (comment.mode == 4) { // deleted node.classList.add('deleted'); node.header.add("span.note").textContent = "Kommentar gelöscht." } if (comment.website) { var el = node.header.add("a.author") el.textContent= comment.author || 'Anonymous'; el.href = comment.website; el.rel = "nofollow" } else { node.header.add("span.author").innerHTML = comment.author || 'Anonymous'; } node.header.add("span.spacer").textContent = "•"; var permalink = node.header.add("a.permalink"); permalink.href = '#isso-' + comment.id; permalink.add("date[datetime=" + date.getUTCFullYear() + "-" + date.getUTCMonth() + "-" + date.getUTCDay() + "]") var refresh = function() { permalink.date.textContent = utils.ago(date); setTimeout(refresh, 60*1000) }; refresh(); var canvas = node.query("span.avatar").add("canvas[hash=" + comment.hash + "]"); canvas.width = canvas.height = 48; identicons.generate(canvas.getContext('2d'), comment.hash); if (comment.mode == 4) { node.query(".text").add("p").value = " " } else { node.query(".text").innerHTML = comment.text; } node.footer.add("a.liek{Liek}").href = "#"; node.footer.add("a.reply{Antworten}").href = "#"; if (scrollIntoView) { node.scrollIntoView(false); } if (utils.read(comment.id)) { node.footer.add("a.delete{Löschen}").href = "#"; node.footer.add("a.edit{Bearbeiten}").href = "#"; var delbtn = node.query("a.delete"), editbtn = node.query("a.edit"); delbtn.addEventListener("click", function(event) { if (delbtn.textContent == "Bestätigen") { api.remove(comment.id).then(function(rv) { if (rv) { node.remove(); } else { node.classList.add('deleted'); node.header.add("span.note").textContent = "Kommentar gelöscht."; HTML.query("#isso-" + comment.id + " > div.text").innerHTML = "


" } }) } else { delbtn.textContent = "Bestätigen" setTimeout(function() {delbtn.textContent = "Löschen"}, 1500) } event.preventDefault(); }) } // ability to answer directly to a comment HTML.query("#isso-" + comment.id + " a.reply").addEventListener("click", function(event) { // remove active form when clicked again or reply to another comment var active = HTML.query(".isso-active-msgbox"); // [] when empty, element if not if (! (active instanceof Array)) { active.query("div.isso-comment-box").remove() active.classList.remove("isso-active-msgbox"); active.query("a.reply").textContent = "Antworten" if (active.id == "isso-" + comment.id) { event.preventDefault(); return; } } var msgbox = forms.msgbox({}) HTML.query("#isso-" + comment.id).footer.appendChild(msgbox); HTML.query("#isso-" + comment.id).classList.add("isso-active-msgbox"); HTML.query("#isso-" + comment.id + " a.reply").textContent = "Schließen"; // msgbox.scrollIntoView(false); msgbox.query("input[type=submit]").addEventListener("click", function(event) { forms.validate(msgbox) && api.create({ author: msgbox.query("[name=author]").value || null, email: msgbox.query("[name=email]").value || null, website: msgbox.query("[name=website]").value || null, text: msgbox.query("textarea").value, parent: comment.id }) .then(function(rv) { // remove box on submit msgbox.parentNode.parentNode.classList.remove("isso-active-msgbox"); msgbox.parentNode.parentNode.query("a.reply").textContent = "Antworten" msgbox.remove() insert(rv, true); }) event.preventDefault() }); event.preventDefault(); }); } var init = function() { var rootmsgbox = forms.msgbox({}); var h4 = HTML.query("#isso-thread").add("h4") HTML.query("#isso-thread").add("div#isso-root").add(rootmsgbox); rootmsgbox.query("input[type=submit]").addEventListener("click", function(event) { forms.validate(rootmsgbox) && api.create({ author: rootmsgbox.query("[name=author]").value || null, email: rootmsgbox.query("[name=email]").value || null, website: rootmsgbox.query("[name=website]").value || null, text: rootmsgbox.query("textarea").value, parent: null }) .then(function(rv) { rootmsgbox.query("[name=author]").value = ""; rootmsgbox.query("[name=email]").value = ""; rootmsgbox.query("[name=website]").value = ""; rootmsgbox.query("textarea").value = ""; rootmsgbox.query("textarea").rows = 2; rootmsgbox.query("textarea").blur(); insert(rv, true); }) event.preventDefault() }); api.fetchall().then(function(comments) { h4.textContent = comments.length + " Kommentare zu \"" + utils.heading() + "\""; for (var i in comments) { insert(comments[i]) } }).fail(function(rv) { h4.textContent = "Kommentiere \"" + utils.heading() + "\""; }) } return { init: init } });