/* Isso – Ich schrei sonst! */ define(["app/dom", "app/utils", "app/config", "app/api", "app/jade", "app/i18n", "app/lib", "app/globals"], function($, utils, config, api, jade, i18n, lib, globals) { "use strict"; var Postbox = function(parent) { var el = $.htmlify(jade.render("postbox")); // callback on success (e.g. to toggle the reply button) el.onsuccess = function() {}; el.validate = function() { if (utils.text($(".textarea", this).innerHTML).length < 3 || $(".textarea", this).classList.contains("placeholder")) { $(".textarea", this).focus(); return false; } return true; }; // submit form, initialize optional fields with `null` and reset form. // If replied to a comment, remove form completely. submit = $("[type=submit]", el) if (submit === null) { return el; } submit.on("click", function() { if (! el.validate()) { return; } api.create($("#isso-thread").getAttribute("data-isso-id"), { author: $("[name=author]", el).value || null, email: $("[name=email]", el).value || null, website: $("[name=website]", el).value || null, text: utils.text($(".textarea", el).innerHTML), parent: parent || null }).then(function(comment) { $("[name=author]", el).value = ""; $("[name=email]", el).value = ""; $("[name=website]", el).value = ""; $(".textarea", el).innerHTML = ""; $(".textarea", el).blur(); insert(comment, true); if (parent !== null) { el.onsuccess(); } }); }); lib.editorify($(".textarea", el)); return el; }; var insert_loader = function(comment, lastcreated) { var entrypoint; if (comment.id === null) { entrypoint = $("#isso-root"); comment.name = 'null'; } else { entrypoint = $("#isso-" + comment.id + " > .text-wrapper > .isso-follow-up"); comment.name = comment.id; } var el = $.htmlify(jade.render("comment-loader", {"comment": comment})); entrypoint.append(el); $("a.load_hidden", el).on("click", function() { el.remove(); api.fetch($("#isso-thread").getAttribute("data-isso-id"), config["reveal-on-click"], config["max-comments-nested"], comment.id, lastcreated).then( function(rv) { if (rv.total_replies === 0) { return; } var lastcreated = 0; rv.replies.forEach(function(commentObject) { insert(commentObject, false); if(commentObject.created > lastcreated) { lastcreated = commentObject.created; } }); if(rv.hidden_replies > 0) { insert_loader(rv, lastcreated); } }, function(err) { console.log(err); }); }); }; var insert = function(comment, scrollIntoView) { var el = $.htmlify(jade.render("comment", {"comment": comment})); // update datetime every 60 seconds var refresh = function() { $(".permalink > date", el).textContent = utils.ago( globals.offset.localTime(), new Date(parseInt(comment.created, 10) * 1000)); setTimeout(refresh, 60*1000); }; // run once to activate refresh(); if (config["avatar"]) { $("div.avatar > svg", el).replace(lib.identicons.generate(comment.hash, 4, 48)); } var entrypoint; if (comment.parent === null) { entrypoint = $("#isso-root"); } else { entrypoint = $("#isso-" + comment.parent + " > .text-wrapper > .isso-follow-up"); } entrypoint.append(el); if (scrollIntoView) { el.scrollIntoView(); } var footer = $("#isso-" + comment.id + " > .text-wrapper > .isso-comment-footer"), header = $("#isso-" + comment.id + " > .text-wrapper > .isso-comment-header"), text = $("#isso-" + comment.id + " > .text-wrapper > .text"); var form = null; // XXX: probably a good place for a closure $("a.reply", footer).toggle("click", function(toggler) { form = footer.insertAfter(new Postbox(comment.parent === null ? comment.id : comment.parent)); form.onsuccess = function() { toggler.next(); }; $(".textarea", form).focus(); $("a.reply", footer).textContent = i18n.translate("comment-close"); }, function() { form.remove(); $("a.reply", footer).textContent = i18n.translate("comment-reply"); } ); // update vote counter, but hide if votes sum to 0 var votes = function(value) { var span = $("span.votes", footer); if (span === null && value !== 0) { footer.prepend($.new("span.votes", value)); } else { if (value === 0) { span.remove(); } else { span.textContent = value; } } }; $("a.upvote", footer).on("click", function() { api.like(comment.id).then(function(rv) { votes(rv.likes - rv.dislikes); }); }); $("a.downvote", footer).on("click", function() { api.dislike(comment.id).then(function(rv) { votes(rv.likes - rv.dislikes); }); }); $("a.edit", footer).toggle("click", function(toggler) { var edit = $("a.edit", footer); var avatar = $(".avatar", el, false)[0]; edit.textContent = i18n.translate("comment-save"); edit.insertAfter($.new("a.cancel", i18n.translate("comment-cancel"))).on("click", function() { toggler.canceled = true; toggler.next(); }); toggler.canceled = false; api.view(comment.id, 1).then(function(rv) { var textarea = lib.editorify($.new("div.textarea")); textarea.innerHTML = utils.detext(rv.text); textarea.focus(); text.classList.remove("text"); text.classList.add("textarea-wrapper"); text.textContent = ""; text.append(textarea); }); if (avatar !== null) { avatar.hide(); } }, function(toggler) { var textarea = $(".textarea", text); var avatar = $(".avatar", el, false)[0]; if (! toggler.canceled && textarea !== null) { if (utils.text(textarea.innerHTML).length < 3) { textarea.focus(); toggler.wait(); return; } else { api.modify(comment.id, {"text": utils.text(textarea.innerHTML)}).then(function(rv) { text.innerHTML = rv.text; comment.text = rv.text; }); } } else { text.innerHTML = comment.text; } text.classList.remove("textarea-wrapper"); text.classList.add("text"); if (avatar !== null) { avatar.show(); } $("a.cancel", footer).remove(); $("a.edit", footer).textContent = i18n.translate("comment-edit"); } ); $("a.delete", footer).toggle("click", function(toggler) { var del = $("a.delete", footer); var state = ! toggler.state; del.textContent = i18n.translate("comment-confirm"); del.on("mouseout", function() { del.textContent = i18n.translate("comment-delete"); toggler.state = state; del.onmouseout = null; }); }, function() { var del = $("a.delete", footer); api.remove(comment.id).then(function(rv) { if (rv) { el.remove(); } else { $("span.note", header).textContent = i18n.translate("comment-deleted"); text.innerHTML = "


"; $("a.edit", footer).remove(); $("a.delete", footer).remove(); } del.textContent = i18n.translate("comment-delete"); }); } ); // remove edit and delete buttons when cookie is gone var clear = function(button) { if (! utils.cookie("isso-" + comment.id)) { if ($(button, footer) !== null) { $(button, footer).remove(); } } else { setTimeout(function() { clear(button); }, 15*1000); } }; clear("a.edit"); clear("a.delete"); // show direct reply to own comment when cookie is max aged var show = function(el) { if (utils.cookie("isso-" + comment.id)) { setTimeout(function() { show(el); }, 15*1000); } else { footer.append(el); } }; if (! config["reply-to-self"] && utils.cookie("isso-" + comment.id)) { show($("a.reply", footer).detach()); } if(comment.hasOwnProperty('replies')) { var lastcreated = 0; comment.replies.forEach(function(replyObject) { insert(replyObject, false); if(replyObject.created > lastcreated) { lastcreated = replyObject.created; } }); if(comment.hidden_replies > 0) { insert_loader(comment, lastcreated); } } }; return { insert: insert, insert_loader: insert_loader, Postbox: Postbox }; });