# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import unicode_literals import logging import sqlite3 import binascii import operator import threading import os.path from collections import defaultdict from sqlalchemy import Table, Column, MetaData, create_engine from sqlalchemy import ForeignKey, Integer, Float, String, LargeBinary from sqlalchemy.sql import select logger = logging.getLogger("isso") class Adapter(object): MAX_VERSION = 3 def __init__(self, db): self.engine = create_engine(db, echo=False) self.metadata = MetaData() self.comments = Table("comments", self.metadata, Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True), Column("parent", Integer), Column("thread", None, ForeignKey("threads.id")), Column("created", Float), Column("modified", Float), Column("mode", Integer), Column("remote_addr", String(48)), # XXX use a BigInt Column("text", String(65535)), Column("author", String(255)), Column("email", String(255)), Column("website", String(255)), Column("likes", Integer), Column("dislikes", Integer), Column("voters", LargeBinary(256))) self.threads = Table("threads", self.metadata, Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True), Column("uri", String(255), unique=True), Column("title", String(255))) preferences = Table("preferences", self.metadata, Column("key", String(255), primary_key=True), Column("value", String(255))) self.metadata.create_all(self.engine) self.preferences = Preferences(self.engine, preferences) @property def transaction(self): return self.engine.begin() class Preferences(object): """A simple key-value store using SQL. """ defaults = [ ("session-key", binascii.b2a_hex(os.urandom(24))), ] def __init__(self, engine, preferences): self.engine = engine self.preferences = preferences for (key, value) in Preferences.defaults: if self.get(key) is None: self.set(key, value) def get(self, key, default=None): rv = self.engine.execute( select([self.preferences.c.value]) .where(self.preferences.c.key == key)).fetchone() if rv is None: return default return rv[0] def set(self, key, value): self.engine.execute( self.preferences.insert().values( key=key, value=value)) class Transaction(object): """A context manager to lock the database across processes and automatic rollback on failure. On success, reset the isolation level back to normal. SQLite3's DEFERRED (default) transaction mode causes database corruption for concurrent writes to the database from multiple processes. IMMEDIATE ensures a global write lock, but reading is still possible. """ def __init__(self, con): self.con = con def __enter__(self): self._orig = self.con.isolation_level self.con.isolation_level = "IMMEDIATE" self.con.execute("BEGIN IMMEDIATE") return self.con def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): try: if exc_type: self.con.rollback() else: self.con.commit() finally: self.con.isolation_level = self._orig class SQLite3(object): """SQLite3 connection pool across multiple threads. Implementation idea from `Peewee `_. """ def __init__(self, db): self.db = os.path.expanduser(db) self.lock = threading.Lock() self.local = threading.local() def connect(self): with self.lock: self.local.conn = sqlite3.connect(self.db, isolation_level=None) def close(self): with self.lock: self.local.conn.close() self.local.conn = None def execute(self, sql, args=()): if isinstance(sql, (list, tuple)): sql = ' '.join(sql) return self.connection.execute(sql, args) @property def connection(self): if not hasattr(self.local, 'conn') or self.local.conn is None: self.connect() return self.local.conn @property def transaction(self): return Transaction(self.connection) @property def total_changes(self): return self.connection.total_changes class Foo(object): """DB-dependend wrapper around SQLite3. Runs migration if `user_version` is older than `MAX_VERSION` and register a trigger for automated orphan removal. """ MAX_VERSION = 3 def __init__(self, conn, conf): self.connection = conn self.conf = conf rv = self.execute([ "SELECT name FROM sqlite_master" " WHERE type='table' AND name IN ('threads', 'comments', 'preferences')"] ).fetchone() self.preferences = Preferences(self) self.threads = Threads(self) self.comments = Comments(self) self.guard = Guard(self) if rv is None: self.execute("PRAGMA user_version = %i" % Adapter.MAX_VERSION) else: self.migrate(to=Adapter.MAX_VERSION) self.execute([ 'CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS remove_stale_threads', 'AFTER DELETE ON comments', 'BEGIN', ' DELETE FROM threads WHERE id NOT IN (SELECT tid FROM comments);', 'END']) @property def version(self): return self.execute("PRAGMA user_version").fetchone()[0] def migrate(self, to): if self.version >= to: return logger.info("migrate database from version %i to %i", self.version, to) # re-initialize voters blob due a bug in the bloomfilter signature # which added older commenter's ip addresses to the current voters blob if self.version == 0: from isso.utils import Bloomfilter bf = buffer(Bloomfilter(iterable=[""]).array) with self.connection.transaction as con: con.execute('UPDATE comments SET voters=?', (bf, )) con.execute('PRAGMA user_version = 1') logger.info("%i rows changed", con.total_changes) # move [general] session-key to database if self.version == 1: with self.connection.transaction as con: if self.conf.has_option("general", "session-key"): con.execute('UPDATE preferences SET value=? WHERE key=?', ( self.conf.get("general", "session-key"), "session-key")) con.execute('PRAGMA user_version = 2') logger.info("%i rows changed", con.total_changes) # limit max. nesting level to 1 if self.version == 2: first = lambda rv: list(map(operator.itemgetter(0), rv)) with self.connection.transaction as con: top = first(con.execute("SELECT id FROM comments WHERE parent IS NULL").fetchall()) flattened = defaultdict(set) for id in top: ids = [id, ] while ids: rv = first(con.execute("SELECT id FROM comments WHERE parent=?", (ids.pop(), ))) ids.extend(rv) flattened[id].update(set(rv)) for id in flattened.keys(): for n in flattened[id]: con.execute("UPDATE comments SET parent=? WHERE id=?", (id, n)) con.execute('PRAGMA user_version = 3') logger.info("%i rows changed", con.total_changes) def execute(self, sql, args=()): return self.connection.execute(sql, args)