#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- # # The MIT License (MIT) # # Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Martin Zimmermann. # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. # # Isso – a lightweight Disqus alternative from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals import pkg_resources dist = pkg_resources.get_distribution("isso") # check if exectuable is `isso` and gevent is available import sys if sys.argv[0].startswith("isso"): try: import gevent.monkey; gevent.monkey.patch_all() except ImportError: pass import os import errno import atexit import logging from os.path import dirname, join from argparse import ArgumentParser from functools import partial, reduce try: input = raw_input except NameError: pass from itsdangerous import URLSafeTimedSerializer from werkzeug.routing import Map, Rule, redirect from werkzeug.exceptions import HTTPException, InternalServerError from werkzeug.wsgi import SharedDataMiddleware from werkzeug.local import Local, LocalManager from werkzeug.serving import run_simple from werkzeug.contrib.fixers import ProxyFix from werkzeug.contrib.profiler import ProfilerMiddleware local = Local() local_manager = LocalManager([local]) try: import uwsgi except ImportError: uwsgi = None from isso import cache, config, db, migrate, queue, spam, tasks, views, wsgi from isso.wsgi import origin, urlsplit from isso.utils import http, JSONRequest, html, hash from isso.ext.notifications import Stdout, SMTP logging.getLogger('werkzeug').setLevel(logging.WARN) logging.basicConfig( level=logging.INFO, format="%(asctime)s %(levelname)s: %(message)s") logger = logging.getLogger("isso") class Isso(object): def __init__(self, conf, cacheobj=None, dbobj=None): if cacheobj is None: cacheobj = cache.Cache(1024) if dbobj is None: dbobj = db.Adapter("sqlite:///:memory:") self.conf = conf self.db = dbobj signer = URLSafeTimedSerializer( dbobj.preferences.get("session-key")) markup = html.Markup( conf.getlist("markup", "options"), conf.getlist("markup", "allowed-elements"), conf.getlist("markup", "allowed-attributes")) hasher = hash.new( conf.get("hash", "algorithm"), conf.get("hash", "salt")) guard = spam.Guard( dbobj, conf.getboolean("guard", "enabled"), conf.getint("guard", "ratelimit"), conf.getint("guard", "direct-reply"), conf.getboolean("guard", "reply-to-self"), conf.getint("general", "max-age")) urls = Map() Isso.routes( urls, views.API(conf, cacheobj, dbobj, guard, hasher.uhash, markup, signer), views.Info(conf)) self.urls = urls @classmethod def routes(cls, urls, api, info): for rule in [ Rule("/demo/", endpoint=lambda *z: redirect("/demo/index.html")), Rule("/info", endpoint=info.show) ]: urls.add(rule) for func, (method, rule) in [ ('fetch', ('GET', '/')), ('new', ('POST', '/new')), ('count', ('POST', '/count')), ('view', ('GET', '/id/')), ('edit', ('PUT', '/id/')), ('delete', ('DELETE', '/id/')), ('moderate',('GET', '/id///')), ('moderate',('POST', '/id///')), ('like', ('POST', '/id//like')), ('dislike', ('POST', '/id//dislike')), ]: urls.add(Rule(rule, methods=[method], endpoint=getattr(api, func))) def dispatch(self, request): local.request = request local.host = wsgi.host(request.environ) local.origin = origin(self.conf.getiter("general", "host"))(request.environ) adapter = self.urls.bind_to_environ(request.environ) try: handler, values = adapter.match() except HTTPException as e: return e else: try: response = handler(request.environ, request, **values) except HTTPException as e: return e except Exception: logger.exception("%s %s", request.method, request.environ["PATH_INFO"]) return InternalServerError() else: return response def wsgi_app(self, environ, start_response): response = self.dispatch(JSONRequest(environ)) return response(environ, start_response) def __call__(self, environ, start_response): return self.wsgi_app(environ, start_response) def make_app(conf): if uwsgi is not None: cacheobj = cache.uWSGICache(timeout=3600) else: cacheobj = cache.SACache(conf.get("general", "dbpath"), threshold=2048) dbobj = db.Adapter(conf.get("general", "dbpath")) jobs = tasks.Jobs() jobs.register("db-purge", dbobj, conf.getint("moderation", "purge-after")) jobs.register("http-fetch", dbobj) queueobj = queue.SAQueue(conf.get("general", "dbpath"), 1024) worker = queue.Worker(queueobj, jobs) isso = Isso(conf, cacheobj, dbobj) atexit.register(worker.join, 0.1) worker.start() # check HTTP server connection for host in conf.getiter("general", "host"): with http.curl('HEAD', host, '/', 5) as resp: if resp is not None: logger.info("connected to %s", host) break else: logger.warn("unable to connect to your website, Isso will probably not " "work correctly. Please make sure, Isso can reach your " "website via HTTP(S).") wrapper = [local_manager.make_middleware] if conf.getboolean("server", "profile"): wrapper.append(partial(ProfilerMiddleware, sort_by=("cumulative", ), restrictions=("isso/(?!lib)", 10))) wrapper.append(partial(SharedDataMiddleware, exports={ '/js': join(dirname(__file__), 'js/'), '/css': join(dirname(__file__), 'css/'), '/demo': join(dirname(__file__), 'demo/') })) wrapper.append(partial(wsgi.CORSMiddleware, origin=origin(conf.getiter("general", "host")), allowed=("Origin", "Referer", "Content-Type"), exposed=("X-Set-Cookie", "Date"))) wrapper.extend([wsgi.SubURI, ProxyFix]) return reduce(lambda x, f: f(x), wrapper, isso) def main(): parser = ArgumentParser(description="a blog comment hosting service") subparser = parser.add_subparsers(help="commands", dest="command") parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s ' + dist.version) parser.add_argument("-c", dest="conf", default="/etc/isso.conf", metavar="/etc/isso.conf", help="set configuration file") imprt = subparser.add_parser('import', help="import Disqus XML export") imprt.add_argument("dump", metavar="FILE") imprt.add_argument("-n", "--dry-run", dest="dryrun", action="store_true", help="perform a trial run with no changes made") imprt.add_argument("-t", "--type", dest="type", default=None, choices=["disqus", "wordpress"], help="export type") serve = subparser.add_parser("run", help="run server") args = parser.parse_args() conf = config.load(join(dist.location, "isso", "defaults.ini"), args.conf) if args.command == "import": from isso.controllers import threads, comments dburl = "sqlite:///:memory:" if args.dryrun else conf.get("general", "dbpath") dbobj = db.Adapter(dburl) tc = threads.Controller(dbobj) cc = comments.Controller(dbobj) if not cc.empty(): if input("Isso DB is not empty! Continue? [y/N]: ") not in ("y", "Y"): raise SystemExit("Abort.") migrate.dispatch(tc, cc, args.type, args.dump) sys.exit(0) if conf.get("general", "log-file"): handler = logging.FileHandler(conf.get("general", "log-file")) logger.addHandler(handler) logging.getLogger("werkzeug").addHandler(handler) logger.propagate = False logging.getLogger("werkzeug").propagate = False if not any(conf.getiter("general", "host")): logger.error("No website(s) configured, Isso won't work.") sys.exit(1) app = make_app(conf) if conf.get("server", "listen").startswith("http://"): host, port, _ = urlsplit(conf.get("server", "listen")) try: from gevent.pywsgi import WSGIServer WSGIServer((host, port), app).serve_forever() except ImportError: run_simple(host, port, app, threaded=True, use_reloader=conf.getboolean('server', 'reload')) else: sock = conf.get("server", "listen").partition("unix://")[2] try: os.unlink(sock) except OSError as ex: if ex.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise wsgi.SocketHTTPServer(sock, app).serve_forever()