send notification for new comments

This commit also introduces a new db which maps path to thread title.
The title is read by parsing the HTML for a related <h1> tag using

You can set up SMTP in your configuration (here the defaults):

    host = localhost
    port = 465
    ssl = on
    username =
    password =
    recipient =
    sender =

In short, by default Isso uses a local SMTP server using SSL without
any authentication. An email is send on comment creation to "recipient"
from "Ich schrei sonst <sender>".

This commit also uses a simple ANSI colorization module from my static
blog compiler project.

On server startup, Isso will connect to the SMTP server and fall back to
a null mailer. It also tries to connect to your website, so if that
doesn't work, you probably can't comment on your website either.
Martin Zimmermann 11 years ago
parent 9edd34d079
commit adb3d40c03

@ -29,6 +29,9 @@ import sys
import io
import os
import json
import socket
import httplib
import urlparse
from os.path import dirname, join
from argparse import ArgumentParser
@ -47,7 +50,7 @@ from werkzeug.contrib.fixers import ProxyFix
from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader
from isso import db, utils, migrate, views, wsgi
from isso import db, utils, migrate, views, wsgi, notify, colors
from isso.views import comment, admin
url_map = Map([
@ -65,7 +68,7 @@ class Isso(object):
def __init__(self, dbpath, secret, origin, max_age, passphrase):
def __init__(self, dbpath, secret, origin, max_age, passphrase, mailer):
self.DBPATH = dbpath
self.ORIGIN = origin
@ -75,6 +78,7 @@ class Isso(object):
self.db = db.SQLite(dbpath, moderation=False)
self.signer = URLSafeTimedSerializer(secret)
self.j2env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader(join(dirname(__file__), 'templates/')))
self.notify = lambda *args, **kwargs: mailer.sendmail(*args, **kwargs)
def sign(self, obj):
return self.signer.dumps(obj)
@ -146,11 +150,15 @@ def main():
defaultcfg = [
"dbpath = /tmp/isso.db", "secret = %r" % os.urandom(24),
"dbpath = /tmp/isso.db", "secretkey = %r" % os.urandom(24),
"host = http://localhost:8080/", "passphrase = p@$$w0rd",
"max_age = 450",
"host = localhost", "port = 8080"
"host = localhost", "port = 8080", "reload = off",
"username = ", "password = ",
"host = localhost", "port = 465", "ssl = on",
"recipient = ", "sender = "
args = parser.parse_args()
@ -158,23 +166,43 @@ def main():
if args.command == "import":
migrate.disqus(db.SQLite(conf.get("general", "dbpath"), False), args.dump)
if not conf.get("general", "host").startswith(("http://", "https://")):
sys.exit("error: host must start with http:// or https://")
print(" * connecting to SMTP server", end=" ")
mailer = notify.SMTPMailer(conf)
print("[%s]" %"ok"))
except (socket.error, notify.SMTPException):
print("[%s]" %"failed"))
mailer = notify.NullMailer()
print(" * connecting to HTTP server", end=" ")
rv = urlparse.urlparse(conf.get("general", "host"))
host = (rv.netloc + ':443') if rv.scheme == 'https' else rv.netloc
httplib.HTTPConnection(host, timeout=5).request('GET', rv.path)
print("[%s]" %"ok"))
except (httplib.HTTPException, socket.error):
print("[%s]" %"failed"))
isso = Isso(
dbpath=conf.get('general', 'dbpath'),
secret=conf.get('general', 'secret'),
secret=conf.get('general', 'secretkey'),
origin=conf.get('general', 'host'),
max_age=conf.getint('general', 'max_age'),
passphrase=conf.get('general', 'passphrase')
passphrase=conf.get('general', 'passphrase'),
if args.command == "import":
migrate.disqus(isso.db, args.dump)
app = wsgi.SubURI(SharedDataMiddleware(isso.wsgi_app, {
'/static': join(dirname(__file__), 'static/'),
'/js': join(dirname(__file__), 'js/')
run_simple(conf.get('server', 'host'), conf.getint('server', 'port'),
app, processes=2)
app, threaded=True, use_reloader=conf.getboolean('server', 'reload'))

@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
# from isso import compat
# from isso.compat import text_type as str, string_types
str = unicode
string_types = (unicode, str)
# @compat.implements_to_string
class ANSIString(object):
style = 0
color = 30
def __init__(self, obj, style=None, color=None):
if isinstance(obj, ANSIString):
if style is None:
style =
if color is None:
color = obj.color
obj = obj.obj
elif not isinstance(obj, string_types):
obj = str(obj)
self.obj = obj
if style: = style
if color:
self.color = color
def __str__(self):
return '\033[%i;%im' % (, self.color) + self.obj + '\033[0m'
def __add__(self, other):
return str.__add__(str(self), other)
def __radd__(self, other):
return other + str(self)
def encode(self, encoding):
return str(self).encode(encoding)
normal, bold, underline = [lambda obj, x=x: ANSIString(obj, style=x)
for x in (0, 1, 4)]
black, red, green, yellow, blue, \
magenta, cyan, white = [lambda obj, y=y: ANSIString(obj, color=y)
for y in range(30, 38)]

@ -80,6 +80,30 @@ class Abstract:
class Threads(object):
def __init__(self, dbpath):
self.dbpath = dbpath
with sqlite3.connect(self.dbpath) as con:
sql = ('main.threads (path VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, title TEXT'
'PRIMARY KEY path)')
con.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS %s;" % sql)
def get(self, path):
with sqlite3.connect(self.dbpath) as con:
rv = con.execute("SELECT title FROM threads WHERE path=?", (path,)).fetchone()
if rv is not None:
return rv[0]
raise KeyError
def add(self, path, title):
with sqlite3.connect(self.dbpath) as con:
con.execute("INSERT INTO threads (path, title) VALUES (?, ?)", (path, title))
return title
class SQLite(Abstract):
"""A basic :class:`Abstract` implementation using SQLite3. All comments
share a single database. The tuple (id, path) acts as unique identifier
@ -114,10 +138,7 @@ class SQLite(Abstract):
WHERE rowid=NEW.rowid;
# threads (path -> title for now)
sql = ('main.threads (path VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, title TEXT'
'PRIMARY KEY path)')
con.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS %s;" % sql)
self.threads = Threads(self.dbpath)
def query2comment(self, query):
if query is None:

@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ define({
while (true) {
while (el != null) {

@ -42,6 +42,11 @@ def insert(db, thread, comments):
rv = db.add(path, comment, '')
remap[item['dsq:id']] = rv["id"]
except KeyError:
db.threads.add(path, thread.find('%stitle' % ns).text.strip())
def disqus(db, xmlfile):

@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
import time
import logging
from smtplib import SMTP, SMTP_SSL, SMTPException
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
def create(comment, subject, permalink, remote_addr):
rv = []
rv.append("%s schrieb:" % (comment["author"] or "Jemand"))
if comment["website"]:
rv.append("Webseite des Kommentators: %s" % comment["website"])
rv.append("IP Adresse: %s" % remote_addr)
rv.append("Link zum Kommentar: %s" % permalink)
return subject, u'\n'.join(rv)
class SMTPMailer(object):
def __init__(self, conf):
self.server = (SMTP_SSL if conf.getboolean('SMTP', 'ssl') else SMTP)(
host=conf.get('SMTP', 'host'), port=conf.getint('SMTP', 'port'))
if conf.get('SMTP', 'username') and conf.get('SMTP', 'password'):
self.server.login(conf.get('SMTP', 'username'), conf.get('SMTP', 'password'))
self.from_addr = conf.get('SMTP', 'from')
self.to_addr = conf.get('SMTP', 'to')
def sendmail(self, subject, body, retries=5):
msg = MIMEText(body, 'plain', 'utf-8')
msg['From'] = "Ich schrei sonst! <%s>" % self.from_addr
msg['To'] = self.to_addr
msg['Subject'] = subject.encode('utf-8')
for i in range(retries):
self.server.sendmail(self.from_addr, self.to_addr, msg.as_string())
except SMTPException:
logging.exception("uncaught exception, %i of %i:", i + 1, retries)
class NullMailer(object):
def sendmail(self, subject, body, retries=5):

@ -9,14 +9,16 @@ import json
import socket
import httplib
import ipaddress
import random
import hashlib
import contextlib
from string import ascii_letters, digits
from urlparse import urlparse
from contextlib import closing
import html5lib
import ipaddress
from isso.models import Comment
@ -31,14 +33,65 @@ class IssoEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
def urlexists(host, path):
with contextlib.closing(httplib.HTTPConnection(host)) as con:
with closing(httplib.HTTPConnection(normalize(host), timeout=3)) as con:
con.request('HEAD', normalize(path))
except socket.error:
con.request('HEAD', path)
except (httplib.HTTPException, socket.error):
return False
return con.getresponse().status == 200
def heading(host, path):
"""Connect to `host`, GET path and start from #isso-thread to search for
a possible heading (h1). Returns `None` if nothing found."""
with closing(httplib.HTTPConnection(normalize(host), timeout=15)) as con:
con.request('GET', path)
html = html5lib.parse(con.getresponse().read(), treebuilder="dom")
assert html.lastChild.nodeName == "html"
html = html.lastChild
# aka getElementById
el = list(filter(lambda i: i.attributes["id"].value == "isso-thread",
filter(lambda i: i.attributes.has_key("id"), html.getElementsByTagName("div"))))
if not el:
return None
el = el[0]
visited = []
def recurse(node):
for child in node.childNodes:
if child.nodeType != child.ELEMENT_NODE:
if child.nodeName.upper() == "H1":
return child
if child not in visited:
return recurse(child)
def gettext(rv):
for child in rv.childNodes:
if child.nodeType == child.TEXT_NODE:
yield child.nodeValue
if child.nodeType == child.ELEMENT_NODE:
for item in gettext(child):
yield item
while el is not None: # el.parentNode is None in the very end
rv = recurse(el)
if rv:
return ''.join(gettext(rv)).strip()
el = el.parentNode
return None
def normalize(host):
"""Make `host` compatible with :py:mod:`httplib`."""
@ -108,4 +161,3 @@ class Bloomfilter:
def __len__(self):
return self.elements

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
import cgi
import json
import thread
import hashlib
import sqlite3
import logging
@ -14,7 +15,7 @@ from itsdangerous import SignatureExpired, BadSignature
from werkzeug.wrappers import Response
from werkzeug.exceptions import abort, BadRequest
from isso import models, utils
from isso import models, utils, notify
class requires:
@ -42,7 +43,7 @@ class requires:
@requires(str, 'uri')
def create(app, environ, request, uri):
if app.PRODUCTION and not utils.urlexists(app.HOST, uri):
if not utils.urlexists(app.ORIGIN, uri):
return Response('URI does not exist', 400)
@ -69,14 +70,22 @@ def create(app, environ, request, uri):
title = app.db.threads.get(uri)
except KeyError:
title = app.db.threads.add(uri, utils.heading(app.ORIGIN, uri))
rv = app.db.add(uri, comment, utils.anonymize(unicode(request.remote_addr)))
except sqlite3.Error:
logging.exception('uncaught SQLite3 exception')
rv["text"] = app.markdown(rv["text"])
href = (app.ORIGIN.rstrip("/") + uri + "#isso-%i" % rv["id"])
thread.start_new_thread(app.notify, notify.create(comment, title, href, request.remote_addr))
resp = Response(app.dumps(rv), 202 if rv.pending else 201,
resp.set_cookie('%s-%s' % (uri, rv["id"]), app.sign([uri, rv["id"], rv.md5]),

@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ setup(
"Programming Language :: Python :: 2.6",
"Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7"
install_requires=['Jinja2>=2.7', 'werkzeug>=0.9', 'itsdangerous', 'misaka'],
install_requires=['Jinja2>=2.7', 'werkzeug>=0.9', 'itsdangerous', 'misaka', 'html5lib'],
['isso = isso:main'],

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import unittest
from werkzeug.test import Client
from werkzeug.wrappers import Response
from isso import Isso
from isso import Isso, notify
from isso.models import Comment
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ class TestComments(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
fd, self.path = tempfile.mkstemp() = Isso(self.path, '...', '...', 15*60, "...") = Isso(self.path, '...', '...', 15*60, "...", notify.NullMailer()) = FakeIP(
self.client = Client(, Response)

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import unittest
from werkzeug.test import Client
from werkzeug.wrappers import Response
from isso import Isso
from isso import Isso, notify
class FakeIP(object):
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ class TestVote(unittest.TestCase):
def makeClient(self, ip):
app = Isso(self.path, '...', '...', 15*60, "...")
app = Isso(self.path, '...', '...', 15*60, "...", notify.NullMailer())
app.wsgi_app = FakeIP(app.wsgi_app, ip)
return Client(app, Response)
