refactor disqus migration code into a class

This commit is contained in:
Martin Zimmermann 2014-04-30 15:07:11 +02:00
parent cb36107eda
commit 910da2a6c0
3 changed files with 91 additions and 75 deletions

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@ -214,11 +214,17 @@ def main():
conf = Config.load(args.conf)
if args.command == "import":
xxx = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
dbpath = conf.get("general", "dbpath") if not args.dryrun else
conf.set("guard", "enabled", "off")
migrate.disqus(db.SQLite3(dbpath, conf), args.dump)
if args.dryrun:
xxx = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
dbpath =
dbpath = conf.get("general", "dbpath")
mydb = db.SQLite3(dbpath, conf)
migrate.dispatch(mydb, args.dump)
if not any(conf.getiter("general", "host")):

View File

@ -21,94 +21,104 @@ except ImportError:
from xml.etree import ElementTree
ns = '{}'
dsq = '{}'
threads = set([])
comments = set([])
class Disqus(object):
ns = '{}'
internals = '{}'
def insert(db, thread, posts):
def __init__(self, db, xmlfile):
self.threads = set([])
self.comments = set([])
path = urlparse(thread.find('%slink' % ns).text).path
self.db = db
self.xmlfile = xmlfile
def insert(self, thread, posts):
path = urlparse(thread.find('%slink' % Disqus.ns).text).path
remap = dict()
if path not in db.threads:, thread.find('%stitle' % ns).text.strip())
if path not in self.db.threads:, thread.find(Disqus.ns + 'title').text.strip())
for item in sorted(posts, key=lambda k: k['created']):
dsq_id = item.pop('dsq:id')
item['parent'] = remap.get(item.pop('dsq:parent', None))
rv = db.comments.add(path, item)
rv = self.db.comments.add(path, item)
remap[dsq_id] = rv["id"]
def migrate(self):
tree = ElementTree.parse(self.xmlfile)
res = defaultdict(list)
for post in tree.findall('%spost' % Disqus.ns):
item = {
'dsq:id': post.attrib.get(Disqus.internals + 'id'),
'text': post.find(Disqus.ns + 'message').text,
'author': post.find('{0}author/{0}name'.format(Disqus.ns)).text,
'email': post.find('{0}author/{0}email'.format(Disqus.ns)).text,
'created': mktime(strptime(
post.find(Disqus.ns + 'createdAt').text, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')),
'remote_addr': '',
'mode': 1 if post.find(Disqus.ns + "isDeleted").text == "false" else 4
if post.find(Disqus.ns + 'parent') is not None:
item['dsq:parent'] = post.find(Disqus.ns + 'parent').attrib.get(Disqus.internals + 'id')
res[post.find('%sthread' % Disqus.ns).attrib.get(Disqus.internals + 'id')].append(item)
num = len(tree.findall(Disqus.ns + 'thread'))
cols = int((os.popen('stty size', 'r').read() or "25 80").split()[1])
for i, thread in enumerate(tree.findall(Disqus.ns + 'thread')):
if int(round((i+1)/num, 2) * 100) % 13 == 0:
sys.stdout.write("\r%s" % (" "*cols))
sys.stdout.write("\r[%i%%] %s" % (((i+1)/num * 100), thread.find(Disqus.ns + 'id').text))
# skip (possibly?) duplicate, but empty thread elements
if thread.find(Disqus.ns + 'id').text is None:
id = thread.attrib.get(Disqus.internals + 'id')
if id in res:
self.insert(thread, res[id])
# in case a comment has been deleted (and no further childs)
sys.stdout.write("\r%s" % (" "*cols))
sys.stdout.write("\r[100%] {0} threads, {1} comments\n".format(
len(self.threads), len(self.comments)))
orphans = set(map(lambda e: e.attrib.get(Disqus.internals + "id"), tree.findall(Disqus.ns + "post"))) - self.comments
if orphans:
print("Found %i orphans:" % len(orphans))
for post in tree.findall(Disqus.ns + "post"):
if post.attrib.get(Disqus.internals + "id") not in orphans:
print(" * {0} by {1} <{2}>".format(
post.attrib.get(Disqus.internals + "id"),
print(textwrap.fill(post.find(Disqus.ns + "message").text,
initial_indent=" ", subsequent_indent=" "))
def disqus(db, xmlfile):
def dispatch(db, dump):
if db.execute("SELECT * FROM comments").fetchone():
if input("Isso DB is not empty! Continue? [y/N]: ") not in ("y", "Y"):
raise SystemExit("Abort.")
tree = ElementTree.parse(xmlfile)
res = defaultdict(list)
for post in tree.findall('%spost' % ns):
item = {
'dsq:id': post.attrib.get(dsq + 'id'),
'text': post.find('%smessage' % ns).text,
'author': post.find('%sauthor/%sname' % (ns, ns)).text,
'email': post.find('%sauthor/%semail' % (ns, ns)).text,
'created': mktime(strptime(
post.find('%screatedAt' % ns).text, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')),
'remote_addr': '',
'mode': 1 if post.find("%sisDeleted" % ns).text == "false" else 4
if post.find(ns + 'parent') is not None:
item['dsq:parent'] = post.find(ns + 'parent').attrib.get(dsq + 'id')
res[post.find('%sthread' % ns).attrib.get(dsq + 'id')].append(item)
num = len(tree.findall('%sthread' % ns))
cols = int((os.popen('stty size', 'r').read() or "25 80").split()[1])
for i, thread in enumerate(tree.findall('%sthread' % ns)):
if int(round((i+1)/num, 2) * 100) % 13 == 0:
sys.stdout.write("\r%s" % (" "*cols))
sys.stdout.write("\r[%i%%] %s" % (((i+1)/num * 100), thread.find('%sid' % ns).text))
# skip (possibly?) duplicate, but empty thread elements
if thread.find('%sid' % ns).text is None:
id = thread.attrib.get(dsq + 'id')
if id in res:
insert(db, thread, res[id])
# in case a comment has been deleted (and no further childs)
sys.stdout.write("\r%s" % (" "*cols))
sys.stdout.write("\r[100%%] %i threads, %i comments\n" % (len(threads), len(comments)))
orphans = set(map(lambda e: e.attrib.get(dsq + "id"), tree.findall("%spost" % ns))) - comments
if orphans:
print("Found %i orphans:" % len(orphans))
for post in tree.findall("%spost" % ns):
if post.attrib.get(dsq + "id") not in orphans:
print(" * %s by %s <%s>" % (post.attrib.get(dsq + "id"),
post.find("%sauthor/%sname" % (ns, ns)).text,
post.find("%sauthor/%semail" % (ns, ns)).text))
print(textwrap.fill(post.find("%smessage" % ns).text,
initial_indent=" ", subsequent_indent=" "))
Disqus(db, dump).migrate()

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ from os.path import join, dirname
from isso.core import Config
from isso.db import SQLite3
from isso.migrate import disqus
from isso.migrate import Disqus
def test_disqus():
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ def test_disqus():
xxx = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
db = SQLite3(, Config.load(None))
disqus(db, xml)
Disqus(db, xml).migrate()
assert db.threads["/"]["title"] == "Hello, World!"
assert db.threads["/"]["id"] == 1