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I appreciate any help and love pull requests. Here are some things
you need to respect:
* no hard-wired external services
* no support for ancient browsers (e.g. IE6-9)
If you create a feature request, start a new branch. If you fix an issue,
start off the *master* branch and pull request against the master. I'll
cherry-pick/backport the fix onto the current legacy (maintenance) release.
To set up a development environment, see
Reporting Issues
* **Disqus import fails**
If `isso import /path/to/disqus.xml` fails, please do *NOT* attach the raw
dump file to GH:Issues. Please anonymize all IP addresses inside the
`<ipAddress>` tag first, as second step, replace all `<email>` addresses
with a generic one.
If you can't do this, please send the dump to `` (you find
my GPG key on the servers).
* **embed.min.js-related issues**
If you get a cryptic JavaScript error in the console, embed ``
instead of `embed.min.js` and create an issue with ±10 lines of code around
the error.
* **isso-related issues**
Copy and paste traceback into a ticket and provide some details of your usage.