mirror of
synced 2025-03-05 17:46:06 +00:00
408 lines
9.6 KiB
408 lines
9.6 KiB
* Author......: See docs/credits.txt
* License.....: MIT
#include "common.h"
#include "types.h"
#include "memory.h"
#include "logging.h"
#include "user_options.h"
#include "restore.h"
#if defined (_WIN)
static void fsync (int fd)
HANDLE h = (HANDLE) _get_osfhandle (fd);
FlushFileBuffers (h);
u64 get_lowest_words_done (const restore_ctx_t *restore_ctx, const opencl_ctx_t *opencl_ctx)
if (restore_ctx->enabled == false) return 0;
restore_data_t *rd = restore_ctx->rd;
u64 words_cur = -1llu;
for (uint device_id = 0; device_id < opencl_ctx->devices_cnt; device_id++)
hc_device_param_t *device_param = &opencl_ctx->devices_param[device_id];
if (device_param->skipped) continue;
const u64 words_done = device_param->words_done;
if (words_done < words_cur) words_cur = words_done;
// It's possible that a device's workload isn't finished right after a restore-case.
// In that case, this function would return 0 and overwrite the real restore point
// There's also data.words_cur which is set to rd->words_cur but it changes while
// the attack is running therefore we should stick to rd->words_cur.
// Note that -s influences rd->words_cur we should keep a close look on that.
if (words_cur < rd->words_cur) words_cur = rd->words_cur;
return words_cur;
static void check_running_process (restore_ctx_t *restore_ctx)
char *eff_restore_file = restore_ctx->eff_restore_file;
FILE *fp = fopen (eff_restore_file, "rb");
if (fp == NULL) return;
restore_data_t *rd = (restore_data_t *) mymalloc (sizeof (restore_data_t));
const size_t nread = fread (rd, sizeof (restore_data_t), 1, fp);
if (nread != 1)
log_error ("ERROR: Cannot read %s", eff_restore_file);
exit (-1);
fclose (fp);
if (rd->pid)
char *pidbin = (char *) mymalloc (HCBUFSIZ_LARGE);
int pidbin_len = -1;
#if defined (_POSIX)
snprintf (pidbin, HCBUFSIZ_LARGE - 1, "/proc/%d/cmdline", rd->pid);
FILE *fd = fopen (pidbin, "rb");
if (fd)
pidbin_len = fread (pidbin, 1, HCBUFSIZ_LARGE, fd);
pidbin[pidbin_len] = 0;
fclose (fd);
char *argv0_r = strrchr (restore_ctx->argv[0], '/');
char *pidbin_r = strrchr (pidbin, '/');
if (argv0_r == NULL) argv0_r = restore_ctx->argv[0];
if (pidbin_r == NULL) pidbin_r = pidbin;
if (strcmp (argv0_r, pidbin_r) == 0)
log_error ("ERROR: Already an instance %s running on pid %d", pidbin, rd->pid);
exit (-1);
#elif defined (_WIN)
HANDLE hProcess = OpenProcess (PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, rd->pid);
char *pidbin2 = (char *) mymalloc (HCBUFSIZ_LARGE);
int pidbin2_len = -1;
pidbin_len = GetModuleFileName (NULL, pidbin, HCBUFSIZ_LARGE);
pidbin2_len = GetModuleFileNameEx (hProcess, NULL, pidbin2, HCBUFSIZ_LARGE);
pidbin[pidbin_len] = 0;
pidbin2[pidbin2_len] = 0;
if (pidbin2_len)
if (strcmp (pidbin, pidbin2) == 0)
log_error ("ERROR: Already an instance %s running on pid %d", pidbin2, rd->pid);
exit (-1);
myfree (pidbin2);
myfree (pidbin);
if (rd->version < RESTORE_VERSION_MIN)
log_error ("ERROR: Cannot use outdated %s. Please remove it.", eff_restore_file);
exit (-1);
myfree (rd);
void init_restore (restore_ctx_t *restore_ctx)
restore_data_t *rd = (restore_data_t *) mymalloc (sizeof (restore_data_t));
restore_ctx->rd = rd;
check_running_process (restore_ctx);
rd->version = RESTORE_VERSION_CUR;
rd->argc = restore_ctx->argc;
rd->argv = restore_ctx->argv;
#if defined (_POSIX)
rd->pid = getpid ();
#elif defined (_WIN)
rd->pid = GetCurrentProcessId ();
if (getcwd (rd->cwd, 255) == NULL)
log_error ("ERROR: getcwd(): %s", strerror (errno));
exit (-1);
void read_restore (restore_ctx_t *restore_ctx)
if (restore_ctx->enabled == false) return;
char *eff_restore_file = restore_ctx->eff_restore_file;
FILE *fp = fopen (eff_restore_file, "rb");
if (fp == NULL)
log_error ("ERROR: Restore file '%s': %s", eff_restore_file, strerror (errno));
exit (-1);
restore_data_t *rd = restore_ctx->rd;
if (fread (rd, sizeof (restore_data_t), 1, fp) != 1)
log_error ("ERROR: Can't read %s", eff_restore_file);
exit (-1);
rd->argv = (char **) mycalloc (rd->argc, sizeof (char *));
char *buf = (char *) mymalloc (HCBUFSIZ_LARGE);
for (uint i = 0; i < rd->argc; i++)
if (fgets (buf, HCBUFSIZ_LARGE - 1, fp) == NULL)
log_error ("ERROR: Can't read %s", eff_restore_file);
exit (-1);
size_t len = strlen (buf);
if (len) buf[len - 1] = 0;
rd->argv[i] = mystrdup (buf);
myfree (buf);
fclose (fp);
log_info ("INFO: Changing current working directory to the path found within the .restore file: '%s'", rd->cwd);
if (chdir (rd->cwd))
log_error ("ERROR: The directory '%s' does not exist. It is needed to restore (--restore) the session.\n"
" You could either create this directory (or link it) or update the .restore file using e.g. the analyze_hc_restore.pl tool:\n"
" https://github.com/philsmd/analyze_hc_restore\n"
" The directory must be relative to (or contain) all files/folders mentioned within the command line.", rd->cwd);
exit (-1);
void write_restore (restore_ctx_t *restore_ctx, opencl_ctx_t *opencl_ctx)
if (restore_ctx->enabled == false) return;
const u64 words_cur = get_lowest_words_done (restore_ctx, opencl_ctx);
restore_data_t *rd = restore_ctx->rd;
rd->words_cur = words_cur;
char *new_restore_file = restore_ctx->new_restore_file;
FILE *fp = fopen (new_restore_file, "wb");
if (fp == NULL)
log_error ("ERROR: %s: %s", new_restore_file, strerror (errno));
exit (-1);
if (setvbuf (fp, NULL, _IONBF, 0))
log_error ("ERROR: setvbuf file '%s': %s", new_restore_file, strerror (errno));
exit (-1);
fwrite (rd, sizeof (restore_data_t), 1, fp);
for (uint i = 0; i < rd->argc; i++)
fprintf (fp, "%s", rd->argv[i]);
fputc ('\n', fp);
fflush (fp);
fsync (fileno (fp));
fclose (fp);
void cycle_restore (restore_ctx_t *restore_ctx, opencl_ctx_t *opencl_ctx)
if (restore_ctx->enabled == false) return;
const char *eff_restore_file = restore_ctx->eff_restore_file;
const char *new_restore_file = restore_ctx->new_restore_file;
write_restore (restore_ctx, opencl_ctx);
struct stat st;
memset (&st, 0, sizeof(st));
if (stat (eff_restore_file, &st) == 0)
if (unlink (eff_restore_file))
log_info ("WARN: Unlink file '%s': %s", eff_restore_file, strerror (errno));
if (rename (new_restore_file, eff_restore_file))
log_info ("WARN: Rename file '%s' to '%s': %s", new_restore_file, eff_restore_file, strerror (errno));
void stop_at_checkpoint (restore_ctx_t *restore_ctx, opencl_ctx_t *opencl_ctx)
// this feature only makes sense if --restore-disable was not specified
if (restore_ctx->enabled == false)
log_info ("WARNING: This feature is disabled when --restore-disable is specified");
if (opencl_ctx->devices_status != STATUS_RUNNING) return;
if ((opencl_ctx->run_thread_level1 == true) && (opencl_ctx->run_thread_level2 == true))
opencl_ctx->run_main_level1 = false;
opencl_ctx->run_main_level2 = false;
opencl_ctx->run_main_level3 = false;
opencl_ctx->run_thread_level1 = false;
opencl_ctx->run_thread_level2 = true;
log_info ("Checkpoint enabled: Will quit at next Restore Point update");
opencl_ctx->run_main_level1 = true;
opencl_ctx->run_main_level2 = true;
opencl_ctx->run_main_level3 = true;
opencl_ctx->run_thread_level1 = true;
opencl_ctx->run_thread_level2 = true;
log_info ("Checkpoint disabled: Restore Point updates will no longer be monitored");
int restore_ctx_init (restore_ctx_t *restore_ctx, user_options_t *user_options, const folder_config_t *folder_config, int argc, char **argv)
restore_ctx->enabled = false;
char *eff_restore_file = (char *) mymalloc (HCBUFSIZ_TINY);
char *new_restore_file = (char *) mymalloc (HCBUFSIZ_TINY);
snprintf (eff_restore_file, HCBUFSIZ_TINY - 1, "%s/%s.restore", folder_config->session_dir, user_options->session);
snprintf (new_restore_file, HCBUFSIZ_TINY - 1, "%s/%s.restore.new", folder_config->session_dir, user_options->session);
restore_ctx->argc = argc;
restore_ctx->argv = argv;
restore_ctx->eff_restore_file = eff_restore_file;
restore_ctx->new_restore_file = new_restore_file;
init_restore (restore_ctx);
if (user_options->restore_disable == true) return 0;
restore_ctx->enabled = true;
if (user_options->restore == true)
read_restore (restore_ctx);
restore_data_t *rd = restore_ctx->rd;
if (rd->version < RESTORE_VERSION_MIN)
log_error ("ERROR: Incompatible restore-file version");
return -1;
#if defined (_POSIX)
rd->pid = getpid ();
#elif defined (_WIN)
rd->pid = GetCurrentProcessId ();
restore_ctx->argc = rd->argc;
restore_ctx->argv = rd->argv;
user_options_init (user_options);
const int rc_user_options_parse = user_options_parse (user_options, rd->argc, rd->argv);
if (rc_user_options_parse == -1) return -1;
return 0;
void restore_ctx_destroy (restore_ctx_t *restore_ctx)
restore_ctx->argc = 0;
restore_ctx->argv = NULL;
myfree (restore_ctx->rd);
myfree (restore_ctx->eff_restore_file);
myfree (restore_ctx->new_restore_file);
myfree (restore_ctx);