You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

130 lines
5.2 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env perl
## Author......: See docs/credits.txt
## License.....: MIT
use strict;
use warnings;
use Crypt::PBKDF2;
sub module_constraints { [[0, 255], [16, 16], [0, 55], [16, 16], [0, 55]] }
sub module_generate_hash
my $word = shift;
my $salt = shift;
my $iter = shift;
my $iterations = 64;
if (length ($iter))
$iterations = 1 << int ($iter);
my $digest = aix_ssha512_pbkdf2 ($word, $salt, $iterations);
my $hash = sprintf ("{ssha512}%02i\$%s\$%s", log ($iterations) / log (2), $salt, $digest);
return $hash;
sub module_verify_hash
my $line = shift;
my ($hash, $word) = split (':', $line);
return unless defined $hash;
return unless defined $word;
my $signature = substr ($hash, 0, 9);
return unless ($signature eq "{ssha512}");
$hash = substr ($hash, 9);
my @data = split ('\$', $hash);
return unless scalar @data == 3;
my $iter = shift (@data);
my $salt = shift @data;
my $digest = shift @data;
my $word_packed = pack_if_HEX_notation ($word);
my $new_hash = module_generate_hash ($word_packed, $salt, $iter);
return ($new_hash, $word);
sub aix_ssha512_pbkdf2
my $word_buf = shift;
my $salt_buf = shift;
my $iterations = shift;
my $hasher = Crypt::PBKDF2->hasher_from_algorithm ('HMACSHA2', 512);
my $pbkdf2 = Crypt::PBKDF2->new (
hasher => $hasher,
iterations => $iterations,
my $hash_buf = $pbkdf2->PBKDF2 ($salt_buf, $word_buf);
my $tmp_hash = "";
$tmp_hash .= to64 ((int (ord (substr ($hash_buf, 0, 1))) << 16) | (int (ord (substr ($hash_buf, 1, 1))) << 8) | (int (ord (substr ($hash_buf, 2, 1)))), 4);
$tmp_hash .= to64 ((int (ord (substr ($hash_buf, 3, 1))) << 16) | (int (ord (substr ($hash_buf, 4, 1))) << 8) | (int (ord (substr ($hash_buf, 5, 1)))), 4);
$tmp_hash .= to64 ((int (ord (substr ($hash_buf, 6, 1))) << 16) | (int (ord (substr ($hash_buf, 7, 1))) << 8) | (int (ord (substr ($hash_buf, 8, 1)))), 4);
$tmp_hash .= to64 ((int (ord (substr ($hash_buf, 9, 1))) << 16) | (int (ord (substr ($hash_buf, 10, 1))) << 8) | (int (ord (substr ($hash_buf, 11, 1)))), 4);
$tmp_hash .= to64 ((int (ord (substr ($hash_buf, 12, 1))) << 16) | (int (ord (substr ($hash_buf, 13, 1))) << 8) | (int (ord (substr ($hash_buf, 14, 1)))), 4);
$tmp_hash .= to64 ((int (ord (substr ($hash_buf, 15, 1))) << 16) | (int (ord (substr ($hash_buf, 16, 1))) << 8) | (int (ord (substr ($hash_buf, 17, 1)))), 4);
$tmp_hash .= to64 ((int (ord (substr ($hash_buf, 18, 1))) << 16) | (int (ord (substr ($hash_buf, 19, 1))) << 8) | (int (ord (substr ($hash_buf, 20, 1)))), 4);
$tmp_hash .= to64 ((int (ord (substr ($hash_buf, 21, 1))) << 16) | (int (ord (substr ($hash_buf, 22, 1))) << 8) | (int (ord (substr ($hash_buf, 23, 1)))), 4);
$tmp_hash .= to64 ((int (ord (substr ($hash_buf, 24, 1))) << 16) | (int (ord (substr ($hash_buf, 25, 1))) << 8) | (int (ord (substr ($hash_buf, 26, 1)))), 4);
$tmp_hash .= to64 ((int (ord (substr ($hash_buf, 27, 1))) << 16) | (int (ord (substr ($hash_buf, 28, 1))) << 8) | (int (ord (substr ($hash_buf, 29, 1)))), 4);
$tmp_hash .= to64 ((int (ord (substr ($hash_buf, 30, 1))) << 16) | (int (ord (substr ($hash_buf, 31, 1))) << 8) | (int (ord (substr ($hash_buf, 32, 1)))), 4);
$tmp_hash .= to64 ((int (ord (substr ($hash_buf, 33, 1))) << 16) | (int (ord (substr ($hash_buf, 34, 1))) << 8) | (int (ord (substr ($hash_buf, 35, 1)))), 4);
$tmp_hash .= to64 ((int (ord (substr ($hash_buf, 36, 1))) << 16) | (int (ord (substr ($hash_buf, 37, 1))) << 8) | (int (ord (substr ($hash_buf, 38, 1)))), 4);
$tmp_hash .= to64 ((int (ord (substr ($hash_buf, 39, 1))) << 16) | (int (ord (substr ($hash_buf, 40, 1))) << 8) | (int (ord (substr ($hash_buf, 41, 1)))), 4);
$tmp_hash .= to64 ((int (ord (substr ($hash_buf, 42, 1))) << 16) | (int (ord (substr ($hash_buf, 43, 1))) << 8) | (int (ord (substr ($hash_buf, 44, 1)))), 4);
$tmp_hash .= to64 ((int (ord (substr ($hash_buf, 45, 1))) << 16) | (int (ord (substr ($hash_buf, 46, 1))) << 8) | (int (ord (substr ($hash_buf, 47, 1)))), 4);
$tmp_hash .= to64 ((int (ord (substr ($hash_buf, 48, 1))) << 16) | (int (ord (substr ($hash_buf, 49, 1))) << 8) | (int (ord (substr ($hash_buf, 50, 1)))), 4);
$tmp_hash .= to64 ((int (ord (substr ($hash_buf, 51, 1))) << 16) | (int (ord (substr ($hash_buf, 52, 1))) << 8) | (int (ord (substr ($hash_buf, 53, 1)))), 4);
$tmp_hash .= to64 ((int (ord (substr ($hash_buf, 54, 1))) << 16) | (int (ord (substr ($hash_buf, 55, 1))) << 8) | (int (ord (substr ($hash_buf, 56, 1)))), 4);
$tmp_hash .= to64 ((int (ord (substr ($hash_buf, 57, 1))) << 16) | (int (ord (substr ($hash_buf, 58, 1))) << 8) | (int (ord (substr ($hash_buf, 59, 1)))), 4);
$tmp_hash .= to64 ((int (ord (substr ($hash_buf, 60, 1))) << 16) | (int (ord (substr ($hash_buf, 61, 1))) << 8) | (int (ord (substr ($hash_buf, 62, 1)))), 4);
$tmp_hash .= to64 ((int (ord (substr ($hash_buf, 63, 1))) << 16) , 2);
return $tmp_hash;
sub to64
my $v = shift;
my $n = shift;
my $itoa64 = "./0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
my $ret = "";
while (($n - 1) >= 0)
$n = $n - 1;
$ret .= substr ($itoa64, $v & 0x3f, 1);
$v = $v >> 6;
return $ret