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Some algorithms have ambiguous hashes (e.g. case-insensetive usernames in Net-NTLMv2 hashes). This optional function allows test modules to unify the hashlist before the verification process starts. Also update readme and minor code formatting.
314 lines
5.7 KiB
Executable File
314 lines
5.7 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env perl
## Author......: See docs/credits.txt
## License.....: MIT
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Types qw (is_count is_int is_whole);
use File::Basename;
use FindBin;
# allows require by filename
use lib "$FindBin::Bin/test_modules";
my $TYPES = [ 'single', 'passthrough', 'verify' ];
my $TYPE = shift @ARGV;
my $MODE = shift @ARGV;
is_in_array ($TYPE, $TYPES) or usage_exit ();
is_whole ($MODE) or die "Mode must be a number\n";
my $MODULE_FILE = sprintf ("m%05d.pm", $MODE);
eval { require $MODULE_FILE } or die "Could not load test module: $MODULE_FILE\n$@";
exists &{module_generate_hash} or die "Module function 'module_generate_hash' not found\n";
exists &{module_verify_hash} or die "Module function 'module_verify_hash' not found\n";
if ($TYPE eq 'single')
single (@ARGV);
elsif ($TYPE eq 'passthrough')
passthrough ();
elsif ($TYPE eq "verify")
usage_exit () if scalar @ARGV != 3;
verify (@ARGV);
usage_exit ();
sub single
my $len = shift;
# fallback to incrementing length
undef $len unless is_count ($len);
my $format = "echo -n %-32s | ./hashcat \${OPTS} -a 0 -m %d '%s'\n";
for (my $i = 1; $i <= 32; $i++)
# requested or incrementing length
my $cur_len = $len // $i;
my $word = random_numeric_string ($cur_len);
my $hash = module_generate_hash ($word);
# possible if the requested length is not supported by algorithm
next unless defined $hash;
print sprintf ($format, $word, $MODE, $hash);
sub passthrough
while (my $word = <>)
chomp $word;
my $hash = module_generate_hash ($word);
next unless defined $hash;
print "$hash\n";
sub verify
my $hashes_file = shift;
my $cracks_file = shift;
my $out_file = shift;
open (IN, '<', $hashes_file) or die "$hashes_file: $!\n";
my @hashlist;
while (my $line = <IN>)
$line =~ s/\n$//;
$line =~ s/\r$//;
push (@hashlist, $line);
close (IN);
# resolve hash ambiguity if necessary
if (exists &{module_preprocess_hashlist})
module_preprocess_hashlist (\@hashlist);
open (IN, '<', $cracks_file) or die "$cracks_file: $!\n";
open (OUT, '>', $out_file ) or die "$out_file: $!\n";
while (my $line = <IN>)
$line =~ s/\n$//;
$line =~ s/\r$//;
my $hash = module_verify_hash ($line);
# possible if the hash:password pair does not match
next unless defined $hash;
# possible if the hash is in cracksfile, but not in hashfile
next unless is_in_array ($hash, \@hashlist);
print OUT "$line\n";
close (IN);
close (OUT);
sub is_in_array
my $value = shift;
my $array = shift;
return unless defined $value;
return unless defined $array;
return grep { $_ eq $value } @{$array};
# detect hashcat $HEX[...] notation and pack as binary
sub pack_if_HEX_notation
my $string = shift;
return unless defined $string;
if ($string =~ m/^\$HEX\[[0-9a-fA-F]*\]$/)
return pack ("H*", substr ($string, 5, -1));
return $string;
# random_count (max)
# returns integer from 1 to max
sub random_count
my $max = shift;
return unless is_count $max;
return int ((rand ($max - 1)) + 1);
# random_number (min, max)
sub random_number
my $min = shift;
my $max = shift;
return unless is_int ($min);
return unless is_int ($max);
return unless $min lt $max;
return int ((rand ($max - $min)) + $min);
sub random_bytes
# length in bytes
my $count = shift;
return pack ("H*", random_hex_string (2 * $count));
sub random_hex_string
# length in characters
my $count = shift;
return if ! is_count ($count);
my $string;
$string .= sprintf ("%x", rand 16) for (1 .. $count);
return $string;
sub random_lowercase_string
my $count = shift;
return if ! is_count ($count);
my @chars = ('a'..'z');
my $string;
$string .= $chars[rand @chars] for (1 .. $count);
return $string;
sub random_uppercase_string
my $count = shift;
return if ! is_count ($count);
my @chars = ('A'..'Z');
my $string;
$string .= $chars[rand @chars] for (1 .. $count);
return $string;
sub random_mixedcase_string
my $count = shift;
return if ! is_count ($count);
my @chars = ('A'..'Z', 'a'..'z');
my $string;
$string .= $chars[rand @chars] for (1 .. $count);
return $string;
sub random_numeric_string
my $count = shift;
return if ! is_count ($count);
my @chars = ('0'..'9');
my $string;
$string .= $chars[rand @chars] for (1 .. $count);
return $string;
sub random_string
my $count = shift;
return if ! is_count ($count);
my @chars = ('A'..'Z', 'a'..'z', '0'..'9');
my $string;
$string .= $chars[rand @chars] for (1 .. $count);
return $string;
sub usage_exit
my $f = basename ($0);
print "\n"
. "Usage:\n"
. " $f single <mode> [length]\n"
. " $f passthrough <mode>\n"
. " $f verify <mode> <hashfile> <cracksfile> <outfile>\n"
. "\n"
. "Single:\n"
. " Generates up to 32 hashes of random numbers of incrementing length, or up to 32\n"
. " hashes of random numbers of exact [length]. Writes shell commands to stdout that\n"
. " can be processed by the test.sh script.\n"
. "\n"
. "Passthrough:\n"
. " Generates hashes for strings entered via stdin and prints them to stdout.\n"
. "\n"
. "Verify:\n"
. " Reads a list of hashes from <hashfile> and a list of hash:password pairs from\n"
. " <cracksfile>. Hashes every password and compares the hash to the corresponding\n"
. " entry in the <cracksfile>. If the hashes match and the hash is present in the\n"
. " list from <hashfile>, it will be written to the <outfile>.\n";
exit 1;