mirror of https://github.com/hashcat/hashcat.git synced 2024-11-30 03:48:17 +00:00
2016-11-28 17:35:05 +01:00

1908 lines
68 KiB
Common Lisp

* Author......: See docs/credits.txt
* License.....: MIT
#define _KEEPASS_
#include "inc_vendor.cl"
#include "inc_hash_constants.h"
#include "inc_hash_functions.cl"
#include "inc_types.cl"
#include "inc_common.cl"
#include "inc_cipher_twofish256.cl"
__constant u32 te0[256] =
0xc66363a5, 0xf87c7c84, 0xee777799, 0xf67b7b8d,
0xfff2f20d, 0xd66b6bbd, 0xde6f6fb1, 0x91c5c554,
0x60303050, 0x02010103, 0xce6767a9, 0x562b2b7d,
0xe7fefe19, 0xb5d7d762, 0x4dababe6, 0xec76769a,
0x8fcaca45, 0x1f82829d, 0x89c9c940, 0xfa7d7d87,
0xeffafa15, 0xb25959eb, 0x8e4747c9, 0xfbf0f00b,
0x41adadec, 0xb3d4d467, 0x5fa2a2fd, 0x45afafea,
0x239c9cbf, 0x53a4a4f7, 0xe4727296, 0x9bc0c05b,
0x75b7b7c2, 0xe1fdfd1c, 0x3d9393ae, 0x4c26266a,
0x6c36365a, 0x7e3f3f41, 0xf5f7f702, 0x83cccc4f,
0x6834345c, 0x51a5a5f4, 0xd1e5e534, 0xf9f1f108,
0xe2717193, 0xabd8d873, 0x62313153, 0x2a15153f,
0x0804040c, 0x95c7c752, 0x46232365, 0x9dc3c35e,
0x30181828, 0x379696a1, 0x0a05050f, 0x2f9a9ab5,
0x0e070709, 0x24121236, 0x1b80809b, 0xdfe2e23d,
0xcdebeb26, 0x4e272769, 0x7fb2b2cd, 0xea75759f,
0x1209091b, 0x1d83839e, 0x582c2c74, 0x341a1a2e,
0x361b1b2d, 0xdc6e6eb2, 0xb45a5aee, 0x5ba0a0fb,
0xa45252f6, 0x763b3b4d, 0xb7d6d661, 0x7db3b3ce,
0x5229297b, 0xdde3e33e, 0x5e2f2f71, 0x13848497,
0xa65353f5, 0xb9d1d168, 0x00000000, 0xc1eded2c,
0x40202060, 0xe3fcfc1f, 0x79b1b1c8, 0xb65b5bed,
0xd46a6abe, 0x8dcbcb46, 0x67bebed9, 0x7239394b,
0x944a4ade, 0x984c4cd4, 0xb05858e8, 0x85cfcf4a,
0xbbd0d06b, 0xc5efef2a, 0x4faaaae5, 0xedfbfb16,
0x864343c5, 0x9a4d4dd7, 0x66333355, 0x11858594,
0x8a4545cf, 0xe9f9f910, 0x04020206, 0xfe7f7f81,
0xa05050f0, 0x783c3c44, 0x259f9fba, 0x4ba8a8e3,
0xa25151f3, 0x5da3a3fe, 0x804040c0, 0x058f8f8a,
0x3f9292ad, 0x219d9dbc, 0x70383848, 0xf1f5f504,
0x63bcbcdf, 0x77b6b6c1, 0xafdada75, 0x42212163,
0x20101030, 0xe5ffff1a, 0xfdf3f30e, 0xbfd2d26d,
0x81cdcd4c, 0x180c0c14, 0x26131335, 0xc3ecec2f,
0xbe5f5fe1, 0x359797a2, 0x884444cc, 0x2e171739,
0x93c4c457, 0x55a7a7f2, 0xfc7e7e82, 0x7a3d3d47,
0xc86464ac, 0xba5d5de7, 0x3219192b, 0xe6737395,
0xc06060a0, 0x19818198, 0x9e4f4fd1, 0xa3dcdc7f,
0x44222266, 0x542a2a7e, 0x3b9090ab, 0x0b888883,
0x8c4646ca, 0xc7eeee29, 0x6bb8b8d3, 0x2814143c,
0xa7dede79, 0xbc5e5ee2, 0x160b0b1d, 0xaddbdb76,
0xdbe0e03b, 0x64323256, 0x743a3a4e, 0x140a0a1e,
0x924949db, 0x0c06060a, 0x4824246c, 0xb85c5ce4,
0x9fc2c25d, 0xbdd3d36e, 0x43acacef, 0xc46262a6,
0x399191a8, 0x319595a4, 0xd3e4e437, 0xf279798b,
0xd5e7e732, 0x8bc8c843, 0x6e373759, 0xda6d6db7,
0x018d8d8c, 0xb1d5d564, 0x9c4e4ed2, 0x49a9a9e0,
0xd86c6cb4, 0xac5656fa, 0xf3f4f407, 0xcfeaea25,
0xca6565af, 0xf47a7a8e, 0x47aeaee9, 0x10080818,
0x6fbabad5, 0xf0787888, 0x4a25256f, 0x5c2e2e72,
0x381c1c24, 0x57a6a6f1, 0x73b4b4c7, 0x97c6c651,
0xcbe8e823, 0xa1dddd7c, 0xe874749c, 0x3e1f1f21,
0x964b4bdd, 0x61bdbddc, 0x0d8b8b86, 0x0f8a8a85,
0xe0707090, 0x7c3e3e42, 0x71b5b5c4, 0xcc6666aa,
0x904848d8, 0x06030305, 0xf7f6f601, 0x1c0e0e12,
0xc26161a3, 0x6a35355f, 0xae5757f9, 0x69b9b9d0,
0x17868691, 0x99c1c158, 0x3a1d1d27, 0x279e9eb9,
0xd9e1e138, 0xebf8f813, 0x2b9898b3, 0x22111133,
0xd26969bb, 0xa9d9d970, 0x078e8e89, 0x339494a7,
0x2d9b9bb6, 0x3c1e1e22, 0x15878792, 0xc9e9e920,
0x87cece49, 0xaa5555ff, 0x50282878, 0xa5dfdf7a,
0x038c8c8f, 0x59a1a1f8, 0x09898980, 0x1a0d0d17,
0x65bfbfda, 0xd7e6e631, 0x844242c6, 0xd06868b8,
0x824141c3, 0x299999b0, 0x5a2d2d77, 0x1e0f0f11,
0x7bb0b0cb, 0xa85454fc, 0x6dbbbbd6, 0x2c16163a,
__constant u32 te1[256] =
0xa5c66363, 0x84f87c7c, 0x99ee7777, 0x8df67b7b,
0x0dfff2f2, 0xbdd66b6b, 0xb1de6f6f, 0x5491c5c5,
0x50603030, 0x03020101, 0xa9ce6767, 0x7d562b2b,
0x19e7fefe, 0x62b5d7d7, 0xe64dabab, 0x9aec7676,
0x458fcaca, 0x9d1f8282, 0x4089c9c9, 0x87fa7d7d,
0x15effafa, 0xebb25959, 0xc98e4747, 0x0bfbf0f0,
0xec41adad, 0x67b3d4d4, 0xfd5fa2a2, 0xea45afaf,
0xbf239c9c, 0xf753a4a4, 0x96e47272, 0x5b9bc0c0,
0xc275b7b7, 0x1ce1fdfd, 0xae3d9393, 0x6a4c2626,
0x5a6c3636, 0x417e3f3f, 0x02f5f7f7, 0x4f83cccc,
0x5c683434, 0xf451a5a5, 0x34d1e5e5, 0x08f9f1f1,
0x93e27171, 0x73abd8d8, 0x53623131, 0x3f2a1515,
0x0c080404, 0x5295c7c7, 0x65462323, 0x5e9dc3c3,
0x28301818, 0xa1379696, 0x0f0a0505, 0xb52f9a9a,
0x090e0707, 0x36241212, 0x9b1b8080, 0x3ddfe2e2,
0x26cdebeb, 0x694e2727, 0xcd7fb2b2, 0x9fea7575,
0x1b120909, 0x9e1d8383, 0x74582c2c, 0x2e341a1a,
0x2d361b1b, 0xb2dc6e6e, 0xeeb45a5a, 0xfb5ba0a0,
0xf6a45252, 0x4d763b3b, 0x61b7d6d6, 0xce7db3b3,
0x7b522929, 0x3edde3e3, 0x715e2f2f, 0x97138484,
0xf5a65353, 0x68b9d1d1, 0x00000000, 0x2cc1eded,
0x60402020, 0x1fe3fcfc, 0xc879b1b1, 0xedb65b5b,
0xbed46a6a, 0x468dcbcb, 0xd967bebe, 0x4b723939,
0xde944a4a, 0xd4984c4c, 0xe8b05858, 0x4a85cfcf,
0x6bbbd0d0, 0x2ac5efef, 0xe54faaaa, 0x16edfbfb,
0xc5864343, 0xd79a4d4d, 0x55663333, 0x94118585,
0xcf8a4545, 0x10e9f9f9, 0x06040202, 0x81fe7f7f,
0xf0a05050, 0x44783c3c, 0xba259f9f, 0xe34ba8a8,
0xf3a25151, 0xfe5da3a3, 0xc0804040, 0x8a058f8f,
0xad3f9292, 0xbc219d9d, 0x48703838, 0x04f1f5f5,
0xdf63bcbc, 0xc177b6b6, 0x75afdada, 0x63422121,
0x30201010, 0x1ae5ffff, 0x0efdf3f3, 0x6dbfd2d2,
0x4c81cdcd, 0x14180c0c, 0x35261313, 0x2fc3ecec,
0xe1be5f5f, 0xa2359797, 0xcc884444, 0x392e1717,
0x5793c4c4, 0xf255a7a7, 0x82fc7e7e, 0x477a3d3d,
0xacc86464, 0xe7ba5d5d, 0x2b321919, 0x95e67373,
0xa0c06060, 0x98198181, 0xd19e4f4f, 0x7fa3dcdc,
0x66442222, 0x7e542a2a, 0xab3b9090, 0x830b8888,
0xca8c4646, 0x29c7eeee, 0xd36bb8b8, 0x3c281414,
0x79a7dede, 0xe2bc5e5e, 0x1d160b0b, 0x76addbdb,
0x3bdbe0e0, 0x56643232, 0x4e743a3a, 0x1e140a0a,
0xdb924949, 0x0a0c0606, 0x6c482424, 0xe4b85c5c,
0x5d9fc2c2, 0x6ebdd3d3, 0xef43acac, 0xa6c46262,
0xa8399191, 0xa4319595, 0x37d3e4e4, 0x8bf27979,
0x32d5e7e7, 0x438bc8c8, 0x596e3737, 0xb7da6d6d,
0x8c018d8d, 0x64b1d5d5, 0xd29c4e4e, 0xe049a9a9,
0xb4d86c6c, 0xfaac5656, 0x07f3f4f4, 0x25cfeaea,
0xafca6565, 0x8ef47a7a, 0xe947aeae, 0x18100808,
0xd56fbaba, 0x88f07878, 0x6f4a2525, 0x725c2e2e,
0x24381c1c, 0xf157a6a6, 0xc773b4b4, 0x5197c6c6,
0x23cbe8e8, 0x7ca1dddd, 0x9ce87474, 0x213e1f1f,
0xdd964b4b, 0xdc61bdbd, 0x860d8b8b, 0x850f8a8a,
0x90e07070, 0x427c3e3e, 0xc471b5b5, 0xaacc6666,
0xd8904848, 0x05060303, 0x01f7f6f6, 0x121c0e0e,
0xa3c26161, 0x5f6a3535, 0xf9ae5757, 0xd069b9b9,
0x91178686, 0x5899c1c1, 0x273a1d1d, 0xb9279e9e,
0x38d9e1e1, 0x13ebf8f8, 0xb32b9898, 0x33221111,
0xbbd26969, 0x70a9d9d9, 0x89078e8e, 0xa7339494,
0xb62d9b9b, 0x223c1e1e, 0x92158787, 0x20c9e9e9,
0x4987cece, 0xffaa5555, 0x78502828, 0x7aa5dfdf,
0x8f038c8c, 0xf859a1a1, 0x80098989, 0x171a0d0d,
0xda65bfbf, 0x31d7e6e6, 0xc6844242, 0xb8d06868,
0xc3824141, 0xb0299999, 0x775a2d2d, 0x111e0f0f,
0xcb7bb0b0, 0xfca85454, 0xd66dbbbb, 0x3a2c1616,
__constant u32 te2[256] =
0x63a5c663, 0x7c84f87c, 0x7799ee77, 0x7b8df67b,
0xf20dfff2, 0x6bbdd66b, 0x6fb1de6f, 0xc55491c5,
0x30506030, 0x01030201, 0x67a9ce67, 0x2b7d562b,
0xfe19e7fe, 0xd762b5d7, 0xabe64dab, 0x769aec76,
0xca458fca, 0x829d1f82, 0xc94089c9, 0x7d87fa7d,
0xfa15effa, 0x59ebb259, 0x47c98e47, 0xf00bfbf0,
0xadec41ad, 0xd467b3d4, 0xa2fd5fa2, 0xafea45af,
0x9cbf239c, 0xa4f753a4, 0x7296e472, 0xc05b9bc0,
0xb7c275b7, 0xfd1ce1fd, 0x93ae3d93, 0x266a4c26,
0x365a6c36, 0x3f417e3f, 0xf702f5f7, 0xcc4f83cc,
0x345c6834, 0xa5f451a5, 0xe534d1e5, 0xf108f9f1,
0x7193e271, 0xd873abd8, 0x31536231, 0x153f2a15,
0x040c0804, 0xc75295c7, 0x23654623, 0xc35e9dc3,
0x18283018, 0x96a13796, 0x050f0a05, 0x9ab52f9a,
0x07090e07, 0x12362412, 0x809b1b80, 0xe23ddfe2,
0xeb26cdeb, 0x27694e27, 0xb2cd7fb2, 0x759fea75,
0x091b1209, 0x839e1d83, 0x2c74582c, 0x1a2e341a,
0x1b2d361b, 0x6eb2dc6e, 0x5aeeb45a, 0xa0fb5ba0,
0x52f6a452, 0x3b4d763b, 0xd661b7d6, 0xb3ce7db3,
0x297b5229, 0xe33edde3, 0x2f715e2f, 0x84971384,
0x53f5a653, 0xd168b9d1, 0x00000000, 0xed2cc1ed,
0x20604020, 0xfc1fe3fc, 0xb1c879b1, 0x5bedb65b,
0x6abed46a, 0xcb468dcb, 0xbed967be, 0x394b7239,
0x4ade944a, 0x4cd4984c, 0x58e8b058, 0xcf4a85cf,
0xd06bbbd0, 0xef2ac5ef, 0xaae54faa, 0xfb16edfb,
0x43c58643, 0x4dd79a4d, 0x33556633, 0x85941185,
0x45cf8a45, 0xf910e9f9, 0x02060402, 0x7f81fe7f,
0x50f0a050, 0x3c44783c, 0x9fba259f, 0xa8e34ba8,
0x51f3a251, 0xa3fe5da3, 0x40c08040, 0x8f8a058f,
0x92ad3f92, 0x9dbc219d, 0x38487038, 0xf504f1f5,
0xbcdf63bc, 0xb6c177b6, 0xda75afda, 0x21634221,
0x10302010, 0xff1ae5ff, 0xf30efdf3, 0xd26dbfd2,
0xcd4c81cd, 0x0c14180c, 0x13352613, 0xec2fc3ec,
0x5fe1be5f, 0x97a23597, 0x44cc8844, 0x17392e17,
0xc45793c4, 0xa7f255a7, 0x7e82fc7e, 0x3d477a3d,
0x64acc864, 0x5de7ba5d, 0x192b3219, 0x7395e673,
0x60a0c060, 0x81981981, 0x4fd19e4f, 0xdc7fa3dc,
0x22664422, 0x2a7e542a, 0x90ab3b90, 0x88830b88,
0x46ca8c46, 0xee29c7ee, 0xb8d36bb8, 0x143c2814,
0xde79a7de, 0x5ee2bc5e, 0x0b1d160b, 0xdb76addb,
0xe03bdbe0, 0x32566432, 0x3a4e743a, 0x0a1e140a,
0x49db9249, 0x060a0c06, 0x246c4824, 0x5ce4b85c,
0xc25d9fc2, 0xd36ebdd3, 0xacef43ac, 0x62a6c462,
0x91a83991, 0x95a43195, 0xe437d3e4, 0x798bf279,
0xe732d5e7, 0xc8438bc8, 0x37596e37, 0x6db7da6d,
0x8d8c018d, 0xd564b1d5, 0x4ed29c4e, 0xa9e049a9,
0x6cb4d86c, 0x56faac56, 0xf407f3f4, 0xea25cfea,
0x65afca65, 0x7a8ef47a, 0xaee947ae, 0x08181008,
0xbad56fba, 0x7888f078, 0x256f4a25, 0x2e725c2e,
0x1c24381c, 0xa6f157a6, 0xb4c773b4, 0xc65197c6,
0xe823cbe8, 0xdd7ca1dd, 0x749ce874, 0x1f213e1f,
0x4bdd964b, 0xbddc61bd, 0x8b860d8b, 0x8a850f8a,
0x7090e070, 0x3e427c3e, 0xb5c471b5, 0x66aacc66,
0x48d89048, 0x03050603, 0xf601f7f6, 0x0e121c0e,
0x61a3c261, 0x355f6a35, 0x57f9ae57, 0xb9d069b9,
0x86911786, 0xc15899c1, 0x1d273a1d, 0x9eb9279e,
0xe138d9e1, 0xf813ebf8, 0x98b32b98, 0x11332211,
0x69bbd269, 0xd970a9d9, 0x8e89078e, 0x94a73394,
0x9bb62d9b, 0x1e223c1e, 0x87921587, 0xe920c9e9,
0xce4987ce, 0x55ffaa55, 0x28785028, 0xdf7aa5df,
0x8c8f038c, 0xa1f859a1, 0x89800989, 0x0d171a0d,
0xbfda65bf, 0xe631d7e6, 0x42c68442, 0x68b8d068,
0x41c38241, 0x99b02999, 0x2d775a2d, 0x0f111e0f,
0xb0cb7bb0, 0x54fca854, 0xbbd66dbb, 0x163a2c16,
__constant u32 te3[256] =
0x6363a5c6, 0x7c7c84f8, 0x777799ee, 0x7b7b8df6,
0xf2f20dff, 0x6b6bbdd6, 0x6f6fb1de, 0xc5c55491,
0x30305060, 0x01010302, 0x6767a9ce, 0x2b2b7d56,
0xfefe19e7, 0xd7d762b5, 0xababe64d, 0x76769aec,
0xcaca458f, 0x82829d1f, 0xc9c94089, 0x7d7d87fa,
0xfafa15ef, 0x5959ebb2, 0x4747c98e, 0xf0f00bfb,
0xadadec41, 0xd4d467b3, 0xa2a2fd5f, 0xafafea45,
0x9c9cbf23, 0xa4a4f753, 0x727296e4, 0xc0c05b9b,
0xb7b7c275, 0xfdfd1ce1, 0x9393ae3d, 0x26266a4c,
0x36365a6c, 0x3f3f417e, 0xf7f702f5, 0xcccc4f83,
0x34345c68, 0xa5a5f451, 0xe5e534d1, 0xf1f108f9,
0x717193e2, 0xd8d873ab, 0x31315362, 0x15153f2a,
0x04040c08, 0xc7c75295, 0x23236546, 0xc3c35e9d,
0x18182830, 0x9696a137, 0x05050f0a, 0x9a9ab52f,
0x0707090e, 0x12123624, 0x80809b1b, 0xe2e23ddf,
0xebeb26cd, 0x2727694e, 0xb2b2cd7f, 0x75759fea,
0x09091b12, 0x83839e1d, 0x2c2c7458, 0x1a1a2e34,
0x1b1b2d36, 0x6e6eb2dc, 0x5a5aeeb4, 0xa0a0fb5b,
0x5252f6a4, 0x3b3b4d76, 0xd6d661b7, 0xb3b3ce7d,
0x29297b52, 0xe3e33edd, 0x2f2f715e, 0x84849713,
0x5353f5a6, 0xd1d168b9, 0x00000000, 0xeded2cc1,
0x20206040, 0xfcfc1fe3, 0xb1b1c879, 0x5b5bedb6,
0x6a6abed4, 0xcbcb468d, 0xbebed967, 0x39394b72,
0x4a4ade94, 0x4c4cd498, 0x5858e8b0, 0xcfcf4a85,
0xd0d06bbb, 0xefef2ac5, 0xaaaae54f, 0xfbfb16ed,
0x4343c586, 0x4d4dd79a, 0x33335566, 0x85859411,
0x4545cf8a, 0xf9f910e9, 0x02020604, 0x7f7f81fe,
0x5050f0a0, 0x3c3c4478, 0x9f9fba25, 0xa8a8e34b,
0x5151f3a2, 0xa3a3fe5d, 0x4040c080, 0x8f8f8a05,
0x9292ad3f, 0x9d9dbc21, 0x38384870, 0xf5f504f1,
0xbcbcdf63, 0xb6b6c177, 0xdada75af, 0x21216342,
0x10103020, 0xffff1ae5, 0xf3f30efd, 0xd2d26dbf,
0xcdcd4c81, 0x0c0c1418, 0x13133526, 0xecec2fc3,
0x5f5fe1be, 0x9797a235, 0x4444cc88, 0x1717392e,
0xc4c45793, 0xa7a7f255, 0x7e7e82fc, 0x3d3d477a,
0x6464acc8, 0x5d5de7ba, 0x19192b32, 0x737395e6,
0x6060a0c0, 0x81819819, 0x4f4fd19e, 0xdcdc7fa3,
0x22226644, 0x2a2a7e54, 0x9090ab3b, 0x8888830b,
0x4646ca8c, 0xeeee29c7, 0xb8b8d36b, 0x14143c28,
0xdede79a7, 0x5e5ee2bc, 0x0b0b1d16, 0xdbdb76ad,
0xe0e03bdb, 0x32325664, 0x3a3a4e74, 0x0a0a1e14,
0x4949db92, 0x06060a0c, 0x24246c48, 0x5c5ce4b8,
0xc2c25d9f, 0xd3d36ebd, 0xacacef43, 0x6262a6c4,
0x9191a839, 0x9595a431, 0xe4e437d3, 0x79798bf2,
0xe7e732d5, 0xc8c8438b, 0x3737596e, 0x6d6db7da,
0x8d8d8c01, 0xd5d564b1, 0x4e4ed29c, 0xa9a9e049,
0x6c6cb4d8, 0x5656faac, 0xf4f407f3, 0xeaea25cf,
0x6565afca, 0x7a7a8ef4, 0xaeaee947, 0x08081810,
0xbabad56f, 0x787888f0, 0x25256f4a, 0x2e2e725c,
0x1c1c2438, 0xa6a6f157, 0xb4b4c773, 0xc6c65197,
0xe8e823cb, 0xdddd7ca1, 0x74749ce8, 0x1f1f213e,
0x4b4bdd96, 0xbdbddc61, 0x8b8b860d, 0x8a8a850f,
0x707090e0, 0x3e3e427c, 0xb5b5c471, 0x6666aacc,
0x4848d890, 0x03030506, 0xf6f601f7, 0x0e0e121c,
0x6161a3c2, 0x35355f6a, 0x5757f9ae, 0xb9b9d069,
0x86869117, 0xc1c15899, 0x1d1d273a, 0x9e9eb927,
0xe1e138d9, 0xf8f813eb, 0x9898b32b, 0x11113322,
0x6969bbd2, 0xd9d970a9, 0x8e8e8907, 0x9494a733,
0x9b9bb62d, 0x1e1e223c, 0x87879215, 0xe9e920c9,
0xcece4987, 0x5555ffaa, 0x28287850, 0xdfdf7aa5,
0x8c8c8f03, 0xa1a1f859, 0x89898009, 0x0d0d171a,
0xbfbfda65, 0xe6e631d7, 0x4242c684, 0x6868b8d0,
0x4141c382, 0x9999b029, 0x2d2d775a, 0x0f0f111e,
0xb0b0cb7b, 0x5454fca8, 0xbbbbd66d, 0x16163a2c,
__constant u32 te4[256] =
0x63636363, 0x7c7c7c7c, 0x77777777, 0x7b7b7b7b,
0xf2f2f2f2, 0x6b6b6b6b, 0x6f6f6f6f, 0xc5c5c5c5,
0x30303030, 0x01010101, 0x67676767, 0x2b2b2b2b,
0xfefefefe, 0xd7d7d7d7, 0xabababab, 0x76767676,
0xcacacaca, 0x82828282, 0xc9c9c9c9, 0x7d7d7d7d,
0xfafafafa, 0x59595959, 0x47474747, 0xf0f0f0f0,
0xadadadad, 0xd4d4d4d4, 0xa2a2a2a2, 0xafafafaf,
0x9c9c9c9c, 0xa4a4a4a4, 0x72727272, 0xc0c0c0c0,
0xb7b7b7b7, 0xfdfdfdfd, 0x93939393, 0x26262626,
0x36363636, 0x3f3f3f3f, 0xf7f7f7f7, 0xcccccccc,
0x34343434, 0xa5a5a5a5, 0xe5e5e5e5, 0xf1f1f1f1,
0x71717171, 0xd8d8d8d8, 0x31313131, 0x15151515,
0x04040404, 0xc7c7c7c7, 0x23232323, 0xc3c3c3c3,
0x18181818, 0x96969696, 0x05050505, 0x9a9a9a9a,
0x07070707, 0x12121212, 0x80808080, 0xe2e2e2e2,
0xebebebeb, 0x27272727, 0xb2b2b2b2, 0x75757575,
0x09090909, 0x83838383, 0x2c2c2c2c, 0x1a1a1a1a,
0x1b1b1b1b, 0x6e6e6e6e, 0x5a5a5a5a, 0xa0a0a0a0,
0x52525252, 0x3b3b3b3b, 0xd6d6d6d6, 0xb3b3b3b3,
0x29292929, 0xe3e3e3e3, 0x2f2f2f2f, 0x84848484,
0x53535353, 0xd1d1d1d1, 0x00000000, 0xedededed,
0x20202020, 0xfcfcfcfc, 0xb1b1b1b1, 0x5b5b5b5b,
0x6a6a6a6a, 0xcbcbcbcb, 0xbebebebe, 0x39393939,
0x4a4a4a4a, 0x4c4c4c4c, 0x58585858, 0xcfcfcfcf,
0xd0d0d0d0, 0xefefefef, 0xaaaaaaaa, 0xfbfbfbfb,
0x43434343, 0x4d4d4d4d, 0x33333333, 0x85858585,
0x45454545, 0xf9f9f9f9, 0x02020202, 0x7f7f7f7f,
0x50505050, 0x3c3c3c3c, 0x9f9f9f9f, 0xa8a8a8a8,
0x51515151, 0xa3a3a3a3, 0x40404040, 0x8f8f8f8f,
0x92929292, 0x9d9d9d9d, 0x38383838, 0xf5f5f5f5,
0xbcbcbcbc, 0xb6b6b6b6, 0xdadadada, 0x21212121,
0x10101010, 0xffffffff, 0xf3f3f3f3, 0xd2d2d2d2,
0xcdcdcdcd, 0x0c0c0c0c, 0x13131313, 0xecececec,
0x5f5f5f5f, 0x97979797, 0x44444444, 0x17171717,
0xc4c4c4c4, 0xa7a7a7a7, 0x7e7e7e7e, 0x3d3d3d3d,
0x64646464, 0x5d5d5d5d, 0x19191919, 0x73737373,
0x60606060, 0x81818181, 0x4f4f4f4f, 0xdcdcdcdc,
0x22222222, 0x2a2a2a2a, 0x90909090, 0x88888888,
0x46464646, 0xeeeeeeee, 0xb8b8b8b8, 0x14141414,
0xdededede, 0x5e5e5e5e, 0x0b0b0b0b, 0xdbdbdbdb,
0xe0e0e0e0, 0x32323232, 0x3a3a3a3a, 0x0a0a0a0a,
0x49494949, 0x06060606, 0x24242424, 0x5c5c5c5c,
0xc2c2c2c2, 0xd3d3d3d3, 0xacacacac, 0x62626262,
0x91919191, 0x95959595, 0xe4e4e4e4, 0x79797979,
0xe7e7e7e7, 0xc8c8c8c8, 0x37373737, 0x6d6d6d6d,
0x8d8d8d8d, 0xd5d5d5d5, 0x4e4e4e4e, 0xa9a9a9a9,
0x6c6c6c6c, 0x56565656, 0xf4f4f4f4, 0xeaeaeaea,
0x65656565, 0x7a7a7a7a, 0xaeaeaeae, 0x08080808,
0xbabababa, 0x78787878, 0x25252525, 0x2e2e2e2e,
0x1c1c1c1c, 0xa6a6a6a6, 0xb4b4b4b4, 0xc6c6c6c6,
0xe8e8e8e8, 0xdddddddd, 0x74747474, 0x1f1f1f1f,
0x4b4b4b4b, 0xbdbdbdbd, 0x8b8b8b8b, 0x8a8a8a8a,
0x70707070, 0x3e3e3e3e, 0xb5b5b5b5, 0x66666666,
0x48484848, 0x03030303, 0xf6f6f6f6, 0x0e0e0e0e,
0x61616161, 0x35353535, 0x57575757, 0xb9b9b9b9,
0x86868686, 0xc1c1c1c1, 0x1d1d1d1d, 0x9e9e9e9e,
0xe1e1e1e1, 0xf8f8f8f8, 0x98989898, 0x11111111,
0x69696969, 0xd9d9d9d9, 0x8e8e8e8e, 0x94949494,
0x9b9b9b9b, 0x1e1e1e1e, 0x87878787, 0xe9e9e9e9,
0xcececece, 0x55555555, 0x28282828, 0xdfdfdfdf,
0x8c8c8c8c, 0xa1a1a1a1, 0x89898989, 0x0d0d0d0d,
0xbfbfbfbf, 0xe6e6e6e6, 0x42424242, 0x68686868,
0x41414141, 0x99999999, 0x2d2d2d2d, 0x0f0f0f0f,
0xb0b0b0b0, 0x54545454, 0xbbbbbbbb, 0x16161616,
__constant u32 td0[256] =
0x51f4a750, 0x7e416553, 0x1a17a4c3, 0x3a275e96,
0x3bab6bcb, 0x1f9d45f1, 0xacfa58ab, 0x4be30393,
0x2030fa55, 0xad766df6, 0x88cc7691, 0xf5024c25,
0x4fe5d7fc, 0xc52acbd7, 0x26354480, 0xb562a38f,
0xdeb15a49, 0x25ba1b67, 0x45ea0e98, 0x5dfec0e1,
0xc32f7502, 0x814cf012, 0x8d4697a3, 0x6bd3f9c6,
0x038f5fe7, 0x15929c95, 0xbf6d7aeb, 0x955259da,
0xd4be832d, 0x587421d3, 0x49e06929, 0x8ec9c844,
0x75c2896a, 0xf48e7978, 0x99583e6b, 0x27b971dd,
0xbee14fb6, 0xf088ad17, 0xc920ac66, 0x7dce3ab4,
0x63df4a18, 0xe51a3182, 0x97513360, 0x62537f45,
0xb16477e0, 0xbb6bae84, 0xfe81a01c, 0xf9082b94,
0x70486858, 0x8f45fd19, 0x94de6c87, 0x527bf8b7,
0xab73d323, 0x724b02e2, 0xe31f8f57, 0x6655ab2a,
0xb2eb2807, 0x2fb5c203, 0x86c57b9a, 0xd33708a5,
0x302887f2, 0x23bfa5b2, 0x02036aba, 0xed16825c,
0x8acf1c2b, 0xa779b492, 0xf307f2f0, 0x4e69e2a1,
0x65daf4cd, 0x0605bed5, 0xd134621f, 0xc4a6fe8a,
0x342e539d, 0xa2f355a0, 0x058ae132, 0xa4f6eb75,
0x0b83ec39, 0x4060efaa, 0x5e719f06, 0xbd6e1051,
0x3e218af9, 0x96dd063d, 0xdd3e05ae, 0x4de6bd46,
0x91548db5, 0x71c45d05, 0x0406d46f, 0x605015ff,
0x1998fb24, 0xd6bde997, 0x894043cc, 0x67d99e77,
0xb0e842bd, 0x07898b88, 0xe7195b38, 0x79c8eedb,
0xa17c0a47, 0x7c420fe9, 0xf8841ec9, 0x00000000,
0x09808683, 0x322bed48, 0x1e1170ac, 0x6c5a724e,
0xfd0efffb, 0x0f853856, 0x3daed51e, 0x362d3927,
0x0a0fd964, 0x685ca621, 0x9b5b54d1, 0x24362e3a,
0x0c0a67b1, 0x9357e70f, 0xb4ee96d2, 0x1b9b919e,
0x80c0c54f, 0x61dc20a2, 0x5a774b69, 0x1c121a16,
0xe293ba0a, 0xc0a02ae5, 0x3c22e043, 0x121b171d,
0x0e090d0b, 0xf28bc7ad, 0x2db6a8b9, 0x141ea9c8,
0x57f11985, 0xaf75074c, 0xee99ddbb, 0xa37f60fd,
0xf701269f, 0x5c72f5bc, 0x44663bc5, 0x5bfb7e34,
0x8b432976, 0xcb23c6dc, 0xb6edfc68, 0xb8e4f163,
0xd731dcca, 0x42638510, 0x13972240, 0x84c61120,
0x854a247d, 0xd2bb3df8, 0xaef93211, 0xc729a16d,
0x1d9e2f4b, 0xdcb230f3, 0x0d8652ec, 0x77c1e3d0,
0x2bb3166c, 0xa970b999, 0x119448fa, 0x47e96422,
0xa8fc8cc4, 0xa0f03f1a, 0x567d2cd8, 0x223390ef,
0x87494ec7, 0xd938d1c1, 0x8ccaa2fe, 0x98d40b36,
0xa6f581cf, 0xa57ade28, 0xdab78e26, 0x3fadbfa4,
0x2c3a9de4, 0x5078920d, 0x6a5fcc9b, 0x547e4662,
0xf68d13c2, 0x90d8b8e8, 0x2e39f75e, 0x82c3aff5,
0x9f5d80be, 0x69d0937c, 0x6fd52da9, 0xcf2512b3,
0xc8ac993b, 0x10187da7, 0xe89c636e, 0xdb3bbb7b,
0xcd267809, 0x6e5918f4, 0xec9ab701, 0x834f9aa8,
0xe6956e65, 0xaaffe67e, 0x21bccf08, 0xef15e8e6,
0xbae79bd9, 0x4a6f36ce, 0xea9f09d4, 0x29b07cd6,
0x31a4b2af, 0x2a3f2331, 0xc6a59430, 0x35a266c0,
0x744ebc37, 0xfc82caa6, 0xe090d0b0, 0x33a7d815,
0xf104984a, 0x41ecdaf7, 0x7fcd500e, 0x1791f62f,
0x764dd68d, 0x43efb04d, 0xccaa4d54, 0xe49604df,
0x9ed1b5e3, 0x4c6a881b, 0xc12c1fb8, 0x4665517f,
0x9d5eea04, 0x018c355d, 0xfa877473, 0xfb0b412e,
0xb3671d5a, 0x92dbd252, 0xe9105633, 0x6dd64713,
0x9ad7618c, 0x37a10c7a, 0x59f8148e, 0xeb133c89,
0xcea927ee, 0xb761c935, 0xe11ce5ed, 0x7a47b13c,
0x9cd2df59, 0x55f2733f, 0x1814ce79, 0x73c737bf,
0x53f7cdea, 0x5ffdaa5b, 0xdf3d6f14, 0x7844db86,
0xcaaff381, 0xb968c43e, 0x3824342c, 0xc2a3405f,
0x161dc372, 0xbce2250c, 0x283c498b, 0xff0d9541,
0x39a80171, 0x080cb3de, 0xd8b4e49c, 0x6456c190,
0x7bcb8461, 0xd532b670, 0x486c5c74, 0xd0b85742,
__constant u32 td1[256] =
0x5051f4a7, 0x537e4165, 0xc31a17a4, 0x963a275e,
0xcb3bab6b, 0xf11f9d45, 0xabacfa58, 0x934be303,
0x552030fa, 0xf6ad766d, 0x9188cc76, 0x25f5024c,
0xfc4fe5d7, 0xd7c52acb, 0x80263544, 0x8fb562a3,
0x49deb15a, 0x6725ba1b, 0x9845ea0e, 0xe15dfec0,
0x02c32f75, 0x12814cf0, 0xa38d4697, 0xc66bd3f9,
0xe7038f5f, 0x9515929c, 0xebbf6d7a, 0xda955259,
0x2dd4be83, 0xd3587421, 0x2949e069, 0x448ec9c8,
0x6a75c289, 0x78f48e79, 0x6b99583e, 0xdd27b971,
0xb6bee14f, 0x17f088ad, 0x66c920ac, 0xb47dce3a,
0x1863df4a, 0x82e51a31, 0x60975133, 0x4562537f,
0xe0b16477, 0x84bb6bae, 0x1cfe81a0, 0x94f9082b,
0x58704868, 0x198f45fd, 0x8794de6c, 0xb7527bf8,
0x23ab73d3, 0xe2724b02, 0x57e31f8f, 0x2a6655ab,
0x07b2eb28, 0x032fb5c2, 0x9a86c57b, 0xa5d33708,
0xf2302887, 0xb223bfa5, 0xba02036a, 0x5ced1682,
0x2b8acf1c, 0x92a779b4, 0xf0f307f2, 0xa14e69e2,
0xcd65daf4, 0xd50605be, 0x1fd13462, 0x8ac4a6fe,
0x9d342e53, 0xa0a2f355, 0x32058ae1, 0x75a4f6eb,
0x390b83ec, 0xaa4060ef, 0x065e719f, 0x51bd6e10,
0xf93e218a, 0x3d96dd06, 0xaedd3e05, 0x464de6bd,
0xb591548d, 0x0571c45d, 0x6f0406d4, 0xff605015,
0x241998fb, 0x97d6bde9, 0xcc894043, 0x7767d99e,
0xbdb0e842, 0x8807898b, 0x38e7195b, 0xdb79c8ee,
0x47a17c0a, 0xe97c420f, 0xc9f8841e, 0x00000000,
0x83098086, 0x48322bed, 0xac1e1170, 0x4e6c5a72,
0xfbfd0eff, 0x560f8538, 0x1e3daed5, 0x27362d39,
0x640a0fd9, 0x21685ca6, 0xd19b5b54, 0x3a24362e,
0xb10c0a67, 0x0f9357e7, 0xd2b4ee96, 0x9e1b9b91,
0x4f80c0c5, 0xa261dc20, 0x695a774b, 0x161c121a,
0x0ae293ba, 0xe5c0a02a, 0x433c22e0, 0x1d121b17,
0x0b0e090d, 0xadf28bc7, 0xb92db6a8, 0xc8141ea9,
0x8557f119, 0x4caf7507, 0xbbee99dd, 0xfda37f60,
0x9ff70126, 0xbc5c72f5, 0xc544663b, 0x345bfb7e,
0x768b4329, 0xdccb23c6, 0x68b6edfc, 0x63b8e4f1,
0xcad731dc, 0x10426385, 0x40139722, 0x2084c611,
0x7d854a24, 0xf8d2bb3d, 0x11aef932, 0x6dc729a1,
0x4b1d9e2f, 0xf3dcb230, 0xec0d8652, 0xd077c1e3,
0x6c2bb316, 0x99a970b9, 0xfa119448, 0x2247e964,
0xc4a8fc8c, 0x1aa0f03f, 0xd8567d2c, 0xef223390,
0xc787494e, 0xc1d938d1, 0xfe8ccaa2, 0x3698d40b,
0xcfa6f581, 0x28a57ade, 0x26dab78e, 0xa43fadbf,
0xe42c3a9d, 0x0d507892, 0x9b6a5fcc, 0x62547e46,
0xc2f68d13, 0xe890d8b8, 0x5e2e39f7, 0xf582c3af,
0xbe9f5d80, 0x7c69d093, 0xa96fd52d, 0xb3cf2512,
0x3bc8ac99, 0xa710187d, 0x6ee89c63, 0x7bdb3bbb,
0x09cd2678, 0xf46e5918, 0x01ec9ab7, 0xa8834f9a,
0x65e6956e, 0x7eaaffe6, 0x0821bccf, 0xe6ef15e8,
0xd9bae79b, 0xce4a6f36, 0xd4ea9f09, 0xd629b07c,
0xaf31a4b2, 0x312a3f23, 0x30c6a594, 0xc035a266,
0x37744ebc, 0xa6fc82ca, 0xb0e090d0, 0x1533a7d8,
0x4af10498, 0xf741ecda, 0x0e7fcd50, 0x2f1791f6,
0x8d764dd6, 0x4d43efb0, 0x54ccaa4d, 0xdfe49604,
0xe39ed1b5, 0x1b4c6a88, 0xb8c12c1f, 0x7f466551,
0x049d5eea, 0x5d018c35, 0x73fa8774, 0x2efb0b41,
0x5ab3671d, 0x5292dbd2, 0x33e91056, 0x136dd647,
0x8c9ad761, 0x7a37a10c, 0x8e59f814, 0x89eb133c,
0xeecea927, 0x35b761c9, 0xede11ce5, 0x3c7a47b1,
0x599cd2df, 0x3f55f273, 0x791814ce, 0xbf73c737,
0xea53f7cd, 0x5b5ffdaa, 0x14df3d6f, 0x867844db,
0x81caaff3, 0x3eb968c4, 0x2c382434, 0x5fc2a340,
0x72161dc3, 0x0cbce225, 0x8b283c49, 0x41ff0d95,
0x7139a801, 0xde080cb3, 0x9cd8b4e4, 0x906456c1,
0x617bcb84, 0x70d532b6, 0x74486c5c, 0x42d0b857,
__constant u32 td2[256] =
0xa75051f4, 0x65537e41, 0xa4c31a17, 0x5e963a27,
0x6bcb3bab, 0x45f11f9d, 0x58abacfa, 0x03934be3,
0xfa552030, 0x6df6ad76, 0x769188cc, 0x4c25f502,
0xd7fc4fe5, 0xcbd7c52a, 0x44802635, 0xa38fb562,
0x5a49deb1, 0x1b6725ba, 0x0e9845ea, 0xc0e15dfe,
0x7502c32f, 0xf012814c, 0x97a38d46, 0xf9c66bd3,
0x5fe7038f, 0x9c951592, 0x7aebbf6d, 0x59da9552,
0x832dd4be, 0x21d35874, 0x692949e0, 0xc8448ec9,
0x896a75c2, 0x7978f48e, 0x3e6b9958, 0x71dd27b9,
0x4fb6bee1, 0xad17f088, 0xac66c920, 0x3ab47dce,
0x4a1863df, 0x3182e51a, 0x33609751, 0x7f456253,
0x77e0b164, 0xae84bb6b, 0xa01cfe81, 0x2b94f908,
0x68587048, 0xfd198f45, 0x6c8794de, 0xf8b7527b,
0xd323ab73, 0x02e2724b, 0x8f57e31f, 0xab2a6655,
0x2807b2eb, 0xc2032fb5, 0x7b9a86c5, 0x08a5d337,
0x87f23028, 0xa5b223bf, 0x6aba0203, 0x825ced16,
0x1c2b8acf, 0xb492a779, 0xf2f0f307, 0xe2a14e69,
0xf4cd65da, 0xbed50605, 0x621fd134, 0xfe8ac4a6,
0x539d342e, 0x55a0a2f3, 0xe132058a, 0xeb75a4f6,
0xec390b83, 0xefaa4060, 0x9f065e71, 0x1051bd6e,
0x8af93e21, 0x063d96dd, 0x05aedd3e, 0xbd464de6,
0x8db59154, 0x5d0571c4, 0xd46f0406, 0x15ff6050,
0xfb241998, 0xe997d6bd, 0x43cc8940, 0x9e7767d9,
0x42bdb0e8, 0x8b880789, 0x5b38e719, 0xeedb79c8,
0x0a47a17c, 0x0fe97c42, 0x1ec9f884, 0x00000000,
0x86830980, 0xed48322b, 0x70ac1e11, 0x724e6c5a,
0xfffbfd0e, 0x38560f85, 0xd51e3dae, 0x3927362d,
0xd9640a0f, 0xa621685c, 0x54d19b5b, 0x2e3a2436,
0x67b10c0a, 0xe70f9357, 0x96d2b4ee, 0x919e1b9b,
0xc54f80c0, 0x20a261dc, 0x4b695a77, 0x1a161c12,
0xba0ae293, 0x2ae5c0a0, 0xe0433c22, 0x171d121b,
0x0d0b0e09, 0xc7adf28b, 0xa8b92db6, 0xa9c8141e,
0x198557f1, 0x074caf75, 0xddbbee99, 0x60fda37f,
0x269ff701, 0xf5bc5c72, 0x3bc54466, 0x7e345bfb,
0x29768b43, 0xc6dccb23, 0xfc68b6ed, 0xf163b8e4,
0xdccad731, 0x85104263, 0x22401397, 0x112084c6,
0x247d854a, 0x3df8d2bb, 0x3211aef9, 0xa16dc729,
0x2f4b1d9e, 0x30f3dcb2, 0x52ec0d86, 0xe3d077c1,
0x166c2bb3, 0xb999a970, 0x48fa1194, 0x642247e9,
0x8cc4a8fc, 0x3f1aa0f0, 0x2cd8567d, 0x90ef2233,
0x4ec78749, 0xd1c1d938, 0xa2fe8cca, 0x0b3698d4,
0x81cfa6f5, 0xde28a57a, 0x8e26dab7, 0xbfa43fad,
0x9de42c3a, 0x920d5078, 0xcc9b6a5f, 0x4662547e,
0x13c2f68d, 0xb8e890d8, 0xf75e2e39, 0xaff582c3,
0x80be9f5d, 0x937c69d0, 0x2da96fd5, 0x12b3cf25,
0x993bc8ac, 0x7da71018, 0x636ee89c, 0xbb7bdb3b,
0x7809cd26, 0x18f46e59, 0xb701ec9a, 0x9aa8834f,
0x6e65e695, 0xe67eaaff, 0xcf0821bc, 0xe8e6ef15,
0x9bd9bae7, 0x36ce4a6f, 0x09d4ea9f, 0x7cd629b0,
0xb2af31a4, 0x23312a3f, 0x9430c6a5, 0x66c035a2,
0xbc37744e, 0xcaa6fc82, 0xd0b0e090, 0xd81533a7,
0x984af104, 0xdaf741ec, 0x500e7fcd, 0xf62f1791,
0xd68d764d, 0xb04d43ef, 0x4d54ccaa, 0x04dfe496,
0xb5e39ed1, 0x881b4c6a, 0x1fb8c12c, 0x517f4665,
0xea049d5e, 0x355d018c, 0x7473fa87, 0x412efb0b,
0x1d5ab367, 0xd25292db, 0x5633e910, 0x47136dd6,
0x618c9ad7, 0x0c7a37a1, 0x148e59f8, 0x3c89eb13,
0x27eecea9, 0xc935b761, 0xe5ede11c, 0xb13c7a47,
0xdf599cd2, 0x733f55f2, 0xce791814, 0x37bf73c7,
0xcdea53f7, 0xaa5b5ffd, 0x6f14df3d, 0xdb867844,
0xf381caaf, 0xc43eb968, 0x342c3824, 0x405fc2a3,
0xc372161d, 0x250cbce2, 0x498b283c, 0x9541ff0d,
0x017139a8, 0xb3de080c, 0xe49cd8b4, 0xc1906456,
0x84617bcb, 0xb670d532, 0x5c74486c, 0x5742d0b8,
__constant u32 td3[256] =
0xf4a75051, 0x4165537e, 0x17a4c31a, 0x275e963a,
0xab6bcb3b, 0x9d45f11f, 0xfa58abac, 0xe303934b,
0x30fa5520, 0x766df6ad, 0xcc769188, 0x024c25f5,
0xe5d7fc4f, 0x2acbd7c5, 0x35448026, 0x62a38fb5,
0xb15a49de, 0xba1b6725, 0xea0e9845, 0xfec0e15d,
0x2f7502c3, 0x4cf01281, 0x4697a38d, 0xd3f9c66b,
0x8f5fe703, 0x929c9515, 0x6d7aebbf, 0x5259da95,
0xbe832dd4, 0x7421d358, 0xe0692949, 0xc9c8448e,
0xc2896a75, 0x8e7978f4, 0x583e6b99, 0xb971dd27,
0xe14fb6be, 0x88ad17f0, 0x20ac66c9, 0xce3ab47d,
0xdf4a1863, 0x1a3182e5, 0x51336097, 0x537f4562,
0x6477e0b1, 0x6bae84bb, 0x81a01cfe, 0x082b94f9,
0x48685870, 0x45fd198f, 0xde6c8794, 0x7bf8b752,
0x73d323ab, 0x4b02e272, 0x1f8f57e3, 0x55ab2a66,
0xeb2807b2, 0xb5c2032f, 0xc57b9a86, 0x3708a5d3,
0x2887f230, 0xbfa5b223, 0x036aba02, 0x16825ced,
0xcf1c2b8a, 0x79b492a7, 0x07f2f0f3, 0x69e2a14e,
0xdaf4cd65, 0x05bed506, 0x34621fd1, 0xa6fe8ac4,
0x2e539d34, 0xf355a0a2, 0x8ae13205, 0xf6eb75a4,
0x83ec390b, 0x60efaa40, 0x719f065e, 0x6e1051bd,
0x218af93e, 0xdd063d96, 0x3e05aedd, 0xe6bd464d,
0x548db591, 0xc45d0571, 0x06d46f04, 0x5015ff60,
0x98fb2419, 0xbde997d6, 0x4043cc89, 0xd99e7767,
0xe842bdb0, 0x898b8807, 0x195b38e7, 0xc8eedb79,
0x7c0a47a1, 0x420fe97c, 0x841ec9f8, 0x00000000,
0x80868309, 0x2bed4832, 0x1170ac1e, 0x5a724e6c,
0x0efffbfd, 0x8538560f, 0xaed51e3d, 0x2d392736,
0x0fd9640a, 0x5ca62168, 0x5b54d19b, 0x362e3a24,
0x0a67b10c, 0x57e70f93, 0xee96d2b4, 0x9b919e1b,
0xc0c54f80, 0xdc20a261, 0x774b695a, 0x121a161c,
0x93ba0ae2, 0xa02ae5c0, 0x22e0433c, 0x1b171d12,
0x090d0b0e, 0x8bc7adf2, 0xb6a8b92d, 0x1ea9c814,
0xf1198557, 0x75074caf, 0x99ddbbee, 0x7f60fda3,
0x01269ff7, 0x72f5bc5c, 0x663bc544, 0xfb7e345b,
0x4329768b, 0x23c6dccb, 0xedfc68b6, 0xe4f163b8,
0x31dccad7, 0x63851042, 0x97224013, 0xc6112084,
0x4a247d85, 0xbb3df8d2, 0xf93211ae, 0x29a16dc7,
0x9e2f4b1d, 0xb230f3dc, 0x8652ec0d, 0xc1e3d077,
0xb3166c2b, 0x70b999a9, 0x9448fa11, 0xe9642247,
0xfc8cc4a8, 0xf03f1aa0, 0x7d2cd856, 0x3390ef22,
0x494ec787, 0x38d1c1d9, 0xcaa2fe8c, 0xd40b3698,
0xf581cfa6, 0x7ade28a5, 0xb78e26da, 0xadbfa43f,
0x3a9de42c, 0x78920d50, 0x5fcc9b6a, 0x7e466254,
0x8d13c2f6, 0xd8b8e890, 0x39f75e2e, 0xc3aff582,
0x5d80be9f, 0xd0937c69, 0xd52da96f, 0x2512b3cf,
0xac993bc8, 0x187da710, 0x9c636ee8, 0x3bbb7bdb,
0x267809cd, 0x5918f46e, 0x9ab701ec, 0x4f9aa883,
0x956e65e6, 0xffe67eaa, 0xbccf0821, 0x15e8e6ef,
0xe79bd9ba, 0x6f36ce4a, 0x9f09d4ea, 0xb07cd629,
0xa4b2af31, 0x3f23312a, 0xa59430c6, 0xa266c035,
0x4ebc3774, 0x82caa6fc, 0x90d0b0e0, 0xa7d81533,
0x04984af1, 0xecdaf741, 0xcd500e7f, 0x91f62f17,
0x4dd68d76, 0xefb04d43, 0xaa4d54cc, 0x9604dfe4,
0xd1b5e39e, 0x6a881b4c, 0x2c1fb8c1, 0x65517f46,
0x5eea049d, 0x8c355d01, 0x877473fa, 0x0b412efb,
0x671d5ab3, 0xdbd25292, 0x105633e9, 0xd647136d,
0xd7618c9a, 0xa10c7a37, 0xf8148e59, 0x133c89eb,
0xa927eece, 0x61c935b7, 0x1ce5ede1, 0x47b13c7a,
0xd2df599c, 0xf2733f55, 0x14ce7918, 0xc737bf73,
0xf7cdea53, 0xfdaa5b5f, 0x3d6f14df, 0x44db8678,
0xaff381ca, 0x68c43eb9, 0x24342c38, 0xa3405fc2,
0x1dc37216, 0xe2250cbc, 0x3c498b28, 0x0d9541ff,
0xa8017139, 0x0cb3de08, 0xb4e49cd8, 0x56c19064,
0xcb84617b, 0x32b670d5, 0x6c5c7448, 0xb85742d0,
__constant u32 td4[256] =
0x52525252, 0x09090909, 0x6a6a6a6a, 0xd5d5d5d5,
0x30303030, 0x36363636, 0xa5a5a5a5, 0x38383838,
0xbfbfbfbf, 0x40404040, 0xa3a3a3a3, 0x9e9e9e9e,
0x81818181, 0xf3f3f3f3, 0xd7d7d7d7, 0xfbfbfbfb,
0x7c7c7c7c, 0xe3e3e3e3, 0x39393939, 0x82828282,
0x9b9b9b9b, 0x2f2f2f2f, 0xffffffff, 0x87878787,
0x34343434, 0x8e8e8e8e, 0x43434343, 0x44444444,
0xc4c4c4c4, 0xdededede, 0xe9e9e9e9, 0xcbcbcbcb,
0x54545454, 0x7b7b7b7b, 0x94949494, 0x32323232,
0xa6a6a6a6, 0xc2c2c2c2, 0x23232323, 0x3d3d3d3d,
0xeeeeeeee, 0x4c4c4c4c, 0x95959595, 0x0b0b0b0b,
0x42424242, 0xfafafafa, 0xc3c3c3c3, 0x4e4e4e4e,
0x08080808, 0x2e2e2e2e, 0xa1a1a1a1, 0x66666666,
0x28282828, 0xd9d9d9d9, 0x24242424, 0xb2b2b2b2,
0x76767676, 0x5b5b5b5b, 0xa2a2a2a2, 0x49494949,
0x6d6d6d6d, 0x8b8b8b8b, 0xd1d1d1d1, 0x25252525,
0x72727272, 0xf8f8f8f8, 0xf6f6f6f6, 0x64646464,
0x86868686, 0x68686868, 0x98989898, 0x16161616,
0xd4d4d4d4, 0xa4a4a4a4, 0x5c5c5c5c, 0xcccccccc,
0x5d5d5d5d, 0x65656565, 0xb6b6b6b6, 0x92929292,
0x6c6c6c6c, 0x70707070, 0x48484848, 0x50505050,
0xfdfdfdfd, 0xedededed, 0xb9b9b9b9, 0xdadadada,
0x5e5e5e5e, 0x15151515, 0x46464646, 0x57575757,
0xa7a7a7a7, 0x8d8d8d8d, 0x9d9d9d9d, 0x84848484,
0x90909090, 0xd8d8d8d8, 0xabababab, 0x00000000,
0x8c8c8c8c, 0xbcbcbcbc, 0xd3d3d3d3, 0x0a0a0a0a,
0xf7f7f7f7, 0xe4e4e4e4, 0x58585858, 0x05050505,
0xb8b8b8b8, 0xb3b3b3b3, 0x45454545, 0x06060606,
0xd0d0d0d0, 0x2c2c2c2c, 0x1e1e1e1e, 0x8f8f8f8f,
0xcacacaca, 0x3f3f3f3f, 0x0f0f0f0f, 0x02020202,
0xc1c1c1c1, 0xafafafaf, 0xbdbdbdbd, 0x03030303,
0x01010101, 0x13131313, 0x8a8a8a8a, 0x6b6b6b6b,
0x3a3a3a3a, 0x91919191, 0x11111111, 0x41414141,
0x4f4f4f4f, 0x67676767, 0xdcdcdcdc, 0xeaeaeaea,
0x97979797, 0xf2f2f2f2, 0xcfcfcfcf, 0xcececece,
0xf0f0f0f0, 0xb4b4b4b4, 0xe6e6e6e6, 0x73737373,
0x96969696, 0xacacacac, 0x74747474, 0x22222222,
0xe7e7e7e7, 0xadadadad, 0x35353535, 0x85858585,
0xe2e2e2e2, 0xf9f9f9f9, 0x37373737, 0xe8e8e8e8,
0x1c1c1c1c, 0x75757575, 0xdfdfdfdf, 0x6e6e6e6e,
0x47474747, 0xf1f1f1f1, 0x1a1a1a1a, 0x71717171,
0x1d1d1d1d, 0x29292929, 0xc5c5c5c5, 0x89898989,
0x6f6f6f6f, 0xb7b7b7b7, 0x62626262, 0x0e0e0e0e,
0xaaaaaaaa, 0x18181818, 0xbebebebe, 0x1b1b1b1b,
0xfcfcfcfc, 0x56565656, 0x3e3e3e3e, 0x4b4b4b4b,
0xc6c6c6c6, 0xd2d2d2d2, 0x79797979, 0x20202020,
0x9a9a9a9a, 0xdbdbdbdb, 0xc0c0c0c0, 0xfefefefe,
0x78787878, 0xcdcdcdcd, 0x5a5a5a5a, 0xf4f4f4f4,
0x1f1f1f1f, 0xdddddddd, 0xa8a8a8a8, 0x33333333,
0x88888888, 0x07070707, 0xc7c7c7c7, 0x31313131,
0xb1b1b1b1, 0x12121212, 0x10101010, 0x59595959,
0x27272727, 0x80808080, 0xecececec, 0x5f5f5f5f,
0x60606060, 0x51515151, 0x7f7f7f7f, 0xa9a9a9a9,
0x19191919, 0xb5b5b5b5, 0x4a4a4a4a, 0x0d0d0d0d,
0x2d2d2d2d, 0xe5e5e5e5, 0x7a7a7a7a, 0x9f9f9f9f,
0x93939393, 0xc9c9c9c9, 0x9c9c9c9c, 0xefefefef,
0xa0a0a0a0, 0xe0e0e0e0, 0x3b3b3b3b, 0x4d4d4d4d,
0xaeaeaeae, 0x2a2a2a2a, 0xf5f5f5f5, 0xb0b0b0b0,
0xc8c8c8c8, 0xebebebeb, 0xbbbbbbbb, 0x3c3c3c3c,
0x83838383, 0x53535353, 0x99999999, 0x61616161,
0x17171717, 0x2b2b2b2b, 0x04040404, 0x7e7e7e7e,
0xbabababa, 0x77777777, 0xd6d6d6d6, 0x26262626,
0xe1e1e1e1, 0x69696969, 0x14141414, 0x63636363,
0x55555555, 0x21212121, 0x0c0c0c0c, 0x7d7d7d7d,
__constant u32 rcon[] =
0x01000000, 0x02000000, 0x04000000, 0x08000000,
0x10000000, 0x20000000, 0x40000000, 0x80000000,
0x1b000000, 0x36000000,
static void AES256_ExpandKey (u32 *userkey, u32 *rek, __local u32 *s_te0, __local u32 *s_te1, __local u32 *s_te2, __local u32 *s_te3, __local u32 *s_te4)
rek[0] = userkey[0];
rek[1] = userkey[1];
rek[2] = userkey[2];
rek[3] = userkey[3];
rek[4] = userkey[4];
rek[5] = userkey[5];
rek[6] = userkey[6];
rek[7] = userkey[7];
#ifdef _unroll
#pragma unroll
for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < 7; i += 1, j += 8)
const u32 temp1 = rek[j + 7];
rek[j + 8] = rek[j + 0]
^ (s_te2[(temp1 >> 16) & 0xff] & 0xff000000)
^ (s_te3[(temp1 >> 8) & 0xff] & 0x00ff0000)
^ (s_te0[(temp1 >> 0) & 0xff] & 0x0000ff00)
^ (s_te1[(temp1 >> 24) & 0xff] & 0x000000ff)
^ rcon[i];
rek[j + 9] = rek[j + 1] ^ rek[j + 8];
rek[j + 10] = rek[j + 2] ^ rek[j + 9];
rek[j + 11] = rek[j + 3] ^ rek[j + 10];
if (i == 6) continue;
const u32 temp2 = rek[j + 11];
rek[j + 12] = rek[j + 4]
^ (s_te2[(temp2 >> 24) & 0xff] & 0xff000000)
^ (s_te3[(temp2 >> 16) & 0xff] & 0x00ff0000)
^ (s_te0[(temp2 >> 8) & 0xff] & 0x0000ff00)
^ (s_te1[(temp2 >> 0) & 0xff] & 0x000000ff);
rek[j + 13] = rek[j + 5] ^ rek[j + 12];
rek[j + 14] = rek[j + 6] ^ rek[j + 13];
rek[j + 15] = rek[j + 7] ^ rek[j + 14];
static void AES256_InvertKey (u32 *rdk, __local u32 *s_td0, __local u32 *s_td1, __local u32 *s_td2, __local u32 *s_td3, __local u32 *s_td4, __local u32 *s_te0, __local u32 *s_te1, __local u32 *s_te2, __local u32 *s_te3, __local u32 *s_te4)
#ifdef _unroll
#pragma unroll
for (u32 i = 0, j = 56; i < j; i += 4, j -= 4)
u32 temp;
temp = rdk[i + 0]; rdk[i + 0] = rdk[j + 0]; rdk[j + 0] = temp;
temp = rdk[i + 1]; rdk[i + 1] = rdk[j + 1]; rdk[j + 1] = temp;
temp = rdk[i + 2]; rdk[i + 2] = rdk[j + 2]; rdk[j + 2] = temp;
temp = rdk[i + 3]; rdk[i + 3] = rdk[j + 3]; rdk[j + 3] = temp;
#ifdef _unroll
#pragma unroll
for (u32 i = 1, j = 4; i < 14; i += 1, j += 4)
rdk[j + 0] =
s_td0[s_te1[(rdk[j + 0] >> 24) & 0xff] & 0xff] ^
s_td1[s_te1[(rdk[j + 0] >> 16) & 0xff] & 0xff] ^
s_td2[s_te1[(rdk[j + 0] >> 8) & 0xff] & 0xff] ^
s_td3[s_te1[(rdk[j + 0] >> 0) & 0xff] & 0xff];
rdk[j + 1] =
s_td0[s_te1[(rdk[j + 1] >> 24) & 0xff] & 0xff] ^
s_td1[s_te1[(rdk[j + 1] >> 16) & 0xff] & 0xff] ^
s_td2[s_te1[(rdk[j + 1] >> 8) & 0xff] & 0xff] ^
s_td3[s_te1[(rdk[j + 1] >> 0) & 0xff] & 0xff];
rdk[j + 2] =
s_td0[s_te1[(rdk[j + 2] >> 24) & 0xff] & 0xff] ^
s_td1[s_te1[(rdk[j + 2] >> 16) & 0xff] & 0xff] ^
s_td2[s_te1[(rdk[j + 2] >> 8) & 0xff] & 0xff] ^
s_td3[s_te1[(rdk[j + 2] >> 0) & 0xff] & 0xff];
rdk[j + 3] =
s_td0[s_te1[(rdk[j + 3] >> 24) & 0xff] & 0xff] ^
s_td1[s_te1[(rdk[j + 3] >> 16) & 0xff] & 0xff] ^
s_td2[s_te1[(rdk[j + 3] >> 8) & 0xff] & 0xff] ^
s_td3[s_te1[(rdk[j + 3] >> 0) & 0xff] & 0xff];
static void AES256_decrypt (const u32 *in, u32 *out, const u32 *rdk, __local u32 *s_td0, __local u32 *s_td1, __local u32 *s_td2, __local u32 *s_td3, __local u32 *s_td4)
u32 t0 = in[0] ^ rdk[0];
u32 t1 = in[1] ^ rdk[1];
u32 t2 = in[2] ^ rdk[2];
u32 t3 = in[3] ^ rdk[3];
#ifdef _unroll
#pragma unroll
for (int i = 4; i < 56; i += 4)
const uchar4 x0 = as_uchar4 (t0);
const uchar4 x1 = as_uchar4 (t1);
const uchar4 x2 = as_uchar4 (t2);
const uchar4 x3 = as_uchar4 (t3);
t0 = s_td0[x0.s3] ^ s_td1[x3.s2] ^ s_td2[x2.s1] ^ s_td3[x1.s0] ^ rdk[i + 0];
t1 = s_td0[x1.s3] ^ s_td1[x0.s2] ^ s_td2[x3.s1] ^ s_td3[x2.s0] ^ rdk[i + 1];
t2 = s_td0[x2.s3] ^ s_td1[x1.s2] ^ s_td2[x0.s1] ^ s_td3[x3.s0] ^ rdk[i + 2];
t3 = s_td0[x3.s3] ^ s_td1[x2.s2] ^ s_td2[x1.s1] ^ s_td3[x0.s0] ^ rdk[i + 3];
out[0] = (s_td4[(t0 >> 24) & 0xff] & 0xff000000)
^ (s_td4[(t3 >> 16) & 0xff] & 0x00ff0000)
^ (s_td4[(t2 >> 8) & 0xff] & 0x0000ff00)
^ (s_td4[(t1 >> 0) & 0xff] & 0x000000ff)
^ rdk[56];
out[1] = (s_td4[(t1 >> 24) & 0xff] & 0xff000000)
^ (s_td4[(t0 >> 16) & 0xff] & 0x00ff0000)
^ (s_td4[(t3 >> 8) & 0xff] & 0x0000ff00)
^ (s_td4[(t2 >> 0) & 0xff] & 0x000000ff)
^ rdk[57];
out[2] = (s_td4[(t2 >> 24) & 0xff] & 0xff000000)
^ (s_td4[(t1 >> 16) & 0xff] & 0x00ff0000)
^ (s_td4[(t0 >> 8) & 0xff] & 0x0000ff00)
^ (s_td4[(t3 >> 0) & 0xff] & 0x000000ff)
^ rdk[58];
out[3] = (s_td4[(t3 >> 24) & 0xff] & 0xff000000)
^ (s_td4[(t2 >> 16) & 0xff] & 0x00ff0000)
^ (s_td4[(t1 >> 8) & 0xff] & 0x0000ff00)
^ (s_td4[(t0 >> 0) & 0xff] & 0x000000ff)
^ rdk[59];
static void AES256_encrypt (const u32 *in, u32 *out, const u32 *rek, __local u32 *s_te0, __local u32 *s_te1, __local u32 *s_te2, __local u32 *s_te3, __local u32 *s_te4)
u32 t0 = in[0] ^ rek[0];
u32 t1 = in[1] ^ rek[1];
u32 t2 = in[2] ^ rek[2];
u32 t3 = in[3] ^ rek[3];
#ifdef _unroll
#pragma unroll
for (int i = 4; i < 56; i += 4)
const uchar4 x0 = as_uchar4 (t0);
const uchar4 x1 = as_uchar4 (t1);
const uchar4 x2 = as_uchar4 (t2);
const uchar4 x3 = as_uchar4 (t3);
t0 = s_te0[x0.s3] ^ s_te1[x1.s2] ^ s_te2[x2.s1] ^ s_te3[x3.s0] ^ rek[i + 0];
t1 = s_te0[x1.s3] ^ s_te1[x2.s2] ^ s_te2[x3.s1] ^ s_te3[x0.s0] ^ rek[i + 1];
t2 = s_te0[x2.s3] ^ s_te1[x3.s2] ^ s_te2[x0.s1] ^ s_te3[x1.s0] ^ rek[i + 2];
t3 = s_te0[x3.s3] ^ s_te1[x0.s2] ^ s_te2[x1.s1] ^ s_te3[x2.s0] ^ rek[i + 3];
out[0] = (s_te4[(t0 >> 24) & 0xff] & 0xff000000)
^ (s_te4[(t1 >> 16) & 0xff] & 0x00ff0000)
^ (s_te4[(t2 >> 8) & 0xff] & 0x0000ff00)
^ (s_te4[(t3 >> 0) & 0xff] & 0x000000ff)
^ rek[56];
out[1] = (s_te4[(t1 >> 24) & 0xff] & 0xff000000)
^ (s_te4[(t2 >> 16) & 0xff] & 0x00ff0000)
^ (s_te4[(t3 >> 8) & 0xff] & 0x0000ff00)
^ (s_te4[(t0 >> 0) & 0xff] & 0x000000ff)
^ rek[57];
out[2] = (s_te4[(t2 >> 24) & 0xff] & 0xff000000)
^ (s_te4[(t3 >> 16) & 0xff] & 0x00ff0000)
^ (s_te4[(t0 >> 8) & 0xff] & 0x0000ff00)
^ (s_te4[(t1 >> 0) & 0xff] & 0x000000ff)
^ rek[58];
out[3] = (s_te4[(t3 >> 24) & 0xff] & 0xff000000)
^ (s_te4[(t0 >> 16) & 0xff] & 0x00ff0000)
^ (s_te4[(t1 >> 8) & 0xff] & 0x0000ff00)
^ (s_te4[(t2 >> 0) & 0xff] & 0x000000ff)
^ rek[59];
__constant u32 k_sha256[64] =
SHA256C00, SHA256C01, SHA256C02, SHA256C03,
SHA256C04, SHA256C05, SHA256C06, SHA256C07,
SHA256C08, SHA256C09, SHA256C0a, SHA256C0b,
SHA256C0c, SHA256C0d, SHA256C0e, SHA256C0f,
SHA256C10, SHA256C11, SHA256C12, SHA256C13,
SHA256C14, SHA256C15, SHA256C16, SHA256C17,
SHA256C18, SHA256C19, SHA256C1a, SHA256C1b,
SHA256C1c, SHA256C1d, SHA256C1e, SHA256C1f,
SHA256C20, SHA256C21, SHA256C22, SHA256C23,
SHA256C24, SHA256C25, SHA256C26, SHA256C27,
SHA256C28, SHA256C29, SHA256C2a, SHA256C2b,
SHA256C2c, SHA256C2d, SHA256C2e, SHA256C2f,
SHA256C30, SHA256C31, SHA256C32, SHA256C33,
SHA256C34, SHA256C35, SHA256C36, SHA256C37,
SHA256C38, SHA256C39, SHA256C3a, SHA256C3b,
SHA256C3c, SHA256C3d, SHA256C3e, SHA256C3f,
static void sha256_transform (const u32 w0[4], const u32 w1[4], const u32 w2[4], const u32 w3[4], u32 digest[8])
u32 a = digest[0];
u32 b = digest[1];
u32 c = digest[2];
u32 d = digest[3];
u32 e = digest[4];
u32 f = digest[5];
u32 g = digest[6];
u32 h = digest[7];
u32 w0_t = w0[0];
u32 w1_t = w0[1];
u32 w2_t = w0[2];
u32 w3_t = w0[3];
u32 w4_t = w1[0];
u32 w5_t = w1[1];
u32 w6_t = w1[2];
u32 w7_t = w1[3];
u32 w8_t = w2[0];
u32 w9_t = w2[1];
u32 wa_t = w2[2];
u32 wb_t = w2[3];
u32 wc_t = w3[0];
u32 wd_t = w3[1];
u32 we_t = w3[2];
u32 wf_t = w3[3];
#define ROUND_EXPAND() \
{ \
w0_t = SHA256_EXPAND (we_t, w9_t, w1_t, w0_t); \
w1_t = SHA256_EXPAND (wf_t, wa_t, w2_t, w1_t); \
w2_t = SHA256_EXPAND (w0_t, wb_t, w3_t, w2_t); \
w3_t = SHA256_EXPAND (w1_t, wc_t, w4_t, w3_t); \
w4_t = SHA256_EXPAND (w2_t, wd_t, w5_t, w4_t); \
w5_t = SHA256_EXPAND (w3_t, we_t, w6_t, w5_t); \
w6_t = SHA256_EXPAND (w4_t, wf_t, w7_t, w6_t); \
w7_t = SHA256_EXPAND (w5_t, w0_t, w8_t, w7_t); \
w8_t = SHA256_EXPAND (w6_t, w1_t, w9_t, w8_t); \
w9_t = SHA256_EXPAND (w7_t, w2_t, wa_t, w9_t); \
wa_t = SHA256_EXPAND (w8_t, w3_t, wb_t, wa_t); \
wb_t = SHA256_EXPAND (w9_t, w4_t, wc_t, wb_t); \
wc_t = SHA256_EXPAND (wa_t, w5_t, wd_t, wc_t); \
wd_t = SHA256_EXPAND (wb_t, w6_t, we_t, wd_t); \
we_t = SHA256_EXPAND (wc_t, w7_t, wf_t, we_t); \
wf_t = SHA256_EXPAND (wd_t, w8_t, w0_t, wf_t); \
#define ROUND_STEP(i) \
{ \
SHA256_STEP (SHA256_F0o, SHA256_F1o, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, w0_t, k_sha256[i + 0]); \
SHA256_STEP (SHA256_F0o, SHA256_F1o, h, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, w1_t, k_sha256[i + 1]); \
SHA256_STEP (SHA256_F0o, SHA256_F1o, g, h, a, b, c, d, e, f, w2_t, k_sha256[i + 2]); \
SHA256_STEP (SHA256_F0o, SHA256_F1o, f, g, h, a, b, c, d, e, w3_t, k_sha256[i + 3]); \
SHA256_STEP (SHA256_F0o, SHA256_F1o, e, f, g, h, a, b, c, d, w4_t, k_sha256[i + 4]); \
SHA256_STEP (SHA256_F0o, SHA256_F1o, d, e, f, g, h, a, b, c, w5_t, k_sha256[i + 5]); \
SHA256_STEP (SHA256_F0o, SHA256_F1o, c, d, e, f, g, h, a, b, w6_t, k_sha256[i + 6]); \
SHA256_STEP (SHA256_F0o, SHA256_F1o, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, a, w7_t, k_sha256[i + 7]); \
SHA256_STEP (SHA256_F0o, SHA256_F1o, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, w8_t, k_sha256[i + 8]); \
SHA256_STEP (SHA256_F0o, SHA256_F1o, h, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, w9_t, k_sha256[i + 9]); \
SHA256_STEP (SHA256_F0o, SHA256_F1o, g, h, a, b, c, d, e, f, wa_t, k_sha256[i + 10]); \
SHA256_STEP (SHA256_F0o, SHA256_F1o, f, g, h, a, b, c, d, e, wb_t, k_sha256[i + 11]); \
SHA256_STEP (SHA256_F0o, SHA256_F1o, e, f, g, h, a, b, c, d, wc_t, k_sha256[i + 12]); \
SHA256_STEP (SHA256_F0o, SHA256_F1o, d, e, f, g, h, a, b, c, wd_t, k_sha256[i + 13]); \
SHA256_STEP (SHA256_F0o, SHA256_F1o, c, d, e, f, g, h, a, b, we_t, k_sha256[i + 14]); \
SHA256_STEP (SHA256_F0o, SHA256_F1o, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, a, wf_t, k_sha256[i + 15]); \
#ifdef _unroll
#pragma unroll
for (int i = 16; i < 64; i += 16)
digest[0] += a;
digest[1] += b;
digest[2] += c;
digest[3] += d;
digest[4] += e;
digest[5] += f;
digest[6] += g;
digest[7] += h;
__kernel void m13400_init (__global pw_t *pws, __global const kernel_rule_t *rules_buf, __global const comb_t *combs_buf, __global const bf_t *bfs_buf, __global keepass_tmp_t *tmps, __global void *hooks, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s1_a, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s1_b, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s1_c, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s1_d, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s2_a, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s2_b, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s2_c, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s2_d, __global plain_t *plains_buf, __global const digest_t *digests_buf, __global u32 *hashes_shown, __global const salt_t *salt_bufs, __global keepass_t *esalt_bufs, __global u32 *d_return_buf, __global u32 *d_scryptV0_buf, __global u32 *d_scryptV1_buf, __global u32 *d_scryptV2_buf, __global u32 *d_scryptV3_buf, const u32 bitmap_mask, const u32 bitmap_shift1, const u32 bitmap_shift2, const u32 salt_pos, const u32 loop_pos, const u32 loop_cnt, const u32 rules_cnt, const u32 digests_cnt, const u32 digests_offset, const u32 combs_mode, const u32 gid_max)
* base
const u32 gid = get_global_id (0);
if (gid >= gid_max) return;
u32 w0[4];
w0[0] = pws[gid].i[ 0];
w0[1] = pws[gid].i[ 1];
w0[2] = pws[gid].i[ 2];
w0[3] = pws[gid].i[ 3];
u32 w1[4];
w1[0] = pws[gid].i[ 4];
w1[1] = pws[gid].i[ 5];
w1[2] = pws[gid].i[ 6];
w1[3] = pws[gid].i[ 7];
u32 w2[4];
w2[0] = pws[gid].i[ 8];
w2[1] = pws[gid].i[ 9];
w2[2] = pws[gid].i[10];
w2[3] = pws[gid].i[11];
u32 w3[4];
w3[0] = pws[gid].i[12];
w3[1] = pws[gid].i[13];
w3[2] = pws[gid].i[14];
w3[3] = pws[gid].i[15];
const u32 pw_len = pws[gid].pw_len;
append_0x80_4x4 (w0, w1, w2, w3, pw_len);
w0[0] = swap32 (w0[0]);
w0[1] = swap32 (w0[1]);
w0[2] = swap32 (w0[2]);
w0[3] = swap32 (w0[3]);
w1[0] = swap32 (w1[0]);
w1[1] = swap32 (w1[1]);
w1[2] = swap32 (w1[2]);
w1[3] = swap32 (w1[3]);
w2[0] = swap32 (w2[0]);
w2[1] = swap32 (w2[1]);
w2[2] = swap32 (w2[2]);
w2[3] = swap32 (w2[3]);
w3[0] = swap32 (w3[0]);
w3[1] = swap32 (w3[1]);
w3[2] = swap32 (w3[2]);
w3[3] = swap32 (w3[3]);
w3[3] = pw_len * 8;
* main
u32 digest[8];
digest[0] = SHA256M_A;
digest[1] = SHA256M_B;
digest[2] = SHA256M_C;
digest[3] = SHA256M_D;
digest[4] = SHA256M_E;
digest[5] = SHA256M_F;
digest[6] = SHA256M_G;
digest[7] = SHA256M_H;
sha256_transform (w0, w1, w2, w3, digest);
if (esalt_bufs[salt_pos].version == 2 && esalt_bufs[salt_pos].keyfile_len == 0)
w0[0] = digest[0];
w0[1] = digest[1];
w0[2] = digest[2];
w0[3] = digest[3];
w1[0] = digest[4];
w1[1] = digest[5];
w1[2] = digest[6];
w1[3] = digest[7];
w2[0] = 0x80000000;
w2[1] = 0;
w2[2] = 0;
w2[3] = 0;
w3[0] = 0;
w3[1] = 0;
w3[2] = 0;
w3[3] = 32 * 8;
digest[0] = SHA256M_A;
digest[1] = SHA256M_B;
digest[2] = SHA256M_C;
digest[3] = SHA256M_D;
digest[4] = SHA256M_E;
digest[5] = SHA256M_F;
digest[6] = SHA256M_G;
digest[7] = SHA256M_H;
sha256_transform (w0, w1, w2, w3, digest);
if (esalt_bufs[salt_pos].keyfile_len != 0)
w0[0] = digest[0];
w0[1] = digest[1];
w0[2] = digest[2];
w0[3] = digest[3];
w1[0] = digest[4];
w1[1] = digest[5];
w1[2] = digest[6];
w1[3] = digest[7];
w2[0] = esalt_bufs[salt_pos].keyfile[0];
w2[1] = esalt_bufs[salt_pos].keyfile[1];
w2[2] = esalt_bufs[salt_pos].keyfile[2];
w2[3] = esalt_bufs[salt_pos].keyfile[3];
w3[0] = esalt_bufs[salt_pos].keyfile[4];
w3[1] = esalt_bufs[salt_pos].keyfile[5];
w3[3] = esalt_bufs[salt_pos].keyfile[7];
w3[2] = esalt_bufs[salt_pos].keyfile[6];
digest[0] = SHA256M_A;
digest[1] = SHA256M_B;
digest[2] = SHA256M_C;
digest[3] = SHA256M_D;
digest[4] = SHA256M_E;
digest[5] = SHA256M_F;
digest[6] = SHA256M_G;
digest[7] = SHA256M_H;
sha256_transform (w0, w1, w2, w3, digest);
w0[0] = 0x80000000;
w0[1] = 0;
w0[2] = 0;
w0[3] = 0;
w1[0] = 0;
w1[1] = 0;
w1[2] = 0;
w1[3] = 0;
w2[0] = 0;
w2[1] = 0;
w2[2] = 0;
w2[3] = 0;
w3[0] = 0;
w3[1] = 0;
w3[2] = 0;
w3[3] = 64 * 8;
sha256_transform (w0, w1, w2, w3, digest);
tmps[gid].tmp_digest[0] = digest[0];
tmps[gid].tmp_digest[1] = digest[1];
tmps[gid].tmp_digest[2] = digest[2];
tmps[gid].tmp_digest[3] = digest[3];
tmps[gid].tmp_digest[4] = digest[4];
tmps[gid].tmp_digest[5] = digest[5];
tmps[gid].tmp_digest[6] = digest[6];
tmps[gid].tmp_digest[7] = digest[7];
__kernel void m13400_loop (__global pw_t *pws, __global const kernel_rule_t *rules_buf, __global const comb_t *combs_buf, __global const bf_t *bfs_buf, __global keepass_tmp_t *tmps, __global void *hooks, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s1_a, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s1_b, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s1_c, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s1_d, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s2_a, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s2_b, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s2_c, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s2_d, __global plain_t *plains_buf, __global const digest_t *digests_buf, __global u32 *hashes_shown, __global const salt_t *salt_bufs, __global keepass_t *esalt_bufs, __global u32 *d_return_buf, __global u32 *d_scryptV0_buf, __global u32 *d_scryptV1_buf, __global u32 *d_scryptV2_buf, __global u32 *d_scryptV3_buf, const u32 bitmap_mask, const u32 bitmap_shift1, const u32 bitmap_shift2, const u32 salt_pos, const u32 loop_pos, const u32 loop_cnt, const u32 rules_cnt, const u32 digests_cnt, const u32 digests_offset, const u32 combs_mode, const u32 gid_max)
* base
const u32 gid = get_global_id (0);
const u32 lid = get_local_id (0);
const u32 lsz = get_local_size (0);
* aes shared
__local u32 s_te0[256];
__local u32 s_te1[256];
__local u32 s_te2[256];
__local u32 s_te3[256];
__local u32 s_te4[256];
for (u32 i = lid; i < 256; i += lsz)
s_te0[i] = te0[i];
s_te1[i] = te1[i];
s_te2[i] = te2[i];
s_te3[i] = te3[i];
s_te4[i] = te4[i];
if (gid >= gid_max) return;
/* Construct AES key */
u32 key[8];
key[0] = esalt_bufs[salt_pos].transf_random_seed[0];
key[1] = esalt_bufs[salt_pos].transf_random_seed[1];
key[2] = esalt_bufs[salt_pos].transf_random_seed[2];
key[3] = esalt_bufs[salt_pos].transf_random_seed[3];
key[4] = esalt_bufs[salt_pos].transf_random_seed[4];
key[5] = esalt_bufs[salt_pos].transf_random_seed[5];
key[6] = esalt_bufs[salt_pos].transf_random_seed[6];
key[7] = esalt_bufs[salt_pos].transf_random_seed[7];
#define KEYLEN 60
u32 rk[KEYLEN];
AES256_ExpandKey (key, rk, s_te0, s_te1, s_te2, s_te3, s_te4);
u32 data0[4];
u32 data1[4];
data0[0] = tmps[gid].tmp_digest[0];
data0[1] = tmps[gid].tmp_digest[1];
data0[2] = tmps[gid].tmp_digest[2];
data0[3] = tmps[gid].tmp_digest[3];
data1[0] = tmps[gid].tmp_digest[4];
data1[1] = tmps[gid].tmp_digest[5];
data1[2] = tmps[gid].tmp_digest[6];
data1[3] = tmps[gid].tmp_digest[7];
for (u32 i = 0; i < loop_cnt; i++)
AES256_encrypt (data0, data0, rk, s_te0, s_te1, s_te2, s_te3, s_te4);
AES256_encrypt (data1, data1, rk, s_te0, s_te1, s_te2, s_te3, s_te4);
tmps[gid].tmp_digest[0] = data0[0];
tmps[gid].tmp_digest[1] = data0[1];
tmps[gid].tmp_digest[2] = data0[2];
tmps[gid].tmp_digest[3] = data0[3];
tmps[gid].tmp_digest[4] = data1[0];
tmps[gid].tmp_digest[5] = data1[1];
tmps[gid].tmp_digest[6] = data1[2];
tmps[gid].tmp_digest[7] = data1[3];
__kernel void m13400_comp (__global pw_t *pws, __global const kernel_rule_t *rules_buf, __global const comb_t *combs_buf, __global const bf_t *bfs_buf, __global keepass_tmp_t *tmps, __global void *hooks, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s1_a, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s1_b, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s1_c, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s1_d, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s2_a, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s2_b, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s2_c, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s2_d, __global plain_t *plains_buf, __global const digest_t *digests_buf, __global u32 *hashes_shown, __global const salt_t *salt_bufs, __global keepass_t *esalt_bufs, __global u32 *d_return_buf, __global u32 *d_scryptV0_buf, __global u32 *d_scryptV1_buf, __global u32 *d_scryptV2_buf, __global u32 *d_scryptV3_buf, const u32 bitmap_mask, const u32 bitmap_shift1, const u32 bitmap_shift2, const u32 salt_pos, const u32 loop_pos, const u32 loop_cnt, const u32 rules_cnt, const u32 digests_cnt, const u32 digests_offset, const u32 combs_mode, const u32 gid_max)
* base
const u32 gid = get_global_id (0);
const u32 lid = get_local_id (0);
const u32 lsz = get_local_size (0);
* aes shared
/* Final AES part */
__local u32 s_td0[256];
__local u32 s_td1[256];
__local u32 s_td2[256];
__local u32 s_td3[256];
__local u32 s_td4[256];
__local u32 s_te0[256];
__local u32 s_te1[256];
__local u32 s_te2[256];
__local u32 s_te3[256];
__local u32 s_te4[256];
for (u32 i = lid; i < 256; i += lsz)
s_td0[i] = td0[i];
s_td1[i] = td1[i];
s_td2[i] = td2[i];
s_td3[i] = td3[i];
s_td4[i] = td4[i];
s_te0[i] = te0[i];
s_te1[i] = te1[i];
s_te2[i] = te2[i];
s_te3[i] = te3[i];
s_te4[i] = te4[i];
if (gid >= gid_max) return;
/* hash output... */
u32 w0[4];
w0[0] = tmps[gid].tmp_digest[0];
w0[1] = tmps[gid].tmp_digest[1];
w0[2] = tmps[gid].tmp_digest[2];
w0[3] = tmps[gid].tmp_digest[3];
u32 w1[4];
w1[0] = tmps[gid].tmp_digest[4];
w1[1] = tmps[gid].tmp_digest[5];
w1[2] = tmps[gid].tmp_digest[6];
w1[3] = tmps[gid].tmp_digest[7];
u32 w2[4];
w2[0] = 0x80000000;
w2[1] = 0;
w2[2] = 0;
w2[3] = 0;
u32 w3[4];
w3[0] = 0;
w3[1] = 0;
w3[2] = 0;
w3[3] = 32 * 8;
u32 digest[8];
digest[0] = SHA256M_A;
digest[1] = SHA256M_B;
digest[2] = SHA256M_C;
digest[3] = SHA256M_D;
digest[4] = SHA256M_E;
digest[5] = SHA256M_F;
digest[6] = SHA256M_G;
digest[7] = SHA256M_H;
sha256_transform (w0, w1, w2, w3, digest);
/* ...then hash final_random_seed | output */
if (esalt_bufs[salt_pos].version == 1)
u32 final_random_seed[4];
final_random_seed[0] = esalt_bufs[salt_pos].final_random_seed[0];
final_random_seed[1] = esalt_bufs[salt_pos].final_random_seed[1];
final_random_seed[2] = esalt_bufs[salt_pos].final_random_seed[2];
final_random_seed[3] = esalt_bufs[salt_pos].final_random_seed[3];
w0[0] = final_random_seed[0];
w0[1] = final_random_seed[1];
w0[2] = final_random_seed[2];
w0[3] = final_random_seed[3];
w1[0] = digest[0];
w1[1] = digest[1];
w1[2] = digest[2];
w1[3] = digest[3];
w2[0] = digest[4];
w2[1] = digest[5];
w2[2] = digest[6];
w2[3] = digest[7];
w3[0] = 0x80000000;
w3[1] = 0;
w3[2] = 0;
w3[3] = 48 * 8;
digest[0] = SHA256M_A;
digest[1] = SHA256M_B;
digest[2] = SHA256M_C;
digest[3] = SHA256M_D;
digest[4] = SHA256M_E;
digest[5] = SHA256M_F;
digest[6] = SHA256M_G;
digest[7] = SHA256M_H;
sha256_transform (w0, w1, w2, w3, digest);
/* merkle-damgard implementation */
u32 final_random_seed[8];
final_random_seed[0] = esalt_bufs[salt_pos].final_random_seed[0];
final_random_seed[1] = esalt_bufs[salt_pos].final_random_seed[1];
final_random_seed[2] = esalt_bufs[salt_pos].final_random_seed[2];
final_random_seed[3] = esalt_bufs[salt_pos].final_random_seed[3];
final_random_seed[4] = esalt_bufs[salt_pos].final_random_seed[4];
final_random_seed[5] = esalt_bufs[salt_pos].final_random_seed[5];
final_random_seed[6] = esalt_bufs[salt_pos].final_random_seed[6];
final_random_seed[7] = esalt_bufs[salt_pos].final_random_seed[7];
w0[0] = final_random_seed[0];
w0[1] = final_random_seed[1];
w0[2] = final_random_seed[2];
w0[3] = final_random_seed[3];
w1[0] = final_random_seed[4];
w1[1] = final_random_seed[5];
w1[2] = final_random_seed[6];
w1[3] = final_random_seed[7];
w2[0] = digest[0];
w2[1] = digest[1];
w2[2] = digest[2];
w2[3] = digest[3];
w3[0] = digest[4];
w3[1] = digest[5];
w3[2] = digest[6];
w3[3] = digest[7];
digest[0] = SHA256M_A;
digest[1] = SHA256M_B;
digest[2] = SHA256M_C;
digest[3] = SHA256M_D;
digest[4] = SHA256M_E;
digest[5] = SHA256M_F;
digest[6] = SHA256M_G;
digest[7] = SHA256M_H;
sha256_transform (w0, w1, w2, w3, digest);
w0[0] = 0x80000000;
w0[1] = 0;
w0[2] = 0;
w0[3] = 0;
w1[0] = 0;
w1[1] = 0;
w1[2] = 0;
w1[3] = 0;
w2[0] = 0;
w2[1] = 0;
w2[2] = 0;
w2[3] = 0;
w3[0] = 0;
w3[1] = 0;
w3[2] = 0;
w3[3] = 64 * 8;
sha256_transform (w0, w1, w2, w3, digest);
// at this point we have to distinguish between the different keypass versions
u32 iv[4];
iv[0] = esalt_bufs[salt_pos].enc_iv[0];
iv[1] = esalt_bufs[salt_pos].enc_iv[1];
iv[2] = esalt_bufs[salt_pos].enc_iv[2];
iv[3] = esalt_bufs[salt_pos].enc_iv[3];
u32 out[8];
if (esalt_bufs[salt_pos].version == 1)
if (esalt_bufs[salt_pos].algorithm == 1)
/* Construct final Twofish key */
u32 sk[4];
u32 lk[40];
digest[0] = swap32 (digest[0]);
digest[1] = swap32 (digest[1]);
digest[2] = swap32 (digest[2]);
digest[3] = swap32 (digest[3]);
digest[4] = swap32 (digest[4]);
digest[5] = swap32 (digest[5]);
digest[6] = swap32 (digest[6]);
digest[7] = swap32 (digest[7]);
twofish256_set_key (sk, lk, digest);
iv[0] = swap32 (iv[0]);
iv[1] = swap32 (iv[1]);
iv[2] = swap32 (iv[2]);
iv[3] = swap32 (iv[3]);
u32 wx[16];
u32 final_digest[8];
final_digest[0] = SHA256M_A;
final_digest[1] = SHA256M_B;
final_digest[2] = SHA256M_C;
final_digest[3] = SHA256M_D;
final_digest[4] = SHA256M_E;
final_digest[5] = SHA256M_F;
final_digest[6] = SHA256M_G;
final_digest[7] = SHA256M_H;
u32 contents_len = esalt_bufs[salt_pos].contents_len;
u32 contents_pos;
u32 contents_off;
// process (decrypt and hash) the buffer with the biggest steps possible.
for (contents_pos = 0, contents_off = 0; contents_pos < contents_len - 64; contents_pos += 64, contents_off += 16)
for (u32 se = 0; se < 16; se += 4)
u32 data[4];
data[0] = swap32 (esalt_bufs[salt_pos].contents[contents_off + se + 0]);
data[1] = swap32 (esalt_bufs[salt_pos].contents[contents_off + se + 1]);
data[2] = swap32 (esalt_bufs[salt_pos].contents[contents_off + se + 2]);
data[3] = swap32 (esalt_bufs[salt_pos].contents[contents_off + se + 3]);
u32 out[4];
twofish256_decrypt (sk, lk, data, out);
out[0] ^= iv[0];
out[1] ^= iv[1];
out[2] ^= iv[2];
out[3] ^= iv[3];
wx[se + 0] = swap32 (out[0]);
wx[se + 1] = swap32 (out[1]);
wx[se + 2] = swap32 (out[2]);
wx[se + 3] = swap32 (out[3]);
iv[0] = data[0];
iv[1] = data[1];
iv[2] = data[2];
iv[3] = data[3];
sha256_transform (&wx[0], &wx[4], &wx[8], &wx[12], final_digest);
// we've reached the final (or prefinal) block for hashing. this depends on the final length which we don't know at this point.
// attention, this is not the final block for decrypt
// since we don't know the final length, we simply set the entire block to zero, this will make the processing easier
wx[ 0] = 0;
wx[ 1] = 0;
wx[ 2] = 0;
wx[ 3] = 0;
wx[ 4] = 0;
wx[ 5] = 0;
wx[ 6] = 0;
wx[ 7] = 0;
wx[ 8] = 0;
wx[ 9] = 0;
wx[10] = 0;
wx[11] = 0;
wx[12] = 0;
wx[13] = 0;
wx[14] = 0;
wx[15] = 0;
u32 wx_off;
for (wx_off = 0; contents_pos < contents_len - 16; wx_off += 4, contents_pos += 16, contents_off += 4)
u32 data[4];
data[0] = swap32 (esalt_bufs[salt_pos].contents[contents_off + 0]);
data[1] = swap32 (esalt_bufs[salt_pos].contents[contents_off + 1]);
data[2] = swap32 (esalt_bufs[salt_pos].contents[contents_off + 2]);
data[3] = swap32 (esalt_bufs[salt_pos].contents[contents_off + 3]);
u32 out[4];
twofish256_decrypt (sk, lk, data, out);
out[0] ^= iv[0];
out[1] ^= iv[1];
out[2] ^= iv[2];
out[3] ^= iv[3];
wx[wx_off + 0] = swap32 (out[0]);
wx[wx_off + 1] = swap32 (out[1]);
wx[wx_off + 2] = swap32 (out[2]);
wx[wx_off + 3] = swap32 (out[3]);
iv[0] = data[0];
iv[1] = data[1];
iv[2] = data[2];
iv[3] = data[3];
// we've reached the final block for decrypt, it will contain the padding bytes we're looking for
u32 data[4];
data[0] = swap32 (esalt_bufs[salt_pos].contents[contents_off + 0]);
data[1] = swap32 (esalt_bufs[salt_pos].contents[contents_off + 1]);
data[2] = swap32 (esalt_bufs[salt_pos].contents[contents_off + 2]);
data[3] = swap32 (esalt_bufs[salt_pos].contents[contents_off + 3]);
u32 out[4];
twofish256_decrypt (sk, lk, data, out);
out[0] ^= iv[0];
out[1] ^= iv[1];
out[2] ^= iv[2];
out[3] ^= iv[3];
// now we can access the pad byte
const u32 pad_byte = out[3] >> 24;
const u32 real_len = esalt_bufs[salt_pos].contents_len - pad_byte;
// we need to clear the buffer of the padding data
truncate_block (out, 16 - pad_byte);
// it's also a good point to push our 0x80
append_0x80_1x4 (out, 16 - pad_byte);
// now we can save it
wx[wx_off + 0] = swap32 (out[0]);
wx[wx_off + 1] = swap32 (out[1]);
wx[wx_off + 2] = swap32 (out[2]);
wx[wx_off + 3] = swap32 (out[3]);
// since we were informed about real length so late we have
// to check a final branch for hashing
if ((real_len & 0x3f) >= 56)
sha256_transform (&wx[0], &wx[4], &wx[8], &wx[12], final_digest);
wx[ 0] = 0;
wx[ 1] = 0;
wx[ 2] = 0;
wx[ 3] = 0;
wx[ 4] = 0;
wx[ 5] = 0;
wx[ 6] = 0;
wx[ 7] = 0;
wx[ 8] = 0;
wx[ 9] = 0;
wx[10] = 0;
wx[11] = 0;
wx[12] = 0;
wx[13] = 0;
wx[14] = 0;
wx[15] = 0;
wx[15] = real_len * 8;
sha256_transform (&wx[0], &wx[4], &wx[8], &wx[12], final_digest);
#define il_pos 0
if ( esalt_bufs[salt_pos].contents_hash[0] == final_digest[0]
&& esalt_bufs[salt_pos].contents_hash[1] == final_digest[1]
&& esalt_bufs[salt_pos].contents_hash[2] == final_digest[2]
&& esalt_bufs[salt_pos].contents_hash[3] == final_digest[3]
&& esalt_bufs[salt_pos].contents_hash[4] == final_digest[4]
&& esalt_bufs[salt_pos].contents_hash[5] == final_digest[5]
&& esalt_bufs[salt_pos].contents_hash[6] == final_digest[6]
&& esalt_bufs[salt_pos].contents_hash[7] == final_digest[7])
mark_hash (plains_buf, d_return_buf, salt_pos, 0, digests_offset + 0, gid, il_pos);
/* Construct final AES key */
#define KEYLEN 60
u32 final_rk[KEYLEN];
AES256_ExpandKey (digest, final_rk, s_te0, s_te1, s_te2, s_te3, s_te4);
AES256_InvertKey (final_rk, s_td0, s_td1, s_td2, s_td3, s_td4, s_te0, s_te1, s_te2, s_te3, s_te4);
u32 wx[16];
u32 final_digest[8];
final_digest[0] = SHA256M_A;
final_digest[1] = SHA256M_B;
final_digest[2] = SHA256M_C;
final_digest[3] = SHA256M_D;
final_digest[4] = SHA256M_E;
final_digest[5] = SHA256M_F;
final_digest[6] = SHA256M_G;
final_digest[7] = SHA256M_H;
u32 contents_len = esalt_bufs[salt_pos].contents_len;
u32 contents_pos;
u32 contents_off;
// process (decrypt and hash) the buffer with the biggest steps possible.
for (contents_pos = 0, contents_off = 0; contents_pos < contents_len - 64; contents_pos += 64, contents_off += 16)
for (u32 se = 0; se < 16; se += 4)
u32 data[4];
data[0] = esalt_bufs[salt_pos].contents[contents_off + se + 0];
data[1] = esalt_bufs[salt_pos].contents[contents_off + se + 1];
data[2] = esalt_bufs[salt_pos].contents[contents_off + se + 2];
data[3] = esalt_bufs[salt_pos].contents[contents_off + se + 3];
u32 out[4];
AES256_decrypt (data, out, final_rk, s_td0, s_td1, s_td2, s_td3, s_td4);
out[0] ^= iv[0];
out[1] ^= iv[1];
out[2] ^= iv[2];
out[3] ^= iv[3];
wx[se + 0] = out[0];
wx[se + 1] = out[1];
wx[se + 2] = out[2];
wx[se + 3] = out[3];
iv[0] = data[0];
iv[1] = data[1];
iv[2] = data[2];
iv[3] = data[3];
sha256_transform (&wx[0], &wx[4], &wx[8], &wx[12], final_digest);
// we've reached the final (or prefinal) block for hashing. this depends on the final length which we don't know at this point.
// attention, this is not the final block for decrypt
// since we don't know the final length, we simply set the entire block to zero, this will make the processing easier
wx[ 0] = 0;
wx[ 1] = 0;
wx[ 2] = 0;
wx[ 3] = 0;
wx[ 4] = 0;
wx[ 5] = 0;
wx[ 6] = 0;
wx[ 7] = 0;
wx[ 8] = 0;
wx[ 9] = 0;
wx[10] = 0;
wx[11] = 0;
wx[12] = 0;
wx[13] = 0;
wx[14] = 0;
wx[15] = 0;
u32 wx_off;
for (wx_off = 0; contents_pos < contents_len - 16; wx_off += 4, contents_pos += 16, contents_off += 4)
u32 data[4];
data[0] = esalt_bufs[salt_pos].contents[contents_off + 0];
data[1] = esalt_bufs[salt_pos].contents[contents_off + 1];
data[2] = esalt_bufs[salt_pos].contents[contents_off + 2];
data[3] = esalt_bufs[salt_pos].contents[contents_off + 3];
u32 out[4];
AES256_decrypt (data, out, final_rk, s_td0, s_td1, s_td2, s_td3, s_td4);
out[0] ^= iv[0];
out[1] ^= iv[1];
out[2] ^= iv[2];
out[3] ^= iv[3];
wx[wx_off + 0] = out[0];
wx[wx_off + 1] = out[1];
wx[wx_off + 2] = out[2];
wx[wx_off + 3] = out[3];
iv[0] = data[0];
iv[1] = data[1];
iv[2] = data[2];
iv[3] = data[3];
// we've reached the final block for decrypt, it will contain the padding bytes we're looking for
u32 data[4];
data[0] = esalt_bufs[salt_pos].contents[contents_off + 0];
data[1] = esalt_bufs[salt_pos].contents[contents_off + 1];
data[2] = esalt_bufs[salt_pos].contents[contents_off + 2];
data[3] = esalt_bufs[salt_pos].contents[contents_off + 3];
u32 out[4];
AES256_decrypt (data, out, final_rk, s_td0, s_td1, s_td2, s_td3, s_td4);
out[0] ^= iv[0];
out[1] ^= iv[1];
out[2] ^= iv[2];
out[3] ^= iv[3];
// now we can access the pad byte
out[0] = swap32 (out[0]);
out[1] = swap32 (out[1]);
out[2] = swap32 (out[2]);
out[3] = swap32 (out[3]);
const u32 pad_byte = out[3] >> 24;
const u32 real_len = esalt_bufs[salt_pos].contents_len - pad_byte;
// we need to clear the buffer of the padding data
truncate_block (out, 16 - pad_byte);
// it's also a good point to push our 0x80
append_0x80_1x4 (out, 16 - pad_byte);
// now we can save it
wx[wx_off + 0] = swap32 (out[0]);
wx[wx_off + 1] = swap32 (out[1]);
wx[wx_off + 2] = swap32 (out[2]);
wx[wx_off + 3] = swap32 (out[3]);
// since we were informed about real length so late we have
// to check a final branch for hashing
if ((real_len & 0x3f) >= 56)
sha256_transform (&wx[0], &wx[4], &wx[8], &wx[12], final_digest);
wx[ 0] = 0;
wx[ 1] = 0;
wx[ 2] = 0;
wx[ 3] = 0;
wx[ 4] = 0;
wx[ 5] = 0;
wx[ 6] = 0;
wx[ 7] = 0;
wx[ 8] = 0;
wx[ 9] = 0;
wx[10] = 0;
wx[11] = 0;
wx[12] = 0;
wx[13] = 0;
wx[14] = 0;
wx[15] = 0;
wx[15] = real_len * 8;
sha256_transform (&wx[0], &wx[4], &wx[8], &wx[12], final_digest);
#define il_pos 0
if ( esalt_bufs[salt_pos].contents_hash[0] == final_digest[0]
&& esalt_bufs[salt_pos].contents_hash[1] == final_digest[1]
&& esalt_bufs[salt_pos].contents_hash[2] == final_digest[2]
&& esalt_bufs[salt_pos].contents_hash[3] == final_digest[3]
&& esalt_bufs[salt_pos].contents_hash[4] == final_digest[4]
&& esalt_bufs[salt_pos].contents_hash[5] == final_digest[5]
&& esalt_bufs[salt_pos].contents_hash[6] == final_digest[6]
&& esalt_bufs[salt_pos].contents_hash[7] == final_digest[7])
mark_hash (plains_buf, d_return_buf, salt_pos, 0, digests_offset + 0, gid, il_pos);
/* Construct final AES key */
#define KEYLEN 60
u32 final_rk[KEYLEN];
AES256_ExpandKey (digest, final_rk, s_te0, s_te1, s_te2, s_te3, s_te4);
AES256_InvertKey (final_rk, s_td0, s_td1, s_td2, s_td3, s_td4, s_te0, s_te1, s_te2, s_te3, s_te4);
u32 contents_hash[4];
contents_hash[0] = esalt_bufs[salt_pos].contents_hash[0];
contents_hash[1] = esalt_bufs[salt_pos].contents_hash[1];
contents_hash[2] = esalt_bufs[salt_pos].contents_hash[2];
contents_hash[3] = esalt_bufs[salt_pos].contents_hash[3];
AES256_decrypt (contents_hash, out, final_rk, s_td0, s_td1, s_td2, s_td3, s_td4);
out[0] ^= iv[0];
out[1] ^= iv[1];
out[2] ^= iv[2];
out[3] ^= iv[3];
/* We get rid of last 16 bytes */
#define il_pos 0
if ( esalt_bufs[salt_pos].expected_bytes[0] == out[0]
&& esalt_bufs[salt_pos].expected_bytes[1] == out[1]
&& esalt_bufs[salt_pos].expected_bytes[2] == out[2]
&& esalt_bufs[salt_pos].expected_bytes[3] == out[3])
mark_hash (plains_buf, d_return_buf, salt_pos, 0, digests_offset + 0, gid, il_pos);