You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

589 lines
15 KiB

* Author......: See docs/credits.txt
* License.....: MIT
#include "common.h"
#include "types.h"
#include "bitops.h"
#include "rp.h"
#include "rp_kernel_on_cpu.h"
static void upper_at (u8 *buf, const int pos)
const u8 c = buf[pos];
if ((c >= 'a') && (c <= 'z')) buf[pos] ^= 0x20;
static void lower_at (u8 *buf, const int pos)
const u8 c = buf[pos];
if ((c >= 'A') && (c <= 'Z')) buf[pos] ^= 0x20;
static void toggle_at (u8 *buf, const int pos)
const u8 c = buf[pos];
if ((c >= 'a') && (c <= 'z')) buf[pos] ^= 0x20;
if ((c >= 'A') && (c <= 'Z')) buf[pos] ^= 0x20;
static void mangle_switch (u8 *buf, const int l, const int r)
const u8 c = buf[r];
buf[r] = buf[l];
buf[l] = c;
static int mangle_lrest (MAYBE_UNUSED const u8 p0, MAYBE_UNUSED const u8 p1, u8 *buf, const int len)
for (int pos = 0; pos < len; pos++) lower_at (buf, pos);
return (len);
static int mangle_lrest_ufirst (MAYBE_UNUSED const u8 p0, MAYBE_UNUSED const u8 p1, u8 *buf, const int len)
for (int pos = 0; pos < len; pos++) lower_at (buf, pos);
upper_at (buf, 0);
return (len);
static int mangle_urest (MAYBE_UNUSED const u8 p0, MAYBE_UNUSED const u8 p1, u8 *buf, const int len)
for (int pos = 0; pos < len; pos++) upper_at (buf, pos);
return (len);
static int mangle_urest_lfirst (MAYBE_UNUSED const u8 p0, MAYBE_UNUSED const u8 p1, u8 *buf, const int len)
for (int pos = 0; pos < len; pos++) upper_at (buf, pos);
lower_at (buf, 0);
return (len);
static int mangle_trest (MAYBE_UNUSED const u8 p0, MAYBE_UNUSED const u8 p1, u8 *buf, const int len)
for (int pos = 0; pos < len; pos++) toggle_at (buf, pos);
return (len);
static int mangle_toggle_at (MAYBE_UNUSED const u8 p0, MAYBE_UNUSED const u8 p1, u8 *buf, const int len)
if (p0 >= len) return (len);
toggle_at (buf, p0);
return (len);
static int mangle_reverse (MAYBE_UNUSED const u8 p0, MAYBE_UNUSED const u8 p1, u8 *buf, const int len)
for (int l = 0; l < len / 2; l++)
const int r = len - 1 - l;
mangle_switch (buf, l, r);
return (len);
static int mangle_dupeword (MAYBE_UNUSED const u8 p0, MAYBE_UNUSED const u8 p1, u8 *buf, const int len)
const int out_len = len * 2;
if (out_len >= RP_PASSWORD_SIZE) return (len);
u8 *out = buf + len;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) *out++ = *buf++;
return (out_len);
static int mangle_dupeword_times (MAYBE_UNUSED const u8 p0, MAYBE_UNUSED const u8 p1, u8 *buf, const int len)
const int out_len = (len * p0) + len;
if (out_len >= RP_PASSWORD_SIZE) return (len);
u8 *out = buf + len;
for (int t = 0; t < p0; t++) for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) *out++ = *buf++;
return (out_len);
static int mangle_reflect (MAYBE_UNUSED const u8 p0, MAYBE_UNUSED const u8 p1, u8 *buf, const int len)
const int out_len = len * 2;
if (out_len >= RP_PASSWORD_SIZE) return (len);
mangle_dupeword (p0, p1, buf, len);
mangle_reverse (p0, p1, buf + len, len);
return out_len;
static int mangle_append (MAYBE_UNUSED const u8 p0, MAYBE_UNUSED const u8 p1, u8 *buf, const int len)
const int out_len = len + 1;
if (out_len >= RP_PASSWORD_SIZE) return (len);
buf[len] = p0;
return (out_len);
static int mangle_prepend (MAYBE_UNUSED const u8 p0, MAYBE_UNUSED const u8 p1, u8 *buf, const int len)
const int out_len = len + 1;
if (out_len >= RP_PASSWORD_SIZE) return (len);
for (int pos = len - 1; pos >= 0; pos--)
buf[pos + 1] = buf[pos];
buf[0] = p0;
return (out_len);
static int mangle_rotate_left (MAYBE_UNUSED const u8 p0, MAYBE_UNUSED const u8 p1, u8 *buf, const int len)
for (int l = 0, r = len - 1; r > l; r--)
mangle_switch (buf, l, r);
return (len);
static int mangle_rotate_right (MAYBE_UNUSED const u8 p0, MAYBE_UNUSED const u8 p1, u8 *buf, const int len)
for (int l = 0, r = len - 1; l < r; l++)
mangle_switch (buf, l, r);
return (len);
static int mangle_delete_at (MAYBE_UNUSED const u8 p0, MAYBE_UNUSED const u8 p1, u8 *buf, const int len)
if (p0 >= len) return (len);
for (int pos = p0; pos < len - 1; pos++)
buf[pos] = buf[pos + 1];
buf[len - 1] = 0;
return (len - 1);
static int mangle_delete_first (MAYBE_UNUSED const u8 p0, MAYBE_UNUSED const u8 p1, u8 *buf, const int len)
return mangle_delete_at (0, p1, buf, len);
static int mangle_delete_last (MAYBE_UNUSED const u8 p0, MAYBE_UNUSED const u8 p1, u8 *buf, const int len)
if (len == 0) return 0;
return mangle_delete_at (len - 1, p1, buf, len);
static int mangle_extract (MAYBE_UNUSED const u8 p0, MAYBE_UNUSED const u8 p1, u8 *buf, const int len)
if (p0 >= len) return (len);
if ((p0 + p1) > len) return (len);
for (int pos = 0; pos < p1; pos++)
buf[pos] = buf[p0 + pos];
for (int pos = p1; pos < len; pos++)
buf[pos] = 0;
return (p1);
static int mangle_omit (MAYBE_UNUSED const u8 p0, MAYBE_UNUSED const u8 p1, u8 *buf, const int len)
if (p0 >= len) return (len);
if ((p0 + p1) > len) return (len);
for (int pos = p0; pos < len - p1; pos++)
buf[pos] = buf[pos + p1];
for (int pos = len - p1; pos < len; pos++)
buf[pos] = 0;
return (len - p1);
static int mangle_insert (MAYBE_UNUSED const u8 p0, MAYBE_UNUSED const u8 p1, u8 *buf, const int len)
if (p0 >= len + 1) return (len);
const int out_len = len + 1;
if (out_len >= RP_PASSWORD_SIZE) return (len);
for (int pos = len - 1; pos > p0 - 1; pos--)
buf[pos + 1] = buf[pos];
buf[p0] = p1;
return (out_len);
static int mangle_overstrike (MAYBE_UNUSED const u8 p0, MAYBE_UNUSED const u8 p1, u8 *buf, const int len)
if (p0 >= len) return (len);
buf[p0] = p1;
return (len);
static int mangle_truncate_at (MAYBE_UNUSED const u8 p0, MAYBE_UNUSED const u8 p1, u8 *buf, const int len)
if (p0 >= len) return (len);
for (int pos = p0; pos < len; pos++)
buf[pos] = 0;
return (p0);
static int mangle_replace (MAYBE_UNUSED const u8 p0, MAYBE_UNUSED const u8 p1, u8 *buf, const int len)
for (int pos = 0; pos < len; pos++)
if (buf[pos] != p0) continue;
buf[pos] = p1;
return (len);
static int mangle_purgechar (MAYBE_UNUSED const u8 p0, MAYBE_UNUSED const u8 p1, u8 *buf, const int len)
int out_len = 0;
for (int pos = 0; pos < len; pos++)
if (buf[pos] == p0) continue;
buf[out_len] = buf[pos];
for (int pos = out_len; pos < len; pos++)
buf[pos] = 0;
return (out_len);
static int mangle_dupechar_first (MAYBE_UNUSED const u8 p0, MAYBE_UNUSED const u8 p1, u8 *buf, const int len)
const int out_len = len + p0;
if (out_len >= RP_PASSWORD_SIZE) return (len);
const u8 c = buf[0];
for (int i = 0; i < p0; i++)
mangle_prepend (c, 0, buf, len + i);
return (out_len);
static int mangle_dupechar_last (MAYBE_UNUSED const u8 p0, MAYBE_UNUSED const u8 p1, u8 *buf, const int len)
const int out_len = len + p0;
if (out_len >= RP_PASSWORD_SIZE) return (len);
const u8 c = buf[len - 1];
for (int i = 0; i < p0; i++)
mangle_append (c, 0, buf, len + i);
return (out_len);
static int mangle_dupechar_all (MAYBE_UNUSED const u8 p0, MAYBE_UNUSED const u8 p1, u8 *buf, const int len)
const int out_len = len + len;
if (out_len >= RP_PASSWORD_SIZE) return (len);
for (int pos = len - 1; pos >= 0; pos--)
int new_pos = pos * 2;
buf[new_pos] = buf[pos];
buf[new_pos + 1] = buf[pos];
return (out_len);
static int mangle_switch_first (MAYBE_UNUSED const u8 p0, MAYBE_UNUSED const u8 p1, u8 *buf, const int len)
if (len < 2) return (len);
mangle_switch (buf, 0, 1);
return (len);
static int mangle_switch_last (MAYBE_UNUSED const u8 p0, MAYBE_UNUSED const u8 p1, u8 *buf, const int len)
if (len < 2) return (len);
mangle_switch (buf, len - 2, len - 1);
return (len);
static int mangle_switch_at (MAYBE_UNUSED const u8 p0, MAYBE_UNUSED const u8 p1, u8 *buf, const int len)
if (p0 >= len) return (len);
if (p1 >= len) return (len);
mangle_switch (buf, p0, p1);
return (len);
static int mangle_chr_shiftl (MAYBE_UNUSED const u8 p0, MAYBE_UNUSED const u8 p1, u8 *buf, const int len)
if (p0 >= len) return (len);
buf[p0] <<= 1;
return (len);
static int mangle_chr_shiftr (MAYBE_UNUSED const u8 p0, MAYBE_UNUSED const u8 p1, u8 *buf, const int len)
if (p0 >= len) return (len);
buf[p0] >>= 1;
return (len);
static int mangle_chr_incr (MAYBE_UNUSED const u8 p0, MAYBE_UNUSED const u8 p1, u8 *buf, const int len)
if (p0 >= len) return (len);
return (len);
static int mangle_chr_decr (MAYBE_UNUSED const u8 p0, MAYBE_UNUSED const u8 p1, u8 *buf, const int len)
if (p0 >= len) return (len);
return (len);
static int mangle_replace_np1 (MAYBE_UNUSED const u8 p0, MAYBE_UNUSED const u8 p1, u8 *buf, const int len)
if ((p0 + 1) >= len) return (len);
buf[p0] = buf[p0 + 1];
return (len);
static int mangle_replace_nm1 (MAYBE_UNUSED const u8 p0, MAYBE_UNUSED const u8 p1, u8 *buf, const int len)
if (p0 == 0) return (len);
if (p0 >= len) return (len);
buf[p0] = buf[p0 - 1];
return (len);
static int mangle_dupeblock_first (MAYBE_UNUSED const u8 p0, MAYBE_UNUSED const u8 p1, u8 *buf, const int len)
if (p0 >= len) return (len);
const int out_len = len + p0;
if (out_len >= RP_PASSWORD_SIZE) return (len);
for (int i = 0; i < p0; i++)
const u8 c = buf[i * 2];
mangle_insert (i, c, buf, len + i);
return (out_len);
static int mangle_dupeblock_last (MAYBE_UNUSED const u8 p0, MAYBE_UNUSED const u8 p1, u8 *buf, const int len)
if (p0 >= len) return (len);
const int out_len = len + p0;
if (out_len >= RP_PASSWORD_SIZE) return (len);
for (int i = 0; i < p0; i++)
const u8 c = buf[len - p0 + i];
mangle_append (c, 0, buf, len + i);
return (out_len);
static int mangle_title_sep (MAYBE_UNUSED const u8 p0, MAYBE_UNUSED const u8 p1, u8 *buf, const int len)
int upper_next = 1;
for (int pos = 0; pos < len; pos++)
if (buf[pos] == p0)
upper_next = 1;
if (upper_next)
upper_next = 0;
upper_at (buf, pos);
lower_at (buf, pos);
return (len);
static int apply_rule (const u32 name, MAYBE_UNUSED const u8 p0, MAYBE_UNUSED const u8 p1, u8 *buf, const int in_len)
int out_len = in_len;
switch (name)
case RULE_OP_MANGLE_LREST: out_len = mangle_lrest (p0, p1, buf, out_len); break;
case RULE_OP_MANGLE_LREST_UFIRST: out_len = mangle_lrest_ufirst (p0, p1, buf, out_len); break;
case RULE_OP_MANGLE_UREST: out_len = mangle_urest (p0, p1, buf, out_len); break;
case RULE_OP_MANGLE_UREST_LFIRST: out_len = mangle_urest_lfirst (p0, p1, buf, out_len); break;
case RULE_OP_MANGLE_TREST: out_len = mangle_trest (p0, p1, buf, out_len); break;
case RULE_OP_MANGLE_TOGGLE_AT: out_len = mangle_toggle_at (p0, p1, buf, out_len); break;
case RULE_OP_MANGLE_REVERSE: out_len = mangle_reverse (p0, p1, buf, out_len); break;
case RULE_OP_MANGLE_DUPEWORD: out_len = mangle_dupeword (p0, p1, buf, out_len); break;
case RULE_OP_MANGLE_DUPEWORD_TIMES: out_len = mangle_dupeword_times (p0, p1, buf, out_len); break;
case RULE_OP_MANGLE_REFLECT: out_len = mangle_reflect (p0, p1, buf, out_len); break;
case RULE_OP_MANGLE_APPEND: out_len = mangle_append (p0, p1, buf, out_len); break;
case RULE_OP_MANGLE_PREPEND: out_len = mangle_prepend (p0, p1, buf, out_len); break;
case RULE_OP_MANGLE_ROTATE_LEFT: out_len = mangle_rotate_left (p0, p1, buf, out_len); break;
case RULE_OP_MANGLE_ROTATE_RIGHT: out_len = mangle_rotate_right (p0, p1, buf, out_len); break;
case RULE_OP_MANGLE_DELETE_FIRST: out_len = mangle_delete_first (p0, p1, buf, out_len); break;
case RULE_OP_MANGLE_DELETE_LAST: out_len = mangle_delete_last (p0, p1, buf, out_len); break;
case RULE_OP_MANGLE_DELETE_AT: out_len = mangle_delete_at (p0, p1, buf, out_len); break;
case RULE_OP_MANGLE_EXTRACT: out_len = mangle_extract (p0, p1, buf, out_len); break;
case RULE_OP_MANGLE_OMIT: out_len = mangle_omit (p0, p1, buf, out_len); break;
case RULE_OP_MANGLE_INSERT: out_len = mangle_insert (p0, p1, buf, out_len); break;
case RULE_OP_MANGLE_OVERSTRIKE: out_len = mangle_overstrike (p0, p1, buf, out_len); break;
case RULE_OP_MANGLE_TRUNCATE_AT: out_len = mangle_truncate_at (p0, p1, buf, out_len); break;
case RULE_OP_MANGLE_REPLACE: out_len = mangle_replace (p0, p1, buf, out_len); break;
case RULE_OP_MANGLE_PURGECHAR: out_len = mangle_purgechar (p0, p1, buf, out_len); break;
case RULE_OP_MANGLE_DUPECHAR_FIRST: out_len = mangle_dupechar_first (p0, p1, buf, out_len); break;
case RULE_OP_MANGLE_DUPECHAR_LAST: out_len = mangle_dupechar_last (p0, p1, buf, out_len); break;
case RULE_OP_MANGLE_DUPECHAR_ALL: out_len = mangle_dupechar_all (p0, p1, buf, out_len); break;
case RULE_OP_MANGLE_SWITCH_FIRST: out_len = mangle_switch_first (p0, p1, buf, out_len); break;
case RULE_OP_MANGLE_SWITCH_LAST: out_len = mangle_switch_last (p0, p1, buf, out_len); break;
case RULE_OP_MANGLE_SWITCH_AT: out_len = mangle_switch_at (p0, p1, buf, out_len); break;
case RULE_OP_MANGLE_CHR_SHIFTL: out_len = mangle_chr_shiftl (p0, p1, buf, out_len); break;
case RULE_OP_MANGLE_CHR_SHIFTR: out_len = mangle_chr_shiftr (p0, p1, buf, out_len); break;
case RULE_OP_MANGLE_CHR_INCR: out_len = mangle_chr_incr (p0, p1, buf, out_len); break;
case RULE_OP_MANGLE_CHR_DECR: out_len = mangle_chr_decr (p0, p1, buf, out_len); break;
case RULE_OP_MANGLE_REPLACE_NP1: out_len = mangle_replace_np1 (p0, p1, buf, out_len); break;
case RULE_OP_MANGLE_REPLACE_NM1: out_len = mangle_replace_nm1 (p0, p1, buf, out_len); break;
case RULE_OP_MANGLE_DUPEBLOCK_FIRST: out_len = mangle_dupeblock_first (p0, p1, buf, out_len); break;
case RULE_OP_MANGLE_DUPEBLOCK_LAST: out_len = mangle_dupeblock_last (p0, p1, buf, out_len); break;
case RULE_OP_MANGLE_TITLE_SEP: out_len = mangle_title_sep (p0, p1, buf, out_len); break;
case RULE_OP_MANGLE_TITLE: out_len = mangle_title_sep (' ', p1, buf, out_len); break;
return out_len;
int apply_rules (const u32 *cmds, u32 buf[64], const int in_len)
int out_len = in_len;
for (u32 i = 0; cmds[i] != 0; i++)
const u32 cmd = cmds[i];
const u8 name = (cmd >> 0) & 0xff;
const u8 p0 = (cmd >> 8) & 0xff;
const u8 p1 = (cmd >> 16) & 0xff;
out_len = apply_rule (name, p0, p1, (u8 *) buf, out_len);
return out_len;