mirror of
synced 2025-03-11 13:06:06 +00:00
920 lines
24 KiB
920 lines
24 KiB
* Author......: See docs/credits.txt
* License.....: MIT
#include "common.h"
#include "types.h"
#include "bitops.h"
#include "convert.h"
#include "memory.h"
#include "event.h"
#include "interface.h"
#include "filehandling.h"
#include "loopback.h"
#include "outfile.h"
#include "potfile.h"
#include "locking.h"
#include "shared.h"
// get rid of this later
int sort_by_hash (const void *v1, const void *v2, void *v3);
int sort_by_hash_no_salt (const void *v1, const void *v2, void *v3);
// get rid of this later
// this function is for potfile comparison where the potfile does not contain all the
// information requires to do a true sort_by_hash() bsearch
static int sort_by_hash_t_salt (const void *v1, const void *v2)
const hash_t *h1 = (const hash_t *) v1;
const hash_t *h2 = (const hash_t *) v2;
const salt_t *s1 = h1->salt;
const salt_t *s2 = h2->salt;
const int res1 = (int) s1->salt_len - (int) s2->salt_len;
if (res1 != 0) return (res1);
//const int res2 = (int) s1->salt_iter - (int) s2->salt_iter;
//if (res2 != 0) return (res2);
for (int n = 0; n < 16; n++)
if (s1->salt_buf[n] > s2->salt_buf[n]) return 1;
if (s1->salt_buf[n] < s2->salt_buf[n]) return -1;
for (int n = 0; n < 8; n++)
if (s1->salt_buf_pc[n] > s2->salt_buf_pc[n]) return 1;
if (s1->salt_buf_pc[n] < s2->salt_buf_pc[n]) return -1;
return 0;
int potfile_init (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx)
folder_config_t *folder_config = hashcat_ctx->folder_config;
potfile_ctx_t *potfile_ctx = hashcat_ctx->potfile_ctx;
user_options_t *user_options = hashcat_ctx->user_options;
potfile_ctx->enabled = false;
if (user_options->benchmark == true) return 0;
if (user_options->example_hashes == true) return 0;
if (user_options->keyspace == true) return 0;
if (user_options->opencl_info == true) return 0;
if (user_options->stdout_flag == true) return 0;
if (user_options->speed_only == true) return 0;
if (user_options->progress_only == true) return 0;
if (user_options->usage == true) return 0;
if (user_options->version == true) return 0;
if (user_options->potfile_disable == true) return 0;
potfile_ctx->enabled = true;
if (user_options->potfile_path == NULL)
potfile_ctx->fp = NULL;
hc_asprintf (&potfile_ctx->filename, "%s/hashcat.potfile", folder_config->profile_dir);
potfile_ctx->filename = hcstrdup (user_options->potfile_path);
potfile_ctx->fp = NULL;
// keep all hashes if --username was combined with --left or --show
potfile_ctx->keep_all_hashes = false;
if (user_options->username == true)
if ((user_options->show == true) || (user_options->left == true))
potfile_ctx->keep_all_hashes = true;
// keep all hashes if -m 3000 was combined with --left or --show
if (user_options->hash_mode == 3000)
if ((user_options->show == true) || (user_options->left == true))
potfile_ctx->keep_all_hashes = true;
// starting from here, we should allocate some scratch buffer for later use
u8 *out_buf = (u8 *) hcmalloc (HCBUFSIZ_LARGE);
potfile_ctx->out_buf = out_buf;
// we need two buffers in parallel
u8 *tmp_buf = (u8 *) hcmalloc (HCBUFSIZ_LARGE);
potfile_ctx->tmp_buf = tmp_buf;
// old potfile detection
if (user_options->potfile_path == NULL)
char *potfile_old;
hc_asprintf (&potfile_old, "%s/hashcat.pot", folder_config->profile_dir);
if (hc_path_exist (potfile_old) == true)
event_log_warning (hashcat_ctx, "Old potfile detected: %s", potfile_old);
event_log_warning (hashcat_ctx, "New potfile is: %s ", potfile_ctx->filename);
event_log_warning (hashcat_ctx, NULL);
hcfree (potfile_old);
return 0;
void potfile_destroy (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx)
potfile_ctx_t *potfile_ctx = hashcat_ctx->potfile_ctx;
if (potfile_ctx->enabled == false) return;
hcfree (potfile_ctx->out_buf);
hcfree (potfile_ctx->tmp_buf);
memset (potfile_ctx, 0, sizeof (potfile_ctx_t));
int potfile_read_open (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx)
potfile_ctx_t *potfile_ctx = hashcat_ctx->potfile_ctx;
if (potfile_ctx->enabled == false) return 0;
potfile_ctx->fp = fopen (potfile_ctx->filename, "rb");
if (potfile_ctx->fp == NULL)
event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "%s: %s", potfile_ctx->filename, strerror (errno));
return -1;
return 0;
void potfile_read_close (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx)
potfile_ctx_t *potfile_ctx = hashcat_ctx->potfile_ctx;
if (potfile_ctx->enabled == false) return;
if (potfile_ctx->fp == NULL) return;
fclose (potfile_ctx->fp);
int potfile_write_open (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx)
potfile_ctx_t *potfile_ctx = hashcat_ctx->potfile_ctx;
if (potfile_ctx->enabled == false) return 0;
FILE *fp = fopen (potfile_ctx->filename, "ab");
if (fp == NULL)
event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "%s: %s", potfile_ctx->filename, strerror (errno));
return -1;
potfile_ctx->fp = fp;
return 0;
void potfile_write_close (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx)
potfile_ctx_t *potfile_ctx = hashcat_ctx->potfile_ctx;
if (potfile_ctx->enabled == false) return;
fclose (potfile_ctx->fp);
void potfile_write_append (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, const char *out_buf, u8 *plain_ptr, unsigned int plain_len)
const hashconfig_t *hashconfig = hashcat_ctx->hashconfig;
const potfile_ctx_t *potfile_ctx = hashcat_ctx->potfile_ctx;
const user_options_t *user_options = hashcat_ctx->user_options;
if (potfile_ctx->enabled == false) return;
u8 *tmp_buf = potfile_ctx->tmp_buf;
int tmp_len = 0;
if (1)
const size_t out_len = strlen (out_buf);
memcpy (tmp_buf + tmp_len, out_buf, out_len);
tmp_len += out_len;
tmp_buf[tmp_len] = hashconfig->separator;
tmp_len += 1;
if (1)
const bool always_ascii = (hashconfig->hash_type & OPTS_TYPE_PT_ALWAYS_ASCII) ? true : false;
if ((user_options->outfile_autohex == true) && (need_hexify (plain_ptr, plain_len, hashconfig->separator, always_ascii) == true))
tmp_buf[tmp_len++] = '$';
tmp_buf[tmp_len++] = 'H';
tmp_buf[tmp_len++] = 'E';
tmp_buf[tmp_len++] = 'X';
tmp_buf[tmp_len++] = '[';
exec_hexify ((const u8 *) plain_ptr, plain_len, (u8 *) tmp_buf + tmp_len);
tmp_len += plain_len * 2;
tmp_buf[tmp_len++] = ']';
memcpy (tmp_buf + tmp_len, plain_ptr, plain_len);
tmp_len += plain_len;
tmp_buf[tmp_len] = 0;
lock_file (potfile_ctx->fp);
fprintf (potfile_ctx->fp, "%s" EOL, tmp_buf);
fflush (potfile_ctx->fp);
if (unlock_file (potfile_ctx->fp))
event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "%s: Failed to unlock file.", potfile_ctx->filename);
void potfile_update_hash (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, hash_t *found, char *line_pw_buf, int line_pw_len)
const loopback_ctx_t *loopback_ctx = hashcat_ctx->loopback_ctx;
if (found == NULL) return;
char *pw_buf = line_pw_buf;
int pw_len = line_pw_len;
found->pw_buf = (char *) hcmalloc (pw_len + 1);
found->pw_len = pw_len;
memcpy (found->pw_buf, pw_buf, pw_len);
found->pw_buf[found->pw_len] = 0;
found->cracked = 1;
// if enabled, update also the loopback file
if (loopback_ctx->fp != NULL)
loopback_write_append (hashcat_ctx, (u8 *) pw_buf, (unsigned int) pw_len);
void potfile_update_hashes (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, hash_t *hash_buf, hash_t *hashes_buf, u32 hashes_cnt, int (*compar) (const void *, const void *, void *), char *line_pw_buf, int line_pw_len)
const hashconfig_t *hashconfig = hashcat_ctx->hashconfig;
// linear search
for (u32 hash_pos = 0; hash_pos < hashes_cnt; hash_pos++)
if (compar ((void *) &hashes_buf[hash_pos], (void *) hash_buf, (void *) hashconfig) == 0)
potfile_update_hash (hashcat_ctx, &hashes_buf[hash_pos], line_pw_buf, line_pw_len);
int potfile_remove_parse (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx)
const hashconfig_t *hashconfig = hashcat_ctx->hashconfig;
const hashes_t *hashes = hashcat_ctx->hashes;
const potfile_ctx_t *potfile_ctx = hashcat_ctx->potfile_ctx;
if (potfile_ctx->enabled == false) return 0;
// if no potfile exists yet we don't need to do anything here
if (hc_path_exist (potfile_ctx->filename) == false) return 0;
hash_t *hashes_buf = hashes->hashes_buf;
u32 hashes_cnt = hashes->hashes_cnt;
// no solution for these special hash types (for instane because they use hashfile in output etc)
if (hashconfig->hash_mode == 5200) return 0;
if ((hashconfig->hash_mode >= 6200)
&& (hashconfig->hash_mode <= 6299)) return 0;
if (hashconfig->hash_mode == 9000) return 0;
if ((hashconfig->hash_mode >= 13700)
&& (hashconfig->hash_mode <= 13799)) return 0;
if (hashconfig->hash_mode == 14600) return 0;
hash_t hash_buf;
hash_buf.digest = hcmalloc (hashconfig->dgst_size);
hash_buf.salt = NULL;
hash_buf.esalt = NULL;
hash_buf.hook_salt = NULL;
hash_buf.hash_info = NULL;
hash_buf.cracked = 0;
if (hashconfig->is_salted)
hash_buf.salt = (salt_t *) hcmalloc (sizeof (salt_t));
if (hashconfig->esalt_size)
hash_buf.esalt = hcmalloc (hashconfig->esalt_size);
if (hashconfig->hook_salt_size)
hash_buf.hook_salt = hcmalloc (hashconfig->hook_salt_size);
// this is usually detected by weak-hash-check
// but not if bitslice
if (hashconfig->hash_mode == 3000)
int parser_status = hashconfig->parse_func ((u8 *) LM_WEAK_HASH, 16, &hash_buf, hashconfig);
if (parser_status == PARSER_OK)
if (potfile_ctx->keep_all_hashes == true)
potfile_update_hashes (hashcat_ctx, &hash_buf, hashes_buf, hashes_cnt, sort_by_hash_no_salt, NULL, 0);
hash_t *found = (hash_t *) hc_bsearch_r (&hash_buf, hashes_buf, hashes_cnt, sizeof (hash_t), sort_by_hash_no_salt, (void *) hashconfig);
potfile_update_hash (hashcat_ctx, found, NULL, 0);
const int rc = potfile_read_open (hashcat_ctx);
if (rc == -1) return -1;
char *line_buf = (char *) hcmalloc (HCBUFSIZ_LARGE);
while (!feof (potfile_ctx->fp))
int line_len = fgetl (potfile_ctx->fp, line_buf);
if (line_len == 0) continue;
char *last_separator = strrchr (line_buf, hashconfig->separator);
if (last_separator == NULL) continue; // ??
char *line_pw_buf = last_separator + 1;
int line_pw_len = line_buf + line_len - line_pw_buf;
char *line_hash_buf = line_buf;
int line_hash_len = last_separator - line_buf;
line_hash_buf[line_hash_len] = 0;
if (line_hash_len == 0) continue;
// we should allow length 0 passwords (detected by weak hash check)
//if (line_pw_len == 0) continue;
if (hashconfig->is_salted)
memset (hash_buf.salt, 0, sizeof (salt_t));
if (hashconfig->esalt_size)
memset (hash_buf.esalt, 0, hashconfig->esalt_size);
if (hashconfig->hook_salt_size)
memset (hash_buf.hook_salt, 0, hashconfig->hook_salt_size);
hash_t *found = NULL;
if (hashconfig->hash_mode == 6800)
if (line_hash_len < 256) // 64 = 64 * u32 in salt_buf[]
// manipulate salt_buf
memcpy (hash_buf.salt->salt_buf, line_hash_buf, line_hash_len);
hash_buf.salt->salt_len = line_hash_len;
found = (hash_t *) bsearch (&hash_buf, hashes_buf, hashes_cnt, sizeof (hash_t), sort_by_hash_t_salt);
else if ((hashconfig->hash_mode == 2500) || (hashconfig->hash_mode == 2501) || (hashconfig->hash_mode == 15800))
// here we have in line_hash_buf: hash:macap:macsta:essid:password
char *sep_pos = strrchr (line_hash_buf, ':');
if (sep_pos == NULL) continue;
sep_pos[0] = 0;
char *hash_pos = line_hash_buf;
const size_t hash_len = strlen (hash_pos);
if (hash_len != 32 + 1 + 12 + 1 + 12) continue;
char *essid_pos = sep_pos + 1;
int essid_len = (int) strlen (essid_pos);
if (is_hexify ((const u8 *) essid_pos, (const int) essid_len) == true)
essid_len = exec_unhexify ((const u8 *) essid_pos, (int) essid_len, (u8 *) essid_pos, (int) essid_len);
if (essid_len > 32) continue;
if (hashconfig->is_salted)
// this should be always true, but we need it to make scan-build happy
memcpy (hash_buf.salt->salt_buf, essid_pos, essid_len);
hash_buf.salt->salt_len = essid_len;
hash_buf.salt->salt_iter = ROUNDS_WPA - 1;
u32 hash[4];
hash[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[ 0]);
hash[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[ 8]);
hash[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[16]);
hash[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[24]);
hash[0] = byte_swap_32 (hash[0]);
hash[1] = byte_swap_32 (hash[1]);
hash[2] = byte_swap_32 (hash[2]);
hash[3] = byte_swap_32 (hash[3]);
u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf.digest;
digest[0] = hash[0];
digest[1] = hash[1];
digest[2] = hash[2];
digest[3] = hash[3];
found = (hash_t *) hc_bsearch_r (&hash_buf, hashes_buf, hashes_cnt, sizeof (hash_t), sort_by_hash, (void *) hashconfig);
int parser_status = hashconfig->parse_func ((u8 *) line_hash_buf, line_hash_len, &hash_buf, hashconfig);
if (parser_status == PARSER_OK)
if (hashconfig->is_salted)
if (potfile_ctx->keep_all_hashes == true)
potfile_update_hashes (hashcat_ctx, &hash_buf, hashes_buf, hashes_cnt, sort_by_hash, line_pw_buf, line_pw_len);
found = (hash_t *) hc_bsearch_r (&hash_buf, hashes_buf, hashes_cnt, sizeof (hash_t), sort_by_hash, (void *) hashconfig);
if (potfile_ctx->keep_all_hashes == true)
potfile_update_hashes (hashcat_ctx, &hash_buf, hashes_buf, hashes_cnt, sort_by_hash_no_salt, line_pw_buf, line_pw_len);
found = (hash_t *) hc_bsearch_r (&hash_buf, hashes_buf, hashes_cnt, sizeof (hash_t), sort_by_hash_no_salt, (void *) hashconfig);
potfile_update_hash (hashcat_ctx, found, line_pw_buf, line_pw_len);
hcfree (line_buf);
potfile_read_close (hashcat_ctx);
if (hashconfig->esalt_size)
hcfree (hash_buf.esalt);
if (hashconfig->hook_salt_size)
hcfree (hash_buf.hook_salt);
if (hashconfig->is_salted)
hcfree (hash_buf.salt);
hcfree (hash_buf.digest);
return 0;
int potfile_handle_show (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx)
hashconfig_t *hashconfig = hashcat_ctx->hashconfig;
hashes_t *hashes = hashcat_ctx->hashes;
potfile_ctx_t *potfile_ctx = hashcat_ctx->potfile_ctx;
hash_t *hashes_buf = hashes->hashes_buf;
u32 salts_cnt = hashes->salts_cnt;
salt_t *salts_buf = hashes->salts_buf;
if (hashconfig->hash_mode == 3000)
for (u32 salt_idx = 0; salt_idx < salts_cnt; salt_idx++)
salt_t *salt_buf = salts_buf + salt_idx;
u32 digests_cnt = salt_buf->digests_cnt;
for (u32 digest_idx = 0; digest_idx < digests_cnt; digest_idx++)
const u32 hashes_idx = salt_buf->digests_offset + digest_idx;
u32 *digests_shown = hashes->digests_shown;
hash_t *hash1 = &hashes_buf[hashes_idx];
hash_t *hash2 = NULL;
int split_neighbor = -1;
// find out if at least one of the parts has been cracked
if (hash1->hash_info->split->split_origin == SPLIT_ORIGIN_LEFT)
split_neighbor = hash1->hash_info->split->split_neighbor;
hash2 = &hashes_buf[split_neighbor];
if ((digests_shown[hashes_idx] == 0) && (digests_shown[split_neighbor] == 0)) continue;
else if (hash1->hash_info->split->split_origin == SPLIT_ORIGIN_NONE)
if (digests_shown[hashes_idx] == 0) continue;
// SPLIT_ORIGIN_RIGHT are not handled this way
u8 *out_buf = potfile_ctx->out_buf;
out_buf[0] = 0;
ascii_digest (hashcat_ctx, (char *) out_buf + 0, HCBUFSIZ_LARGE - 0, salt_idx, digest_idx);
if (hash2)
ascii_digest (hashcat_ctx, (char *) out_buf + 16, HCBUFSIZ_LARGE - 16, salt_idx, split_neighbor);
// user
unsigned char *username = NULL;
u32 user_len = 0;
user_t *user = hash1->hash_info->user;
if (user)
username = (unsigned char *) (user->user_name);
user_len = user->user_len;
username[user_len] = 0;
u8 *tmp_buf = potfile_ctx->tmp_buf;
tmp_buf[0] = 0;
u8 mixed_buf[20] = { 0 };
u8 mixed_len = 0;
if (digests_shown[hashes_idx] == 1)
memcpy (mixed_buf + mixed_len, hash1->pw_buf, hash1->pw_len);
mixed_len += hash1->pw_len;
memcpy (mixed_buf + mixed_len, LM_MASKED_PLAIN, strlen (LM_MASKED_PLAIN));
mixed_len += strlen (LM_MASKED_PLAIN);
if (hash2)
if (digests_shown[split_neighbor] == 1)
memcpy (mixed_buf + mixed_len, hash2->pw_buf, hash2->pw_len);
mixed_len += hash2->pw_len;
memcpy (mixed_buf + mixed_len, LM_MASKED_PLAIN, strlen (LM_MASKED_PLAIN));
mixed_len += strlen (LM_MASKED_PLAIN);
const int tmp_len = outfile_write (hashcat_ctx, (char *) out_buf, (u8 *) mixed_buf, mixed_len, 0, username, user_len, (char *) tmp_buf);
for (u32 salt_idx = 0; salt_idx < salts_cnt; salt_idx++)
salt_t *salt_buf = salts_buf + salt_idx;
u32 digests_cnt = salt_buf->digests_cnt;
for (u32 digest_idx = 0; digest_idx < digests_cnt; digest_idx++)
const u32 hashes_idx = salt_buf->digests_offset + digest_idx;
u32 *digests_shown = hashes->digests_shown;
if (digests_shown[hashes_idx] == 0) continue;
hash_t *hash = &hashes_buf[hashes_idx];
u8 *out_buf = potfile_ctx->out_buf;
out_buf[0] = 0;
ascii_digest (hashcat_ctx, (char *) out_buf, HCBUFSIZ_LARGE, salt_idx, digest_idx);
// user
unsigned char *username = NULL;
u32 user_len = 0;
if (hash->hash_info != NULL)
user_t *user = hash->hash_info->user;
if (user)
username = (unsigned char *) (user->user_name);
user_len = user->user_len;
username[user_len] = 0;
u8 *tmp_buf = potfile_ctx->tmp_buf;
tmp_buf[0] = 0;
// special case for collider modes: we do not use the $HEX[] format within the hash itself
// therefore we need to convert the $HEX[] password into hexadecimal (without "$HEX[" and "]")
bool is_collider_hex_password = false;
if ((hashconfig->hash_mode == 9710) || (hashconfig->hash_mode == 9810) || (hashconfig->hash_mode == 10410))
if (is_hexify ((u8 *) hash->pw_buf, hash->pw_len) == true)
is_collider_hex_password = true;
int tmp_len = 0;
if (is_collider_hex_password == true)
u8 pass_unhexified[HCBUFSIZ_TINY] = { 0 };
u32 pass_unhexified_len = 0;
pass_unhexified_len = exec_unhexify ((u8 *) hash->pw_buf, hash->pw_len, pass_unhexified, sizeof (pass_unhexified));
tmp_len = outfile_write (hashcat_ctx, (char *) out_buf, pass_unhexified, pass_unhexified_len, 0, username, user_len, (char *) tmp_buf);
tmp_len = outfile_write (hashcat_ctx, (char *) out_buf, (u8 *) hash->pw_buf, hash->pw_len, 0, username, user_len, (char *) tmp_buf);
return 0;
int potfile_handle_left (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx)
hashconfig_t *hashconfig = hashcat_ctx->hashconfig;
hashes_t *hashes = hashcat_ctx->hashes;
potfile_ctx_t *potfile_ctx = hashcat_ctx->potfile_ctx;
hash_t *hashes_buf = hashes->hashes_buf;
u32 salts_cnt = hashes->salts_cnt;
salt_t *salts_buf = hashes->salts_buf;
if (hashconfig->hash_mode == 3000)
for (u32 salt_idx = 0; salt_idx < salts_cnt; salt_idx++)
salt_t *salt_buf = salts_buf + salt_idx;
u32 digests_cnt = salt_buf->digests_cnt;
for (u32 digest_idx = 0; digest_idx < digests_cnt; digest_idx++)
const u32 hashes_idx = salt_buf->digests_offset + digest_idx;
u32 *digests_shown = hashes->digests_shown;
hash_t *hash1 = &hashes_buf[hashes_idx];
hash_t *hash2 = NULL;
int split_neighbor = -1;
// find out if at least one of the parts has been cracked
if (hash1->hash_info->split->split_origin == SPLIT_ORIGIN_LEFT)
split_neighbor = hash1->hash_info->split->split_neighbor;
hash2 = &hashes_buf[split_neighbor];
if ((digests_shown[hashes_idx] == 1) && (digests_shown[split_neighbor] == 1)) continue;
else if (hash1->hash_info->split->split_origin == SPLIT_ORIGIN_NONE)
if (digests_shown[hashes_idx] == 1) continue;
// SPLIT_ORIGIN_RIGHT are not handled this way
u8 *out_buf = potfile_ctx->out_buf;
out_buf[0] = 0;
ascii_digest (hashcat_ctx, (char *) out_buf + 0, HCBUFSIZ_LARGE - 0, salt_idx, digest_idx);
if (hash2)
ascii_digest (hashcat_ctx, (char *) out_buf + 16, HCBUFSIZ_LARGE - 16, salt_idx, split_neighbor);
// user
unsigned char *username = NULL;
u32 user_len = 0;
user_t *user = hash1->hash_info->user;
if (user)
username = (unsigned char *) (user->user_name);
user_len = user->user_len;
username[user_len] = 0;
u8 *tmp_buf = potfile_ctx->tmp_buf;
tmp_buf[0] = 0;
const int tmp_len = outfile_write (hashcat_ctx, (char *) out_buf, NULL, 0, 0, username, user_len, (char *) tmp_buf);
for (u32 salt_idx = 0; salt_idx < salts_cnt; salt_idx++)
salt_t *salt_buf = salts_buf + salt_idx;
u32 digests_cnt = salt_buf->digests_cnt;
for (u32 digest_idx = 0; digest_idx < digests_cnt; digest_idx++)
const u32 hashes_idx = salt_buf->digests_offset + digest_idx;
u32 *digests_shown = hashes->digests_shown;
if (digests_shown[hashes_idx] == 1) continue;
u8 *out_buf = potfile_ctx->out_buf;
out_buf[0] = 0;
ascii_digest (hashcat_ctx, (char *) out_buf, HCBUFSIZ_LARGE, salt_idx, digest_idx);
hash_t *hash = &hashes_buf[hashes_idx];
// user
unsigned char *username = NULL;
u32 user_len = 0;
if (hash->hash_info != NULL)
user_t *user = hash->hash_info->user;
if (user)
username = (unsigned char *) (user->user_name);
user_len = user->user_len;
username[user_len] = 0;
u8 *tmp_buf = potfile_ctx->tmp_buf;
tmp_buf[0] = 0;
const int tmp_len = outfile_write (hashcat_ctx, (char *) out_buf, NULL, 0, 0, username, user_len, (char *) tmp_buf);
return 0;