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// Store a password securely (if data encryption is provided by OS)
// or obfuscated to make search for password in memory dump less trivial.
class SecPassword
void Process(const wchar *Src,size_t SrcSize,wchar *Dst,size_t DstSize,bool Encode);
std::vector<wchar> Password = std::vector<wchar>(MAXPASSWORD);
bool PasswordSet;
void Clean();
void Get(wchar *Psw,size_t MaxSize);
void Set(const wchar *Psw);
bool IsSet() {return PasswordSet;}
size_t Length();
bool operator == (SecPassword &psw);
void cleandata(void *data,size_t size);
void SecHideData(void *Data,size_t DataSize,bool Encode,bool CrossProcess);