/** * Author......: See docs/credits.txt * License.....: MIT */ #include "common.h" #include "types.h" #include "memory.h" #include "locking.h" #include "thread.h" #include "timer.h" #include "tuningdb.h" #include "rp.h" #include "rp_cpu.h" #include "mpsp.h" #include "convert.h" #include "stdout.h" #include "filehandling.h" #include "wordlist.h" #include "shared.h" #include "hashes.h" #include "emu_inc_hash_md5.h" #include "event.h" #include "dynloader.h" #include "backend.h" #if defined (__linux__) static const char *dri_card0_path = "/dev/dri/card0"; static const char *drm_card0_vendor_path = "/sys/class/drm/card0/device/vendor"; static const char *drm_card0_driver_path = "/sys/class/drm/card0/device/driver"; #endif static const u32 full01 = 0x01010101; static const u32 full06 = 0x06060606; static const u32 full80 = 0x80808080; static double TARGET_MSEC_PROFILE[4] = { 2, 12, 96, 480 }; static bool is_same_device (const hc_device_param_t *src, const hc_device_param_t *dst) { if (src->pcie_bus != dst->pcie_bus) return false; if (src->pcie_device != dst->pcie_device) return false; if (src->pcie_function != dst->pcie_function) return false; // Intel CPU and embedded GPU would survive up to here! if (src->opencl_device_type != dst->opencl_device_type) return false; return true; } static int backend_ctx_find_alias_devices (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx) { backend_ctx_t *backend_ctx = hashcat_ctx->backend_ctx; // first identify all aliases for (int backend_devices_cnt_src = 0; backend_devices_cnt_src < backend_ctx->backend_devices_cnt; backend_devices_cnt_src++) { hc_device_param_t *device_param_src = &backend_ctx->devices_param[backend_devices_cnt_src]; for (int backend_devices_cnt_dst = backend_devices_cnt_src + 1; backend_devices_cnt_dst < backend_ctx->backend_devices_cnt; backend_devices_cnt_dst++) { hc_device_param_t *device_param_dst = &backend_ctx->devices_param[backend_devices_cnt_dst]; if (is_same_device (device_param_src, device_param_dst) == false) continue; device_param_src->device_id_alias_buf[device_param_src->device_id_alias_cnt] = device_param_dst->device_id; device_param_src->device_id_alias_cnt++; device_param_dst->device_id_alias_buf[device_param_dst->device_id_alias_cnt] = device_param_src->device_id; device_param_dst->device_id_alias_cnt++; } } // find the alias to skip for (int backend_devices_pos = 0; backend_devices_pos < backend_ctx->backend_devices_cnt; backend_devices_pos++) { hc_device_param_t *backend_device = &backend_ctx->devices_param[backend_devices_pos]; if (backend_device->skipped == true) continue; if (backend_device->skipped_warning == true) continue; for (int device_id_alias_pos = 0; device_id_alias_pos < backend_device->device_id_alias_cnt; device_id_alias_pos++) { const int alias_pos = backend_device->device_id_alias_buf[device_id_alias_pos]; hc_device_param_t *alias_device = &backend_ctx->devices_param[alias_pos]; if (alias_device->skipped == true) continue; if (alias_device->skipped_warning == true) continue; // this lets CUDA devices survive over OpenCL if (alias_device->is_cuda == true) continue; // this lets native OpenCL runtime survive over generic OpenCL runtime if (alias_device->opencl_device_type & CL_DEVICE_TYPE_CPU) { if (alias_device->opencl_platform_vendor_id == alias_device->opencl_device_vendor_id) continue; } alias_device->skipped = true; backend_ctx->opencl_devices_active--; backend_ctx->backend_devices_active--; } } return -1; } static bool is_same_device_type (const hc_device_param_t *src, const hc_device_param_t *dst) { if (strcmp (src->device_name, dst->device_name) != 0) return false; if (src->is_cuda != dst->is_cuda) return false; if (src->is_opencl != dst->is_opencl) return false; if (strcmp (src->device_name, dst->device_name) != 0) return false; if (src->is_opencl == true) { if (strcmp (src->opencl_device_vendor, dst->opencl_device_vendor) != 0) return false; if (strcmp (src->opencl_device_version, dst->opencl_device_version) != 0) return false; if (strcmp (src->opencl_driver_version, dst->opencl_driver_version) != 0) return false; } if (src->device_processors != dst->device_processors) return false; if (src->device_maxclock_frequency != dst->device_maxclock_frequency) return false; if (src->device_maxworkgroup_size != dst->device_maxworkgroup_size) return false; // memory size can be different, depending on which gpu has a monitor connected // if (src->device_maxmem_alloc != dst->device_maxmem_alloc) return false; // if (src->device_global_mem != dst->device_global_mem) return false; if (src->sm_major != dst->sm_major) return false; if (src->sm_minor != dst->sm_minor) return false; if (src->kernel_exec_timeout != dst->kernel_exec_timeout) return false; return true; } static int ocl_check_dri (MAYBE_UNUSED hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx) { #if defined (__linux__) // This check makes sense only if we're not root const uid_t uid = getuid (); if (uid == 0) return 0; // No GPU available! That's fine, so we don't need to check if we have access to it. if (hc_path_exist (dri_card0_path) == false) return 0; // Now we need to check if this an AMD vendor, because this is when the problems start FILE *fd_drm = fopen (drm_card0_vendor_path, "rb"); if (fd_drm == NULL) return 0; u32 vendor = 0; if (fscanf (fd_drm, "0x%x", &vendor) != 1) { fclose (fd_drm); return 0; } fclose (fd_drm); if (vendor != 4098) return 0; // Now the problem is only with AMDGPU-PRO, not with oldschool AMD driver char buf[HCBUFSIZ_TINY] = { 0 }; const ssize_t len = readlink (drm_card0_driver_path, buf, HCBUFSIZ_TINY - 1); if (len == -1) return 0; buf[len] = 0; if (strstr (buf, "amdgpu") == NULL) return 0; // Now do the real check FILE *fd_dri = fopen (dri_card0_path, "rb"); if (fd_dri == NULL) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "Cannot access %s: %m.", dri_card0_path); event_log_warning (hashcat_ctx, "This causes some drivers to crash when OpenCL is used!"); event_log_warning (hashcat_ctx, "Adding your user to the \"video\" group usually fixes this problem:"); event_log_warning (hashcat_ctx, "$ sudo usermod -a -G video $LOGNAME"); event_log_warning (hashcat_ctx, NULL); return -1; } fclose (fd_dri); #endif // __linux__ return 0; } static bool setup_backend_devices_filter (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, const char *backend_devices, u64 *out) { u64 backend_devices_filter = 0; if (backend_devices) { char *devices = hcstrdup (backend_devices); if (devices == NULL) return false; char *saveptr = NULL; char *next = strtok_r (devices, ",", &saveptr); do { const int backend_device_id = (const int) strtol (next, NULL, 10); if ((backend_device_id <= 0) || (backend_device_id >= 64)) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "Invalid device_id %d specified.", backend_device_id); hcfree (devices); return false; } backend_devices_filter |= 1ULL << (backend_device_id - 1); } while ((next = strtok_r ((char *) NULL, ",", &saveptr)) != NULL); hcfree (devices); } else { backend_devices_filter = -1ULL; } *out = backend_devices_filter; return true; } static bool setup_opencl_device_types_filter (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, const char *opencl_device_types, cl_device_type *out) { cl_device_type opencl_device_types_filter = 0; if (opencl_device_types) { char *device_types = hcstrdup (opencl_device_types); if (device_types == NULL) return false; char *saveptr = NULL; char *next = strtok_r (device_types, ",", &saveptr); do { const int device_type = (const int) strtol (next, NULL, 10); if (device_type < 1 || device_type > 3) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "Invalid OpenCL device-type %d specified.", device_type); hcfree (device_types); return false; } opencl_device_types_filter |= 1U << device_type; } while ((next = strtok_r (NULL, ",", &saveptr)) != NULL); hcfree (device_types); } else { // Do not use CPU by default, this often reduces GPU performance because // the CPU is too busy to handle GPU synchronization opencl_device_types_filter = CL_DEVICE_TYPE_ALL & ~CL_DEVICE_TYPE_CPU; } *out = opencl_device_types_filter; return true; } /* static bool cuda_test_instruction (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, const int sm_major, const int sm_minor, const char *kernel_buf) { nvrtcProgram program; if (hc_nvrtcCreateProgram (hashcat_ctx, &program, kernel_buf, "test_instruction", 0, NULL, NULL) == -1) return false; char *nvrtc_options[4]; nvrtc_options[0] = "--restrict"; nvrtc_options[1] = "--gpu-architecture"; hc_asprintf (&nvrtc_options[2], "compute_%d%d", sm_major, sm_minor); nvrtc_options[3] = NULL; backend_ctx_t *backend_ctx = hashcat_ctx->backend_ctx; NVRTC_PTR *nvrtc = (NVRTC_PTR *) backend_ctx->nvrtc; const nvrtcResult NVRTC_err = nvrtc->nvrtcCompileProgram (program, 3, (const char * const *) nvrtc_options); hcfree (nvrtc_options[2]); size_t build_log_size = 0; hc_nvrtcGetProgramLogSize (hashcat_ctx, program, &build_log_size); if (NVRTC_err != NVRTC_SUCCESS) { char *build_log = (char *) hcmalloc (build_log_size + 1); if (hc_nvrtcGetProgramLog (hashcat_ctx, program, build_log) == -1) return false; puts (build_log); hcfree (build_log); hc_nvrtcDestroyProgram (hashcat_ctx, &program); return false; } size_t binary_size; if (hc_nvrtcGetPTXSize (hashcat_ctx, program, &binary_size) == -1) return false; char *binary = (char *) hcmalloc (binary_size); if (hc_nvrtcGetPTX (hashcat_ctx, program, binary) == -1) { hcfree (binary); return false; } CUDA_PTR *cuda = (CUDA_PTR *) backend_ctx->cuda; CUmodule cuda_module; const CUresult CU_err = cuda->cuModuleLoadDataEx (&cuda_module, binary, 0, NULL, NULL); if (CU_err != CUDA_SUCCESS) { hcfree (binary); return false; } hcfree (binary); if (hc_cuModuleUnload (hashcat_ctx, cuda_module) == -1) return false; if (hc_nvrtcDestroyProgram (hashcat_ctx, &program) == -1) return false; return true; } */ static bool opencl_test_instruction (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, cl_context context, cl_device_id device, const char *kernel_buf) { cl_program program; if (hc_clCreateProgramWithSource (hashcat_ctx, context, 1, &kernel_buf, NULL, &program) == -1) return false; backend_ctx_t *backend_ctx = hashcat_ctx->backend_ctx; OCL_PTR *ocl = (OCL_PTR *) backend_ctx->ocl; #ifndef DEBUG const int fd_stderr = fileno (stderr); const int stderr_bak = dup (fd_stderr); #ifdef _WIN const int tmp = open ("NUL", O_WRONLY); #else const int tmp = open ("/dev/null", O_WRONLY); #endif dup2 (tmp, fd_stderr); close (tmp); #endif const int CL_rc = ocl->clBuildProgram (program, 1, &device, NULL, NULL, NULL); #ifndef DEBUG dup2 (stderr_bak, fd_stderr); close (stderr_bak); #endif if (CL_rc != CL_SUCCESS) { #if defined (DEBUG) event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "clBuildProgram(): %s", val2cstr_cl (CL_rc)); size_t build_log_size = 0; hc_clGetProgramBuildInfo (hashcat_ctx, program, device, CL_PROGRAM_BUILD_LOG, 0, NULL, &build_log_size); char *build_log = (char *) hcmalloc (build_log_size + 1); hc_clGetProgramBuildInfo (hashcat_ctx, program, device, CL_PROGRAM_BUILD_LOG, build_log_size, build_log, NULL); build_log[build_log_size] = 0; puts (build_log); hcfree (build_log); #endif hc_clReleaseProgram (hashcat_ctx, program); return false; } if (hc_clReleaseProgram (hashcat_ctx, program) == -1) return false; return true; } static bool read_kernel_binary (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, const char *kernel_file, size_t *kernel_lengths, char **kernel_sources) { HCFILE fp; if (hc_fopen (&fp, kernel_file, "rb") == true) { struct stat st; if (stat (kernel_file, &st)) { hc_fclose (&fp); return false; } const size_t klen = st.st_size; char *buf = (char *) hcmalloc (klen + 1); size_t num_read = hc_fread (buf, sizeof (char), klen, &fp); hc_fclose (&fp); if (num_read != klen) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "%s: %s", kernel_file, strerror (errno)); hcfree (buf); return false; } buf[klen] = 0; kernel_lengths[0] = klen; kernel_sources[0] = buf; } else { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "%s: %s", kernel_file, strerror (errno)); return false; } return true; } static bool write_kernel_binary (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, const char *kernel_file, char *binary, size_t binary_size) { if (binary_size > 0) { HCFILE fp; if (hc_fopen (&fp, kernel_file, "wb") == false) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "%s: %s", kernel_file, strerror (errno)); return false; } if (hc_lockfile (&fp) == -1) { hc_fclose (&fp); event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "%s: %s", kernel_file, strerror (errno)); return false; } hc_fwrite (binary, sizeof (char), binary_size, &fp); hc_fflush (&fp); if (hc_unlockfile (&fp) == -1) { hc_fclose (&fp); event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "%s: %s", kernel_file, strerror (errno)); return false; } hc_fclose (&fp); } return true; } void generate_source_kernel_filename (const bool slow_candidates, const u32 attack_exec, const u32 attack_kern, const u32 kern_type, const u32 opti_type, char *shared_dir, char *source_file) { if (opti_type & OPTI_TYPE_OPTIMIZED_KERNEL) { if (attack_exec == ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL) { if (slow_candidates == true) { snprintf (source_file, 255, "%s/OpenCL/m%05d_a0-optimized.cl", shared_dir, (int) kern_type); } else { if (attack_kern == ATTACK_KERN_STRAIGHT) snprintf (source_file, 255, "%s/OpenCL/m%05d_a0-optimized.cl", shared_dir, (int) kern_type); else if (attack_kern == ATTACK_KERN_COMBI) snprintf (source_file, 255, "%s/OpenCL/m%05d_a1-optimized.cl", shared_dir, (int) kern_type); else if (attack_kern == ATTACK_KERN_BF) snprintf (source_file, 255, "%s/OpenCL/m%05d_a3-optimized.cl", shared_dir, (int) kern_type); else if (attack_kern == ATTACK_KERN_NONE) snprintf (source_file, 255, "%s/OpenCL/m%05d_a0-optimized.cl", shared_dir, (int) kern_type); } } else { snprintf (source_file, 255, "%s/OpenCL/m%05d-optimized.cl", shared_dir, (int) kern_type); } } else { if (attack_exec == ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL) { if (slow_candidates == true) { snprintf (source_file, 255, "%s/OpenCL/m%05d_a0-pure.cl", shared_dir, (int) kern_type); } else { if (attack_kern == ATTACK_KERN_STRAIGHT) snprintf (source_file, 255, "%s/OpenCL/m%05d_a0-pure.cl", shared_dir, (int) kern_type); else if (attack_kern == ATTACK_KERN_COMBI) snprintf (source_file, 255, "%s/OpenCL/m%05d_a1-pure.cl", shared_dir, (int) kern_type); else if (attack_kern == ATTACK_KERN_BF) snprintf (source_file, 255, "%s/OpenCL/m%05d_a3-pure.cl", shared_dir, (int) kern_type); else if (attack_kern == ATTACK_KERN_NONE) snprintf (source_file, 255, "%s/OpenCL/m%05d_a0-pure.cl", shared_dir, (int) kern_type); } } else { snprintf (source_file, 255, "%s/OpenCL/m%05d-pure.cl", shared_dir, (int) kern_type); } } } void generate_cached_kernel_filename (const bool slow_candidates, const u32 attack_exec, const u32 attack_kern, const u32 kern_type, const u32 opti_type, char *profile_dir, const char *device_name_chksum, char *cached_file) { if (opti_type & OPTI_TYPE_OPTIMIZED_KERNEL) { if (attack_exec == ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL) { if (slow_candidates == true) { snprintf (cached_file, 255, "%s/kernels/m%05d_a0-optimized.%s.kernel", profile_dir, (int) kern_type, device_name_chksum); } else { if (attack_kern == ATTACK_KERN_STRAIGHT) snprintf (cached_file, 255, "%s/kernels/m%05d_a0-optimized.%s.kernel", profile_dir, (int) kern_type, device_name_chksum); else if (attack_kern == ATTACK_KERN_COMBI) snprintf (cached_file, 255, "%s/kernels/m%05d_a1-optimized.%s.kernel", profile_dir, (int) kern_type, device_name_chksum); else if (attack_kern == ATTACK_KERN_BF) snprintf (cached_file, 255, "%s/kernels/m%05d_a3-optimized.%s.kernel", profile_dir, (int) kern_type, device_name_chksum); else if (attack_kern == ATTACK_KERN_NONE) snprintf (cached_file, 255, "%s/kernels/m%05d_a0-optimized.%s.kernel", profile_dir, (int) kern_type, device_name_chksum); } } else { snprintf (cached_file, 255, "%s/kernels/m%05d-optimized.%s.kernel", profile_dir, (int) kern_type, device_name_chksum); } } else { if (attack_exec == ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL) { if (slow_candidates == true) { snprintf (cached_file, 255, "%s/kernels/m%05d_a0-pure.%s.kernel", profile_dir, (int) kern_type, device_name_chksum); } else { if (attack_kern == ATTACK_KERN_STRAIGHT) snprintf (cached_file, 255, "%s/kernels/m%05d_a0-pure.%s.kernel", profile_dir, (int) kern_type, device_name_chksum); else if (attack_kern == ATTACK_KERN_COMBI) snprintf (cached_file, 255, "%s/kernels/m%05d_a1-pure.%s.kernel", profile_dir, (int) kern_type, device_name_chksum); else if (attack_kern == ATTACK_KERN_BF) snprintf (cached_file, 255, "%s/kernels/m%05d_a3-pure.%s.kernel", profile_dir, (int) kern_type, device_name_chksum); else if (attack_kern == ATTACK_KERN_NONE) snprintf (cached_file, 255, "%s/kernels/m%05d_a0-pure.%s.kernel", profile_dir, (int) kern_type, device_name_chksum); } } else { snprintf (cached_file, 255, "%s/kernels/m%05d-pure.%s.kernel", profile_dir, (int) kern_type, device_name_chksum); } } } void generate_source_kernel_shared_filename (char *shared_dir, char *source_file) { snprintf (source_file, 255, "%s/OpenCL/shared.cl", shared_dir); } void generate_cached_kernel_shared_filename (char *profile_dir, const char *device_name_chksum_amp_mp, char *cached_file) { snprintf (cached_file, 255, "%s/kernels/shared.%s.kernel", profile_dir, device_name_chksum_amp_mp); } void generate_source_kernel_mp_filename (const u32 opti_type, const u64 opts_type, char *shared_dir, char *source_file) { if ((opti_type & OPTI_TYPE_BRUTE_FORCE) && (opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_BE)) { snprintf (source_file, 255, "%s/OpenCL/markov_be.cl", shared_dir); } else { snprintf (source_file, 255, "%s/OpenCL/markov_le.cl", shared_dir); } } void generate_cached_kernel_mp_filename (const u32 opti_type, const u64 opts_type, char *profile_dir, const char *device_name_chksum_amp_mp, char *cached_file) { if ((opti_type & OPTI_TYPE_BRUTE_FORCE) && (opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_BE)) { snprintf (cached_file, 255, "%s/kernels/markov_be.%s.kernel", profile_dir, device_name_chksum_amp_mp); } else { snprintf (cached_file, 255, "%s/kernels/markov_le.%s.kernel", profile_dir, device_name_chksum_amp_mp); } } void generate_source_kernel_amp_filename (const u32 attack_kern, char *shared_dir, char *source_file) { snprintf (source_file, 255, "%s/OpenCL/amp_a%u.cl", shared_dir, attack_kern); } void generate_cached_kernel_amp_filename (const u32 attack_kern, char *profile_dir, const char *device_name_chksum_amp_mp, char *cached_file) { snprintf (cached_file, 255, "%s/kernels/amp_a%u.%s.kernel", profile_dir, attack_kern, device_name_chksum_amp_mp); } // NVRTC int nvrtc_init (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx) { backend_ctx_t *backend_ctx = hashcat_ctx->backend_ctx; NVRTC_PTR *nvrtc = (NVRTC_PTR *) backend_ctx->nvrtc; memset (nvrtc, 0, sizeof (NVRTC_PTR)); #if defined (_WIN) nvrtc->lib = hc_dlopen ("nvrtc.dll"); if (nvrtc->lib == NULL) { // super annoying: nvidia is using the CUDA version in nvrtc???.dll filename! // however, the cuda version string comes from nvcuda.dll which is from nvidia driver, but // the driver version and the installed CUDA toolkit version can be different, so it cannot be used as a reference. // brute force to the rescue char dllname[100]; for (int major = 20; major >= 9; major--) // older than 3.x do not ship _v2 functions anyway // older than 7.x does not support sm 5.x // older than 8.x does not have documentation archive online, no way to check if nvrtc support whatever we need // older than 9.x is just a theoretical limit since we define 9.0 as the minimum required version { for (int minor = 20; minor >= 0; minor--) { snprintf (dllname, sizeof (dllname), "nvrtc64_%d%d.dll", major, minor); nvrtc->lib = hc_dlopen (dllname); if (nvrtc->lib) break; snprintf (dllname, sizeof (dllname), "nvrtc64_%d%d_0.dll", major, minor); nvrtc->lib = hc_dlopen (dllname); if (nvrtc->lib) break; } if (nvrtc->lib) break; } } #elif defined (__APPLE__) nvrtc->lib = hc_dlopen ("nvrtc.dylib"); #elif defined (__CYGWIN__) nvrtc->lib = hc_dlopen ("nvrtc.dll"); #else nvrtc->lib = hc_dlopen ("libnvrtc.so"); if (nvrtc->lib == NULL) nvrtc->lib = hc_dlopen ("libnvrtc.so.1"); #endif if (nvrtc->lib == NULL) return -1; HC_LOAD_FUNC (nvrtc, nvrtcAddNameExpression, NVRTC_NVRTCADDNAMEEXPRESSION, NVRTC, 1); HC_LOAD_FUNC (nvrtc, nvrtcCompileProgram, NVRTC_NVRTCCOMPILEPROGRAM, NVRTC, 1); HC_LOAD_FUNC (nvrtc, nvrtcCreateProgram, NVRTC_NVRTCCREATEPROGRAM, NVRTC, 1); HC_LOAD_FUNC (nvrtc, nvrtcDestroyProgram, NVRTC_NVRTCDESTROYPROGRAM, NVRTC, 1); HC_LOAD_FUNC (nvrtc, nvrtcGetLoweredName, NVRTC_NVRTCGETLOWEREDNAME, NVRTC, 1); HC_LOAD_FUNC (nvrtc, nvrtcGetPTX, NVRTC_NVRTCGETPTX, NVRTC, 1); HC_LOAD_FUNC (nvrtc, nvrtcGetPTXSize, NVRTC_NVRTCGETPTXSIZE, NVRTC, 1); HC_LOAD_FUNC (nvrtc, nvrtcGetProgramLog, NVRTC_NVRTCGETPROGRAMLOG, NVRTC, 1); HC_LOAD_FUNC (nvrtc, nvrtcGetProgramLogSize, NVRTC_NVRTCGETPROGRAMLOGSIZE, NVRTC, 1); HC_LOAD_FUNC (nvrtc, nvrtcGetErrorString, NVRTC_NVRTCGETERRORSTRING, NVRTC, 1); HC_LOAD_FUNC (nvrtc, nvrtcVersion, NVRTC_NVRTCVERSION, NVRTC, 1); return 0; } void nvrtc_close (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx) { backend_ctx_t *backend_ctx = hashcat_ctx->backend_ctx; NVRTC_PTR *nvrtc = (NVRTC_PTR *) backend_ctx->nvrtc; if (nvrtc) { if (nvrtc->lib) { hc_dlclose (nvrtc->lib); } hcfree (backend_ctx->nvrtc); backend_ctx->nvrtc = NULL; } } int hc_nvrtcCreateProgram (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, nvrtcProgram *prog, const char *src, const char *name, int numHeaders, const char * const *headers, const char * const *includeNames) { backend_ctx_t *backend_ctx = hashcat_ctx->backend_ctx; NVRTC_PTR *nvrtc = (NVRTC_PTR *) backend_ctx->nvrtc; const nvrtcResult NVRTC_err = nvrtc->nvrtcCreateProgram (prog, src, name, numHeaders, headers, includeNames); if (NVRTC_err != NVRTC_SUCCESS) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "nvrtcCreateProgram(): %s", nvrtc->nvrtcGetErrorString (NVRTC_err)); return -1; } return 0; } int hc_nvrtcDestroyProgram (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, nvrtcProgram *prog) { backend_ctx_t *backend_ctx = hashcat_ctx->backend_ctx; NVRTC_PTR *nvrtc = (NVRTC_PTR *) backend_ctx->nvrtc; const nvrtcResult NVRTC_err = nvrtc->nvrtcDestroyProgram (prog); if (NVRTC_err != NVRTC_SUCCESS) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "nvrtcDestroyProgram(): %s", nvrtc->nvrtcGetErrorString (NVRTC_err)); return -1; } return 0; } int hc_nvrtcCompileProgram (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, nvrtcProgram prog, int numOptions, const char * const *options) { backend_ctx_t *backend_ctx = hashcat_ctx->backend_ctx; NVRTC_PTR *nvrtc = (NVRTC_PTR *) backend_ctx->nvrtc; const nvrtcResult NVRTC_err = nvrtc->nvrtcCompileProgram (prog, numOptions, options); if (NVRTC_err != NVRTC_SUCCESS) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "nvrtcCompileProgram(): %s", nvrtc->nvrtcGetErrorString (NVRTC_err)); return -1; } return 0; } int hc_nvrtcGetProgramLogSize (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, nvrtcProgram prog, size_t *logSizeRet) { backend_ctx_t *backend_ctx = hashcat_ctx->backend_ctx; NVRTC_PTR *nvrtc = (NVRTC_PTR *) backend_ctx->nvrtc; const nvrtcResult NVRTC_err = nvrtc->nvrtcGetProgramLogSize (prog, logSizeRet); if (NVRTC_err != NVRTC_SUCCESS) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "nvrtcGetProgramLogSize(): %s", nvrtc->nvrtcGetErrorString (NVRTC_err)); return -1; } return 0; } int hc_nvrtcGetProgramLog (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, nvrtcProgram prog, char *log) { backend_ctx_t *backend_ctx = hashcat_ctx->backend_ctx; NVRTC_PTR *nvrtc = (NVRTC_PTR *) backend_ctx->nvrtc; const nvrtcResult NVRTC_err = nvrtc->nvrtcGetProgramLog (prog, log); if (NVRTC_err != NVRTC_SUCCESS) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "nvrtcGetProgramLog(): %s", nvrtc->nvrtcGetErrorString (NVRTC_err)); return -1; } return 0; } int hc_nvrtcGetPTXSize (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, nvrtcProgram prog, size_t *ptxSizeRet) { backend_ctx_t *backend_ctx = hashcat_ctx->backend_ctx; NVRTC_PTR *nvrtc = (NVRTC_PTR *) backend_ctx->nvrtc; const nvrtcResult NVRTC_err = nvrtc->nvrtcGetPTXSize (prog, ptxSizeRet); if (NVRTC_err != NVRTC_SUCCESS) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "nvrtcGetPTXSize(): %s", nvrtc->nvrtcGetErrorString (NVRTC_err)); return -1; } return 0; } int hc_nvrtcGetPTX (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, nvrtcProgram prog, char *ptx) { backend_ctx_t *backend_ctx = hashcat_ctx->backend_ctx; NVRTC_PTR *nvrtc = (NVRTC_PTR *) backend_ctx->nvrtc; const nvrtcResult NVRTC_err = nvrtc->nvrtcGetPTX (prog, ptx); if (NVRTC_err != NVRTC_SUCCESS) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "nvrtcGetPTX(): %s", nvrtc->nvrtcGetErrorString (NVRTC_err)); return -1; } return 0; } int hc_nvrtcVersion (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, int *major, int *minor) { backend_ctx_t *backend_ctx = hashcat_ctx->backend_ctx; NVRTC_PTR *nvrtc = (NVRTC_PTR *) backend_ctx->nvrtc; const nvrtcResult NVRTC_err = nvrtc->nvrtcVersion (major, minor); if (NVRTC_err != NVRTC_SUCCESS) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "nvrtcVersion(): %s", nvrtc->nvrtcGetErrorString (NVRTC_err)); return -1; } return 0; } // CUDA int cuda_init (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx) { backend_ctx_t *backend_ctx = hashcat_ctx->backend_ctx; CUDA_PTR *cuda = (CUDA_PTR *) backend_ctx->cuda; memset (cuda, 0, sizeof (CUDA_PTR)); #if defined (_WIN) cuda->lib = hc_dlopen ("nvcuda.dll"); #elif defined (__APPLE__) cuda->lib = hc_dlopen ("nvcuda.dylib"); #elif defined (__CYGWIN__) cuda->lib = hc_dlopen ("nvcuda.dll"); #else cuda->lib = hc_dlopen ("libcuda.so"); if (cuda->lib == NULL) cuda->lib = hc_dlopen ("libcuda.so.1"); #endif if (cuda->lib == NULL) return -1; #define HC_LOAD_FUNC_CUDA(ptr,name,cudaname,type,libname,noerr) \ do { \ ptr->name = (type) hc_dlsym ((ptr)->lib, #cudaname); \ if ((noerr) != -1) { \ if (!(ptr)->name) { \ if ((noerr) == 1) { \ event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "%s is missing from %s shared library.", #name, #libname); \ return -1; \ } \ if ((noerr) != 1) { \ event_log_warning (hashcat_ctx, "%s is missing from %s shared library.", #name, #libname); \ return 0; \ } \ } \ } \ } while (0) // finding the right symbol is a PITA, because of the _v2 suffix // a good reference is cuda.h itself // this needs to be verified for each new cuda release HC_LOAD_FUNC_CUDA (cuda, cuCtxCreate, cuCtxCreate_v2, CUDA_CUCTXCREATE, CUDA, 1); HC_LOAD_FUNC_CUDA (cuda, cuCtxDestroy, cuCtxDestroy_v2, CUDA_CUCTXDESTROY, CUDA, 1); HC_LOAD_FUNC_CUDA (cuda, cuCtxGetCacheConfig, cuCtxGetCacheConfig, CUDA_CUCTXGETCACHECONFIG, CUDA, 1); HC_LOAD_FUNC_CUDA (cuda, cuCtxGetCurrent, cuCtxGetCurrent, CUDA_CUCTXGETCURRENT, CUDA, 1); HC_LOAD_FUNC_CUDA (cuda, cuCtxGetSharedMemConfig, cuCtxGetSharedMemConfig, CUDA_CUCTXGETSHAREDMEMCONFIG, CUDA, 1); HC_LOAD_FUNC_CUDA (cuda, cuCtxPopCurrent, cuCtxPopCurrent_v2, CUDA_CUCTXPOPCURRENT, CUDA, 1); HC_LOAD_FUNC_CUDA (cuda, cuCtxPushCurrent, cuCtxPushCurrent_v2, CUDA_CUCTXPUSHCURRENT, CUDA, 1); HC_LOAD_FUNC_CUDA (cuda, cuCtxSetCacheConfig, cuCtxSetCacheConfig, CUDA_CUCTXSETCACHECONFIG, CUDA, 1); HC_LOAD_FUNC_CUDA (cuda, cuCtxSetCurrent, cuCtxSetCurrent, CUDA_CUCTXSETCURRENT, CUDA, 1); HC_LOAD_FUNC_CUDA (cuda, cuCtxSetSharedMemConfig, cuCtxSetSharedMemConfig, CUDA_CUCTXSETSHAREDMEMCONFIG, CUDA, 1); HC_LOAD_FUNC_CUDA (cuda, cuCtxSynchronize, cuCtxSynchronize, CUDA_CUCTXSYNCHRONIZE, CUDA, 1); HC_LOAD_FUNC_CUDA (cuda, cuDeviceGetAttribute, cuDeviceGetAttribute, CUDA_CUDEVICEGETATTRIBUTE, CUDA, 1); HC_LOAD_FUNC_CUDA (cuda, cuDeviceGetCount, cuDeviceGetCount, CUDA_CUDEVICEGETCOUNT, CUDA, 1); HC_LOAD_FUNC_CUDA (cuda, cuDeviceGet, cuDeviceGet, CUDA_CUDEVICEGET, CUDA, 1); HC_LOAD_FUNC_CUDA (cuda, cuDeviceGetName, cuDeviceGetName, CUDA_CUDEVICEGETNAME, CUDA, 1); HC_LOAD_FUNC_CUDA (cuda, cuDeviceTotalMem, cuDeviceTotalMem_v2, CUDA_CUDEVICETOTALMEM, CUDA, 1); HC_LOAD_FUNC_CUDA (cuda, cuDriverGetVersion, cuDriverGetVersion, CUDA_CUDRIVERGETVERSION, CUDA, 1); HC_LOAD_FUNC_CUDA (cuda, cuEventCreate, cuEventCreate, CUDA_CUEVENTCREATE, CUDA, 1); HC_LOAD_FUNC_CUDA (cuda, cuEventDestroy, cuEventDestroy_v2, CUDA_CUEVENTDESTROY, CUDA, 1); HC_LOAD_FUNC_CUDA (cuda, cuEventElapsedTime, cuEventElapsedTime, CUDA_CUEVENTELAPSEDTIME, CUDA, 1); HC_LOAD_FUNC_CUDA (cuda, cuEventQuery, cuEventQuery, CUDA_CUEVENTQUERY, CUDA, 1); HC_LOAD_FUNC_CUDA (cuda, cuEventRecord, cuEventRecord, CUDA_CUEVENTRECORD, CUDA, 1); HC_LOAD_FUNC_CUDA (cuda, cuEventSynchronize, cuEventSynchronize, CUDA_CUEVENTSYNCHRONIZE, CUDA, 1); HC_LOAD_FUNC_CUDA (cuda, cuFuncGetAttribute, cuFuncGetAttribute, CUDA_CUFUNCGETATTRIBUTE, CUDA, 1); HC_LOAD_FUNC_CUDA (cuda, cuFuncSetAttribute, cuFuncSetAttribute, CUDA_CUFUNCSETATTRIBUTE, CUDA, 1); HC_LOAD_FUNC_CUDA (cuda, cuFuncSetCacheConfig, cuFuncSetCacheConfig, CUDA_CUFUNCSETCACHECONFIG, CUDA, 1); HC_LOAD_FUNC_CUDA (cuda, cuFuncSetSharedMemConfig, cuFuncSetSharedMemConfig, CUDA_CUFUNCSETSHAREDMEMCONFIG, CUDA, 1); HC_LOAD_FUNC_CUDA (cuda, cuGetErrorName, cuGetErrorName, CUDA_CUGETERRORNAME, CUDA, 1); HC_LOAD_FUNC_CUDA (cuda, cuGetErrorString, cuGetErrorString, CUDA_CUGETERRORSTRING, CUDA, 1); HC_LOAD_FUNC_CUDA (cuda, cuInit, cuInit, CUDA_CUINIT, CUDA, 1); HC_LOAD_FUNC_CUDA (cuda, cuLaunchKernel, cuLaunchKernel, CUDA_CULAUNCHKERNEL, CUDA, 1); HC_LOAD_FUNC_CUDA (cuda, cuMemAlloc, cuMemAlloc_v2, CUDA_CUMEMALLOC, CUDA, 1); HC_LOAD_FUNC_CUDA (cuda, cuMemAllocHost, cuMemAllocHost_v2, CUDA_CUMEMALLOCHOST, CUDA, 1); HC_LOAD_FUNC_CUDA (cuda, cuMemcpyDtoD, cuMemcpyDtoD_v2, CUDA_CUMEMCPYDTOD, CUDA, 1); HC_LOAD_FUNC_CUDA (cuda, cuMemcpyDtoH, cuMemcpyDtoH_v2, CUDA_CUMEMCPYDTOH, CUDA, 1); HC_LOAD_FUNC_CUDA (cuda, cuMemcpyHtoD, cuMemcpyHtoD_v2, CUDA_CUMEMCPYHTOD, CUDA, 1); HC_LOAD_FUNC_CUDA (cuda, cuMemFree, cuMemFree_v2, CUDA_CUMEMFREE, CUDA, 1); HC_LOAD_FUNC_CUDA (cuda, cuMemFreeHost, cuMemFreeHost, CUDA_CUMEMFREEHOST, CUDA, 1); HC_LOAD_FUNC_CUDA (cuda, cuMemGetInfo, cuMemGetInfo_v2, CUDA_CUMEMGETINFO, CUDA, 1); HC_LOAD_FUNC_CUDA (cuda, cuMemsetD32, cuMemsetD32_v2, CUDA_CUMEMSETD32, CUDA, 1); HC_LOAD_FUNC_CUDA (cuda, cuMemsetD8, cuMemsetD8_v2, CUDA_CUMEMSETD8, CUDA, 1); HC_LOAD_FUNC_CUDA (cuda, cuModuleGetFunction, cuModuleGetFunction, CUDA_CUMODULEGETFUNCTION, CUDA, 1); HC_LOAD_FUNC_CUDA (cuda, cuModuleGetGlobal, cuModuleGetGlobal_v2, CUDA_CUMODULEGETGLOBAL, CUDA, 1); HC_LOAD_FUNC_CUDA (cuda, cuModuleLoad, cuModuleLoad, CUDA_CUMODULELOAD, CUDA, 1); HC_LOAD_FUNC_CUDA (cuda, cuModuleLoadData, cuModuleLoadData, CUDA_CUMODULELOADDATA, CUDA, 1); HC_LOAD_FUNC_CUDA (cuda, cuModuleLoadDataEx, cuModuleLoadDataEx, CUDA_CUMODULELOADDATAEX, CUDA, 1); HC_LOAD_FUNC_CUDA (cuda, cuModuleUnload, cuModuleUnload, CUDA_CUMODULEUNLOAD, CUDA, 1); HC_LOAD_FUNC_CUDA (cuda, cuProfilerStart, cuProfilerStart, CUDA_CUPROFILERSTART, CUDA, 1); HC_LOAD_FUNC_CUDA (cuda, cuProfilerStop, cuProfilerStop, CUDA_CUPROFILERSTOP, CUDA, 1); HC_LOAD_FUNC_CUDA (cuda, cuStreamCreate, cuStreamCreate, CUDA_CUSTREAMCREATE, CUDA, 1); HC_LOAD_FUNC_CUDA (cuda, cuStreamDestroy, cuStreamDestroy_v2, CUDA_CUSTREAMDESTROY, CUDA, 1); HC_LOAD_FUNC_CUDA (cuda, cuStreamSynchronize, cuStreamSynchronize, CUDA_CUSTREAMSYNCHRONIZE, CUDA, 1); HC_LOAD_FUNC_CUDA (cuda, cuStreamWaitEvent, cuStreamWaitEvent, CUDA_CUSTREAMWAITEVENT, CUDA, 1); #if defined (WITH_CUBIN) HC_LOAD_FUNC_CUDA (cuda, cuLinkCreate, cuLinkCreate_v2, CUDA_CULINKCREATE, CUDA, 1); HC_LOAD_FUNC_CUDA (cuda, cuLinkAddData, cuLinkAddData_v2, CUDA_CULINKADDDATA, CUDA, 1); HC_LOAD_FUNC_CUDA (cuda, cuLinkDestroy, cuLinkDestroy, CUDA_CULINKDESTROY, CUDA, 1); HC_LOAD_FUNC_CUDA (cuda, cuLinkComplete, cuLinkComplete, CUDA_CULINKCOMPLETE, CUDA, 1); #endif return 0; } void cuda_close (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx) { backend_ctx_t *backend_ctx = hashcat_ctx->backend_ctx; CUDA_PTR *cuda = (CUDA_PTR *) backend_ctx->cuda; if (cuda) { if (cuda->lib) { hc_dlclose (cuda->lib); } hcfree (backend_ctx->cuda); backend_ctx->cuda = NULL; } } int hc_cuInit (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, unsigned int Flags) { backend_ctx_t *backend_ctx = hashcat_ctx->backend_ctx; CUDA_PTR *cuda = (CUDA_PTR *) backend_ctx->cuda; const CUresult CU_err = cuda->cuInit (Flags); if (CU_err != CUDA_SUCCESS) { const char *pStr = NULL; if (cuda->cuGetErrorString (CU_err, &pStr) == CUDA_SUCCESS) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "cuInit(): %s", pStr); } else { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "cuInit(): %d", CU_err); } return -1; } return 0; } int hc_cuDeviceGetAttribute (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, int *pi, CUdevice_attribute attrib, CUdevice dev) { backend_ctx_t *backend_ctx = hashcat_ctx->backend_ctx; CUDA_PTR *cuda = (CUDA_PTR *) backend_ctx->cuda; const CUresult CU_err = cuda->cuDeviceGetAttribute (pi, attrib, dev); if (CU_err != CUDA_SUCCESS) { const char *pStr = NULL; if (cuda->cuGetErrorString (CU_err, &pStr) == CUDA_SUCCESS) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "cuDeviceGetAttribute(): %s", pStr); } else { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "cuDeviceGetAttribute(): %d", CU_err); } return -1; } return 0; } int hc_cuDeviceGetCount (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, int *count) { backend_ctx_t *backend_ctx = hashcat_ctx->backend_ctx; CUDA_PTR *cuda = (CUDA_PTR *) backend_ctx->cuda; const CUresult CU_err = cuda->cuDeviceGetCount (count); if (CU_err != CUDA_SUCCESS) { const char *pStr = NULL; if (cuda->cuGetErrorString (CU_err, &pStr) == CUDA_SUCCESS) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "cuDeviceGetCount(): %s", pStr); } else { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "cuDeviceGetCount(): %d", CU_err); } return -1; } return 0; } int hc_cuDeviceGet (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, CUdevice* device, int ordinal) { backend_ctx_t *backend_ctx = hashcat_ctx->backend_ctx; CUDA_PTR *cuda = (CUDA_PTR *) backend_ctx->cuda; const CUresult CU_err = cuda->cuDeviceGet (device, ordinal); if (CU_err != CUDA_SUCCESS) { const char *pStr = NULL; if (cuda->cuGetErrorString (CU_err, &pStr) == CUDA_SUCCESS) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "cuDeviceGet(): %s", pStr); } else { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "cuDeviceGet(): %d", CU_err); } return -1; } return 0; } int hc_cuDeviceGetName (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, char *name, int len, CUdevice dev) { backend_ctx_t *backend_ctx = hashcat_ctx->backend_ctx; CUDA_PTR *cuda = (CUDA_PTR *) backend_ctx->cuda; const CUresult CU_err = cuda->cuDeviceGetName (name, len, dev); if (CU_err != CUDA_SUCCESS) { const char *pStr = NULL; if (cuda->cuGetErrorString (CU_err, &pStr) == CUDA_SUCCESS) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "cuDeviceGetName(): %s", pStr); } else { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "cuDeviceGetName(): %d", CU_err); } return -1; } return 0; } int hc_cuDeviceTotalMem (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, size_t *bytes, CUdevice dev) { backend_ctx_t *backend_ctx = hashcat_ctx->backend_ctx; CUDA_PTR *cuda = (CUDA_PTR *) backend_ctx->cuda; const CUresult CU_err = cuda->cuDeviceTotalMem (bytes, dev); if (CU_err != CUDA_SUCCESS) { const char *pStr = NULL; if (cuda->cuGetErrorString (CU_err, &pStr) == CUDA_SUCCESS) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "cuDeviceTotalMem(): %s", pStr); } else { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "cuDeviceTotalMem(): %d", CU_err); } return -1; } return 0; } int hc_cuDriverGetVersion (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, int *driverVersion) { backend_ctx_t *backend_ctx = hashcat_ctx->backend_ctx; CUDA_PTR *cuda = (CUDA_PTR *) backend_ctx->cuda; const CUresult CU_err = cuda->cuDriverGetVersion (driverVersion); if (CU_err != CUDA_SUCCESS) { const char *pStr = NULL; if (cuda->cuGetErrorString (CU_err, &pStr) == CUDA_SUCCESS) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "cuDriverGetVersion(): %s", pStr); } else { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "cuDriverGetVersion(): %d", CU_err); } return -1; } return 0; } int hc_cuCtxCreate (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, CUcontext *pctx, unsigned int flags, CUdevice dev) { backend_ctx_t *backend_ctx = hashcat_ctx->backend_ctx; CUDA_PTR *cuda = (CUDA_PTR *) backend_ctx->cuda; const CUresult CU_err = cuda->cuCtxCreate (pctx, flags, dev); if (CU_err != CUDA_SUCCESS) { const char *pStr = NULL; if (cuda->cuGetErrorString (CU_err, &pStr) == CUDA_SUCCESS) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "cuCtxCreate(): %s", pStr); } else { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "cuCtxCreate(): %d", CU_err); } return -1; } return 0; } int hc_cuCtxDestroy (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, CUcontext ctx) { backend_ctx_t *backend_ctx = hashcat_ctx->backend_ctx; CUDA_PTR *cuda = (CUDA_PTR *) backend_ctx->cuda; const CUresult CU_err = cuda->cuCtxDestroy (ctx); if (CU_err != CUDA_SUCCESS) { const char *pStr = NULL; if (cuda->cuGetErrorString (CU_err, &pStr) == CUDA_SUCCESS) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "cuCtxDestroy(): %s", pStr); } else { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "cuCtxDestroy(): %d", CU_err); } return -1; } return 0; } int hc_cuModuleLoadDataEx (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, CUmodule *module, const void *image, unsigned int numOptions, CUjit_option *options, void **optionValues) { backend_ctx_t *backend_ctx = hashcat_ctx->backend_ctx; CUDA_PTR *cuda = (CUDA_PTR *) backend_ctx->cuda; const CUresult CU_err = cuda->cuModuleLoadDataEx (module, image, numOptions, options, optionValues); if (CU_err != CUDA_SUCCESS) { const char *pStr = NULL; if (cuda->cuGetErrorString (CU_err, &pStr) == CUDA_SUCCESS) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "cuModuleLoadDataEx(): %s", pStr); } else { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "cuModuleLoadDataEx(): %d", CU_err); } return -1; } return 0; } int hc_cuModuleUnload (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, CUmodule hmod) { backend_ctx_t *backend_ctx = hashcat_ctx->backend_ctx; CUDA_PTR *cuda = (CUDA_PTR *) backend_ctx->cuda; const CUresult CU_err = cuda->cuModuleUnload (hmod); if (CU_err != CUDA_SUCCESS) { const char *pStr = NULL; if (cuda->cuGetErrorString (CU_err, &pStr) == CUDA_SUCCESS) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "cuModuleUnload(): %s", pStr); } else { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "cuModuleUnload(): %d", CU_err); } return -1; } return 0; } int hc_cuCtxSetCurrent (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, CUcontext ctx) { backend_ctx_t *backend_ctx = hashcat_ctx->backend_ctx; CUDA_PTR *cuda = (CUDA_PTR *) backend_ctx->cuda; const CUresult CU_err = cuda->cuCtxSetCurrent (ctx); if (CU_err != CUDA_SUCCESS) { const char *pStr = NULL; if (cuda->cuGetErrorString (CU_err, &pStr) == CUDA_SUCCESS) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "cuCtxSetCurrent(): %s", pStr); } else { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "cuCtxSetCurrent(): %d", CU_err); } return -1; } return 0; } int hc_cuMemAlloc (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, CUdeviceptr *dptr, size_t bytesize) { backend_ctx_t *backend_ctx = hashcat_ctx->backend_ctx; CUDA_PTR *cuda = (CUDA_PTR *) backend_ctx->cuda; const CUresult CU_err = cuda->cuMemAlloc (dptr, bytesize); if (CU_err != CUDA_SUCCESS) { const char *pStr = NULL; if (cuda->cuGetErrorString (CU_err, &pStr) == CUDA_SUCCESS) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "cuMemAlloc(): %s", pStr); } else { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "cuMemAlloc(): %d", CU_err); } return -1; } return 0; } int hc_cuMemFree (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, CUdeviceptr dptr) { backend_ctx_t *backend_ctx = hashcat_ctx->backend_ctx; CUDA_PTR *cuda = (CUDA_PTR *) backend_ctx->cuda; const CUresult CU_err = cuda->cuMemFree (dptr); if (CU_err != CUDA_SUCCESS) { const char *pStr = NULL; if (cuda->cuGetErrorString (CU_err, &pStr) == CUDA_SUCCESS) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "cuMemFree(): %s", pStr); } else { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "cuMemFree(): %d", CU_err); } return -1; } return 0; } int hc_cuMemcpyDtoH (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, void *dstHost, CUdeviceptr srcDevice, size_t ByteCount) { backend_ctx_t *backend_ctx = hashcat_ctx->backend_ctx; CUDA_PTR *cuda = (CUDA_PTR *) backend_ctx->cuda; const CUresult CU_err = cuda->cuMemcpyDtoH (dstHost, srcDevice, ByteCount); if (CU_err != CUDA_SUCCESS) { const char *pStr = NULL; if (cuda->cuGetErrorString (CU_err, &pStr) == CUDA_SUCCESS) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "cuMemcpyDtoH(): %s", pStr); } else { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "cuMemcpyDtoH(): %d", CU_err); } return -1; } return 0; } int hc_cuMemcpyDtoD (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, CUdeviceptr dstDevice, CUdeviceptr srcDevice, size_t ByteCount) { backend_ctx_t *backend_ctx = hashcat_ctx->backend_ctx; CUDA_PTR *cuda = (CUDA_PTR *) backend_ctx->cuda; const CUresult CU_err = cuda->cuMemcpyDtoD (dstDevice, srcDevice, ByteCount); if (CU_err != CUDA_SUCCESS) { const char *pStr = NULL; if (cuda->cuGetErrorString (CU_err, &pStr) == CUDA_SUCCESS) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "cuMemcpyDtoD(): %s", pStr); } else { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "cuMemcpyDtoD(): %d", CU_err); } return -1; } return 0; } int hc_cuMemcpyHtoD (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, CUdeviceptr dstDevice, const void *srcHost, size_t ByteCount) { backend_ctx_t *backend_ctx = hashcat_ctx->backend_ctx; CUDA_PTR *cuda = (CUDA_PTR *) backend_ctx->cuda; const CUresult CU_err = cuda->cuMemcpyHtoD (dstDevice, srcHost, ByteCount); if (CU_err != CUDA_SUCCESS) { const char *pStr = NULL; if (cuda->cuGetErrorString (CU_err, &pStr) == CUDA_SUCCESS) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "cuMemcpyHtoD(): %s", pStr); } else { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "cuMemcpyHtoD(): %d", CU_err); } return -1; } return 0; } int hc_cuModuleGetFunction (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, CUfunction *hfunc, CUmodule hmod, const char *name) { backend_ctx_t *backend_ctx = hashcat_ctx->backend_ctx; CUDA_PTR *cuda = (CUDA_PTR *) backend_ctx->cuda; const CUresult CU_err = cuda->cuModuleGetFunction (hfunc, hmod, name); if (CU_err != CUDA_SUCCESS) { const char *pStr = NULL; if (cuda->cuGetErrorString (CU_err, &pStr) == CUDA_SUCCESS) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "cuModuleGetFunction(): %s", pStr); } else { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "cuModuleGetFunction(): %d", CU_err); } return -1; } return 0; } int hc_cuModuleGetGlobal (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, CUdeviceptr *dptr, size_t *bytes, CUmodule hmod, const char *name) { backend_ctx_t *backend_ctx = hashcat_ctx->backend_ctx; CUDA_PTR *cuda = (CUDA_PTR *) backend_ctx->cuda; const CUresult CU_err = cuda->cuModuleGetGlobal (dptr, bytes, hmod, name); if (CU_err != CUDA_SUCCESS) { const char *pStr = NULL; if (cuda->cuGetErrorString (CU_err, &pStr) == CUDA_SUCCESS) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "cuModuleGetGlobal(): %s", pStr); } else { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "cuModuleGetGlobal(): %d", CU_err); } return -1; } return 0; } int hc_cuMemGetInfo (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, size_t *free, size_t *total) { backend_ctx_t *backend_ctx = hashcat_ctx->backend_ctx; CUDA_PTR *cuda = (CUDA_PTR *) backend_ctx->cuda; const CUresult CU_err = cuda->cuMemGetInfo (free, total); if (CU_err != CUDA_SUCCESS) { const char *pStr = NULL; if (cuda->cuGetErrorString (CU_err, &pStr) == CUDA_SUCCESS) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "cuMemGetInfo(): %s", pStr); } else { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "cuMemGetInfo(): %d", CU_err); } return -1; } return 0; } int hc_cuFuncGetAttribute (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, int *pi, CUfunction_attribute attrib, CUfunction hfunc) { backend_ctx_t *backend_ctx = hashcat_ctx->backend_ctx; CUDA_PTR *cuda = (CUDA_PTR *) backend_ctx->cuda; const CUresult CU_err = cuda->cuFuncGetAttribute (pi, attrib, hfunc); if (CU_err != CUDA_SUCCESS) { const char *pStr = NULL; if (cuda->cuGetErrorString (CU_err, &pStr) == CUDA_SUCCESS) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "cuFuncGetAttribute(): %s", pStr); } else { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "cuFuncGetAttribute(): %d", CU_err); } return -1; } return 0; } int hc_cuFuncSetAttribute (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, CUfunction hfunc, CUfunction_attribute attrib, int value) { backend_ctx_t *backend_ctx = hashcat_ctx->backend_ctx; CUDA_PTR *cuda = (CUDA_PTR *) backend_ctx->cuda; const CUresult CU_err = cuda->cuFuncSetAttribute (hfunc, attrib, value); if (CU_err != CUDA_SUCCESS) { const char *pStr = NULL; if (cuda->cuGetErrorString (CU_err, &pStr) == CUDA_SUCCESS) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "cuFuncSetAttribute(): %s", pStr); } else { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "cuFuncSetAttribute(): %d", CU_err); } return -1; } return 0; } int hc_cuStreamCreate (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, CUstream *phStream, unsigned int Flags) { backend_ctx_t *backend_ctx = hashcat_ctx->backend_ctx; CUDA_PTR *cuda = (CUDA_PTR *) backend_ctx->cuda; const CUresult CU_err = cuda->cuStreamCreate (phStream, Flags); if (CU_err != CUDA_SUCCESS) { const char *pStr = NULL; if (cuda->cuGetErrorString (CU_err, &pStr) == CUDA_SUCCESS) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "cuStreamCreate(): %s", pStr); } else { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "cuStreamCreate(): %d", CU_err); } return -1; } return 0; } int hc_cuStreamDestroy (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, CUstream hStream) { backend_ctx_t *backend_ctx = hashcat_ctx->backend_ctx; CUDA_PTR *cuda = (CUDA_PTR *) backend_ctx->cuda; const CUresult CU_err = cuda->cuStreamDestroy (hStream); if (CU_err != CUDA_SUCCESS) { const char *pStr = NULL; if (cuda->cuGetErrorString (CU_err, &pStr) == CUDA_SUCCESS) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "cuStreamDestroy(): %s", pStr); } else { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "cuStreamDestroy(): %d", CU_err); } return -1; } return 0; } int hc_cuStreamSynchronize (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, CUstream hStream) { backend_ctx_t *backend_ctx = hashcat_ctx->backend_ctx; CUDA_PTR *cuda = (CUDA_PTR *) backend_ctx->cuda; const CUresult CU_err = cuda->cuStreamSynchronize (hStream); if (CU_err != CUDA_SUCCESS) { const char *pStr = NULL; if (cuda->cuGetErrorString (CU_err, &pStr) == CUDA_SUCCESS) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "cuStreamSynchronize(): %s", pStr); } else { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "cuStreamSynchronize(): %d", CU_err); } return -1; } return 0; } int hc_cuLaunchKernel (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, CUfunction f, unsigned int gridDimX, unsigned int gridDimY, unsigned int gridDimZ, unsigned int blockDimX, unsigned int blockDimY, unsigned int blockDimZ, unsigned int sharedMemBytes, CUstream hStream, void **kernelParams, void **extra) { backend_ctx_t *backend_ctx = hashcat_ctx->backend_ctx; CUDA_PTR *cuda = (CUDA_PTR *) backend_ctx->cuda; const CUresult CU_err = cuda->cuLaunchKernel (f, gridDimX, gridDimY, gridDimZ, blockDimX, blockDimY, blockDimZ, sharedMemBytes, hStream, kernelParams, extra); if (CU_err != CUDA_SUCCESS) { const char *pStr = NULL; if (cuda->cuGetErrorString (CU_err, &pStr) == CUDA_SUCCESS) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "cuLaunchKernel(): %s", pStr); } else { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "cuLaunchKernel(): %d", CU_err); } return -1; } return 0; } int hc_cuCtxSynchronize (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx) { backend_ctx_t *backend_ctx = hashcat_ctx->backend_ctx; CUDA_PTR *cuda = (CUDA_PTR *) backend_ctx->cuda; const CUresult CU_err = cuda->cuCtxSynchronize (); if (CU_err != CUDA_SUCCESS) { const char *pStr = NULL; if (cuda->cuGetErrorString (CU_err, &pStr) == CUDA_SUCCESS) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "cuCtxSynchronize(): %s", pStr); } else { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "cuCtxSynchronize(): %d", CU_err); } return -1; } return 0; } int hc_cuEventCreate (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, CUevent *phEvent, unsigned int Flags) { backend_ctx_t *backend_ctx = hashcat_ctx->backend_ctx; CUDA_PTR *cuda = (CUDA_PTR *) backend_ctx->cuda; const CUresult CU_err = cuda->cuEventCreate (phEvent, Flags); if (CU_err != CUDA_SUCCESS) { const char *pStr = NULL; if (cuda->cuGetErrorString (CU_err, &pStr) == CUDA_SUCCESS) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "cuEventCreate(): %s", pStr); } else { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "cuEventCreate(): %d", CU_err); } return -1; } return 0; } int hc_cuEventDestroy (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, CUevent hEvent) { backend_ctx_t *backend_ctx = hashcat_ctx->backend_ctx; CUDA_PTR *cuda = (CUDA_PTR *) backend_ctx->cuda; const CUresult CU_err = cuda->cuEventDestroy (hEvent); if (CU_err != CUDA_SUCCESS) { const char *pStr = NULL; if (cuda->cuGetErrorString (CU_err, &pStr) == CUDA_SUCCESS) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "cuEventDestroy(): %s", pStr); } else { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "cuEventDestroy(): %d", CU_err); } return -1; } return 0; } int hc_cuEventElapsedTime (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, float *pMilliseconds, CUevent hStart, CUevent hEnd) { backend_ctx_t *backend_ctx = hashcat_ctx->backend_ctx; CUDA_PTR *cuda = (CUDA_PTR *) backend_ctx->cuda; const CUresult CU_err = cuda->cuEventElapsedTime (pMilliseconds, hStart, hEnd); if (CU_err != CUDA_SUCCESS) { const char *pStr = NULL; if (cuda->cuGetErrorString (CU_err, &pStr) == CUDA_SUCCESS) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "cuEventElapsedTime(): %s", pStr); } else { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "cuEventElapsedTime(): %d", CU_err); } return -1; } return 0; } int hc_cuEventQuery (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, CUevent hEvent) { backend_ctx_t *backend_ctx = hashcat_ctx->backend_ctx; CUDA_PTR *cuda = (CUDA_PTR *) backend_ctx->cuda; const CUresult CU_err = cuda->cuEventQuery (hEvent); if (CU_err != CUDA_SUCCESS) { const char *pStr = NULL; if (cuda->cuGetErrorString (CU_err, &pStr) == CUDA_SUCCESS) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "cuEventQuery(): %s", pStr); } else { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "cuEventQuery(): %d", CU_err); } return -1; } return 0; } int hc_cuEventRecord (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, CUevent hEvent, CUstream hStream) { backend_ctx_t *backend_ctx = hashcat_ctx->backend_ctx; CUDA_PTR *cuda = (CUDA_PTR *) backend_ctx->cuda; const CUresult CU_err = cuda->cuEventRecord (hEvent, hStream); if (CU_err != CUDA_SUCCESS) { const char *pStr = NULL; if (cuda->cuGetErrorString (CU_err, &pStr) == CUDA_SUCCESS) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "cuEventRecord(): %s", pStr); } else { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "cuEventRecord(): %d", CU_err); } return -1; } return 0; } int hc_cuEventSynchronize (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, CUevent hEvent) { backend_ctx_t *backend_ctx = hashcat_ctx->backend_ctx; CUDA_PTR *cuda = (CUDA_PTR *) backend_ctx->cuda; const CUresult CU_err = cuda->cuEventSynchronize (hEvent); if (CU_err != CUDA_SUCCESS) { const char *pStr = NULL; if (cuda->cuGetErrorString (CU_err, &pStr) == CUDA_SUCCESS) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "cuEventSynchronize(): %s", pStr); } else { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "cuEventSynchronize(): %d", CU_err); } return -1; } return 0; } int hc_cuCtxSetCacheConfig (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, CUfunc_cache config) { backend_ctx_t *backend_ctx = hashcat_ctx->backend_ctx; CUDA_PTR *cuda = (CUDA_PTR *) backend_ctx->cuda; const CUresult CU_err = cuda->cuCtxSetCacheConfig (config); if (CU_err != CUDA_SUCCESS) { const char *pStr = NULL; if (cuda->cuGetErrorString (CU_err, &pStr) == CUDA_SUCCESS) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "cuCtxSetCacheConfig(): %s", pStr); } else { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "cuCtxSetCacheConfig(): %d", CU_err); } return -1; } return 0; } int hc_cuCtxPushCurrent (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, CUcontext ctx) { backend_ctx_t *backend_ctx = hashcat_ctx->backend_ctx; CUDA_PTR *cuda = (CUDA_PTR *) backend_ctx->cuda; const CUresult CU_err = cuda->cuCtxPushCurrent (ctx); if (CU_err != CUDA_SUCCESS) { const char *pStr = NULL; if (cuda->cuGetErrorString (CU_err, &pStr) == CUDA_SUCCESS) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "cuCtxPushCurrent(): %s", pStr); } else { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "cuCtxPushCurrent(): %d", CU_err); } return -1; } return 0; } int hc_cuCtxPopCurrent (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, CUcontext *pctx) { backend_ctx_t *backend_ctx = hashcat_ctx->backend_ctx; CUDA_PTR *cuda = (CUDA_PTR *) backend_ctx->cuda; const CUresult CU_err = cuda->cuCtxPopCurrent (pctx); if (CU_err != CUDA_SUCCESS) { const char *pStr = NULL; if (cuda->cuGetErrorString (CU_err, &pStr) == CUDA_SUCCESS) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "cuCtxPopCurrent(): %s", pStr); } else { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "cuCtxPopCurrent(): %d", CU_err); } return -1; } return 0; } int hc_cuLinkCreate (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, unsigned int numOptions, CUjit_option *options, void **optionValues, CUlinkState *stateOut) { backend_ctx_t *backend_ctx = hashcat_ctx->backend_ctx; CUDA_PTR *cuda = (CUDA_PTR *) backend_ctx->cuda; const CUresult CU_err = cuda->cuLinkCreate (numOptions, options, optionValues, stateOut); if (CU_err != CUDA_SUCCESS) { const char *pStr = NULL; if (cuda->cuGetErrorString (CU_err, &pStr) == CUDA_SUCCESS) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "cuLinkCreate(): %s", pStr); } else { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "cuLinkCreate(): %d", CU_err); } return -1; } return 0; } int hc_cuLinkAddData (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, CUlinkState state, CUjitInputType type, void *data, size_t size, const char *name, unsigned int numOptions, CUjit_option *options, void **optionValues) { backend_ctx_t *backend_ctx = hashcat_ctx->backend_ctx; CUDA_PTR *cuda = (CUDA_PTR *) backend_ctx->cuda; const CUresult CU_err = cuda->cuLinkAddData (state, type, data, size, name, numOptions, options, optionValues); if (CU_err != CUDA_SUCCESS) { const char *pStr = NULL; if (cuda->cuGetErrorString (CU_err, &pStr) == CUDA_SUCCESS) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "cuLinkAddData(): %s", pStr); } else { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "cuLinkAddData(): %d", CU_err); } return -1; } return 0; } int hc_cuLinkDestroy (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, CUlinkState state) { backend_ctx_t *backend_ctx = hashcat_ctx->backend_ctx; CUDA_PTR *cuda = (CUDA_PTR *) backend_ctx->cuda; const CUresult CU_err = cuda->cuLinkDestroy (state); if (CU_err != CUDA_SUCCESS) { const char *pStr = NULL; if (cuda->cuGetErrorString (CU_err, &pStr) == CUDA_SUCCESS) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "cuLinkDestroy(): %s", pStr); } else { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "cuLinkDestroy(): %d", CU_err); } return -1; } return 0; } int hc_cuLinkComplete (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, CUlinkState state, void **cubinOut, size_t *sizeOut) { backend_ctx_t *backend_ctx = hashcat_ctx->backend_ctx; CUDA_PTR *cuda = (CUDA_PTR *) backend_ctx->cuda; const CUresult CU_err = cuda->cuLinkComplete (state, cubinOut, sizeOut); if (CU_err != CUDA_SUCCESS) { const char *pStr = NULL; if (cuda->cuGetErrorString (CU_err, &pStr) == CUDA_SUCCESS) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "cuLinkComplete(): %s", pStr); } else { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "cuLinkComplete(): %d", CU_err); } return -1; } return 0; } // OpenCL int ocl_init (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx) { backend_ctx_t *backend_ctx = hashcat_ctx->backend_ctx; OCL_PTR *ocl = (OCL_PTR *) backend_ctx->ocl; memset (ocl, 0, sizeof (OCL_PTR)); #if defined (_WIN) ocl->lib = hc_dlopen ("OpenCL"); #elif defined (__APPLE__) ocl->lib = hc_dlopen ("/System/Library/Frameworks/OpenCL.framework/OpenCL"); #elif defined (__CYGWIN__) ocl->lib = hc_dlopen ("opencl.dll"); if (ocl->lib == NULL) ocl->lib = hc_dlopen ("cygOpenCL-1.dll"); #else ocl->lib = hc_dlopen ("libOpenCL.so"); if (ocl->lib == NULL) ocl->lib = hc_dlopen ("libOpenCL.so.1"); #endif if (ocl->lib == NULL) return -1; HC_LOAD_FUNC (ocl, clBuildProgram, OCL_CLBUILDPROGRAM, OpenCL, 1); HC_LOAD_FUNC (ocl, clCreateBuffer, OCL_CLCREATEBUFFER, OpenCL, 1); HC_LOAD_FUNC (ocl, clCreateCommandQueue, OCL_CLCREATECOMMANDQUEUE, OpenCL, 1); HC_LOAD_FUNC (ocl, clCreateContext, OCL_CLCREATECONTEXT, OpenCL, 1); HC_LOAD_FUNC (ocl, clCreateKernel, OCL_CLCREATEKERNEL, OpenCL, 1); HC_LOAD_FUNC (ocl, clCreateProgramWithBinary, OCL_CLCREATEPROGRAMWITHBINARY, OpenCL, 1); HC_LOAD_FUNC (ocl, clCreateProgramWithSource, OCL_CLCREATEPROGRAMWITHSOURCE, OpenCL, 1); HC_LOAD_FUNC (ocl, clEnqueueCopyBuffer, OCL_CLENQUEUECOPYBUFFER, OpenCL, 1); HC_LOAD_FUNC (ocl, clEnqueueMapBuffer, OCL_CLENQUEUEMAPBUFFER, OpenCL, 1); HC_LOAD_FUNC (ocl, clEnqueueNDRangeKernel, OCL_CLENQUEUENDRANGEKERNEL, OpenCL, 1); HC_LOAD_FUNC (ocl, clEnqueueReadBuffer, OCL_CLENQUEUEREADBUFFER, OpenCL, 1); HC_LOAD_FUNC (ocl, clEnqueueUnmapMemObject, OCL_CLENQUEUEUNMAPMEMOBJECT, OpenCL, 1); HC_LOAD_FUNC (ocl, clEnqueueWriteBuffer, OCL_CLENQUEUEWRITEBUFFER, OpenCL, 1); HC_LOAD_FUNC (ocl, clFinish, OCL_CLFINISH, OpenCL, 1); HC_LOAD_FUNC (ocl, clFlush, OCL_CLFLUSH, OpenCL, 1); HC_LOAD_FUNC (ocl, clGetDeviceIDs, OCL_CLGETDEVICEIDS, OpenCL, 1); HC_LOAD_FUNC (ocl, clGetDeviceInfo, OCL_CLGETDEVICEINFO, OpenCL, 1); HC_LOAD_FUNC (ocl, clGetEventInfo, OCL_CLGETEVENTINFO, OpenCL, 1); HC_LOAD_FUNC (ocl, clGetKernelWorkGroupInfo, OCL_CLGETKERNELWORKGROUPINFO, OpenCL, 1); HC_LOAD_FUNC (ocl, clGetPlatformIDs, OCL_CLGETPLATFORMIDS, OpenCL, 1); HC_LOAD_FUNC (ocl, clGetPlatformInfo, OCL_CLGETPLATFORMINFO, OpenCL, 1); HC_LOAD_FUNC (ocl, clGetProgramBuildInfo, OCL_CLGETPROGRAMBUILDINFO, OpenCL, 1); HC_LOAD_FUNC (ocl, clGetProgramInfo, OCL_CLGETPROGRAMINFO, OpenCL, 1); HC_LOAD_FUNC (ocl, clReleaseCommandQueue, OCL_CLRELEASECOMMANDQUEUE, OpenCL, 1); HC_LOAD_FUNC (ocl, clReleaseContext, OCL_CLRELEASECONTEXT, OpenCL, 1); HC_LOAD_FUNC (ocl, clReleaseKernel, OCL_CLRELEASEKERNEL, OpenCL, 1); HC_LOAD_FUNC (ocl, clReleaseMemObject, OCL_CLRELEASEMEMOBJECT, OpenCL, 1); HC_LOAD_FUNC (ocl, clReleaseProgram, OCL_CLRELEASEPROGRAM, OpenCL, 1); HC_LOAD_FUNC (ocl, clSetKernelArg, OCL_CLSETKERNELARG, OpenCL, 1); HC_LOAD_FUNC (ocl, clWaitForEvents, OCL_CLWAITFOREVENTS, OpenCL, 1); HC_LOAD_FUNC (ocl, clGetEventProfilingInfo, OCL_CLGETEVENTPROFILINGINFO, OpenCL, 1); HC_LOAD_FUNC (ocl, clReleaseEvent, OCL_CLRELEASEEVENT, OpenCL, 1); return 0; } void ocl_close (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx) { backend_ctx_t *backend_ctx = hashcat_ctx->backend_ctx; OCL_PTR *ocl = (OCL_PTR *) backend_ctx->ocl; if (ocl) { if (ocl->lib) { hc_dlclose (ocl->lib); } hcfree (backend_ctx->ocl); backend_ctx->ocl = NULL; } } int hc_clEnqueueNDRangeKernel (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, cl_command_queue command_queue, cl_kernel kernel, cl_uint work_dim, const size_t *global_work_offset, const size_t *global_work_size, const size_t *local_work_size, cl_uint num_events_in_wait_list, const cl_event *event_wait_list, cl_event *event) { backend_ctx_t *backend_ctx = hashcat_ctx->backend_ctx; OCL_PTR *ocl = (OCL_PTR *) backend_ctx->ocl; const cl_int CL_err = ocl->clEnqueueNDRangeKernel (command_queue, kernel, work_dim, global_work_offset, global_work_size, local_work_size, num_events_in_wait_list, event_wait_list, event); if (CL_err != CL_SUCCESS) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(): %s", val2cstr_cl (CL_err)); return -1; } return 0; } int hc_clGetEventInfo (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, cl_event event, cl_event_info param_name, size_t param_value_size, void *param_value, size_t *param_value_size_ret) { backend_ctx_t *backend_ctx = hashcat_ctx->backend_ctx; OCL_PTR *ocl = (OCL_PTR *) backend_ctx->ocl; const cl_int CL_err = ocl->clGetEventInfo (event, param_name, param_value_size, param_value, param_value_size_ret); if (CL_err != CL_SUCCESS) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "clGetEventInfo(): %s", val2cstr_cl (CL_err)); return -1; } return 0; } int hc_clFlush (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, cl_command_queue command_queue) { backend_ctx_t *backend_ctx = hashcat_ctx->backend_ctx; OCL_PTR *ocl = (OCL_PTR *) backend_ctx->ocl; const cl_int CL_err = ocl->clFlush (command_queue); if (CL_err != CL_SUCCESS) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "clFlush(): %s", val2cstr_cl (CL_err)); return -1; } return 0; } int hc_clFinish (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, cl_command_queue command_queue) { backend_ctx_t *backend_ctx = hashcat_ctx->backend_ctx; OCL_PTR *ocl = (OCL_PTR *) backend_ctx->ocl; const cl_int CL_err = ocl->clFinish (command_queue); if (CL_err != CL_SUCCESS) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "clFinish(): %s", val2cstr_cl (CL_err)); return -1; } return 0; } int hc_clSetKernelArg (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, cl_kernel kernel, cl_uint arg_index, size_t arg_size, const void *arg_value) { backend_ctx_t *backend_ctx = hashcat_ctx->backend_ctx; OCL_PTR *ocl = (OCL_PTR *) backend_ctx->ocl; const cl_int CL_err = ocl->clSetKernelArg (kernel, arg_index, arg_size, arg_value); if (CL_err != CL_SUCCESS) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "clSetKernelArg(): %s", val2cstr_cl (CL_err)); return -1; } return 0; } int hc_clEnqueueWriteBuffer (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, cl_command_queue command_queue, cl_mem buffer, cl_bool blocking_write, size_t offset, size_t size, const void *ptr, cl_uint num_events_in_wait_list, const cl_event *event_wait_list, cl_event *event) { backend_ctx_t *backend_ctx = hashcat_ctx->backend_ctx; OCL_PTR *ocl = (OCL_PTR *) backend_ctx->ocl; const cl_int CL_err = ocl->clEnqueueWriteBuffer (command_queue, buffer, blocking_write, offset, size, ptr, num_events_in_wait_list, event_wait_list, event); if (CL_err != CL_SUCCESS) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "clEnqueueWriteBuffer(): %s", val2cstr_cl (CL_err)); return -1; } return 0; } int hc_clEnqueueCopyBuffer (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, cl_command_queue command_queue, cl_mem src_buffer, cl_mem dst_buffer, size_t src_offset, size_t dst_offset, size_t size, cl_uint num_events_in_wait_list, const cl_event *event_wait_list, cl_event *event) { backend_ctx_t *backend_ctx = hashcat_ctx->backend_ctx; OCL_PTR *ocl = (OCL_PTR *) backend_ctx->ocl; const cl_int CL_err = ocl->clEnqueueCopyBuffer (command_queue, src_buffer, dst_buffer, src_offset, dst_offset, size, num_events_in_wait_list, event_wait_list, event); if (CL_err != CL_SUCCESS) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "clEnqueueCopyBuffer(): %s", val2cstr_cl (CL_err)); return -1; } return 0; } int hc_clEnqueueReadBuffer (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, cl_command_queue command_queue, cl_mem buffer, cl_bool blocking_read, size_t offset, size_t size, void *ptr, cl_uint num_events_in_wait_list, const cl_event *event_wait_list, cl_event *event) { backend_ctx_t *backend_ctx = hashcat_ctx->backend_ctx; OCL_PTR *ocl = (OCL_PTR *) backend_ctx->ocl; const cl_int CL_err = ocl->clEnqueueReadBuffer (command_queue, buffer, blocking_read, offset, size, ptr, num_events_in_wait_list, event_wait_list, event); if (CL_err != CL_SUCCESS) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "clEnqueueReadBuffer(): %s", val2cstr_cl (CL_err)); return -1; } return 0; } int hc_clGetPlatformIDs (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, cl_uint num_entries, cl_platform_id *platforms, cl_uint *num_platforms) { backend_ctx_t *backend_ctx = hashcat_ctx->backend_ctx; OCL_PTR *ocl = (OCL_PTR *) backend_ctx->ocl; const cl_int CL_err = ocl->clGetPlatformIDs (num_entries, platforms, num_platforms); if (CL_err != CL_SUCCESS) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "clGetPlatformIDs(): %s", val2cstr_cl (CL_err)); return -1; } return 0; } int hc_clGetPlatformInfo (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, cl_platform_id platform, cl_platform_info param_name, size_t param_value_size, void *param_value, size_t *param_value_size_ret) { backend_ctx_t *backend_ctx = hashcat_ctx->backend_ctx; OCL_PTR *ocl = (OCL_PTR *) backend_ctx->ocl; const cl_int CL_err = ocl->clGetPlatformInfo (platform, param_name, param_value_size, param_value, param_value_size_ret); if (CL_err != CL_SUCCESS) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "clGetPlatformInfo(): %s", val2cstr_cl (CL_err)); return -1; } return 0; } int hc_clGetDeviceIDs (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, cl_platform_id platform, cl_device_type device_type, cl_uint num_entries, cl_device_id *devices, cl_uint *num_devices) { backend_ctx_t *backend_ctx = hashcat_ctx->backend_ctx; OCL_PTR *ocl = (OCL_PTR *) backend_ctx->ocl; const cl_int CL_err = ocl->clGetDeviceIDs (platform, device_type, num_entries, devices, num_devices); if (CL_err != CL_SUCCESS) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "clGetDeviceIDs(): %s", val2cstr_cl (CL_err)); return -1; } return 0; } int hc_clGetDeviceInfo (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, cl_device_id device, cl_device_info param_name, size_t param_value_size, void *param_value, size_t *param_value_size_ret) { backend_ctx_t *backend_ctx = hashcat_ctx->backend_ctx; OCL_PTR *ocl = (OCL_PTR *) backend_ctx->ocl; const cl_int CL_err = ocl->clGetDeviceInfo (device, param_name, param_value_size, param_value, param_value_size_ret); if (CL_err != CL_SUCCESS) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "clGetDeviceInfo(): %s", val2cstr_cl (CL_err)); return -1; } return 0; } int hc_clCreateContext (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, const cl_context_properties *properties, cl_uint num_devices, const cl_device_id *devices, void (CL_CALLBACK *pfn_notify) (const char *errinfo, const void *private_info, size_t cb, void *user_data), void *user_data, cl_context *context) { backend_ctx_t *backend_ctx = hashcat_ctx->backend_ctx; OCL_PTR *ocl = (OCL_PTR *) backend_ctx->ocl; cl_int CL_err; *context = ocl->clCreateContext (properties, num_devices, devices, pfn_notify, user_data, &CL_err); if (CL_err != CL_SUCCESS) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "clCreateContext(): %s", val2cstr_cl (CL_err)); return -1; } return 0; } int hc_clCreateCommandQueue (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, cl_context context, cl_device_id device, cl_command_queue_properties properties, cl_command_queue *command_queue) { backend_ctx_t *backend_ctx = hashcat_ctx->backend_ctx; OCL_PTR *ocl = (OCL_PTR *) backend_ctx->ocl; cl_int CL_err; *command_queue = ocl->clCreateCommandQueue (context, device, properties, &CL_err); if (CL_err != CL_SUCCESS) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "clCreateCommandQueue(): %s", val2cstr_cl (CL_err)); return -1; } return 0; } int hc_clCreateBuffer (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, cl_context context, cl_mem_flags flags, size_t size, void *host_ptr, cl_mem *mem) { backend_ctx_t *backend_ctx = hashcat_ctx->backend_ctx; OCL_PTR *ocl = (OCL_PTR *) backend_ctx->ocl; cl_int CL_err; *mem = ocl->clCreateBuffer (context, flags, size, host_ptr, &CL_err); if (CL_err != CL_SUCCESS) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "clCreateBuffer(): %s", val2cstr_cl (CL_err)); return -1; } return 0; } int hc_clCreateProgramWithSource (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, cl_context context, cl_uint count, const char **strings, const size_t *lengths, cl_program *program) { backend_ctx_t *backend_ctx = hashcat_ctx->backend_ctx; OCL_PTR *ocl = (OCL_PTR *) backend_ctx->ocl; cl_int CL_err; *program = ocl->clCreateProgramWithSource (context, count, strings, lengths, &CL_err); if (CL_err != CL_SUCCESS) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "clCreateProgramWithSource(): %s", val2cstr_cl (CL_err)); return -1; } return 0; } int hc_clCreateProgramWithBinary (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, cl_context context, cl_uint num_devices, const cl_device_id *device_list, const size_t *lengths, const unsigned char **binaries, cl_int *binary_status, cl_program *program) { backend_ctx_t *backend_ctx = hashcat_ctx->backend_ctx; OCL_PTR *ocl = (OCL_PTR *) backend_ctx->ocl; cl_int CL_err; *program = ocl->clCreateProgramWithBinary (context, num_devices, device_list, lengths, binaries, binary_status, &CL_err); if (CL_err != CL_SUCCESS) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "clCreateProgramWithBinary(): %s", val2cstr_cl (CL_err)); return -1; } return 0; } int hc_clBuildProgram (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, cl_program program, cl_uint num_devices, const cl_device_id *device_list, const char *options, void (CL_CALLBACK *pfn_notify) (cl_program program, void *user_data), void *user_data) { backend_ctx_t *backend_ctx = hashcat_ctx->backend_ctx; OCL_PTR *ocl = (OCL_PTR *) backend_ctx->ocl; const cl_int CL_err = ocl->clBuildProgram (program, num_devices, device_list, options, pfn_notify, user_data); if (CL_err != CL_SUCCESS) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "clBuildProgram(): %s", val2cstr_cl (CL_err)); return -1; } return 0; } int hc_clCreateKernel (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, cl_program program, const char *kernel_name, cl_kernel *kernel) { backend_ctx_t *backend_ctx = hashcat_ctx->backend_ctx; OCL_PTR *ocl = (OCL_PTR *) backend_ctx->ocl; cl_int CL_err; *kernel = ocl->clCreateKernel (program, kernel_name, &CL_err); if (CL_err != CL_SUCCESS) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "clCreateKernel(): %s", val2cstr_cl (CL_err)); return -1; } return 0; } int hc_clReleaseMemObject (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, cl_mem mem) { backend_ctx_t *backend_ctx = hashcat_ctx->backend_ctx; OCL_PTR *ocl = (OCL_PTR *) backend_ctx->ocl; const cl_int CL_err = ocl->clReleaseMemObject (mem); if (CL_err != CL_SUCCESS) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "clReleaseMemObject(): %s", val2cstr_cl (CL_err)); return -1; } return 0; } int hc_clReleaseKernel (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, cl_kernel kernel) { backend_ctx_t *backend_ctx = hashcat_ctx->backend_ctx; OCL_PTR *ocl = (OCL_PTR *) backend_ctx->ocl; const cl_int CL_err = ocl->clReleaseKernel (kernel); if (CL_err != CL_SUCCESS) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "clReleaseKernel(): %s", val2cstr_cl (CL_err)); return -1; } return 0; } int hc_clReleaseProgram (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, cl_program program) { backend_ctx_t *backend_ctx = hashcat_ctx->backend_ctx; OCL_PTR *ocl = (OCL_PTR *) backend_ctx->ocl; const cl_int CL_err = ocl->clReleaseProgram (program); if (CL_err != CL_SUCCESS) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "clReleaseProgram(): %s", val2cstr_cl (CL_err)); return -1; } return 0; } int hc_clReleaseCommandQueue (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, cl_command_queue command_queue) { backend_ctx_t *backend_ctx = hashcat_ctx->backend_ctx; OCL_PTR *ocl = (OCL_PTR *) backend_ctx->ocl; const cl_int CL_err = ocl->clReleaseCommandQueue (command_queue); if (CL_err != CL_SUCCESS) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "clReleaseCommandQueue(): %s", val2cstr_cl (CL_err)); return -1; } return 0; } int hc_clReleaseContext (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, cl_context context) { backend_ctx_t *backend_ctx = hashcat_ctx->backend_ctx; OCL_PTR *ocl = (OCL_PTR *) backend_ctx->ocl; const cl_int CL_err = ocl->clReleaseContext (context); if (CL_err != CL_SUCCESS) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "clReleaseContext(): %s", val2cstr_cl (CL_err)); return -1; } return 0; } int hc_clEnqueueMapBuffer (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, cl_command_queue command_queue, cl_mem buffer, cl_bool blocking_map, cl_map_flags map_flags, size_t offset, size_t size, cl_uint num_events_in_wait_list, const cl_event *event_wait_list, cl_event *event, void **buf) { backend_ctx_t *backend_ctx = hashcat_ctx->backend_ctx; OCL_PTR *ocl = (OCL_PTR *) backend_ctx->ocl; cl_int CL_err; *buf = ocl->clEnqueueMapBuffer (command_queue, buffer, blocking_map, map_flags, offset, size, num_events_in_wait_list, event_wait_list, event, &CL_err); if (CL_err != CL_SUCCESS) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "clEnqueueMapBuffer(): %s", val2cstr_cl (CL_err)); return -1; } return 0; } int hc_clEnqueueUnmapMemObject (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, cl_command_queue command_queue, cl_mem memobj, void *mapped_ptr, cl_uint num_events_in_wait_list, const cl_event *event_wait_list, cl_event *event) { backend_ctx_t *backend_ctx = hashcat_ctx->backend_ctx; OCL_PTR *ocl = (OCL_PTR *) backend_ctx->ocl; const cl_int CL_err = ocl->clEnqueueUnmapMemObject (command_queue, memobj, mapped_ptr, num_events_in_wait_list, event_wait_list, event); if (CL_err != CL_SUCCESS) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "clEnqueueUnmapMemObject(): %s", val2cstr_cl (CL_err)); return -1; } return 0; } int hc_clGetKernelWorkGroupInfo (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, cl_kernel kernel, cl_device_id device, cl_kernel_work_group_info param_name, size_t param_value_size, void *param_value, size_t *param_value_size_ret) { backend_ctx_t *backend_ctx = hashcat_ctx->backend_ctx; OCL_PTR *ocl = (OCL_PTR *) backend_ctx->ocl; const cl_int CL_err = ocl->clGetKernelWorkGroupInfo (kernel, device, param_name, param_value_size, param_value, param_value_size_ret); if (CL_err != CL_SUCCESS) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "clGetKernelWorkGroupInfo(): %s", val2cstr_cl (CL_err)); return -1; } return 0; } int hc_clGetProgramBuildInfo (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, cl_program program, cl_device_id device, cl_program_build_info param_name, size_t param_value_size, void *param_value, size_t *param_value_size_ret) { backend_ctx_t *backend_ctx = hashcat_ctx->backend_ctx; OCL_PTR *ocl = (OCL_PTR *) backend_ctx->ocl; const cl_int CL_err = ocl->clGetProgramBuildInfo (program, device, param_name, param_value_size, param_value, param_value_size_ret); if (CL_err != CL_SUCCESS) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "clGetProgramBuildInfo(): %s", val2cstr_cl (CL_err)); return -1; } return 0; } int hc_clGetProgramInfo (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, cl_program program, cl_program_info param_name, size_t param_value_size, void *param_value, size_t *param_value_size_ret) { backend_ctx_t *backend_ctx = hashcat_ctx->backend_ctx; OCL_PTR *ocl = (OCL_PTR *) backend_ctx->ocl; const cl_int CL_err = ocl->clGetProgramInfo (program, param_name, param_value_size, param_value, param_value_size_ret); if (CL_err != CL_SUCCESS) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "clGetProgramInfo(): %s", val2cstr_cl (CL_err)); return -1; } return 0; } int hc_clWaitForEvents (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, cl_uint num_events, const cl_event *event_list) { backend_ctx_t *backend_ctx = hashcat_ctx->backend_ctx; OCL_PTR *ocl = (OCL_PTR *) backend_ctx->ocl; const cl_int CL_err = ocl->clWaitForEvents (num_events, event_list); if (CL_err != CL_SUCCESS) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "clWaitForEvents(): %s", val2cstr_cl (CL_err)); return -1; } return 0; } int hc_clGetEventProfilingInfo (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, cl_event event, cl_profiling_info param_name, size_t param_value_size, void *param_value, size_t *param_value_size_ret) { backend_ctx_t *backend_ctx = hashcat_ctx->backend_ctx; OCL_PTR *ocl = (OCL_PTR *) backend_ctx->ocl; const cl_int CL_err = ocl->clGetEventProfilingInfo (event, param_name, param_value_size, param_value, param_value_size_ret); if (CL_err != CL_SUCCESS) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "clGetEventProfilingInfo(): %s", val2cstr_cl (CL_err)); return -1; } return 0; } int hc_clReleaseEvent (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, cl_event event) { backend_ctx_t *backend_ctx = hashcat_ctx->backend_ctx; OCL_PTR *ocl = (OCL_PTR *) backend_ctx->ocl; const cl_int CL_err = ocl->clReleaseEvent (event); if (CL_err != CL_SUCCESS) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "clReleaseEvent(): %s", val2cstr_cl (CL_err)); return -1; } return 0; } // Backend int gidd_to_pw_t (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, hc_device_param_t *device_param, const u64 gidd, pw_t *pw) { pw_idx_t pw_idx; pw_idx.off = 0; pw_idx.cnt = 0; pw_idx.len = 0; if (device_param->is_cuda == true) { if (hc_cuCtxPushCurrent (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_context) == -1) return -1; if (hc_cuMemcpyDtoH (hashcat_ctx, &pw_idx, device_param->cuda_d_pws_idx + (gidd * sizeof (pw_idx_t)), sizeof (pw_idx_t)) == -1) return -1; if (hc_cuCtxPopCurrent (hashcat_ctx, &device_param->cuda_context) == -1) return -1; } if (device_param->is_opencl == true) { if (hc_clEnqueueReadBuffer (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_command_queue, device_param->opencl_d_pws_idx, CL_TRUE, gidd * sizeof (pw_idx_t), sizeof (pw_idx_t), &pw_idx, 0, NULL, NULL) == -1) return -1; } const u32 off = pw_idx.off; const u32 cnt = pw_idx.cnt; const u32 len = pw_idx.len; if (device_param->is_cuda == true) { if (cnt > 0) { if (hc_cuCtxPushCurrent (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_context) == -1) return -1; if (hc_cuMemcpyDtoH (hashcat_ctx,pw->i, device_param->cuda_d_pws_comp_buf + (off * sizeof (u32)), cnt * sizeof (u32)) == -1) return -1; if (hc_cuCtxPopCurrent (hashcat_ctx, &device_param->cuda_context) == -1) return -1; } } if (device_param->is_opencl == true) { if (cnt > 0) { if (hc_clEnqueueReadBuffer (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_command_queue, device_param->opencl_d_pws_comp_buf, CL_TRUE, off * sizeof (u32), cnt * sizeof (u32), pw->i, 0, NULL, NULL) == -1) return -1; } } for (u32 i = cnt; i < 64; i++) { pw->i[i] = 0; } pw->pw_len = len; return 0; } int choose_kernel (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, hc_device_param_t *device_param, const u32 highest_pw_len, const u64 pws_cnt, const u32 fast_iteration, const u32 salt_pos) { hashconfig_t *hashconfig = hashcat_ctx->hashconfig; hashes_t *hashes = hashcat_ctx->hashes; module_ctx_t *module_ctx = hashcat_ctx->module_ctx; status_ctx_t *status_ctx = hashcat_ctx->status_ctx; user_options_t *user_options = hashcat_ctx->user_options; if (user_options->stdout_flag == true) { return process_stdout (hashcat_ctx, device_param, pws_cnt); } if (hashconfig->attack_exec == ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL) { if (user_options->attack_mode == ATTACK_MODE_BF) { if (user_options->slow_candidates == true) { } else { if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_TM_KERNEL) { const u32 size_tm = device_param->size_tm; if (device_param->is_cuda == true) { if (run_cuda_kernel_bzero (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->cuda_d_tm_c, size_tm) == -1) return -1; } if (device_param->is_opencl == true) { if (run_opencl_kernel_bzero (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_d_tm_c, size_tm) == -1) return -1; } if (run_kernel_tm (hashcat_ctx, device_param) == -1) return -1; if (device_param->is_cuda == true) { if (hc_cuMemcpyDtoD (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_d_bfs_c, device_param->cuda_d_tm_c, size_tm) == -1) return -1; } if (device_param->is_opencl == true) { if (hc_clEnqueueCopyBuffer (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_command_queue, device_param->opencl_d_tm_c, device_param->opencl_d_bfs_c, 0, 0, size_tm, 0, NULL, NULL) == -1) return -1; } } } } if (hashconfig->opti_type & OPTI_TYPE_OPTIMIZED_KERNEL) { if (highest_pw_len < 16) { if (run_kernel (hashcat_ctx, device_param, KERN_RUN_1, pws_cnt, true, fast_iteration) == -1) return -1; } else if (highest_pw_len < 32) { if (run_kernel (hashcat_ctx, device_param, KERN_RUN_2, pws_cnt, true, fast_iteration) == -1) return -1; } else { if (run_kernel (hashcat_ctx, device_param, KERN_RUN_3, pws_cnt, true, fast_iteration) == -1) return -1; } } else { if (run_kernel (hashcat_ctx, device_param, KERN_RUN_4, pws_cnt, true, fast_iteration) == -1) return -1; } } else { bool run_init = true; bool run_loop = true; bool run_comp = true; if (run_init == true) { if (device_param->is_cuda == true) { if (hc_cuMemcpyDtoD (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_d_pws_buf, device_param->cuda_d_pws_amp_buf, pws_cnt * sizeof (pw_t)) == -1) return -1; } if (device_param->is_opencl == true) { if (hc_clEnqueueCopyBuffer (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_command_queue, device_param->opencl_d_pws_amp_buf, device_param->opencl_d_pws_buf, 0, 0, pws_cnt * sizeof (pw_t), 0, NULL, NULL) == -1) return -1; } if (user_options->slow_candidates == true) { } else { if (run_kernel_amp (hashcat_ctx, device_param, pws_cnt) == -1) return -1; } if (run_kernel (hashcat_ctx, device_param, KERN_RUN_1, pws_cnt, false, 0) == -1) return -1; if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_HOOK12) { if (run_kernel (hashcat_ctx, device_param, KERN_RUN_12, pws_cnt, false, 0) == -1) return -1; if (device_param->is_cuda == true) { if (hc_cuMemcpyDtoH (hashcat_ctx, device_param->hooks_buf, device_param->cuda_d_hooks, pws_cnt * hashconfig->hook_size) == -1) return -1; } if (device_param->is_opencl == true) { if (hc_clEnqueueReadBuffer (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_command_queue, device_param->opencl_d_hooks, CL_TRUE, 0, pws_cnt * hashconfig->hook_size, device_param->hooks_buf, 0, NULL, NULL) == -1) return -1; } const int hook_threads = (int) user_options->hook_threads; hook_thread_param_t *hook_threads_param = (hook_thread_param_t *) hccalloc (hook_threads, sizeof (hook_thread_param_t)); for (int i = 0; i < hook_threads; i++) { hook_thread_param_t *hook_thread_param = hook_threads_param + i; hook_thread_param->tid = i; hook_thread_param->tsz = hook_threads; hook_thread_param->module_ctx = module_ctx; hook_thread_param->status_ctx = status_ctx; hook_thread_param->device_param = device_param; hook_thread_param->hook_salts_buf = hashes->hook_salts_buf; hook_thread_param->salt_pos = salt_pos; hook_thread_param->pws_cnt = pws_cnt; } hc_thread_t *c_threads = (hc_thread_t *) hccalloc (hook_threads, sizeof (hc_thread_t)); for (int i = 0; i < hook_threads; i++) { hook_thread_param_t *hook_thread_param = hook_threads_param + i; hc_thread_create (c_threads[i], hook12_thread, hook_thread_param); } hc_thread_wait (hook_threads, c_threads); hcfree (c_threads); hcfree (hook_threads_param); if (device_param->is_cuda == true) { if (hc_cuMemcpyHtoD (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_d_hooks, device_param->hooks_buf, pws_cnt * hashconfig->hook_size) == -1) return -1; } if (device_param->is_opencl == true) { if (hc_clEnqueueWriteBuffer (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_command_queue, device_param->opencl_d_hooks, CL_TRUE, 0, pws_cnt * hashconfig->hook_size, device_param->hooks_buf, 0, NULL, NULL) == -1) return -1; } } } if (run_loop == true) { u32 iter = hashes->salts_buf[salt_pos].salt_iter; u32 loop_step = device_param->kernel_loops; for (u32 loop_pos = 0, slow_iteration = 0; loop_pos < iter; loop_pos += loop_step, slow_iteration++) { u32 loop_left = iter - loop_pos; loop_left = MIN (loop_left, loop_step); device_param->kernel_params_buf32[28] = loop_pos; device_param->kernel_params_buf32[29] = loop_left; if (run_kernel (hashcat_ctx, device_param, KERN_RUN_2, pws_cnt, true, slow_iteration) == -1) return -1; if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_LOOP_EXTENDED) { if (run_kernel (hashcat_ctx, device_param, KERN_RUN_2E, pws_cnt, true, slow_iteration) == -1) return -1; } //bug? //while (status_ctx->run_thread_level2 == false) break; if (status_ctx->run_thread_level2 == false) break; /** * speed */ const float iter_part = (float) (loop_pos + loop_left) / iter; const u64 perf_sum_all = (u64) (pws_cnt * iter_part); double speed_msec = hc_timer_get (device_param->timer_speed); const u32 speed_pos = device_param->speed_pos; device_param->speed_cnt[speed_pos] = perf_sum_all; device_param->speed_msec[speed_pos] = speed_msec; if (user_options->speed_only == true) { if (speed_msec > 4000) { device_param->outerloop_multi *= (double) iter / (double) (loop_pos + loop_left); device_param->speed_pos = 1; device_param->speed_only_finish = true; return 0; } } } if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_HOOK23) { if (run_kernel (hashcat_ctx, device_param, KERN_RUN_23, pws_cnt, false, 0) == -1) return -1; if (device_param->is_cuda == true) { if (hc_cuMemcpyDtoH (hashcat_ctx, device_param->hooks_buf, device_param->cuda_d_hooks, pws_cnt * hashconfig->hook_size) == -1) return -1; } if (device_param->is_opencl == true) { if (hc_clEnqueueReadBuffer (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_command_queue, device_param->opencl_d_hooks, CL_TRUE, 0, pws_cnt * hashconfig->hook_size, device_param->hooks_buf, 0, NULL, NULL) == -1) return -1; } const int hook_threads = (int) user_options->hook_threads; hook_thread_param_t *hook_threads_param = (hook_thread_param_t *) hccalloc (hook_threads, sizeof (hook_thread_param_t)); for (int i = 0; i < hook_threads; i++) { hook_thread_param_t *hook_thread_param = hook_threads_param + i; hook_thread_param->tid = i; hook_thread_param->tsz = hook_threads; hook_thread_param->module_ctx = module_ctx; hook_thread_param->status_ctx = status_ctx; hook_thread_param->device_param = device_param; hook_thread_param->hook_salts_buf = hashes->hook_salts_buf; hook_thread_param->salt_pos = salt_pos; hook_thread_param->pws_cnt = pws_cnt; } hc_thread_t *c_threads = (hc_thread_t *) hccalloc (hook_threads, sizeof (hc_thread_t)); for (int i = 0; i < hook_threads; i++) { hook_thread_param_t *hook_thread_param = hook_threads_param + i; hc_thread_create (c_threads[i], hook23_thread, hook_thread_param); } hc_thread_wait (hook_threads, c_threads); hcfree (c_threads); hcfree (hook_threads_param); if (device_param->is_cuda == true) { if (hc_cuMemcpyHtoD (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_d_hooks, device_param->hooks_buf, pws_cnt * hashconfig->hook_size) == -1) return -1; } if (device_param->is_opencl == true) { if (hc_clEnqueueWriteBuffer (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_command_queue, device_param->opencl_d_hooks, CL_TRUE, 0, pws_cnt * hashconfig->hook_size, device_param->hooks_buf, 0, NULL, NULL) == -1) return -1; } } } // init2 and loop2 are kind of special, we use run_loop for them, too if (run_loop == true) { // note: they also do not influence the performance screen // in case you want to use this, this cane make sense only if your input data comes out of tmps[] if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_INIT2) { if (run_kernel (hashcat_ctx, device_param, KERN_RUN_INIT2, pws_cnt, false, 0) == -1) return -1; } if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_LOOP2) { u32 iter = hashes->salts_buf[salt_pos].salt_iter2; u32 loop_step = device_param->kernel_loops; for (u32 loop_pos = 0, slow_iteration = 0; loop_pos < iter; loop_pos += loop_step, slow_iteration++) { u32 loop_left = iter - loop_pos; loop_left = MIN (loop_left, loop_step); device_param->kernel_params_buf32[28] = loop_pos; device_param->kernel_params_buf32[29] = loop_left; if (run_kernel (hashcat_ctx, device_param, KERN_RUN_LOOP2, pws_cnt, true, slow_iteration) == -1) return -1; //bug? //while (status_ctx->run_thread_level2 == false) break; if (status_ctx->run_thread_level2 == false) break; } } } if (run_comp == true) { if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_DEEP_COMP_KERNEL) { const u32 loops_cnt = hashes->salts_buf[salt_pos].digests_cnt; for (u32 loops_pos = 0; loops_pos < loops_cnt; loops_pos++) { device_param->kernel_params_buf32[28] = loops_pos; device_param->kernel_params_buf32[29] = loops_cnt; const u32 deep_comp_kernel = module_ctx->module_deep_comp_kernel (hashes, salt_pos, loops_pos); if (run_kernel (hashcat_ctx, device_param, deep_comp_kernel, pws_cnt, false, 0) == -1) return -1; if (status_ctx->run_thread_level2 == false) break; } } else { if (run_kernel (hashcat_ctx, device_param, KERN_RUN_3, pws_cnt, false, 0) == -1) return -1; } } /* * maybe we should add this zero of temporary buffers * however it drops the performance from 7055338 to 7010621 if (device_param->is_cuda == true) { if (run_cuda_kernel_bzero (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->cuda_d_tmps, device_param->size_tmps) == -1) return -1; } if (device_param->is_opencl == true) { if (run_opencl_kernel_bzero (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_d_tmps, device_param->size_tmps) == -1) return -1; } */ if ((hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_HOOK12) || (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_HOOK23)) { if (device_param->is_cuda == true) { if (run_cuda_kernel_bzero (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->cuda_d_hooks, pws_cnt * hashconfig->hook_size) == -1) return -1; } if (device_param->is_opencl == true) { if (run_opencl_kernel_bzero (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_d_hooks, pws_cnt * hashconfig->hook_size) == -1) return -1; } } } return 0; } void rebuild_pws_compressed_append (hc_device_param_t *device_param, const u64 pws_cnt, const u8 chr) { // this function is used if we have to modify the compressed pws buffer in order to // append some data to each password candidate u32 *tmp_pws_comp = (u32 *) hcmalloc (device_param->size_pws_comp); pw_idx_t *tmp_pws_idx = (pw_idx_t *) hcmalloc (device_param->size_pws_idx); for (u32 i = 0; i < pws_cnt; i++) { pw_idx_t *pw_idx_src = device_param->pws_idx + i; pw_idx_t *pw_idx_dst = tmp_pws_idx + i; const u32 src_off = pw_idx_src->off; const u32 src_len = pw_idx_src->len; u8 buf[256]; memcpy (buf, device_param->pws_comp + src_off, src_len); buf[src_len] = chr; const u32 dst_len = src_len + 1; const u32 dst_pw_len4 = (dst_len + 3) & ~3; // round up to multiple of 4 const u32 dst_pw_len4_cnt = dst_pw_len4 / 4; pw_idx_dst->cnt = dst_pw_len4_cnt; pw_idx_dst->len = src_len; // this is intenionally! src_len can not be dst_len, we dont want the kernel to think 0x80 is part of the password u8 *dst = (u8 *) (tmp_pws_comp + pw_idx_dst->off); memcpy (dst, buf, dst_len); memset (dst + dst_len, 0, dst_pw_len4 - dst_len); // prepare next element pw_idx_t *pw_idx_dst_next = pw_idx_dst + 1; pw_idx_dst_next->off = pw_idx_dst->off + pw_idx_dst->cnt; } memcpy (device_param->pws_comp, tmp_pws_comp, device_param->size_pws_comp); memcpy (device_param->pws_idx, tmp_pws_idx, device_param->size_pws_idx); hcfree (tmp_pws_comp); hcfree (tmp_pws_idx); } int run_cuda_kernel_atinit (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, hc_device_param_t *device_param, CUdeviceptr buf, const u64 num) { u64 num_elements = num; device_param->kernel_params_atinit[0] = (void *) &buf; device_param->kernel_params_atinit_buf64[1] = num_elements; const u64 kernel_threads = device_param->kernel_wgs_atinit; num_elements = CEILDIV (num_elements, kernel_threads); CUfunction function = device_param->cuda_function_atinit; if (hc_cuLaunchKernel (hashcat_ctx, function, num_elements, 1, 1, kernel_threads, 1, 1, 0, device_param->cuda_stream, device_param->kernel_params_atinit, NULL) == -1) return -1; if (hc_cuStreamSynchronize (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_stream) == -1) return -1; return 0; } int run_cuda_kernel_memset (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, hc_device_param_t *device_param, CUdeviceptr buf, const u32 value, const u64 size) { const u64 num16d = size / 16; const u64 num16m = size % 16; if (num16d) { device_param->kernel_params_memset[0] = (void *) &buf; device_param->kernel_params_memset_buf32[1] = value; device_param->kernel_params_memset_buf64[2] = num16d; const u64 kernel_threads = device_param->kernel_wgs_memset; u64 num_elements = num16d; num_elements = CEILDIV (num_elements, kernel_threads); CUfunction function = device_param->cuda_function_memset; //CU_rc = hc_clSetKernelArg (hashcat_ctx, kernel, 0, sizeof (cl_mem), (void *) &buf); if (CU_rc == -1) return -1; //CU_rc = hc_clSetKernelArg (hashcat_ctx, kernel, 1, sizeof (cl_uint), device_param->kernel_params_memset[1]); if (CU_rc == -1) return -1; //CU_rc = hc_clSetKernelArg (hashcat_ctx, kernel, 2, sizeof (cl_ulong), device_param->kernel_params_memset[2]); if (CU_rc == -1) return -1; //const size_t global_work_size[3] = { num_elements, 1, 1 }; //const size_t local_work_size[3] = { kernel_threads, 1, 1 }; if (hc_cuLaunchKernel (hashcat_ctx, function, num_elements, 1, 1, kernel_threads, 1, 1, 0, device_param->cuda_stream, device_param->kernel_params_memset, NULL) == -1) return -1; if (hc_cuStreamSynchronize (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_stream) == -1) return -1; } if (num16m) { u32 tmp[4]; tmp[0] = value; tmp[1] = value; tmp[2] = value; tmp[3] = value; // Apparently are allowed to do this: https://devtalk.nvidia.com/default/topic/761515/how-to-copy-to-device-memory-with-offset-/ if (hc_cuMemcpyHtoD (hashcat_ctx, buf + (num16d * 16), tmp, num16m) == -1) return -1; } return 0; } int run_cuda_kernel_bzero (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, hc_device_param_t *device_param, CUdeviceptr buf, const u64 size) { return run_cuda_kernel_memset (hashcat_ctx, device_param, buf, 0, size); } int run_opencl_kernel_atinit (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, hc_device_param_t *device_param, cl_mem buf, const u64 num) { u64 num_elements = num; device_param->kernel_params_atinit_buf64[1] = num_elements; const u64 kernel_threads = device_param->kernel_wgs_atinit; num_elements = round_up_multiple_64 (num_elements, kernel_threads); cl_kernel kernel = device_param->opencl_kernel_atinit; const size_t global_work_size[3] = { num_elements, 1, 1 }; const size_t local_work_size[3] = { kernel_threads, 1, 1 }; if (hc_clSetKernelArg (hashcat_ctx, kernel, 0, sizeof (cl_mem), (void *) &buf) == -1) return -1; if (hc_clSetKernelArg (hashcat_ctx, kernel, 1, sizeof (cl_ulong), device_param->kernel_params_atinit[1]) == -1) return -1; if (hc_clEnqueueNDRangeKernel (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_command_queue, kernel, 1, NULL, global_work_size, local_work_size, 0, NULL, NULL) == -1) return -1; if (hc_clFlush (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_command_queue) == -1) return -1; if (hc_clFinish (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_command_queue) == -1) return -1; return 0; } int run_opencl_kernel_memset (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, hc_device_param_t *device_param, cl_mem buf, const u32 value, const u64 size) { const u64 num16d = size / 16; const u64 num16m = size % 16; if (num16d) { device_param->kernel_params_memset_buf32[1] = value; device_param->kernel_params_memset_buf64[2] = num16d; const u64 kernel_threads = device_param->kernel_wgs_memset; u64 num_elements = num16d; num_elements = round_up_multiple_64 (num_elements, kernel_threads); cl_kernel kernel = device_param->opencl_kernel_memset; if (hc_clSetKernelArg (hashcat_ctx, kernel, 0, sizeof (cl_mem), (void *) &buf) == -1) return -1; if (hc_clSetKernelArg (hashcat_ctx, kernel, 1, sizeof (cl_uint), device_param->kernel_params_memset[1]) == -1) return -1; if (hc_clSetKernelArg (hashcat_ctx, kernel, 2, sizeof (cl_ulong), device_param->kernel_params_memset[2]) == -1) return -1; const size_t global_work_size[3] = { num_elements, 1, 1 }; const size_t local_work_size[3] = { kernel_threads, 1, 1 }; if (hc_clEnqueueNDRangeKernel (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_command_queue, kernel, 1, NULL, global_work_size, local_work_size, 0, NULL, NULL) == -1) return -1; if (hc_clFlush (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_command_queue) == -1) return -1; if (hc_clFinish (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_command_queue) == -1) return -1; } if (num16m) { u32 tmp[4]; tmp[0] = value; tmp[1] = value; tmp[2] = value; tmp[3] = value; if (hc_clEnqueueWriteBuffer (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_command_queue, buf, CL_TRUE, num16d * 16, num16m, tmp, 0, NULL, NULL) == -1) return -1; } return 0; } int run_opencl_kernel_bzero (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, hc_device_param_t *device_param, cl_mem buf, const u64 size) { return run_opencl_kernel_memset (hashcat_ctx, device_param, buf, 0, size); } int run_kernel (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, hc_device_param_t *device_param, const u32 kern_run, const u64 num, const u32 event_update, const u32 iteration) { const hashconfig_t *hashconfig = hashcat_ctx->hashconfig; const status_ctx_t *status_ctx = hashcat_ctx->status_ctx; u64 kernel_threads = 0; u64 dynamic_shared_mem = 0; switch (kern_run) { case KERN_RUN_1: kernel_threads = device_param->kernel_wgs1; dynamic_shared_mem = device_param->kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size1; break; case KERN_RUN_12: kernel_threads = device_param->kernel_wgs12; dynamic_shared_mem = device_param->kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size12; break; case KERN_RUN_2: kernel_threads = device_param->kernel_wgs2; dynamic_shared_mem = device_param->kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size2; break; case KERN_RUN_2E: kernel_threads = device_param->kernel_wgs2e; dynamic_shared_mem = device_param->kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size2e; break; case KERN_RUN_23: kernel_threads = device_param->kernel_wgs23; dynamic_shared_mem = device_param->kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size23; break; case KERN_RUN_3: kernel_threads = device_param->kernel_wgs3; dynamic_shared_mem = device_param->kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size3; break; case KERN_RUN_4: kernel_threads = device_param->kernel_wgs4; dynamic_shared_mem = device_param->kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size4; break; case KERN_RUN_INIT2: kernel_threads = device_param->kernel_wgs_init2; dynamic_shared_mem = device_param->kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size_init2; break; case KERN_RUN_LOOP2: kernel_threads = device_param->kernel_wgs_loop2; dynamic_shared_mem = device_param->kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size_loop2; break; case KERN_RUN_AUX1: kernel_threads = device_param->kernel_wgs_aux1; dynamic_shared_mem = device_param->kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size_aux1; break; case KERN_RUN_AUX2: kernel_threads = device_param->kernel_wgs_aux2; dynamic_shared_mem = device_param->kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size_aux2; break; case KERN_RUN_AUX3: kernel_threads = device_param->kernel_wgs_aux3; dynamic_shared_mem = device_param->kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size_aux3; break; case KERN_RUN_AUX4: kernel_threads = device_param->kernel_wgs_aux4; dynamic_shared_mem = device_param->kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size_aux4; break; } if ((hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_DYNAMIC_SHARED) == 0) { dynamic_shared_mem = 0; } if (device_param->is_cuda == true) { if ((device_param->kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size_memset % device_param->device_local_mem_size) == 0) { // this is the case Compute Capability 7.5 // there is also Compute Capability 7.0 which offers a larger dynamic local size access // however, if it's an exact multiple the driver can optimize this for us more efficient dynamic_shared_mem = 0; } } kernel_threads = MIN (kernel_threads, device_param->kernel_threads); device_param->kernel_params_buf64[34] = num; u64 num_elements = num; if (device_param->is_cuda == true) { CUfunction cuda_function = NULL; if (device_param->is_cuda == true) { switch (kern_run) { case KERN_RUN_1: cuda_function = device_param->cuda_function1; break; case KERN_RUN_12: cuda_function = device_param->cuda_function12; break; case KERN_RUN_2: cuda_function = device_param->cuda_function2; break; case KERN_RUN_2E: cuda_function = device_param->cuda_function2e; break; case KERN_RUN_23: cuda_function = device_param->cuda_function23; break; case KERN_RUN_3: cuda_function = device_param->cuda_function3; break; case KERN_RUN_4: cuda_function = device_param->cuda_function4; break; case KERN_RUN_INIT2: cuda_function = device_param->cuda_function_init2; break; case KERN_RUN_LOOP2: cuda_function = device_param->cuda_function_loop2; break; case KERN_RUN_AUX1: cuda_function = device_param->cuda_function_aux1; break; case KERN_RUN_AUX2: cuda_function = device_param->cuda_function_aux2; break; case KERN_RUN_AUX3: cuda_function = device_param->cuda_function_aux3; break; case KERN_RUN_AUX4: cuda_function = device_param->cuda_function_aux4; break; } if (hc_cuFuncSetAttribute (hashcat_ctx, cuda_function, CU_FUNC_ATTRIBUTE_MAX_DYNAMIC_SHARED_SIZE_BYTES, dynamic_shared_mem) == -1) return -1; } if (kernel_threads == 0) kernel_threads = 1; num_elements = CEILDIV (num_elements, kernel_threads); if (kern_run == KERN_RUN_1) { if (hashconfig->opti_type & OPTI_TYPE_SLOW_HASH_SIMD_INIT) { num_elements = CEILDIV (num_elements, device_param->vector_width); } } else if (kern_run == KERN_RUN_2) { if (hashconfig->opti_type & OPTI_TYPE_SLOW_HASH_SIMD_LOOP) { num_elements = CEILDIV (num_elements, device_param->vector_width); } } else if (kern_run == KERN_RUN_3) { if (hashconfig->opti_type & OPTI_TYPE_SLOW_HASH_SIMD_COMP) { num_elements = CEILDIV (num_elements, device_param->vector_width); } } if (hc_cuEventRecord (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_event1, device_param->cuda_stream) == -1) return -1; if (hc_cuLaunchKernel (hashcat_ctx, cuda_function, num_elements, 1, 1, kernel_threads, 1, 1, dynamic_shared_mem, device_param->cuda_stream, device_param->kernel_params, NULL) == -1) return -1; if (hc_cuEventRecord (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_event2, device_param->cuda_stream) == -1) return -1; if (hc_cuStreamSynchronize (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_stream) == -1) return -1; if (hc_cuEventSynchronize (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_event2) == -1) return -1; float exec_ms; if (hc_cuEventElapsedTime (hashcat_ctx, &exec_ms, device_param->cuda_event1, device_param->cuda_event2) == -1) return -1; if (event_update) { u32 exec_pos = device_param->exec_pos; device_param->exec_msec[exec_pos] = exec_ms; exec_pos++; if (exec_pos == EXEC_CACHE) { exec_pos = 0; } device_param->exec_pos = exec_pos; } } if (device_param->is_opencl == true) { cl_kernel opencl_kernel = NULL; if (device_param->is_opencl == true) { switch (kern_run) { case KERN_RUN_1: opencl_kernel = device_param->opencl_kernel1; break; case KERN_RUN_12: opencl_kernel = device_param->opencl_kernel12; break; case KERN_RUN_2: opencl_kernel = device_param->opencl_kernel2; break; case KERN_RUN_2E: opencl_kernel = device_param->opencl_kernel2e; break; case KERN_RUN_23: opencl_kernel = device_param->opencl_kernel23; break; case KERN_RUN_3: opencl_kernel = device_param->opencl_kernel3; break; case KERN_RUN_4: opencl_kernel = device_param->opencl_kernel4; break; case KERN_RUN_INIT2: opencl_kernel = device_param->opencl_kernel_init2; break; case KERN_RUN_LOOP2: opencl_kernel = device_param->opencl_kernel_loop2; break; case KERN_RUN_AUX1: opencl_kernel = device_param->opencl_kernel_aux1; break; case KERN_RUN_AUX2: opencl_kernel = device_param->opencl_kernel_aux2; break; case KERN_RUN_AUX3: opencl_kernel = device_param->opencl_kernel_aux3; break; case KERN_RUN_AUX4: opencl_kernel = device_param->opencl_kernel_aux4; break; } } for (u32 i = 0; i <= 23; i++) { if (hc_clSetKernelArg (hashcat_ctx, opencl_kernel, i, sizeof (cl_mem), device_param->kernel_params[i]) == -1) return -1; } for (u32 i = 24; i <= 33; i++) { if (hc_clSetKernelArg (hashcat_ctx, opencl_kernel, i, sizeof (cl_uint), device_param->kernel_params[i]) == -1) return -1; } for (u32 i = 34; i <= 34; i++) { if (hc_clSetKernelArg (hashcat_ctx, opencl_kernel, i, sizeof (cl_ulong), device_param->kernel_params[i]) == -1) return -1; } num_elements = round_up_multiple_64 (num_elements, kernel_threads); cl_event opencl_event; if (kern_run == KERN_RUN_1) { if (hashconfig->opti_type & OPTI_TYPE_SLOW_HASH_SIMD_INIT) { num_elements = CEILDIV (num_elements, device_param->vector_width); } } else if (kern_run == KERN_RUN_2) { if (hashconfig->opti_type & OPTI_TYPE_SLOW_HASH_SIMD_LOOP) { num_elements = CEILDIV (num_elements, device_param->vector_width); } } else if (kern_run == KERN_RUN_3) { if (hashconfig->opti_type & OPTI_TYPE_SLOW_HASH_SIMD_COMP) { num_elements = CEILDIV (num_elements, device_param->vector_width); } } num_elements = round_up_multiple_64 (num_elements, kernel_threads); const size_t global_work_size[3] = { num_elements, 1, 1 }; const size_t local_work_size[3] = { kernel_threads, 1, 1 }; if (hc_clEnqueueNDRangeKernel (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_command_queue, opencl_kernel, 1, NULL, global_work_size, local_work_size, 0, NULL, &opencl_event) == -1) return -1; if (hc_clFlush (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_command_queue) == -1) return -1; // spin damper section const u32 iterationm = iteration % EXPECTED_ITERATIONS; if (device_param->spin_damp > 0) { cl_int opencl_event_status; size_t param_value_size_ret; if (hc_clGetEventInfo (hashcat_ctx, opencl_event, CL_EVENT_COMMAND_EXECUTION_STATUS, sizeof (opencl_event_status), &opencl_event_status, ¶m_value_size_ret) == -1) return -1; double spin_total = device_param->spin_damp; while (opencl_event_status != CL_COMPLETE) { if (status_ctx->devices_status == STATUS_RUNNING) { switch (kern_run) { case KERN_RUN_1: if (device_param->exec_us_prev1[iterationm] > 0) usleep ((useconds_t) (device_param->exec_us_prev1[iterationm] * device_param->spin_damp)); break; case KERN_RUN_2: if (device_param->exec_us_prev2[iterationm] > 0) usleep ((useconds_t) (device_param->exec_us_prev2[iterationm] * device_param->spin_damp)); break; case KERN_RUN_2E: if (device_param->exec_us_prev2e[iterationm] > 0) usleep ((useconds_t) (device_param->exec_us_prev2e[iterationm] * device_param->spin_damp)); break; case KERN_RUN_3: if (device_param->exec_us_prev3[iterationm] > 0) usleep ((useconds_t) (device_param->exec_us_prev3[iterationm] * device_param->spin_damp)); break; case KERN_RUN_4: if (device_param->exec_us_prev4[iterationm] > 0) usleep ((useconds_t) (device_param->exec_us_prev4[iterationm] * device_param->spin_damp)); break; case KERN_RUN_INIT2: if (device_param->exec_us_prev_init2[iterationm] > 0) usleep ((useconds_t) (device_param->exec_us_prev_init2[iterationm] * device_param->spin_damp)); break; case KERN_RUN_LOOP2: if (device_param->exec_us_prev_loop2[iterationm] > 0) usleep ((useconds_t) (device_param->exec_us_prev_loop2[iterationm] * device_param->spin_damp)); break; case KERN_RUN_AUX1: if (device_param->exec_us_prev_aux1[iterationm] > 0) usleep ((useconds_t) (device_param->exec_us_prev_aux1[iterationm] * device_param->spin_damp)); break; case KERN_RUN_AUX2: if (device_param->exec_us_prev_aux2[iterationm] > 0) usleep ((useconds_t) (device_param->exec_us_prev_aux2[iterationm] * device_param->spin_damp)); break; case KERN_RUN_AUX3: if (device_param->exec_us_prev_aux3[iterationm] > 0) usleep ((useconds_t) (device_param->exec_us_prev_aux3[iterationm] * device_param->spin_damp)); break; case KERN_RUN_AUX4: if (device_param->exec_us_prev_aux4[iterationm] > 0) usleep ((useconds_t) (device_param->exec_us_prev_aux4[iterationm] * device_param->spin_damp)); break; } } else { // we were told to be nice sleep (0); } if (hc_clGetEventInfo (hashcat_ctx, opencl_event, CL_EVENT_COMMAND_EXECUTION_STATUS, sizeof (opencl_event_status), &opencl_event_status, ¶m_value_size_ret) == -1) return -1; spin_total += device_param->spin_damp; if (spin_total > 1) break; } } if (hc_clWaitForEvents (hashcat_ctx, 1, &opencl_event) == -1) return -1; cl_ulong time_start; cl_ulong time_end; if (hc_clGetEventProfilingInfo (hashcat_ctx, opencl_event, CL_PROFILING_COMMAND_START, sizeof (time_start), &time_start, NULL) == -1) return -1; if (hc_clGetEventProfilingInfo (hashcat_ctx, opencl_event, CL_PROFILING_COMMAND_END, sizeof (time_end), &time_end, NULL) == -1) return -1; const double exec_us = (double) (time_end - time_start) / 1000; if (device_param->spin_damp > 0) { if (status_ctx->devices_status == STATUS_RUNNING) { switch (kern_run) { case KERN_RUN_1: device_param->exec_us_prev1[iterationm] = exec_us; break; case KERN_RUN_2: device_param->exec_us_prev2[iterationm] = exec_us; break; case KERN_RUN_2E: device_param->exec_us_prev2e[iterationm] = exec_us; break; case KERN_RUN_3: device_param->exec_us_prev3[iterationm] = exec_us; break; case KERN_RUN_4: device_param->exec_us_prev4[iterationm] = exec_us; break; case KERN_RUN_INIT2: device_param->exec_us_prev_init2[iterationm] = exec_us; break; case KERN_RUN_LOOP2: device_param->exec_us_prev_loop2[iterationm] = exec_us; break; case KERN_RUN_AUX1: device_param->exec_us_prev_aux1[iterationm] = exec_us; break; case KERN_RUN_AUX2: device_param->exec_us_prev_aux2[iterationm] = exec_us; break; case KERN_RUN_AUX3: device_param->exec_us_prev_aux3[iterationm] = exec_us; break; case KERN_RUN_AUX4: device_param->exec_us_prev_aux4[iterationm] = exec_us; break; } } } if (event_update) { u32 exec_pos = device_param->exec_pos; device_param->exec_msec[exec_pos] = exec_us / 1000; exec_pos++; if (exec_pos == EXEC_CACHE) { exec_pos = 0; } device_param->exec_pos = exec_pos; } if (hc_clReleaseEvent (hashcat_ctx, opencl_event) == -1) return -1; if (hc_clFinish (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_command_queue) == -1) return -1; } return 0; } int run_kernel_mp (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, hc_device_param_t *device_param, const u32 kern_run, const u64 num) { u64 kernel_threads = 0; switch (kern_run) { case KERN_RUN_MP: kernel_threads = device_param->kernel_wgs_mp; break; case KERN_RUN_MP_R: kernel_threads = device_param->kernel_wgs_mp_r; break; case KERN_RUN_MP_L: kernel_threads = device_param->kernel_wgs_mp_l; break; } u64 num_elements = num; switch (kern_run) { case KERN_RUN_MP: device_param->kernel_params_mp_buf64[8] = num; break; case KERN_RUN_MP_R: device_param->kernel_params_mp_r_buf64[8] = num; break; case KERN_RUN_MP_L: device_param->kernel_params_mp_l_buf64[9] = num; break; } if (device_param->is_cuda == true) { CUfunction cuda_function = NULL; void **cuda_args = NULL; switch (kern_run) { case KERN_RUN_MP: cuda_function = device_param->cuda_function_mp; cuda_args = device_param->kernel_params_mp; break; case KERN_RUN_MP_R: cuda_function = device_param->cuda_function_mp_r; cuda_args = device_param->kernel_params_mp_r; break; case KERN_RUN_MP_L: cuda_function = device_param->cuda_function_mp_l; cuda_args = device_param->kernel_params_mp_l; break; } num_elements = CEILDIV (num_elements, kernel_threads); if (hc_cuLaunchKernel (hashcat_ctx, cuda_function, num_elements, 1, 1, kernel_threads, 1, 1, 0, device_param->cuda_stream, cuda_args, NULL) == -1) return -1; if (hc_cuStreamSynchronize (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_stream) == -1) return -1; } if (device_param->is_opencl == true) { cl_kernel opencl_kernel = NULL; switch (kern_run) { case KERN_RUN_MP: opencl_kernel = device_param->opencl_kernel_mp; break; case KERN_RUN_MP_R: opencl_kernel = device_param->opencl_kernel_mp_r; break; case KERN_RUN_MP_L: opencl_kernel = device_param->opencl_kernel_mp_l; break; } switch (kern_run) { case KERN_RUN_MP: if (hc_clSetKernelArg (hashcat_ctx, opencl_kernel, 3, sizeof (cl_ulong), device_param->kernel_params_mp[3]) == -1) return -1; if (hc_clSetKernelArg (hashcat_ctx, opencl_kernel, 4, sizeof (cl_uint), device_param->kernel_params_mp[4]) == -1) return -1; if (hc_clSetKernelArg (hashcat_ctx, opencl_kernel, 5, sizeof (cl_uint), device_param->kernel_params_mp[5]) == -1) return -1; if (hc_clSetKernelArg (hashcat_ctx, opencl_kernel, 6, sizeof (cl_uint), device_param->kernel_params_mp[6]) == -1) return -1; if (hc_clSetKernelArg (hashcat_ctx, opencl_kernel, 7, sizeof (cl_uint), device_param->kernel_params_mp[7]) == -1) return -1; if (hc_clSetKernelArg (hashcat_ctx, opencl_kernel, 8, sizeof (cl_ulong), device_param->kernel_params_mp[8]) == -1) return -1; break; case KERN_RUN_MP_R: if (hc_clSetKernelArg (hashcat_ctx, opencl_kernel, 3, sizeof (cl_ulong), device_param->kernel_params_mp_r[3]) == -1) return -1; if (hc_clSetKernelArg (hashcat_ctx, opencl_kernel, 4, sizeof (cl_uint), device_param->kernel_params_mp_r[4]) == -1) return -1; if (hc_clSetKernelArg (hashcat_ctx, opencl_kernel, 5, sizeof (cl_uint), device_param->kernel_params_mp_r[5]) == -1) return -1; if (hc_clSetKernelArg (hashcat_ctx, opencl_kernel, 6, sizeof (cl_uint), device_param->kernel_params_mp_r[6]) == -1) return -1; if (hc_clSetKernelArg (hashcat_ctx, opencl_kernel, 7, sizeof (cl_uint), device_param->kernel_params_mp_r[7]) == -1) return -1; if (hc_clSetKernelArg (hashcat_ctx, opencl_kernel, 8, sizeof (cl_ulong), device_param->kernel_params_mp_r[8]) == -1) return -1; break; case KERN_RUN_MP_L: if (hc_clSetKernelArg (hashcat_ctx, opencl_kernel, 3, sizeof (cl_ulong), device_param->kernel_params_mp_l[3]) == -1) return -1; if (hc_clSetKernelArg (hashcat_ctx, opencl_kernel, 4, sizeof (cl_uint), device_param->kernel_params_mp_l[4]) == -1) return -1; if (hc_clSetKernelArg (hashcat_ctx, opencl_kernel, 5, sizeof (cl_uint), device_param->kernel_params_mp_l[5]) == -1) return -1; if (hc_clSetKernelArg (hashcat_ctx, opencl_kernel, 6, sizeof (cl_uint), device_param->kernel_params_mp_l[6]) == -1) return -1; if (hc_clSetKernelArg (hashcat_ctx, opencl_kernel, 7, sizeof (cl_uint), device_param->kernel_params_mp_l[7]) == -1) return -1; if (hc_clSetKernelArg (hashcat_ctx, opencl_kernel, 8, sizeof (cl_uint), device_param->kernel_params_mp_l[8]) == -1) return -1; if (hc_clSetKernelArg (hashcat_ctx, opencl_kernel, 9, sizeof (cl_ulong), device_param->kernel_params_mp_l[9]) == -1) return -1; break; } num_elements = round_up_multiple_64 (num_elements, kernel_threads); const size_t global_work_size[3] = { num_elements, 1, 1 }; const size_t local_work_size[3] = { kernel_threads, 1, 1 }; if (hc_clEnqueueNDRangeKernel (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_command_queue, opencl_kernel, 1, NULL, global_work_size, local_work_size, 0, NULL, NULL) == -1) return -1; if (hc_clFlush (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_command_queue) == -1) return -1; if (hc_clFinish (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_command_queue) == -1) return -1; } return 0; } int run_kernel_tm (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, hc_device_param_t *device_param) { const u64 num_elements = 1024; // fixed const u64 kernel_threads = MIN (num_elements, device_param->kernel_wgs_tm); if (device_param->is_cuda == true) { CUfunction cuda_function = device_param->cuda_function_tm; if (hc_cuLaunchKernel (hashcat_ctx, cuda_function, num_elements / kernel_threads, 1, 1, kernel_threads, 1, 1, 0, device_param->cuda_stream, device_param->kernel_params_tm, NULL) == -1) return -1; if (hc_cuStreamSynchronize (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_stream) == -1) return -1; } if (device_param->is_opencl == true) { cl_kernel cuda_kernel = device_param->opencl_kernel_tm; const size_t global_work_size[3] = { num_elements, 1, 1 }; const size_t local_work_size[3] = { kernel_threads, 1, 1 }; if (hc_clEnqueueNDRangeKernel (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_command_queue, cuda_kernel, 1, NULL, global_work_size, local_work_size, 0, NULL, NULL) == -1) return -1; if (hc_clFlush (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_command_queue) == -1) return -1; if (hc_clFinish (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_command_queue) == -1) return -1; } return 0; } int run_kernel_amp (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, hc_device_param_t *device_param, const u64 num) { device_param->kernel_params_amp_buf64[6] = num; u64 num_elements = num; const u64 kernel_threads = device_param->kernel_wgs_amp; if (device_param->is_cuda == true) { num_elements = CEILDIV (num_elements, kernel_threads); CUfunction cuda_function = device_param->cuda_function_amp; if (hc_cuLaunchKernel (hashcat_ctx, cuda_function, num_elements, 1, 1, kernel_threads, 1, 1, 0, device_param->cuda_stream, device_param->kernel_params_amp, NULL) == -1) return -1; if (hc_cuStreamSynchronize (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_stream) == -1) return -1; } if (device_param->is_opencl == true) { num_elements = round_up_multiple_64 (num_elements, kernel_threads); cl_kernel opencl_kernel = device_param->opencl_kernel_amp; if (hc_clSetKernelArg (hashcat_ctx, opencl_kernel, 6, sizeof (cl_ulong), device_param->kernel_params_amp[6]) == -1) return -1; const size_t global_work_size[3] = { num_elements, 1, 1 }; const size_t local_work_size[3] = { kernel_threads, 1, 1 }; if (hc_clEnqueueNDRangeKernel (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_command_queue, opencl_kernel, 1, NULL, global_work_size, local_work_size, 0, NULL, NULL) == -1) return -1; if (hc_clFlush (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_command_queue) == -1) return -1; if (hc_clFinish (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_command_queue) == -1) return -1; } return 0; } int run_kernel_decompress (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, hc_device_param_t *device_param, const u64 num) { device_param->kernel_params_decompress_buf64[3] = num; u64 num_elements = num; const u64 kernel_threads = device_param->kernel_wgs_decompress; if (device_param->is_cuda == true) { num_elements = CEILDIV (num_elements, kernel_threads); CUfunction cuda_function = device_param->cuda_function_decompress; if (hc_cuLaunchKernel (hashcat_ctx, cuda_function, num_elements, 1, 1, kernel_threads, 1, 1, 0, device_param->cuda_stream, device_param->kernel_params_decompress, NULL) == -1) return -1; if (hc_cuStreamSynchronize (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_stream) == -1) return -1; } if (device_param->is_opencl == true) { num_elements = round_up_multiple_64 (num_elements, kernel_threads); cl_kernel opencl_kernel = device_param->opencl_kernel_decompress; const size_t global_work_size[3] = { num_elements, 1, 1 }; const size_t local_work_size[3] = { kernel_threads, 1, 1 }; if (hc_clSetKernelArg (hashcat_ctx, opencl_kernel, 3, sizeof (cl_ulong), device_param->kernel_params_decompress[3]) == -1) return -1; if (hc_clEnqueueNDRangeKernel (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_command_queue, opencl_kernel, 1, NULL, global_work_size, local_work_size, 0, NULL, NULL) == -1) return -1; if (hc_clFlush (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_command_queue) == -1) return -1; if (hc_clFinish (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_command_queue) == -1) return -1; } return 0; } int run_copy (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, hc_device_param_t *device_param, const u64 pws_cnt) { combinator_ctx_t *combinator_ctx = hashcat_ctx->combinator_ctx; hashconfig_t *hashconfig = hashcat_ctx->hashconfig; user_options_t *user_options = hashcat_ctx->user_options; user_options_extra_t *user_options_extra = hashcat_ctx->user_options_extra; // init speed timer #if defined (_WIN) if (device_param->timer_speed.QuadPart == 0) { hc_timer_set (&device_param->timer_speed); } #else if (device_param->timer_speed.tv_sec == 0) { hc_timer_set (&device_param->timer_speed); } #endif if (user_options->slow_candidates == true) { if (device_param->is_cuda == true) { if (hc_cuMemcpyHtoD (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_d_pws_idx, device_param->pws_idx, pws_cnt * sizeof (pw_idx_t)) == -1) return -1; const pw_idx_t *pw_idx = device_param->pws_idx + pws_cnt; const u32 off = pw_idx->off; if (off) { if (hc_cuMemcpyHtoD (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_d_pws_comp_buf, device_param->pws_comp, off * sizeof (u32)) == -1) return -1; } } if (device_param->is_opencl == true) { if (hc_clEnqueueWriteBuffer (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_command_queue, device_param->opencl_d_pws_idx, CL_TRUE, 0, pws_cnt * sizeof (pw_idx_t), device_param->pws_idx, 0, NULL, NULL) == -1) return -1; const pw_idx_t *pw_idx = device_param->pws_idx + pws_cnt; const u32 off = pw_idx->off; if (off) { if (hc_clEnqueueWriteBuffer (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_command_queue, device_param->opencl_d_pws_comp_buf, CL_TRUE, 0, off * sizeof (u32), device_param->pws_comp, 0, NULL, NULL) == -1) return -1; } } if (run_kernel_decompress (hashcat_ctx, device_param, pws_cnt) == -1) return -1; } else { if (user_options_extra->attack_kern == ATTACK_KERN_STRAIGHT) { if (device_param->is_cuda == true) { if (hc_cuMemcpyHtoD (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_d_pws_idx, device_param->pws_idx, pws_cnt * sizeof (pw_idx_t)) == -1) return -1; const pw_idx_t *pw_idx = device_param->pws_idx + pws_cnt; const u32 off = pw_idx->off; if (off) { if (hc_cuMemcpyHtoD (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_d_pws_comp_buf, device_param->pws_comp, off * sizeof (u32)) == -1) return -1; } } if (device_param->is_opencl == true) { if (hc_clEnqueueWriteBuffer (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_command_queue, device_param->opencl_d_pws_idx, CL_TRUE, 0, pws_cnt * sizeof (pw_idx_t), device_param->pws_idx, 0, NULL, NULL) == -1) return -1; const pw_idx_t *pw_idx = device_param->pws_idx + pws_cnt; const u32 off = pw_idx->off; if (off) { if (hc_clEnqueueWriteBuffer (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_command_queue, device_param->opencl_d_pws_comp_buf, CL_TRUE, 0, off * sizeof (u32), device_param->pws_comp, 0, NULL, NULL) == -1) return -1; } } if (run_kernel_decompress (hashcat_ctx, device_param, pws_cnt) == -1) return -1; } else if (user_options_extra->attack_kern == ATTACK_KERN_COMBI) { if (hashconfig->opti_type & OPTI_TYPE_OPTIMIZED_KERNEL) { if (user_options->attack_mode == ATTACK_MODE_COMBI) { if (combinator_ctx->combs_mode == COMBINATOR_MODE_BASE_RIGHT) { if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADD01) { rebuild_pws_compressed_append (device_param, pws_cnt, 0x01); } else if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADD06) { rebuild_pws_compressed_append (device_param, pws_cnt, 0x06); } else if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADD80) { rebuild_pws_compressed_append (device_param, pws_cnt, 0x80); } } } else if (user_options->attack_mode == ATTACK_MODE_HYBRID2) { if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADD01) { rebuild_pws_compressed_append (device_param, pws_cnt, 0x01); } else if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADD06) { rebuild_pws_compressed_append (device_param, pws_cnt, 0x06); } else if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADD80) { rebuild_pws_compressed_append (device_param, pws_cnt, 0x80); } } if (device_param->is_cuda == true) { if (hc_cuMemcpyHtoD (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_d_pws_idx, device_param->pws_idx, pws_cnt * sizeof (pw_idx_t)) == -1) return -1; const pw_idx_t *pw_idx = device_param->pws_idx + pws_cnt; const u32 off = pw_idx->off; if (off) { if (hc_cuMemcpyHtoD (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_d_pws_comp_buf, device_param->pws_comp, off * sizeof (u32)) == -1) return -1; } } if (device_param->is_opencl == true) { if (hc_clEnqueueWriteBuffer (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_command_queue, device_param->opencl_d_pws_idx, CL_TRUE, 0, pws_cnt * sizeof (pw_idx_t), device_param->pws_idx, 0, NULL, NULL) == -1) return -1; const pw_idx_t *pw_idx = device_param->pws_idx + pws_cnt; const u32 off = pw_idx->off; if (off) { if (hc_clEnqueueWriteBuffer (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_command_queue, device_param->opencl_d_pws_comp_buf, CL_TRUE, 0, off * sizeof (u32), device_param->pws_comp, 0, NULL, NULL) == -1) return -1; } } if (run_kernel_decompress (hashcat_ctx, device_param, pws_cnt) == -1) return -1; } else { if (user_options->attack_mode == ATTACK_MODE_COMBI) { if (device_param->is_cuda == true) { if (hc_cuMemcpyHtoD (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_d_pws_idx, device_param->pws_idx, pws_cnt * sizeof (pw_idx_t)) == -1) return -1; const pw_idx_t *pw_idx = device_param->pws_idx + pws_cnt; const u32 off = pw_idx->off; if (off) { if (hc_cuMemcpyHtoD (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_d_pws_comp_buf, device_param->pws_comp, off * sizeof (u32)) == -1) return -1; } } if (device_param->is_opencl == true) { if (hc_clEnqueueWriteBuffer (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_command_queue, device_param->opencl_d_pws_idx, CL_TRUE, 0, pws_cnt * sizeof (pw_idx_t), device_param->pws_idx, 0, NULL, NULL) == -1) return -1; const pw_idx_t *pw_idx = device_param->pws_idx + pws_cnt; const u32 off = pw_idx->off; if (off) { if (hc_clEnqueueWriteBuffer (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_command_queue, device_param->opencl_d_pws_comp_buf, CL_TRUE, 0, off * sizeof (u32), device_param->pws_comp, 0, NULL, NULL) == -1) return -1; } } if (run_kernel_decompress (hashcat_ctx, device_param, pws_cnt) == -1) return -1; } else if (user_options->attack_mode == ATTACK_MODE_HYBRID1) { if (device_param->is_cuda == true) { if (hc_cuMemcpyHtoD (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_d_pws_idx, device_param->pws_idx, pws_cnt * sizeof (pw_idx_t)) == -1) return -1; const pw_idx_t *pw_idx = device_param->pws_idx + pws_cnt; const u32 off = pw_idx->off; if (off) { if (hc_cuMemcpyHtoD (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_d_pws_comp_buf, device_param->pws_comp, off * sizeof (u32)) == -1) return -1; } } if (device_param->is_opencl == true) { if (hc_clEnqueueWriteBuffer (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_command_queue, device_param->opencl_d_pws_idx, CL_TRUE, 0, pws_cnt * sizeof (pw_idx_t), device_param->pws_idx, 0, NULL, NULL) == -1) return -1; const pw_idx_t *pw_idx = device_param->pws_idx + pws_cnt; const u32 off = pw_idx->off; if (off) { if (hc_clEnqueueWriteBuffer (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_command_queue, device_param->opencl_d_pws_comp_buf, CL_TRUE, 0, off * sizeof (u32), device_param->pws_comp, 0, NULL, NULL) == -1) return -1; } } if (run_kernel_decompress (hashcat_ctx, device_param, pws_cnt) == -1) return -1; } else if (user_options->attack_mode == ATTACK_MODE_HYBRID2) { const u64 off = device_param->words_off; device_param->kernel_params_mp_buf64[3] = off; if (run_kernel_mp (hashcat_ctx, device_param, KERN_RUN_MP, pws_cnt) == -1) return -1; } } } else if (user_options_extra->attack_kern == ATTACK_KERN_BF) { const u64 off = device_param->words_off; device_param->kernel_params_mp_l_buf64[3] = off; if (run_kernel_mp (hashcat_ctx, device_param, KERN_RUN_MP_L, pws_cnt) == -1) return -1; } } return 0; } int run_cracker (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, hc_device_param_t *device_param, const u64 pws_cnt) { combinator_ctx_t *combinator_ctx = hashcat_ctx->combinator_ctx; hashconfig_t *hashconfig = hashcat_ctx->hashconfig; hashes_t *hashes = hashcat_ctx->hashes; mask_ctx_t *mask_ctx = hashcat_ctx->mask_ctx; status_ctx_t *status_ctx = hashcat_ctx->status_ctx; straight_ctx_t *straight_ctx = hashcat_ctx->straight_ctx; user_options_t *user_options = hashcat_ctx->user_options; user_options_extra_t *user_options_extra = hashcat_ctx->user_options_extra; // do the on-the-fly combinator mode encoding bool iconv_enabled = false; iconv_t iconv_ctx = NULL; char *iconv_tmp = NULL; if (strcmp (user_options->encoding_from, user_options->encoding_to) != 0) { iconv_enabled = true; iconv_ctx = iconv_open (user_options->encoding_to, user_options->encoding_from); if (iconv_ctx == (iconv_t) -1) return -1; iconv_tmp = (char *) hcmalloc (HCBUFSIZ_TINY); } // find higest password length, this is for optimization stuff u32 highest_pw_len = 0; if (user_options->slow_candidates == true) { /* for (u64 pws_idx = 0; pws_idx < pws_cnt; pws_idx++) { pw_idx_t *pw_idx = device_param->pws_idx + pws_idx; highest_pw_len = MAX (highest_pw_len, pw_idx->len); } */ } else { if (user_options_extra->attack_kern == ATTACK_KERN_STRAIGHT) { } else if (user_options_extra->attack_kern == ATTACK_KERN_COMBI) { } else if (user_options_extra->attack_kern == ATTACK_KERN_BF) { highest_pw_len = device_param->kernel_params_mp_l_buf32[4] + device_param->kernel_params_mp_l_buf32[5]; } } // we make use of this in status view device_param->outerloop_multi = 1; device_param->outerloop_msec = 0; device_param->outerloop_pos = 0; device_param->outerloop_left = pws_cnt; // we ignore the time to copy data over pci bus in this case if (user_options->speed_only == true) { hc_timer_set (&device_param->timer_speed); } // loop start: most outer loop = salt iteration, then innerloops (if multi) for (u32 salt_pos = 0; salt_pos < hashes->salts_cnt; salt_pos++) { while (status_ctx->devices_status == STATUS_PAUSED) sleep (1); salt_t *salt_buf = &hashes->salts_buf[salt_pos]; device_param->kernel_params_buf32[27] = salt_pos; device_param->kernel_params_buf32[31] = salt_buf->digests_cnt; device_param->kernel_params_buf32[32] = salt_buf->digests_offset; HCFILE *combs_fp = &device_param->combs_fp; if (user_options->slow_candidates == true) { } else { if ((user_options->attack_mode == ATTACK_MODE_COMBI) || (((hashconfig->opti_type & OPTI_TYPE_OPTIMIZED_KERNEL) == 0) && (user_options->attack_mode == ATTACK_MODE_HYBRID2))) { hc_rewind (combs_fp); } } // iteration type u32 innerloop_step = 0; u32 innerloop_cnt = 0; if (user_options->slow_candidates == true) { innerloop_step = 1; innerloop_cnt = 1; } else { if (hashconfig->attack_exec == ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL) innerloop_step = device_param->kernel_loops; else innerloop_step = 1; if (user_options_extra->attack_kern == ATTACK_KERN_STRAIGHT) innerloop_cnt = straight_ctx->kernel_rules_cnt; else if (user_options_extra->attack_kern == ATTACK_KERN_COMBI) innerloop_cnt = (u32) combinator_ctx->combs_cnt; else if (user_options_extra->attack_kern == ATTACK_KERN_BF) innerloop_cnt = (u32) mask_ctx->bfs_cnt; } // innerloops for (u32 innerloop_pos = 0; innerloop_pos < innerloop_cnt; innerloop_pos += innerloop_step) { while (status_ctx->devices_status == STATUS_PAUSED) sleep (1); u32 fast_iteration = 0; u32 innerloop_left = innerloop_cnt - innerloop_pos; if (innerloop_left > innerloop_step) { innerloop_left = innerloop_step; fast_iteration = 1; } hc_thread_mutex_lock (status_ctx->mux_display); device_param->innerloop_pos = innerloop_pos; device_param->innerloop_left = innerloop_left; device_param->kernel_params_buf32[30] = innerloop_left; device_param->outerloop_multi = (double) innerloop_cnt / (double) (innerloop_pos + innerloop_left); hc_thread_mutex_unlock (status_ctx->mux_display); if (hashes->salts_shown[salt_pos] == 1) { status_ctx->words_progress_done[salt_pos] += pws_cnt * innerloop_left; continue; } // initialize and copy amplifiers if (user_options->slow_candidates == true) { } else { if (user_options_extra->attack_kern == ATTACK_KERN_STRAIGHT) { if (device_param->is_cuda == true) { if (hc_cuMemcpyDtoD (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_d_rules_c, device_param->cuda_d_rules + (innerloop_pos * sizeof (kernel_rule_t)), innerloop_left * sizeof (kernel_rule_t)) == -1) return -1; } if (device_param->is_opencl == true) { if (hc_clEnqueueCopyBuffer (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_command_queue, device_param->opencl_d_rules, device_param->opencl_d_rules_c, innerloop_pos * sizeof (kernel_rule_t), 0, innerloop_left * sizeof (kernel_rule_t), 0, NULL, NULL) == -1) return -1; } } else if (user_options_extra->attack_kern == ATTACK_KERN_COMBI) { if (hashconfig->opti_type & OPTI_TYPE_OPTIMIZED_KERNEL) { if (user_options->attack_mode == ATTACK_MODE_COMBI) { char *line_buf = device_param->scratch_buf; u32 i = 0; while (i < innerloop_left) { if (hc_feof (combs_fp)) break; size_t line_len = fgetl (combs_fp, line_buf, HCBUFSIZ_LARGE); line_len = convert_from_hex (hashcat_ctx, line_buf, line_len); if (line_len > PW_MAX) continue; char *line_buf_new = line_buf; char rule_buf_out[RP_PASSWORD_SIZE]; if (run_rule_engine (user_options_extra->rule_len_r, user_options->rule_buf_r)) { if (line_len >= RP_PASSWORD_SIZE) continue; memset (rule_buf_out, 0, sizeof (rule_buf_out)); const int rule_len_out = _old_apply_rule (user_options->rule_buf_r, user_options_extra->rule_len_r, line_buf, (u32) line_len, rule_buf_out); if (rule_len_out < 0) { status_ctx->words_progress_rejected[salt_pos] += pws_cnt; continue; } line_len = rule_len_out; line_buf_new = rule_buf_out; } // do the on-the-fly encoding if (iconv_enabled == true) { char *iconv_ptr = iconv_tmp; size_t iconv_sz = HCBUFSIZ_TINY; if (iconv (iconv_ctx, &line_buf_new, &line_len, &iconv_ptr, &iconv_sz) == (size_t) -1) continue; line_buf_new = iconv_tmp; line_len = HCBUFSIZ_TINY - iconv_sz; } line_len = MIN (line_len, PW_MAX); u8 *ptr = (u8 *) device_param->combs_buf[i].i; memcpy (ptr, line_buf_new, line_len); memset (ptr + line_len, 0, PW_MAX - line_len); if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_PT_UPPER) { uppercase (ptr, line_len); } if (combinator_ctx->combs_mode == COMBINATOR_MODE_BASE_LEFT) { if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADD80) { ptr[line_len] = 0x80; } if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADD06) { ptr[line_len] = 0x06; } if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADD01) { ptr[line_len] = 0x01; } } device_param->combs_buf[i].pw_len = (u32) line_len; i++; } for (u32 j = i; j < innerloop_left; j++) { memset (&device_param->combs_buf[j], 0, sizeof (pw_t)); } innerloop_left = i; if (device_param->is_cuda == true) { if (hc_cuMemcpyHtoD (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_d_combs_c, device_param->combs_buf, innerloop_left * sizeof (pw_t)) == -1) return -1; } if (device_param->is_opencl == true) { if (hc_clEnqueueWriteBuffer (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_command_queue, device_param->opencl_d_combs_c, CL_TRUE, 0, innerloop_left * sizeof (pw_t), device_param->combs_buf, 0, NULL, NULL) == -1) return -1; } } else if (user_options->attack_mode == ATTACK_MODE_HYBRID1) { u64 off = innerloop_pos; device_param->kernel_params_mp_buf64[3] = off; if (run_kernel_mp (hashcat_ctx, device_param, KERN_RUN_MP, innerloop_left) == -1) return -1; if (device_param->is_cuda == true) { if (hc_cuMemcpyDtoD (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_d_combs_c, device_param->cuda_d_combs, innerloop_left * sizeof (pw_t)) == -1) return -1; } if (device_param->is_opencl == true) { if (hc_clEnqueueCopyBuffer (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_command_queue, device_param->opencl_d_combs, device_param->opencl_d_combs_c, 0, 0, innerloop_left * sizeof (pw_t), 0, NULL, NULL) == -1) return -1; } } else if (user_options->attack_mode == ATTACK_MODE_HYBRID2) { u64 off = innerloop_pos; device_param->kernel_params_mp_buf64[3] = off; if (run_kernel_mp (hashcat_ctx, device_param, KERN_RUN_MP, innerloop_left) == -1) return -1; if (device_param->is_cuda == true) { if (hc_cuMemcpyDtoD (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_d_combs_c, device_param->cuda_d_combs, innerloop_left * sizeof (pw_t)) == -1) return -1; } if (device_param->is_opencl == true) { if (hc_clEnqueueCopyBuffer (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_command_queue, device_param->opencl_d_combs, device_param->opencl_d_combs_c, 0, 0, innerloop_left * sizeof (pw_t), 0, NULL, NULL) == -1) return -1; } } } else { if ((user_options->attack_mode == ATTACK_MODE_COMBI) || (user_options->attack_mode == ATTACK_MODE_HYBRID2)) { char *line_buf = device_param->scratch_buf; u32 i = 0; while (i < innerloop_left) { if (hc_feof (combs_fp)) break; size_t line_len = fgetl (combs_fp, line_buf, HCBUFSIZ_LARGE); line_len = convert_from_hex (hashcat_ctx, line_buf, line_len); if (line_len > PW_MAX) continue; char *line_buf_new = line_buf; char rule_buf_out[RP_PASSWORD_SIZE]; if (run_rule_engine (user_options_extra->rule_len_r, user_options->rule_buf_r)) { if (line_len >= RP_PASSWORD_SIZE) continue; memset (rule_buf_out, 0, sizeof (rule_buf_out)); const int rule_len_out = _old_apply_rule (user_options->rule_buf_r, user_options_extra->rule_len_r, line_buf, (u32) line_len, rule_buf_out); if (rule_len_out < 0) { status_ctx->words_progress_rejected[salt_pos] += pws_cnt; continue; } line_len = rule_len_out; line_buf_new = rule_buf_out; } // do the on-the-fly encoding if (iconv_enabled == true) { char *iconv_ptr = iconv_tmp; size_t iconv_sz = HCBUFSIZ_TINY; if (iconv (iconv_ctx, &line_buf_new, &line_len, &iconv_ptr, &iconv_sz) == (size_t) -1) continue; line_buf_new = iconv_tmp; line_len = HCBUFSIZ_TINY - iconv_sz; } line_len = MIN (line_len, PW_MAX); u8 *ptr = (u8 *) device_param->combs_buf[i].i; memcpy (ptr, line_buf_new, line_len); memset (ptr + line_len, 0, PW_MAX - line_len); if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_PT_UPPER) { uppercase (ptr, line_len); } /* if (combinator_ctx->combs_mode == COMBINATOR_MODE_BASE_LEFT) { if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADD80) { ptr[line_len] = 0x80; } if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADD06) { ptr[line_len] = 0x06; } if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADD01) { ptr[line_len] = 0x01; } } */ device_param->combs_buf[i].pw_len = (u32) line_len; i++; } for (u32 j = i; j < innerloop_left; j++) { memset (&device_param->combs_buf[j], 0, sizeof (pw_t)); } innerloop_left = i; if (device_param->is_cuda == true) { if (hc_cuMemcpyHtoD (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_d_combs_c, device_param->combs_buf, innerloop_left * sizeof (pw_t)) == -1) return -1; } if (device_param->is_opencl == true) { if (hc_clEnqueueWriteBuffer (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_command_queue, device_param->opencl_d_combs_c, CL_TRUE, 0, innerloop_left * sizeof (pw_t), device_param->combs_buf, 0, NULL, NULL) == -1) return -1; } } else if (user_options->attack_mode == ATTACK_MODE_HYBRID1) { u64 off = innerloop_pos; device_param->kernel_params_mp_buf64[3] = off; if (run_kernel_mp (hashcat_ctx, device_param, KERN_RUN_MP, innerloop_left) == -1) return -1; if (device_param->is_cuda == true) { if (hc_cuMemcpyDtoD (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_d_combs_c, device_param->cuda_d_combs, innerloop_left * sizeof (pw_t)) == -1) return -1; } if (device_param->is_opencl == true) { if (hc_clEnqueueCopyBuffer (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_command_queue, device_param->opencl_d_combs, device_param->opencl_d_combs_c, 0, 0, innerloop_left * sizeof (pw_t), 0, NULL, NULL) == -1) return -1; } } } } else if (user_options_extra->attack_kern == ATTACK_KERN_BF) { u64 off = innerloop_pos; device_param->kernel_params_mp_r_buf64[3] = off; if (run_kernel_mp (hashcat_ctx, device_param, KERN_RUN_MP_R, innerloop_left) == -1) return -1; if (device_param->is_cuda == true) { if (hc_cuMemcpyDtoD (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_d_bfs_c, device_param->cuda_d_bfs, innerloop_left * sizeof (bf_t)) == -1) return -1; } if (device_param->is_opencl == true) { if (hc_clEnqueueCopyBuffer (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_command_queue, device_param->opencl_d_bfs, device_param->opencl_d_bfs_c, 0, 0, innerloop_left * sizeof (bf_t), 0, NULL, NULL) == -1) return -1; } } } if (choose_kernel (hashcat_ctx, device_param, highest_pw_len, pws_cnt, fast_iteration, salt_pos) == -1) return -1; /** * benchmark was aborted because too long kernel runtime (slow hashes only) */ if ((user_options->speed_only == true) && (device_param->speed_only_finish == true)) { // nothing to do in that case } else { /** * speed */ if (status_ctx->run_thread_level2 == true) { const u64 perf_sum_all = pws_cnt * innerloop_left; const double speed_msec = hc_timer_get (device_param->timer_speed); hc_timer_set (&device_param->timer_speed); u32 speed_pos = device_param->speed_pos; device_param->speed_cnt[speed_pos] = perf_sum_all; device_param->speed_msec[speed_pos] = speed_msec; speed_pos++; if (speed_pos == SPEED_CACHE) { speed_pos = 0; } device_param->speed_pos = speed_pos; /** * progress */ hc_thread_mutex_lock (status_ctx->mux_counter); status_ctx->words_progress_done[salt_pos] += perf_sum_all; hc_thread_mutex_unlock (status_ctx->mux_counter); } } /** * benchmark, part2 */ if (user_options->speed_only == true) { // let's abort this so that the user doesn't have to wait too long on the result // for slow hashes it's fine anyway as boost mode should be turned on if (hashconfig->attack_exec == ATTACK_EXEC_OUTSIDE_KERNEL) { device_param->speed_only_finish = true; break; } double total_msec = device_param->speed_msec[0]; for (u32 speed_pos = 1; speed_pos < device_param->speed_pos; speed_pos++) { total_msec += device_param->speed_msec[speed_pos]; } if (user_options->slow_candidates == true) { if ((total_msec > 4000) || (device_param->speed_pos == SPEED_CACHE - 1)) { const u32 speed_pos = device_param->speed_pos; if (speed_pos) { device_param->speed_cnt[0] = device_param->speed_cnt[speed_pos - 1]; device_param->speed_msec[0] = device_param->speed_msec[speed_pos - 1]; } device_param->speed_pos = 0; device_param->speed_only_finish = true; break; } } else { // it's unclear if 4s is enough to turn on boost mode for all backend device if ((total_msec > 4000) || (device_param->speed_pos == SPEED_CACHE - 1)) { device_param->speed_only_finish = true; break; } } } if (device_param->speed_only_finish == true) break; /** * result */ check_cracked (hashcat_ctx, device_param, salt_pos); if (status_ctx->run_thread_level2 == false) break; } if (user_options->speed_only == true) break; //status screen makes use of this, can't reset here //device_param->innerloop_msec = 0; //device_param->innerloop_pos = 0; //device_param->innerloop_left = 0; if (status_ctx->run_thread_level2 == false) break; } //status screen makes use of this, can't reset here //device_param->outerloop_msec = 0; //device_param->outerloop_pos = 0; //device_param->outerloop_left = 0; if (user_options->speed_only == true) { double total_msec = device_param->speed_msec[0]; for (u32 speed_pos = 1; speed_pos < device_param->speed_pos; speed_pos++) { total_msec += device_param->speed_msec[speed_pos]; } device_param->outerloop_msec = total_msec * hashes->salts_cnt * device_param->outerloop_multi; device_param->speed_only_finish = true; } return 0; } int backend_ctx_init (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx) { backend_ctx_t *backend_ctx = hashcat_ctx->backend_ctx; user_options_t *user_options = hashcat_ctx->user_options; backend_ctx->enabled = false; if (user_options->example_hashes == true) return 0; if (user_options->keyspace == true) return 0; if (user_options->left == true) return 0; if (user_options->show == true) return 0; if (user_options->usage == true) return 0; if (user_options->version == true) return 0; hc_device_param_t *devices_param = (hc_device_param_t *) hccalloc (DEVICES_MAX, sizeof (hc_device_param_t)); backend_ctx->devices_param = devices_param; /** * Load and map CUDA library calls, then init CUDA */ int rc_cuda_init = -1; if (user_options->backend_ignore_cuda == false) { CUDA_PTR *cuda = (CUDA_PTR *) hcmalloc (sizeof (CUDA_PTR)); backend_ctx->cuda = cuda; rc_cuda_init = cuda_init (hashcat_ctx); if (rc_cuda_init == -1) { cuda_close (hashcat_ctx); } /** * Load and map NVRTC library calls */ NVRTC_PTR *nvrtc = (NVRTC_PTR *) hcmalloc (sizeof (NVRTC_PTR)); backend_ctx->nvrtc = nvrtc; int rc_nvrtc_init = nvrtc_init (hashcat_ctx); if (rc_nvrtc_init == -1) { nvrtc_close (hashcat_ctx); } /** * Check if both CUDA and NVRTC were load successful */ if ((rc_cuda_init == 0) && (rc_nvrtc_init == 0)) { // nvrtc version int nvrtc_major = 0; int nvrtc_minor = 0; if (hc_nvrtcVersion (hashcat_ctx, &nvrtc_major, &nvrtc_minor) == -1) return -1; int nvrtc_driver_version = (nvrtc_major * 1000) + (nvrtc_minor * 10); backend_ctx->nvrtc_driver_version = nvrtc_driver_version; if (nvrtc_driver_version < 9000) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "Outdated NVIDIA NVRTC driver version '%d' detected!", nvrtc_driver_version); event_log_warning (hashcat_ctx, "See hashcat.net for officially supported NVIDIA CUDA Toolkit versions."); event_log_warning (hashcat_ctx, NULL); return -1; } // cuda version int cuda_driver_version = 0; if (hc_cuDriverGetVersion (hashcat_ctx, &cuda_driver_version) == -1) return -1; backend_ctx->cuda_driver_version = cuda_driver_version; if (cuda_driver_version < 9000) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "Outdated NVIDIA CUDA driver version '%d' detected!", cuda_driver_version); event_log_warning (hashcat_ctx, "See hashcat.net for officially supported NVIDIA CUDA Toolkit versions."); event_log_warning (hashcat_ctx, NULL); return -1; } } else { rc_cuda_init = -1; rc_nvrtc_init = -1; cuda_close (hashcat_ctx); nvrtc_close (hashcat_ctx); } } /** * Load and map OpenCL library calls */ int rc_ocl_init = -1; if (user_options->backend_ignore_opencl == false) { OCL_PTR *ocl = (OCL_PTR *) hcmalloc (sizeof (OCL_PTR)); backend_ctx->ocl = ocl; rc_ocl_init = ocl_init (hashcat_ctx); if (rc_ocl_init == -1) { ocl_close (hashcat_ctx); } /** * return if both CUDA and OpenCL initialization failed */ if ((rc_cuda_init == -1) && (rc_ocl_init == -1)) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "ATTENTION! No OpenCL or CUDA installation found."); event_log_warning (hashcat_ctx, "You are probably missing the CUDA or OpenCL runtime installation."); event_log_warning (hashcat_ctx, NULL); #if defined (__linux__) event_log_warning (hashcat_ctx, "* AMD GPUs on Linux require this driver:"); event_log_warning (hashcat_ctx, " \"RadeonOpenCompute (ROCm)\" Software Platform (3.1 or later)"); #elif defined (_WIN) event_log_warning (hashcat_ctx, "* AMD GPUs on Windows require this driver:"); event_log_warning (hashcat_ctx, " \"AMD Radeon Adrenalin 2020 Edition\" (20.2.2 or later)"); #endif event_log_warning (hashcat_ctx, "* Intel CPUs require this runtime:"); event_log_warning (hashcat_ctx, " \"OpenCL Runtime for Intel Core and Intel Xeon Processors\" (16.1.1 or later)"); event_log_warning (hashcat_ctx, "* NVIDIA GPUs require this runtime and/or driver (both):"); event_log_warning (hashcat_ctx, " \"NVIDIA Driver\" (440.64 or later)"); event_log_warning (hashcat_ctx, " \"CUDA Toolkit\" (9.0 or later)"); event_log_warning (hashcat_ctx, NULL); return -1; } /** * Some permission pre-check, because AMDGPU-PRO Driver crashes if the user has no permission to do this */ if (ocl_check_dri (hashcat_ctx) == -1) return -1; } /** * Backend device selection */ u64 backend_devices_filter; if (setup_backend_devices_filter (hashcat_ctx, user_options->backend_devices, &backend_devices_filter) == false) return -1; backend_ctx->backend_devices_filter = backend_devices_filter; /** * OpenCL device type selection */ cl_device_type opencl_device_types_filter; if (setup_opencl_device_types_filter (hashcat_ctx, user_options->opencl_device_types, &opencl_device_types_filter) == false) return -1; backend_ctx->opencl_device_types_filter = opencl_device_types_filter; /** * CUDA API: init */ if (backend_ctx->cuda) { if (hc_cuInit (hashcat_ctx, 0) == -1) { cuda_close (hashcat_ctx); } } /** * OpenCL API: init */ if (backend_ctx->ocl) { #define FREE_OPENCL_CTX_ON_ERROR \ do { \ hcfree (opencl_platforms); \ hcfree (opencl_platforms_devices); \ hcfree (opencl_platforms_devices_cnt); \ hcfree (opencl_platforms_name); \ hcfree (opencl_platforms_vendor); \ hcfree (opencl_platforms_vendor_id); \ hcfree (opencl_platforms_version); \ } while (0) cl_platform_id *opencl_platforms = (cl_platform_id *) hccalloc (CL_PLATFORMS_MAX, sizeof (cl_platform_id)); cl_uint opencl_platforms_cnt = 0; cl_device_id **opencl_platforms_devices = (cl_device_id **) hccalloc (CL_PLATFORMS_MAX, sizeof (cl_device_id *)); cl_uint *opencl_platforms_devices_cnt = (cl_uint *) hccalloc (CL_PLATFORMS_MAX, sizeof (cl_uint)); char **opencl_platforms_name = (char **) hccalloc (CL_PLATFORMS_MAX, sizeof (char *)); char **opencl_platforms_vendor = (char **) hccalloc (CL_PLATFORMS_MAX, sizeof (char *)); cl_uint *opencl_platforms_vendor_id = (cl_uint *) hccalloc (CL_PLATFORMS_MAX, sizeof (cl_uint)); char **opencl_platforms_version = (char **) hccalloc (CL_PLATFORMS_MAX, sizeof (char *)); if (hc_clGetPlatformIDs (hashcat_ctx, CL_PLATFORMS_MAX, opencl_platforms, &opencl_platforms_cnt) == -1) { opencl_platforms_cnt = 0; FREE_OPENCL_CTX_ON_ERROR; ocl_close (hashcat_ctx); } if (opencl_platforms_cnt) { for (u32 opencl_platforms_idx = 0; opencl_platforms_idx < opencl_platforms_cnt; opencl_platforms_idx++) { cl_platform_id opencl_platform = opencl_platforms[opencl_platforms_idx]; size_t param_value_size = 0; // platform vendor if (hc_clGetPlatformInfo (hashcat_ctx, opencl_platform, CL_PLATFORM_VENDOR, 0, NULL, ¶m_value_size) == -1) return -1; char *opencl_platform_vendor = (char *) hcmalloc (param_value_size); if (hc_clGetPlatformInfo (hashcat_ctx, opencl_platform, CL_PLATFORM_VENDOR, param_value_size, opencl_platform_vendor, NULL) == -1) return -1; opencl_platforms_vendor[opencl_platforms_idx] = opencl_platform_vendor; // platform name if (hc_clGetPlatformInfo (hashcat_ctx, opencl_platform, CL_PLATFORM_NAME, 0, NULL, ¶m_value_size) == -1) return -1; char *opencl_platform_name = (char *) hcmalloc (param_value_size); if (hc_clGetPlatformInfo (hashcat_ctx, opencl_platform, CL_PLATFORM_NAME, param_value_size, opencl_platform_name, NULL) == -1) return -1; opencl_platforms_name[opencl_platforms_idx] = opencl_platform_name; // platform version if (hc_clGetPlatformInfo (hashcat_ctx, opencl_platform, CL_PLATFORM_VERSION, 0, NULL, ¶m_value_size) == -1) return -1; char *opencl_platform_version = (char *) hcmalloc (param_value_size); if (hc_clGetPlatformInfo (hashcat_ctx, opencl_platform, CL_PLATFORM_VERSION, param_value_size, opencl_platform_version, NULL) == -1) return -1; opencl_platforms_version[opencl_platforms_idx] = opencl_platform_version; // find our own platform vendor because pocl and mesa are pushing original vendor_id through opencl // this causes trouble with vendor id based macros // we'll assign generic to those without special optimization available cl_uint opencl_platform_vendor_id = 0; if (strcmp (opencl_platform_vendor, CL_VENDOR_AMD1) == 0) { opencl_platform_vendor_id = VENDOR_ID_AMD; } else if (strcmp (opencl_platform_vendor, CL_VENDOR_AMD2) == 0) { opencl_platform_vendor_id = VENDOR_ID_AMD; } else if (strcmp (opencl_platform_vendor, CL_VENDOR_AMD_USE_INTEL) == 0) { opencl_platform_vendor_id = VENDOR_ID_AMD_USE_INTEL; } else if (strcmp (opencl_platform_vendor, CL_VENDOR_APPLE) == 0) { opencl_platform_vendor_id = VENDOR_ID_APPLE; } else if (strcmp (opencl_platform_vendor, CL_VENDOR_INTEL_BEIGNET) == 0) { opencl_platform_vendor_id = VENDOR_ID_INTEL_BEIGNET; } else if (strcmp (opencl_platform_vendor, CL_VENDOR_INTEL_SDK) == 0) { opencl_platform_vendor_id = VENDOR_ID_INTEL_SDK; } else if (strcmp (opencl_platform_vendor, CL_VENDOR_MESA) == 0) { opencl_platform_vendor_id = VENDOR_ID_MESA; } else if (strcmp (opencl_platform_vendor, CL_VENDOR_NV) == 0) { opencl_platform_vendor_id = VENDOR_ID_NV; } else if (strcmp (opencl_platform_vendor, CL_VENDOR_POCL) == 0) { opencl_platform_vendor_id = VENDOR_ID_POCL; } else { opencl_platform_vendor_id = VENDOR_ID_GENERIC; } opencl_platforms_vendor_id[opencl_platforms_idx] = opencl_platform_vendor_id; cl_device_id *opencl_platform_devices = (cl_device_id *) hccalloc (DEVICES_MAX, sizeof (cl_device_id)); cl_uint opencl_platform_devices_cnt = 0; const int CL_rc = hc_clGetDeviceIDs (hashcat_ctx, opencl_platform, CL_DEVICE_TYPE_ALL, DEVICES_MAX, opencl_platform_devices, &opencl_platform_devices_cnt); if (CL_rc == -1) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "clGetDeviceIDs(): %s", val2cstr_cl (CL_rc)); return -1; } opencl_platforms_devices[opencl_platforms_idx] = opencl_platform_devices; opencl_platforms_devices_cnt[opencl_platforms_idx] = opencl_platform_devices_cnt; } if (user_options->opencl_device_types == NULL) { /** * OpenCL device types: * In case the user did not specify --opencl-device-types and the user runs hashcat in a system with only a CPU only he probably want to use that CPU. */ cl_device_type opencl_device_types_all = 0; for (u32 opencl_platforms_idx = 0; opencl_platforms_idx < opencl_platforms_cnt; opencl_platforms_idx++) { cl_device_id *opencl_platform_devices = opencl_platforms_devices[opencl_platforms_idx]; cl_uint opencl_platform_devices_cnt = opencl_platforms_devices_cnt[opencl_platforms_idx]; for (u32 opencl_platform_devices_idx = 0; opencl_platform_devices_idx < opencl_platform_devices_cnt; opencl_platform_devices_idx++) { cl_device_id opencl_device = opencl_platform_devices[opencl_platform_devices_idx]; cl_device_type opencl_device_type; if (hc_clGetDeviceInfo (hashcat_ctx, opencl_device, CL_DEVICE_TYPE, sizeof (opencl_device_type), &opencl_device_type, NULL) == -1) { FREE_OPENCL_CTX_ON_ERROR; return -1; } opencl_device_types_all |= opencl_device_type; } } // In such a case, automatically enable CPU device type support, since it's disabled by default. if ((opencl_device_types_all & (CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU | CL_DEVICE_TYPE_ACCELERATOR)) == 0) { opencl_device_types_filter |= CL_DEVICE_TYPE_CPU; } // In another case, when the user uses --stdout, using CPU devices is much faster to setup // If we have a CPU device, force it to be used if (user_options->stdout_flag == true) { if (opencl_device_types_all & CL_DEVICE_TYPE_CPU) { opencl_device_types_filter = CL_DEVICE_TYPE_CPU; } } backend_ctx->opencl_device_types_filter = opencl_device_types_filter; } } backend_ctx->opencl_platforms = opencl_platforms; backend_ctx->opencl_platforms_cnt = opencl_platforms_cnt; backend_ctx->opencl_platforms_devices = opencl_platforms_devices; backend_ctx->opencl_platforms_devices_cnt = opencl_platforms_devices_cnt; backend_ctx->opencl_platforms_name = opencl_platforms_name; backend_ctx->opencl_platforms_vendor = opencl_platforms_vendor; backend_ctx->opencl_platforms_vendor_id = opencl_platforms_vendor_id; backend_ctx->opencl_platforms_version = opencl_platforms_version; #undef FREE_OPENCL_CTX_ON_ERROR } /** * Final checks */ if ((backend_ctx->cuda == NULL) && (backend_ctx->ocl == NULL)) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "ATTENTION! No OpenCL-compatible or CUDA-compatible platform found."); event_log_warning (hashcat_ctx, "You are probably missing the OpenCL or CUDA runtime installation."); event_log_warning (hashcat_ctx, NULL); #if defined (__linux__) event_log_warning (hashcat_ctx, "* AMD GPUs on Linux require this driver:"); event_log_warning (hashcat_ctx, " \"RadeonOpenCompute (ROCm)\" Software Platform (3.1 or later)"); #elif defined (_WIN) event_log_warning (hashcat_ctx, "* AMD GPUs on Windows require this driver:"); event_log_warning (hashcat_ctx, " \"AMD Radeon Adrenalin 2020 Edition\" (20.2.2 or later)"); #endif event_log_warning (hashcat_ctx, "* Intel CPUs require this runtime:"); event_log_warning (hashcat_ctx, " \"OpenCL Runtime for Intel Core and Intel Xeon Processors\" (16.1.1 or later)"); event_log_warning (hashcat_ctx, "* NVIDIA GPUs require this runtime and/or driver (both):"); event_log_warning (hashcat_ctx, " \"NVIDIA Driver\" (440.64 or later)"); event_log_warning (hashcat_ctx, " \"CUDA Toolkit\" (9.0 or later)"); event_log_warning (hashcat_ctx, NULL); return -1; } backend_ctx->enabled = true; return 0; } void backend_ctx_destroy (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx) { backend_ctx_t *backend_ctx = hashcat_ctx->backend_ctx; if (backend_ctx->enabled == false) return; hcfree (backend_ctx->devices_param); if (backend_ctx->ocl) { hcfree (backend_ctx->opencl_platforms); hcfree (backend_ctx->opencl_platforms_devices); hcfree (backend_ctx->opencl_platforms_devices_cnt); hcfree (backend_ctx->opencl_platforms_name); hcfree (backend_ctx->opencl_platforms_vendor); hcfree (backend_ctx->opencl_platforms_vendor_id); hcfree (backend_ctx->opencl_platforms_version); } nvrtc_close (hashcat_ctx); cuda_close (hashcat_ctx); ocl_close (hashcat_ctx); memset (backend_ctx, 0, sizeof (backend_ctx_t)); } int backend_ctx_devices_init (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, const int comptime) { backend_ctx_t *backend_ctx = hashcat_ctx->backend_ctx; user_options_t *user_options = hashcat_ctx->user_options; if (backend_ctx->enabled == false) return 0; hc_device_param_t *devices_param = backend_ctx->devices_param; bool need_adl = false; bool need_nvml = false; bool need_nvapi = false; bool need_sysfs = false; int backend_devices_idx = 0; int cuda_devices_cnt = 0; int cuda_devices_active = 0; if (backend_ctx->cuda) { // device count if (hc_cuDeviceGetCount (hashcat_ctx, &cuda_devices_cnt) == -1) { cuda_close (hashcat_ctx); } backend_ctx->cuda_devices_cnt = cuda_devices_cnt; // device specific for (int cuda_devices_idx = 0; cuda_devices_idx < cuda_devices_cnt; cuda_devices_idx++, backend_devices_idx++) { const u32 device_id = backend_devices_idx; hc_device_param_t *device_param = &devices_param[backend_devices_idx]; device_param->device_id = device_id; backend_ctx->backend_device_from_cuda[cuda_devices_idx] = backend_devices_idx; CUdevice cuda_device; if (hc_cuDeviceGet (hashcat_ctx, &cuda_device, cuda_devices_idx) == -1) return -1; device_param->cuda_device = cuda_device; device_param->is_cuda = true; device_param->is_opencl = false; device_param->use_opencl12 = false; device_param->use_opencl20 = false; device_param->use_opencl21 = false; // device_name char *device_name = (char *) hcmalloc (HCBUFSIZ_TINY); if (hc_cuDeviceGetName (hashcat_ctx, device_name, HCBUFSIZ_TINY, cuda_device) == -1) return -1; device_param->device_name = device_name; hc_string_trim_leading (device_name); hc_string_trim_trailing (device_name); // device_processors int device_processors = 0; if (hc_cuDeviceGetAttribute (hashcat_ctx, &device_processors, CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_MULTIPROCESSOR_COUNT, cuda_device) == -1) return -1; device_param->device_processors = device_processors; // device_global_mem, device_maxmem_alloc, device_available_mem size_t bytes = 0; if (hc_cuDeviceTotalMem (hashcat_ctx, &bytes, cuda_device) == -1) return -1; device_param->device_global_mem = (u64) bytes; device_param->device_maxmem_alloc = (u64) bytes; device_param->device_available_mem = 0; // warp size int cuda_warp_size = 0; if (hc_cuDeviceGetAttribute (hashcat_ctx, &cuda_warp_size, CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_WARP_SIZE, cuda_device) == -1) return -1; device_param->cuda_warp_size = cuda_warp_size; // sm_minor, sm_major int sm_major = 0; int sm_minor = 0; if (hc_cuDeviceGetAttribute (hashcat_ctx, &sm_major, CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_COMPUTE_CAPABILITY_MAJOR, cuda_device) == -1) return -1; if (hc_cuDeviceGetAttribute (hashcat_ctx, &sm_minor, CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_COMPUTE_CAPABILITY_MINOR, cuda_device) == -1) return -1; device_param->sm_major = sm_major; device_param->sm_minor = sm_minor; // device_maxworkgroup_size int device_maxworkgroup_size = 0; if (hc_cuDeviceGetAttribute (hashcat_ctx, &device_maxworkgroup_size, CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_MAX_THREADS_PER_BLOCK, cuda_device) == -1) return -1; device_param->device_maxworkgroup_size = device_maxworkgroup_size; // max_clock_frequency int device_maxclock_frequency = 0; if (hc_cuDeviceGetAttribute (hashcat_ctx, &device_maxclock_frequency, CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_CLOCK_RATE, cuda_device) == -1) return -1; device_param->device_maxclock_frequency = device_maxclock_frequency / 1000; // pcie_bus, pcie_device, pcie_function int pci_bus_id_nv = 0; int pci_slot_id_nv = 0; if (hc_cuDeviceGetAttribute (hashcat_ctx, &pci_bus_id_nv, CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_PCI_BUS_ID, cuda_device) == -1) return -1; if (hc_cuDeviceGetAttribute (hashcat_ctx, &pci_slot_id_nv, CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_PCI_DEVICE_ID, cuda_device) == -1) return -1; device_param->pcie_bus = (u8) (pci_bus_id_nv); device_param->pcie_device = (u8) (pci_slot_id_nv >> 3); device_param->pcie_function = (u8) (pci_slot_id_nv & 7); // kernel_exec_timeout int kernel_exec_timeout = 0; if (hc_cuDeviceGetAttribute (hashcat_ctx, &kernel_exec_timeout, CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_KERNEL_EXEC_TIMEOUT, cuda_device) == -1) return -1; device_param->kernel_exec_timeout = kernel_exec_timeout; // max_shared_memory_per_block int max_shared_memory_per_block = 0; if (hc_cuDeviceGetAttribute (hashcat_ctx, &max_shared_memory_per_block, CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_MAX_SHARED_MEMORY_PER_BLOCK, cuda_device) == -1) return -1; if (max_shared_memory_per_block < 32768) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "* Device #%u: This device's shared buffer size is too small.", device_id + 1); device_param->skipped = true; } device_param->device_local_mem_size = max_shared_memory_per_block; // device_max_constant_buffer_size int device_max_constant_buffer_size = 0; if (hc_cuDeviceGetAttribute (hashcat_ctx, &device_max_constant_buffer_size, CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_TOTAL_CONSTANT_MEMORY, cuda_device) == -1) return -1; if (device_max_constant_buffer_size < 65536) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "* Device #%u: This device's local mem size is too small.", device_id + 1); device_param->skipped = true; } // some attributes have to be hardcoded because they are used for instance in the build options device_param->device_local_mem_type = CL_LOCAL; device_param->opencl_device_type = CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU; device_param->opencl_device_vendor_id = VENDOR_ID_NV; device_param->opencl_platform_vendor_id = VENDOR_ID_NV; // or in the cached kernel checksum device_param->opencl_device_version = ""; device_param->opencl_driver_version = ""; // or just to make sure they are not NULL device_param->opencl_device_vendor = ""; device_param->opencl_device_c_version = ""; // skipped if ((backend_ctx->backend_devices_filter & (1ULL << device_id)) == 0) { device_param->skipped = true; } if ((backend_ctx->opencl_device_types_filter & CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU) == 0) { device_param->skipped = true; } if ((device_param->opencl_platform_vendor_id == VENDOR_ID_NV) && (device_param->opencl_device_vendor_id == VENDOR_ID_NV)) { need_nvml = true; #if defined (_WIN) || defined (__CYGWIN__) need_nvapi = true; #endif } // CPU burning loop damper // Value is given as number between 0-100 // By default 8% // in theory not needed with CUDA device_param->spin_damp = (double) user_options->spin_damp / 100; // common driver check if (device_param->skipped == false) { if ((user_options->force == false) && (user_options->backend_info == false)) { // CUDA does not support query nvidia driver version, therefore no driver checks here // IF needed, could be retrieved using nvmlSystemGetDriverVersion() if (device_param->sm_major < 5) { if (user_options->quiet == false) event_log_warning (hashcat_ctx, "* Device #%u: This hardware has outdated CUDA compute capability (%u.%u).", device_id + 1, device_param->sm_major, device_param->sm_minor); if (user_options->quiet == false) event_log_warning (hashcat_ctx, " For modern OpenCL performance, upgrade to hardware that supports"); if (user_options->quiet == false) event_log_warning (hashcat_ctx, " CUDA compute capability version 5.0 (Maxwell) or higher."); } if (device_param->kernel_exec_timeout != 0) { if (user_options->quiet == false) event_log_warning (hashcat_ctx, "* Device #%u: WARNING! Kernel exec timeout is not disabled.", device_id + 1); if (user_options->quiet == false) event_log_warning (hashcat_ctx, " This may cause \"CL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES\" or related errors."); if (user_options->quiet == false) event_log_warning (hashcat_ctx, " To disable the timeout, see: https://hashcat.net/q/timeoutpatch"); } } /** * activate device */ cuda_devices_active++; } CUcontext cuda_context; if (hc_cuCtxCreate (hashcat_ctx, &cuda_context, CU_CTX_SCHED_BLOCKING_SYNC, device_param->cuda_device) == -1) return -1; if (hc_cuCtxSetCurrent (hashcat_ctx, cuda_context) == -1) return -1; // bcrypt optimization? //const int rc_cuCtxSetCacheConfig = hc_cuCtxSetCacheConfig (hashcat_ctx, CU_FUNC_CACHE_PREFER_SHARED); // //if (rc_cuCtxSetCacheConfig == -1) return -1; const int sm = (device_param->sm_major * 10) + device_param->sm_minor; device_param->has_add = (sm >= 12) ? true : false; device_param->has_addc = (sm >= 12) ? true : false; device_param->has_sub = (sm >= 12) ? true : false; device_param->has_subc = (sm >= 12) ? true : false; device_param->has_bfe = (sm >= 20) ? true : false; device_param->has_lop3 = (sm >= 50) ? true : false; device_param->has_mov64 = (sm >= 10) ? true : false; device_param->has_prmt = (sm >= 20) ? true : false; /* #define RUN_INSTRUCTION_CHECKS() \ device_param->has_add = cuda_test_instruction (hashcat_ctx, sm_major, sm_minor, "__global__ void test () { unsigned int r; asm volatile (\"add.cc.u32 %0, 0, 0;\" : \"=r\"(r)); }"); \ device_param->has_addc = cuda_test_instruction (hashcat_ctx, sm_major, sm_minor, "__global__ void test () { unsigned int r; asm volatile (\"addc.cc.u32 %0, 0, 0;\" : \"=r\"(r)); }"); \ device_param->has_sub = cuda_test_instruction (hashcat_ctx, sm_major, sm_minor, "__global__ void test () { unsigned int r; asm volatile (\"sub.cc.u32 %0, 0, 0;\" : \"=r\"(r)); }"); \ device_param->has_subc = cuda_test_instruction (hashcat_ctx, sm_major, sm_minor, "__global__ void test () { unsigned int r; asm volatile (\"subc.cc.u32 %0, 0, 0;\" : \"=r\"(r)); }"); \ device_param->has_bfe = cuda_test_instruction (hashcat_ctx, sm_major, sm_minor, "__global__ void test () { unsigned int r; asm volatile (\"bfe.u32 %0, 0, 0, 0;\" : \"=r\"(r)); }"); \ device_param->has_lop3 = cuda_test_instruction (hashcat_ctx, sm_major, sm_minor, "__global__ void test () { unsigned int r; asm volatile (\"lop3.b32 %0, 0, 0, 0, 0;\" : \"=r\"(r)); }"); \ device_param->has_mov64 = cuda_test_instruction (hashcat_ctx, sm_major, sm_minor, "__global__ void test () { unsigned long long r; unsigned int a; unsigned int b; asm volatile (\"mov.b64 %0, {%1, %2};\" : \"=l\"(r) : \"r\"(a), \"r\"(b)); }"); \ device_param->has_prmt = cuda_test_instruction (hashcat_ctx, sm_major, sm_minor, "__global__ void test () { unsigned int r; asm volatile (\"prmt.b32 %0, 0, 0, 0;\" : \"=r\"(r)); }"); \ if (backend_devices_idx > 0) { hc_device_param_t *device_param_prev = &devices_param[backend_devices_idx - 1]; if (is_same_device_type (device_param, device_param_prev) == true) { device_param->has_add = device_param_prev->has_add; device_param->has_addc = device_param_prev->has_addc; device_param->has_sub = device_param_prev->has_sub; device_param->has_subc = device_param_prev->has_subc; device_param->has_bfe = device_param_prev->has_bfe; device_param->has_lop3 = device_param_prev->has_lop3; device_param->has_mov64 = device_param_prev->has_mov64; device_param->has_prmt = device_param_prev->has_prmt; } else { RUN_INSTRUCTION_CHECKS(); } } else { RUN_INSTRUCTION_CHECKS(); } #undef RUN_INSTRUCTION_CHECKS */ // device_available_mem size_t free = 0; size_t total = 0; if (hc_cuMemGetInfo (hashcat_ctx, &free, &total) == -1) return -1; device_param->device_available_mem = (u64) free; if (hc_cuCtxDestroy (hashcat_ctx, cuda_context) == -1) return -1; } } backend_ctx->cuda_devices_cnt = cuda_devices_cnt; backend_ctx->cuda_devices_active = cuda_devices_active; int opencl_devices_cnt = 0; int opencl_devices_active = 0; if (backend_ctx->ocl) { /** * OpenCL devices: simply push all devices from all platforms into the same device array */ cl_uint opencl_platforms_cnt = backend_ctx->opencl_platforms_cnt; cl_device_id **opencl_platforms_devices = backend_ctx->opencl_platforms_devices; cl_uint *opencl_platforms_devices_cnt = backend_ctx->opencl_platforms_devices_cnt; cl_uint *opencl_platforms_vendor_id = backend_ctx->opencl_platforms_vendor_id; char **opencl_platforms_version = backend_ctx->opencl_platforms_version; for (u32 opencl_platforms_idx = 0; opencl_platforms_idx < opencl_platforms_cnt; opencl_platforms_idx++) { cl_device_id *opencl_platform_devices = opencl_platforms_devices[opencl_platforms_idx]; cl_uint opencl_platform_devices_cnt = opencl_platforms_devices_cnt[opencl_platforms_idx]; cl_uint opencl_platform_vendor_id = opencl_platforms_vendor_id[opencl_platforms_idx]; char *opencl_platform_version = opencl_platforms_version[opencl_platforms_idx]; for (u32 opencl_platform_devices_idx = 0; opencl_platform_devices_idx < opencl_platform_devices_cnt; opencl_platform_devices_idx++, backend_devices_idx++, opencl_devices_cnt++) { const u32 device_id = backend_devices_idx; hc_device_param_t *device_param = &devices_param[device_id]; device_param->device_id = device_id; backend_ctx->backend_device_from_opencl[opencl_devices_cnt] = backend_devices_idx; backend_ctx->backend_device_from_opencl_platform[opencl_platforms_idx][opencl_platform_devices_idx] = backend_devices_idx; device_param->opencl_platform_vendor_id = opencl_platform_vendor_id; device_param->opencl_device = opencl_platform_devices[opencl_platform_devices_idx]; //device_param->opencl_platform = opencl_platform; device_param->is_cuda = false; device_param->is_opencl = true; // check OpenCL version device_param->use_opencl12 = false; device_param->use_opencl20 = false; device_param->use_opencl21 = false; int opencl_version_min = 0; int opencl_version_maj = 0; if (sscanf (opencl_platform_version, "OpenCL %d.%d", &opencl_version_min, &opencl_version_maj) == 2) { if ((opencl_version_min == 1) && (opencl_version_maj == 2)) { device_param->use_opencl12 = true; } else if ((opencl_version_min == 2) && (opencl_version_maj == 0)) { device_param->use_opencl20 = true; } else if ((opencl_version_min == 2) && (opencl_version_maj == 1)) { device_param->use_opencl21 = true; } } size_t param_value_size = 0; // opencl_device_type cl_device_type opencl_device_type; if (hc_clGetDeviceInfo (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_device, CL_DEVICE_TYPE, sizeof (opencl_device_type), &opencl_device_type, NULL) == -1) return -1; opencl_device_type &= ~CL_DEVICE_TYPE_DEFAULT; device_param->opencl_device_type = opencl_device_type; // device_name if (hc_clGetDeviceInfo (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_device, CL_DEVICE_NAME, 0, NULL, ¶m_value_size) == -1) return -1; char *device_name = (char *) hcmalloc (param_value_size); if (hc_clGetDeviceInfo (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_device, CL_DEVICE_NAME, param_value_size, device_name, NULL) == -1) return -1; device_param->device_name = device_name; hc_string_trim_leading (device_param->device_name); hc_string_trim_trailing (device_param->device_name); // device_vendor if (hc_clGetDeviceInfo (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_device, CL_DEVICE_VENDOR, 0, NULL, ¶m_value_size) == -1) return -1; char *opencl_device_vendor = (char *) hcmalloc (param_value_size); if (hc_clGetDeviceInfo (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_device, CL_DEVICE_VENDOR, param_value_size, opencl_device_vendor, NULL) == -1) return -1; device_param->opencl_device_vendor = opencl_device_vendor; cl_uint opencl_device_vendor_id = 0; if (strcmp (opencl_device_vendor, CL_VENDOR_AMD1) == 0) { opencl_device_vendor_id = VENDOR_ID_AMD; } else if (strcmp (opencl_device_vendor, CL_VENDOR_AMD2) == 0) { opencl_device_vendor_id = VENDOR_ID_AMD; } else if (strcmp (opencl_device_vendor, CL_VENDOR_AMD_USE_INTEL) == 0) { opencl_device_vendor_id = VENDOR_ID_AMD_USE_INTEL; } else if (strcmp (opencl_device_vendor, CL_VENDOR_APPLE) == 0) { opencl_device_vendor_id = VENDOR_ID_APPLE; } else if (strcmp (opencl_device_vendor, CL_VENDOR_APPLE_USE_AMD) == 0) { opencl_device_vendor_id = VENDOR_ID_AMD; } else if (strcmp (opencl_device_vendor, CL_VENDOR_APPLE_USE_NV) == 0) { opencl_device_vendor_id = VENDOR_ID_NV; } else if (strcmp (opencl_device_vendor, CL_VENDOR_APPLE_USE_INTEL) == 0) { opencl_device_vendor_id = VENDOR_ID_INTEL_SDK; } else if (strcmp (opencl_device_vendor, CL_VENDOR_INTEL_BEIGNET) == 0) { opencl_device_vendor_id = VENDOR_ID_INTEL_BEIGNET; } else if (strcmp (opencl_device_vendor, CL_VENDOR_INTEL_SDK) == 0) { opencl_device_vendor_id = VENDOR_ID_INTEL_SDK; } else if (strcmp (opencl_device_vendor, CL_VENDOR_MESA) == 0) { opencl_device_vendor_id = VENDOR_ID_MESA; } else if (strcmp (opencl_device_vendor, CL_VENDOR_NV) == 0) { opencl_device_vendor_id = VENDOR_ID_NV; } else if (strcmp (opencl_device_vendor, CL_VENDOR_POCL) == 0) { opencl_device_vendor_id = VENDOR_ID_POCL; } else { opencl_device_vendor_id = VENDOR_ID_GENERIC; } device_param->opencl_device_vendor_id = opencl_device_vendor_id; // device_version if (hc_clGetDeviceInfo (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_device, CL_DEVICE_VERSION, 0, NULL, ¶m_value_size) == -1) return -1; char *opencl_device_version = (char *) hcmalloc (param_value_size); if (hc_clGetDeviceInfo (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_device, CL_DEVICE_VERSION, param_value_size, opencl_device_version, NULL) == -1) return -1; device_param->opencl_device_version = opencl_device_version; // opencl_device_c_version if (hc_clGetDeviceInfo (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_device, CL_DEVICE_OPENCL_C_VERSION, 0, NULL, ¶m_value_size) == -1) return -1; char *opencl_device_c_version = (char *) hcmalloc (param_value_size); if (hc_clGetDeviceInfo (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_device, CL_DEVICE_OPENCL_C_VERSION, param_value_size, opencl_device_c_version, NULL) == -1) return -1; device_param->opencl_device_c_version = opencl_device_c_version; // max_compute_units cl_uint device_processors = 0; if (hc_clGetDeviceInfo (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_device, CL_DEVICE_MAX_COMPUTE_UNITS, sizeof (device_processors), &device_processors, NULL) == -1) return -1; device_param->device_processors = device_processors; // device_global_mem cl_ulong device_global_mem = 0; if (hc_clGetDeviceInfo (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_device, CL_DEVICE_GLOBAL_MEM_SIZE, sizeof (device_global_mem), &device_global_mem, NULL) == -1) return -1; device_param->device_global_mem = device_global_mem; device_param->device_available_mem = 0; // device_maxmem_alloc cl_ulong device_maxmem_alloc = 0; if (hc_clGetDeviceInfo (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_device, CL_DEVICE_MAX_MEM_ALLOC_SIZE, sizeof (device_maxmem_alloc), &device_maxmem_alloc, NULL) == -1) return -1; device_param->device_maxmem_alloc = device_maxmem_alloc; // note we'll limit to 2gb, otherwise this causes all kinds of weird errors because of possible integer overflows in opencl runtimes // testwise disabling that //device_param->device_maxmem_alloc = MIN (device_maxmem_alloc, 0x7fffffff); // max_work_group_size size_t device_maxworkgroup_size = 0; if (hc_clGetDeviceInfo (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_device, CL_DEVICE_MAX_WORK_GROUP_SIZE, sizeof (device_maxworkgroup_size), &device_maxworkgroup_size, NULL) == -1) return -1; device_param->device_maxworkgroup_size = device_maxworkgroup_size; // max_clock_frequency cl_uint device_maxclock_frequency = 0; if (hc_clGetDeviceInfo (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_device, CL_DEVICE_MAX_CLOCK_FREQUENCY, sizeof (device_maxclock_frequency), &device_maxclock_frequency, NULL) == -1) return -1; device_param->device_maxclock_frequency = device_maxclock_frequency; // device_endian_little cl_bool device_endian_little = CL_FALSE; if (hc_clGetDeviceInfo (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_device, CL_DEVICE_ENDIAN_LITTLE, sizeof (device_endian_little), &device_endian_little, NULL) == -1) return -1; if (device_endian_little == CL_FALSE) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "* Device #%u: This device is not little-endian.", device_id + 1); device_param->skipped = true; } // device_available cl_bool device_available = CL_FALSE; if (hc_clGetDeviceInfo (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_device, CL_DEVICE_AVAILABLE, sizeof (device_available), &device_available, NULL) == -1) return -1; if (device_available == CL_FALSE) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "* Device #%u: This device is not available.", device_id + 1); device_param->skipped = true; } // device_compiler_available cl_bool device_compiler_available = CL_FALSE; if (hc_clGetDeviceInfo (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_device, CL_DEVICE_COMPILER_AVAILABLE, sizeof (device_compiler_available), &device_compiler_available, NULL) == -1) return -1; if (device_compiler_available == CL_FALSE) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "* Device #%u: No compiler is available for this device.", device_id + 1); device_param->skipped = true; } // device_execution_capabilities cl_device_exec_capabilities device_execution_capabilities; if (hc_clGetDeviceInfo (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_device, CL_DEVICE_EXECUTION_CAPABILITIES, sizeof (device_execution_capabilities), &device_execution_capabilities, NULL) == -1) return -1; if ((device_execution_capabilities & CL_EXEC_KERNEL) == 0) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "* Device #%u: This device does not support executing kernels.", device_id + 1); device_param->skipped = true; } // device_extensions size_t device_extensions_size; if (hc_clGetDeviceInfo (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_device, CL_DEVICE_EXTENSIONS, 0, NULL, &device_extensions_size) == -1) return -1; char *device_extensions = (char *) hcmalloc (device_extensions_size + 1); if (hc_clGetDeviceInfo (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_device, CL_DEVICE_EXTENSIONS, device_extensions_size, device_extensions, NULL) == -1) return -1; if (strstr (device_extensions, "base_atomics") == 0) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "* Device #%u: This device does not support base atomics.", device_id + 1); device_param->skipped = true; } if (strstr (device_extensions, "byte_addressable_store") == 0) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "* Device #%u: This device does not support byte-addressable store.", device_id + 1); device_param->skipped = true; } hcfree (device_extensions); // device_local_mem_type cl_device_local_mem_type device_local_mem_type; if (hc_clGetDeviceInfo (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_device, CL_DEVICE_LOCAL_MEM_TYPE, sizeof (device_local_mem_type), &device_local_mem_type, NULL) == -1) return -1; device_param->device_local_mem_type = device_local_mem_type; // device_max_constant_buffer_size cl_ulong device_max_constant_buffer_size; if (hc_clGetDeviceInfo (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_device, CL_DEVICE_MAX_CONSTANT_BUFFER_SIZE, sizeof (device_max_constant_buffer_size), &device_max_constant_buffer_size, NULL) == -1) return -1; if (device_local_mem_type == CL_LOCAL) { if (device_max_constant_buffer_size < 65536) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "* Device #%u: This device's constant buffer size is too small.", device_id + 1); device_param->skipped = true; } } // device_local_mem_size cl_ulong device_local_mem_size = 0; if (hc_clGetDeviceInfo (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_device, CL_DEVICE_LOCAL_MEM_SIZE, sizeof (device_local_mem_size), &device_local_mem_size, NULL) == -1) return -1; if (device_local_mem_type == CL_LOCAL) { if (device_local_mem_size < 32768) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "* Device #%u: This device's local mem size is too small.", device_id + 1); device_param->skipped = true; } } device_param->device_local_mem_size = device_local_mem_size; // older POCL version and older LLVM versions are known to fail compiling kernels // we need to inform the user to update // https://github.com/hashcat/hashcat/issues/2344 if (opencl_platform_vendor_id == VENDOR_ID_POCL) { char *pocl_version_ptr = strstr (opencl_platform_version, "pocl "); char *llvm_version_ptr = strstr (opencl_platform_version, "LLVM "); if ((pocl_version_ptr != NULL) && (llvm_version_ptr != NULL)) { bool pocl_skip = false; int pocl_maj = 0; int pocl_min = 0; const int res1 = sscanf (pocl_version_ptr, "pocl %d.%d", &pocl_maj, &pocl_min); if (res1 == 2) { const int pocl_version = (pocl_maj * 100) + pocl_min; if (pocl_version < 105) { pocl_skip = true; } } int llvm_maj = 0; int llvm_min = 0; const int res2 = sscanf (llvm_version_ptr, "LLVM %d.%d", &llvm_maj, &llvm_min); if (res2 == 2) { const int llvm_version = (llvm_maj * 100) + llvm_min; if (llvm_version < 900) { pocl_skip = true; } } if (pocl_skip == true) { if (user_options->force == false) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "* Device #%u: Outdated POCL OpenCL driver detected!", device_id + 1); if (user_options->quiet == false) event_log_warning (hashcat_ctx, "This OpenCL driver has been marked as likely to fail kernel compilation or to produce false negatives."); if (user_options->quiet == false) event_log_warning (hashcat_ctx, "You can use --force to override this, but do not report related errors."); if (user_options->quiet == false) event_log_warning (hashcat_ctx, NULL); device_param->skipped = true; } } } } char *opencl_device_version_lower = hcstrdup (opencl_device_version); lowercase ((u8 *) opencl_device_version_lower, strlen (opencl_device_version_lower)); if ((strstr (opencl_device_version_lower, "neo ")) || (strstr (opencl_device_version_lower, " neo")) || (strstr (opencl_device_version_lower, "beignet ")) || (strstr (opencl_device_version_lower, " beignet")) || (strstr (opencl_device_version_lower, "mesa ")) || (strstr (opencl_device_version_lower, " mesa"))) { // NEO: https://github.com/hashcat/hashcat/issues/2342 // BEIGNET: https://github.com/hashcat/hashcat/issues/2243 // MESA: https://github.com/hashcat/hashcat/issues/2269 if (user_options->force == false) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "* Device #%u: Unstable OpenCL driver detected!", device_id + 1); if (user_options->quiet == false) event_log_warning (hashcat_ctx, "This OpenCL driver has been marked as likely to fail kernel compilation or to produce false negatives."); if (user_options->quiet == false) event_log_warning (hashcat_ctx, "You can use --force to override this, but do not report related errors."); if (user_options->quiet == false) event_log_warning (hashcat_ctx, NULL); device_param->skipped = true; } } hcfree (opencl_device_version_lower); // Since some times we get reports from users about not working hashcat, dropping error messages like: // CL_INVALID_COMMAND_QUEUE and CL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES // Turns out that this is caused by Intel OpenCL runtime handling their GPU devices // Disable such devices unless the user forces to use it // This is successfully workaround with new threading model and new memory management // Tested on Windows 10 // OpenCL.Version.: OpenCL C 2.1 // Driver.Version.: /* #if !defined (__APPLE__) if (opencl_device_type & CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU) { if ((device_param->opencl_device_vendor_id == VENDOR_ID_INTEL_SDK) || (device_param->opencl_device_vendor_id == VENDOR_ID_INTEL_BEIGNET)) { if (user_options->force == false) { if (user_options->quiet == false) event_log_warning (hashcat_ctx, "* Device #%u: Intel's OpenCL runtime (GPU only) is currently broken.", device_id + 1); if (user_options->quiet == false) event_log_warning (hashcat_ctx, " We are waiting for updated OpenCL drivers from Intel."); if (user_options->quiet == false) event_log_warning (hashcat_ctx, " You can use --force to override, but do not report related errors."); device_param->skipped = true; } } } #endif // __APPLE__ */ // skipped if ((backend_ctx->backend_devices_filter & (1ULL << device_id)) == 0) { device_param->skipped = true; } if ((backend_ctx->opencl_device_types_filter & (opencl_device_type)) == 0) { device_param->skipped = true; } // driver_version if (hc_clGetDeviceInfo (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_device, CL_DRIVER_VERSION, 0, NULL, ¶m_value_size) == -1) return -1; char *opencl_driver_version = (char *) hcmalloc (param_value_size); if (hc_clGetDeviceInfo (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_device, CL_DRIVER_VERSION, param_value_size, opencl_driver_version, NULL) == -1) return -1; device_param->opencl_driver_version = opencl_driver_version; // vendor specific if (device_param->opencl_device_type & CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU) { if ((device_param->opencl_platform_vendor_id == VENDOR_ID_AMD) && (device_param->opencl_device_vendor_id == VENDOR_ID_AMD)) { need_adl = true; #if defined (__linux__) need_sysfs = true; #endif } if ((device_param->opencl_platform_vendor_id == VENDOR_ID_NV) && (device_param->opencl_device_vendor_id == VENDOR_ID_NV)) { need_nvml = true; #if defined (_WIN) || defined (__CYGWIN__) need_nvapi = true; #endif } } if (device_param->opencl_device_type & CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU) { if ((device_param->opencl_platform_vendor_id == VENDOR_ID_AMD) && (device_param->opencl_device_vendor_id == VENDOR_ID_AMD)) { cl_device_topology_amd amdtopo; if (hc_clGetDeviceInfo (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_device, CL_DEVICE_TOPOLOGY_AMD, sizeof (amdtopo), &amdtopo, NULL) == -1) return -1; device_param->pcie_bus = amdtopo.pcie.bus; device_param->pcie_device = amdtopo.pcie.device; device_param->pcie_function = amdtopo.pcie.function; } if ((device_param->opencl_platform_vendor_id == VENDOR_ID_NV) && (device_param->opencl_device_vendor_id == VENDOR_ID_NV)) { cl_uint pci_bus_id_nv; // is cl_uint the right type for them?? cl_uint pci_slot_id_nv; if (hc_clGetDeviceInfo (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_device, CL_DEVICE_PCI_BUS_ID_NV, sizeof (pci_bus_id_nv), &pci_bus_id_nv, NULL) == -1) return -1; if (hc_clGetDeviceInfo (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_device, CL_DEVICE_PCI_SLOT_ID_NV, sizeof (pci_slot_id_nv), &pci_slot_id_nv, NULL) == -1) return -1; device_param->pcie_bus = (u8) (pci_bus_id_nv); device_param->pcie_device = (u8) (pci_slot_id_nv >> 3); device_param->pcie_function = (u8) (pci_slot_id_nv & 7); int sm_minor = 0; int sm_major = 0; if (hc_clGetDeviceInfo (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_device, CL_DEVICE_COMPUTE_CAPABILITY_MINOR_NV, sizeof (sm_minor), &sm_minor, NULL) == -1) return -1; if (hc_clGetDeviceInfo (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_device, CL_DEVICE_COMPUTE_CAPABILITY_MAJOR_NV, sizeof (sm_major), &sm_major, NULL) == -1) return -1; device_param->sm_minor = sm_minor; device_param->sm_major = sm_major; cl_uint kernel_exec_timeout = 0; if (hc_clGetDeviceInfo (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_device, CL_DEVICE_KERNEL_EXEC_TIMEOUT_NV, sizeof (kernel_exec_timeout), &kernel_exec_timeout, NULL) == -1) return -1; device_param->kernel_exec_timeout = kernel_exec_timeout; // CPU burning loop damper // Value is given as number between 0-100 // By default 8% device_param->spin_damp = (double) user_options->spin_damp / 100; // recommend CUDA if ((backend_ctx->cuda == NULL) || (backend_ctx->nvrtc == NULL)) { event_log_warning (hashcat_ctx, "* Device #%u: CUDA SDK Toolkit installation NOT detected.", device_id + 1); event_log_warning (hashcat_ctx, " CUDA SDK Toolkit installation required for proper device support and utilization"); event_log_warning (hashcat_ctx, " Falling back to OpenCL Runtime"); event_log_warning (hashcat_ctx, NULL); } } } // common driver check if (device_param->skipped == false) { if ((user_options->force == false) && (user_options->backend_info == false)) { if (opencl_device_type & CL_DEVICE_TYPE_CPU) { if (device_param->opencl_platform_vendor_id == VENDOR_ID_INTEL_SDK) { bool intel_warn = false; // Intel OpenCL runtime 18 int opencl_driver1 = 0; int opencl_driver2 = 0; int opencl_driver3 = 0; int opencl_driver4 = 0; const int res18 = sscanf (device_param->opencl_driver_version, "%d.%d.%d.%d", &opencl_driver1, &opencl_driver2, &opencl_driver3, &opencl_driver4); if (res18 == 4) { // so far all versions 18 are ok } else { // Intel OpenCL runtime 16 float opencl_version = 0; int opencl_build = 0; const int res16 = sscanf (device_param->opencl_device_version, "OpenCL %f (Build %d)", &opencl_version, &opencl_build); if (res16 == 2) { if (opencl_build < 25) intel_warn = true; } } if (intel_warn == true) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "* Device #%u: Outdated or broken Intel OpenCL runtime '%s' detected!", device_id + 1, device_param->opencl_driver_version); event_log_warning (hashcat_ctx, "You are STRONGLY encouraged to use the officially supported Intel OpenCL runtime."); event_log_warning (hashcat_ctx, "See hashcat.net for officially supported Intel OpenCL runtime."); event_log_warning (hashcat_ctx, "See also: https://hashcat.net/faq/wrongdriver"); event_log_warning (hashcat_ctx, "You can use --force to override this, but do not report related errors."); event_log_warning (hashcat_ctx, NULL); return -1; } } } else if (opencl_device_type & CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU) { if (device_param->opencl_platform_vendor_id == VENDOR_ID_AMD) { bool amd_warn = true; #if defined (__linux__) // AMDGPU-PRO Driver 16.40 and higher if (strtoul (device_param->opencl_driver_version, NULL, 10) >= 2117) amd_warn = false; // AMDGPU-PRO Driver 16.50 is known to be broken if (strtoul (device_param->opencl_driver_version, NULL, 10) == 2236) amd_warn = true; // AMDGPU-PRO Driver 16.60 is known to be broken if (strtoul (device_param->opencl_driver_version, NULL, 10) == 2264) amd_warn = true; // AMDGPU-PRO Driver 17.10 is known to be broken if (strtoul (device_param->opencl_driver_version, NULL, 10) == 2348) amd_warn = true; // AMDGPU-PRO Driver 17.20 (2416) is fine, doesn't need check will match >= 2117 #elif defined (_WIN) // AMD Radeon Software 14.9 and higher, should be updated to 15.12 if (strtoul (device_param->opencl_driver_version, NULL, 10) >= 1573) amd_warn = false; #else // we have no information about other os if (amd_warn == true) amd_warn = false; #endif if (amd_warn == true) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "* Device #%u: Outdated or broken AMD driver '%s' detected!", device_id + 1, device_param->opencl_driver_version); event_log_warning (hashcat_ctx, "You are STRONGLY encouraged to use the officially supported AMD driver."); event_log_warning (hashcat_ctx, "See hashcat.net for officially supported AMD drivers."); event_log_warning (hashcat_ctx, "See also: https://hashcat.net/faq/wrongdriver"); event_log_warning (hashcat_ctx, "You can use --force to override this, but do not report related errors."); event_log_warning (hashcat_ctx, NULL); return -1; } } if (device_param->opencl_platform_vendor_id == VENDOR_ID_NV) { int nv_warn = true; int version_maj = 0; int version_min = 0; const int r = sscanf (device_param->opencl_driver_version, "%d.%d", &version_maj, &version_min); if (r == 2) { // nvidia 441.x looks ok if (version_maj == 440) { if (version_min >= 64) { nv_warn = false; } } else { // unknown version scheme, probably new driver version nv_warn = false; } } else { // unknown version scheme, probably new driver version nv_warn = false; } if (nv_warn == true) { event_log_warning (hashcat_ctx, "* Device #%u: Outdated or broken NVIDIA driver '%s' detected!", device_id + 1, device_param->opencl_driver_version); event_log_warning (hashcat_ctx, NULL); event_log_warning (hashcat_ctx, "You are STRONGLY encouraged to use the officially supported NVIDIA driver."); event_log_warning (hashcat_ctx, "See hashcat's homepage for officially supported NVIDIA drivers."); event_log_warning (hashcat_ctx, "See also: https://hashcat.net/faq/wrongdriver"); event_log_warning (hashcat_ctx, "You can use --force to override this, but do not report related errors."); event_log_warning (hashcat_ctx, NULL); return -1; } if (device_param->sm_major < 5) { if (user_options->quiet == false) event_log_warning (hashcat_ctx, "* Device #%u: This hardware has outdated CUDA compute capability (%u.%u).", device_id + 1, device_param->sm_major, device_param->sm_minor); if (user_options->quiet == false) event_log_warning (hashcat_ctx, " For modern OpenCL performance, upgrade to hardware that supports"); if (user_options->quiet == false) event_log_warning (hashcat_ctx, " CUDA compute capability version 5.0 (Maxwell) or higher."); } if (device_param->kernel_exec_timeout != 0) { if (user_options->quiet == false) event_log_warning (hashcat_ctx, "* Device #%u: WARNING! Kernel exec timeout is not disabled.", device_id + 1); if (user_options->quiet == false) event_log_warning (hashcat_ctx, " This may cause \"CL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES\" or related errors."); if (user_options->quiet == false) event_log_warning (hashcat_ctx, " To disable the timeout, see: https://hashcat.net/q/timeoutpatch"); } } } } /** * activate device */ opencl_devices_active++; } /** * create context for each device */ cl_context context; /* cl_context_properties properties[3]; properties[0] = CL_CONTEXT_PLATFORM; properties[1] = (cl_context_properties) device_param->opencl_platform; properties[2] = 0; CL_rc = hc_clCreateContext (hashcat_ctx, properties, 1, &device_param->opencl_device, NULL, NULL, &context); */ if (hc_clCreateContext (hashcat_ctx, NULL, 1, &device_param->opencl_device, NULL, NULL, &context) == -1) return -1; /** * create command-queue */ cl_command_queue command_queue; if (hc_clCreateCommandQueue (hashcat_ctx, context, device_param->opencl_device, 0, &command_queue) == -1) return -1; if ((device_param->opencl_device_type & CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU) && (device_param->opencl_platform_vendor_id == VENDOR_ID_AMD)) { #define RUN_INSTRUCTION_CHECKS() device_param->has_vadd = opencl_test_instruction (hashcat_ctx, context, device_param->opencl_device, "__kernel void test () { uint r1; __asm__ __volatile__ (\"V_ADD_U32 %0, vcc, 0, 0;\" : \"=v\"(r1)); }"); \ device_param->has_vaddc = opencl_test_instruction (hashcat_ctx, context, device_param->opencl_device, "__kernel void test () { uint r1; __asm__ __volatile__ (\"V_ADDC_U32 %0, vcc, 0, 0, vcc;\" : \"=v\"(r1)); }"); \ device_param->has_vadd_co = opencl_test_instruction (hashcat_ctx, context, device_param->opencl_device, "__kernel void test () { uint r1; __asm__ __volatile__ (\"V_ADD_CO_U32 %0, vcc, 0, 0;\" : \"=v\"(r1)); }"); \ device_param->has_vaddc_co = opencl_test_instruction (hashcat_ctx, context, device_param->opencl_device, "__kernel void test () { uint r1; __asm__ __volatile__ (\"V_ADDC_CO_U32 %0, vcc, 0, 0, vcc;\" : \"=v\"(r1)); }"); \ device_param->has_vsub = opencl_test_instruction (hashcat_ctx, context, device_param->opencl_device, "__kernel void test () { uint r1; __asm__ __volatile__ (\"V_SUB_U32 %0, vcc, 0, 0;\" : \"=v\"(r1)); }"); \ device_param->has_vsubb = opencl_test_instruction (hashcat_ctx, context, device_param->opencl_device, "__kernel void test () { uint r1; __asm__ __volatile__ (\"V_SUBB_U32 %0, vcc, 0, 0, vcc;\" : \"=v\"(r1)); }"); \ device_param->has_vsub_co = opencl_test_instruction (hashcat_ctx, context, device_param->opencl_device, "__kernel void test () { uint r1; __asm__ __volatile__ (\"V_SUB_CO_U32 %0, vcc, 0, 0;\" : \"=v\"(r1)); }"); \ device_param->has_vsubb_co = opencl_test_instruction (hashcat_ctx, context, device_param->opencl_device, "__kernel void test () { uint r1; __asm__ __volatile__ (\"V_SUBB_CO_U32 %0, vcc, 0, 0, vcc;\" : \"=v\"(r1)); }"); \ device_param->has_vadd3 = opencl_test_instruction (hashcat_ctx, context, device_param->opencl_device, "__kernel void test () { uint r1; __asm__ __volatile__ (\"V_ADD3_U32 %0, 0, 0, 0;\" : \"=v\"(r1)); }"); \ device_param->has_vbfe = opencl_test_instruction (hashcat_ctx, context, device_param->opencl_device, "__kernel void test () { uint r1; __asm__ __volatile__ (\"V_BFE_U32 %0, 0, 0, 0;\" : \"=v\"(r1)); }"); \ device_param->has_vperm = opencl_test_instruction (hashcat_ctx, context, device_param->opencl_device, "__kernel void test () { uint r1; __asm__ __volatile__ (\"V_PERM_B32 %0, 0, 0, 0;\" : \"=v\"(r1)); }"); \ if (backend_devices_idx > 0) { hc_device_param_t *device_param_prev = &devices_param[backend_devices_idx - 1]; if (is_same_device_type (device_param, device_param_prev) == true) { device_param->has_vadd = device_param_prev->has_vadd; device_param->has_vaddc = device_param_prev->has_vaddc; device_param->has_vadd_co = device_param_prev->has_vadd_co; device_param->has_vaddc_co = device_param_prev->has_vaddc_co; device_param->has_vsub = device_param_prev->has_vsub; device_param->has_vsubb = device_param_prev->has_vsubb; device_param->has_vsub_co = device_param_prev->has_vsub_co; device_param->has_vsubb_co = device_param_prev->has_vsubb_co; device_param->has_vadd3 = device_param_prev->has_vadd3; device_param->has_vbfe = device_param_prev->has_vbfe; device_param->has_vperm = device_param_prev->has_vperm; } else { RUN_INSTRUCTION_CHECKS(); } } else { RUN_INSTRUCTION_CHECKS(); } #undef RUN_INSTRUCTION_CHECKS } if ((device_param->opencl_device_type & CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU) && (device_param->opencl_platform_vendor_id == VENDOR_ID_NV)) { const int sm = (device_param->sm_major * 10) + device_param->sm_minor; device_param->has_add = (sm >= 12) ? true : false; device_param->has_addc = (sm >= 12) ? true : false; device_param->has_sub = (sm >= 12) ? true : false; device_param->has_subc = (sm >= 12) ? true : false; device_param->has_bfe = (sm >= 20) ? true : false; device_param->has_lop3 = (sm >= 50) ? true : false; device_param->has_mov64 = (sm >= 10) ? true : false; device_param->has_prmt = (sm >= 20) ? true : false; /* #define RUN_INSTRUCTION_CHECKS() \ device_param->has_add = opencl_test_instruction (hashcat_ctx, context, device_param->opencl_device, "__kernel void test () { uint r; asm volatile (\"add.cc.u32 %0, 0, 0;\" : \"=r\"(r)); }"); \ device_param->has_addc = opencl_test_instruction (hashcat_ctx, context, device_param->opencl_device, "__kernel void test () { uint r; asm volatile (\"addc.cc.u32 %0, 0, 0;\" : \"=r\"(r)); }"); \ device_param->has_sub = opencl_test_instruction (hashcat_ctx, context, device_param->opencl_device, "__kernel void test () { uint r; asm volatile (\"sub.cc.u32 %0, 0, 0;\" : \"=r\"(r)); }"); \ device_param->has_subc = opencl_test_instruction (hashcat_ctx, context, device_param->opencl_device, "__kernel void test () { uint r; asm volatile (\"subc.cc.u32 %0, 0, 0;\" : \"=r\"(r)); }"); \ device_param->has_bfe = opencl_test_instruction (hashcat_ctx, context, device_param->opencl_device, "__kernel void test () { uint r; asm volatile (\"bfe.u32 %0, 0, 0, 0;\" : \"=r\"(r)); }"); \ device_param->has_lop3 = opencl_test_instruction (hashcat_ctx, context, device_param->opencl_device, "__kernel void test () { uint r; asm volatile (\"lop3.b32 %0, 0, 0, 0, 0;\" : \"=r\"(r)); }"); \ device_param->has_mov64 = opencl_test_instruction (hashcat_ctx, context, device_param->opencl_device, "__kernel void test () { ulong r; uint a; uint b; asm volatile (\"mov.b64 %0, {%1, %2};\" : \"=l\"(r) : \"r\"(a), \"r\"(b)); }"); \ device_param->has_prmt = opencl_test_instruction (hashcat_ctx, context, device_param->opencl_device, "__kernel void test () { uint r; asm volatile (\"prmt.b32 %0, 0, 0, 0;\" : \"=r\"(r)); }"); \ if (backend_devices_idx > 0) { hc_device_param_t *device_param_prev = &devices_param[backend_devices_idx - 1]; if (is_same_device_type (device_param, device_param_prev) == true) { device_param->has_add = device_param_prev->has_add; device_param->has_addc = device_param_prev->has_addc; device_param->has_sub = device_param_prev->has_sub; device_param->has_subc = device_param_prev->has_subc; device_param->has_bfe = device_param_prev->has_bfe; device_param->has_lop3 = device_param_prev->has_lop3; device_param->has_mov64 = device_param_prev->has_mov64; device_param->has_prmt = device_param_prev->has_prmt; } else { RUN_INSTRUCTION_CHECKS(); } } else { RUN_INSTRUCTION_CHECKS(); } #undef RUN_INSTRUCTION_CHECKS */ } // device_available_mem #define MAX_ALLOC_CHECKS_CNT 8192 #define MAX_ALLOC_CHECKS_SIZE (64 * 1024 * 1024) device_param->device_available_mem = device_param->device_global_mem - MAX_ALLOC_CHECKS_SIZE; #if defined (_WIN) if ((device_param->opencl_device_type & CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU) && (device_param->opencl_platform_vendor_id == VENDOR_ID_NV)) #else if ((device_param->opencl_device_type & CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU) && ((device_param->opencl_platform_vendor_id == VENDOR_ID_NV) || (device_param->opencl_platform_vendor_id == VENDOR_ID_AMD))) #endif { // OK, so the problem here is the following: // There's just CL_DEVICE_GLOBAL_MEM_SIZE to ask OpenCL about the total memory on the device, // but there's no way to ask for available memory on the device. // In combination, most OpenCL runtimes implementation of clCreateBuffer() // are doing so called lazy memory allocation on the device. // Now, if the user has X11 (or a game or anything that takes a lot of GPU memory) // running on the host we end up with an error type of this: // clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(): CL_MEM_OBJECT_ALLOCATION_FAILURE // The clEnqueueNDRangeKernel() is because of the lazy allocation // The best way to workaround this problem is if we would be able to ask for available memory, // The idea here is to try to evaluate available memory by allocating it till it errors cl_mem *tmp_device = (cl_mem *) hccalloc (MAX_ALLOC_CHECKS_CNT, sizeof (cl_mem)); u64 c; for (c = 0; c < MAX_ALLOC_CHECKS_CNT; c++) { if (((c + 1 + 1) * MAX_ALLOC_CHECKS_SIZE) >= device_param->device_global_mem) break; cl_int CL_err; OCL_PTR *ocl = (OCL_PTR *) backend_ctx->ocl; tmp_device[c] = ocl->clCreateBuffer (context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, MAX_ALLOC_CHECKS_SIZE, NULL, &CL_err); if (CL_err != CL_SUCCESS) { c--; break; } // transfer only a few byte should be enough to force the runtime to actually allocate the memory u8 tmp_host[8]; if (ocl->clEnqueueReadBuffer (command_queue, tmp_device[c], CL_TRUE, 0, sizeof (tmp_host), tmp_host, 0, NULL, NULL) != CL_SUCCESS) break; if (ocl->clEnqueueWriteBuffer (command_queue, tmp_device[c], CL_TRUE, 0, sizeof (tmp_host), tmp_host, 0, NULL, NULL) != CL_SUCCESS) break; if (ocl->clEnqueueReadBuffer (command_queue, tmp_device[c], CL_TRUE, MAX_ALLOC_CHECKS_SIZE - sizeof (tmp_host), sizeof (tmp_host), tmp_host, 0, NULL, NULL) != CL_SUCCESS) break; if (ocl->clEnqueueWriteBuffer (command_queue, tmp_device[c], CL_TRUE, MAX_ALLOC_CHECKS_SIZE - sizeof (tmp_host), sizeof (tmp_host), tmp_host, 0, NULL, NULL) != CL_SUCCESS) break; } device_param->device_available_mem = MAX_ALLOC_CHECKS_SIZE; if (c > 0) { device_param->device_available_mem *= c; } // clean up for (c = 0; c < MAX_ALLOC_CHECKS_CNT; c++) { if (((c + 1 + 1) * MAX_ALLOC_CHECKS_SIZE) >= device_param->device_global_mem) break; if (tmp_device[c] != NULL) { if (hc_clReleaseMemObject (hashcat_ctx, tmp_device[c]) == -1) return -1; } } hcfree (tmp_device); } hc_clReleaseCommandQueue (hashcat_ctx, command_queue); hc_clReleaseContext (hashcat_ctx, context); } } } backend_ctx->opencl_devices_cnt = opencl_devices_cnt; backend_ctx->opencl_devices_active = opencl_devices_active; // all devices combined go into backend_* variables backend_ctx->backend_devices_cnt = cuda_devices_cnt + opencl_devices_cnt; backend_ctx->backend_devices_active = cuda_devices_active + opencl_devices_active; // find duplicate devices //if ((cuda_devices_cnt > 0) && (opencl_devices_cnt > 0)) //{ // using force here enables both devices, which is the worst possible outcome // many users force by default, so this is not a good idea //if (user_options->force == false) //{ backend_ctx_find_alias_devices (hashcat_ctx); //{ //} if (backend_ctx->backend_devices_active == 0) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "No devices found/left."); return -1; } // now we can calculate the number of parallel running hook threads based on // the number cpu cores and the number of active compute devices // unless overwritten by the user if (user_options->hook_threads == HOOK_THREADS) { const u32 processor_count = hc_get_processor_count (); const u32 processor_count_cu = CEILDIV (processor_count, backend_ctx->backend_devices_active); // should never reach 0 user_options->hook_threads = processor_count_cu; } // additional check to see if the user has chosen a device that is not within the range of available devices (i.e. larger than devices_cnt) if (backend_ctx->backend_devices_filter != (u64) -1) { const u64 backend_devices_cnt_mask = ~(((u64) -1 >> backend_ctx->backend_devices_cnt) << backend_ctx->backend_devices_cnt); if (backend_ctx->backend_devices_filter > backend_devices_cnt_mask) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "An invalid device was specified using the --backend-devices parameter."); event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "The specified device was higher than the number of available devices (%u).", backend_ctx->backend_devices_cnt); return -1; } } backend_ctx->target_msec = TARGET_MSEC_PROFILE[user_options->workload_profile - 1]; backend_ctx->need_adl = need_adl; backend_ctx->need_nvml = need_nvml; backend_ctx->need_nvapi = need_nvapi; backend_ctx->need_sysfs = need_sysfs; backend_ctx->comptime = comptime; return 0; } void backend_ctx_devices_destroy (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx) { backend_ctx_t *backend_ctx = hashcat_ctx->backend_ctx; if (backend_ctx->enabled == false) return; for (u32 opencl_platforms_idx = 0; opencl_platforms_idx < backend_ctx->opencl_platforms_cnt; opencl_platforms_idx++) { hcfree (backend_ctx->opencl_platforms_devices[opencl_platforms_idx]); hcfree (backend_ctx->opencl_platforms_name[opencl_platforms_idx]); hcfree (backend_ctx->opencl_platforms_vendor[opencl_platforms_idx]); hcfree (backend_ctx->opencl_platforms_version[opencl_platforms_idx]); } for (int backend_devices_idx = 0; backend_devices_idx < backend_ctx->backend_devices_cnt; backend_devices_idx++) { hc_device_param_t *device_param = &backend_ctx->devices_param[backend_devices_idx]; if (device_param->skipped == true) continue; hcfree (device_param->device_name); if (device_param->is_opencl == true) { hcfree (device_param->opencl_driver_version); hcfree (device_param->opencl_device_version); hcfree (device_param->opencl_device_c_version); hcfree (device_param->opencl_device_vendor); } } backend_ctx->backend_devices_cnt = 0; backend_ctx->backend_devices_active = 0; backend_ctx->cuda_devices_cnt = 0; backend_ctx->cuda_devices_active = 0; backend_ctx->opencl_devices_cnt = 0; backend_ctx->opencl_devices_active = 0; backend_ctx->need_adl = false; backend_ctx->need_nvml = false; backend_ctx->need_nvapi = false; backend_ctx->need_sysfs = false; } void backend_ctx_devices_sync_tuning (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx) { backend_ctx_t *backend_ctx = hashcat_ctx->backend_ctx; if (backend_ctx->enabled == false) return; for (int backend_devices_cnt_src = 0; backend_devices_cnt_src < backend_ctx->backend_devices_cnt; backend_devices_cnt_src++) { hc_device_param_t *device_param_src = &backend_ctx->devices_param[backend_devices_cnt_src]; if (device_param_src->skipped == true) continue; if (device_param_src->skipped_warning == true) continue; for (int backend_devices_cnt_dst = backend_devices_cnt_src + 1; backend_devices_cnt_dst < backend_ctx->backend_devices_cnt; backend_devices_cnt_dst++) { hc_device_param_t *device_param_dst = &backend_ctx->devices_param[backend_devices_cnt_dst]; if (device_param_dst->skipped == true) continue; if (device_param_dst->skipped_warning == true) continue; if (is_same_device_type (device_param_src, device_param_dst) == false) continue; device_param_dst->kernel_accel = device_param_src->kernel_accel; device_param_dst->kernel_loops = device_param_src->kernel_loops; device_param_dst->kernel_threads = device_param_src->kernel_threads; const u32 hardware_power = device_param_dst->device_processors * device_param_dst->kernel_threads; device_param_dst->hardware_power = hardware_power; const u32 kernel_power = device_param_dst->hardware_power * device_param_dst->kernel_accel; device_param_dst->kernel_power = kernel_power; } } } void backend_ctx_devices_update_power (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx) { backend_ctx_t *backend_ctx = hashcat_ctx->backend_ctx; status_ctx_t *status_ctx = hashcat_ctx->status_ctx; user_options_extra_t *user_options_extra = hashcat_ctx->user_options_extra; user_options_t *user_options = hashcat_ctx->user_options; if (backend_ctx->enabled == false) return; u32 kernel_power_all = 0; for (int backend_devices_idx = 0; backend_devices_idx < backend_ctx->backend_devices_cnt; backend_devices_idx++) { hc_device_param_t *device_param = &backend_ctx->devices_param[backend_devices_idx]; if (device_param->skipped == true) continue; if (device_param->skipped_warning == true) continue; kernel_power_all += device_param->kernel_power; } backend_ctx->kernel_power_all = kernel_power_all; /* * Inform user about possible slow speeds */ if ((user_options_extra->wordlist_mode == WL_MODE_FILE) || (user_options_extra->wordlist_mode == WL_MODE_MASK)) { if (status_ctx->words_base < kernel_power_all) { if (user_options->quiet == false) { event_log_advice (hashcat_ctx, "The wordlist or mask that you are using is too small."); event_log_advice (hashcat_ctx, "This means that hashcat cannot use the full parallel power of your device(s)."); event_log_advice (hashcat_ctx, "Unless you supply more work, your cracking speed will drop."); event_log_advice (hashcat_ctx, "For tips on supplying more work, see: https://hashcat.net/faq/morework"); event_log_advice (hashcat_ctx, NULL); } } } } void backend_ctx_devices_kernel_loops (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx) { combinator_ctx_t *combinator_ctx = hashcat_ctx->combinator_ctx; hashconfig_t *hashconfig = hashcat_ctx->hashconfig; hashes_t *hashes = hashcat_ctx->hashes; mask_ctx_t *mask_ctx = hashcat_ctx->mask_ctx; backend_ctx_t *backend_ctx = hashcat_ctx->backend_ctx; straight_ctx_t *straight_ctx = hashcat_ctx->straight_ctx; user_options_t *user_options = hashcat_ctx->user_options; user_options_extra_t *user_options_extra = hashcat_ctx->user_options_extra; if (backend_ctx->enabled == false) return; for (int backend_devices_idx = 0; backend_devices_idx < backend_ctx->backend_devices_cnt; backend_devices_idx++) { hc_device_param_t *device_param = &backend_ctx->devices_param[backend_devices_idx]; if (device_param->skipped == true) continue; if (device_param->skipped_warning == true) continue; device_param->kernel_loops_min = device_param->kernel_loops_min_sav; device_param->kernel_loops_max = device_param->kernel_loops_max_sav; if (device_param->kernel_loops_min < device_param->kernel_loops_max) { u32 innerloop_cnt = 0; if (hashconfig->attack_exec == ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL) { if (user_options->slow_candidates == true) { innerloop_cnt = 1; } else { if (user_options_extra->attack_kern == ATTACK_KERN_STRAIGHT) innerloop_cnt = MIN (KERNEL_RULES, (u32) straight_ctx->kernel_rules_cnt); else if (user_options_extra->attack_kern == ATTACK_KERN_COMBI) innerloop_cnt = MIN (KERNEL_COMBS, (u32) combinator_ctx->combs_cnt); else if (user_options_extra->attack_kern == ATTACK_KERN_BF) innerloop_cnt = MIN (KERNEL_BFS, (u32) mask_ctx->bfs_cnt); } } else { innerloop_cnt = hashes->salts_buf[0].salt_iter; } if ((innerloop_cnt >= device_param->kernel_loops_min) && (innerloop_cnt <= device_param->kernel_loops_max)) { device_param->kernel_loops_max = innerloop_cnt; } } } } static int get_cuda_kernel_wgs (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, CUfunction function, u32 *result) { int max_threads_per_block; if (hc_cuFuncGetAttribute (hashcat_ctx, &max_threads_per_block, CU_FUNC_ATTRIBUTE_MAX_THREADS_PER_BLOCK, function) == -1) return -1; *result = (u32) max_threads_per_block; return 0; } static int get_cuda_kernel_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, CUfunction function, u64 *result) { int shared_size_bytes; if (hc_cuFuncGetAttribute (hashcat_ctx, &shared_size_bytes, CU_FUNC_ATTRIBUTE_SHARED_SIZE_BYTES, function) == -1) return -1; *result = (u64) shared_size_bytes; return 0; } static int get_cuda_kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, CUfunction function, u64 *result) { // AFAIK there's no way to query the maximum value for dynamic shared memory available (because it depends on kernel code). // let's brute force it, therefore workaround the hashcat wrapper of cuFuncSetAttribute() #define MAX_ASSUMED_SHARED (1024 * 1024) u64 dynamic_shared_size_bytes = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= MAX_ASSUMED_SHARED; i++) { backend_ctx_t *backend_ctx = hashcat_ctx->backend_ctx; CUDA_PTR *cuda = (CUDA_PTR *) backend_ctx->cuda; const CUresult CU_err = cuda->cuFuncSetAttribute (function, CU_FUNC_ATTRIBUTE_MAX_DYNAMIC_SHARED_SIZE_BYTES, i); if (CU_err == CUDA_SUCCESS) { dynamic_shared_size_bytes = i; continue; } break; } *result = dynamic_shared_size_bytes; if (hc_cuFuncSetAttribute (hashcat_ctx, function, CU_FUNC_ATTRIBUTE_MAX_DYNAMIC_SHARED_SIZE_BYTES, 0) == -1) return -1; return 0; } static int get_opencl_kernel_wgs (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, hc_device_param_t *device_param, cl_kernel kernel, u32 *result) { size_t work_group_size = 0; if (hc_clGetKernelWorkGroupInfo (hashcat_ctx, kernel, device_param->opencl_device, CL_KERNEL_WORK_GROUP_SIZE, sizeof (work_group_size), &work_group_size, NULL) == -1) return -1; u32 kernel_threads = (u32) work_group_size; size_t compile_work_group_size[3] = { 0, 0, 0 }; if (hc_clGetKernelWorkGroupInfo (hashcat_ctx, kernel, device_param->opencl_device, CL_KERNEL_COMPILE_WORK_GROUP_SIZE, sizeof (compile_work_group_size), &compile_work_group_size, NULL) == -1) return -1; const size_t cwgs_total = compile_work_group_size[0] * compile_work_group_size[1] * compile_work_group_size[2]; if (cwgs_total > 0) { kernel_threads = MIN (kernel_threads, (u32) cwgs_total); } *result = kernel_threads; return 0; } static int get_opencl_kernel_preferred_wgs_multiple (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, hc_device_param_t *device_param, cl_kernel kernel, u32 *result) { size_t preferred_work_group_size_multiple = 0; if (hc_clGetKernelWorkGroupInfo (hashcat_ctx, kernel, device_param->opencl_device, CL_KERNEL_PREFERRED_WORK_GROUP_SIZE_MULTIPLE, sizeof (preferred_work_group_size_multiple), &preferred_work_group_size_multiple, NULL) == -1) return -1; *result = (u32) preferred_work_group_size_multiple; return 0; } static int get_opencl_kernel_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, hc_device_param_t *device_param, cl_kernel kernel, u64 *result) { cl_ulong local_mem_size = 0; if (hc_clGetKernelWorkGroupInfo (hashcat_ctx, kernel, device_param->opencl_device, CL_KERNEL_LOCAL_MEM_SIZE, sizeof (local_mem_size), &local_mem_size, NULL) == -1) return -1; *result = local_mem_size; return 0; } static int get_opencl_kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, hc_device_param_t *device_param, cl_kernel kernel, u64 *result) { cl_ulong dynamic_local_mem_size = 0; if (hc_clGetKernelWorkGroupInfo (hashcat_ctx, kernel, device_param->opencl_device, CL_KERNEL_LOCAL_MEM_SIZE, sizeof (dynamic_local_mem_size), &dynamic_local_mem_size, NULL) == -1) return -1; // unknown how to query this information in OpenCL // we therefore reset to zero // the above call to hc_clGetKernelWorkGroupInfo() is just to avoid compiler warnings dynamic_local_mem_size = 0; *result = dynamic_local_mem_size; return 0; } static u32 get_kernel_threads (const hc_device_param_t *device_param) { // this is an upper limit, a good start, since our strategy is to reduce thread counts only. u32 kernel_threads_min = device_param->kernel_threads_min; u32 kernel_threads_max = device_param->kernel_threads_max; // the changes we do here are just optimizations, since the module always has priority. const u32 device_maxworkgroup_size = (const u32) device_param->device_maxworkgroup_size; kernel_threads_max = MIN (kernel_threads_max, device_maxworkgroup_size); if (device_param->opencl_device_type & CL_DEVICE_TYPE_CPU) { // for all CPU we just do 1 ... const u32 cpu_prefered_thread_count = 1; kernel_threads_max = MIN (kernel_threads_max, cpu_prefered_thread_count); } else if (device_param->opencl_device_type & CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU) { // for GPU we need to distinguish by vendor if (device_param->opencl_device_vendor_id == VENDOR_ID_INTEL_SDK) { const u32 gpu_prefered_thread_count = 8; kernel_threads_max = MIN (kernel_threads_max, gpu_prefered_thread_count); } else if (device_param->opencl_device_vendor_id == VENDOR_ID_AMD) { const u32 gpu_prefered_thread_count = 64; kernel_threads_max = MIN (kernel_threads_max, gpu_prefered_thread_count); } } // this is intenionally! at this point, kernel_threads_min can be higher than kernel_threads_max. // in this case we actually want kernel_threads_min selected. const u32 kernel_threads = MAX (kernel_threads_min, kernel_threads_max); return kernel_threads; } static bool load_kernel (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, hc_device_param_t *device_param, const char *kernel_name, char *source_file, char *cached_file, const char *build_options_buf, const bool cache_disable, cl_program *opencl_program, CUmodule *cuda_module) { const hashconfig_t *hashconfig = hashcat_ctx->hashconfig; bool cached = true; if (cache_disable == true) { cached = false; } if (hc_path_read (cached_file) == false) { cached = false; } if (hc_path_is_empty (cached_file) == true) { cached = false; } /** * kernel compile or load */ size_t kernel_lengths_buf = 0; size_t *kernel_lengths = &kernel_lengths_buf; char *kernel_sources_buf = NULL; char **kernel_sources = &kernel_sources_buf; if (cached == false) { #if defined (DEBUG) const user_options_t *user_options = hashcat_ctx->user_options; if (user_options->quiet == false) event_log_warning (hashcat_ctx, "* Device #%u: Kernel %s not found in cache! Building may take a while...", device_param->device_id + 1, filename_from_filepath (cached_file)); #endif if (read_kernel_binary (hashcat_ctx, source_file, kernel_lengths, kernel_sources) == false) return false; if (device_param->is_cuda == true) { nvrtcProgram program; if (hc_nvrtcCreateProgram (hashcat_ctx, &program, kernel_sources[0], kernel_name, 0, NULL, NULL) == -1) return false; char **nvrtc_options = (char **) hccalloc (4 + strlen (build_options_buf) + 1, sizeof (char *)); // ... nvrtc_options[0] = "--restrict"; nvrtc_options[1] = "--device-as-default-execution-space"; nvrtc_options[2] = "--gpu-architecture"; hc_asprintf (&nvrtc_options[3], "compute_%d%d", device_param->sm_major, device_param->sm_minor); char *nvrtc_options_string = hcstrdup (build_options_buf); const int num_options = 4 + nvrtc_make_options_array_from_string (nvrtc_options_string, nvrtc_options + 4); const int rc_nvrtcCompileProgram = hc_nvrtcCompileProgram (hashcat_ctx, program, num_options, (const char * const *) nvrtc_options); size_t build_log_size = 0; hc_nvrtcGetProgramLogSize (hashcat_ctx, program, &build_log_size); #if defined (DEBUG) if ((build_log_size > 1) || (rc_nvrtcCompileProgram == -1)) #else if (rc_nvrtcCompileProgram == -1) #endif { char *build_log = (char *) hcmalloc (build_log_size + 1); if (hc_nvrtcGetProgramLog (hashcat_ctx, program, build_log) == -1) return false; puts (build_log); hcfree (build_log); } if (rc_nvrtcCompileProgram == -1) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "* Device #%u: Kernel %s build failed.", device_param->device_id + 1, source_file); return false; } hcfree (nvrtc_options); hcfree (nvrtc_options_string); size_t binary_size = 0; if (hc_nvrtcGetPTXSize (hashcat_ctx, program, &binary_size) == -1) return false; char *binary = (char *) hcmalloc (binary_size); if (hc_nvrtcGetPTX (hashcat_ctx, program, binary) == -1) return false; if (hc_nvrtcDestroyProgram (hashcat_ctx, &program) == -1) return false; #define LOG_SIZE 8192 char *mod_info_log = (char *) hcmalloc (LOG_SIZE + 1); char *mod_error_log = (char *) hcmalloc (LOG_SIZE + 1); int mod_cnt = 6; CUjit_option mod_opts[7]; void *mod_vals[7]; mod_opts[0] = CU_JIT_TARGET_FROM_CUCONTEXT; mod_vals[0] = (void *) 0; mod_opts[1] = CU_JIT_LOG_VERBOSE; mod_vals[1] = (void *) 1; mod_opts[2] = CU_JIT_INFO_LOG_BUFFER; mod_vals[2] = (void *) mod_info_log; mod_opts[3] = CU_JIT_INFO_LOG_BUFFER_SIZE_BYTES; mod_vals[3] = (void *) LOG_SIZE; mod_opts[4] = CU_JIT_ERROR_LOG_BUFFER; mod_vals[4] = (void *) mod_error_log; mod_opts[5] = CU_JIT_ERROR_LOG_BUFFER_SIZE_BYTES; mod_vals[5] = (void *) LOG_SIZE; if (hashconfig->opti_type & OPTI_TYPE_REGISTER_LIMIT) { mod_opts[6] = CU_JIT_MAX_REGISTERS; mod_vals[6] = (void *) 128; mod_cnt++; } #if defined (WITH_CUBIN) char *jit_info_log = (char *) hcmalloc (LOG_SIZE + 1); char *jit_error_log = (char *) hcmalloc (LOG_SIZE + 1); int jit_cnt = 6; CUjit_option jit_opts[7]; void *jit_vals[7]; jit_opts[0] = CU_JIT_TARGET_FROM_CUCONTEXT; jit_vals[0] = (void *) 0; jit_opts[1] = CU_JIT_LOG_VERBOSE; jit_vals[1] = (void *) 1; jit_opts[2] = CU_JIT_INFO_LOG_BUFFER; jit_vals[2] = (void *) jit_info_log; jit_opts[3] = CU_JIT_INFO_LOG_BUFFER_SIZE_BYTES; jit_vals[3] = (void *) LOG_SIZE; jit_opts[4] = CU_JIT_ERROR_LOG_BUFFER; jit_vals[4] = (void *) jit_error_log; jit_opts[5] = CU_JIT_ERROR_LOG_BUFFER_SIZE_BYTES; jit_vals[5] = (void *) LOG_SIZE; if (hashconfig->opti_type & OPTI_TYPE_REGISTER_LIMIT) { jit_opts[6] = CU_JIT_MAX_REGISTERS; jit_vals[6] = (void *) 128; jit_cnt++; } CUlinkState state; if (hc_cuLinkCreate (hashcat_ctx, jit_cnt, jit_opts, jit_vals, &state) == -1) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "* Device #%u: Kernel %s link failed. Error Log:", device_param->device_id + 1, source_file); event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "%s", jit_error_log); event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, NULL); return false; } if (hc_cuLinkAddData (hashcat_ctx, state, CU_JIT_INPUT_PTX, binary, binary_size, kernel_name, 0, NULL, NULL) == -1) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "* Device #%u: Kernel %s link failed. Error Log:", device_param->device_id + 1, source_file); event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "%s", jit_error_log); event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, NULL); return false; } void *cubin = NULL; size_t cubin_size = 0; if (hc_cuLinkComplete (hashcat_ctx, state, &cubin, &cubin_size) == -1) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "* Device #%u: Kernel %s link failed. Error Log:", device_param->device_id + 1, source_file); event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "%s", jit_error_log); event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, NULL); return false; } #if defined (DEBUG) event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "* Device #%u: Kernel %s link successful. Info Log:", device_param->device_id + 1, source_file); event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "%s", jit_info_log); event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, NULL); #endif if (hc_cuModuleLoadDataEx (hashcat_ctx, cuda_module, cubin, mod_cnt, mod_opts, mod_vals) == -1) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "* Device #%u: Kernel %s load failed. Error Log:", device_param->device_id + 1, source_file); event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "%s", mod_error_log); event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, NULL); return false; } #if defined (DEBUG) event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "* Device #%u: Kernel %s load successful. Info Log:", device_param->device_id + 1, source_file); event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "%s", mod_info_log); event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, NULL); #endif if (cache_disable == false) { if (write_kernel_binary (hashcat_ctx, cached_file, cubin, cubin_size) == false) return false; } if (hc_cuLinkDestroy (hashcat_ctx, state) == -1) return false; hcfree (jit_info_log); hcfree (jit_error_log); #else if (hc_cuModuleLoadDataEx (hashcat_ctx, cuda_module, binary, mod_cnt, mod_opts, mod_vals) == -1) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "* Device #%u: Kernel %s load failed. Error Log:", device_param->device_id + 1, source_file); event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "%s", mod_error_log); event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, NULL); return false; } #if defined (DEBUG) event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "* Device #%u: Kernel %s load successful. Info Log:", device_param->device_id + 1, source_file); event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "%s", mod_info_log); event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, NULL); #endif if (cache_disable == false) { if (write_kernel_binary (hashcat_ctx, cached_file, binary, binary_size) == false) return false; } #endif hcfree (mod_info_log); hcfree (mod_error_log); hcfree (binary); } if (device_param->is_opencl == true) { if (hc_clCreateProgramWithSource (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_context, 1, (const char **) kernel_sources, NULL, opencl_program) == -1) return false; const int CL_rc = hc_clBuildProgram (hashcat_ctx, *opencl_program, 1, &device_param->opencl_device, build_options_buf, NULL, NULL); //if (CL_rc == -1) return -1; size_t build_log_size = 0; hc_clGetProgramBuildInfo (hashcat_ctx, *opencl_program, device_param->opencl_device, CL_PROGRAM_BUILD_LOG, 0, NULL, &build_log_size); //if (CL_rc == -1) return -1; #if defined (DEBUG) if ((build_log_size > 1) || (CL_rc == -1)) #else if (CL_rc == -1) #endif { char *build_log = (char *) hcmalloc (build_log_size + 1); const int rc_clGetProgramBuildInfo = hc_clGetProgramBuildInfo (hashcat_ctx, *opencl_program, device_param->opencl_device, CL_PROGRAM_BUILD_LOG, build_log_size, build_log, NULL); if (rc_clGetProgramBuildInfo == -1) return false; puts (build_log); hcfree (build_log); } if (CL_rc == -1) return false; if (cache_disable == false) { size_t binary_size; if (hc_clGetProgramInfo (hashcat_ctx, *opencl_program, CL_PROGRAM_BINARY_SIZES, sizeof (size_t), &binary_size, NULL) == -1) return false; char *binary = (char *) hcmalloc (binary_size); if (hc_clGetProgramInfo (hashcat_ctx, *opencl_program, CL_PROGRAM_BINARIES, sizeof (char *), &binary, NULL) == -1) return false; if (write_kernel_binary (hashcat_ctx, cached_file, binary, binary_size) == false) return false; hcfree (binary); } } } else { if (read_kernel_binary (hashcat_ctx, cached_file, kernel_lengths, kernel_sources) == false) return false; if (device_param->is_cuda == true) { #define LOG_SIZE 8192 char *mod_info_log = (char *) hcmalloc (LOG_SIZE + 1); char *mod_error_log = (char *) hcmalloc (LOG_SIZE + 1); int mod_cnt = 6; CUjit_option mod_opts[7]; void *mod_vals[7]; mod_opts[0] = CU_JIT_TARGET_FROM_CUCONTEXT; mod_vals[0] = (void *) 0; mod_opts[1] = CU_JIT_LOG_VERBOSE; mod_vals[1] = (void *) 1; mod_opts[2] = CU_JIT_INFO_LOG_BUFFER; mod_vals[2] = (void *) mod_info_log; mod_opts[3] = CU_JIT_INFO_LOG_BUFFER_SIZE_BYTES; mod_vals[3] = (void *) LOG_SIZE; mod_opts[4] = CU_JIT_ERROR_LOG_BUFFER; mod_vals[4] = (void *) mod_error_log; mod_opts[5] = CU_JIT_ERROR_LOG_BUFFER_SIZE_BYTES; mod_vals[5] = (void *) LOG_SIZE; if (hashconfig->opti_type & OPTI_TYPE_REGISTER_LIMIT) { mod_opts[6] = CU_JIT_MAX_REGISTERS; mod_vals[6] = (void *) 128; mod_cnt++; } if (hc_cuModuleLoadDataEx (hashcat_ctx, cuda_module, kernel_sources[0], mod_cnt, mod_opts, mod_vals) == -1) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "* Device #%u: Kernel %s load failed. Error Log:", device_param->device_id + 1, source_file); event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "%s", mod_error_log); event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, NULL); return false; } #if defined (DEBUG) event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "* Device #%u: Kernel %s load successful. Info Log:", device_param->device_id + 1, source_file); event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "%s", mod_info_log); event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, NULL); #endif hcfree (mod_info_log); hcfree (mod_error_log); } if (device_param->is_opencl == true) { if (hc_clCreateProgramWithBinary (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_context, 1, &device_param->opencl_device, kernel_lengths, (const unsigned char **) kernel_sources, NULL, opencl_program) == -1) return false; if (hc_clBuildProgram (hashcat_ctx, *opencl_program, 1, &device_param->opencl_device, build_options_buf, NULL, NULL) == -1) return false; } } hcfree (kernel_sources[0]); return true; } int backend_session_begin (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx) { const bitmap_ctx_t *bitmap_ctx = hashcat_ctx->bitmap_ctx; const folder_config_t *folder_config = hashcat_ctx->folder_config; const hashconfig_t *hashconfig = hashcat_ctx->hashconfig; const hashes_t *hashes = hashcat_ctx->hashes; const module_ctx_t *module_ctx = hashcat_ctx->module_ctx; backend_ctx_t *backend_ctx = hashcat_ctx->backend_ctx; const straight_ctx_t *straight_ctx = hashcat_ctx->straight_ctx; const user_options_extra_t *user_options_extra = hashcat_ctx->user_options_extra; const user_options_t *user_options = hashcat_ctx->user_options; if (backend_ctx->enabled == false) return 0; u64 size_total_host_all = 0; u32 hardware_power_all = 0; for (int backend_devices_idx = 0; backend_devices_idx < backend_ctx->backend_devices_cnt; backend_devices_idx++) { /** * host buffer */ hc_device_param_t *device_param = &backend_ctx->devices_param[backend_devices_idx]; if (device_param->skipped == true) continue; EVENT_DATA (EVENT_BACKEND_DEVICE_INIT_PRE, &backend_devices_idx, sizeof (int)); const int device_id = device_param->device_id; /** * module depending checks */ device_param->skipped_warning = false; if (module_ctx->module_unstable_warning != MODULE_DEFAULT) { const bool unstable_warning = module_ctx->module_unstable_warning (hashconfig, user_options, user_options_extra, device_param); if ((unstable_warning == true) && (user_options->force == false)) { event_log_warning (hashcat_ctx, "* Device #%u: Skipping hash-mode %u - known CUDA/OpenCL Runtime/Driver issue (not a hashcat issue)", device_id + 1, hashconfig->hash_mode); event_log_warning (hashcat_ctx, " You can use --force to override, but do not report related errors."); device_param->skipped_warning = true; continue; } } // vector_width int vector_width = 0; if (user_options->backend_vector_width_chgd == false) { // tuning db tuning_db_entry_t *tuningdb_entry; if (user_options->slow_candidates == true) { tuningdb_entry = tuning_db_search (hashcat_ctx, device_param->device_name, device_param->opencl_device_type, 0, hashconfig->hash_mode); } else { tuningdb_entry = tuning_db_search (hashcat_ctx, device_param->device_name, device_param->opencl_device_type, user_options->attack_mode, hashconfig->hash_mode); } if (tuningdb_entry == NULL || tuningdb_entry->vector_width == -1) { if (hashconfig->opti_type & OPTI_TYPE_USES_BITS_64) { if (device_param->is_cuda == true) { // cuda does not support this query vector_width = 1; } if (device_param->is_opencl == true) { if (hc_clGetDeviceInfo (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_device, CL_DEVICE_NATIVE_VECTOR_WIDTH_LONG, sizeof (vector_width), &vector_width, NULL) == -1) return -1; } } else { if (device_param->is_cuda == true) { // cuda does not support this query vector_width = 1; } if (device_param->is_opencl == true) { if (hc_clGetDeviceInfo (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_device, CL_DEVICE_NATIVE_VECTOR_WIDTH_INT, sizeof (vector_width), &vector_width, NULL) == -1) return -1; } } } else { vector_width = (cl_uint) tuningdb_entry->vector_width; } } else { vector_width = user_options->backend_vector_width; } // We can't have SIMD in kernels where we have an unknown final password length // It also turns out that pure kernels (that have a higher register pressure) // actually run faster on scalar GPU (like 1080) without SIMD if ((hashconfig->opti_type & OPTI_TYPE_OPTIMIZED_KERNEL) == 0) { if (device_param->opencl_device_type & CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU) { vector_width = 1; } } if (vector_width > 16) vector_width = 16; device_param->vector_width = vector_width; /** * kernel accel and loops tuning db adjustment */ device_param->kernel_accel_min = hashconfig->kernel_accel_min; device_param->kernel_accel_max = hashconfig->kernel_accel_max; device_param->kernel_loops_min = hashconfig->kernel_loops_min; device_param->kernel_loops_max = hashconfig->kernel_loops_max; device_param->kernel_threads_min = hashconfig->kernel_threads_min; device_param->kernel_threads_max = hashconfig->kernel_threads_max; tuning_db_entry_t *tuningdb_entry = NULL; if (user_options->slow_candidates == true) { tuningdb_entry = tuning_db_search (hashcat_ctx, device_param->device_name, device_param->opencl_device_type, 0, hashconfig->hash_mode); } else { tuningdb_entry = tuning_db_search (hashcat_ctx, device_param->device_name, device_param->opencl_device_type, user_options->attack_mode, hashconfig->hash_mode); } // user commandline option override tuning db // but both have to stay inside the boundaries of the module if (user_options->kernel_accel_chgd == true) { const u32 _kernel_accel = user_options->kernel_accel; if ((_kernel_accel >= device_param->kernel_accel_min) && (_kernel_accel <= device_param->kernel_accel_max)) { device_param->kernel_accel_min = _kernel_accel; device_param->kernel_accel_max = _kernel_accel; } } else { if (tuningdb_entry != NULL) { const u32 _kernel_accel = tuningdb_entry->kernel_accel; if (_kernel_accel) { if ((_kernel_accel >= device_param->kernel_accel_min) && (_kernel_accel <= device_param->kernel_accel_max)) { device_param->kernel_accel_min = _kernel_accel; device_param->kernel_accel_max = _kernel_accel; } } } } if (user_options->kernel_loops_chgd == true) { const u32 _kernel_loops = user_options->kernel_loops; if ((_kernel_loops >= device_param->kernel_loops_min) && (_kernel_loops <= device_param->kernel_loops_max)) { device_param->kernel_loops_min = _kernel_loops; device_param->kernel_loops_max = _kernel_loops; } } else { if (tuningdb_entry != NULL) { u32 _kernel_loops = tuningdb_entry->kernel_loops; if (_kernel_loops) { if (user_options->workload_profile == 1) { _kernel_loops = (_kernel_loops > 8) ? _kernel_loops / 8 : 1; } else if (user_options->workload_profile == 2) { _kernel_loops = (_kernel_loops > 4) ? _kernel_loops / 4 : 1; } if ((_kernel_loops >= device_param->kernel_loops_min) && (_kernel_loops <= device_param->kernel_loops_max)) { device_param->kernel_loops_min = _kernel_loops; device_param->kernel_loops_max = _kernel_loops; } } } } // there's no thread column in tuning db, stick to commandline if defined if (user_options->kernel_threads_chgd == true) { const u32 _kernel_threads = user_options->kernel_threads; if ((_kernel_threads >= device_param->kernel_threads_min) && (_kernel_threads <= device_param->kernel_threads_max)) { device_param->kernel_threads_min = _kernel_threads; device_param->kernel_threads_max = _kernel_threads; } } if (user_options->slow_candidates == true) { } else { // we have some absolute limits for fast hashes (because of limit constant memory), make sure not to overstep if (hashconfig->attack_exec == ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL) { if (user_options_extra->attack_kern == ATTACK_KERN_STRAIGHT) { device_param->kernel_loops_min = MIN (device_param->kernel_loops_min, KERNEL_RULES); device_param->kernel_loops_max = MIN (device_param->kernel_loops_max, KERNEL_RULES); } else if (user_options_extra->attack_kern == ATTACK_KERN_COMBI) { device_param->kernel_loops_min = MIN (device_param->kernel_loops_min, KERNEL_COMBS); device_param->kernel_loops_max = MIN (device_param->kernel_loops_max, KERNEL_COMBS); } else if (user_options_extra->attack_kern == ATTACK_KERN_BF) { device_param->kernel_loops_min = MIN (device_param->kernel_loops_min, KERNEL_BFS); device_param->kernel_loops_max = MIN (device_param->kernel_loops_max, KERNEL_BFS); } } } device_param->kernel_loops_min_sav = device_param->kernel_loops_min; device_param->kernel_loops_max_sav = device_param->kernel_loops_max; /** * device properties */ const u32 device_processors = device_param->device_processors; /** * create context for each device */ if (device_param->is_cuda == true) { if (hc_cuCtxCreate (hashcat_ctx, &device_param->cuda_context, CU_CTX_SCHED_BLOCKING_SYNC, device_param->cuda_device) == -1) return -1; } if (device_param->is_opencl == true) { /* cl_context_properties properties[3]; properties[0] = CL_CONTEXT_PLATFORM; properties[1] = (cl_context_properties) device_param->opencl_platform; properties[2] = 0; CL_rc = hc_clCreateContext (hashcat_ctx, properties, 1, &device_param->opencl_device, NULL, NULL, &device_param->opencl_context); */ if (hc_clCreateContext (hashcat_ctx, NULL, 1, &device_param->opencl_device, NULL, NULL, &device_param->opencl_context) == -1) return -1; /** * create command-queue */ // not supported with NV // device_param->opencl_command_queue = hc_clCreateCommandQueueWithProperties (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_device, NULL); if (hc_clCreateCommandQueue (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_context, device_param->opencl_device, CL_QUEUE_PROFILING_ENABLE, &device_param->opencl_command_queue) == -1) return -1; } /** * create stream for CUDA devices */ if (device_param->is_cuda == true) { if (hc_cuStreamCreate (hashcat_ctx, &device_param->cuda_stream, CU_STREAM_DEFAULT) == -1) return -1; } /** * create events for CUDA devices */ if (device_param->is_cuda == true) { if (hc_cuEventCreate (hashcat_ctx, &device_param->cuda_event1, CU_EVENT_DEFAULT) == -1) return -1; if (hc_cuEventCreate (hashcat_ctx, &device_param->cuda_event2, CU_EVENT_DEFAULT) == -1) return -1; } /** * create input buffers on device : calculate size of fixed memory buffers */ u64 size_root_css = SP_PW_MAX * sizeof (cs_t); u64 size_markov_css = SP_PW_MAX * CHARSIZ * sizeof (cs_t); device_param->size_root_css = size_root_css; device_param->size_markov_css = size_markov_css; u64 size_results = sizeof (u32); device_param->size_results = size_results; u64 size_rules = (u64) straight_ctx->kernel_rules_cnt * sizeof (kernel_rule_t); u64 size_rules_c = (u64) KERNEL_RULES * sizeof (kernel_rule_t); device_param->size_rules = size_rules; device_param->size_rules_c = size_rules_c; u64 size_plains = (u64) hashes->digests_cnt * sizeof (plain_t); u64 size_salts = (u64) hashes->salts_cnt * sizeof (salt_t); u64 size_esalts = (u64) hashes->digests_cnt * hashconfig->esalt_size; u64 size_shown = (u64) hashes->digests_cnt * sizeof (u32); u64 size_digests = (u64) hashes->digests_cnt * (u64) hashconfig->dgst_size; device_param->size_plains = size_plains; device_param->size_digests = size_digests; device_param->size_shown = size_shown; device_param->size_salts = size_salts; device_param->size_esalts = size_esalts; u64 size_combs = KERNEL_COMBS * sizeof (pw_t); u64 size_bfs = KERNEL_BFS * sizeof (bf_t); u64 size_tm = 32 * sizeof (bs_word_t); device_param->size_bfs = size_bfs; device_param->size_combs = size_combs; device_param->size_tm = size_tm; u64 size_st_digests = 1 * hashconfig->dgst_size; u64 size_st_salts = 1 * sizeof (salt_t); u64 size_st_esalts = 1 * hashconfig->esalt_size; device_param->size_st_digests = size_st_digests; device_param->size_st_salts = size_st_salts; device_param->size_st_esalts = size_st_esalts; u64 size_extra_buffer = 4; if (module_ctx->module_extra_buffer_size != MODULE_DEFAULT) { const u64 extra_buffer_size = module_ctx->module_extra_buffer_size (hashconfig, user_options, user_options_extra, hashes, device_param); if (extra_buffer_size == (u64) -1) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "Invalid extra buffer size."); return -1; } device_param->extra_buffer_size = extra_buffer_size; size_extra_buffer = extra_buffer_size; } // kern type u32 kern_type = hashconfig->kern_type; if (module_ctx->module_kern_type_dynamic != MODULE_DEFAULT) { if (user_options->benchmark == true) { } else { void *digests_buf = hashes->digests_buf; salt_t *salts_buf = hashes->salts_buf; void *esalts_buf = hashes->esalts_buf; void *hook_salts_buf = hashes->hook_salts_buf; hashinfo_t **hash_info = hashes->hash_info; hashinfo_t *hash_info_ptr = NULL; if (hash_info) hash_info_ptr = hash_info[0]; kern_type = (u32) module_ctx->module_kern_type_dynamic (hashconfig, digests_buf, salts_buf, esalts_buf, hook_salts_buf, hash_info_ptr); } } // built options const size_t build_options_sz = 4096; char *build_options_buf = (char *) hcmalloc (build_options_sz); int build_options_len = 0; #if defined (_WIN) build_options_len += snprintf (build_options_buf + build_options_len, build_options_sz - build_options_len, "-D KERNEL_STATIC -I OpenCL -I \"%s\" ", folder_config->cpath_real); #else build_options_len += snprintf (build_options_buf + build_options_len, build_options_sz - build_options_len, "-D KERNEL_STATIC -I OpenCL -I %s ", folder_config->cpath_real); #endif /* currently disabled, hangs NEO drivers since 20.09. was required for NEO driver 20.08 to workaround the same issue! we go with the latest version if (device_param->is_opencl == true) { if (device_param->use_opencl12 == true) { build_options_len += snprintf (build_options_buf + build_options_len, build_options_sz - build_options_len, "-cl-std=CL1.2 "); } else if (device_param->use_opencl20 == true) { build_options_len += snprintf (build_options_buf + build_options_len, build_options_sz - build_options_len, "-cl-std=CL2.0 "); } else if (device_param->use_opencl21 == true) { build_options_len += snprintf (build_options_buf + build_options_len, build_options_sz - build_options_len, "-cl-std=CL2.1 "); } } */ // we don't have sm_* on vendors not NV but it doesn't matter #if defined (DEBUG) build_options_len += snprintf (build_options_buf + build_options_len, build_options_sz - build_options_len, "-D LOCAL_MEM_TYPE=%d -D VENDOR_ID=%u -D CUDA_ARCH=%u -D HAS_ADD=%u -D HAS_ADDC=%u -D HAS_SUB=%u -D HAS_SUBC=%u -D HAS_VADD=%u -D HAS_VADDC=%u -D HAS_VADD_CO=%u -D HAS_VADDC_CO=%u -D HAS_VSUB=%u -D HAS_VSUBB=%u -D HAS_VSUB_CO=%u -D HAS_VSUBB_CO=%u -D HAS_VPERM=%u -D HAS_VADD3=%u -D HAS_VBFE=%u -D HAS_BFE=%u -D HAS_LOP3=%u -D HAS_MOV64=%u -D HAS_PRMT=%u -D VECT_SIZE=%d -D DEVICE_TYPE=%u -D DGST_R0=%u -D DGST_R1=%u -D DGST_R2=%u -D DGST_R3=%u -D DGST_ELEM=%u -D KERN_TYPE=%u -D ATTACK_EXEC=%u -D ATTACK_KERN=%u ", device_param->device_local_mem_type, device_param->opencl_platform_vendor_id, (device_param->sm_major * 100) + (device_param->sm_minor * 10), device_param->has_add, device_param->has_addc, device_param->has_sub, device_param->has_subc, device_param->has_vadd, device_param->has_vaddc, device_param->has_vadd_co, device_param->has_vaddc_co, device_param->has_vsub, device_param->has_vsubb, device_param->has_vsub_co, device_param->has_vsubb_co, device_param->has_vperm, device_param->has_vadd3, device_param->has_vbfe, device_param->has_bfe, device_param->has_lop3, device_param->has_mov64, device_param->has_prmt, device_param->vector_width, (u32) device_param->opencl_device_type, hashconfig->dgst_pos0, hashconfig->dgst_pos1, hashconfig->dgst_pos2, hashconfig->dgst_pos3, hashconfig->dgst_size / 4, kern_type, hashconfig->attack_exec, user_options_extra->attack_kern); #else build_options_len += snprintf (build_options_buf + build_options_len, build_options_sz - build_options_len, "-D LOCAL_MEM_TYPE=%d -D VENDOR_ID=%u -D CUDA_ARCH=%u -D HAS_ADD=%u -D HAS_ADDC=%u -D HAS_SUB=%u -D HAS_SUBC=%u -D HAS_VADD=%u -D HAS_VADDC=%u -D HAS_VADD_CO=%u -D HAS_VADDC_CO=%u -D HAS_VSUB=%u -D HAS_VSUBB=%u -D HAS_VSUB_CO=%u -D HAS_VSUBB_CO=%u -D HAS_VPERM=%u -D HAS_VADD3=%u -D HAS_VBFE=%u -D HAS_BFE=%u -D HAS_LOP3=%u -D HAS_MOV64=%u -D HAS_PRMT=%u -D VECT_SIZE=%d -D DEVICE_TYPE=%u -D DGST_R0=%u -D DGST_R1=%u -D DGST_R2=%u -D DGST_R3=%u -D DGST_ELEM=%u -D KERN_TYPE=%u -D ATTACK_EXEC=%u -D ATTACK_KERN=%u -w ", device_param->device_local_mem_type, device_param->opencl_platform_vendor_id, (device_param->sm_major * 100) + (device_param->sm_minor * 10), device_param->has_add, device_param->has_addc, device_param->has_sub, device_param->has_subc, device_param->has_vadd, device_param->has_vaddc, device_param->has_vadd_co, device_param->has_vaddc_co, device_param->has_vsub, device_param->has_vsubb, device_param->has_vsub_co, device_param->has_vsubb_co, device_param->has_vperm, device_param->has_vadd3, device_param->has_vbfe, device_param->has_bfe, device_param->has_lop3, device_param->has_mov64, device_param->has_prmt, device_param->vector_width, (u32) device_param->opencl_device_type, hashconfig->dgst_pos0, hashconfig->dgst_pos1, hashconfig->dgst_pos2, hashconfig->dgst_pos3, hashconfig->dgst_size / 4, kern_type, hashconfig->attack_exec, user_options_extra->attack_kern); #endif build_options_buf[build_options_len] = 0; /* if (device_param->opencl_device_type & CL_DEVICE_TYPE_CPU) { if (device_param->opencl_platform_vendor_id == VENDOR_ID_INTEL_SDK) { strncat (build_options_buf, " -cl-opt-disable", 16); } } */ #if defined (DEBUG) if (user_options->quiet == false) event_log_warning (hashcat_ctx, "* Device #%u: build_options '%s'", device_id + 1, build_options_buf); #endif /** * device_name_chksum */ char *device_name_chksum = (char *) hcmalloc (HCBUFSIZ_TINY); char *device_name_chksum_amp_mp = (char *) hcmalloc (HCBUFSIZ_TINY); const size_t dnclen = snprintf (device_name_chksum, HCBUFSIZ_TINY, "%d-%d-%d-%u-%s-%s-%s-%d-%u", backend_ctx->comptime, backend_ctx->cuda_driver_version, device_param->is_opencl, device_param->opencl_platform_vendor_id, device_param->device_name, device_param->opencl_device_version, device_param->opencl_driver_version, device_param->vector_width, hashconfig->kern_type); const size_t dnclen_amp_mp = snprintf (device_name_chksum_amp_mp, HCBUFSIZ_TINY, "%d-%d-%d-%u-%s-%s-%s", backend_ctx->comptime, backend_ctx->cuda_driver_version, device_param->is_opencl, device_param->opencl_platform_vendor_id, device_param->device_name, device_param->opencl_device_version, device_param->opencl_driver_version); md5_ctx_t md5_ctx; md5_init (&md5_ctx); md5_update (&md5_ctx, (u32 *) device_name_chksum, dnclen); md5_final (&md5_ctx); snprintf (device_name_chksum, HCBUFSIZ_TINY, "%08x", md5_ctx.h[0]); md5_init (&md5_ctx); md5_update (&md5_ctx, (u32 *) device_name_chksum_amp_mp, dnclen_amp_mp); md5_final (&md5_ctx); snprintf (device_name_chksum_amp_mp, HCBUFSIZ_TINY, "%08x", md5_ctx.h[0]); /** * kernel cache */ bool cache_disable = false; // Seems to be completely broken on Apple + (Intel?) CPU // To reproduce set cache_disable to false and run benchmark -b if (device_param->opencl_platform_vendor_id == VENDOR_ID_APPLE) { if (device_param->opencl_device_type & CL_DEVICE_TYPE_CPU) { cache_disable = true; } } if (module_ctx->module_jit_cache_disable != MODULE_DEFAULT) { cache_disable = module_ctx->module_jit_cache_disable (hashconfig, user_options, user_options_extra, hashes, device_param); } /** * shared kernel with no hashconfig dependencies */ { /** * kernel shared source filename */ char source_file[256] = { 0 }; generate_source_kernel_shared_filename (folder_config->shared_dir, source_file); if (hc_path_read (source_file) == false) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "%s: %s", source_file, strerror (errno)); return -1; } /** * kernel shared cached filename */ char cached_file[256] = { 0 }; generate_cached_kernel_shared_filename (folder_config->profile_dir, device_name_chksum_amp_mp, cached_file); const bool rc_load_kernel = load_kernel (hashcat_ctx, device_param, "shared_kernel", source_file, cached_file, build_options_buf, cache_disable, &device_param->opencl_program_shared, &device_param->cuda_module_shared); if (rc_load_kernel == false) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "* Device #%u: Kernel %s build failed.", device_param->device_id + 1, source_file); return -1; } if (device_param->is_cuda == true) { // GPU memset if (hc_cuModuleGetFunction (hashcat_ctx, &device_param->cuda_function_memset, device_param->cuda_module_shared, "gpu_memset") == -1) return -1; if (get_cuda_kernel_wgs (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_function_memset, &device_param->kernel_wgs_memset) == -1) return -1; if (get_cuda_kernel_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_function_memset, &device_param->kernel_local_mem_size_memset) == -1) return -1; if (get_cuda_kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_function_memset, &device_param->kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size_memset) == -1) return -1; device_param->kernel_preferred_wgs_multiple_memset = device_param->cuda_warp_size; //CL_rc = hc_clSetKernelArg (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_kernel_memset, 0, sizeof (cl_mem), device_param->kernel_params_memset[0]); if (CL_rc == -1) return -1; //CL_rc = hc_clSetKernelArg (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_kernel_memset, 1, sizeof (cl_uint), device_param->kernel_params_memset[1]); if (CL_rc == -1) return -1; //CL_rc = hc_clSetKernelArg (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_kernel_memset, 2, sizeof (cl_ulong), device_param->kernel_params_memset[2]); if (CL_rc == -1) return -1; // GPU autotune init if (hc_cuModuleGetFunction (hashcat_ctx, &device_param->cuda_function_atinit, device_param->cuda_module_shared, "gpu_atinit") == -1) return -1; if (get_cuda_kernel_wgs (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_function_atinit, &device_param->kernel_wgs_atinit) == -1) return -1; if (get_cuda_kernel_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_function_atinit, &device_param->kernel_local_mem_size_atinit) == -1) return -1; if (get_cuda_kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_function_atinit, &device_param->kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size_atinit) == -1) return -1; device_param->kernel_preferred_wgs_multiple_atinit = device_param->cuda_warp_size; // CL_rc = hc_clSetKernelArg (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_kernel_atinit, 0, sizeof (cl_mem), device_param->kernel_params_atinit[0]); if (CL_rc == -1) return -1; // CL_rc = hc_clSetKernelArg (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_kernel_atinit, 1, sizeof (cl_ulong), device_param->kernel_params_atinit[1]); if (CL_rc == -1) return -1; // GPU decompress if (hc_cuModuleGetFunction (hashcat_ctx, &device_param->cuda_function_decompress, device_param->cuda_module_shared, "gpu_decompress") == -1) return -1; if (get_cuda_kernel_wgs (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_function_decompress, &device_param->kernel_wgs_decompress) == -1) return -1; if (get_cuda_kernel_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_function_decompress, &device_param->kernel_local_mem_size_decompress) == -1) return -1; if (get_cuda_kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_function_decompress, &device_param->kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size_decompress) == -1) return -1; device_param->kernel_preferred_wgs_multiple_decompress = device_param->cuda_warp_size; } if (device_param->is_opencl == true) { // GPU memset if (hc_clCreateKernel (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_program_shared, "gpu_memset", &device_param->opencl_kernel_memset) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_wgs (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel_memset, &device_param->kernel_wgs_memset) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel_memset, &device_param->kernel_local_mem_size_memset) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel_memset, &device_param->kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size_memset) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_preferred_wgs_multiple (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel_memset, &device_param->kernel_preferred_wgs_multiple_memset) == -1) return -1; // GPU autotune init if (hc_clCreateKernel (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_program_shared, "gpu_atinit", &device_param->opencl_kernel_atinit) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_wgs (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel_atinit, &device_param->kernel_wgs_atinit) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel_atinit, &device_param->kernel_local_mem_size_atinit) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel_atinit, &device_param->kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size_atinit) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_preferred_wgs_multiple (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel_atinit, &device_param->kernel_preferred_wgs_multiple_atinit) == -1) return -1; // GPU decompress if (hc_clCreateKernel (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_program_shared, "gpu_decompress", &device_param->opencl_kernel_decompress) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_wgs (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel_decompress, &device_param->kernel_wgs_decompress) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel_decompress, &device_param->kernel_local_mem_size_decompress) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel_decompress, &device_param->kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size_decompress) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_preferred_wgs_multiple (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel_decompress, &device_param->kernel_preferred_wgs_multiple_decompress) == -1) return -1; } } /** * main kernel */ { char *build_options_module_buf = (char *) hcmalloc (build_options_sz); int build_options_module_len = 0; build_options_module_len += snprintf (build_options_module_buf + build_options_module_len, build_options_sz - build_options_module_len, "%s ", build_options_buf); if (module_ctx->module_jit_build_options != MODULE_DEFAULT) { char *jit_build_options = module_ctx->module_jit_build_options (hashconfig, user_options, user_options_extra, hashes, device_param); if (jit_build_options != NULL) { build_options_module_len += snprintf (build_options_module_buf + build_options_module_len, build_options_sz - build_options_module_len, "%s", jit_build_options); // this is a bit ugly // would be better to have the module return the value as value u32 fixed_local_size = 0; if (sscanf (jit_build_options, "-D FIXED_LOCAL_SIZE=%u", &fixed_local_size) == 1) { device_param->kernel_threads_min = fixed_local_size; device_param->kernel_threads_max = fixed_local_size; } } } build_options_module_buf[build_options_module_len] = 0; #if defined (DEBUG) if (user_options->quiet == false) event_log_warning (hashcat_ctx, "* Device #%u: build_options_module '%s'", device_id + 1, build_options_module_buf); #endif /** * kernel source filename */ char source_file[256] = { 0 }; generate_source_kernel_filename (user_options->slow_candidates, hashconfig->attack_exec, user_options_extra->attack_kern, kern_type, hashconfig->opti_type, folder_config->shared_dir, source_file); if (hc_path_read (source_file) == false) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "%s: %s", source_file, strerror (errno)); return -1; } /** * kernel cached filename */ char cached_file[256] = { 0 }; generate_cached_kernel_filename (user_options->slow_candidates, hashconfig->attack_exec, user_options_extra->attack_kern, kern_type, hashconfig->opti_type, folder_config->profile_dir, device_name_chksum, cached_file); /** * load kernel */ const bool rc_load_kernel = load_kernel (hashcat_ctx, device_param, "main_kernel", source_file, cached_file, build_options_module_buf, cache_disable, &device_param->opencl_program, &device_param->cuda_module); if (rc_load_kernel == false) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "* Device #%u: Kernel %s build failed.", device_param->device_id + 1, source_file); return -1; } hcfree (build_options_module_buf); } /** * word generator kernel */ if (user_options->slow_candidates == true) { } else { if (user_options->attack_mode != ATTACK_MODE_STRAIGHT) { /** * kernel mp source filename */ char source_file[256] = { 0 }; generate_source_kernel_mp_filename (hashconfig->opti_type, hashconfig->opts_type, folder_config->shared_dir, source_file); if (hc_path_read (source_file) == false) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "%s: %s", source_file, strerror (errno)); return -1; } /** * kernel mp cached filename */ char cached_file[256] = { 0 }; generate_cached_kernel_mp_filename (hashconfig->opti_type, hashconfig->opts_type, folder_config->profile_dir, device_name_chksum_amp_mp, cached_file); const bool rc_load_kernel = load_kernel (hashcat_ctx, device_param, "mp_kernel", source_file, cached_file, build_options_buf, cache_disable, &device_param->opencl_program_mp, &device_param->cuda_module_mp); if (rc_load_kernel == false) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "* Device #%u: Kernel %s build failed.", device_param->device_id + 1, source_file); return -1; } } } /** * amplifier kernel */ if (user_options->slow_candidates == true) { } else { if (hashconfig->attack_exec == ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL) { } else { /** * kernel amp source filename */ char source_file[256] = { 0 }; generate_source_kernel_amp_filename (user_options_extra->attack_kern, folder_config->shared_dir, source_file); if (hc_path_read (source_file) == false) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "%s: %s", source_file, strerror (errno)); return -1; } /** * kernel amp cached filename */ char cached_file[256] = { 0 }; generate_cached_kernel_amp_filename (user_options_extra->attack_kern, folder_config->profile_dir, device_name_chksum_amp_mp, cached_file); const bool rc_load_kernel = load_kernel (hashcat_ctx, device_param, "amp_kernel", source_file, cached_file, build_options_buf, cache_disable, &device_param->opencl_program_amp, &device_param->cuda_module_amp); if (rc_load_kernel == false) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "* Device #%u: Kernel %s build failed.", device_param->device_id + 1, source_file); return -1; } hcfree (build_options_buf); } } hcfree (device_name_chksum); hcfree (device_name_chksum_amp_mp); // some algorithm collide too fast, make that impossible if (user_options->benchmark == true) { ((u32 *) hashes->digests_buf)[0] = -1U; ((u32 *) hashes->digests_buf)[1] = -1U; ((u32 *) hashes->digests_buf)[2] = -1U; ((u32 *) hashes->digests_buf)[3] = -1U; } /** * global buffers */ const u64 size_total_fixed = bitmap_ctx->bitmap_size + bitmap_ctx->bitmap_size + bitmap_ctx->bitmap_size + bitmap_ctx->bitmap_size + bitmap_ctx->bitmap_size + bitmap_ctx->bitmap_size + bitmap_ctx->bitmap_size + bitmap_ctx->bitmap_size + size_plains + size_digests + size_shown + size_salts + size_results + size_extra_buffer + size_st_digests + size_st_salts + size_st_esalts + size_esalts + size_markov_css + size_root_css + size_rules + size_rules_c + size_tm; if (size_total_fixed > device_param->device_available_mem) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "* Device #%u: Not enough allocatable device memory for this hashlist and/or ruleset.", device_id + 1); return -1; } if (device_param->is_cuda == true) { if (hc_cuMemAlloc (hashcat_ctx, &device_param->cuda_d_bitmap_s1_a, bitmap_ctx->bitmap_size) == -1) return -1; if (hc_cuMemAlloc (hashcat_ctx, &device_param->cuda_d_bitmap_s1_b, bitmap_ctx->bitmap_size) == -1) return -1; if (hc_cuMemAlloc (hashcat_ctx, &device_param->cuda_d_bitmap_s1_c, bitmap_ctx->bitmap_size) == -1) return -1; if (hc_cuMemAlloc (hashcat_ctx, &device_param->cuda_d_bitmap_s1_d, bitmap_ctx->bitmap_size) == -1) return -1; if (hc_cuMemAlloc (hashcat_ctx, &device_param->cuda_d_bitmap_s2_a, bitmap_ctx->bitmap_size) == -1) return -1; if (hc_cuMemAlloc (hashcat_ctx, &device_param->cuda_d_bitmap_s2_b, bitmap_ctx->bitmap_size) == -1) return -1; if (hc_cuMemAlloc (hashcat_ctx, &device_param->cuda_d_bitmap_s2_c, bitmap_ctx->bitmap_size) == -1) return -1; if (hc_cuMemAlloc (hashcat_ctx, &device_param->cuda_d_bitmap_s2_d, bitmap_ctx->bitmap_size) == -1) return -1; if (hc_cuMemAlloc (hashcat_ctx, &device_param->cuda_d_plain_bufs, size_plains) == -1) return -1; if (hc_cuMemAlloc (hashcat_ctx, &device_param->cuda_d_digests_buf, size_digests) == -1) return -1; if (hc_cuMemAlloc (hashcat_ctx, &device_param->cuda_d_digests_shown, size_shown) == -1) return -1; if (hc_cuMemAlloc (hashcat_ctx, &device_param->cuda_d_salt_bufs, size_salts) == -1) return -1; if (hc_cuMemAlloc (hashcat_ctx, &device_param->cuda_d_result, size_results) == -1) return -1; if (hc_cuMemAlloc (hashcat_ctx, &device_param->cuda_d_extra0_buf, size_extra_buffer / 4) == -1) return -1; if (hc_cuMemAlloc (hashcat_ctx, &device_param->cuda_d_extra1_buf, size_extra_buffer / 4) == -1) return -1; if (hc_cuMemAlloc (hashcat_ctx, &device_param->cuda_d_extra2_buf, size_extra_buffer / 4) == -1) return -1; if (hc_cuMemAlloc (hashcat_ctx, &device_param->cuda_d_extra3_buf, size_extra_buffer / 4) == -1) return -1; if (hc_cuMemAlloc (hashcat_ctx, &device_param->cuda_d_st_digests_buf, size_st_digests) == -1) return -1; if (hc_cuMemAlloc (hashcat_ctx, &device_param->cuda_d_st_salts_buf, size_st_salts) == -1) return -1; if (hc_cuMemcpyHtoD (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_d_bitmap_s1_a, bitmap_ctx->bitmap_s1_a, bitmap_ctx->bitmap_size) == -1) return -1; if (hc_cuMemcpyHtoD (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_d_bitmap_s1_b, bitmap_ctx->bitmap_s1_b, bitmap_ctx->bitmap_size) == -1) return -1; if (hc_cuMemcpyHtoD (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_d_bitmap_s1_c, bitmap_ctx->bitmap_s1_c, bitmap_ctx->bitmap_size) == -1) return -1; if (hc_cuMemcpyHtoD (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_d_bitmap_s1_d, bitmap_ctx->bitmap_s1_d, bitmap_ctx->bitmap_size) == -1) return -1; if (hc_cuMemcpyHtoD (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_d_bitmap_s2_a, bitmap_ctx->bitmap_s2_a, bitmap_ctx->bitmap_size) == -1) return -1; if (hc_cuMemcpyHtoD (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_d_bitmap_s2_b, bitmap_ctx->bitmap_s2_b, bitmap_ctx->bitmap_size) == -1) return -1; if (hc_cuMemcpyHtoD (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_d_bitmap_s2_c, bitmap_ctx->bitmap_s2_c, bitmap_ctx->bitmap_size) == -1) return -1; if (hc_cuMemcpyHtoD (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_d_bitmap_s2_d, bitmap_ctx->bitmap_s2_d, bitmap_ctx->bitmap_size) == -1) return -1; if (hc_cuMemcpyHtoD (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_d_digests_buf, hashes->digests_buf, size_digests) == -1) return -1; if (hc_cuMemcpyHtoD (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_d_salt_bufs, hashes->salts_buf, size_salts) == -1) return -1; /** * special buffers */ if (user_options->slow_candidates == true) { if (hc_cuMemAlloc (hashcat_ctx, &device_param->cuda_d_rules_c, size_rules_c) == -1) return -1; } else { if (user_options_extra->attack_kern == ATTACK_KERN_STRAIGHT) { if (hc_cuMemAlloc (hashcat_ctx, &device_param->cuda_d_rules, size_rules) == -1) return -1; if (hashconfig->attack_exec == ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL) { size_t dummy = 0; if (hc_cuModuleGetGlobal (hashcat_ctx, &device_param->cuda_d_rules_c, &dummy, device_param->cuda_module, "generic_constant") == -1) return -1; } else { if (hc_cuMemAlloc (hashcat_ctx, &device_param->cuda_d_rules_c, size_rules_c) == -1) return -1; } if (hc_cuMemcpyHtoD (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_d_rules, straight_ctx->kernel_rules_buf, size_rules) == -1) return -1; } else if (user_options_extra->attack_kern == ATTACK_KERN_COMBI) { if (hc_cuMemAlloc (hashcat_ctx, &device_param->cuda_d_combs, size_combs) == -1) return -1; if (hc_cuMemAlloc (hashcat_ctx, &device_param->cuda_d_combs_c, size_combs) == -1) return -1; if (hc_cuMemAlloc (hashcat_ctx, &device_param->cuda_d_root_css_buf, size_root_css) == -1) return -1; if (hc_cuMemAlloc (hashcat_ctx, &device_param->cuda_d_markov_css_buf, size_markov_css) == -1) return -1; } else if (user_options_extra->attack_kern == ATTACK_KERN_BF) { if (hc_cuMemAlloc (hashcat_ctx, &device_param->cuda_d_bfs, size_bfs) == -1) return -1; if (hc_cuMemAlloc (hashcat_ctx, &device_param->cuda_d_root_css_buf, size_root_css) == -1) return -1; if (hc_cuMemAlloc (hashcat_ctx, &device_param->cuda_d_markov_css_buf, size_markov_css) == -1) return -1; if (hashconfig->attack_exec == ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL) { size_t dummy = 0; if (hc_cuModuleGetGlobal (hashcat_ctx, &device_param->cuda_d_bfs_c, &dummy, device_param->cuda_module, "generic_constant") == -1) return -1; if (hc_cuMemAlloc (hashcat_ctx, &device_param->cuda_d_tm_c, size_tm) == -1) return -1; } else { if (hc_cuMemAlloc (hashcat_ctx, &device_param->cuda_d_bfs_c, size_bfs) == -1) return -1; if (hc_cuMemAlloc (hashcat_ctx, &device_param->cuda_d_tm_c, size_tm) == -1) return -1; } } } if (size_esalts) { if (hc_cuMemAlloc (hashcat_ctx, &device_param->cuda_d_esalt_bufs, size_esalts) == -1) return -1; if (hc_cuMemcpyHtoD (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_d_esalt_bufs, hashes->esalts_buf, size_esalts) == -1) return -1; } if (hashconfig->st_hash != NULL) { if (hc_cuMemcpyHtoD (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_d_st_digests_buf, hashes->st_digests_buf, size_st_digests) == -1) return -1; if (hc_cuMemcpyHtoD (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_d_st_salts_buf, hashes->st_salts_buf, size_st_salts) == -1) return -1; if (size_esalts) { if (hc_cuMemAlloc (hashcat_ctx, &device_param->cuda_d_st_esalts_buf, size_st_esalts) == -1) return -1; if (hc_cuMemcpyHtoD (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_d_st_esalts_buf, hashes->st_esalts_buf, size_st_esalts) == -1) return -1; } } } if (device_param->is_opencl == true) { if (hc_clCreateBuffer (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_context, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, bitmap_ctx->bitmap_size, NULL, &device_param->opencl_d_bitmap_s1_a) == -1) return -1; if (hc_clCreateBuffer (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_context, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, bitmap_ctx->bitmap_size, NULL, &device_param->opencl_d_bitmap_s1_b) == -1) return -1; if (hc_clCreateBuffer (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_context, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, bitmap_ctx->bitmap_size, NULL, &device_param->opencl_d_bitmap_s1_c) == -1) return -1; if (hc_clCreateBuffer (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_context, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, bitmap_ctx->bitmap_size, NULL, &device_param->opencl_d_bitmap_s1_d) == -1) return -1; if (hc_clCreateBuffer (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_context, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, bitmap_ctx->bitmap_size, NULL, &device_param->opencl_d_bitmap_s2_a) == -1) return -1; if (hc_clCreateBuffer (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_context, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, bitmap_ctx->bitmap_size, NULL, &device_param->opencl_d_bitmap_s2_b) == -1) return -1; if (hc_clCreateBuffer (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_context, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, bitmap_ctx->bitmap_size, NULL, &device_param->opencl_d_bitmap_s2_c) == -1) return -1; if (hc_clCreateBuffer (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_context, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, bitmap_ctx->bitmap_size, NULL, &device_param->opencl_d_bitmap_s2_d) == -1) return -1; if (hc_clCreateBuffer (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, size_plains, NULL, &device_param->opencl_d_plain_bufs) == -1) return -1; if (hc_clCreateBuffer (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_context, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, size_digests, NULL, &device_param->opencl_d_digests_buf) == -1) return -1; if (hc_clCreateBuffer (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, size_shown, NULL, &device_param->opencl_d_digests_shown) == -1) return -1; if (hc_clCreateBuffer (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_context, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, size_salts, NULL, &device_param->opencl_d_salt_bufs) == -1) return -1; if (hc_clCreateBuffer (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, size_results, NULL, &device_param->opencl_d_result) == -1) return -1; if (hc_clCreateBuffer (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, size_extra_buffer / 4, NULL, &device_param->opencl_d_extra0_buf) == -1) return -1; if (hc_clCreateBuffer (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, size_extra_buffer / 4, NULL, &device_param->opencl_d_extra1_buf) == -1) return -1; if (hc_clCreateBuffer (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, size_extra_buffer / 4, NULL, &device_param->opencl_d_extra2_buf) == -1) return -1; if (hc_clCreateBuffer (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, size_extra_buffer / 4, NULL, &device_param->opencl_d_extra3_buf) == -1) return -1; if (hc_clCreateBuffer (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_context, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, size_st_digests, NULL, &device_param->opencl_d_st_digests_buf) == -1) return -1; if (hc_clCreateBuffer (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_context, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, size_st_salts, NULL, &device_param->opencl_d_st_salts_buf) == -1) return -1; if (hc_clEnqueueWriteBuffer (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_command_queue, device_param->opencl_d_bitmap_s1_a, CL_TRUE, 0, bitmap_ctx->bitmap_size, bitmap_ctx->bitmap_s1_a, 0, NULL, NULL) == -1) return -1; if (hc_clEnqueueWriteBuffer (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_command_queue, device_param->opencl_d_bitmap_s1_b, CL_TRUE, 0, bitmap_ctx->bitmap_size, bitmap_ctx->bitmap_s1_b, 0, NULL, NULL) == -1) return -1; if (hc_clEnqueueWriteBuffer (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_command_queue, device_param->opencl_d_bitmap_s1_c, CL_TRUE, 0, bitmap_ctx->bitmap_size, bitmap_ctx->bitmap_s1_c, 0, NULL, NULL) == -1) return -1; if (hc_clEnqueueWriteBuffer (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_command_queue, device_param->opencl_d_bitmap_s1_d, CL_TRUE, 0, bitmap_ctx->bitmap_size, bitmap_ctx->bitmap_s1_d, 0, NULL, NULL) == -1) return -1; if (hc_clEnqueueWriteBuffer (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_command_queue, device_param->opencl_d_bitmap_s2_a, CL_TRUE, 0, bitmap_ctx->bitmap_size, bitmap_ctx->bitmap_s2_a, 0, NULL, NULL) == -1) return -1; if (hc_clEnqueueWriteBuffer (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_command_queue, device_param->opencl_d_bitmap_s2_b, CL_TRUE, 0, bitmap_ctx->bitmap_size, bitmap_ctx->bitmap_s2_b, 0, NULL, NULL) == -1) return -1; if (hc_clEnqueueWriteBuffer (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_command_queue, device_param->opencl_d_bitmap_s2_c, CL_TRUE, 0, bitmap_ctx->bitmap_size, bitmap_ctx->bitmap_s2_c, 0, NULL, NULL) == -1) return -1; if (hc_clEnqueueWriteBuffer (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_command_queue, device_param->opencl_d_bitmap_s2_d, CL_TRUE, 0, bitmap_ctx->bitmap_size, bitmap_ctx->bitmap_s2_d, 0, NULL, NULL) == -1) return -1; if (hc_clEnqueueWriteBuffer (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_command_queue, device_param->opencl_d_digests_buf, CL_TRUE, 0, size_digests, hashes->digests_buf, 0, NULL, NULL) == -1) return -1; if (hc_clEnqueueWriteBuffer (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_command_queue, device_param->opencl_d_salt_bufs, CL_TRUE, 0, size_salts, hashes->salts_buf, 0, NULL, NULL) == -1) return -1; /** * special buffers */ if (user_options->slow_candidates == true) { if (hc_clCreateBuffer (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_context, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, size_rules_c, NULL, &device_param->opencl_d_rules_c) == -1) return -1; } else { if (user_options_extra->attack_kern == ATTACK_KERN_STRAIGHT) { if (hc_clCreateBuffer (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_context, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, size_rules, NULL, &device_param->opencl_d_rules) == -1) return -1; if (hc_clCreateBuffer (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_context, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, size_rules_c, NULL, &device_param->opencl_d_rules_c) == -1) return -1; if (hc_clEnqueueWriteBuffer (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_command_queue, device_param->opencl_d_rules, CL_TRUE, 0, size_rules, straight_ctx->kernel_rules_buf, 0, NULL, NULL) == -1) return -1; } else if (user_options_extra->attack_kern == ATTACK_KERN_COMBI) { if (hc_clCreateBuffer (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_context, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, size_combs, NULL, &device_param->opencl_d_combs) == -1) return -1; if (hc_clCreateBuffer (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_context, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, size_combs, NULL, &device_param->opencl_d_combs_c) == -1) return -1; if (hc_clCreateBuffer (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_context, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, size_root_css, NULL, &device_param->opencl_d_root_css_buf) == -1) return -1; if (hc_clCreateBuffer (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_context, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, size_markov_css, NULL, &device_param->opencl_d_markov_css_buf) == -1) return -1; } else if (user_options_extra->attack_kern == ATTACK_KERN_BF) { if (hc_clCreateBuffer (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_context, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, size_bfs, NULL, &device_param->opencl_d_bfs) == -1) return -1; if (hc_clCreateBuffer (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_context, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, size_bfs, NULL, &device_param->opencl_d_bfs_c) == -1) return -1; if (hc_clCreateBuffer (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_context, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, size_tm, NULL, &device_param->opencl_d_tm_c) == -1) return -1; if (hc_clCreateBuffer (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_context, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, size_root_css, NULL, &device_param->opencl_d_root_css_buf) == -1) return -1; if (hc_clCreateBuffer (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_context, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, size_markov_css, NULL, &device_param->opencl_d_markov_css_buf) == -1) return -1; } } if (size_esalts) { if (hc_clCreateBuffer (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_context, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, size_esalts, NULL, &device_param->opencl_d_esalt_bufs) == -1) return -1; if (hc_clEnqueueWriteBuffer (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_command_queue, device_param->opencl_d_esalt_bufs, CL_TRUE, 0, size_esalts, hashes->esalts_buf, 0, NULL, NULL) == -1) return -1; } if (hashconfig->st_hash != NULL) { if (hc_clEnqueueWriteBuffer (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_command_queue, device_param->opencl_d_st_digests_buf, CL_TRUE, 0, size_st_digests, hashes->st_digests_buf, 0, NULL, NULL) == -1) return -1; if (hc_clEnqueueWriteBuffer (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_command_queue, device_param->opencl_d_st_salts_buf, CL_TRUE, 0, size_st_salts, hashes->st_salts_buf, 0, NULL, NULL) == -1) return -1; if (size_esalts) { if (hc_clCreateBuffer (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_context, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, size_st_esalts, NULL, &device_param->opencl_d_st_esalts_buf) == -1) return -1; if (hc_clEnqueueWriteBuffer (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_command_queue, device_param->opencl_d_st_esalts_buf, CL_TRUE, 0, size_st_esalts, hashes->st_esalts_buf, 0, NULL, NULL) == -1) return -1; } } } /** * kernel args */ device_param->kernel_params_buf32[24] = bitmap_ctx->bitmap_mask; device_param->kernel_params_buf32[25] = bitmap_ctx->bitmap_shift1; device_param->kernel_params_buf32[26] = bitmap_ctx->bitmap_shift2; device_param->kernel_params_buf32[27] = 0; // salt_pos device_param->kernel_params_buf32[28] = 0; // loop_pos device_param->kernel_params_buf32[29] = 0; // loop_cnt device_param->kernel_params_buf32[30] = 0; // kernel_rules_cnt device_param->kernel_params_buf32[31] = 0; // digests_cnt device_param->kernel_params_buf32[32] = 0; // digests_offset device_param->kernel_params_buf32[33] = 0; // combs_mode device_param->kernel_params_buf64[34] = 0; // gid_max if (device_param->is_cuda == true) { device_param->kernel_params[ 0] = NULL; // &device_param->cuda_d_pws_buf; device_param->kernel_params[ 1] = &device_param->cuda_d_rules_c; device_param->kernel_params[ 2] = &device_param->cuda_d_combs_c; device_param->kernel_params[ 3] = &device_param->cuda_d_bfs_c; device_param->kernel_params[ 4] = NULL; // &device_param->cuda_d_tmps; device_param->kernel_params[ 5] = NULL; // &device_param->cuda_d_hooks; device_param->kernel_params[ 6] = &device_param->cuda_d_bitmap_s1_a; device_param->kernel_params[ 7] = &device_param->cuda_d_bitmap_s1_b; device_param->kernel_params[ 8] = &device_param->cuda_d_bitmap_s1_c; device_param->kernel_params[ 9] = &device_param->cuda_d_bitmap_s1_d; device_param->kernel_params[10] = &device_param->cuda_d_bitmap_s2_a; device_param->kernel_params[11] = &device_param->cuda_d_bitmap_s2_b; device_param->kernel_params[12] = &device_param->cuda_d_bitmap_s2_c; device_param->kernel_params[13] = &device_param->cuda_d_bitmap_s2_d; device_param->kernel_params[14] = &device_param->cuda_d_plain_bufs; device_param->kernel_params[15] = &device_param->cuda_d_digests_buf; device_param->kernel_params[16] = &device_param->cuda_d_digests_shown; device_param->kernel_params[17] = &device_param->cuda_d_salt_bufs; device_param->kernel_params[18] = &device_param->cuda_d_esalt_bufs; device_param->kernel_params[19] = &device_param->cuda_d_result; device_param->kernel_params[20] = &device_param->cuda_d_extra0_buf; device_param->kernel_params[21] = &device_param->cuda_d_extra1_buf; device_param->kernel_params[22] = &device_param->cuda_d_extra2_buf; device_param->kernel_params[23] = &device_param->cuda_d_extra3_buf; } if (device_param->is_opencl == true) { device_param->kernel_params[ 0] = NULL; // &device_param->opencl_d_pws_buf; device_param->kernel_params[ 1] = &device_param->opencl_d_rules_c; device_param->kernel_params[ 2] = &device_param->opencl_d_combs_c; device_param->kernel_params[ 3] = &device_param->opencl_d_bfs_c; device_param->kernel_params[ 4] = NULL; // &device_param->opencl_d_tmps; device_param->kernel_params[ 5] = NULL; // &device_param->opencl_d_hooks; device_param->kernel_params[ 6] = &device_param->opencl_d_bitmap_s1_a; device_param->kernel_params[ 7] = &device_param->opencl_d_bitmap_s1_b; device_param->kernel_params[ 8] = &device_param->opencl_d_bitmap_s1_c; device_param->kernel_params[ 9] = &device_param->opencl_d_bitmap_s1_d; device_param->kernel_params[10] = &device_param->opencl_d_bitmap_s2_a; device_param->kernel_params[11] = &device_param->opencl_d_bitmap_s2_b; device_param->kernel_params[12] = &device_param->opencl_d_bitmap_s2_c; device_param->kernel_params[13] = &device_param->opencl_d_bitmap_s2_d; device_param->kernel_params[14] = &device_param->opencl_d_plain_bufs; device_param->kernel_params[15] = &device_param->opencl_d_digests_buf; device_param->kernel_params[16] = &device_param->opencl_d_digests_shown; device_param->kernel_params[17] = &device_param->opencl_d_salt_bufs; device_param->kernel_params[18] = &device_param->opencl_d_esalt_bufs; device_param->kernel_params[19] = &device_param->opencl_d_result; device_param->kernel_params[20] = &device_param->opencl_d_extra0_buf; device_param->kernel_params[21] = &device_param->opencl_d_extra1_buf; device_param->kernel_params[22] = &device_param->opencl_d_extra2_buf; device_param->kernel_params[23] = &device_param->opencl_d_extra3_buf; } device_param->kernel_params[24] = &device_param->kernel_params_buf32[24]; device_param->kernel_params[25] = &device_param->kernel_params_buf32[25]; device_param->kernel_params[26] = &device_param->kernel_params_buf32[26]; device_param->kernel_params[27] = &device_param->kernel_params_buf32[27]; device_param->kernel_params[28] = &device_param->kernel_params_buf32[28]; device_param->kernel_params[29] = &device_param->kernel_params_buf32[29]; device_param->kernel_params[30] = &device_param->kernel_params_buf32[30]; device_param->kernel_params[31] = &device_param->kernel_params_buf32[31]; device_param->kernel_params[32] = &device_param->kernel_params_buf32[32]; device_param->kernel_params[33] = &device_param->kernel_params_buf32[33]; device_param->kernel_params[34] = &device_param->kernel_params_buf64[34]; if (user_options->slow_candidates == true) { } else { device_param->kernel_params_mp_buf64[3] = 0; device_param->kernel_params_mp_buf32[4] = 0; device_param->kernel_params_mp_buf32[5] = 0; device_param->kernel_params_mp_buf32[6] = 0; device_param->kernel_params_mp_buf32[7] = 0; device_param->kernel_params_mp_buf64[8] = 0; if (hashconfig->opti_type & OPTI_TYPE_OPTIMIZED_KERNEL) { if (device_param->is_cuda == true) { device_param->kernel_params_mp[0] = &device_param->cuda_d_combs; } if (device_param->is_opencl == true) { device_param->kernel_params_mp[0] = &device_param->opencl_d_combs; } } else { if (user_options->attack_mode == ATTACK_MODE_HYBRID1) { if (device_param->is_cuda == true) { device_param->kernel_params_mp[0] = &device_param->cuda_d_combs; } if (device_param->is_opencl == true) { device_param->kernel_params_mp[0] = &device_param->opencl_d_combs; } } else { device_param->kernel_params_mp[0] = NULL; // (hashconfig->attack_exec == ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL) // ? &device_param->opencl_d_pws_buf // : &device_param->opencl_d_pws_amp_buf; } } if (device_param->is_cuda == true) { device_param->kernel_params_mp[1] = &device_param->cuda_d_root_css_buf; device_param->kernel_params_mp[2] = &device_param->cuda_d_markov_css_buf; } if (device_param->is_opencl == true) { device_param->kernel_params_mp[1] = &device_param->opencl_d_root_css_buf; device_param->kernel_params_mp[2] = &device_param->opencl_d_markov_css_buf; } device_param->kernel_params_mp[3] = &device_param->kernel_params_mp_buf64[3]; device_param->kernel_params_mp[4] = &device_param->kernel_params_mp_buf32[4]; device_param->kernel_params_mp[5] = &device_param->kernel_params_mp_buf32[5]; device_param->kernel_params_mp[6] = &device_param->kernel_params_mp_buf32[6]; device_param->kernel_params_mp[7] = &device_param->kernel_params_mp_buf32[7]; device_param->kernel_params_mp[8] = &device_param->kernel_params_mp_buf64[8]; device_param->kernel_params_mp_l_buf64[3] = 0; device_param->kernel_params_mp_l_buf32[4] = 0; device_param->kernel_params_mp_l_buf32[5] = 0; device_param->kernel_params_mp_l_buf32[6] = 0; device_param->kernel_params_mp_l_buf32[7] = 0; device_param->kernel_params_mp_l_buf32[8] = 0; device_param->kernel_params_mp_l_buf64[9] = 0; device_param->kernel_params_mp_l[0] = NULL; // (hashconfig->attack_exec == ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL) // ? &device_param->opencl_d_pws_buf // : &device_param->opencl_d_pws_amp_buf; if (device_param->is_cuda == true) { device_param->kernel_params_mp_l[1] = &device_param->cuda_d_root_css_buf; device_param->kernel_params_mp_l[2] = &device_param->cuda_d_markov_css_buf; } if (device_param->is_opencl == true) { device_param->kernel_params_mp_l[1] = &device_param->opencl_d_root_css_buf; device_param->kernel_params_mp_l[2] = &device_param->opencl_d_markov_css_buf; } device_param->kernel_params_mp_l[3] = &device_param->kernel_params_mp_l_buf64[3]; device_param->kernel_params_mp_l[4] = &device_param->kernel_params_mp_l_buf32[4]; device_param->kernel_params_mp_l[5] = &device_param->kernel_params_mp_l_buf32[5]; device_param->kernel_params_mp_l[6] = &device_param->kernel_params_mp_l_buf32[6]; device_param->kernel_params_mp_l[7] = &device_param->kernel_params_mp_l_buf32[7]; device_param->kernel_params_mp_l[8] = &device_param->kernel_params_mp_l_buf32[8]; device_param->kernel_params_mp_l[9] = &device_param->kernel_params_mp_l_buf64[9]; device_param->kernel_params_mp_r_buf64[3] = 0; device_param->kernel_params_mp_r_buf32[4] = 0; device_param->kernel_params_mp_r_buf32[5] = 0; device_param->kernel_params_mp_r_buf32[6] = 0; device_param->kernel_params_mp_r_buf32[7] = 0; device_param->kernel_params_mp_r_buf64[8] = 0; if (device_param->is_cuda == true) { device_param->kernel_params_mp_r[0] = &device_param->cuda_d_bfs; device_param->kernel_params_mp_r[1] = &device_param->cuda_d_root_css_buf; device_param->kernel_params_mp_r[2] = &device_param->cuda_d_markov_css_buf; } if (device_param->is_opencl == true) { device_param->kernel_params_mp_r[0] = &device_param->opencl_d_bfs; device_param->kernel_params_mp_r[1] = &device_param->opencl_d_root_css_buf; device_param->kernel_params_mp_r[2] = &device_param->opencl_d_markov_css_buf; } device_param->kernel_params_mp_r[3] = &device_param->kernel_params_mp_r_buf64[3]; device_param->kernel_params_mp_r[4] = &device_param->kernel_params_mp_r_buf32[4]; device_param->kernel_params_mp_r[5] = &device_param->kernel_params_mp_r_buf32[5]; device_param->kernel_params_mp_r[6] = &device_param->kernel_params_mp_r_buf32[6]; device_param->kernel_params_mp_r[7] = &device_param->kernel_params_mp_r_buf32[7]; device_param->kernel_params_mp_r[8] = &device_param->kernel_params_mp_r_buf64[8]; device_param->kernel_params_amp_buf32[5] = 0; // combs_mode device_param->kernel_params_amp_buf64[6] = 0; // gid_max if (device_param->is_cuda == true) { device_param->kernel_params_amp[0] = NULL; // &device_param->cuda_d_pws_buf; device_param->kernel_params_amp[1] = NULL; // &device_param->cuda_d_pws_amp_buf; device_param->kernel_params_amp[2] = &device_param->cuda_d_rules_c; device_param->kernel_params_amp[3] = &device_param->cuda_d_combs_c; device_param->kernel_params_amp[4] = &device_param->cuda_d_bfs_c; } if (device_param->is_opencl == true) { device_param->kernel_params_amp[0] = NULL; // &device_param->opencl_d_pws_buf; device_param->kernel_params_amp[1] = NULL; // &device_param->opencl_d_pws_amp_buf; device_param->kernel_params_amp[2] = &device_param->opencl_d_rules_c; device_param->kernel_params_amp[3] = &device_param->opencl_d_combs_c; device_param->kernel_params_amp[4] = &device_param->opencl_d_bfs_c; } device_param->kernel_params_amp[5] = &device_param->kernel_params_amp_buf32[5]; device_param->kernel_params_amp[6] = &device_param->kernel_params_amp_buf64[6]; if (device_param->is_cuda == true) { device_param->kernel_params_tm[0] = &device_param->cuda_d_bfs_c; device_param->kernel_params_tm[1] = &device_param->cuda_d_tm_c; } if (device_param->is_opencl == true) { device_param->kernel_params_tm[0] = &device_param->opencl_d_bfs_c; device_param->kernel_params_tm[1] = &device_param->opencl_d_tm_c; } } device_param->kernel_params_memset_buf32[1] = 0; // value device_param->kernel_params_memset_buf64[2] = 0; // gid_max device_param->kernel_params_memset[0] = NULL; device_param->kernel_params_memset[1] = &device_param->kernel_params_memset_buf32[1]; device_param->kernel_params_memset[2] = &device_param->kernel_params_memset_buf64[2]; device_param->kernel_params_atinit_buf64[1] = 0; // gid_max device_param->kernel_params_atinit[0] = NULL; device_param->kernel_params_atinit[1] = &device_param->kernel_params_atinit_buf64[1]; device_param->kernel_params_decompress_buf64[3] = 0; // gid_max if (device_param->is_cuda == true) { device_param->kernel_params_decompress[0] = NULL; // &device_param->cuda_d_pws_idx; device_param->kernel_params_decompress[1] = NULL; // &device_param->cuda_d_pws_comp_buf; device_param->kernel_params_decompress[2] = NULL; // (hashconfig->attack_exec == ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL) // ? &device_param->cuda_d_pws_buf // : &device_param->cuda_d_pws_amp_buf; } if (device_param->is_opencl == true) { device_param->kernel_params_decompress[0] = NULL; // &device_param->opencl_d_pws_idx; device_param->kernel_params_decompress[1] = NULL; // &device_param->opencl_d_pws_comp_buf; device_param->kernel_params_decompress[2] = NULL; // (hashconfig->attack_exec == ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL) // ? &device_param->opencl_d_pws_buf // : &device_param->opencl_d_pws_amp_buf; } device_param->kernel_params_decompress[3] = &device_param->kernel_params_decompress_buf64[3]; /** * kernel name */ if (device_param->is_cuda == true) { char kernel_name[64] = { 0 }; if (hashconfig->attack_exec == ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL) { if (hashconfig->opti_type & OPTI_TYPE_SINGLE_HASH) { if (hashconfig->opti_type & OPTI_TYPE_OPTIMIZED_KERNEL) { // kernel1 snprintf (kernel_name, sizeof (kernel_name), "m%05u_s%02d", kern_type, 4); if (hc_cuModuleGetFunction (hashcat_ctx, &device_param->cuda_function1, device_param->cuda_module, kernel_name) == -1) return -1; if (get_cuda_kernel_wgs (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_function1, &device_param->kernel_wgs1) == -1) return -1; if (get_cuda_kernel_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_function1, &device_param->kernel_local_mem_size1) == -1) return -1; if (get_cuda_kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_function1, &device_param->kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size1) == -1) return -1; device_param->kernel_preferred_wgs_multiple1 = device_param->cuda_warp_size; // kernel2 snprintf (kernel_name, sizeof (kernel_name), "m%05u_s%02d", kern_type, 8); if (hc_cuModuleGetFunction (hashcat_ctx, &device_param->cuda_function2, device_param->cuda_module, kernel_name) == -1) return -1; if (get_cuda_kernel_wgs (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_function2, &device_param->kernel_wgs2) == -1) return -1; if (get_cuda_kernel_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_function2, &device_param->kernel_local_mem_size2) == -1) return -1; if (get_cuda_kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_function2, &device_param->kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size2) == -1) return -1; device_param->kernel_preferred_wgs_multiple2 = device_param->cuda_warp_size; // kernel3 snprintf (kernel_name, sizeof (kernel_name), "m%05u_s%02d", kern_type, 16); if (hc_cuModuleGetFunction (hashcat_ctx, &device_param->cuda_function3, device_param->cuda_module, kernel_name) == -1) return -1; if (get_cuda_kernel_wgs (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_function3, &device_param->kernel_wgs3) == -1) return -1; if (get_cuda_kernel_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_function3, &device_param->kernel_local_mem_size3) == -1) return -1; if (get_cuda_kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_function3, &device_param->kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size3) == -1) return -1; device_param->kernel_preferred_wgs_multiple3 = device_param->cuda_warp_size; } else { snprintf (kernel_name, sizeof (kernel_name), "m%05u_sxx", kern_type); if (hc_cuModuleGetFunction (hashcat_ctx, &device_param->cuda_function4, device_param->cuda_module, kernel_name) == -1) return -1; if (get_cuda_kernel_wgs (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_function4, &device_param->kernel_wgs4) == -1) return -1; if (get_cuda_kernel_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_function4, &device_param->kernel_local_mem_size4) == -1) return -1; if (get_cuda_kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_function4, &device_param->kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size4) == -1) return -1; device_param->kernel_preferred_wgs_multiple4 = device_param->cuda_warp_size; } } else { if (hashconfig->opti_type & OPTI_TYPE_OPTIMIZED_KERNEL) { // kernel1 snprintf (kernel_name, sizeof (kernel_name), "m%05u_m%02d", kern_type, 4); if (hc_cuModuleGetFunction (hashcat_ctx, &device_param->cuda_function1, device_param->cuda_module, kernel_name) == -1) return -1; if (get_cuda_kernel_wgs (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_function1, &device_param->kernel_wgs1) == -1) return -1; if (get_cuda_kernel_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_function1, &device_param->kernel_local_mem_size1) == -1) return -1; if (get_cuda_kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_function1, &device_param->kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size1) == -1) return -1; device_param->kernel_preferred_wgs_multiple1 = device_param->cuda_warp_size; // kernel2 snprintf (kernel_name, sizeof (kernel_name), "m%05u_m%02d", kern_type, 8); if (hc_cuModuleGetFunction (hashcat_ctx, &device_param->cuda_function2, device_param->cuda_module, kernel_name) == -1) return -1; if (get_cuda_kernel_wgs (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_function2, &device_param->kernel_wgs2) == -1) return -1; if (get_cuda_kernel_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_function2, &device_param->kernel_local_mem_size2) == -1) return -1; if (get_cuda_kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_function2, &device_param->kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size2) == -1) return -1; device_param->kernel_preferred_wgs_multiple2 = device_param->cuda_warp_size; // kernel3 snprintf (kernel_name, sizeof (kernel_name), "m%05u_m%02d", kern_type, 16); if (hc_cuModuleGetFunction (hashcat_ctx, &device_param->cuda_function3, device_param->cuda_module, kernel_name) == -1) return -1; if (get_cuda_kernel_wgs (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_function3, &device_param->kernel_wgs3) == -1) return -1; if (get_cuda_kernel_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_function3, &device_param->kernel_local_mem_size3) == -1) return -1; if (get_cuda_kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_function3, &device_param->kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size3) == -1) return -1; device_param->kernel_preferred_wgs_multiple3 = device_param->cuda_warp_size; } else { snprintf (kernel_name, sizeof (kernel_name), "m%05u_mxx", kern_type); if (hc_cuModuleGetFunction (hashcat_ctx, &device_param->cuda_function4, device_param->cuda_module, kernel_name) == -1) return -1; if (get_cuda_kernel_wgs (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_function4, &device_param->kernel_wgs4) == -1) return -1; if (get_cuda_kernel_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_function4, &device_param->kernel_local_mem_size4) == -1) return -1; if (get_cuda_kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_function4, &device_param->kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size4) == -1) return -1; device_param->kernel_preferred_wgs_multiple4 = device_param->cuda_warp_size; } } if (user_options->slow_candidates == true) { } else { if (user_options->attack_mode == ATTACK_MODE_BF) { if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_TM_KERNEL) { snprintf (kernel_name, sizeof (kernel_name), "m%05u_tm", kern_type); if (hc_cuModuleGetFunction (hashcat_ctx, &device_param->cuda_function_tm, device_param->cuda_module, kernel_name) == -1) return -1; if (get_cuda_kernel_wgs (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_function_tm, &device_param->kernel_wgs_tm) == -1) return -1; if (get_cuda_kernel_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_function_tm, &device_param->kernel_local_mem_size_tm) == -1) return -1; if (get_cuda_kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_function_tm, &device_param->kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size_tm) == -1) return -1; device_param->kernel_preferred_wgs_multiple_tm = device_param->cuda_warp_size; } } } } else { // kernel1 snprintf (kernel_name, sizeof (kernel_name), "m%05u_init", kern_type); if (hc_cuModuleGetFunction (hashcat_ctx, &device_param->cuda_function1, device_param->cuda_module, kernel_name) == -1) return -1; if (get_cuda_kernel_wgs (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_function1, &device_param->kernel_wgs1) == -1) return -1; if (get_cuda_kernel_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_function1, &device_param->kernel_local_mem_size1) == -1) return -1; if (get_cuda_kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_function1, &device_param->kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size1) == -1) return -1; device_param->kernel_preferred_wgs_multiple1 = device_param->cuda_warp_size; // kernel2 snprintf (kernel_name, sizeof (kernel_name), "m%05u_loop", kern_type); if (hc_cuModuleGetFunction (hashcat_ctx, &device_param->cuda_function2, device_param->cuda_module, kernel_name) == -1) return -1; if (get_cuda_kernel_wgs (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_function2, &device_param->kernel_wgs2) == -1) return -1; if (get_cuda_kernel_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_function2, &device_param->kernel_local_mem_size2) == -1) return -1; if (get_cuda_kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_function2, &device_param->kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size2) == -1) return -1; device_param->kernel_preferred_wgs_multiple2 = device_param->cuda_warp_size; // kernel3 snprintf (kernel_name, sizeof (kernel_name), "m%05u_comp", kern_type); if (hc_cuModuleGetFunction (hashcat_ctx, &device_param->cuda_function3, device_param->cuda_module, kernel_name) == -1) return -1; if (get_cuda_kernel_wgs (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_function3, &device_param->kernel_wgs3) == -1) return -1; if (get_cuda_kernel_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_function3, &device_param->kernel_local_mem_size3) == -1) return -1; if (get_cuda_kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_function3, &device_param->kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size3) == -1) return -1; device_param->kernel_preferred_wgs_multiple3 = device_param->cuda_warp_size; if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_LOOP_EXTENDED) { // kernel2e snprintf (kernel_name, sizeof (kernel_name), "m%05u_loop_extended", kern_type); if (hc_cuModuleGetFunction (hashcat_ctx, &device_param->cuda_function2e, device_param->cuda_module, kernel_name) == -1) return -1; if (get_cuda_kernel_wgs (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_function2e, &device_param->kernel_wgs2e) == -1) return -1; if (get_cuda_kernel_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_function2e, &device_param->kernel_local_mem_size2e) == -1) return -1; if (get_cuda_kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_function2e, &device_param->kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size2e) == -1) return -1; device_param->kernel_preferred_wgs_multiple2e = device_param->cuda_warp_size; } // kernel12 if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_HOOK12) { snprintf (kernel_name, sizeof (kernel_name), "m%05u_hook12", kern_type); if (hc_cuModuleGetFunction (hashcat_ctx, &device_param->cuda_function12, device_param->cuda_module, kernel_name) == -1) return -1; if (get_cuda_kernel_wgs (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_function12, &device_param->kernel_wgs12) == -1) return -1; if (get_cuda_kernel_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_function12, &device_param->kernel_local_mem_size12) == -1) return -1; if (get_cuda_kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_function12, &device_param->kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size12) == -1) return -1; device_param->kernel_preferred_wgs_multiple12 = device_param->cuda_warp_size; } // kernel23 if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_HOOK23) { snprintf (kernel_name, sizeof (kernel_name), "m%05u_hook23", kern_type); if (hc_cuModuleGetFunction (hashcat_ctx, &device_param->cuda_function23, device_param->cuda_module, kernel_name) == -1) return -1; if (get_cuda_kernel_wgs (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_function23, &device_param->kernel_wgs23) == -1) return -1; if (get_cuda_kernel_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_function23, &device_param->kernel_local_mem_size23) == -1) return -1; if (get_cuda_kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_function23, &device_param->kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size23) == -1) return -1; device_param->kernel_preferred_wgs_multiple23 = device_param->cuda_warp_size; } // init2 if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_INIT2) { snprintf (kernel_name, sizeof (kernel_name), "m%05u_init2", kern_type); if (hc_cuModuleGetFunction (hashcat_ctx, &device_param->cuda_function_init2, device_param->cuda_module, kernel_name) == -1) return -1; if (get_cuda_kernel_wgs (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_function_init2, &device_param->kernel_wgs_init2) == -1) return -1; if (get_cuda_kernel_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_function_init2, &device_param->kernel_local_mem_size_init2) == -1) return -1; if (get_cuda_kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_function_init2, &device_param->kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size_init2) == -1) return -1; device_param->kernel_preferred_wgs_multiple_init2 = device_param->cuda_warp_size; } // loop2 if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_LOOP2) { snprintf (kernel_name, sizeof (kernel_name), "m%05u_loop2", kern_type); if (hc_cuModuleGetFunction (hashcat_ctx, &device_param->cuda_function_loop2, device_param->cuda_module, kernel_name) == -1) return -1; if (get_cuda_kernel_wgs (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_function_loop2, &device_param->kernel_wgs_loop2) == -1) return -1; if (get_cuda_kernel_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_function_loop2, &device_param->kernel_local_mem_size_loop2) == -1) return -1; if (get_cuda_kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_function_loop2, &device_param->kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size_loop2) == -1) return -1; device_param->kernel_preferred_wgs_multiple_loop2 = device_param->cuda_warp_size; } // aux1 if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_AUX1) { snprintf (kernel_name, sizeof (kernel_name), "m%05u_aux1", kern_type); if (hc_cuModuleGetFunction (hashcat_ctx, &device_param->cuda_function_aux1, device_param->cuda_module, kernel_name) == -1) return -1; if (get_cuda_kernel_wgs (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_function_aux1, &device_param->kernel_wgs_aux1) == -1) return -1; if (get_cuda_kernel_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_function_aux1, &device_param->kernel_local_mem_size_aux1) == -1) return -1; if (get_cuda_kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_function_aux1, &device_param->kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size_aux1) == -1) return -1; device_param->kernel_preferred_wgs_multiple_aux1 = device_param->cuda_warp_size; } // aux2 if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_AUX2) { snprintf (kernel_name, sizeof (kernel_name), "m%05u_aux2", kern_type); if (hc_cuModuleGetFunction (hashcat_ctx, &device_param->cuda_function_aux2, device_param->cuda_module, kernel_name) == -1) return -1; if (get_cuda_kernel_wgs (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_function_aux2, &device_param->kernel_wgs_aux2) == -1) return -1; if (get_cuda_kernel_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_function_aux2, &device_param->kernel_local_mem_size_aux2) == -1) return -1; if (get_cuda_kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_function_aux2, &device_param->kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size_aux2) == -1) return -1; device_param->kernel_preferred_wgs_multiple_aux2 = device_param->cuda_warp_size; } // aux3 if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_AUX3) { snprintf (kernel_name, sizeof (kernel_name), "m%05u_aux3", kern_type); if (hc_cuModuleGetFunction (hashcat_ctx, &device_param->cuda_function_aux3, device_param->cuda_module, kernel_name) == -1) return -1; if (get_cuda_kernel_wgs (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_function_aux3, &device_param->kernel_wgs_aux3) == -1) return -1; if (get_cuda_kernel_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_function_aux3, &device_param->kernel_local_mem_size_aux3) == -1) return -1; if (get_cuda_kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_function_aux3, &device_param->kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size_aux3) == -1) return -1; device_param->kernel_preferred_wgs_multiple_aux3 = device_param->cuda_warp_size; } // aux4 if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_AUX4) { snprintf (kernel_name, sizeof (kernel_name), "m%05u_aux4", kern_type); if (hc_cuModuleGetFunction (hashcat_ctx, &device_param->cuda_function_aux4, device_param->cuda_module, kernel_name) == -1) return -1; if (get_cuda_kernel_wgs (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_function_aux4, &device_param->kernel_wgs_aux4) == -1) return -1; if (get_cuda_kernel_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_function_aux4, &device_param->kernel_local_mem_size_aux4) == -1) return -1; if (get_cuda_kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_function_aux4, &device_param->kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size_aux4) == -1) return -1; device_param->kernel_preferred_wgs_multiple_aux4 = device_param->cuda_warp_size; } } //CL_rc = hc_clSetKernelArg (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_kernel_decompress, 0, sizeof (cl_mem), device_param->kernel_params_decompress[0]); if (CL_rc == -1) return -1; //CL_rc = hc_clSetKernelArg (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_kernel_decompress, 1, sizeof (cl_mem), device_param->kernel_params_decompress[1]); if (CL_rc == -1) return -1; //CL_rc = hc_clSetKernelArg (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_kernel_decompress, 2, sizeof (cl_mem), device_param->kernel_params_decompress[2]); if (CL_rc == -1) return -1; //CL_rc = hc_clSetKernelArg (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_kernel_decompress, 3, sizeof (cl_ulong), device_param->kernel_params_decompress[3]); if (CL_rc == -1) return -1; // MP start if (user_options->slow_candidates == true) { } else { if (user_options->attack_mode == ATTACK_MODE_BF) { // mp_l if (hc_cuModuleGetFunction (hashcat_ctx, &device_param->cuda_function_mp_l, device_param->cuda_module_mp, "l_markov") == -1) return -1; if (get_cuda_kernel_wgs (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_function_mp_l, &device_param->kernel_wgs_mp_l) == -1) return -1; if (get_cuda_kernel_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_function_mp_l, &device_param->kernel_local_mem_size_mp_l) == -1) return -1; if (get_cuda_kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_function_mp_l, &device_param->kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size_mp_l) == -1) return -1; device_param->kernel_preferred_wgs_multiple_mp_l = device_param->cuda_warp_size; // mp_r if (hc_cuModuleGetFunction (hashcat_ctx, &device_param->cuda_function_mp_r, device_param->cuda_module_mp, "r_markov") == -1) return -1; if (get_cuda_kernel_wgs (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_function_mp_r, &device_param->kernel_wgs_mp_r) == -1) return -1; if (get_cuda_kernel_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_function_mp_r, &device_param->kernel_local_mem_size_mp_r) == -1) return -1; if (get_cuda_kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_function_mp_r, &device_param->kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size_mp_r) == -1) return -1; device_param->kernel_preferred_wgs_multiple_mp_r = device_param->cuda_warp_size; if (user_options->attack_mode == ATTACK_MODE_BF) { if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_TM_KERNEL) { //CL_rc = hc_clSetKernelArg (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_kernel_tm, 0, sizeof (cl_mem), device_param->kernel_params_tm[0]); if (CL_rc == -1) return -1; //CL_rc = hc_clSetKernelArg (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_kernel_tm, 1, sizeof (cl_mem), device_param->kernel_params_tm[1]); if (CL_rc == -1) return -1; } } } else if (user_options->attack_mode == ATTACK_MODE_HYBRID1) { if (hc_cuModuleGetFunction (hashcat_ctx, &device_param->cuda_function_mp, device_param->cuda_module_mp, "C_markov") == -1) return -1; if (get_cuda_kernel_wgs (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_function_mp, &device_param->kernel_wgs_mp) == -1) return -1; if (get_cuda_kernel_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_function_mp, &device_param->kernel_local_mem_size_mp) == -1) return -1; if (get_cuda_kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_function_mp, &device_param->kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size_mp) == -1) return -1; device_param->kernel_preferred_wgs_multiple_mp = device_param->cuda_warp_size; } else if (user_options->attack_mode == ATTACK_MODE_HYBRID2) { if (hc_cuModuleGetFunction (hashcat_ctx, &device_param->cuda_function_mp, device_param->cuda_module_mp, "C_markov") == -1) return -1; if (get_cuda_kernel_wgs (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_function_mp, &device_param->kernel_wgs_mp) == -1) return -1; if (get_cuda_kernel_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_function_mp, &device_param->kernel_local_mem_size_mp) == -1) return -1; if (get_cuda_kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_function_mp, &device_param->kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size_mp) == -1) return -1; device_param->kernel_preferred_wgs_multiple_mp = device_param->cuda_warp_size; } } if (user_options->slow_candidates == true) { } else { if (hashconfig->attack_exec == ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL) { // nothing to do } else { if (hc_cuModuleGetFunction (hashcat_ctx, &device_param->cuda_function_amp, device_param->cuda_module_amp, "amp") == -1) return -1; if (get_cuda_kernel_wgs (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_function_amp, &device_param->kernel_wgs_amp) == -1) return -1; if (get_cuda_kernel_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_function_amp, &device_param->kernel_local_mem_size_amp) == -1) return -1; if (get_cuda_kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_function_amp, &device_param->kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size_amp) == -1) return -1; device_param->kernel_preferred_wgs_multiple_amp = device_param->cuda_warp_size; } /* if (hashconfig->attack_exec == ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL) { // nothing to do } else { for (u32 i = 0; i < 5; i++) { //CL_rc = hc_clSetKernelArg (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_kernel_amp, i, sizeof (cl_mem), device_param->kernel_params_amp[i]); //if (CL_rc == -1) return -1; } for (u32 i = 5; i < 6; i++) { //CL_rc = hc_clSetKernelArg (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_kernel_amp, i, sizeof (cl_uint), device_param->kernel_params_amp[i]); //if (CL_rc == -1) return -1; } for (u32 i = 6; i < 7; i++) { //CL_rc = hc_clSetKernelArg (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_kernel_amp, i, sizeof (cl_ulong), device_param->kernel_params_amp[i]); //if (CL_rc == -1) return -1; } } */ } // zero some data buffers if (run_cuda_kernel_bzero (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->cuda_d_plain_bufs, device_param->size_plains) == -1) return -1; if (run_cuda_kernel_bzero (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->cuda_d_digests_shown, device_param->size_shown) == -1) return -1; if (run_cuda_kernel_bzero (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->cuda_d_result, device_param->size_results) == -1) return -1; /** * special buffers */ if (user_options->slow_candidates == true) { if (run_cuda_kernel_bzero (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->cuda_d_rules_c, size_rules_c) == -1) return -1; } else { if (user_options_extra->attack_kern == ATTACK_KERN_STRAIGHT) { if (run_cuda_kernel_bzero (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->cuda_d_rules_c, size_rules_c) == -1) return -1; } else if (user_options_extra->attack_kern == ATTACK_KERN_COMBI) { if (run_cuda_kernel_bzero (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->cuda_d_combs, size_combs) == -1) return -1; if (run_cuda_kernel_bzero (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->cuda_d_combs_c, size_combs) == -1) return -1; if (run_cuda_kernel_bzero (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->cuda_d_root_css_buf, size_root_css) == -1) return -1; if (run_cuda_kernel_bzero (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->cuda_d_markov_css_buf, size_markov_css) == -1) return -1; } else if (user_options_extra->attack_kern == ATTACK_KERN_BF) { if (run_cuda_kernel_bzero (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->cuda_d_bfs, size_bfs) == -1) return -1; if (run_cuda_kernel_bzero (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->cuda_d_bfs_c, size_bfs) == -1) return -1; if (run_cuda_kernel_bzero (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->cuda_d_tm_c, size_tm) == -1) return -1; if (run_cuda_kernel_bzero (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->cuda_d_root_css_buf, size_root_css) == -1) return -1; if (run_cuda_kernel_bzero (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->cuda_d_markov_css_buf, size_markov_css) == -1) return -1; } } if (user_options->slow_candidates == true) { } else { if ((user_options->attack_mode == ATTACK_MODE_HYBRID1) || (user_options->attack_mode == ATTACK_MODE_HYBRID2)) { /** * prepare mp */ if (user_options->attack_mode == ATTACK_MODE_HYBRID1) { device_param->kernel_params_mp_buf32[5] = 0; device_param->kernel_params_mp_buf32[6] = 0; device_param->kernel_params_mp_buf32[7] = 0; if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADD01) device_param->kernel_params_mp_buf32[5] = full01; if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADD06) device_param->kernel_params_mp_buf32[5] = full06; if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADD80) device_param->kernel_params_mp_buf32[5] = full80; if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADDBITS14) device_param->kernel_params_mp_buf32[6] = 1; if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADDBITS15) device_param->kernel_params_mp_buf32[7] = 1; } else if (user_options->attack_mode == ATTACK_MODE_HYBRID2) { device_param->kernel_params_mp_buf32[5] = 0; device_param->kernel_params_mp_buf32[6] = 0; device_param->kernel_params_mp_buf32[7] = 0; } //for (u32 i = 0; i < 3; i++) { CL_rc = hc_clSetKernelArg (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_kernel_mp, i, sizeof (cl_mem), device_param->kernel_params_mp[i]); if (CL_rc == -1) return -1; } } else if (user_options->attack_mode == ATTACK_MODE_BF) { /** * prepare mp_r and mp_l */ device_param->kernel_params_mp_l_buf32[6] = 0; device_param->kernel_params_mp_l_buf32[7] = 0; device_param->kernel_params_mp_l_buf32[8] = 0; if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADD01) device_param->kernel_params_mp_l_buf32[6] = full01; if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADD06) device_param->kernel_params_mp_l_buf32[6] = full06; if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADD80) device_param->kernel_params_mp_l_buf32[6] = full80; if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADDBITS14) device_param->kernel_params_mp_l_buf32[7] = 1; if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADDBITS15) device_param->kernel_params_mp_l_buf32[8] = 1; //for (u32 i = 0; i < 3; i++) { CL_rc = hc_clSetKernelArg (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_kernel_mp_l, i, sizeof (cl_mem), device_param->kernel_params_mp_l[i]); if (CL_rc == -1) return -1; } //for (u32 i = 0; i < 3; i++) { CL_rc = hc_clSetKernelArg (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_kernel_mp_r, i, sizeof (cl_mem), device_param->kernel_params_mp_r[i]); if (CL_rc == -1) return -1; } } } } if (device_param->is_opencl == true) { // GPU memset if (hc_clSetKernelArg (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_kernel_memset, 0, sizeof (cl_mem), device_param->kernel_params_memset[0]) == -1) return -1; if (hc_clSetKernelArg (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_kernel_memset, 1, sizeof (cl_uint), device_param->kernel_params_memset[1]) == -1) return -1; if (hc_clSetKernelArg (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_kernel_memset, 2, sizeof (cl_ulong), device_param->kernel_params_memset[2]) == -1) return -1; // GPU autotune init if (hc_clSetKernelArg (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_kernel_atinit, 0, sizeof (cl_mem), device_param->kernel_params_atinit[0]) == -1) return -1; if (hc_clSetKernelArg (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_kernel_atinit, 1, sizeof (cl_ulong), device_param->kernel_params_atinit[1]) == -1) return -1; // GPU decompress if (hc_clSetKernelArg (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_kernel_decompress, 0, sizeof (cl_mem), device_param->kernel_params_decompress[0]) == -1) return -1; if (hc_clSetKernelArg (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_kernel_decompress, 1, sizeof (cl_mem), device_param->kernel_params_decompress[1]) == -1) return -1; if (hc_clSetKernelArg (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_kernel_decompress, 2, sizeof (cl_mem), device_param->kernel_params_decompress[2]) == -1) return -1; if (hc_clSetKernelArg (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_kernel_decompress, 3, sizeof (cl_ulong), device_param->kernel_params_decompress[3]) == -1) return -1; char kernel_name[64] = { 0 }; if (hashconfig->attack_exec == ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL) { if (hashconfig->opti_type & OPTI_TYPE_SINGLE_HASH) { if (hashconfig->opti_type & OPTI_TYPE_OPTIMIZED_KERNEL) { // kernel1 snprintf (kernel_name, sizeof (kernel_name), "m%05u_s%02d", kern_type, 4); if (hc_clCreateKernel (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_program, kernel_name, &device_param->opencl_kernel1) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_wgs (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel1, &device_param->kernel_wgs1) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel1, &device_param->kernel_local_mem_size1) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel1, &device_param->kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size1) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_preferred_wgs_multiple (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel1, &device_param->kernel_preferred_wgs_multiple1) == -1) return -1; // kernel2 snprintf (kernel_name, sizeof (kernel_name), "m%05u_s%02d", kern_type, 8); if (hc_clCreateKernel (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_program, kernel_name, &device_param->opencl_kernel2) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_wgs (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel2, &device_param->kernel_wgs2) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel2, &device_param->kernel_local_mem_size2) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel2, &device_param->kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size2) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_preferred_wgs_multiple (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel2, &device_param->kernel_preferred_wgs_multiple2) == -1) return -1; // kernel3 snprintf (kernel_name, sizeof (kernel_name), "m%05u_s%02d", kern_type, 16); if (hc_clCreateKernel (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_program, kernel_name, &device_param->opencl_kernel3) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_wgs (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel3, &device_param->kernel_wgs3) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel3, &device_param->kernel_local_mem_size3) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel3, &device_param->kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size3) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_preferred_wgs_multiple (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel3, &device_param->kernel_preferred_wgs_multiple3) == -1) return -1; } else { snprintf (kernel_name, sizeof (kernel_name), "m%05u_sxx", kern_type); if (hc_clCreateKernel (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_program, kernel_name, &device_param->opencl_kernel4) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_wgs (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel4, &device_param->kernel_wgs4) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel4, &device_param->kernel_local_mem_size4) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel4, &device_param->kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size4) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_preferred_wgs_multiple (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel4, &device_param->kernel_preferred_wgs_multiple4) == -1) return -1; } } else { if (hashconfig->opti_type & OPTI_TYPE_OPTIMIZED_KERNEL) { // kernel1 snprintf (kernel_name, sizeof (kernel_name), "m%05u_m%02d", kern_type, 4); if (hc_clCreateKernel (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_program, kernel_name, &device_param->opencl_kernel1) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_wgs (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel1, &device_param->kernel_wgs1) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel1, &device_param->kernel_local_mem_size1) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel1, &device_param->kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size1) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_preferred_wgs_multiple (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel1, &device_param->kernel_preferred_wgs_multiple1) == -1) return -1; // kernel2 snprintf (kernel_name, sizeof (kernel_name), "m%05u_m%02d", kern_type, 8); if (hc_clCreateKernel (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_program, kernel_name, &device_param->opencl_kernel2) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_wgs (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel2, &device_param->kernel_wgs2) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel2, &device_param->kernel_local_mem_size2) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel2, &device_param->kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size2) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_preferred_wgs_multiple (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel2, &device_param->kernel_preferred_wgs_multiple2) == -1) return -1; // kernel3 snprintf (kernel_name, sizeof (kernel_name), "m%05u_m%02d", kern_type, 16); if (hc_clCreateKernel (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_program, kernel_name, &device_param->opencl_kernel3) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_wgs (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel3, &device_param->kernel_wgs3) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel3, &device_param->kernel_local_mem_size3) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel3, &device_param->kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size3) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_preferred_wgs_multiple (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel3, &device_param->kernel_preferred_wgs_multiple3) == -1) return -1; } else { snprintf (kernel_name, sizeof (kernel_name), "m%05u_mxx", kern_type); if (hc_clCreateKernel (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_program, kernel_name, &device_param->opencl_kernel4) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_wgs (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel4, &device_param->kernel_wgs4) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel4, &device_param->kernel_local_mem_size4) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel4, &device_param->kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size4) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_preferred_wgs_multiple (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel4, &device_param->kernel_preferred_wgs_multiple4) == -1) return -1; } } if (user_options->slow_candidates == true) { } else { if (user_options->attack_mode == ATTACK_MODE_BF) { if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_TM_KERNEL) { snprintf (kernel_name, sizeof (kernel_name), "m%05u_tm", kern_type); if (hc_clCreateKernel (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_program, kernel_name, &device_param->opencl_kernel_tm) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_wgs (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel_tm, &device_param->kernel_wgs_tm) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel_tm, &device_param->kernel_local_mem_size_tm) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel_tm, &device_param->kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size_tm) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_preferred_wgs_multiple (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel_tm, &device_param->kernel_preferred_wgs_multiple_tm) == -1) return -1; } } } } else { // kernel1 snprintf (kernel_name, sizeof (kernel_name), "m%05u_init", kern_type); if (hc_clCreateKernel (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_program, kernel_name, &device_param->opencl_kernel1) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_wgs (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel1, &device_param->kernel_wgs1) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel1, &device_param->kernel_local_mem_size1) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel1, &device_param->kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size1) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_preferred_wgs_multiple (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel1, &device_param->kernel_preferred_wgs_multiple1) == -1) return -1; // kernel2 snprintf (kernel_name, sizeof (kernel_name), "m%05u_loop", kern_type); if (hc_clCreateKernel (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_program, kernel_name, &device_param->opencl_kernel2) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_wgs (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel2, &device_param->kernel_wgs2) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel2, &device_param->kernel_local_mem_size2) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel2, &device_param->kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size2) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_preferred_wgs_multiple (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel2, &device_param->kernel_preferred_wgs_multiple2) == -1) return -1; // kernel3 snprintf (kernel_name, sizeof (kernel_name), "m%05u_comp", kern_type); if (hc_clCreateKernel (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_program, kernel_name, &device_param->opencl_kernel3) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_wgs (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel3, &device_param->kernel_wgs3) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel3, &device_param->kernel_local_mem_size3) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel3, &device_param->kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size3) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_preferred_wgs_multiple (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel3, &device_param->kernel_preferred_wgs_multiple3) == -1) return -1; // aux1 if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_LOOP_EXTENDED) { snprintf (kernel_name, sizeof (kernel_name), "m%05u_loop_extended", kern_type); if (hc_clCreateKernel (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_program, kernel_name, &device_param->opencl_kernel2e) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_wgs (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel2e, &device_param->kernel_wgs2e) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel2e, &device_param->kernel_local_mem_size2e) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel2e, &device_param->kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size2e) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_preferred_wgs_multiple (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel2e, &device_param->kernel_preferred_wgs_multiple2e) == -1) return -1; } // kernel12 if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_HOOK12) { snprintf (kernel_name, sizeof (kernel_name), "m%05u_hook12", kern_type); if (hc_clCreateKernel (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_program, kernel_name, &device_param->opencl_kernel12) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_wgs (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel12, &device_param->kernel_wgs12) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel12, &device_param->kernel_local_mem_size12) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel12, &device_param->kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size12) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_preferred_wgs_multiple (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel12, &device_param->kernel_preferred_wgs_multiple12) == -1) return -1; } // kernel23 if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_HOOK23) { snprintf (kernel_name, sizeof (kernel_name), "m%05u_hook23", kern_type); if (hc_clCreateKernel (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_program, kernel_name, &device_param->opencl_kernel23) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_wgs (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel23, &device_param->kernel_wgs23) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel23, &device_param->kernel_local_mem_size23) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel23, &device_param->kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size23) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_preferred_wgs_multiple (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel23, &device_param->kernel_preferred_wgs_multiple23) == -1) return -1; } // init2 if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_INIT2) { snprintf (kernel_name, sizeof (kernel_name), "m%05u_init2", kern_type); if (hc_clCreateKernel (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_program, kernel_name, &device_param->opencl_kernel_init2) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_wgs (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel_init2, &device_param->kernel_wgs_init2) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel_init2, &device_param->kernel_local_mem_size_init2) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel_init2, &device_param->kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size_init2) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_preferred_wgs_multiple (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel_init2, &device_param->kernel_preferred_wgs_multiple_init2) == -1) return -1; } // loop2 if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_LOOP2) { snprintf (kernel_name, sizeof (kernel_name), "m%05u_loop2", kern_type); if (hc_clCreateKernel (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_program, kernel_name, &device_param->opencl_kernel_loop2) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_wgs (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel_loop2, &device_param->kernel_wgs_loop2) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel_loop2, &device_param->kernel_local_mem_size_loop2) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel_loop2, &device_param->kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size_loop2) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_preferred_wgs_multiple (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel_loop2, &device_param->kernel_preferred_wgs_multiple_loop2) == -1) return -1; } // aux1 if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_AUX1) { snprintf (kernel_name, sizeof (kernel_name), "m%05u_aux1", kern_type); if (hc_clCreateKernel (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_program, kernel_name, &device_param->opencl_kernel_aux1) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_wgs (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel_aux1, &device_param->kernel_wgs_aux1) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel_aux1, &device_param->kernel_local_mem_size_aux1) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel_aux1, &device_param->kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size_aux1) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_preferred_wgs_multiple (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel_aux1, &device_param->kernel_preferred_wgs_multiple_aux1) == -1) return -1; } // aux2 if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_AUX2) { snprintf (kernel_name, sizeof (kernel_name), "m%05u_aux2", kern_type); if (hc_clCreateKernel (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_program, kernel_name, &device_param->opencl_kernel_aux2) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_wgs (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel_aux2, &device_param->kernel_wgs_aux2) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel_aux2, &device_param->kernel_local_mem_size_aux2) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel_aux2, &device_param->kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size_aux2) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_preferred_wgs_multiple (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel_aux2, &device_param->kernel_preferred_wgs_multiple_aux2) == -1) return -1; } // aux3 if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_AUX3) { snprintf (kernel_name, sizeof (kernel_name), "m%05u_aux3", kern_type); if (hc_clCreateKernel (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_program, kernel_name, &device_param->opencl_kernel_aux3) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_wgs (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel_aux3, &device_param->kernel_wgs_aux3) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel_aux3, &device_param->kernel_local_mem_size_aux3) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel_aux3, &device_param->kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size_aux3) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_preferred_wgs_multiple (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel_aux3, &device_param->kernel_preferred_wgs_multiple_aux3) == -1) return -1; } // aux4 if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_AUX4) { snprintf (kernel_name, sizeof (kernel_name), "m%05u_aux4", kern_type); if (hc_clCreateKernel (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_program, kernel_name, &device_param->opencl_kernel_aux4) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_wgs (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel_aux4, &device_param->kernel_wgs_aux4) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel_aux4, &device_param->kernel_local_mem_size_aux4) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel_aux4, &device_param->kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size_aux4) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_preferred_wgs_multiple (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel_aux4, &device_param->kernel_preferred_wgs_multiple_aux4) == -1) return -1; } } // MP start if (user_options->slow_candidates == true) { } else { if (user_options->attack_mode == ATTACK_MODE_BF) { // mp_l if (hc_clCreateKernel (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_program_mp, "l_markov", &device_param->opencl_kernel_mp_l) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_wgs (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel_mp_l, &device_param->kernel_wgs_mp_l) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel_mp_l, &device_param->kernel_local_mem_size_mp_l) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel_mp_l, &device_param->kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size_mp_l) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_preferred_wgs_multiple (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel_mp_l, &device_param->kernel_preferred_wgs_multiple_mp_l) == -1) return -1; // mp_r if (hc_clCreateKernel (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_program_mp, "r_markov", &device_param->opencl_kernel_mp_r) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_wgs (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel_mp_r, &device_param->kernel_wgs_mp_r) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel_mp_r, &device_param->kernel_local_mem_size_mp_r) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel_mp_r, &device_param->kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size_mp_r) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_preferred_wgs_multiple (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel_mp_r, &device_param->kernel_preferred_wgs_multiple_mp_r) == -1) return -1; if (user_options->attack_mode == ATTACK_MODE_BF) { if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_TM_KERNEL) { if (hc_clSetKernelArg (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_kernel_tm, 0, sizeof (cl_mem), device_param->kernel_params_tm[0]) == -1) return -1; if (hc_clSetKernelArg (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_kernel_tm, 1, sizeof (cl_mem), device_param->kernel_params_tm[1]) == -1) return -1; } } } else if (user_options->attack_mode == ATTACK_MODE_HYBRID1) { if (hc_clCreateKernel (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_program_mp, "C_markov", &device_param->opencl_kernel_mp) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_wgs (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel_mp, &device_param->kernel_wgs_mp) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel_mp, &device_param->kernel_local_mem_size_mp) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel_mp, &device_param->kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size_mp) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_preferred_wgs_multiple (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel_mp, &device_param->kernel_preferred_wgs_multiple_mp) == -1) return -1; } else if (user_options->attack_mode == ATTACK_MODE_HYBRID2) { if (hc_clCreateKernel (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_program_mp, "C_markov", &device_param->opencl_kernel_mp) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_wgs (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel_mp, &device_param->kernel_wgs_mp) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel_mp, &device_param->kernel_local_mem_size_mp) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel_mp, &device_param->kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size_mp) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_preferred_wgs_multiple (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel_mp, &device_param->kernel_preferred_wgs_multiple_mp) == -1) return -1; } } if (user_options->slow_candidates == true) { } else { if (hashconfig->attack_exec == ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL) { // nothing to do } else { if (hc_clCreateKernel (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_program_amp, "amp", &device_param->opencl_kernel_amp) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_wgs (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel_amp, &device_param->kernel_wgs_amp) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel_amp, &device_param->kernel_local_mem_size_amp) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel_amp, &device_param->kernel_dynamic_local_mem_size_amp) == -1) return -1; if (get_opencl_kernel_preferred_wgs_multiple (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_kernel_amp, &device_param->kernel_preferred_wgs_multiple_amp) == -1) return -1; } if (hashconfig->attack_exec == ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL) { // nothing to do } else { for (u32 i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if (hc_clSetKernelArg (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_kernel_amp, i, sizeof (cl_mem), device_param->kernel_params_amp[i]) == -1) return -1; } for (u32 i = 5; i < 6; i++) { if (hc_clSetKernelArg (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_kernel_amp, i, sizeof (cl_uint), device_param->kernel_params_amp[i]) == -1) return -1; } for (u32 i = 6; i < 7; i++) { if (hc_clSetKernelArg (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_kernel_amp, i, sizeof (cl_ulong), device_param->kernel_params_amp[i]) == -1) return -1; } } } // zero some data buffers if (run_opencl_kernel_bzero (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_d_plain_bufs, device_param->size_plains) == -1) return -1; if (run_opencl_kernel_bzero (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_d_digests_shown, device_param->size_shown) == -1) return -1; if (run_opencl_kernel_bzero (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_d_result, device_param->size_results) == -1) return -1; /** * special buffers */ if (user_options->slow_candidates == true) { if (run_opencl_kernel_bzero (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_d_rules_c, size_rules_c) == -1) return -1; } else { if (user_options_extra->attack_kern == ATTACK_KERN_STRAIGHT) { if (run_opencl_kernel_bzero (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_d_rules_c, size_rules_c) == -1) return -1; } else if (user_options_extra->attack_kern == ATTACK_KERN_COMBI) { if (run_opencl_kernel_bzero (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_d_combs, size_combs) == -1) return -1; if (run_opencl_kernel_bzero (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_d_combs_c, size_combs) == -1) return -1; if (run_opencl_kernel_bzero (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_d_root_css_buf, size_root_css) == -1) return -1; if (run_opencl_kernel_bzero (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_d_markov_css_buf, size_markov_css) == -1) return -1; } else if (user_options_extra->attack_kern == ATTACK_KERN_BF) { if (run_opencl_kernel_bzero (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_d_bfs, size_bfs) == -1) return -1; if (run_opencl_kernel_bzero (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_d_bfs_c, size_bfs) == -1) return -1; if (run_opencl_kernel_bzero (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_d_tm_c, size_tm) == -1) return -1; if (run_opencl_kernel_bzero (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_d_root_css_buf, size_root_css) == -1) return -1; if (run_opencl_kernel_bzero (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_d_markov_css_buf, size_markov_css) == -1) return -1; } } if (user_options->slow_candidates == true) { } else { if ((user_options->attack_mode == ATTACK_MODE_HYBRID1) || (user_options->attack_mode == ATTACK_MODE_HYBRID2)) { /** * prepare mp */ if (user_options->attack_mode == ATTACK_MODE_HYBRID1) { device_param->kernel_params_mp_buf32[5] = 0; device_param->kernel_params_mp_buf32[6] = 0; device_param->kernel_params_mp_buf32[7] = 0; if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADD01) device_param->kernel_params_mp_buf32[5] = full01; if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADD06) device_param->kernel_params_mp_buf32[5] = full06; if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADD80) device_param->kernel_params_mp_buf32[5] = full80; if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADDBITS14) device_param->kernel_params_mp_buf32[6] = 1; if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADDBITS15) device_param->kernel_params_mp_buf32[7] = 1; } else if (user_options->attack_mode == ATTACK_MODE_HYBRID2) { device_param->kernel_params_mp_buf32[5] = 0; device_param->kernel_params_mp_buf32[6] = 0; device_param->kernel_params_mp_buf32[7] = 0; } for (u32 i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (hc_clSetKernelArg (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_kernel_mp, i, sizeof (cl_mem), device_param->kernel_params_mp[i]) == -1) return -1; } } else if (user_options->attack_mode == ATTACK_MODE_BF) { /** * prepare mp_r and mp_l */ device_param->kernel_params_mp_l_buf32[6] = 0; device_param->kernel_params_mp_l_buf32[7] = 0; device_param->kernel_params_mp_l_buf32[8] = 0; if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADD01) device_param->kernel_params_mp_l_buf32[6] = full01; if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADD06) device_param->kernel_params_mp_l_buf32[6] = full06; if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADD80) device_param->kernel_params_mp_l_buf32[6] = full80; if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADDBITS14) device_param->kernel_params_mp_l_buf32[7] = 1; if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADDBITS15) device_param->kernel_params_mp_l_buf32[8] = 1; for (u32 i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (hc_clSetKernelArg (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_kernel_mp_l, i, sizeof (cl_mem), device_param->kernel_params_mp_l[i]) == -1) return -1; } for (u32 i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (hc_clSetKernelArg (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_kernel_mp_r, i, sizeof (cl_mem), device_param->kernel_params_mp_r[i]) == -1) return -1; } } } } // this is required because inside the kernels there is this: // __local pw_t s_pws[64]; if (user_options->attack_mode == ATTACK_MODE_STRAIGHT) { if (hashconfig->attack_exec == ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL) { if (hashconfig->opti_type & OPTI_TYPE_OPTIMIZED_KERNEL) { // not required } else { device_param->kernel_threads_max = MIN (device_param->kernel_threads_max, 64); } } } /** * now everything that depends on threads and accel, basically dynamic workload */ const u32 kernel_threads = get_kernel_threads (device_param); device_param->kernel_threads = kernel_threads; device_param->hardware_power = device_processors * kernel_threads; u32 kernel_accel_min = device_param->kernel_accel_min; u32 kernel_accel_max = device_param->kernel_accel_max; /** * We need a kernel accel limiter otherwise we will allocate too much memory (Example 4* GTX1080): * 4 (gpus) * 260 (sizeof pw_t) * 3 (pws, pws_comp, pw_pre) * 20 (MCU) * 1024 (threads) * 1024 (accel) = 65,431,142,400 bytes RAM!! */ const u32 accel_limit = CEILDIV ((64 * 1024), kernel_threads); // this should result in less than 4GB per GPU, but allow higher accel in case user reduces the threads manually using -T kernel_accel_max = MIN (kernel_accel_max, accel_limit); if (kernel_accel_min > kernel_accel_max) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "* Device #%u: Too many compute units to keep minimum kernel accel limit. Retry with lower --backend-kernel-threads value.", device_id + 1); return -1; } // find out if we would request too much memory on memory blocks which are based on kernel_accel u64 size_pws = 4; u64 size_pws_amp = 4; u64 size_pws_comp = 4; u64 size_pws_idx = 4; u64 size_pws_pre = 4; u64 size_pws_base = 4; u64 size_tmps = 4; u64 size_hooks = 4; #ifdef WITH_BRAIN u64 size_brain_link_in = 4; u64 size_brain_link_out = 4; #endif // instead of a thread limit we can also use a memory limit. // this value should represent a reasonable amount of memory a host system has per GPU. // note we're allocating 3 blocks of that size. const u64 PWS_SPACE = 1024ULL * 1024ULL * 1024ULL; // sometimes device_available_mem and device_maxmem_alloc reported back from the opencl runtime are a bit inaccurate. // let's add some extra space just to be sure. const u64 EXTRA_SPACE = 64ULL * 1024ULL * 1024ULL; while (kernel_accel_max >= kernel_accel_min) { const u64 kernel_power_max = device_param->hardware_power * kernel_accel_max; // size_pws size_pws = kernel_power_max * sizeof (pw_t); size_pws_amp = (hashconfig->attack_exec == ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL) ? 1 : size_pws; // size_pws_comp size_pws_comp = kernel_power_max * (sizeof (u32) * 64); // size_pws_idx size_pws_idx = (u64) (kernel_power_max + 1) * sizeof (pw_idx_t); // size_tmps size_tmps = kernel_power_max * (hashconfig->tmp_size + hashconfig->extra_tmp_size); // size_hooks size_hooks = kernel_power_max * hashconfig->hook_size; #ifdef WITH_BRAIN // size_brains size_brain_link_in = kernel_power_max * 1; size_brain_link_out = kernel_power_max * 8; #endif if (user_options->slow_candidates == true) { // size_pws_pre size_pws_pre = kernel_power_max * sizeof (pw_pre_t); // size_pws_base size_pws_base = kernel_power_max * sizeof (pw_pre_t); } // now check if all device-memory sizes which depend on the kernel_accel_max amplifier are within its boundaries // if not, decrease amplifier and try again int memory_limit_hit = 0; if (size_pws > PWS_SPACE) memory_limit_hit = 1; if ((size_pws + EXTRA_SPACE) > device_param->device_maxmem_alloc) memory_limit_hit = 1; if ((size_tmps + EXTRA_SPACE) > device_param->device_maxmem_alloc) memory_limit_hit = 1; if ((size_hooks + EXTRA_SPACE) > device_param->device_maxmem_alloc) memory_limit_hit = 1; const u64 size_total = bitmap_ctx->bitmap_size + bitmap_ctx->bitmap_size + bitmap_ctx->bitmap_size + bitmap_ctx->bitmap_size + bitmap_ctx->bitmap_size + bitmap_ctx->bitmap_size + bitmap_ctx->bitmap_size + bitmap_ctx->bitmap_size + size_bfs + size_combs + size_digests + size_esalts + size_hooks + size_markov_css + size_plains + size_pws + size_pws_amp + size_pws_comp + size_pws_idx + size_results + size_root_css + size_rules + size_rules_c + size_salts + size_extra_buffer + size_shown + size_tm + size_tmps + size_st_digests + size_st_salts + size_st_esalts; if ((size_total + EXTRA_SPACE) > device_param->device_available_mem) memory_limit_hit = 1; if (memory_limit_hit == 1) { kernel_accel_max--; continue; } const u64 size_total_host = size_pws_comp + size_pws_idx + size_hooks #ifdef WITH_BRAIN + size_brain_link_in + size_brain_link_out #endif + size_pws_pre + size_pws_base; size_total_host_all += size_total_host + EXTRA_SPACE; break; } if (kernel_accel_max < kernel_accel_min) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "* Device #%u: Not enough allocatable device memory for this attack.", device_id + 1); return -1; } device_param->kernel_accel_min = kernel_accel_min; device_param->kernel_accel_max = kernel_accel_max; device_param->size_pws = size_pws; device_param->size_pws_amp = size_pws_amp; device_param->size_pws_comp = size_pws_comp; device_param->size_pws_idx = size_pws_idx; device_param->size_pws_pre = size_pws_pre; device_param->size_pws_base = size_pws_base; device_param->size_tmps = size_tmps; device_param->size_hooks = size_hooks; #ifdef WITH_BRAIN device_param->size_brain_link_in = size_brain_link_in; device_param->size_brain_link_out = size_brain_link_out; #endif if (device_param->is_cuda == true) { if (hc_cuMemAlloc (hashcat_ctx, &device_param->cuda_d_pws_buf, size_pws) == -1) return -1; if (hc_cuMemAlloc (hashcat_ctx, &device_param->cuda_d_pws_amp_buf, size_pws_amp) == -1) return -1; if (hc_cuMemAlloc (hashcat_ctx, &device_param->cuda_d_pws_comp_buf, size_pws_comp) == -1) return -1; if (hc_cuMemAlloc (hashcat_ctx, &device_param->cuda_d_pws_idx, size_pws_idx) == -1) return -1; if (hc_cuMemAlloc (hashcat_ctx, &device_param->cuda_d_tmps, size_tmps) == -1) return -1; if (hc_cuMemAlloc (hashcat_ctx, &device_param->cuda_d_hooks, size_hooks) == -1) return -1; if (run_cuda_kernel_bzero (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->cuda_d_pws_buf, device_param->size_pws) == -1) return -1; if (run_cuda_kernel_bzero (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->cuda_d_pws_amp_buf, device_param->size_pws_amp) == -1) return -1; if (run_cuda_kernel_bzero (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->cuda_d_pws_comp_buf, device_param->size_pws_comp) == -1) return -1; if (run_cuda_kernel_bzero (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->cuda_d_pws_idx, device_param->size_pws_idx) == -1) return -1; if (run_cuda_kernel_bzero (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->cuda_d_tmps, device_param->size_tmps) == -1) return -1; if (run_cuda_kernel_bzero (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->cuda_d_hooks, device_param->size_hooks) == -1) return -1; } if (device_param->is_opencl == true) { if (hc_clCreateBuffer (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, size_pws, NULL, &device_param->opencl_d_pws_buf) == -1) return -1; if (hc_clCreateBuffer (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, size_pws_amp, NULL, &device_param->opencl_d_pws_amp_buf) == -1) return -1; if (hc_clCreateBuffer (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_context, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, size_pws_comp, NULL, &device_param->opencl_d_pws_comp_buf) == -1) return -1; if (hc_clCreateBuffer (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_context, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, size_pws_idx, NULL, &device_param->opencl_d_pws_idx) == -1) return -1; if (hc_clCreateBuffer (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, size_tmps, NULL, &device_param->opencl_d_tmps) == -1) return -1; if (hc_clCreateBuffer (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, size_hooks, NULL, &device_param->opencl_d_hooks) == -1) return -1; if (run_opencl_kernel_bzero (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_d_pws_buf, device_param->size_pws) == -1) return -1; if (run_opencl_kernel_bzero (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_d_pws_amp_buf, device_param->size_pws_amp) == -1) return -1; if (run_opencl_kernel_bzero (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_d_pws_comp_buf, device_param->size_pws_comp) == -1) return -1; if (run_opencl_kernel_bzero (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_d_pws_idx, device_param->size_pws_idx) == -1) return -1; if (run_opencl_kernel_bzero (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_d_tmps, device_param->size_tmps) == -1) return -1; if (run_opencl_kernel_bzero (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_d_hooks, device_param->size_hooks) == -1) return -1; } /** * main host data */ u32 *pws_comp = (u32 *) hcmalloc (size_pws_comp); device_param->pws_comp = pws_comp; pw_idx_t *pws_idx = (pw_idx_t *) hcmalloc (size_pws_idx); device_param->pws_idx = pws_idx; pw_t *combs_buf = (pw_t *) hccalloc (KERNEL_COMBS, sizeof (pw_t)); device_param->combs_buf = combs_buf; void *hooks_buf = hcmalloc (size_hooks); device_param->hooks_buf = hooks_buf; char *scratch_buf = (char *) hcmalloc (HCBUFSIZ_LARGE); device_param->scratch_buf = scratch_buf; #ifdef WITH_BRAIN u8 *brain_link_in_buf = (u8 *) hcmalloc (size_brain_link_in); device_param->brain_link_in_buf = brain_link_in_buf; u32 *brain_link_out_buf = (u32 *) hcmalloc (size_brain_link_out); device_param->brain_link_out_buf = brain_link_out_buf; #endif pw_pre_t *pws_pre_buf = (pw_pre_t *) hcmalloc (size_pws_pre); device_param->pws_pre_buf = pws_pre_buf; pw_pre_t *pws_base_buf = (pw_pre_t *) hcmalloc (size_pws_base); device_param->pws_base_buf = pws_base_buf; /** * kernel args */ if (device_param->is_cuda == true) { device_param->kernel_params[ 0] = &device_param->cuda_d_pws_buf; device_param->kernel_params[ 4] = &device_param->cuda_d_tmps; device_param->kernel_params[ 5] = &device_param->cuda_d_hooks; } if (device_param->is_opencl == true) { device_param->kernel_params[ 0] = &device_param->opencl_d_pws_buf; device_param->kernel_params[ 4] = &device_param->opencl_d_tmps; device_param->kernel_params[ 5] = &device_param->opencl_d_hooks; } if (user_options->slow_candidates == true) { } else { if (hashconfig->opti_type & OPTI_TYPE_OPTIMIZED_KERNEL) { // nothing to do } else { if (user_options->attack_mode == ATTACK_MODE_HYBRID2) { if (device_param->is_cuda == true) { device_param->kernel_params_mp[0] = (hashconfig->attack_exec == ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL) ? &device_param->cuda_d_pws_buf : &device_param->cuda_d_pws_amp_buf; //CL_rc = hc_clSetKernelArg (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_kernel_mp, 0, sizeof (cl_mem), device_param->kernel_params_mp[0]); if (CL_rc == -1) return -1; } if (device_param->is_opencl == true) { device_param->kernel_params_mp[0] = (hashconfig->attack_exec == ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL) ? &device_param->opencl_d_pws_buf : &device_param->opencl_d_pws_amp_buf; if (hc_clSetKernelArg (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_kernel_mp, 0, sizeof (cl_mem), device_param->kernel_params_mp[0]) == -1) return -1; } } } if (user_options->attack_mode == ATTACK_MODE_BF) { if (device_param->is_cuda == true) { device_param->kernel_params_mp_l[0] = (hashconfig->attack_exec == ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL) ? &device_param->cuda_d_pws_buf : &device_param->cuda_d_pws_amp_buf; //CL_rc = hc_clSetKernelArg (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_kernel_mp_l, 0, sizeof (cl_mem), device_param->kernel_params_mp_l[0]); if (CL_rc == -1) return -1; } if (device_param->is_opencl == true) { device_param->kernel_params_mp_l[0] = (hashconfig->attack_exec == ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL) ? &device_param->opencl_d_pws_buf : &device_param->opencl_d_pws_amp_buf; if (hc_clSetKernelArg (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_kernel_mp_l, 0, sizeof (cl_mem), device_param->kernel_params_mp_l[0]) == -1) return -1; } } if (hashconfig->attack_exec == ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL) { // nothing to do } else { if (device_param->is_cuda == true) { device_param->kernel_params_amp[0] = &device_param->cuda_d_pws_buf; device_param->kernel_params_amp[1] = &device_param->cuda_d_pws_amp_buf; //CL_rc = hc_clSetKernelArg (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_kernel_amp, 0, sizeof (cl_mem), device_param->kernel_params_amp[0]); if (CL_rc == -1) return -1; //CL_rc = hc_clSetKernelArg (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_kernel_amp, 1, sizeof (cl_mem), device_param->kernel_params_amp[1]); if (CL_rc == -1) return -1; } if (device_param->is_opencl == true) { device_param->kernel_params_amp[0] = &device_param->opencl_d_pws_buf; device_param->kernel_params_amp[1] = &device_param->opencl_d_pws_amp_buf; if (hc_clSetKernelArg (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_kernel_amp, 0, sizeof (cl_mem), device_param->kernel_params_amp[0]) == -1) return -1; if (hc_clSetKernelArg (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_kernel_amp, 1, sizeof (cl_mem), device_param->kernel_params_amp[1]) == -1) return -1; } } } if (device_param->is_cuda == true) { device_param->kernel_params_decompress[0] = &device_param->cuda_d_pws_idx; device_param->kernel_params_decompress[1] = &device_param->cuda_d_pws_comp_buf; device_param->kernel_params_decompress[2] = (hashconfig->attack_exec == ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL) ? &device_param->cuda_d_pws_buf : &device_param->cuda_d_pws_amp_buf; //CL_rc = hc_clSetKernelArg (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_kernel_decompress, 0, sizeof (cl_mem), device_param->kernel_params_decompress[0]); if (CL_rc == -1) return -1; //CL_rc = hc_clSetKernelArg (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_kernel_decompress, 1, sizeof (cl_mem), device_param->kernel_params_decompress[1]); if (CL_rc == -1) return -1; //CL_rc = hc_clSetKernelArg (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_kernel_decompress, 2, sizeof (cl_mem), device_param->kernel_params_decompress[2]); if (CL_rc == -1) return -1; } if (device_param->is_opencl == true) { device_param->kernel_params_decompress[0] = &device_param->opencl_d_pws_idx; device_param->kernel_params_decompress[1] = &device_param->opencl_d_pws_comp_buf; device_param->kernel_params_decompress[2] = (hashconfig->attack_exec == ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL) ? &device_param->opencl_d_pws_buf : &device_param->opencl_d_pws_amp_buf; if (hc_clSetKernelArg (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_kernel_decompress, 0, sizeof (cl_mem), device_param->kernel_params_decompress[0]) == -1) return -1; if (hc_clSetKernelArg (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_kernel_decompress, 1, sizeof (cl_mem), device_param->kernel_params_decompress[1]) == -1) return -1; if (hc_clSetKernelArg (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_kernel_decompress, 2, sizeof (cl_mem), device_param->kernel_params_decompress[2]) == -1) return -1; } hardware_power_all += device_param->hardware_power; EVENT_DATA (EVENT_BACKEND_DEVICE_INIT_POST, &backend_devices_idx, sizeof (int)); } if (user_options->benchmark == false) { if (hardware_power_all == 0) return -1; } backend_ctx->hardware_power_all = hardware_power_all; EVENT_DATA (EVENT_BACKEND_SESSION_HOSTMEM, &size_total_host_all, sizeof (u64)); return 0; } void backend_session_destroy (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx) { backend_ctx_t *backend_ctx = hashcat_ctx->backend_ctx; if (backend_ctx->enabled == false) return; for (int backend_devices_idx = 0; backend_devices_idx < backend_ctx->backend_devices_cnt; backend_devices_idx++) { hc_device_param_t *device_param = &backend_ctx->devices_param[backend_devices_idx]; if (device_param->skipped == true) continue; hcfree (device_param->pws_comp); hcfree (device_param->pws_idx); hcfree (device_param->pws_pre_buf); hcfree (device_param->pws_base_buf); hcfree (device_param->combs_buf); hcfree (device_param->hooks_buf); hcfree (device_param->scratch_buf); #ifdef WITH_BRAIN hcfree (device_param->brain_link_in_buf); hcfree (device_param->brain_link_out_buf); #endif if (device_param->is_cuda == true) { if (device_param->cuda_d_pws_buf) hc_cuMemFree (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_d_pws_buf); if (device_param->cuda_d_pws_amp_buf) hc_cuMemFree (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_d_pws_amp_buf); if (device_param->cuda_d_pws_comp_buf) hc_cuMemFree (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_d_pws_comp_buf); if (device_param->cuda_d_pws_idx) hc_cuMemFree (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_d_pws_idx); if (device_param->cuda_d_rules) hc_cuMemFree (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_d_rules); //if (device_param->cuda_d_rules_c) hc_cuMemFree (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_d_rules_c); if (device_param->cuda_d_combs) hc_cuMemFree (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_d_combs); if (device_param->cuda_d_combs_c) hc_cuMemFree (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_d_combs_c); if (device_param->cuda_d_bfs) hc_cuMemFree (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_d_bfs); //if (device_param->cuda_d_bfs_c) hc_cuMemFree (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_d_bfs_c); if (device_param->cuda_d_bitmap_s1_a) hc_cuMemFree (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_d_bitmap_s1_a); if (device_param->cuda_d_bitmap_s1_b) hc_cuMemFree (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_d_bitmap_s1_b); if (device_param->cuda_d_bitmap_s1_c) hc_cuMemFree (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_d_bitmap_s1_c); if (device_param->cuda_d_bitmap_s1_d) hc_cuMemFree (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_d_bitmap_s1_d); if (device_param->cuda_d_bitmap_s2_a) hc_cuMemFree (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_d_bitmap_s2_a); if (device_param->cuda_d_bitmap_s2_b) hc_cuMemFree (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_d_bitmap_s2_b); if (device_param->cuda_d_bitmap_s2_c) hc_cuMemFree (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_d_bitmap_s2_c); if (device_param->cuda_d_bitmap_s2_d) hc_cuMemFree (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_d_bitmap_s2_d); if (device_param->cuda_d_plain_bufs) hc_cuMemFree (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_d_plain_bufs); if (device_param->cuda_d_digests_buf) hc_cuMemFree (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_d_digests_buf); if (device_param->cuda_d_digests_shown) hc_cuMemFree (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_d_digests_shown); if (device_param->cuda_d_salt_bufs) hc_cuMemFree (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_d_salt_bufs); if (device_param->cuda_d_esalt_bufs) hc_cuMemFree (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_d_esalt_bufs); if (device_param->cuda_d_tmps) hc_cuMemFree (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_d_tmps); if (device_param->cuda_d_hooks) hc_cuMemFree (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_d_hooks); if (device_param->cuda_d_result) hc_cuMemFree (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_d_result); if (device_param->cuda_d_extra0_buf) hc_cuMemFree (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_d_extra0_buf); if (device_param->cuda_d_extra1_buf) hc_cuMemFree (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_d_extra1_buf); if (device_param->cuda_d_extra2_buf) hc_cuMemFree (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_d_extra2_buf); if (device_param->cuda_d_extra3_buf) hc_cuMemFree (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_d_extra3_buf); if (device_param->cuda_d_root_css_buf) hc_cuMemFree (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_d_root_css_buf); if (device_param->cuda_d_markov_css_buf) hc_cuMemFree (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_d_markov_css_buf); if (device_param->cuda_d_tm_c) hc_cuMemFree (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_d_tm_c); if (device_param->cuda_d_st_digests_buf) hc_cuMemFree (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_d_st_digests_buf); if (device_param->cuda_d_st_salts_buf) hc_cuMemFree (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_d_st_salts_buf); if (device_param->cuda_d_st_esalts_buf) hc_cuMemFree (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_d_st_esalts_buf); if (device_param->cuda_event1) hc_cuEventDestroy (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_event1); if (device_param->cuda_event2) hc_cuEventDestroy (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_event2); if (device_param->cuda_stream) hc_cuStreamDestroy (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_stream); if (device_param->cuda_module) hc_cuModuleUnload (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_module); if (device_param->cuda_module_mp) hc_cuModuleUnload (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_module_mp); if (device_param->cuda_module_amp) hc_cuModuleUnload (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_module_amp); if (device_param->cuda_context) hc_cuCtxDestroy (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_context); device_param->cuda_d_pws_buf = 0; device_param->cuda_d_pws_amp_buf = 0; device_param->cuda_d_pws_comp_buf = 0; device_param->cuda_d_pws_idx = 0; device_param->cuda_d_rules = 0; device_param->cuda_d_rules_c = 0; device_param->cuda_d_combs = 0; device_param->cuda_d_combs_c = 0; device_param->cuda_d_bfs = 0; device_param->cuda_d_bfs_c = 0; device_param->cuda_d_bitmap_s1_a = 0; device_param->cuda_d_bitmap_s1_b = 0; device_param->cuda_d_bitmap_s1_c = 0; device_param->cuda_d_bitmap_s1_d = 0; device_param->cuda_d_bitmap_s2_a = 0; device_param->cuda_d_bitmap_s2_b = 0; device_param->cuda_d_bitmap_s2_c = 0; device_param->cuda_d_bitmap_s2_d = 0; device_param->cuda_d_plain_bufs = 0; device_param->cuda_d_digests_buf = 0; device_param->cuda_d_digests_shown = 0; device_param->cuda_d_salt_bufs = 0; device_param->cuda_d_esalt_bufs = 0; device_param->cuda_d_tmps = 0; device_param->cuda_d_hooks = 0; device_param->cuda_d_result = 0; device_param->cuda_d_extra0_buf = 0; device_param->cuda_d_extra1_buf = 0; device_param->cuda_d_extra2_buf = 0; device_param->cuda_d_extra3_buf = 0; device_param->cuda_d_root_css_buf = 0; device_param->cuda_d_markov_css_buf = 0; device_param->cuda_d_tm_c = 0; device_param->cuda_d_st_digests_buf = 0; device_param->cuda_d_st_salts_buf = 0; device_param->cuda_d_st_esalts_buf = 0; device_param->cuda_function1 = NULL; device_param->cuda_function12 = NULL; device_param->cuda_function2 = NULL; device_param->cuda_function2e = NULL; device_param->cuda_function23 = NULL; device_param->cuda_function3 = NULL; device_param->cuda_function4 = NULL; device_param->cuda_function_init2 = NULL; device_param->cuda_function_loop2 = NULL; device_param->cuda_function_mp = NULL; device_param->cuda_function_mp_l = NULL; device_param->cuda_function_mp_r = NULL; device_param->cuda_function_tm = NULL; device_param->cuda_function_amp = NULL; device_param->cuda_function_memset = NULL; device_param->cuda_function_atinit = NULL; device_param->cuda_function_decompress = NULL; device_param->cuda_function_aux1 = NULL; device_param->cuda_function_aux2 = NULL; device_param->cuda_function_aux3 = NULL; device_param->cuda_function_aux4 = NULL; device_param->cuda_module = NULL; device_param->cuda_module_mp = NULL; device_param->cuda_module_amp = NULL; device_param->cuda_context = NULL; } if (device_param->is_opencl == true) { if (device_param->opencl_d_pws_buf) hc_clReleaseMemObject (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_d_pws_buf); if (device_param->opencl_d_pws_amp_buf) hc_clReleaseMemObject (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_d_pws_amp_buf); if (device_param->opencl_d_pws_comp_buf) hc_clReleaseMemObject (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_d_pws_comp_buf); if (device_param->opencl_d_pws_idx) hc_clReleaseMemObject (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_d_pws_idx); if (device_param->opencl_d_rules) hc_clReleaseMemObject (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_d_rules); if (device_param->opencl_d_rules_c) hc_clReleaseMemObject (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_d_rules_c); if (device_param->opencl_d_combs) hc_clReleaseMemObject (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_d_combs); if (device_param->opencl_d_combs_c) hc_clReleaseMemObject (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_d_combs_c); if (device_param->opencl_d_bfs) hc_clReleaseMemObject (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_d_bfs); if (device_param->opencl_d_bfs_c) hc_clReleaseMemObject (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_d_bfs_c); if (device_param->opencl_d_bitmap_s1_a) hc_clReleaseMemObject (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_d_bitmap_s1_a); if (device_param->opencl_d_bitmap_s1_b) hc_clReleaseMemObject (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_d_bitmap_s1_b); if (device_param->opencl_d_bitmap_s1_c) hc_clReleaseMemObject (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_d_bitmap_s1_c); if (device_param->opencl_d_bitmap_s1_d) hc_clReleaseMemObject (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_d_bitmap_s1_d); if (device_param->opencl_d_bitmap_s2_a) hc_clReleaseMemObject (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_d_bitmap_s2_a); if (device_param->opencl_d_bitmap_s2_b) hc_clReleaseMemObject (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_d_bitmap_s2_b); if (device_param->opencl_d_bitmap_s2_c) hc_clReleaseMemObject (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_d_bitmap_s2_c); if (device_param->opencl_d_bitmap_s2_d) hc_clReleaseMemObject (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_d_bitmap_s2_d); if (device_param->opencl_d_plain_bufs) hc_clReleaseMemObject (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_d_plain_bufs); if (device_param->opencl_d_digests_buf) hc_clReleaseMemObject (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_d_digests_buf); if (device_param->opencl_d_digests_shown) hc_clReleaseMemObject (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_d_digests_shown); if (device_param->opencl_d_salt_bufs) hc_clReleaseMemObject (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_d_salt_bufs); if (device_param->opencl_d_esalt_bufs) hc_clReleaseMemObject (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_d_esalt_bufs); if (device_param->opencl_d_tmps) hc_clReleaseMemObject (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_d_tmps); if (device_param->opencl_d_hooks) hc_clReleaseMemObject (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_d_hooks); if (device_param->opencl_d_result) hc_clReleaseMemObject (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_d_result); if (device_param->opencl_d_extra0_buf) hc_clReleaseMemObject (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_d_extra0_buf); if (device_param->opencl_d_extra1_buf) hc_clReleaseMemObject (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_d_extra1_buf); if (device_param->opencl_d_extra2_buf) hc_clReleaseMemObject (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_d_extra2_buf); if (device_param->opencl_d_extra3_buf) hc_clReleaseMemObject (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_d_extra3_buf); if (device_param->opencl_d_root_css_buf) hc_clReleaseMemObject (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_d_root_css_buf); if (device_param->opencl_d_markov_css_buf) hc_clReleaseMemObject (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_d_markov_css_buf); if (device_param->opencl_d_tm_c) hc_clReleaseMemObject (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_d_tm_c); if (device_param->opencl_d_st_digests_buf) hc_clReleaseMemObject (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_d_st_digests_buf); if (device_param->opencl_d_st_salts_buf) hc_clReleaseMemObject (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_d_st_salts_buf); if (device_param->opencl_d_st_esalts_buf) hc_clReleaseMemObject (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_d_st_esalts_buf); if (device_param->opencl_kernel1) hc_clReleaseKernel (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_kernel1); if (device_param->opencl_kernel12) hc_clReleaseKernel (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_kernel12); if (device_param->opencl_kernel2) hc_clReleaseKernel (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_kernel2); if (device_param->opencl_kernel2e) hc_clReleaseKernel (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_kernel2e); if (device_param->opencl_kernel23) hc_clReleaseKernel (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_kernel23); if (device_param->opencl_kernel3) hc_clReleaseKernel (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_kernel3); if (device_param->opencl_kernel4) hc_clReleaseKernel (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_kernel4); if (device_param->opencl_kernel_init2) hc_clReleaseKernel (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_kernel_init2); if (device_param->opencl_kernel_loop2) hc_clReleaseKernel (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_kernel_loop2); if (device_param->opencl_kernel_mp) hc_clReleaseKernel (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_kernel_mp); if (device_param->opencl_kernel_mp_l) hc_clReleaseKernel (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_kernel_mp_l); if (device_param->opencl_kernel_mp_r) hc_clReleaseKernel (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_kernel_mp_r); if (device_param->opencl_kernel_tm) hc_clReleaseKernel (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_kernel_tm); if (device_param->opencl_kernel_amp) hc_clReleaseKernel (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_kernel_amp); if (device_param->opencl_kernel_memset) hc_clReleaseKernel (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_kernel_memset); if (device_param->opencl_kernel_atinit) hc_clReleaseKernel (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_kernel_atinit); if (device_param->opencl_kernel_decompress)hc_clReleaseKernel (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_kernel_decompress); if (device_param->opencl_kernel_aux1) hc_clReleaseKernel (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_kernel_aux1); if (device_param->opencl_kernel_aux2) hc_clReleaseKernel (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_kernel_aux2); if (device_param->opencl_kernel_aux3) hc_clReleaseKernel (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_kernel_aux3); if (device_param->opencl_kernel_aux4) hc_clReleaseKernel (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_kernel_aux4); if (device_param->opencl_program) hc_clReleaseProgram (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_program); if (device_param->opencl_program_mp) hc_clReleaseProgram (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_program_mp); if (device_param->opencl_program_amp) hc_clReleaseProgram (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_program_amp); if (device_param->opencl_command_queue) hc_clReleaseCommandQueue (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_command_queue); if (device_param->opencl_context) hc_clReleaseContext (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_context); device_param->opencl_d_pws_buf = NULL; device_param->opencl_d_pws_amp_buf = NULL; device_param->opencl_d_pws_comp_buf = NULL; device_param->opencl_d_pws_idx = NULL; device_param->opencl_d_rules = NULL; device_param->opencl_d_rules_c = NULL; device_param->opencl_d_combs = NULL; device_param->opencl_d_combs_c = NULL; device_param->opencl_d_bfs = NULL; device_param->opencl_d_bfs_c = NULL; device_param->opencl_d_bitmap_s1_a = NULL; device_param->opencl_d_bitmap_s1_b = NULL; device_param->opencl_d_bitmap_s1_c = NULL; device_param->opencl_d_bitmap_s1_d = NULL; device_param->opencl_d_bitmap_s2_a = NULL; device_param->opencl_d_bitmap_s2_b = NULL; device_param->opencl_d_bitmap_s2_c = NULL; device_param->opencl_d_bitmap_s2_d = NULL; device_param->opencl_d_plain_bufs = NULL; device_param->opencl_d_digests_buf = NULL; device_param->opencl_d_digests_shown = NULL; device_param->opencl_d_salt_bufs = NULL; device_param->opencl_d_esalt_bufs = NULL; device_param->opencl_d_tmps = NULL; device_param->opencl_d_hooks = NULL; device_param->opencl_d_result = NULL; device_param->opencl_d_extra0_buf = NULL; device_param->opencl_d_extra1_buf = NULL; device_param->opencl_d_extra2_buf = NULL; device_param->opencl_d_extra3_buf = NULL; device_param->opencl_d_root_css_buf = NULL; device_param->opencl_d_markov_css_buf = NULL; device_param->opencl_d_tm_c = NULL; device_param->opencl_d_st_digests_buf = NULL; device_param->opencl_d_st_salts_buf = NULL; device_param->opencl_d_st_esalts_buf = NULL; device_param->opencl_kernel1 = NULL; device_param->opencl_kernel12 = NULL; device_param->opencl_kernel2 = NULL; device_param->opencl_kernel2e = NULL; device_param->opencl_kernel23 = NULL; device_param->opencl_kernel3 = NULL; device_param->opencl_kernel4 = NULL; device_param->opencl_kernel_init2 = NULL; device_param->opencl_kernel_loop2 = NULL; device_param->opencl_kernel_mp = NULL; device_param->opencl_kernel_mp_l = NULL; device_param->opencl_kernel_mp_r = NULL; device_param->opencl_kernel_tm = NULL; device_param->opencl_kernel_amp = NULL; device_param->opencl_kernel_memset = NULL; device_param->opencl_kernel_atinit = NULL; device_param->opencl_kernel_decompress = NULL; device_param->opencl_kernel_aux1 = NULL; device_param->opencl_kernel_aux2 = NULL; device_param->opencl_kernel_aux3 = NULL; device_param->opencl_kernel_aux4 = NULL; device_param->opencl_program = NULL; device_param->opencl_program_mp = NULL; device_param->opencl_program_amp = NULL; device_param->opencl_command_queue = NULL; device_param->opencl_context = NULL; } device_param->pws_comp = NULL; device_param->pws_idx = NULL; device_param->pws_pre_buf = NULL; device_param->pws_base_buf = NULL; device_param->combs_buf = NULL; device_param->hooks_buf = NULL; device_param->scratch_buf = NULL; #ifdef WITH_BRAIN device_param->brain_link_in_buf = NULL; device_param->brain_link_out_buf = NULL; #endif } } void backend_session_reset (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx) { backend_ctx_t *backend_ctx = hashcat_ctx->backend_ctx; if (backend_ctx->enabled == false) return; for (int backend_devices_idx = 0; backend_devices_idx < backend_ctx->backend_devices_cnt; backend_devices_idx++) { hc_device_param_t *device_param = &backend_ctx->devices_param[backend_devices_idx]; if (device_param->skipped == true) continue; device_param->speed_pos = 0; memset (device_param->speed_cnt, 0, SPEED_CACHE * sizeof (u64)); memset (device_param->speed_msec, 0, SPEED_CACHE * sizeof (double)); device_param->speed_only_finish = false; device_param->exec_pos = 0; memset (device_param->exec_msec, 0, EXEC_CACHE * sizeof (double)); device_param->outerloop_msec = 0; device_param->outerloop_pos = 0; device_param->outerloop_left = 0; device_param->innerloop_pos = 0; device_param->innerloop_left = 0; // some more resets: if (device_param->pws_comp) memset (device_param->pws_comp, 0, device_param->size_pws_comp); if (device_param->pws_idx) memset (device_param->pws_idx, 0, device_param->size_pws_idx); device_param->pws_cnt = 0; device_param->words_off = 0; device_param->words_done = 0; #if defined (_WIN) device_param->timer_speed.QuadPart = 0; #else device_param->timer_speed.tv_sec = 0; #endif } backend_ctx->kernel_power_all = 0; backend_ctx->kernel_power_final = 0; } int backend_session_update_combinator (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx) { combinator_ctx_t *combinator_ctx = hashcat_ctx->combinator_ctx; hashconfig_t *hashconfig = hashcat_ctx->hashconfig; backend_ctx_t *backend_ctx = hashcat_ctx->backend_ctx; user_options_t *user_options = hashcat_ctx->user_options; if (backend_ctx->enabled == false) return 0; for (int backend_devices_idx = 0; backend_devices_idx < backend_ctx->backend_devices_cnt; backend_devices_idx++) { hc_device_param_t *device_param = &backend_ctx->devices_param[backend_devices_idx]; if (device_param->skipped == true) continue; if (device_param->skipped_warning == true) continue; // kernel_params device_param->kernel_params_buf32[33] = combinator_ctx->combs_mode; /* if (device_param->is_opencl == true) { CL_rc = hc_clSetKernelArg (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_kernel1, 33, sizeof (cl_uint), device_param->kernel_params[33]); if (CL_rc == -1) return -1; CL_rc = hc_clSetKernelArg (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_kernel2, 33, sizeof (cl_uint), device_param->kernel_params[33]); if (CL_rc == -1) return -1; CL_rc = hc_clSetKernelArg (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_kernel3, 33, sizeof (cl_uint), device_param->kernel_params[33]); if (CL_rc == -1) return -1; CL_rc = hc_clSetKernelArg (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_kernel4, 33, sizeof (cl_uint), device_param->kernel_params[33]); if (CL_rc == -1) return -1; if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_HOOK12) { CL_rc = hc_clSetKernelArg (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_kernel12, 33, sizeof (cl_uint), device_param->kernel_params[33]); if (CL_rc == -1) return -1; } if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_HOOK23) { CL_rc = hc_clSetKernelArg (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_kernel23, 33, sizeof (cl_uint), device_param->kernel_params[33]); if (CL_rc == -1) return -1; } if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_INIT2) { CL_rc = hc_clSetKernelArg (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_kernel_init2, 33, sizeof (cl_uint), device_param->kernel_params[33]); if (CL_rc == -1) return -1; } if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_LOOP2) { CL_rc = hc_clSetKernelArg (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_kernel_loop2, 33, sizeof (cl_uint), device_param->kernel_params[33]); if (CL_rc == -1) return -1; } } */ // kernel_params_amp if (user_options->slow_candidates == true) { } else { device_param->kernel_params_amp_buf32[5] = combinator_ctx->combs_mode; if (hashconfig->attack_exec == ATTACK_EXEC_OUTSIDE_KERNEL) { if (device_param->is_opencl == true) { const int rc_clSetKernelArg = hc_clSetKernelArg (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_kernel_amp, 5, sizeof (cl_uint), device_param->kernel_params_amp[5]); if (rc_clSetKernelArg == -1) return -1; } } } } return 0; } int backend_session_update_mp (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx) { mask_ctx_t *mask_ctx = hashcat_ctx->mask_ctx; backend_ctx_t *backend_ctx = hashcat_ctx->backend_ctx; user_options_t *user_options = hashcat_ctx->user_options; if (backend_ctx->enabled == false) return 0; if (user_options->slow_candidates == true) return 0; for (int backend_devices_idx = 0; backend_devices_idx < backend_ctx->backend_devices_cnt; backend_devices_idx++) { hc_device_param_t *device_param = &backend_ctx->devices_param[backend_devices_idx]; if (device_param->skipped == true) continue; if (device_param->skipped_warning == true) continue; device_param->kernel_params_mp_buf64[3] = 0; device_param->kernel_params_mp_buf32[4] = mask_ctx->css_cnt; if (device_param->is_cuda == true) { //for (u32 i = 3; i < 4; i++) { CL_rc = hc_clSetKernelArg (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_kernel_mp, i, sizeof (cl_ulong), device_param->kernel_params_mp[i]); if (CL_rc == -1) return -1; } //for (u32 i = 4; i < 8; i++) { CL_rc = hc_clSetKernelArg (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_kernel_mp, i, sizeof (cl_uint), device_param->kernel_params_mp[i]); if (CL_rc == -1) return -1; } if (hc_cuMemcpyHtoD (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_d_root_css_buf, mask_ctx->root_css_buf, device_param->size_root_css) == -1) return -1; if (hc_cuMemcpyHtoD (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_d_markov_css_buf, mask_ctx->markov_css_buf, device_param->size_markov_css) == -1) return -1; } if (device_param->is_opencl == true) { for (u32 i = 3; i < 4; i++) { if (hc_clSetKernelArg (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_kernel_mp, i, sizeof (cl_ulong), device_param->kernel_params_mp[i]) == -1) return -1; } for (u32 i = 4; i < 8; i++) { if (hc_clSetKernelArg (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_kernel_mp, i, sizeof (cl_uint), device_param->kernel_params_mp[i]) == -1) return -1; } if (hc_clEnqueueWriteBuffer (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_command_queue, device_param->opencl_d_root_css_buf, CL_TRUE, 0, device_param->size_root_css, mask_ctx->root_css_buf, 0, NULL, NULL) == -1) return -1; if (hc_clEnqueueWriteBuffer (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_command_queue, device_param->opencl_d_markov_css_buf, CL_TRUE, 0, device_param->size_markov_css, mask_ctx->markov_css_buf, 0, NULL, NULL) == -1) return -1; } } return 0; } int backend_session_update_mp_rl (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, const u32 css_cnt_l, const u32 css_cnt_r) { mask_ctx_t *mask_ctx = hashcat_ctx->mask_ctx; backend_ctx_t *backend_ctx = hashcat_ctx->backend_ctx; user_options_t *user_options = hashcat_ctx->user_options; if (backend_ctx->enabled == false) return 0; if (user_options->slow_candidates == true) return 0; for (int backend_devices_idx = 0; backend_devices_idx < backend_ctx->backend_devices_cnt; backend_devices_idx++) { hc_device_param_t *device_param = &backend_ctx->devices_param[backend_devices_idx]; if (device_param->skipped == true) continue; if (device_param->skipped_warning == true) continue; device_param->kernel_params_mp_l_buf64[3] = 0; device_param->kernel_params_mp_l_buf32[4] = css_cnt_l; device_param->kernel_params_mp_l_buf32[5] = css_cnt_r; device_param->kernel_params_mp_r_buf64[3] = 0; device_param->kernel_params_mp_r_buf32[4] = css_cnt_r; if (device_param->is_cuda == true) { //for (u32 i = 3; i < 4; i++) { CL_rc = hc_clSetKernelArg (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_kernel_mp_l, i, sizeof (cl_ulong), device_param->kernel_params_mp_l[i]); if (CL_rc == -1) return -1; } //for (u32 i = 4; i < 8; i++) { CL_rc = hc_clSetKernelArg (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_kernel_mp_l, i, sizeof (cl_uint), device_param->kernel_params_mp_l[i]); if (CL_rc == -1) return -1; } //for (u32 i = 9; i < 9; i++) { CL_rc = hc_clSetKernelArg (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_kernel_mp_l, i, sizeof (cl_ulong), device_param->kernel_params_mp_l[i]); if (CL_rc == -1) return -1; } //for (u32 i = 3; i < 4; i++) { CL_rc = hc_clSetKernelArg (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_kernel_mp_r, i, sizeof (cl_ulong), device_param->kernel_params_mp_r[i]); if (CL_rc == -1) return -1; } //for (u32 i = 4; i < 7; i++) { CL_rc = hc_clSetKernelArg (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_kernel_mp_r, i, sizeof (cl_uint), device_param->kernel_params_mp_r[i]); if (CL_rc == -1) return -1; } //for (u32 i = 8; i < 8; i++) { CL_rc = hc_clSetKernelArg (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_kernel_mp_r, i, sizeof (cl_ulong), device_param->kernel_params_mp_r[i]); if (CL_rc == -1) return -1; } if (hc_cuMemcpyHtoD (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_d_root_css_buf, mask_ctx->root_css_buf, device_param->size_root_css) == -1) return -1; if (hc_cuMemcpyHtoD (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_d_markov_css_buf, mask_ctx->markov_css_buf, device_param->size_markov_css) == -1) return -1; } if (device_param->is_opencl == true) { for (u32 i = 3; i < 4; i++) { if (hc_clSetKernelArg (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_kernel_mp_l, i, sizeof (cl_ulong), device_param->kernel_params_mp_l[i]) == -1) return -1; } for (u32 i = 4; i < 8; i++) { if (hc_clSetKernelArg (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_kernel_mp_l, i, sizeof (cl_uint), device_param->kernel_params_mp_l[i]) == -1) return -1; } for (u32 i = 9; i < 9; i++) { if (hc_clSetKernelArg (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_kernel_mp_l, i, sizeof (cl_ulong), device_param->kernel_params_mp_l[i]) == -1) return -1; } for (u32 i = 3; i < 4; i++) { if (hc_clSetKernelArg (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_kernel_mp_r, i, sizeof (cl_ulong), device_param->kernel_params_mp_r[i]) == -1) return -1; } for (u32 i = 4; i < 7; i++) { if (hc_clSetKernelArg (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_kernel_mp_r, i, sizeof (cl_uint), device_param->kernel_params_mp_r[i]) == -1) return -1; } for (u32 i = 8; i < 8; i++) { if (hc_clSetKernelArg (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_kernel_mp_r, i, sizeof (cl_ulong), device_param->kernel_params_mp_r[i]) == -1) return -1; } if (hc_clEnqueueWriteBuffer (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_command_queue, device_param->opencl_d_root_css_buf, CL_TRUE, 0, device_param->size_root_css, mask_ctx->root_css_buf, 0, NULL, NULL) == -1) return -1; if (hc_clEnqueueWriteBuffer (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_command_queue, device_param->opencl_d_markov_css_buf, CL_TRUE, 0, device_param->size_markov_css, mask_ctx->markov_css_buf, 0, NULL, NULL) == -1) return -1; } } return 0; } void *hook12_thread (void *p) { hook_thread_param_t *hook_thread_param = (hook_thread_param_t *) p; module_ctx_t *module_ctx = hook_thread_param->module_ctx; status_ctx_t *status_ctx = hook_thread_param->status_ctx; const u64 tid = hook_thread_param->tid; const u64 tsz = hook_thread_param->tsz; const u64 pws_cnt = hook_thread_param->pws_cnt; for (u64 pw_pos = tid; pw_pos < pws_cnt; pw_pos += tsz) { while (status_ctx->devices_status == STATUS_PAUSED) sleep (1); if (status_ctx->devices_status == STATUS_RUNNING) { module_ctx->module_hook12 (hook_thread_param->device_param, hook_thread_param->hook_salts_buf, hook_thread_param->salt_pos, pw_pos); } } return NULL; } void *hook23_thread (void *p) { hook_thread_param_t *hook_thread_param = (hook_thread_param_t *) p; module_ctx_t *module_ctx = hook_thread_param->module_ctx; status_ctx_t *status_ctx = hook_thread_param->status_ctx; const u64 tid = hook_thread_param->tid; const u64 tsz = hook_thread_param->tsz; const u64 pws_cnt = hook_thread_param->pws_cnt; for (u64 pw_pos = tid; pw_pos < pws_cnt; pw_pos += tsz) { while (status_ctx->devices_status == STATUS_PAUSED) sleep (1); if (status_ctx->devices_status == STATUS_RUNNING) { module_ctx->module_hook23 (hook_thread_param->device_param, hook_thread_param->hook_salts_buf, hook_thread_param->salt_pos, pw_pos); } } return NULL; }