/* Alloc.c -- Memory allocation functions
2020-10-29 : Igor Pavlov : Public domain */

#include "Precomp.h"

#include <stdio.h>

#ifdef _WIN32
#include <Windows.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#include "Alloc.h"

/* #define _SZ_ALLOC_DEBUG */

/* use _SZ_ALLOC_DEBUG to debug alloc/free operations */

#include <stdio.h>
int g_allocCount = 0;
int g_allocCountMid = 0;
int g_allocCountBig = 0;

#define CONVERT_INT_TO_STR(charType, tempSize) \
  unsigned char temp[tempSize]; unsigned i = 0; \
  while (val >= 10) { temp[i++] = (unsigned char)('0' + (unsigned)(val % 10)); val /= 10; } \
  *s++ = (charType)('0' + (unsigned)val); \
  while (i != 0) { i--; *s++ = temp[i]; } \
  *s = 0;

static void ConvertUInt64ToString(UInt64 val, char *s)
  CONVERT_INT_TO_STR(char, 24);

#define GET_HEX_CHAR(t) ((char)(((t < 10) ? ('0' + t) : ('A' + (t - 10)))))

static void ConvertUInt64ToHex(UInt64 val, char *s)
  UInt64 v = val;
  unsigned i;
  for (i = 1;; i++)
    v >>= 4;
    if (v == 0)
  s[i] = 0;
    unsigned t = (unsigned)(val & 0xF);
    val >>= 4;
    s[--i] = GET_HEX_CHAR(t);
  while (i);

#define DEBUG_OUT_STREAM stderr

static void Print(const char *s)
  fputs(s, DEBUG_OUT_STREAM);

static void PrintAligned(const char *s, size_t align)
  size_t len = strlen(s);
    fputc(' ', DEBUG_OUT_STREAM);
    if (len >= align)

static void PrintLn()

static void PrintHex(UInt64 v, size_t align)
  char s[32];
  ConvertUInt64ToHex(v, s);
  PrintAligned(s, align);

static void PrintDec(UInt64 v, size_t align)
  char s[32];
  ConvertUInt64ToString(v, s);
  PrintAligned(s, align);

static void PrintAddr(void *p)
  PrintHex((UInt64)(size_t)(ptrdiff_t)p, 12);

#define PRINT_ALLOC(name, cnt, size, ptr) \
    Print(name " "); \
    PrintDec(cnt++, 10); \
    PrintHex(size, 10); \
    PrintAddr(ptr); \
#define PRINT_FREE(name, cnt, ptr) if (ptr) { \
    Print(name " "); \
    PrintDec(--cnt, 10); \
    PrintAddr(ptr); \
    PrintLn(); }

#define PRINT_ALLOC(name, cnt, size, ptr)
#define PRINT_FREE(name, cnt, ptr)
#define Print(s)
#define PrintLn()
#define PrintHex(v, align)
#define PrintAddr(p)


void *MyAlloc(size_t size)
  if (size == 0)
    return NULL;
  PRINT_ALLOC("Alloc    ", g_allocCount, size, NULL);
  #ifdef _SZ_ALLOC_DEBUG
    void *p = malloc(size);
    // PRINT_ALLOC("Alloc    ", g_allocCount, size, p);
    return p;
  return malloc(size);

void MyFree(void *address)
  PRINT_FREE("Free    ", g_allocCount, address);

#ifdef _WIN32

void *MidAlloc(size_t size)
  if (size == 0)
    return NULL;
  PRINT_ALLOC("Alloc-Mid", g_allocCountMid, size, NULL);
  return VirtualAlloc(NULL, size, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE);

void MidFree(void *address)
  PRINT_FREE("Free-Mid", g_allocCountMid, address);

  if (!address)
  VirtualFree(address, 0, MEM_RELEASE);


  #define MY__MEM_LARGE_PAGES  0x20000000

SIZE_T g_LargePageSize;
SIZE_T g_LargePageSize = 0;
typedef SIZE_T (WINAPI *GetLargePageMinimumP)(VOID);

#endif // _7ZIP_LARGE_PAGES

void SetLargePageSize()
  #ifdef _7ZIP_LARGE_PAGES
  SIZE_T size;
  GetLargePageMinimumP largePageMinimum = (GetLargePageMinimumP)
        GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle(TEXT("kernel32.dll")), "GetLargePageMinimum");
  if (!largePageMinimum)
  size = largePageMinimum();
  if (size == 0 || (size & (size - 1)) != 0)
  g_LargePageSize = size;

void *BigAlloc(size_t size)
  if (size == 0)
    return NULL;

  PRINT_ALLOC("Alloc-Big", g_allocCountBig, size, NULL);
  #ifdef _7ZIP_LARGE_PAGES
    SIZE_T ps = g_LargePageSize;
    if (ps != 0 && ps <= (1 << 30) && size > (ps / 2))
      size_t size2;
      size2 = (size + ps) & ~ps;
      if (size2 >= size)
        void *res = VirtualAlloc(NULL, size2, MEM_COMMIT | MY__MEM_LARGE_PAGES, PAGE_READWRITE);
        if (res)
          return res;

  return VirtualAlloc(NULL, size, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE);

void BigFree(void *address)
  PRINT_FREE("Free-Big", g_allocCountBig, address);
  if (!address)
  VirtualFree(address, 0, MEM_RELEASE);


static void *SzAlloc(ISzAllocPtr p, size_t size) { UNUSED_VAR(p); return MyAlloc(size); }
static void SzFree(ISzAllocPtr p, void *address) { UNUSED_VAR(p); MyFree(address); }
const ISzAlloc g_Alloc = { SzAlloc, SzFree };

static void *SzMidAlloc(ISzAllocPtr p, size_t size) { UNUSED_VAR(p); return MidAlloc(size); }
static void SzMidFree(ISzAllocPtr p, void *address) { UNUSED_VAR(p); MidFree(address); }
const ISzAlloc g_MidAlloc = { SzMidAlloc, SzMidFree };

static void *SzBigAlloc(ISzAllocPtr p, size_t size) { UNUSED_VAR(p); return BigAlloc(size); }
static void SzBigFree(ISzAllocPtr p, void *address) { UNUSED_VAR(p); BigFree(address); }
const ISzAlloc g_BigAlloc = { SzBigAlloc, SzBigFree };

  uintptr_t : <stdint.h> C99 (optional)
            : unsupported in VS6

#ifdef _WIN32
  typedef UINT_PTR UIntPtr;
  typedef uintptr_t UIntPtr;
  typedef ptrdiff_t UIntPtr;

#define ADJUST_ALLOC_SIZE (sizeof(void *) - 1)
  Use (ADJUST_ALLOC_SIZE = (sizeof(void *) - 1)), if
     MyAlloc() can return address that is NOT multiple of sizeof(void *).

#define MY_ALIGN_PTR_DOWN(p, align) ((void *)((char *)(p) - ((size_t)(UIntPtr)(p) & ((align) - 1))))
#define MY_ALIGN_PTR_DOWN(p, align) ((void *)((((UIntPtr)(p)) & ~((UIntPtr)(align) - 1))))

#if !defined(_WIN32) && defined(_POSIX_C_SOURCE) && (_POSIX_C_SOURCE >= 200112L)
  #define USE_posix_memalign

#ifndef USE_posix_memalign
#define MY_ALIGN_PTR_UP_PLUS(p, align) MY_ALIGN_PTR_DOWN(((char *)(p) + (align) + ADJUST_ALLOC_SIZE), align)

  This posix_memalign() is for test purposes only.
  We also need special Free() function instead of free(),
  if this posix_memalign() is used.

static int posix_memalign(void **ptr, size_t align, size_t size)
  size_t newSize = size + align;
  void *p;
  void *pAligned;
  *ptr = NULL;
  if (newSize < size)
    return 12; // ENOMEM
  p = MyAlloc(newSize);
  if (!p)
    return 12; // ENOMEM
  pAligned = MY_ALIGN_PTR_UP_PLUS(p, align);
  ((void **)pAligned)[-1] = p;
  *ptr = pAligned;
  return 0;

  ALLOC_ALIGN_SIZE >= sizeof(void *)
  ALLOC_ALIGN_SIZE >= cache_line_size

#define ALLOC_ALIGN_SIZE ((size_t)1 << 7)

static void *SzAlignedAlloc(ISzAllocPtr pp, size_t size)
  #ifndef USE_posix_memalign
  void *p;
  void *pAligned;
  size_t newSize;

  /* also we can allocate additional dummy ALLOC_ALIGN_SIZE bytes after aligned
     block to prevent cache line sharing with another allocated blocks */

  newSize = size + ALLOC_ALIGN_SIZE * 1 + ADJUST_ALLOC_SIZE;
  if (newSize < size)
    return NULL;

  p = MyAlloc(newSize);
  if (!p)
    return NULL;

  Print(" size="); PrintHex(size, 8);
  Print(" a_size="); PrintHex(newSize, 8);
  Print(" ptr="); PrintAddr(p);
  Print(" a_ptr="); PrintAddr(pAligned);

  ((void **)pAligned)[-1] = p;

  return pAligned;


  void *p;
  if (posix_memalign(&p, ALLOC_ALIGN_SIZE, size))
    return NULL;

  Print(" posix_memalign="); PrintAddr(p);

  return p;


static void SzAlignedFree(ISzAllocPtr pp, void *address)
  #ifndef USE_posix_memalign
  if (address)
    MyFree(((void **)address)[-1]);

const ISzAlloc g_AlignedAlloc = { SzAlignedAlloc, SzAlignedFree };

#define MY_ALIGN_PTR_DOWN_1(p) MY_ALIGN_PTR_DOWN(p, sizeof(void *))

/* we align ptr to support cases where CAlignOffsetAlloc::offset is not multiply of sizeof(void *) */
#define REAL_BLOCK_PTR_VAR(p) ((void **)MY_ALIGN_PTR_DOWN_1(p))[-1]
#define REAL_BLOCK_PTR_VAR(p) ((void **)(p))[-1]

static void *AlignOffsetAlloc_Alloc(ISzAllocPtr pp, size_t size)
  CAlignOffsetAlloc *p = CONTAINER_FROM_VTBL(pp, CAlignOffsetAlloc, vt);
  void *adr;
  void *pAligned;
  size_t newSize;
  size_t extra;
  size_t alignSize = (size_t)1 << p->numAlignBits;

  if (alignSize < sizeof(void *))
    alignSize = sizeof(void *);
  if (p->offset >= alignSize)
    return NULL;

  /* also we can allocate additional dummy ALLOC_ALIGN_SIZE bytes after aligned
     block to prevent cache line sharing with another allocated blocks */
  extra = p->offset & (sizeof(void *) - 1);
  newSize = size + alignSize + extra + ADJUST_ALLOC_SIZE;
  if (newSize < size)
    return NULL;

  adr = ISzAlloc_Alloc(p->baseAlloc, newSize);
  if (!adr)
    return NULL;

  pAligned = (char *)MY_ALIGN_PTR_DOWN((char *)adr +
      alignSize - p->offset + extra + ADJUST_ALLOC_SIZE, alignSize) + p->offset;

  Print("- Aligned: ");
  Print(" size="); PrintHex(size, 8);
  Print(" a_size="); PrintHex(newSize, 8);
  Print(" ptr="); PrintAddr(adr);
  Print(" a_ptr="); PrintAddr(pAligned);

  REAL_BLOCK_PTR_VAR(pAligned) = adr;

  return pAligned;

static void AlignOffsetAlloc_Free(ISzAllocPtr pp, void *address)
  if (address)
    CAlignOffsetAlloc *p = CONTAINER_FROM_VTBL(pp, CAlignOffsetAlloc, vt);
    Print("- Aligned Free: ");
    ISzAlloc_Free(p->baseAlloc, REAL_BLOCK_PTR_VAR(address));

void AlignOffsetAlloc_CreateVTable(CAlignOffsetAlloc *p)
  p->vt.Alloc = AlignOffsetAlloc_Alloc;
  p->vt.Free = AlignOffsetAlloc_Free;